#denpagumi inc.
jyurineko · 5 years
Been a bit late on sharing episodes, so here is Episode 17 of Inishie Otomezake! Will post the other episodes soon!
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purehi · 4 years
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水彩 2016年描
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kyotakumrau · 4 years
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Kaoru instagram 2020.03.26
I'm playing the guitar solo in Naruse Emi's new solo song 'レジェンド・オブ・エイ' included on the limited edition B of Denpagumi's 6th album titled 愛が地球救うんさ!だってでんぱ組.incはファミリーでしょ, that will be released on April 15th.
Tags: Denpagumi, Naruse Emi, it was recorded, really some time ago, so I started to think, it won't get released, good news; I was invited by NARASAKI; recently, we haven't had a chance to see each other
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suminomiyyas · 5 years
Interview with Uesaka Sumire about her Precure Debut as Cure Cosmo
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Images had clearly not related to article excpet the cat, it’s just an eye candy
It's inteview from The TV about Sumipe recent Precure debut in Star Twinkle Precure https://thetv.jp/news/detail/196382/
――キャストに決定した際のお気持ちを聞かせてください。 ――Please tell us about your feeling when you're added to the cast.
「プリキュア」のオーディションを受けるのは今回で2回目だったので、すごくドキドキしました。オーディションを受けてからすぐ、キャストに決定したというご報告をいただいて。 This is my 2nd time of applying the "Precure" audition, and i was really excited about tit, after taking an audition, i receive the cast announcement right away.
すごくうれしかったのですが、喜びをかみしめる間もないくらいすぐに収録が始まったので、収録を行っていくうちに少しずつ、「プリキュア」になったんだって実感が湧いてきましたね。 I was delighted, the recording begin right away after i receive that joyous info, after the recording little by little i begin to feel like i am getting closer towards a "Precur" image.
でも、実感が湧いていくうちに「私で本当に大丈夫なんだろうか」と言う不安な気持ちも出てきました。 But, as time goes by i feel this anxious feeling say "Is it okay to be me ?" .
――周りの方々の反響などはありましたか? ――Any reactions from people around you ?
そうですね。キュアコスモの正体がこれまで明らかにされていなくて、もう誰かに話したいと言う気持ちはすごくあったのですが、秘密にしないといけないのがもどかしかったんです。 Let's see, Cure Cosmo identity hasn't been revealed so far, of course i had this feeling that i want to talk about this to someone, to keep a secret no matted what sure is a hard task.
いざ発表されると、いつも応援していただいてるファンの方や、現場の方まで本当にいろいろな方から「おめでとう」と言っていただけて本当にうれしかったですし、そういった言葉をもらう事でも、「私がプリキュアになれたんだ」って実感しました。 But when she was announced, i am really happy to receive "Congratulations" word  from the fans who's always with me and everyone on scene. and i had this thought "Ah i am a Precure now".
テレビの前で応援している子どもたちにも、喜んでいだたけるように演じようという思いでいっぱいです。 To the Children who's cheering me from the TV,  with lot's of feeling i feel happy to play this role.
――上坂さんは「プリキュア」という作品にどのようなイメージを持たれていますか? ――What kind of "Precure' image that Uesaka-san had in mind ?
「プリキュア」シリーズというと歌がすごく印象的です。初代の「ふたりはプリキュア」(2004-05年)の頃から、主題歌がすごくパワフルで、とてもキャッチーな曲が多くて大好きです。 The songs from "Precure" series are really impressive, Start from the very first "Futari wa Precure" in May 2004. The theme song is really powerful and catchy i love it.
あとは、「プリキュア」は1年間かけて放送されるアニメなので、何話も何話も掛けて積み上げられて描かれる物語が本当にすばらしいです。 Also, "Precure is an anime that broadcasted for 1 year cour, The story that come one after another is really amazing.
主人公たちの成長や友情といったポジティブなパワーにあふれていて、こんなにも明るい物語が10年以上もシリーズとして続いているのは、「プリキュア」の魅力だと思います。 The growth of main characters,their friendship and positivity, to think that this bright and cheerful story last over than 10 years, as for me it's one of Precure charm.
――歌というと、変身シーンの時の歌う曲も印象的ですよね。 ――Speaking about songs, Don't you think the Singing while transforming scene are amazing.
オーディションでも歌の審査があって、その時に初めて歌わせていただいて、その後に他の方と一緒にレコーディングしました。短い曲ではあるのですが、何度も何度もリテイクした思い出があります。 Even in audition there's a song examination part, that time i was asked to sing, after that i was recording with other people, there's lot's memories about my countless of retake.  
――アフレコ現場の雰囲気はいかがですか? ――How was the atmosphere of the site after the recording ?
毎回、長丁場な現場なのですが、すごくにぎやかで楽しい雰囲気がずっと続いています。キャラクターが多いので、現場に参加される声優さんもすごく多いのですが、本当に教室のようなにぎやかさです。 Every time, it's long talk, a very lively and enjoyable atmosphere, there's lot's casts, and the Seiyuu on the scene are really packed, it's like a classroom.
隣によく、キュアセレーネを演じる小松(未可子)さんがいらっしゃるので、一緒にお話したり、お菓子を食べたりしますが、キュアコスモはどちらかというと周りのプリキュアとは一歩引いた存在なので、演じているうちに私自身も、周りに一歩引いてしまうことがありますね。 Next to me, there's Komatsu (Mikako)san who play a Cure Serene, we had some conversations and eat sweets, because of Cure Cosmo is one step behind the other Precure, while acting as one, i sometimes step back a little during that time.
なので、自分からはあまりグイグイいけずに、ユニと同じように「楽しくやっているわね」という気持ちでアフレコしています(笑)。 That being said, Because i am not that sloopy myself, and like Yuni said "Let's have some fun" that's the whole after recording (lol)
――他の共演者のご印象は? ――The impression about the other cast ?
キュアソレイユ役の安野(希世乃)さんとは、別の作品でもご一緒させていただいたことはありますし、キュアスター役の成瀬(瑛美)さんは、でんぱ組.incのライブを見に行かせていただいたりしていました。 About Kiyono (Yasuno)san who play Cure Soleil,  we had our time to play in same series in other work, Naruse (Emi)san who play as Cure Star are Denpagumi inc member and i've seen her live.
キュアミルキー役の(小原)好美さんは、今回が初めましてだったのですが、緊張はまったくなくて、皆さん同世代の“チーム”という結束力が強いですね。 Kohara (Konomi)san who play Cure Milky, This is our first time together but there's no nervousness around us, we had this strong cohesion as "team" for this generation.
――キュアコスモをはじめ、怪盗・ブルーキャットや宇宙アイドルのマオなど多くのキャラクターを演じていますが、それぞれの印象はいかがですか? ――Cure Cosmo start from Thief Blue Cat, Space Idol Moa you play lot's of character, the impression for each of them ?
ユニというキャラクターは、“レインボー星人”という宇宙人で、宇宙アイドルのマオだったり、怪盗・ブルーキャット、そしてキュアコスモといろいろなキャラクターになることができる設定なのですが、それぞれのキャラクターの演技プランがまったく違うので、演じるのがすごく大変ですね。 Yuni Characters is, an Alien from "Rainbow Star Tribe", Since each of their characteristic are very different start from Space Ido Moa, Thief Blue Cat and Cure Cosmo herself, i had a hard time when playing the character plan.
私自身、ユニというキャラクターの芯の部分をまだまだつかめていないところはあるのですが、ユニはこれまでずっと一人で戦ってきて、でも孤独感を感じているわけではなくて、一人で戦うのが当たり前だったという子なんです。 As for myself, I still haven't fully grasp all of Yuni characteristic yet, but Yuni always fighting all by herself but it's not a lonely feeling since that was natural for her.
自分を殺して、一人で全部やろうという使命感がすごく強いので、本当の自分というがまだ見つけられていない子だなという印象ですね。 Self suicidal, strong feeling to do her mission  and everything all by herself, she still hasn't found her true self yet, that's what i thought.
レインボー星人なので何者にでもなれるんですが、それ故に何者にもなり切れないというか、そういったアンバランスさがあるキャラクターです。 Because of Rainbow Tribe Aliens can shapeshift into anyone, at the same time she can't full transform into anyone, that's some unbalance thing that i felt from her.
――それぞれのキャラクターを演じ分ける上で意識していることはありますか? ――Did you feel conscious about playing different character at once ?
マオやブルーキャットはキャラ付けがはっきりしていて、マオはアイドルらしくかわいいというのを前面に出して、ブルーキャットはキザに格好良くと、演じ分けという意味ではやりやすいのですが、逆にユニを演じる時はあまり演技の構成を考えないことが多いですね。 Mao and Blue Cat has clear characteristic, Mao bring out a cute and idol like appearance, Blue Cat is cool and sly, acting as them is easier but it's the opposite when i am playing as Yuni, i often spaced out a lot for her.
毎回、毎回ユニの心がバラバラなことが多くて、うれしそうな気持ちの次のシーンでは、急に冷めた態度をとったり、かと思ったら女の子らしいリアクションをしたり、自覚のない“ツンデレ”という感じです。 Everytime, over and over Yuni's heart are bit disorganized, the scene where she's happy, then she had a cold attitude, if you put it at word in girls dictionary, "Tsundere' term fits her.
――20話では初めてキュアコスモが登場しましたが、初めてコスモを演じたお気持ちはいかがでしたか? ――Even though Cure Cosmo appear in Episode 20,  what is your feeling the first time you play as her ?
やはり“「プリキュア」になる回”というのは一回しかないわけですし、変身シーンの時の口上を言えたのがすごくうれしかったです。 Of course since it's only that one time i become "Precure", I was happy to shout the Transformation scene.
基本的にはクールなキャラなのですが、キュアコスモに変身する回は、涙を流したり自分の感情を爆発させる、とても熱い回だったので余計に印象的でした。 Simply put she's a cool character, When she transform into Cure Cosmo, I shed a tear and had a lot's of emotion, that scene was really rise my tension causing lot's of unecesarry emotions.
――最後にメッセージや意気込みをお願いします。 ――Lastly give us your message and enthusiasm.
皆さん、キュアコスモの登場を楽しみにされている方が多くとてもうれしく思っています。キュアミルキーに続いて、2人目の“宇宙人プリキュア”なのですが、キュアミルキーとは良い意味で対照的なキャラクターになっています。 Everyone, Thank you very much for looking foraward to Cure Cosmo debut, after Cure Milky i am the 2nd Alien Precure, and both of us had a good contrast with each other.
まだまだ他のキャラクターとなじめていない中で、これからどういった形でプリキュアたちの仲間になっていくのか注目してほしいです。 To everyone who still didn't understand the characters, i would be delighted to witness how will the Precure eam adventure forward.
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meruli · 2 years
you could follow wasuta! that did the idol time themes, unless it's not your style
momoiro clover doing nfts.... I'm not surprised for some reason
there's also denpagumi inc but I think they've done blackface a few times and not really apologized... or maybe it was momoiro clover? cant remember
idol groups are complicated, i really miss e-girls (not the internet trend, an ido, group called it)
I do follow Wasuta! They're pretty good and I wish they can hold an arena concert soon. Those girls deserve it.
Dempagumi.inc blackfaced in 2019 and appropriated black hairstyles in 2021 :/ Plus they're pretty much an empty husk of their 2016 self in terms of both popularity and music.
Hello Project doesn't do Spotify, Stardust's other groups might always do NFTs and WACK is... WACK (also a CGI model of CENT CHiHiRO CHiTTiii's mouth got sold as an NFT)
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vocaloid-news · 7 years
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Yumemi Nemu MMD Model Released! 
Back in July we were teased of an official Yumemi Nemu MMD model in a video from Denpagumi Inc. 
And now, the model is available for free via Nemu and Rion’s website! Just be sure to read and agree to the terms of service outlined on the download page.
Visit VNN for more info and to stay up to date on VOCALOID and voice synthesizer news!  
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nitroplusofficial · 7 years
tag game!! tagged by @memegoma thankgs guzma
Woo! Tag game!!!
Rules: answer the 30 questions and tag mutuals you would like to get to know better
1. Nicknames: anna sometimes but i dont like it but it did catch on 
2. Gender: Yes!
3. Star sign: Pisces sun and leo moon!!
4. Height: 6′0 real tall girl hours only 
5. Time: 8:44
6. Birthday: March 16
7. Favorite bands: dont @ me but panic at the disco, paramore, (early) fob,  μ's, Aquors, denpagumi inc., BABYMETAL, The Hoosiers.
8. Favorite solo artists: PinocchioP, wowaka, Mitchie M, DAOKO, teddyloid, LisA, thatpoppy, Kanon Wakeshima, Kero Kero Bonito, Hachi, Wowaka, Kikuo, Maretu, Grimes.  also i listen to a lot of nightcore. so there’s that. 
9. Song stuck in my head: “Requiem” from Dear Evan Hansen 
10. Last movie watched: .......................................the emoji movie. im a flim student, this is atrocious. im about to watch gone girl though. 
11. Last show watched: not sure if it was Dr3 or battle tendency
12. When did I create my blog: according to my archive, i remade in april 2015 but ive been online since 2012 - i was an art hoe blog. wild 
13. What do I post: my aesthetic stuff, which i hope counts as like “kawaii cyberpunk”, and my bad opinions
14. Last thing you googled: …”is ben platt gay”. I was having an argument with my dad. 
15. do you have any other blogs: my dr blog, my ace attorney blog, and my trauma/vent blog turned p*rn blog (if we’re mutuals you can ask for it) 
16. Do you get asks: not really 
17. Why did you choose your url: being a princess of the computers is my brand
18. Following: over 1000
19. followers: just hit 400 :^)
(this probanly means my content is bad fjdskafjds) 
20. Favorite color: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00jeUzccpN0
21. Average hours of sleep: as many as possible
22. Lucky number: 39 ( no for real) 
23. Instruments: uke, piano, voice (although if i can be real for a second i think i’m losing my musical ability and it scares the shit out of me) 
24. What am I wearing: jorts and a v neck. i look ugle 
25. How many blankets do you sleep with: 3!! i gotta have that Wormth
26. Dream job: i really, really, want to be a singer. but i’m not talented so i don’t plan on it. So realistically, production design. 
27. Dream trip: im always bitter about japan 
28. favorite food: how do you have one favorite food..................
29. Nationality: American, irish, according to my dad we’re close to an indigenous mexican tribe, but who even knows, 
30. Favorite song now: SAND PLANET SAND PLANET SAND P
if you read this i tag you. sorry, this ended up being more depressing than i thought lol. 
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amusefanbase · 7 years
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Craving for more Yoshizawa Ryo? No need to worry since he gets another project!
Yoshizawa Ryo stars in live-action drama "Boku wa Mari no Naka (Inside Mari)". The movie is originally from a manga by Oshimi Shuzo. Ikeda Elaiza will be the female lead Yoshizaki Mari and Yoshizawa Ryo will portray Komori Isao.
The main characters are an "angel-like" beautiful high school girl who is hiding secret from everyone (Yoshizaki Mari), and an idle shut-in young man who always sees Mari at the convenience store (Komori Isao). Komori Isao failed at university and couldn't make even a single friend. He spends his days by playing video games and masturbating. The highlight of his day is visiting a convenience store where Mari visits every night. One morning a strange thing happens. Isao wakes up in Mari's body. Another "Isao" inhabits his old body, and Mari has disappeared. Isao struggles to maintain Mari's ordinary life and starts to investigate Mari's disapperance.
The drama will be directed by Sumisu who has been directing music video for fujifabric, Denpagumi Inc., and NMB48. He will also team up with Yoko Hatsuki and Totsuka Hiroto. Yuko Shimoda is doing the screenplay and Shiggy Jr is responsible for the theme song. Another cast includes Nakamura Yuri, Nishioka Kengo, Yasoda Yuuichi, and Nishida Naomi.
Comment from Yoshizawa Ryo: To be involved in the live-action of Oshimi-sensei's work, I'm so grateful, it's a pleasure. When the manager showed me the proposal, I shouted loudly in the taxi. The human Komori who always feels bad and smells of sweat, I would like to play it with love till the end.
There will be 8 episodes of "Boku wa Mari no Naka" and all episodes will be delivered on FOD (FujiTV On Demand) on March 31!
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dempagumi · 7 years
『でんぱ組.inc 幕神グッズ』ポップアップショップ展開決定
先日ツアーファイナルを迎えた 『幕神アリーナツアー2017』🎤 オフィシャルグッズを始めとしてコラボ グッズなど沢山の種類のグッズを展開 しました🌟
なんと2月に期間限定で東京・名古屋・ 大阪・福岡の計4か所でヴィレッジ ヴァンガードによるポップアップ ショップを展開していきます✨ 残念ながらライブ会場へお越しに なれなかった方はもちろん、買い そびれてしまったという方は この機会に是非GETしてください📣
▼ポップアップショップ一覧 【東京】 タワーレコード渋谷店 〒150-0041 東京都渋谷区神南1丁目22−14(1F) <期間> 2/2(木)~2/13(月) 【名古屋】 近鉄パッセ 〒450-0002 愛知県名古屋市中村区名駅1−2−2(7F) <期間> 2/1(水)~2/14(火) 【大阪】 心斎橋OPA 〒542-0086 大阪府大阪市 中��区西心斎橋1−4−3(4F) <期間> 2/1(水)~2/14(火) 【福岡】 キャナルシティ博多 〒812-0018 福岡県福岡市博多区住吉1丁目2(B1F) <期間> 2/1(水)~2/14(火)
▼取扱アイテム ・幕神ツアー公式グッズ ・幕神ツアーVVコラボグッズ(愛☆まどんな) ・たぬきゅんグッズ(新商品含む) ・PUTTITOでんぱ組.inc ・書籍
▼ヴィレッジヴァンガード公式サイト http://www.village-v.co.jp/news/denpagumi-bakusingoods-popupshop-vv/
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invidiareign · 7 years
Was tagged by @fierce-fire-dayne
A - age? 23, 24 in Sep tho ;-; B - biggest fear? Being confronted and forced to argue, Debate/public speaking, being alone for long periods, spiders, blood. C - current time? 19:26 GMT (as of filling out this segment) D - drink you last had? Pomegranate and Elderberry juice E - every day starts with? Conor getting out of bed and me grumbling about it. F - favourite song? Like every GUMI song, momusu songs denpagumi inc. and that orchestra song where it sounds like people falling down a well. G - ghosts, are they real? Honestly I'm not super spiritual. I'm hopeful though. H - Hometown? Great Hale. Full of old people. I - in love with: Conor. He's great. J - jealous of? Pretty people, rich people. Regular stuff. K - killed someone? Nope. L - last time you cried? Idk. Which means I'm due for a cry, it'll probs be tomorrow. M - middle name? Jordan Kate N - number of siblings? 5, 3 sisters, 2 brothers. O - one wish: if no to immortality then it's gotta be to know every language in existence, both ancient and current. P - person you last called/texted: Called my kids school, and last texted Kelly I think. Q - questions you are always asked: “What do you wanna eat?" "Wanna play Overwatch?" "Why don't you leave the house?" R - reasons to smile: several people. Dumb memes, music. My daughter, my boyfriend. S - song last sang: Parts of Bohemian Rhapsody, but changing "Mama" to "Conor" T - time you woke up: 7:30. It was hell. U - underwear colour: White, with snoopy on em. V - vacation destination: Croatia, lake plitvice W - worst habit: Biting nails? X - x-rays you’ve had: Never, had several ultrasounds though. Y - your favourite food: Bao, spaghetti carbonara, grilled cheese, stir fry. Honestly anything Conor makes (hold the 5 spice) Z - zodiac sign: Virgo I tag @spookydarlings and @shanabananahankloof feel free to ignore though.
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jyurineko · 5 years
Episode 16 of Inishie Otomezake! With special guest, Oba Mina!
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utanotranslations · 4 years
Blog Post Translation: November 17th, 2019: 320* Naruse Eimi-chan! Kirayaba~*
Enjoy, and please don’t repost without credit!
BEYOOOOONDS This is Satoyoshi Utano! <3
Thank you very much for the likes and comments yesterday, as well! ** I'm looking forward to next year but, Before that! We have the play we're doing now, The album release, the solo concert, and so on, So I'll do my best at each and every one of those *
It was the fourth day of the play, and......
Somehow!! Denpagumi inc's Naruse Eimi-san came to watch the show......! T_T <3 <3 Naruse-san is in the currently airing "Star*Twinkle PreCure" In the role of the main character Hoshina Hikaru-chan/Cure Star * <3
I didn't know that she was coming until after the show, When interested people come to greet us, and we meet them...... I don't remember anything except the excitement, joy and surprise now...... :'(
My beloved, beloved PreCure! And getting the opportunity to meet a seiyuu from it...... T_T So much was happening, I couldn't stop crying... On reflection, I might have been a pain :'(
When I talked to Naruse-san, I was like, "It's Hikaru-chan...... :O :O :O :O :O" T_T <3 Here... Hikaru-chan is here... it was like that T_T
It was a happy time <3 <3 <3 <3 I definitely won't forget today T_T
The day before yesterday, I posted photos of Hirai Miyo-chan as Da Vin-chan, So today, I'll post photos of Kobayashi Honoka-chan as Chopin! <3
Tomorrow is a day off from performances!!!
The day after tomorrow <3 The Reborn Stadium is waiting
Today's #SatoyoshiOmochikunBirthdayWeek
Though he's sitting, his front feet are always tap, tap, tapping And he slips forward
Well then! I'll do my best tomorrow, so that it's a KiraYaba day! Okay! <3
See ya!
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wotagei · 7 years
🎥 Repost @chrisewaldoo: 【300TP】でんぱ組.inc - ORANGE (SAI)RIUM(U)【JFF TEAM ヲタ芸】 // Member: @derryalfair, @rizkysky7, @chrisewaldoo, @anangmr11, @arifprasetyo12 #wotagei #ヲタ芸 #denpagumi #でんぱ組 https://www.instagram.com/p/BXXpDSWgkQd/
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paraisovocaloid · 7 years
Denpagumi.inc. anuncio que el primer álbum compilatorio de la VOCALOID yumemi nemu esta listo para ser lanzado el 5 de Julio del 2017! Los álbumes reunirán el talento de numerosos titanes en el mundo VOCALOID, asi como el de muchos colaboradores famosos de Denpagumi.inc.!
El álbum compilatorio de la “VOCALOID yumemi nemu” sera lanzado el 7/5 (Miercoles.)! Un equipo de maravillosos creadores usaran la ‘Librería VOCALOID4 yumemi nemu‘ para crear la musica ¡Seguro sera un album que debes tener! ¡Espera por el!”
Información del Álbum
Fecha de Lanzamiento: 5 de Julio del 2017 Titulo de los Álbumes: V.A.『VOCALOID 夢眠ネム』 (Compliation Album 「VOCALOID Yumemi Nemu」) Precio: ¥2,500 JPY (alrededor de  $25 USD) mas impuesto
Productores VOCALOID Participantes Confirmados
Los siguientes productores han sido confirmados en el anuncio inicial para contribuir on al menos una canción de nemu cada uno en el álbum, ¡muchos de estos nombres deben sonar muy familiares a los fans de VOCALOID!
#gallery-0-9 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-9 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-9 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-9 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Jun’ai no Kyojin-P
kz (livetune)
Otros Colaboradores
Ademas de los productores VOCALOID, ¡otros músicos activos afiliados a Denpagumi.inc también darán una mano en la creación del álbum!
Por ejemplo, el escritor frecuente de las canciones de Denpagumi.inc., Tamaya 2060% de la fama de Weinners, también se ha confirmado para prestar su talento musical único a una de las canciones del álbum.
Además, MOSAIC.WAV también estará escribiendo un dúo que será cantado por nemu y su proveedora de voz, la cantante de Denpagumi.inc. que también se llama Nemu Yumemi.
A continuación, el equipo de desarrollo de VOCALOID de YAMAHA estará dando una mano para crear un dueto entre yumemi nemu (la VOCALOID) y Tone Rion de la popular canción de Nemu (la persona), “Cosmic Melon Soda Magic Love“.
Finalmente, habrá una canción sin nombre con música compuesta por Tom-H@ck y letras escritas por Nemu (de nuevo, la persona).
Con una alineación tan estelar de los productores de VOCALOID y no-VOCALOID por igual, este es seguro que será un álbum maravillosamente variado para esta VOCALOID de apenas dos meses de edad!
Lecciones de yumemi nemu en el Kyoto Seika University
¡Esas no son todas las excitantes noticias de nemu por reportar!
Se anunció en la página de orientación “Open Campus” de la Universidad de Kyoto Seika que tanto Asin Kuroda como Nemu Yumemi (la persona) estarán dirigiendo una conferencia VOCALOID sobre cómo usar yumemi nemu (la VOCALOID, por supuesto) de 1:00 a 2:30 PM (JST) el domingo, 30 de abril. Al igual que lo que estuvieron haciendo recientemente en Nagoya y Osaka, estarán enseñando a los principiantes los fundamentos del uso del software VOCALOID, usando a nemu en sus lecciones. El sitio también mencionó que estarán revelando la “historia secreta detrás del nacimiento de nemu”. ¿Qué crees que podría significar?
Links Oficiales
Anuncio del Álbum Página del Open Campus de la Universidad de Kyoto Seika
yumemi nemu: VocaDB Sitio Oficial
Denpagumi Inc.: Facebook Twitter Sitio Oficial
Fuente: VNN
Álbum Compilatorio de Yumemi Nemu Anunciado Denpagumi.inc. anuncio que el primer álbum compilatorio de la VOCALOID yumemi nemu esta listo para ser lanzado el 5 de Julio del 2017!
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jyurineko · 5 years
Here is Episode 13 of Inishie Otome-zake!
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jyurineko · 5 years
Here is Episode 19 of Inishie Otomezake!
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