#dcshg ng
dc-girlblogging · 1 year
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First off thank you to AdamFrankenstein  for turning me onto my OTP. However as we must come to recognize at times good partners =/= good parents, as you’ll see shortly. 
As they graduated and got older Doris and Leslie stayed as close as ever, a civilians nightmare but each others dream partner in crime. Doris was all but forced to go to college as her parents placed a very high value on her education, she hated the idea at first but found that the athletic scholarship she earned meant she got to do what she loved most, physical activity! Her attendance was as minimal as required but it was still a big enough dent in their mischief time with Leslie that Les got...lonely. She'd never admit it in a trillion years but she signed up for classes too, considering she picked them less off her interests and more off of what classes she'd share with Doris she flunked out pretty quickly. When she wasn't doing classes, villainy, and posting on her usual gossip site, she was recording rock music in room and sometimes in the Zeul's garage. 
Doris graduated, she wasn't gonna make it anywhere big with her hostility and lack of a sense of teamwork but eventually she was hired as a training coach for a smaller gym, think crossfit drill sergeant type. She still lived at home with her parents but considering she had a job they were fine with it, not like they'd ever have the backbone to kick her out anyway. Leslie on the other hand got her big break when her music was picked up on a radio show for newbie night. Over the years she’d been slowly but surely growing in popularity and unfortunately had to leave Doris to go on tours but they both sent plenty of pictures of the damage they caused along the way. Doris actually introduced Leslie to her parents and they enjoyed that she was…slightly less rude than their daughter. Yet even under their hardened exteriors the Zeul’s saw how downtrodden their daughter would get when she was gone and started prodding her with questions about when they planned to get married. Doris severely lashed out at first but later brought up the subject to Les like it was a joke.
To which Leslie saw right through it and replied, “What are you? A pussy?” And a few weeks later they were legally married. Well, they kidnapped someone who could put it in writing while under  their villain identities. They didn’t want to pay the fee. Doris would quit her job and join Leslie on the road from then on as her favorite groupie.~ However, Beatrice and Francis Zeul, who desperately wanted grandchildren, surprised the ladies when they got back from their honeymoon. The Localhost Utility Mechanism 1 was a bit of a far cry from their usual love of Biochem but it felt more ethical to them than stealing dna from their daughter and her wife to make a test tube baby. The young android was programmed to already be a teenager (think frankie stein from monster high, 16 days old instead of years, etc.) and with the knowledge that Doris and Leslie were her parents.
As might be expected however, they weren’t thrilled and aren’t the best parents by any means. They both have a small sense of care for her deep down, most likely because of their connection to each other. They do visit and bring back gifts from their touring but they don’t really have a sense of what Lum1 actually likes and enjoys. Leslie doesn't seem to realize that teasing your kid and busting their chops should come with actual reassurance at some point. She doesn't want her to end up as the type of person that she would pick on in school yet this has clearly backfired. Lum1’s primarily raised by her grandparents, their permissive approach combined with her mothers neglect has implanted an insecure personality into her coding. 
She takes part in many things at school, like sports, because she’s seeking out her mothers attention and approval. Especially because Doris is definitely the most outwardly affectionate of the two, giving her pats on the head, calling her champ; despite having her own bullies an insecurity in her youth, asking Lum1 if she’s lived up to their standards yet…(not in those exact words but you get it.) She longs to be on the gymnastics or cheerleading team but convinced herself it was a ‘weak girl’ sport and instead gets herself bruised and short circuited every week on the basketball team. 
Deep down Lum1 feels like she’s only as valuable as what she can offer others which is how she ended up befriending another group of supervillains much like herself. She isn’t exactly a villain and she often finds herself feeling badly for their victims' plights, but she could never truly understand what they go through as a robot? Could she? Her pre-programmed destiny couldn’t possibly be wrong and she feels so much better using her powers to be part of a team than using them to help her grandparents with chores! At least she tells herself that. 
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