showmethestarlight · 5 years
I was tagged by @stuckwith-harry, thank you Jessie!
When you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, then you have to send this to ten of your favourite blogs (positivity is cool!). 
1. I like my writing! I don’t always feel positive about it because as a creator it’s always difficult not to be overly critical of your own work, but a lot of the time I’m really happy about what I write and the ideas and concepts I have for stories and I’m pleased I still stick with something I’ve been enjoying since I was a kid.
2. I like my taste in music. Personally I think it’s very smart of me to be so in love with Taylor Swift. That was a good life choice.
3. I like that I’m aware I’ll never know everything and that I’m always learning and growing. It’s good to be open minded and to acknowledge you can’t be an expert on everything!
4. I like that I’m a Hufflepuff. Great Hogwarts house, right next to the kitchens and everything.
5. I like my sense of humour. Personally I think I’m very funny. I certainly make myself laugh, which is definitely the important thing.
Tagging @rollertoasteroflife, @deaded123, @itsjustinyourwildestdreams, @stylemp4, @rosenlabyrinth, @ileftmyscarfthere, and I can’t think of anyone else off the top of my head so if you want to consider yourself tagged, go for it!
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rollertoasteroflife · 7 years
Happy Birthday Rolo!!!!!!!!!
today is @deaded123‘s 21st birthday so I’m going to yell at everyone about why she is the bestest!!
1. She writes poems and they’re so good!!! She has even got me to enjoy poetry which I never have?!?! Like oh my god she is amazing?!?!
2. When she’s happy she wiggles and does a happy stompy dance thing which is adorable and I have picked up so when we’re happy we do happy stomp dances together :D she is the cutest
3. She just fricking loves cheese so much???!?! She will happily stare at the cheese counter for 20mins just going om nom cheeeeeese! Like just she is awesome!
4. She has amazingly green eyes and I could stare at them for years <3
5. She lets me attach myself to her whenever I see her because I am actually a needy octopus of a human being
6. She gets very emotional over fluffy animals until she’s just quietly screaming and has a rating system for how floofy an animal is
7. She buys herself flowers so she always has flowers at home and it’s adorable <3
8. She just lays down on the floor and makes pregnant cow noises and it is majestic
9. She is incredibly excited by rocks and is very knowledgable about them too
10. She is so so small and therefore is excellent hugging height <3
11. She spends too much money at haberdasheries which is honestly just so relateable??!?
12. Has such soft hair and it’s such a beautiful colour??!??! Like auburn it’s just so nice!??!?!
13. She does calligraphy and it’s just so nice and amazing and I am in awe!!
14. Makes odd horse noises for no reason. Just yes.
15. She is useless at being contacted just use smoke signals it’ll be more successful. She is a butt and I love her <3
16. She and @showmethestarlight and I have excellent conversations of just listing fantastic words and coming up with ideas for stories
17. She is cool with the fact that I still have some of her books from like 3 years ago which I will totally give her back when I have read them...
18. So far on her birthday she has bought googly eyes and an easter egg and just this woman is amazing :D and made strangled noises at people wishing her happy birthday online it’s hilarious
19. She gives the best presents so I have to think so hard about her’s because I will win the present giving contest just you watch :P
20. She has amazing insults just yep I could listen to her insult people or me honestly all day because they are beautiful and I need to make a list of them
21. She has the best facial expressions just oh good lord so expressive and ridiculous I love them?!?!?!
Just Rolo is a gift to humanity and I am so lucky to have her as a friend and I am so so proud of her and everything that she has achieved and gotten through because she is just amazing and whenever I think of her it makes me feel really happy because she is the best <3 Love you so so much Rolo and Happy 21st you majestic manatee XxX
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deaded123 · 6 years
Found a morris dancing blog but they last posted, like, five years ago. Why. This attempt to follow more blogs has failed spectacularly.
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sirterrypratchett · 9 years
to the person who wanted to cosplay Glenda, I think her version from the cover would be cool!
I agree! 
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lipslungsandtongues · 11 years
 Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and ask eleven new questions tag eleven new people and tag them to this post let them know you’ve tagged them
I was tagged by shwatsontwinkle :D
1.Do you like sports, if not, why and if yes what’s your favorite?
I don't dislike them i just don't play much, though i do run track
2.Do you like/liked school/college?
I actually love my friends and even my education but i kind've hate the schooling system
3. Were/are you or your friends victims of bullying?
Honestly i was bullied myself for a very long time
4. What makes you happy?
Warm rain, blank lined paper and black ink pens, tumblr of course, books, words, YouTube, plenty of things
5. What would you do if you woke up in the body of your celebrity crush one morning?
well I've got like five but honestly i would look in the mirror for like an hour then go out and give some random fangirls heart attacks
6. What music do you like most? (Genre/Band/Singer)
I love a bit of everything except country and screamo 
7. Who’s your celebrity crush?
like i said I've got like five so i'll give you the list Benedict Cumberbatch, Misha Collins, Zachary Quinto, Jared Padalecki, Mark Sheppard. And we can stop there
8. Do you believe in magic and the supernatural?
Actually in some extents i do, i believe in life after death and a few other possibilities
9.Are you watching anime or reading manga?
Sorry No I've always been more of a sci-fi fantasy person
10. Do you support homosexuals or are you against them?
Speaking as a big sparkly rainbow lady i'm gonna have to say i support them
11. Pie or your laptop ?
oh lord of course my laptop, i more of a brownie, cake, cookies (literally almost any form of sugar will do) kinda person
Alright now my eleven questions 
1. Your main Otp and why
2. What country do you live in
3. You're favorite animal
4. Favorite quote (from anything)
5. What kind've movies do you like
6. Are you in multiple Fandoms
7. What's you're honest opinion on your government 
8. If you met you're celebrity crush what would you do
9. Do you have a favorite song (if so what is it)
10. Do you prefer Cinema or Literature
11. Candy or Baked goodies
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showmethestarlight · 7 years
Real Talk
We all know OTP actually stands for One True Poirot and that the only right answer to "Who is your OTP?" is David Suchet.
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rollertoasteroflife · 7 years
1. post the rules
2. answer the questions given to you by the tagger
3. write 11 questions of your own
4. and tag 11 people Tagged by @katyaton heyyyyyyy :D 
1: Your normal, everyday clothes?
Right now it’s hot (I’m dying squirtle) so usually some form of loose trousers and a vest top of some kind. Probs with a thin cardigan or something because I have a hatred of having the tops of my arms out in public unless i am actually dying of the heat.
2: CD/album you’ve spent the most time listening to?
Dunno about most time overall but have been listening to Ed SHeeren’s divide a lot lately and Caro Emerald’s Deleted scenes from the cutting room floor
3: Drugs you’ve tried?
I’m boring so none. unless we’re counting coffee and alcohol and meds. in which case yes those. I am boring sorry
4: A fanfic you’ve read multiple times?
.......so many. I keep rereading Until my feet bleed and my heart aches hoping it hurts less but until the end of OBS&BH i don’t have any damn closure. and yeah so many others but i won’t bore people with them here but if you want fic recs hit me up
5: Do you believe in soulmates?
No I don’t. I believe loving people is always a choice and yes some people are more suitable to each other but no one is perfect for each other. (However yeah I like reading soulmate aus.....take from that what you will)
6: Have any piercings?
Just my ear lobes but am currently waiting for my friend to have a day of so she can come with me to get my upper ear pierced. I’m bored and want more piercings in my left ear and I know where I want them but just have to get them done and well have money now D: 
7: Your time zone?
8: The first computer OS you used?
Microsoft I think?
9: Gotten 100% completion on any games?
I played an alice in wonderland game all the way through with my friend once. Which is an amazing achievement because I am so so bad at games it’s barely even funny D: I like watching my friends play though.
10: Go to any cons?
No I’ve never been but I want to!
11: Do you eat breakfast?
Fuck yes!! It’s the only meal I can’t skip!
I have just realised I did not need to answer these questions....I only need to answer the ones Katya asked.....fuck. oh well I love over sharing so have those answers about me too D: I’m so dumb
Katyaton’s Questions!
1. What’s your MBTI?
2.  Countries you’ve visited?
France, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, USA, Germany...I think that’s it?
3. If you could have only one super hero power, what would it be?
Shape Shifting!!
4. Who do you think you’d be better friends with, Yuuri or Viktor?
I relate a fuck tonne to yuuri so that means kind of befriending myself and I drive myself mad so I dunno?? I think I’d get on great with Viktor because I’m also ridiculous and get overly excited about things!
5. Who do you think is more of a villain: Snape or Dumbledore?
Damn Katya, I haven’t even had coffee yet this is deep shit! Hmmm I see a lot of hate towards Dumbledore especially on here and yeah I know he’s not great and fucked up but I can see why he did things; there was a war and he chose to make the difficult decisions to survive and help other’s survive. Snape however chose to be bitter and still be a ginormous arsehat to well all the kids. Like you can be bitter and not be a dick to everyone, believe I’m 80% bitterness at this point but I’m nice to people at least. So yeah there’s my opinion on the matter.
6. If your life was an anime, what would it be called?
Hahah hmm I don’t know??? Have asked my groupchat for ideas so shall see if they’ve replied by the time I’ve finished this....
Ok so the consensus is ‘Kiss, Kiss, Fall on the Floor’ (thanks Bop) 
7. If you could know all the secrets of the universe but not be able to tell anyone about it, would you do it?
No I think it would destroy me.
8. If you could press a button that would kill one person randomly (keep in mind there’s 7 billion plus people, so the chances of you knowing the person is super, super slim) but would give you one billion dollars, would you do it?
No because I’d always feel guilty whenever I spent the money. 
9. If you could look at the answers to a test with a 100% guarantee you wouldn’t get caught, would you do it? Or would you be too eaten away by guilt to look?
Depends on the test.....if we’re talking school then yeah because I cheated on tests then anyway sometimes. 
10. A train can diverge down one of two paths and you have the lever that decides which way it goes. If a loved one is strapped to one of the tracks and 1000 strangers are strapped to the other track, which way would you make the train go? (assuming there’s no way to save them) *this one is very dark - you don’t have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable!*
Phahah christ Katya this is dark!! Like seriously I’m gonna go make myself a coffee because it is wayyyy too early for this (it’s like 11am but shush) right ok I now have coffee! Ok so if given a split second decision I cannot say how I’d answer. But given time to think, I think I’d choose to sve the thousand strangers. If it’s someone I know then I know that I could survive their dying and I could help everyone else through it and the guilt would be mine to bear alone. But if I killed the strangers then that is 1000 families who suddenly lost someone they care about and have no closure for; 1000 families that I have no idea how they could suffer from losing that one family member or friend. I could bear the guilt of killing someone I love but I’d hate to be responsible for tearing all those lives apart. So there we go Katya you odd morbid person :P
11. What are your thoughts on the afterlife (if you believe there is one)?
I do believe in something but I’m not sure what. The christian idea of heaven that I grew up with honestly sounds kind of boring so usually I imagine some kind of terry pratchett style humorous/weird afterlife arrangement......
My Questions:
1. A random hobby that surprises people?
2. Do you like having plants around the house?
3. Do you sleep with cuddly toys?
4. What sea creature do you relate to the most?
5. Do you prefer hot or cold temperatures?
6. Do you think animals think of us as people or as other animals?
7. Do you wear shoes in the house? Or go barefoot or wear slippers?
8. A skill you wish you had?
9. At what point does it become illegal to kill an android/robot? Or basically when are robots sentient enough that they should be treated as people?
10. Do you want to get married?
11. If you could go back in history and change one single event and you would still exist, what would you change?
Tagging @showmethestarlight and @deaded123 because yeah only people that ever do these things. Also Katya if you want to do my questions please do!
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rollertoasteroflife · 7 years
Tagged by @katyaton thanks this is excellent procrastination and I love oversharing ;)
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, then tag up to 10 people plus the person who tagged you.
a- age: 20
b - biggest fear: That I’ll have to live the rest of my life how I did in the year after I finished 6th form when I had a mental breakdown and pretty much gave up on everything. I’m proud of myself for fighting through it and the terror of going back to that is largely what makes me continue now so i can’t say i regret it but yeah it terrifies me (oversharing much abby? nope carry on....)
c - current time: 1:21pm (wait what i thought it was 11....)
d - drink you last had: A mug of tea!
e - every day starts with: about 30 mins of me hating the world until my personality arrives.
f - favorite song: seriously how can I have one??!?! I’m currently binging everything by Caro Emerald on youtube though so I recommend her
g - ghosts, are they real: I don’t think so but I’d be cool if they were
h - hometown: by this do you mean place I was born? Or place I grew up? Or place I live? Cos they’re all different......Also don’t really want to share that on the internet so I’ll stick with England for all the answers ;)
i - in love with: my 100 fictional worlds and characters........also just learning new stuff in general
j - jealous of: People that are happy
k - killed someone: fortunately no....
l - last time you cried: ahahahha who the fuck even remembers yesterday I think?? I don’t process emotion very well so crying is often the only way I can sort through emotions (yes i am basically toddler that is allowed to live by herself)
m - middle name: Rachel
n - number of siblings: 2 half sisters
o - one wish: Can I please me happy and satisfied in my life
p - person you last called/texted: My friend bop for both cos she got lost
q - questions you’re always asked:  are you listening? (answer: probably not i have a very short attention span and hearing problems) How do you have so much hair? (answer: genetics and I’m too vain to cut it short)
r - reasons to smile: I’m currently singing to Caro Emerald while finishing off my last work for this year of uni and then freedommmmmmm. Also cats
s - song last sang: the other woman-caro emerald
t - time you woke up: 10:30- usually i wake up earlier but i stayed up until three cos i couldn’t sleep
u - underwear color: ahahaha I just had to check and am mildly ashamed to admit but leopard print......
v - vacation destination: Cyprus cos I want to see where my family grew up, spain cos I love it and a friend is there so I’m gonna try and visit, just yeah there are so many places i want to visit so i’ll just stop here.... 
w - worst habit: I dwell on my thoughts when I’m feeling low and just make everything worse. Also I put off my dishes all the time until i have no plates left....
x - x-rays you’ve had: Dental 
y - your favorite food: stop asking for one favourite i feel attacked...... but probs a proper roast dinner cos i will fight someone for a roast and i don’t get them often as i’m not good at cooking them
z - zodiac sign: Leo
Tagging: @deaded123 & @showmethestarlight and if anyone else wants to oevrshare please do-i’d tag more of my followers except i have done in the past and literally no one does them apart from my two loser friends here (jokes i love you guys ;) ) but yeah if you want to do please do!
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rollertoasteroflife · 7 years
These Things Are Fun Lets Give It a Go
Tagged by @katyaton heyyyyyyy!
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. (…yeah I don’t know that many people...)
tagging: @deaded123 @showmethestarlight and if anyone that follows me wants to please do but you two are the only ones that actually reply to these things and I can’t be arsed to go through all of my followers when no one does them anyway :D
1.      coke or pepsi: coke definitely
2.      disney or dreamworks:  oh god ummm i love disney cos that was my childhood but dreamworks have done some truly amazing films and they gave me how to train your dragon which i love far more than is probably normal...
3.      coffee or tea: *whispers* both definitely both...I drink so much coffee and tea and currently green tea I’m probably 70% hot beverage at this point
4.      books or movies: ah fuck. um I have to say finding a favourite book feels so much better than a favourite film but like I literally work in the film industry so I honestly love them too but yeah imma have to say books (that was really difficult D:)
5.      windows or mac: windows cos it’s what i know
6.      dc or marvel: um I’ve seen more marvel so I’ll say marvel but I’m not particular opinionated on the matter
7.      xbox or playstation: I am abysmal at playing games so again not really my question. however i have finally worked out how to use my housemates xbox as a dvd player so woo
8.      dragon age or mass effect: I don’t play them
9.      night owl or early riser: Permanently tired pigeon here but more of a night owl.
10.  cards or chess: Oh god um  actually can’t choose because i grew up playing card games and i really love them but i have a massive sentimental personal thing about chess so yeah i can’t choose here
11.  chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate what am I? dumb?!
12.  vans or converse: Converse 
13.  lavellan, trevelyan, cadash, or adaar: I do not understand
14.  fluff or angst: um in like fic reading or my life?? because my favourite fan fics are often angsty ones but I get wayyyyyyyyyy too emotional about them and yet still tend to read them over fluffy ones. Yet in actual life my life has enough problems please cover me fluffy things i’m tired
15.  beach or forest: beach because there’s sea but i fucking love forests so much!!
16.  dogs or cats: Cats!! but puppers are great too!!!
17.  clear skies or rain: Fucking rain I love rain!!
18.  cooking or eating out: I really like cooking it’s what I resort to when I’m having issues with life not working out.
19. Spicy food or mild food: I don’t like massively spicy food but I will fight you over bland food so like somewhere between the two??
20.  halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: I only really started doing halloween like a couple of years ago but i do enjoy it (woo for fancy dress) but i do really love christmas!
21.  would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: cold definitely i hate the heat. It was 15 degrees c today (59 fahrenheit thanks google) and i was dying and complaining most of the day
22.  if you could have a superpower, what would it be: Shapeshifting!!!! 
23.  animation or live action: Again with the whole job thing, live action but i love animated films too!!
24.  paragon or renegade: eh?
25.  baths or showers: i shower more often but my house doesn’t have a bath and i really miss it. also currently with my leg injuries i would love a bath because they ache so bad D:  
26.  team cap or team ironman:  umm i don’t know?? I’m not gonna choose sorry
27.  fantasy or sci-fi: Fantasy but scifi is awesome!
28. do you have three or four  favourite quotes? if so what are they: Presume not that I am the thing I was - Shakespeare Henry V
The planets and heavens will move for you. - this is a quote from a poem @deaded123/ @breathingtheworldinwords wrote for me which is my favourite poem
I am constantly coming across quotes i want ot remember but i never write them down so yeah...
29.  youtube or netflix: netflix
30.  harry potter or percy jackson: Harry potter but am currently working my way through the percy jacksons series which i do enjoy and rick riordan is an awesome human!
31.  when you feel accomplished: when i remember how far i’ve come from what i was and how hard i’ve fought to be where i am now. Also I once forgot what happened in a battle on an history exam so proceeded to talk about the battle of helms deep and cut the orcs and elves. I got 100% on that paper. ;)
32.  star wars or star trek: star wars......it was my childhood and i love it so much
33.  paperback books or hardback books: i do love me a good hardback but my paperbacks have kept me company for a long time
34. horror or rom-com: ummm i’m not great at horror but it depends so i’d probs watch the rom com and just be cynically sarcastic throughout...(the fact that i enjoy rom coms when i’m not great and actual romance annoys myself)
35.  to live in a world without literature or music: that is just mean :P but i’d have to chose literature as my life is based around stories
36.  pastel colours or dark colours: dark definitely!! other people look aweosme in pastels but i don’t like wearing them and honeslty just feel kind of suspicious of them as a colour group (i have no idea why i have such storng opinions on pastels or why i am suspicious...)
37.  tv shows or movies: Tv shows as you go through so much more. Also it suits my attention span better
38.  city or countryside: can i have like a town?? i love the countryside but i also need to be around other people or i get very morbid
39.  if any other zodiac sign could describe you, what would it be: i don’t understand??i’m a leo and honeslty haven’t looked at the others enough to know the traits!
40.  if you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life what would it be: i would currently choose one of sia’s albums as just yes
41.  cinema or theatre: cinema because i love films but i do enjoy theatre
42.  if you could be any fictional character’s best friend, who’d you be: hmmmmmmmm i honeslty don’t know as my favs are people like me but being around someone like me as a best friend is kind of an odd thought...pass?
43.  smiling or smirking: smiling to me means just being free and comfortable to be happy and smirking in my mind is the silly little in jokes that tyou have with friends in the middle of a conversation or when you’ve thought of something inappropriately funny both of which i do a lot.
44.  are you an ‘all or nothing’ type or are you more consistent: all or nothing probably
45.  playlists or your whole library on shuffle: shuffle because i’m too lazy to make playlists
46.  travelling or staying at home: Travelling,but i like to have a base somewhere. but yeah i get bored of places easily and am not attached to anywhere as a ‘home’ as a concept i’ve never really got that feeling about anywhere? um it’s hard to explain so i’m just gonna stop cos i don’t know what my point is
47.  books or fanfiction: both are literature and they’re both stories and i fucking love stories in all forms! right now i’m reading more fanfiction because when i need to work lets get lost in emotions about fictional characters right?! but seriously i have a bunch of favourite fanfics which i keep rereading and most are novel length so like not much of  a difference!
48.  If you could live in a fantasy world, what world would it be: the chronicles of ixia world probably but like god there are so many that i’d want to be in!!
49. your favorite cartoon: um i don’t really watch that many cartoons... cacn i claim the Dragons tv series that accompanies httyd? it’s animated......
50.  name the weirdest five songs on your itunes, current or past: um ok so i have a bit of  a weird thing about my music in that i don’t like talking about it too much...i’m getting better but yeah i don’t want to answer this :)
51. mountains or plains: Mountains!!!!!!! they give me liiiiiiiiiife
52. favorite anime (or tv show if you don’t watch anime): Yuri on ice is the first anime i’ve watched and honeslty have fallen in love with it and it has ruined my world right now (it’s what my anxieties are currently directed out instead of at my work which i’m cool with) and the only other one i’ve seen is ouran high school host club which i actually watched half of yesterday whilst working as a friend loves it, it’s amusing :)
53. which social media platform are you most like yourself on: err i don’t really do social media much. i have facebook to talk to uni people, a couple of group chats with home people and it’s the only contact i have with my dad’s side of the fam as most don’t live in england but i don’t actually post anything except about work i’ve got donea dn funny photos of my friends. obvs i have tumblr which i overshare about myself way too much but this is probs a very accurate summary of my shit sense of humour, tv shows, and everything else in my head! though i do sometimes get concerned about my oversharing on here cos y’know internet safetyand all D: oh i have snapchat too but i mainly use it to talk to 2 friends one is in germany so i can’t ring her like i used to and the other we pretty much just send each other selfies with a lot of heart emojis! i’ve been debating getting instagram but haven’t decided yet...
54. What are some of your passions:anyone that knows me or reads my frequent oversharing will know i work in costume stuff so yeah i can literally talk about costuming and historic fashions for days and not get bored so yeha don’t ask about that unless you ready to learn!! ;) um i’m also an archery instructor, really love drawing, and just yeah the various tv, film and book obsessions that i go through (currently it’s yoi but i do try and keep my obsession from fully taking ove rthis blog-80% of it is still my shit sense of humour
55. Favourite food: I will fight everyone to get a proper roast dinner with yorkshire puddings and also chocolate.....and pomegranates.....and sugar snap peas......
This was fun!!!
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deaded123 · 6 years
Temporarily gave up on nerd shit and searching morris dancing. All I found was some tap dancing, mostly from Newsies and then loads of stuff from some show. There was maybe 1 picture of morris dancing. I’m disappointment.
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deaded123 · 6 years
I wish you could make tumblr searches kid friendly, now I need a blanket.
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deaded123 · 6 years
And why is there so much pining. Like, people that have come out of relationships and are pining for the person that left them or the person they left and then people pining for another relationship and all of this wrapped up with petty sentences and silly airy fairy “quotes”. I don’t get it. It’s sad, but I... Are these people so discontent, or is this just kind of an almost-hobby for them? Is it pretention, or are they just doing what they enjoy? maybe the latter. Maybe I need to stop being so... easily annoyed by this stuff.
And still no good nerd shit.
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deaded123 · 6 years
Searching the tumblr search makes me realise how little I ship characters or anything really. Thinking that much about romance and affection makes me feel uncomfortable.
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deaded123 · 6 years
Tryna find new blogs to follow and all I’m seeing is Politics or random PREtenTiouS SHit FrOM PeoplE WRITING  A DAMN StUpid SENTENCE AND THINKING THEY ARE LITEREARY GENii!! SAying sOMe INANE WORDS THAT ARENT EVEN A QUOTE FROM ANYTHING AND THEN TAGGING IT AS LITERATURE IS SO DAMN ANNOYING AND I DO NOT WANT IT. Please no. An then quotes from poetry but just a line or so?? You’ve just taken it out of context and I hate that so. It’s just kind of inconsiderate to the poet. Or at least I think so. At least take a stanza so people can get a hold of what you’re saying. Everything about this whole thing makes me annoyed, perhaps even angry, and uncomfortable. Dammit I just wanted some nerd shit.
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rollertoasteroflife · 7 years
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rollertoasteroflife · 4 years
I was tagged by @the-least-laddy-lad thank you <3
Rules: Name 10 characters from 10 different things, then, tag 10 people
again I’m not adding photos or gifs purely because i am lazy and should probably continue with my work lmao
1. Opal Cowan, Chronicles of Ixia (book series)
2. Jo March, Little Women
3. Lydia, One Day at a Time
4. Susan Pevensie, Chronicles of Narnia
5. Loth, Priory of the Orange Tree
6. Maria Petrakis, The Island by Victoria Hislop
7. Nancy Blackett, Swallows and Amazons series
8. Sokka, Avatar the Last Airbender
9. Lei, Girls of Paper and Fire
10. Vanessa Ives, Penny Dreadful
tagging @showmethestarlight @deaded123 @katyaton @cherrymacaroni @exploringoldnebulas no pressure
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