#deh canon except instead of going to his only family friend jared for advice he goes to his imaginary friend jared for advice
kachinnate · 4 years
I read ur post about u liking to write jared and missing him in your jared dies au (reading that one hurt btw >:( ) but have u considered a jared is evans imaginary friend au?
i really let this sit in my inbox for so long im very sorry dsjkfnsdkf
BUT........ man there’s so much potential in this like it could be a creepy darkfic thing, it could be maybe a soulm8s thing (like.. idk jared being his ~imaginary friend~ but then like years down the line evan sees a boy who looks Exactly like jare did/does(?)) 
which speaking of is it like a Current thing? like is he 17 w an imaginary friend or a kid? bc that also prob changes the context of this a bit kdkjgnsf....  
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thewhiterabbit · 6 years
Anti-Kleinphy/Anti-Jared Rant
I just saw an anti-Kleinphy post (that has since been deleted because the person couldn't take a proper debate) and I gotta just summarise my thoughts.
Before I get into my rant I just have to clarify that I ship basically all of the ships related to the teenagers of DEH, so there isn’t any bias there, and I do see all of them as not necessarily good or bad, but instead just… People. And I do like Connor (although he does rank at the bottom of the list) even if I do talk some shit about him. Same with Evan (my second favourite character).
I’m not going to argue Jared is a good person; in context of the canon information given to us, he is a complete dick. Even with that, he’s probably the character I relate to most in almost any form of media, so there is some sort of a bias and some sort of reflection onto him. I’m a jerk, but I also care for those around me and try to help/support them to the best of my ability (like when Jared tries to give Evan advice on what to do before the Murphy dinner/For Forever, helps with the e-mails during Sincerely, Me and continues to pump them out every week afterwards (from Alana’s line in her scene after Good for You), agrees to take part in the Connor Project in Disappear, etc.).
At the same time, Connor is canonically abusive, much worse than anything that Jared ever did in the musical; Zoe mentioned, in the scene before Requiem, how her brother tried to knock down her door and threatened to kill her. I feel like that tops Jared’s comment targeting Connor for his ‘school shooter chic’ in the beginning of the musical.
Jared’s joke was rude and uncalled for, but, at the same time, it didn’t seem like he meant it to set Connor off, seeing how he ran off afterwards in fear. I don’t think bullies usually run away from their victims like that, and I don’t think their victims speak up so loudly most of the time like Connor had. It was just a stupid, offensive joke that Jared made on the spot that didn’t land.
The whole 'Sincerely, Me’ scene is, also, obviously not directly targeting Connor. It isn’t as if he’s acting out in malice; he’s trying to make this incredibly dark situation that Evan got himself into, forging emails depicting a teenager that committed suicide to show to his grieving family, as light-hearted as he can. He isn’t good with taking things seriously, which is clear with how he makes a majority of the jokes in the show. If you look at it as it actually is, without the upbeat music, it could easily be argued to be one of the darkest scenes in the entire show, and Jared clearly wouldn’t want to deal with it in a serious manner.
Speaking of Sincerely Me, Jared is shown being a dick to Evan, but, from them being “family friends” and a few lines from the original Arena Stage production that were later cut (which I try not to use for evidence in my argument since it isn’t officially canon, but this is my only exception since there isn’t anything indicating how long Evan and Jared have known each other (unless the “do you remember when Connor threw a printer at the teacher in 2nd grade” comment counts as that, although they could have also only become family friends later and then realised they were in the same class)), they’ve known each other for years, at the very least, if not for most of their lives. Their relationship could easily be seen as a brotherly bond. Plus, if we look to other people who have played Jared instead of just Will, there are ones that come off as much more friendly (MLB is my main example, for I have not heard many others (except for BLR who I’m still trying to figure out my opinion on) and I’ve only read things for other understudies). A lot of people’s perceptions of any of these characters truly come from their performances, since even a small delivery change of these lines can easily change a character. That being said, since Will is the original actor, he is the version that people always go to when they think of Jared, and, as a result, they often see the harshest version.
Along with that, saying that Connor is a victim of his situation and suggesting that Jared isn’t is a stretch; there is nothing canonically about Jared’s family, other than he has parents (from the scene after the Sincerely, Me reprise, where he mentions “his parents’ liquor cabinet”) and at least one mother, who doesn’t seem to seek more from her son than him just nodding and agreeing (from the scene before the Murphy dinner/For Forever). There is also nothing too solid about his school life, other than (as Evan states from the scene in Good for You) he has no friends. For all we know, he could have a horrible family life, where, unlike Connor’s parents, neither of his parents could care an ounce about him (which would make sense, seeing how desperate he seems for validation and attention from Evan and how he tries to put himself into the emails, but I’m getting into HCs for another post).
TL;DR: Jared isn’t an abuser. Connor isn’t a victim of Jared. Connor is honestly a bit (way) worse than Jared in context of the show but we still love him.
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syrren · 7 years
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Dear Evan Hansen X Yuri on Ice AU (see my other musical AUs)
So this has been swirling around in my head for ages (inspired in part by one of @zephyrine-gale‘s posts), and I have too many HCs to list, but featuring:
Yuuri as Evan Hansen
Victor as Connor Murphy
Yurio as Zoe Murphy
Phichit as Jared Kleinman
Minako as Heidi Hansen
Yakov and Lilia as Larry and Cynthia Murphy
See under the cut for headcanons about this AU (warning for long post)
Minako (Heidi Hansen) is a ballet dancer, but that means she’s always on trips, rarely home, and doesn’t bring much money home. Tries her best, and introduces Yuuri to ballet and eventually skating to deal with his anxiety along with his letters.
Yuuri (Evan Hansen) has his canon-typical anxiety, and no friends aside from the “family friend”, Phichit Chulanont. Honestly he and canon-Evan are basically the same, except instead of a closet tree nerd, Yuuri is a closet ice skating nerd who is actually really good at skating...he’s just never been able to skate in front of other people without his anxiety getting in the way and completely screwing him up.
Minako is childhood friends with the owner of the local rink (Hiroko Katsuki),  so she gives Yuuri a set of keys to the rink and he goes at random hours of the morning/night when no one else is there so he can skate alone.
Skating usually clears his mind and helps him relax, but one day, he’s just skating and thinking and skating and thinking and skating and thinking and in the middle of a jump, he’s thinking and he thinks: “what if I just...didn’t land right, and never got up again, wouldn’t everyone be better off? would someone come to get me? To help me? What if I―”
So he falls “on accident” and lays there dazed from his concussion and in pain from his broken arm and fantasizes about someone coming to help him for hours and hours until Hiroko comes in to open the rink in the morning and freaks out because he’s still lying on the ice, cold and alone, because when you’re falling in a forest an ice rink and nobody’s around, do you ever even crash, or even make a sound?
And of course he writes letters to himself on the advice of his therapist (Celestino, probably?), and they still come into play, but first:
Victor (Connor Murphy)  used to be the perfect student™ that everyone knew but never really knew. He used to get perfect grades and won all the academic competitions and figure skating competitions, but he never saw any point in all of it. Despite everything, he was never very close with his parents or his peers, and felt stagnant in everything from his grades to his competitions to, eventually, his personal hobby, ice skating. 
So once high school hit and even ice skating lost its appeal, he started dropping off the map and doing drugs and skipping school so by the time he commits suicide no one really knows him anymore and like typical high schoolers, no one really cares either (until the Victor Project of course).
The day he first talks to Yuuri in the computer lab isn’t the first time he’s seen him, but lord knows if Victor is ever going to admit that he broke into the local ice skating rink one day last summer and saw the most marvelous skater already there, skating his heart out to heartbreaking music. (He was skating to Waving Through a Window, and that song+Yuuri’s skating just about kills Victor but tbh who wouldn’t it kill). 
Near the end of the routine, the skater is on his final jump when suddenly he falls apart mid-jump, his limbs coming apart and going limp like he’s just...given up. Victor watches in silent horror as he crashes into the side of the rink, arm and head-first, slides a few feet on the ice, and goes still.
 Victor wants to help, but he panics and doesn’t know what to do (you know since he’s there illegally in the first place and being super stalkerish besides) so he just stays awkwardly until he sees Yuuri open his eyes, then leaves figuring that Yuuri can probably call someone to come help him.
So when he sees Yuuri in the hallway that first day, he panics and lashes out because he’s afraid that Yuuri knows he was there and didn’t help and hates him. In the computer lab, later, he decides to approach Yuuri a little more calmly with a VERY SUBTLE “So...how’d you break your arm?” (Nice going Nikiforov, very smooth, very subtle) and offers to sign his cast. Nevermind the stinging guilt when Victor hears that no one ended up coming to help Yuuri, and isn’t that just the saddest fucking thing he’s ever heard. It all goes swimmingly until he reads Yuuri’s letter.
Because you see, Yuuri has been wanting to talk to Yurio, Victor’s little brother for a very long time. Yurio is famous for being in the jazz band a very skilled figure skater, and Yuuri admires that even though he’s never actually talked to him. He had been inspired to start skating by a certain local figure skater a long time ago, after all, and since he never learned the skater’s name, he just assumed that it was Yurio, the only real publicly prominent figure skater in the area (Hint hint, it wasn’t Yurio). 
Yuuri  doesn’t have a crush on Yurio, but he wants to be his friend, and writes about him (in place of Zoe) in his letter.
And this piece of “mockery” combined with panic about Yuuri knowing combined with hopelessness because “Oh, he likes Yurio, not me.” is the last thing to tip Victor over the edge, and he leaves, the letter still in his pocket to...well, you know, to do what canon-Connor does at this point. He comes back as our resident dead gay son tho its ok
Yurio (Zoe Murphy) is Victor’s little brother, the self-proclaimed better skater/son, and he’s always resented Victor for being seemingly perfect and then throwing it all away. Yakov and Lilia (Larry and Cynthia Murphy) had always compared him to Victor, and Yurio feels Victor’s influence looming over him even in death.
 When Victor had been perfect, everyone told Yurio that he needed to “be more like his older brother,” but when Victor started crashing and burning, Yurio suddenly needed to “be better than his older brother” and he’s just so sick of being defined by his older brother that Victor’s suicide makes him even more bitter, because now he will never be able to surpass him and shed the shadow he left over his life. (Insert Requiem here) or as i like to call it in this AU, the “Victor Nikiforov is Dead” song.
So, when Yuuri comes out proclaiming that he was Victor’s best friend, Yurio is very very skeptical. Until it turns out that he knows Victor used to skate and he starts talking about an unmistakably real time they went skating together and Yuuri broke his arm trying a difficult jump, but Victor came to help him up (For Forever).
 And when Yurio, who has never been very close with his brother, but has always secretly wanted to be, asks Yuuri about why Victor would have written about him in his suicide note, Yuuri word-vomits everything he’s ever admired about Yurio’s (and by proxy, Victor’s) skating. (If I Could Tell Him).
The two of them end up bonding (platonically) and go skating together a lot because I’m a sucker for happy friendship.
Whenever he gets bored, Yurio scribbles stars cats on the cuffs of his jeans
Yuuri bonds with Yakov over skating, because Yuuri has never had a mentor for his skating (Minako helps, but she’s a ballet dancer, she doesn’t really understand). Yakov teaches Yuuri how “To Break in Skates” with a pair of old skates that he bought for Victor after Victor started drifting away (he doesn’t know that Victor never stopped skating).
Phichit (Jared Kleinman) and Yuuri used to be super close as kids, but their friendship kinda fell apart when Phichit started getting more social and Yuuri’s anxiety got in the way of any and all attempts at joining him and his friends.
Phichit gets enlisted to help write the emails and channels every shipping bone in his body into writing the gayest emails in existence, full of bad puns and as much sexual tension as Yuuri will allow him to slip in.
Yuuri also gets very attached to Victor while he’s “researching” for his faked emails. He finds a bunch of old videos of Victor in local skating competitions before he dropped off the map and falls in love with his skating all over again, realizing that Victor is the skater that inspired him to start figure skating, which leads him to base a lot of their “friendship” around skating.
Alright this is becoming a small novel, so I’m going to cut it there, but I have a bunch of sketches that aren’t finished yet, so definitely expect more from me on this AU! 
Please PM me if you have any ideas for who should be Alana or if you just want to talk about DEH/YOI in general, I’d love to hear what you think!  
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