#death is my pal and she wouldnt take me if i didnt feel like dying that day
psychiatricwarfare · 11 months
yknow as fucked up as i am, at least my mom will admit she's a big reason why
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angelnoel026 · 5 years
Chapter 42 the final chapter?
Julia's point of view After I had taken out Carly I heard something in the bushes. A whoosh of wind past by me. I activated my aura to keep me safe. "Carly's down." I replied back to Katherine on the walkie talkie. "Already? Good job!" Katherine replied back. I grinned. Suddenly I felt a pain come towards my back as I felt myself fall to the ground. Someone was trying to get me. When I got up, I noticed it wasnt a member of Ashley's pack. There stood 2 grown men that looked like they could be vikings, long braided hair and muscular bodies. Their eyes glowed blue, Katherine had said when a wolf has their eyes blue it means they have killed people, which means they wouldnt be going down without a fight. I stood back up and brought back my aura. "I've never dealt with a kitsune before, let's see what you're all about!" 1 of the men said putting his fists up. I hope my fighting skills paid off. We danced away. It was like my aura had taken over my body and did all the work for me. I gave them a few sucker punches and kicks. 1 wiped blood off his lips. "Impressive kitsune." They still charged at me. I tried my hardest to keep up but they were strong wolves. I couldn't use my hands anymore so I used my next best thing. Katherine had gifted me her God father's friends sword that she used long ago, it only worked for kitsunes. That took them by surprise but still kept going. We danced again in battle, this time I had the upper hand. With one slice the guy had a big cut on his chest. He growled. "Come now brother, we work better as a pack. Let's go." They ran to the north. Pack? So there's more of them?! I gotta warn Katherine. As I'm about to talk into the walkie talkie I felt a new pain on my head, knocking me unconcious. "Everything alright? Hello Jules do you copy?" Was the last thing I heard before going under. Brendan's point of view Taking out Ashley's omegas was easy but did Katherine have to put me with Tommy? I know he's possessed but I cant stand him right now. We waited until Katherine had further instructions. "True alpha, omegas are down over." I spoke into the walkie talkie. "Good work over." Tommy was kicking rocks. "So now what?" He asked out of the blue. "We wait till Katherine gives us another order." "So what do you want to do until then?" Was he serious? "Um.. we watch the omegas so they don't escape and furthermore what are your intentions with my sister, cause last time I checked you helped Ashley and gave Katherine away like a pig ready to be slaughtered." I folded my arms let's see what he has to say about this. He scratched the back of his head. "About that, I'm sorry. I know you dont believe me but its the truth. I didn't know I could feel feelings unless it's the actual Tommy trying to come out, but I have grown to care for Katherine...but once this is done I'm giving her Tommy back, maybe I can find a new host." I listened to his heart beat... something felt off.. if he tries anything I'll kill him myself I dont care what Katherine says, she can find another boyfriend. I nodded my head. Suddenly there was a whoosh of wind that past us. I picked up their scent.. another wolf? Unless that was... "Brendan look out!" Tommy called out as he jumped in front of me taking the hit that was meant for me. Claws marks were on his chest and they looked deep. Blood was foaming near his mouth as well. I grabbed him before he could land on the ground. "Are you okay?" I asked. I put my hand on his chest and started taking his pain away. "I'll be alright it's just a scratch." He started coughing badly after that. He better not be dying. "Come let's get you to Katherine." I put his arm around my neck and started walking. I heard another whoosh past us which meant we werent alone yet. I could hear the roar of the beast that was near us. I started sprinting. It was too late, I felt a sharp pain in my back, it was like a knife was in it... boy was I right except it was a sword, Jules sword I assumed. That really hurt and it paralyzed me for a few minutes. Me and Tommy fell to the ground. Our attacker picked us both up, everything went dark after that. Bryce's point of view I was searching everywhere for my friends. Where could they have gone? When I got to Jules location there was nothing but another scent, it reaked of beer and old fashioned milestones. What kind of wolf is this, unless it was Ashley and she didn't mask her scent. I followed where Brendan and Tommy were, they were gone as well. I picked up on the scent of blood, Tommy's blood. Uh oh. I gotta warn Katherine! I think were being ambushed even though were the ones doing the ambushing. I ran back as fast as I could, I didnt see Katherine but I heard a whoosh through the trees, something was with me. I changed into my wolf form, even though it was a full moon I had control, I used Katherine's technique and thought of an anchor that would keep me grounded. The creature approached... it was Ashley's wolf form. She roared loudly at me and I did the same. We charged at each other, struggling to see who can get on top of who. I kept on clawing and biting her, she was putting up a good fight. I felt a sharp pain in my chest, another scratch.. wonderful. I got her back I clawed her face, scratching her right eye. She roared loudly making a vibration in our surroundings. She got off of me and ran into the woods going south. That's where Katherine was, I followed Ashley. Katherine's point of view Danna had gotten stronger since the last time we fought, unless it was the full moons doing. "I've been wanting to do this since I first saw you." Danna went on and punched me in the face. I smiled and wiped my cheek. "You hit like a bitch." I chuckled and clawed her in the face, leaving marks. "You dont have to do this Danna, think about it.. your a good person.. I can help you. All I want is peace not war." "Oh I like being bad.. it makes me happy and if they means I get to torture you until one of us kills each other then I'll take it." As she was about to attack me again we heard a whoosh through the trees, something was coming our way. Out came Ashley.. in her wolf form. After followed Bryce. "Katherine I think someone took our friends but it wasnt Ashley." Bryce was panting from running. Ashley transformed into her human form. "Well it wasnt me." Ashley confessed. I was shocked. "If if wasnt you then who.." my answer followed through. Out of the west side came out 6 more wolves, each holding a body. The 3 bodies were Jules, Brendan and Tommy. They werent dead but just knocked out. "So this is the true alpha female we've been hearing so much." Said their leader. He was big, light skinned, long hair put up in a bun. Muscular body, almost fit like dad's. "Who are you people?" I responded back. "Oh how rude well we've come a very long way. Around the world we heard this was an alpha female running streets taking down our guys now it's only fair wed do the same. I saw the blood coming from Tommy and Brendan. "If you hurt them I swear to.." "What? Kill us? Now we know a true alpha would never do that." He was right. "Who are you guys?" I asked again. "Were the Yellowstone wolf pack.. there was 25 of us but you put 18 of our members into Eichen house. Now we come seeking revenge and to do so were taking out your pack members. 1 is close to death as we speak." I could smell of scent of death. 1 of his members dropped Tommy, I saw the claw marks. Oh no. "Hey pal I dont know who you think you are but Katherine was my target first!" Ashley butted in. "Yeah you killed her once but she still stands. So will take over from here." "I dont think so..." The leader had no hesitation and sliced Ashley's throat. She was dead instantly, her body laid on the ground. "Why did you do that?! There was an easier way than killing her." "Oh I don't follow those stupid rules. I'm a creature of habit, it what all us wolves do, even you. You just havent let the alpha take over you yet." My anger got badder, not only did I miss my revenge to get Ashley but now we have a new threat. Danna fled into the woods, she no longer had an alpha to serve so she was a lone wolf. I know she would be back to get me. "Will be around beacon hills for awhile until we are even with you true alpha. For now I think we will keep these guys as a way to motivate you to come to us." I could tell the leader was serious. He and his members ran off in a flash with Brendan and Jules, forgetting Tommy. "Okay what the fuck just happened?!" Bryce was feeling all types of confusion and frustration. "I dont know but now we got bigger problems." I ran to Tommy he was still breathing.. barely. "Come on it's time we get the nogistune out of Tommy. Let's get him to Deaton." Whoever this new pack was they were not going to lose and we would find a way to get our loved ones back. This supernatural world we live in would not be the same. I will be writing a second part to this, I love writing stories and I hope you had enjoyed the whole first part of our story, things are going to get crazy now.
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joychaosxx · 6 years
Ah highschool. I went to highschool with my middle school friends. at the time i was preferring to hang out with my “outcast” friends which is suspect were probably neurodiverse in some way. I still didnt fit all the way in with them, but i fit in better with them than my main group of friends. highschool was all about finding myself....aka hating myself even more. I remember my first crush on a boy. we were really great pals. this is a prime example of one of my autistic traits i feel. not being able to tell when someone also likes you back. both of us never knew. sophmore year our friends were like “hey did you know Jordan liked you?”
this completely came to a surprise to me and i was saddened by the miss opportunity. another opportunity didnt come up till senior year of highschool.
highschool was very lonely, all my friends were either going to college or growing apart and joining other social circles i wasnt really apart of. I was very lonely. no one ever said hi to me, no one talked to me, no one acknowledged me. my bestfriend went to charter school because her learning disabilities and anxiety were too much to continue in mainstream school. at the time i felt betrayed. but i understood it was for the best for her.
the only thing that kept me afloat was choir and musical drama class. the only time i was ever happy was when i was singing or memorizing lines.
senior year of highschool i was diagnosed with type1 diabetes and spent 2 weeks in the hospital recovering from almost dying. everyone in school wanted to know if i was ok. it felt good to get attention from my classmates but it also made me feel dirty. only my near death made people treat me like a human.
senior year it the year i convinced my mom to let me join track. all my years in school she never let me play sports. i told her it would help to keep my bloodsugars regulated and she bought it. i was soooooo happy to finally be apart of something. I was a natural at everything. But i mostly did pole volting. i remember a boy i that i really liked. he gave me my first kiss at prom. in the end he wouldnt date me because i was his upper classmen and was graduating that year. this began a long string of boys i liked but they never liked me back, or even knew i liked them in the first place. i dont think i gave the right signals. I didnt know how to get boys attention. i couldnt figure it out. how did other girls do it?
i honestly still dont know even as i type this being married. I always had to be the aggressor, the person taking the lead. men never “chased” me. I think i intimidated men i’m not sure. I never figured out why men didnt like me.
educationally my gpa was still average. 2.0 i was never going to go to a good college or get scholarships. my senior year was my best year. I did my senior project on the censorship of comic books and for my presentation/project i made a comic book. thats the year i over heard my mom on the phone telling someone she didnt think i was going to graduate or be anything. i didnt understand the implications then. I took it that she was proud and she was and i was happy i finally did something she was proud of. i have more understanding now and what she said was shitty considering the fact that she ignored every sign that i was struggling because i had learning disabilities and autism. it honestly was a feat to had graduated and i am proud of myself for getting through the toughest years of my life.
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