#despite how it sounds this isn't actually a personal opinion poll
this is intended to be, like, if a stranger on the street you were having a conversation with called you love.
think of any random person. I know this is dependent on context, but I don't want everyone to be hitting "else" just because if they're really nice they'd be okay with it. If any typical person you were chatting with called you "love", how would you react?
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synergysilhouette · 10 months
Remaking Miraculous Ladybug (Season 1)
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Oh, boy! Here I go again. Hello, all! I'm a Miraculous Ladybug fan, though my interest in the show has waned over the years due to it's writing. The film adaptation renewed interest for me, and it made me want to rewrite the series--similar to how I rewrote X-Men: Evolution (which I recommend you check out the posts for). Originally I was just gonna make a broad overview of the changes I'd make, but I decided to make it like XME and remake every episode...Yeah, I've got my work cut out for me. Some of these changes are influenced by fans' (not just me) opinions of the show while others are influenced by my own personal thoughts and opinions. As such, in this season, there's a lot of filler, so I'm actually removing some episodes that I don't feel add much to the overall show, possibly taking anything worthwhile and adding to it a different episode. I was gonna make this more PG-13, but I decided not to in the end. I hope you still enjoy it! Please forgive me if I forget/omit any important details due to a lapse in memory of translation changes, as I usually watch the English dub. Sorry in advance!
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Ladybug & Cat Noir (Origins-Part 1)--In my remake, the way Marinette and Adrien get their Miraculous is similar to the film version instead of how the show does it, along with Adrien already being a student at the school. While Chat Noir isn't as reckless, he still keeps his light-heartedness and quips, often using his many skills as Adrien to help Ladybug with battling villains. I'd also want more equality for the cat and ladybug miraculous; in this case, if only the ladybug miraculous can purify an akuma, than only the cat miraculous can destroy the akumatized object. Sounds fair, right? Otherwise everything plays out the same. Along with this, I'd like to think their outfits are a bit more detailed; Chat Noir's black outfit is complimented with green designs, and his hair is the same color as Cat Walker's (to avoid suspicion), and Ladybug's hair has red streaks, with it later being joked about by Gabriel that she copied Nathalie.
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2. Stoneheart (Origins-Part 2)--Gabriel is shown to be more sympathetic towards Adrien, explaining that he stopped Adrien's homeschooling as a result of Gabriel becoming emotionally detached following Emelie's death. The Ladyblog is more investigative, with Alya wanting to unmask Ladybug. It's revealed that Chloe bullied Ivan because he was nice to Sabrina, and Chloe fears Sabrina leaving her for "utterly ridiculous losers." It's also revealed that Sabrina is an Agreste fan herself (both of Gabriel and Adrien), and Chloe assumes she's brownnosing, but encourages it this time.
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3. Stormy Weather--Abandons all stalkerish elements, and Chat Noir is the one to break the parasol with his cataclysm instead of using it on the billboard. I'd also probably put more depth on akumatizations from here on out so that only people with truly angry/sad/envious etc. emotions can be akumatized rather than simply saying to ignore/get rid of negative feelings. Perhaps Aurore had wanted to be a weather girl for a long time and the poll results were closer, causing her to be even more upset that she lost. Otherwise everything plays out the same.
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4. The Evillustrator--Lady Wifi being in Marinette's dream is discarded, since production-wise, her episode occurs after this one. When Nathaniel is sent to the principal's office, Marinette realizes that despite sharing classes together for some time, she's just now noticing him. Sabrina, trying to emulate Chloe, jokes at how ironic it is, given that Nathaniel has a crush on her similar to Marinette's crush on Adrien. This makes Marinette feel guilty about not paying attention to Nathaniel, as well as losing hope that Adrien would see her as more than a friend. It's revealed by Sabrina that Chloe is actually good at schoolwork when she was younger, but when her mother left, so did her interests in academics, resulting in relying on Sabrina. Chloe begins to tell off Marinette and threatens to disown Sabrina if she doesn't do what Chloe tells her to, but Adrien overhears and gives Chloe a similar ultimatum of being nicer or he'd stop being friends with her. Sabrina later begs him not to do that, and he feels guilty that he phrased it like he was trying to control her like she controls Sabrina. The Sabrina and Chloe argument doesn't happen here, with Marinette and Chloe arguing instead while Sabrina does all the work, making Marinette feel guilty about putting her own feelings before the group's. It's also revealed that part of the reason Chloe made fun of Nathaniel was because she was worried Nathaniel would be seen as Ladybug's #1 fan instead of her if she saw his work. Chat Noir doesn't flirt with Marinette, acting like Adrien. The Evillustrator more compassionate with Marinette. As the Evillustrator and Chat Noir battle, Marinette wonders if she could be akumatized from unrequited love. When he deakumatizes, Marinette decides that combined with their shared artistic talents and inspired by his passion, asks Nathaniel if he wants to go out sometime, to which he accepts. When Adrien tries to ask Marinette about her time with Chat Noir, she states that he was polite, but when she tells him the reason she's going on a date with Nathaniel, Adrien decides that he needs to be more passionate to win Ladybug's heart.
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5. Lady Wifi--Alya doesn't really believe that Chloe is Ladybug, instead suspecting Nathalie (or surmising that she's Nathalie's daughter), but believes that Chloe may be the link to finding out who Ladybug is, given that Chloe upsets enough people that they become akumatized and want to find her, resulting in protection from Ladybug and Chat Noir. While stalking Chloe for any signs of akuma-inducing events, she gets caught and is still suspended. Chloe, once again threatened by another "Ladybug superfan," manipulates Alya into converting her curiosity of Ladybug into frustration, blaming her for getting suspended, making Alya want to expose her. Once akumatized, she goes after Chloe anyway, stating that she pretty much has the heroes on speedial at this point (as well as Lady WiFi's), and embarasses her and Sabrina dressing up as Ladybug and Chat Noir. Most of the episode plays out the same, though Chat Noir narrowly prevents Alya from finding out Ladybug's identity, telling her that Ladybug is someone who doesn't go to the school. Deciding to trust him, Alya decides to turn her attention away from school suspects, and Marinette vows to tell her someday. Everything else is the same.
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6. Princess Fragrance--Marinette has to turn down a date with Nathaniel for Tikki instead of Adrien in this version. Sabrina reads Rose's note, stating that she has a crush of her own and wants to know how to tell them, then destroys it. Chloe doesn't try to flirt with Ali, being more interested in Adrien, but tries to steer Sabrina his way, reasoning that anyone she crushed on wouldn't be good enough for her (Chloe), and Ali was a good way to trade up. Nathaniel tries to reason with Princess Fragrance, saying that what she's doing was the wrong way to get someone to want to be with her, but she ignores him, saying that it worked out for him in the end. Due to Chat Noir's cat sensitivity when it comes to smell, he grows irritated by the fragrance rather than brainwashed by it, helping Ladybug defeat Princess Fragrance. Ali is rattled by Rose's akumatization, and she apologizes for trying to make him love her, and he says that they can just be friends for now.
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7. Dark Cupid--Includes the flashback from "Derision," and any Adrien-related romance subplot is removed since Marinette is with Nathaniel. Kim tells Chloe that he's had a crush on her since their bonded over "pranking" Marinette, which inspires Chloe to have him prank Alya, still not over the events of "Lady WiFi." Chloe inquires about who Sabrina's crush is, but she states that Chloe wouldn't be able to guess. Kim becomes akumatized after Alya avoids his prank and Chloe rejects him, giving him a vendetta against Alya. Pretty much everything else is the same.
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8. Pixelator--Luka is formally introduced, and it's shown that he and Juleka (who ARE twins) are Jagged Stone's children. Pixelator instead vows to use them to get revenge on Jagged Stone. The sunglasses subplot and the hat designing contest from "Mr. Pigeon" are conflated here, given that I'm not a fan of MP, with Marinette giving Jagged Stone a whole new look, which takes inspiration from Pixelator. Luka and Adrien bond as he distracts Chloe long enough to let him transform (which Luka sees). At the concert, Kitty Section makes their debut appearance, though the costumes are more professional and Rose and Ivan are not part of the group. It's also noted that Nathaniel was asked to do the concept art for Jagged Stone's next album.
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9. The Bubbler--Nathaniel and Marinette team up to make a poster of Adrien and his friends (signed by all of them), along with Marinette's scarf. While Chloe forgets a gift for Adrien, Sabrina gives one to him from both of them. Nino and Chloe are permitted to go to Adrien's mansion, but after being rudely treated by Chloe and Adrien lashing out at him (following an upsetting conversation with Gabriel) and causing him to be akumatized. More emphasis is put on Adrien's few friends, especially since Nino is realizing how severe Adrien's situation is. Gabriel also doesn't take credit for the sweater, instead tailoring a custom outfit that happens to go with it. Elements of "Simon Says" also occur here to focus on Adrien and Gabriel's dynamic.
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10. Rogercop--It plays out essentially the same, except giving more focus to Sabrina as she becomes angry with Chloe for trying to get her fired, though Chloe lies and claims the bracelet she was missing was one that Sabrina gave her and that it meant a lot to her. More hints to Sabrina's mystery crush is dropped, though not explicitly stated. Some of Roger's akumatization is also due to Alya being critical of the officers being unable to defend the city against akumatized villains, thus creating a more stressful environment that could lead to more akumatizations.
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11. Gamer--Almost identical, though Chloe is the cause of Max's akumatization rather than Marinette, given that Marinette is with Nathaniel, and Nino reveals his crush on Alya, Luka is also revealed to be a good gamer, taking Chloe's place.
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12. The Puppeteer--plays out the same.
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13. Reflekta--plays out mostly the same, but puts more emphasis on Luka and Juleka's sibling relationship and hints at a romance between Juleka and Rose.
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14. Antibug--It's revealed that Sabrina had a crush on Adrien as well, and Chloe angrily humiliates her in front of the whole school, as well as denouncing their friendship making her wish she was invisible. Most of this plays out the same, with possibly some references to self-harm, making Chloe regret her cruelty towards Sabrina, and Adrien secretly gives her a kiss on the cheek, telling her that he hopes she doesn't disappear (though stating that he didn't see her as anything more than a friend).
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15. Kung Food--It's explained that Marinette knows conversational Mandarin, but Adrien helps her with any complexities, and more emphasis is put on her Chinese heritage and history rather than it being done so quickly. Chloe is genuinely ignorant of Asian cultures, something Adrien corrects her on and she implements, as she does personal insults, not broad, racially insensitive ones. Here, Nathaniel and Marinette share the soup with her uncle, with Nathaniel happy to learn more about his girlfriend's ancestors' culture. Everything else is the same.
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16. Volpina--It's revealed that the fox miraculous Lila has is the real deal, albeit stolen, and she uses these powers to make her lies and disguises legitimate. Adrien also suspects his father of being a superhero fan and investigates the Miraculous book. Ladybug flies off the handle at Lila, this time for making unflattering lies about Ladybug. She also uses her powers to make it seem as though Adrien and Marinette have been dating behind Nathaniel's back, causing them to break up (as Marinette can't disprove Lila's illusion), resulting in them having to defeat the Illustrator as well. In the end, Lila despises Ladybug and Nathaniel despises Marinette. Lila also learns of Adrien's warning to Chloe in "Evillustrator," and since she hasn't adhered to it, makes an illusion of Adrien that severs his friendship with Chloe.
Lemme know what you thoughts! I may revise this before I do season 2.
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koumeowkami · 10 months
6, 10, 13 and 19 for the violence ask game!!!
choose violence ask game!
cherennnn these questions were so hard 😭 i did my best okay
6) which ship fans are the most annoying?
uhhhh i don't find any shippers annoying (as in pushy with their ideas and stuff like that)?? maybeeee a bit wataei shippers cause it often sounds to me that you must love them only cause they're fundamental for the enstars plot. remember that infamous wataei poll? those times on tumblr were hell for me. but in general i find the fans of certain characters more annoying than shippers and i could make a whole list for that lol
10) worst part of fanon
okay uhhh... i pondered over this question for half an hour trying to understand and i'm still not sure of it (← isn't familiar with fandom terminology), but here goes nothing! just some fandom opinions i don't agree with:
- i said that some days ago but, fem tsumugi being drawn in a way that in my opinion is unfit for her character
- the hajun with nayuta/cozmez ship is a bit odd to me cause fans always turn him into a person that's completely different from canon. like... he would not fucking do that believe me, he's genuinely nice only with bae and it couldn't be different even in headcanons 😭 in general, it seems to me that hajun is seen very differently from what he's really like but maybe it's just my hatred for him speaking :D /hj
- do some fans know that kanata is not just a tsundere. like i bully him for that too (affectionately) but he's such a complex and deeply emotional character please let's not overlook that. for some reason i think not a lot of people pay attention to cozmez lore and it's about time y'all start doing that
- hinata being seen as the worst brother ever™ and toxic as fuck cause ?????? that's just so wrong ???? he may have used wrong ways but he NEVER ever planned to make yuta suffer. on the contrary, he did pretty much everything for him. i think some people should learn how to read
13) worst blorbofication
momochi. i think no one's less unfit for that title than him 💀
19) you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
i would say dialovers as a whole but actually i'm not ashamed lol sorry. maybe i'm a bit "ashamed" i like laito and shiki (dance with devils), but i'm gonna justify myself saying that their story arcs are interesting despite all the gruesome details (they're probably the only "problematic" characters i like). can daisuke hirakawa also be a good reason to like them? cause... yeah
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geek-gem · 5 years
Transformers Revenge Of The Fallen
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Well after many years I've rewatched this film. Just now and well went to the bathroom first.......
Theirs a lot to say.
Let me be honest and I might of said some stuff. Please don't hate me for my opinions and other stuff. I remember when I was a kid, I liked this film a whole lot I watched it a hell'va lot and enjoyed it.
Yet over the years and well......understanding the reception. Now seeing the film as a adult.......my perspective is different.
I've been thinking when watching this film the best way to describe this film.
A chaotic and messy film. That's basically stupid yet weirdly funny.
Especially thinking about Bumblebee yeah I'm gonna mention that movie a lot. I am not against seeing another big Transformers film that's chaotic as hell. But watching Revenge Of The Fallen I hope we don't get something like that or Age Of Extinction or even The Last Knight which like like I said I didn't saw in theaters.
I'm glad Michael Bay actually doesn't like this film or he felt the need to redeem himself after this film. Because it is literally a chaotic mess. Affected by the writers strike yet the ambition to be so much bigger then the original.
I'll be honest it's fun watching the special features.
Including being honest again I like the robot scenes a lot most of them minus the Twins and other stuff. I like the forest fight, and some interactions.
Especially I honestly feel like the theme of destiny and Sam wanting to redeem himself spoilers basically wanting to revive Optimus and just this thing Ehren Krueger talked about in the special features I totally get that.
But holy shit I could imagine even more how people reacted to this film in 2009 watching the film after such a long time.
It makes me feel grateful the video game tie in's are actually much better because they actually make use of characters and such. Especially you don't have some of the crazy shit.
I think what I find funny about this film......it's literally Bay at his most Bayish also just......it's ridiculous as hell. Because I'll be honest I laughed at quite some moments. But it's also because it's ridiculous and just.....wow.
Such as the Twins Skids and Mudflap their stupid yet weirdly funny but their fucking parodies fuck it in a way this film is a weird parody. Leo who I'll be honest he's silly and I remember I was disappointed when he wasn't in the third film and wouldn't mind him coming back.
Wanted to say this, this film is like a big cartoon yet it's adult....but it's just.....shit like Wheelie humping Mikaela's leg even though I don't mind this Wheelie, the infamous Devastator enemy scrotum scene, even Jetfire who's silly and my God he's better in the game and I remember I expected that when I was a kid.
Will say I just adore Simmons.
But just.....Jesus Christ and yeah I'm sounding negative and this isn't much of a review it's a reaction. It's such a weird film that's a missed opportunity my God I'm glad Dark Of The Moon came out after this one.
Despite I have thought of shit like more focus on Transformers, especially the Fallen who is such a weak antagonist in this film even the video game tie in's are so much better with what they did. Including this humor and just....
Listen I don't mind a big explosive humorous action film that's insane. But this was a bit much. Especially I wanted Dinobots despite I made a joke in my head Michael Bay would give Grimlock some sort of dick like Devastator has balls. Yet I hear every where Michael Bay doesn't like the Dinobots yet they were in the first draft and he was high on the USA Today polls that we're made for this film about 16% for Grimlock.
Also maybe less like a cartoon or whatever despite it can be silly or just....Jesus the Bay Turtles the TMNT movies from 2014 and 2016 are better then this crap.
Tags dealt with just I think that's mostly what I wanna talk about. Mainly wanna be done with this. But Jesus I would like another big Transformers film but God damn I don't want something like this again. Thank God the video game tie in's are enjoyable to me personally. Because Jesus this was insane or I'm overreacting I apologise. It's just I liked this film a lot as a kid I grew up with the original trilogy or first four films if you want to count those. This was just a insane and weird film. I'm glad Bay wanted to make a better film after this one.
Edit I hope you folks don't mind my rambling just Jesus I'm hoping my Dark Of The Moon rewatch isn't bad but I feel I wanna play the Dark Of The Moon since I played the first two movie games and made posts about them.
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