kitratre · 2 months
Dencan please 😭🙏
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study date <3
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wise-weasel · 1 year
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fireandspiceland · 1 year
died but came back to spread my dencan/nyo hun/canada propaganda; matthew being the youngest son of a family who been serving the køhlers family for generation now but he had eyes on mathias for a whole long time but mathias ain't dumb so he try to find matthew one day to actually make a move but finds matt and daniel making out in a little river so he got angry and superrrr jealous and bam angry sex </3 also add in just the right amount of threesome <3
Not sure how they end up in a threesome when there’s anger and jealousy involved but other than that I really like DenCan and adding nyo Hungary for a little more spice is 😚👌 I hope the tension is resolved and they can have a more or less functional relationship 🥺
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the-heaminator · 2 years
“Breathe, Just Breathe”
This for DenCan?
No clue how to write Dencan and I wrote fricking famine for some reason. Tw suicide mentions and just a lot of die. Also send me ships, poly or not and give me a prompt for it and I'll attempt it
It was cold, so so cold, the ground was frozen solid, and nothing could grow, not the smallest shrub in this abysmal climate. There was no food for the few animals that remained, most had died or ran away when they caught whiff of the winter to come. The people had stayed, well the ones that hadn't died yet, though many looked like walking corpses in their emaciated states, hollow cheeks and eyes, vertebrae growing visible and ribs sticking out.
This year had started off well, they had managed to sow a lot of grain though it went downhill from there, the summer was too hot and wet, killing people left and right who had to toil in the fields, then autumn came with it's storms and frigid nights, a lot of the grain rotted at this time, getting mouldy from the residual dampness from Autumn nights.
Winter was the worst, the biting wind, colder than all years previous, cut through the thin walls and slowly chipped away at everybody, bit by bit, time by time. More people died by their own hand, from the hopeless and the fear, than through the winter, and many died from that as it was.
Stop it, Stop It, STOP IT.
"MATHIAS, Mathias, Mathias, calm down, breathe, just breathe."
Disoriented, Mathias grabbed the first thing he could, and that was fortunately Matt's arm.
Matt was leaning over him fearfully, not knowing what was going in in the Danes head, but incredibly worried nonetheless.
It took some time for Mathias to return back to his senses, a very long time indeed.
During the time that Mathias was clearly in a bad position mentally, Matt did one of the only things he was good at, well at least what he told himself he was good at.
He stroked his head, slowly but evenly, calmly bringing Mathias to the present for he knew tactics that entailed violence would usually backfire horribly. He learnt that the hard way from Arthur and Alisdair, both more oftentimes than not, waking up violently and disoriented.
"Mathias, are you ok, Mathias."
He visibly felt Denmark relax under his soft touch and he weakly grasped Matt's hand.
He was murmuring something, too quiet to be fully audible, he was almost chanting it like a mantra.
Upon closer listening it seems he was saying "Thank you Matt. Thank you Matt."
Canada fully enveloped him now, hiding him softly.
This was nice.
It didn't take too long for Mathias to go back to sleep, this time into a deep, undisturbed sleep, lulled by the soft humming and slow stroking.
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hws-lceland · 9 months
Who do you ship Denmark with?
A. A lot. But here's some I really like !
DenNor: :] I know it is predictable or whatever but their relationship is so special to me and is a big comfort ship and has been for so long I was talking about this on discord last night but the way Denmark loves Norway is just so sweet and genuine and it makes me so happy. And makes me want to cry. I also really like their history I think it makes it a very interesting pairing, though I am not the best when it comes to talking about historical stuff so I will leave that for now. I don't think it's a perfect relationship I think they have had their ups and downs but it works out.
I also think their dynamic is so funny is litterally this post
NedDen/DenNed !! : They're like college frat bros who are in love they're besties 4 life . I have a hard time explaining this in a way that I am satisfied with but they have a very very close friendship that is very intimate and romance/relationship wise their relationship is both. Very intimate but also very casual. Ned is generally the first guy Den goes to when he needs to talk to someone, especially during times where he might not be on the best terms with Sweden or the other Nordics. They get wasted and high together and bond over bike rides and having dumb stupid hair
Gutters is what initially got me shipping them and that definitely definitely influenced how I see their relationship.
Also I think it's funny their shipname is a palindrome
And those are like. My big two. Those are canon to me.
DenSu: I really love densu but my brain is too scrambled to be able to write a lot about it right now. I like the rivalry. I also like when they are just two old gay guys sharing a cigarette watching the sunset. Idk I want to talk more. About it because I DO have thoughts but I can't think my thoughts . Right now. But this one is also canon. to me also . Probably Top 3 Denmark ships .( I will have to come back to talk about this one another time.)
DenPru: Sorry to my one mutual who hates this ship (lighthearted) I just think they're fun. I don't have a whole lot of serious thoughts on it but I like that they're like Alfred's weirdo uncles. They're sad pathetic drinking buddies together.
DenEst: I have nothing to contribute to this one but man. I read someone in discord talking about their history together and I was hooked. It's very interesting!
DenIta: I thought about this one one time while I was high and I was like. Oh man I'm so smart. And then it just kind of stuck. Definitely a crack ship but one I have fun with.
It's basically like that one meme "This is Denmark. Denmark loves his personal space. This is Veneziano, he also loves Denmarks personal space."
And I am done typing now
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Figur Dragons Den: Click Below To order
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 Product Name-Figur Dragons Den
Official website name -https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/figur-dragons-den-scam-best-weight-loss-capsules-dansk-figur-weight-loss-dragons-den-uk-ie-reviews-ingredients-how-much-and-where-can-i-buy-it-news-259924
Official Facebook pages-https://www.facebook.com/FigurDragonsDenInUK/
Unique Limited Offer "Figur Mythical serpent Nook UK/IE" Temporarily!!
An enhancement called Figur UK Details is created to help with weight reduction. Caffeine, green tea remove, and other plant separates are utilized in their creation.
Figur Dragons DenUK/IE is an inventive new weight reduction supplement. Our all-regular nutrient is a protected and powerful choice in the event that you're attempting to get in shape. Figur Dragons Denare made with all-normal minerals and supplements to help your digestion and endurance. Figure Weight reduction will assist you with shedding pounds and show a less fatty, more alluring you.
Our normal Figur Dragons Den in the UK is intended to help those experiencing issues getting thinner by raising their digestion and making them consume more calories significantly quicker. Since they contain substances that incite thermogenesis, dietary enhancements like Figur Dragons Dencan assist you with getting thinner quickly and proficiently. They promptly renew your framework and help you in losing pointless pounds.
Extraordinary Limited Offer "Figur Dragons Den Denmark" Temporarily!!
What is Figur?
You will profit from the Figur Dragons Den until the end of your life. It has helped a ton of others as well. Keeping individuals from truly managing ailment and helping them in driving solid, sickness free lives liberated from stoutness so they can be cheerful all the time is our essential objective. Dietary enhancements like Figur can assist you with shedding pounds. The main parts are those of a natural nature. This compound increments metabolic  rate, prompting diminished calorie utilization. They are made with top caliber, all-regular fixings that have been displayed in numerous examinations to further develop wellbeing and decrease muscle to fat ratio.
An enhancement called Figur UK Definitions is delivered to help with weight reduction. Caffeine, green tea separate, and other plant extricates are utilized in their creation. The pills' expressed design is to increment metabolic rate and work with weight reduction. It might be ideal assuming that you adhered to the mark's use headings at whatever point you take the Figur UK Diet Pills. If it's not too much trouble, counsel your PCP prior to utilizing these pills, particularly assuming you have any previous ailments. Utilizing the pills ought to be joined with customary activity and a decent eating plan for ideal outcomes.
How it functions Figur Dragons Dencontainer?
The Deborah Meaden Weight reduction is an enhancement with an extraordinary recipe not at all like some other. This is a blessing from heaven that will permit you to partake in the medical advantages of normal mending and weight reduction. Therefore, you'll foster an incredible actual appearance. Our basic and quick weight decrease arrangement is the best item to assist you with losing undesirable pounds, rest easier thinking about yourself, and recapture confidence. There is no question that weight reduction and the board tablets can assist a few more seasoned grown-ups with accomplishing their weight the executives objectives, yet it's memorable's indispensable that they are excessive for everybody.
Weight reduction and upkeep are two additional purposes for dietary enhancements. Prior to starting any exercise program, it is savvy to check in with a certified clinical expert. When joined with a solid eating regimen and customary activity, enhancements can assist you with arriving at your wellness objectives quicker. In the event that utilized as such, they will assist with fat misfortune by expanding digestion and diminishing hunger. A few dietary guides for weight reduction likewise help with checking the craving, which might prompt lower calorie consumption..
Unique Limited Offer "Figur Mythical serpent Nook UK/IE" Temporarily!!
What are the advantages?
Normal weight reduction supplement figure pills guarantee to assist clients with cutting fat and shed pounds when joined with a sound way of life. The tablets' dynamic fixings, green tea, and caffeine, have helped metabolic rate and diminished fat capacity. Here are a portion of the advantages of using Figur Dragons Denpills:
Supports Energy and Digestion: Due to the caffeine content, Figur Dragons Denpills can accelerate your digestion and, thusly, your calorie consuming.
Consumes More Fat: Scientists have found that the green tea extricate contained in Figur fat eliminators essentially supports thermogenic action.
Lower pointless hunger: Figur Dragons Dencases (otherwise called Figure weight decrease containers) incorporate green tea separate, which has been displayed to lessen hunger and, likewise, food desires.
Cause you to feel vivacious and Dynamic: Caffeine can assist you with feeling more empowered, permitting you to accomplish more actual work and thus more calories consumed.
Lessen fat retention: The green tea in Figur pills may likewise forestall fat assimilation, accelerating weight reduction.
Further develops Glucose Solidness: The green tea separate in the weight decrease supplement Figur has been displayed to further develop insulin awareness and lessening food desires in specific clients.
Work on Mental Working, Caffeine invigorates the mind and keep you inspired and zeroed in when on a tight eating routine and exercise plan. Most would agree that Deborah Meaden diet pills are a phenomenal expansion for people attempting to thin down in a solid and hazard free way. They could give the motivation to get more fit and keep it off.
Are there any expected benefits to one's wellbeing from taking pills for a drawn out period?
It will wow you with how much fat you consume and the quantity of ketones you produce.
Both a decrease in overabundance fat and a speed increase in consuming calories are helpful propensities.
Figur Dragons Dendiet case contains cell reinforcements and other fixing that can support your insusceptible.
With its astonishing mix your body feels much fiery and solid.
Utilization of pure and normal fixing plant based sources
The incredibly fast oxidation of unsaturated fats during the metabolic cycle
You experience sentiments that are very dynamic, even new
What are the fixings utilized in figur Weight reduction?
Each of the fixings in this item share a standard capability: they invigorate the body's upgraded digestion of fat and greasy cells, which essentially influences an individual's muscle to fat ratio. Moreover, it starts off a condition of ketosis in the body, which builds the metabolic rate.
L-carnitine is acquiring notoriety as a fat-consuming enhancement fixing notwithstanding blended discoveries from logical investigations. Clinical examination tracked down that as well as advancing solid weight reduction, it likewise advanced wellbeing, cognizance, and the anticipation of infection.
L-Arginine: L-Arginine has a few advantages, including improving athletic execution and diminishing circulatory strain, however its most critical advantage is its capacity to help with weight reduction.
L-Theanine: The amino corrosive L-theanine stifles hunger, making it more straightforward to shed pounds while keeping a sound calorie consumption.
L-leucine: Expanding leucine consumption has been connected to improved mitochondrial biogenesis and capability, expanded insulin responsiveness, and conceivably helped weight reduction by expanding lean weight.
L-proline: Mending, nourishment, digestion, and protein blend depend on the amino corrosive L-proline. It has mitigating and resistant supporting cancer prevention agent properties.
Guggul: Perhaps of the earliest plant we know was utilized by people is guggul. It's usually utilized to decrease generally muscle versus fat, particularly gut and gastrointestinal parcel fat.
Lemon and Green Tea Leaves: Two models are concentrates of citrus organic products like lemon and green tea leaves, rich in bioflavonoids that assist with cutting fat and add flavor, smell, and unpredictability to the completed item. Tea extricate invigorates the safe framework's reaction to an unfamiliar specialist or antigen and starts the body's regular detoxifying processes. One more advantage of green tea separate is a lower hazard of cardiovascular illness since it urges the body to produce more "great" cholesterol.
Pomegranates: Cell reinforcements in pomegranates forestall the breakdown of ecological items and decrease the body's reaction to hunger signals. They help the body's metabolic rate and advance safe weight loss.The diminished possibility of narcosis and neoplasm because of the cell reinforcement movement likewise supports an individual's dauntlessness and general wellbeing. The T1/2 and stockpiling life of the item is likewise gotten to the next level.
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Extraordinary Limited Offer "Figur Mythical beast Sanctum UK/IE" Temporarily!!
Are there any unfriendly impacts?
This item enjoys a huge upper hand over its opponents, fundamentally because of the far and wide allure of the all-regular parts it contains. It is to be lauded for its natural and regular organization as well as for the normal way wherein its components are created. This guarantees that the quality control norms for these pills were never compromised at any phase of the assembling system. As a rule, an answer for this issue just applies to some.
A few meds can cause upsetting secondary effects, for example, giving patients migraines or causing them to feel squeamish in the stomach. Furthermore, an enormous choice of pill structures and measurements might be bought, some of which are more qualified for guys than for ladies. Subsequently, it is fundamental for research the parts of a weight reduction item to become mindful of any possibly hurtful impacts prior to beginning a work-out daily practice while taking the item. You may likewise look for the direction of a prepared clinical expert while picking the suitable item to meet your prerequisites.
Request h UK/IE From "True Site"
What are the misguided judgments, and what is it that you want to be aware?
Initial one is that You can purchase the Figur Dragons Den framework at retailers across the UK.
No, you can't buy a figure diet weight reduction case through the web-based store.
Second one,The Figur Rebate coupon is more expensive than it is presently.
Try not to fall into such snares. Look at the Figur UK Official Site for the best arrangements.
Third one, In 2023, it will be the most broadly utilized weight reduction item.
Since December 2022, there has been a critical interest for it. So you can say "blockbuster."
Fourth one, Weight reduction tablets and weight reduction containers from Figur are something very similar (just a my
0 notes
figurdragonsdenbuy · 1 year
Figur Dragons Den & IE [Keto Capsules®] Figur Weight Loss ,Hoax or Legitimate?
 Product Name-Figur Dragons Den
Official website name -https://www.outlookindia.com/outlook-spotlight/figur-dragons-den-scam-best-weight-loss-capsules-dansk-figur-weight-loss-dragons-den-uk-ie-reviews-ingredients-how-much-and-where-can-i-buy-it-news-259924
Official Facebook pages-https://www.facebook.com/FigurDragonsDenInUK/
Unique Limited Offer "Figur Mythical serpent Nook UK/IE" Temporarily!!
An enhancement called Figur UK Details is created to help with weight reduction. Caffeine, green tea remove, and other plant separates are utilized in their creation.
Figur Dragons DenUK/IE is an inventive new weight reduction supplement. Our all-regular nutrient is a protected and powerful choice in the event that you're attempting to get in shape. Figur Dragons Denare made with all-normal minerals and supplements to help your digestion and endurance. Figure Weight reduction will assist you with shedding pounds and show a less fatty, more alluring you.
Our normal Figur Dragons Den in the UK is intended to help those experiencing issues getting thinner by raising their digestion and making them consume more calories significantly quicker. Since they contain substances that incite thermogenesis, dietary enhancements like Figur Dragons Dencan assist you with getting thinner quickly and proficiently. They promptly renew your framework and help you in losing pointless pounds.
Extraordinary Limited Offer "Figur Dragons Den Denmark" Temporarily!!
What is Figur?
You will profit from the Figur Dragons Den until the end of your life. It has helped a ton of others as well. Keeping individuals from truly managing ailment and helping them in driving solid, sickness free lives liberated from stoutness so they can be cheerful all the time is our essential objective. Dietary enhancements like Figur can assist you with shedding pounds. The main parts are those of a natural nature. This compound increments metabolic  rate, prompting diminished calorie utilization. They are made with top caliber, all-regular fixings that have been displayed in numerous examinations to further develop wellbeing and decrease muscle to fat ratio.
An enhancement called Figur UK Definitions is delivered to help with weight reduction. Caffeine, green tea separate, and other plant extricates are utilized in their creation. The pills' expressed design is to increment metabolic rate and work with weight reduction. It might be ideal assuming that you adhered to the mark's use headings at whatever point you take the Figur UK Diet Pills. If it's not too much trouble, counsel your PCP prior to utilizing these pills, particularly assuming you have any previous ailments. Utilizing the pills ought to be joined with customary activity and a decent eating plan for ideal outcomes.
How it functions Figur Dragons Dencontainer?
The Deborah Meaden Weight reduction is an enhancement with an extraordinary recipe not at all like some other. This is a blessing from heaven that will permit you to partake in the medical advantages of normal mending and weight reduction. Therefore, you'll foster an incredible actual appearance. Our basic and quick weight decrease arrangement is the best item to assist you with losing undesirable pounds, rest easier thinking about yourself, and recapture confidence. There is no question that weight reduction and the board tablets can assist a few more seasoned grown-ups with accomplishing their weight the executives objectives, yet it's memorable's indispensable that they are excessive for everybody.
Weight reduction and upkeep are two additional purposes for dietary enhancements. Prior to starting any exercise program, it is savvy to check in with a certified clinical expert. When joined with a solid eating regimen and customary activity, enhancements can assist you with arriving at your wellness objectives quicker. In the event that utilized as such, they will assist with fat misfortune by expanding digestion and diminishing hunger. A few dietary guides for weight reduction likewise help with checking the craving, which might prompt lower calorie consumption..
Unique Limited Offer "Figur Mythical serpent Nook UK/IE" Temporarily!!
What are the advantages?
Normal weight reduction supplement figure pills guarantee to assist clients with cutting fat and shed pounds when joined with a sound way of life. The tablets' dynamic fixings, green tea, and caffeine, have helped metabolic rate and diminished fat capacity. Here are a portion of the advantages of using Figur Dragons Denpills:
Supports Energy and Digestion: Due to the caffeine content, Figur Dragons Denpills can accelerate your digestion and, thusly, your calorie consuming.
Consumes More Fat: Scientists have found that the green tea extricate contained in Figur fat eliminators essentially supports thermogenic action.
Lower pointless hunger: Figur Dragons Dencases (otherwise called Figure weight decrease containers) incorporate green tea separate, which has been displayed to lessen hunger and, likewise, food desires.
Cause you to feel vivacious and Dynamic: Caffeine can assist you with feeling more empowered, permitting you to accomplish more actual work and thus more calories consumed.
Lessen fat retention: The green tea in Figur pills may likewise forestall fat assimilation, accelerating weight reduction.
Further develops Glucose Solidness: The green tea separate in the weight decrease supplement Figur has been displayed to further develop insulin awareness and lessening food desires in specific clients.
Work on Mental Working, Caffeine invigorates the mind and keep you inspired and zeroed in when on a tight eating routine and exercise plan. Most would agree that Deborah Meaden diet pills are a phenomenal expansion for people attempting to thin down in a solid and hazard free way. They could give the motivation to get more fit and keep it off.
Are there any expected benefits to one's wellbeing from taking pills for a drawn out period?
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It will wow you with how much fat you consume and the quantity of ketones you produce.
Both a decrease in overabundance fat and a speed increase in consuming calories are helpful propensities.
Figur Dragons Dendiet case contains cell reinforcements and other fixing that can support your insusceptible.
With its astonishing mix your body feels much fiery and solid.
Utilization of pure and normal fixing plant based sources
The incredibly fast oxidation of unsaturated fats during the metabolic cycle
You experience sentiments that are very dynamic, even new
What are the fixings utilized in figur Weight reduction?
Each of the fixings in this item share a standard capability: they invigorate the body's upgraded digestion of fat and greasy cells, which essentially influences an individual's muscle to fat ratio. Moreover, it starts off a condition of ketosis in the body, which builds the metabolic rate.
L-carnitine is acquiring notoriety as a fat-consuming enhancement fixing notwithstanding blended discoveries from logical investigations. Clinical examination tracked down that as well as advancing solid weight reduction, it likewise advanced wellbeing, cognizance, and the anticipation of infection.
L-Arginine: L-Arginine has a few advantages, including improving athletic execution and diminishing circulatory strain, however its most critical advantage is its capacity to help with weight reduction.
L-Theanine: The amino corrosive L-theanine stifles hunger, making it more straightforward to shed pounds while keeping a sound calorie consumption.
L-leucine: Expanding leucine consumption has been connected to improved mitochondrial biogenesis and capability, expanded insulin responsiveness, and conceivably helped weight reduction by expanding lean weight.
L-proline: Mending, nourishment, digestion, and protein blend depend on the amino corrosive L-proline. It has mitigating and resistant supporting cancer prevention agent properties.
Guggul: Perhaps of the earliest plant we know was utilized by people is guggul. It's usually utilized to decrease generally muscle versus fat, particularly gut and gastrointestinal parcel fat.
Lemon and Green Tea Leaves: Two models are concentrates of citrus organic products like lemon and green tea leaves, rich in bioflavonoids that assist with cutting fat and add flavor, smell, and unpredictability to the completed item. Tea extricate invigorates the safe framework's reaction to an unfamiliar specialist or antigen and starts the body's regular detoxifying processes. One more advantage of green tea separate is a lower hazard of cardiovascular illness since it urges the body to produce more "great" cholesterol.
Pomegranates: Cell reinforcements in pomegranates forestall the breakdown of ecological items and decrease the body's reaction to hunger signals. They help the body's metabolic rate and advance safe weight loss.The diminished possibility of narcosis and neoplasm because of the cell reinforcement movement likewise supports an individual's dauntlessness and general wellbeing. The T1/2 and stockpiling life of the item is likewise gotten to the next level.
Extraordinary Limited Offer "Figur Mythical beast Sanctum UK/IE" Temporarily!!
Are there any unfriendly impacts?
This item enjoys a huge upper hand over its opponents, fundamentally because of the far and wide allure of the all-regular parts it contains. It is to be lauded for its natural and regular organization as well as for the normal way wherein its components are created. This guarantees that the quality control norms for these pills were never compromised at any phase of the assembling system. As a rule, an answer for this issue just applies to some.
A few meds can cause upsetting secondary effects, for example, giving patients migraines or causing them to feel squeamish in the stomach. Furthermore, an enormous choice of pill structures and measurements might be bought, some of which are more qualified for guys than for ladies. Subsequently, it is fundamental for research the parts of a weight reduction item to become mindful of any possibly hurtful impacts prior to beginning a work-out daily practice while taking the item. You may likewise look for the direction of a prepared clinical expert while picking the suitable item to meet your prerequisites.
Request h UK/IE From "True Site"
What are the misguided judgments, and what is it that you want to be aware?
Initial one is that You can purchase the Figur Dragons Den framework at retailers across the UK.
No, you can't buy a figure diet weight reduction case through the web-based store.
Second one,The Figur Rebate coupon is more expensive than it is presently.
Try not to fall into such snares. Look at the Figur UK Official Site for the best arrangements.
Third one, In 2023, it will be the most broadly utilized weight reduction item.
Since December 2022, there has been a critical interest for it. So you can say "blockbuster."
Fourth one, Weight reduction tablets and weight reduction containers from Figur are something very similar
0 notes
fireandiceland · 2 years
coming up with rare pairs like uuuh so how about *spins lucky wheel* Canada and uhm.. *draws piece of paper from hat* Denmark!
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arsonaetcuh · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Canada/Denmark (Hetalia) Characters: Denmark (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia) Additional Tags: Snowball Fight, Swearing, Fluff, my brain be going: adhd denmark adhd denmark adhd denmark, self-projection go brrrrrrr, Denmark has ADHD, new ao3 tag y'all, help me Summary:
Matthias Thorvaldsen is staying with his best friend, Matthew Williams, for Christmas. What could be the best gift in the world?
Gift for @fireandiceland Thanks for the inspiration
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aphcanada-inactive · 5 years
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I’m a day late but I finished something for @aphrarepairweek2019! This doesn’t really match any of the prompts tho, so I guess it can qualify for “free day”.
DenNedCan might as well be my go-to ship for these events.
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prince-peach-core · 6 years
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I've seen no art of this ship. So I took it upon myself to make some. I will be making more and no one can stop me!
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Ever been stabbed by a baguette?
195 notes · View notes
Meanwhile, in DenCan
Denmark: I am not hip. I am more like, shoulder.
Canada, quietly: No, you're an ass.
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sailorhikarinomu · 6 years
Canadian Hygge (Loose-ish End #3)
The meeting, this time in Copenhagen, had been a success, somewhat, as the nations slowly trickled out of the busy downtown bar.
Said meeting, to be clear, had not taken place at a bar. No, no. That had finished hours ago in some government building, as per usual. The little after-party the nations had afterwards opted for in celebration of a job well done, on the other hand? That was the reason they were where they were: some sports bar at the corner of a busy intersection in one of the livelier areas of the Danish capital.
England, of course – how predictable – had been the one to suggest it. And although it had been said merely in passing, all that were present had agreed. Eagerly.
Because times were tough for everyone (though, when was that ever not the case?). And so, it was understandable, to want to release some of the near-crippling pressure that came with being a nation. Thus, tonight would be all in the name of good fun. No more fighting, only peace. No more misery, only drunken laughter. No more economic downfall, only prosperity. No more mass hunger. No more melting ice caps. No more. No more. The world’s problems could wait. For once, let us just come together.
No more division, only unity.
To repeat, the nations were now slowly, tipsily trickling out of the busy downtown bar.
Denmark, on his part, stood for once completely sober, a clear contrast to the currently drunk Canadian in his arms.
On the other side of room, leaning heavily against both Germany and Sweden (because Alfred had collapsed a mere hour prior, and the nations that had been still somewhat lucid had all agreed that it would not do to have the world’s superpower die on them anytime soon), an equally-as-smashed America was yelling, “Hells yeah, Mattie. You go get some of tha’ fine Danish ass!”
To which said Dane merely snorted as he waved goodbye, the Canadian all the while giggling.
It was once they were sufficiently away from everyone else, and comfortably seated in Mikkel’s car – the eco-friendly, non-gas-guzzling vehicle one would expect the personification of Denmark to have – that Canada drawled, tone of voice suggestive, “Mmm, sooooo…. we goin’ to your house to finish what we started?”
They were on the road now, the streets nearly deserted at this hour.
His blue eyes studying the stretch of road in front of him, the Dane answered firmly (because if anything, the offer was just too damn tempting and of course he wanted this! He wanted Matthew like he had never wanted before… but not like this), “No. I’m bringing you to your hotel room.”
All things considered, it was quite the difficult task to keep his memories of the last few hours at bay. Matthew had been sublime, alluring when he had pressed so closely to his chest whilst dancing – an achingly slow sway of hips accompanied by hockey-strong arms looped tight around Mikkel’s broad shoulders. The European had never understood why, but Matthew always actively sought him out whenever sufficiently inebriated. One moment Mikkel would be cracking a cold one with either Prussia or America, and the next he would find himself with a sudden armful of drunken Canada. Not that he minded. He would never mind in the slightest. Are you kidding? But it did irk him that these were the only times the Canadian approached him of his own volition. Otherwise, it was he that always made the first move. Maybe one of these days that would change…
Back to reality, Matthew seemed to be pleased by such a response, the coils of his mind attempting to decipher what the Scandinavian’s words might entail, “Oh… oh! Well that works too, of course!”
Denmark, eyes still glued to the long, winding sweep of pavement ahead, chose to keep mum. It remained that way for the rest of the drive to the hotel.
Once they were stepping off the elevator to the Canadian’s floor (the ride up had been awkward, to say the least, since on their way through the front lobby Matthew had quite loudly proclaimed to the staff behind the counter that he would be ‘tapping this fine Danish ass, so sorry in advance for the noise’), Canada made his next and final move:
“So, you’re stayin’ the night, right?"
Just as the roads had been, the corridor leading to the North American’s room was equally as empty.
The Dane waited until they were at Matthew’s door before replying, just as firmly as before, “No.”
Taken aback, all Matthew could do was gape, struggling past his alcohol-induced haze. He observed the other, analyzed furrowed blond brows and stiff lips that were drawn into a straight line, waiting for those aforementioned features to relax into something more along the lines of joking. When brows only furrowed further and lips began to curve downwards, he determined that Mikkel was most definitely being serious.
“Really? With all the letters you send me, I thought for sure that –”
“Well, you thought wrong,” Mikkel interrupted curtly, voice as cold as his iceberg-bottom eyes. By this point, they were both quiet, simply staring each other down, until the Dane’s cool, hard mask soon after fissured into that of pain, of silent anguish – an unnatural expression on his usually mirthful face. “In case you haven’t noticed, those letters mean something. I wouldn’t be trying so hard if all I wanted you for was a quick lay.”
If Canada had been on the verge of speaking, then such a revelation was definitely what prevented him from doing so.
Taking advantage of the other’s state of speechlessness, the Dane allowed himself to take a last, mental picture of the nation he wanted more than anything (just like he had done every single other time this had happened, because he wanted to capture every waking moment spent with Matthew and keep it close to his heart always), before making his way back from whence they had just come from. “Good night, Williams.”
It was only once the European was out of sight behind the closed doors of the elevator that Matthew moved, sliding his key card through its designated slot. The Dane’s words had had the effect of sobering him up quite nicely. And thus, it was with a peculiar brand of disappointment, an unidentifiable feeling, that the Canadian whispered, uncaring of the fact no one was there to listen, “Yeah, ‘night.”
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hetaliaes-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
White - NyoCanDen / DenNyoCan / Denmark x Nyo!Canada
requested by anon
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the-heaminator · 2 years
Multichapter (serious)
Watch out Hogwarts the Nations are coming
The seven Deadly Sins of The World
All the better to eat you with (a.ka the murder fic)
The Prison Au
Multichapter (crack)
Hetalia Crack- Carrying of the Wives
Hetalia Crack- Brought to you by The Fail Big Brothers Trio
Hetalia Crack- Age swap edition
How to wake up your Alfred
When closed hearts flower
Holy shit I'm a fucking moron
We flower together
Frozen lake, frozen heart
The Nordic bake off
A duet between the earth and the sky
Food for food, a love exchange(Fruk, Vampires)
2 overworked motherfucker sitting in a tree s-l-e-e-p-i-n-g(gereng)
Domestic mornings(sunor)
Romano is always a slut for safe sex lmao
Original work
The Bird Mafia
Polyship and rarepair requests
GerFrUk(rainy day)
UkFraIn(they're just dumb of ass ok)
DenNorBela(magic in the air)
Frying Pangle (Food fight/ cooking)
DenCan(Breathe, Just breathe.)
NyoRusEng(its just crack, supernatural)
RusEng(hurt/comfort kinda)
EngPort(wanna practise)
One shots (serious)
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