#dbz shirtless
forgetitbeam · 14 days
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this guy again
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jjsesame · 4 months
I don't even know what to say anymore, I'm just in love with him 🫡
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vegettos · 1 year
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miraitrunks · 1 month
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i died at the cell games and all i got was this lousy scar
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whirlydoodle · 2 years
Sexy farmer Goku hopes you'll bring him a sweet tea 🍹🍋🔆
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lmshady · 4 months
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Why yes, I still do art on occasion, lol. So I've gotten into TCM the game and Johnny... Just Johnny. But for some reason I was compelled to draw him in the style of DBZ, so here ya go. Also shirtless variant because I hunger for his shirtless cosmetic to come out, PLEASE.
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adalocs · 2 years
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hanaflowersofficial · 2 years
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trying to remedy the fact that he's my favorite character of all time and i've barely drawn him, one doodle at a time
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sundove88 · 4 months
Birthday Present for @istie-lou
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Istie Schmidt (Cabba): “As someone from Luxembourg, it is an honor to meet the kids who helped save the world alongside us.” (Meeting The Ones You Help) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This here is a birthday present for none other than @istie-lou, aka one of my favorite DBZ artists ever.
I know she stopped posting art for no reason at all months ago, but I’m hoping that she makes a comeback with lots more. Happy b day!
This one is of her self insert in SJPL, with said self insert character being the linker of Cabba.
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And this second pic was inspired by various scenes from The Little Mermaid, but it’s Eddie seeing Vegeta’s merman form for the first time! Talk about a fish out of water!
Plus, I may have made Veggie a bit… too smoking hot. As in like so hot that he gives you third degree burns. As in like I made him shirtless without veering into NSFW territory hot.
Heck, he has a gorgeous royal blue tail to boot- matching his armor. I wanted to give him the chest plate, but decided against it because it most likely came off during the transformation.
I hope you like them and hoping you’re strong and safe!
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yeowangies · 9 months
The greatest crime in dbz is we never got to see Raditz shirtless :(
we don't even know if he had a shirt underneath his armor or nah. Most people think he's shirtless underneath, but what if he's wearing a tube top... what if...
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Broly movie semi-liveblog because of reasons
I only ever watched the original Broly movie once or twice cus of the suuuper long fight scene ending (and I think it came out, or we borrowed it from Blockbuster, around the time I was losing interest in DBZ)…which is great cus watching it now after the reboot movie has me going in almost totally fresh
Krillin’s puppy song (and how he just pauses then keeps singing after the ship lands X’D so you just hear him wailing in the background during Paragus’ big speech)
Paragus: I’m starting a new planet and I want you to be king Vegeta: :/ Paragus: Uhh…there’s also this big strong bad guy and only YOU can stop him! Vegeta: :/ Trunks: Dad, don’t go with him Vegeta: DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! *goes out of spite*
Vegeta gets to the planet, gets his ear talked off by Paragus, sees Paragus’ whole army, doesn’t react to anything, but takes one look at the big buff shirtless dude covered in jewelry and decides “I want to be alone with that guy for a while” (Trunks: “DAD NO” Vegeta: “DON’T KINKSHAME ME”)
Son “cat trying to convince you it didn’t just eat five minutes ago” Goku
“Golly, who could the Legendary Super Saiyan be?” *shows a whole flashback of Broly being the Legendary Super Saiyan and names the movie “Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan”*
Still gets me that the fan-favorite His Power Is Maximum villain’s weakness is that he flips out at the sight of the guy who cried in the crib next to him when they were babies
I’d still fight Master Roshi if I could risk getting within ten feet of him but thanks man for deflating the tension every time it gets serious here. And more importantly, giving my boy Oolong an actual reason to be here (designated driver). Which kinky freak on staff came up with that sequence of the two of them in bed together though?? XD
Realizing I haven’t seen the old DBZ movies since before my dad got his giant TV, and watching this thing in HD on a huge screen with surround sound blasting the doofy 2000s grunge rock songs shoehorned into the soundtrack just feels so wrong X’D
With Paragus’ whole thing being about trapping Vegeta on this planet so a comet can smush him, how much funnier would it have been if Goku had just shown up and immediately IT’d everyone back to Earth
This version of Broly is SO annoying, OMFG. Hulked-out glowing guy cackling about how he was gonna kill a child, “What do you expect from a true freak?! Wahaha~” Like 100% one of those guys who saw The Dark Knight and went “the Joker’s so dark and edgy, I wanna be just like him” Shut up already
Actually Broly’s fixation on hurting Gohan to upset Goku plus the Trunks-Vegeta dynamic could’ve made for an interesting subplot about father-son relationships, but nope I guess. Gohan and Trunks aren’t even in the reboot movie where they really dig into Paragus’ abuse of Broly (just a brief scene of Goten and Trunks calling Bulma for two seconds to tell her plot stuff)
Piccolo dragging Vegeta to the battle by his hair
I also actually love sad scared Vegeta because it makes him so much more interesting. Goku’s an excitable child whose relationship with martial arts is basically like a good work ethic, so he hears about someone stronger than him and gets all excited cus he wants to test his strength by fighting them. Vegeta’s an arrogant jerk generally used to getting his own way, so he hears about someone stronger than him and his first instinct is to go “pff, no way,” then when it’s clear the person IS much stronger he just shuts down. Probably a remnant of being terrorized and probably physically beaten by Frieza or his minions as a kid, cus you KNOW he wasn’t gonna just start taking orders from some guy who isn’t even his king dad
The classic DBZ squeaky foot noise when Broly walks...bless
“I’m the prince of all Saiyans, even you, Broly” “Then please try your best to make me kneel before you” Get a ROOM
“Did he really think I would die just because this planet is about to explode?”
*gives you my power, but in a tsundere way*
I’d been wanting to watch the first bunch of movies for a while since they use clips from em in the Ocean dub opening, but wound up with the 2nd movie set cus I found a good deal and the Broly reboot made me curious to revisit the original…now I’m torn between going on to Return Of Cooler & Super Android 13 my dumb funny beloveds, or going back to the 1st movie set and working my way up to truly Earn them XD
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scrimblocollector · 1 year
I'm watching a video of Super Eyepatch Wold on DBZ and he described Goku as "androgynous blonde man" and, yeah Goku's softer looks and expressions made him definitely less "manly" than the uber macho men anime heroes of his times, but on the otherside idk how much GNC swag shirtless SSJ Goku had during his fight with Frieza
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slade-neko · 1 year
End of the Year Questionnaire!
Saw some End of the Year questionnaire thing going around and wanted to do it. If anything for myself as a way to review this year.
1. Song of the year? Alestorm ~ P.A.R.T.Y.
No brainer here. This song has been living rent free in my head for the last 7 months since its release. 🤘🏻
2. Album of the year? Dragon Ball Z: Movie 8 - Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan
Not new by any means, but dang watching this movie again this year and hearing that early 2000's American metal soundtrack. Ingredients for an EPIC childhood right there. 🤘🏻😝🤘🏻
3. Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year? Alestorm ~ The pirate power metal band
Pirate Metal is the genre I didn't realize I needed in my life until I heard them.
4. Movie of the year? Dragon Ball Z: Movie 8 - Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan
Again, not new, but I rewatched it for the first time in YEARS and it was just as glorious, if not more so, than the last time I watched it. That 1993 animation and again, the English dub metal soundtrack hit me HARD! Broly's still my favorite DBZ villain even if he's non-canon. The idea of an bloodthristy evil Saiyan, let alone an incredibly powerful Legendary Super Saiyan, is such an interesting concept.
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5. TV show of the year?
I rarely watch TV outside of anime... might have to go with the new My Hero Academia season. The non-stop action and fight scenes has been very welcome.
6. Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you?
Nothing stands out at this moment... but to go along with the previous answer, there was that one episode where Mirko kicks the ever living daylights outta those disgusting freakazoid Nomus in MHA was pretty dang cool! Go, bunny! 🐇
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7. Favorite actor of the year? Nobody!
I don't idolize people. That way I can't be disappointed when they inevitably let me down. 🙃
8. Game of the year? The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (PC PORT)
Technically an unofficial re-release, BUT without a doubt this is my GOTY. Absolutely freakin' phenomenal. It's objectively the BEST video game ever created finally freed from it's console shackles on PC Master Race. Seriously, 60 fps, true widescreen, gyro support, restorations, gameplay enhancements, built-in randomizer, mod support, RESHADE, you name it. Fans always treat Nintendo's games better than Nintendo and this clearly shows it. Bless the team behind the Ship of Harkinian port. They made a lot of dreams come true this year.
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9. Best month for you this year?
Every month I draw breath is a good one!
10. Something that made you cry this year?
HA! I don't cry, but no seriously I feel like there was something I watched this year that made me teary-eyed, but I can't remember... Oh, well, must've not been that important then!
11. Something you want to do again next year?
Play more old games. 🎮
12. Talk about a new friend you made this year.
I don't make new friends, BUT my best friend I haven't seen since 9th grade of high school visited me in person for the first time in nearly 13 YEARS! Let me tell you something, best friends are the ones that will never fade over time and will always be there. That's amazing and I'm lucky to have 'em! 🤗
13. How was your birthday this year?
I aged. Another reminder of my fleeting mortality. 💀
14. Favorite book you read this year?
I don't read books. 🚫📚
15. What’s a bad habit you picked up this year?
I don't do bad habits.
16. Post a picture from the beginning of the year.
Jan 13th, 2022. My first Sims screenshot of the year. Deadpool staring at the camera while lightsaber dueling one of my Miqo'te OCs.
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17. Post a picture from the end of the year.
Dec 6th, 2022. Aaand my last screenshot of the year... is a smug shirtless Sasuke. Well okay.
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18. A memorable meal this year?
Pizza 🍕 (probably the one I shared with my long time friend if I'm going to be sappy about it.)
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
Playing more video games.
20. What’s something you learned this year?
By far the biggest lesson I learned is new things suck! Nothing is better than the old stuff. Games, shows, all of it. Too many remakes/ reboot cash grabs that are shameful in comparison to the classics.
21. What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year?
Nothing. It's exactly the same. Just the way I want it. WELL I might have a few more anime figures and a Monokuma plush that I didn't have before...
23. Favorite place you visited this year?
Wait... did I leave my house this year?
24. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
"I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise."
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25. Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
Play more old games. 🌟 Yeah, I did and I want to play MORE! 🕹️
26. Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year?
I assume this means OC's... Well uhh, I made a lot of sims recreations, not many OC's. I guess I just don't have a lot of "original" creativity! Oh, but there was that werewolf girl I designed. She's cool!
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corgiteatime · 1 year
I'm not part of the DBZ fandom but my husband asked me to post his thought:
"It is Bulma's fault Goku is shirtless so often. His shirt explodes all the time. She could have invented an explosion proof shirt and she didn't."
I don't know what this sentence means but he seemed very adamant about it.
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leg-made-a-thing · 8 months
i’ve been meaning to give one of my characters, Scori, an “actual” design like I have with Beetle Raider and Violen, but I can’t find a way to actually get the design how i want it to look. i suck at drawing people (and am too busy/impatient/adhd to learn/get better) so that’s out, heromachine (the program I used for Beet and Violen) is too realistic, kisekae has the right sort of style but i can’t figure out how to give a character in it the body shape/proportions i’m imagining, and dbz character creators (Scori is heavily inspired by Dragon Ball characters and I guess shonen anime as a whole) lack the depth and options necessary to make anything beyond Vegeta in the clothes of the other Z Warriors. like… he’s not even based on vegeta! that doesn’t help me at all!
i just need a character creator with the depth of kisekae, the customization options of heromachine, and the style of a DBZ dress-up game all in one, so that the one reference image i have for this character doesn’t look like a bald shirtless weightlifter in a teal wig and a skirt.
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zucchini888 · 10 months
Killing time while DK sleeps...
A. What are your favourite smells?
B. Can you go a whole day without caffeine?
I do it all the time
C. Who knows more about you than anyone else?
My friend Bryan
D. What song did you last listen to?
Led Zeppelin
E. Do you have a crush on anybody?
Used to
F. Do you like The Beatles?
One song
G. If you could choose one color to wear for a whole year, what color would you choose?
H. Do you cook often?
Almost every day
I. What was the last film you watched? Did you like it?
I watched part of a DBZ movie and it was ok
J. Can you sew?
Not particularly well
K. What is your favorite fruit?
L. Are you health conscious?
Used to be, but I'm getting back in the habit
M. Go do the Kinsey scale test, what number result did you receive?
I'm not sure if I've done that before
N. Do you curse a lot?
Under my breath, yes
O. When was the last time you had a pint of beer?
Age 19
P. Are you pro life or pro choice?
Q. Is there a certain food you often crave for no reason?
Sushi or J Michaels
R. What was the last book you purchased?
A Harry Potter audiobook
S. Where was your last vacation?
Puerto Rico
T. Do you shave your pits?
Yes, I think pit hair is nasty
U. Did you ever play seven minutes in heaven?
I might have as a kid, can't remember
V. Girls, when was the last time you went out without a bra?
This morning
W. Guys, when was the last time you went shirtless in public?
X. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how did it happen?
Y. How do you like your eggs?
Scrambled with cheese
Z. What was your last argument about and who with?
With Tammy over a character in a movie not looking like Molly Ringwald.
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