#dbd ask blog starter
silent-flight · 1 year
"Вдохните, задумайтесь, выдохните."
*The Endless Night, The Nightmare Land, The Realms. They hold twisted fates of the innocent and the tarnished. Now it is time to add another drop to this pool of torment.*
*As the Snow blew with the howling wind, one would believe Ormond has undergone some renovations. Yet, that would not be the case. The ski lodge was not here. Instead of skiing equipment, there's metal buildings and chain linked fences surrounded aplenty. The structures were Spartan, Bare, minimalistic. An abandoned camp, with Large sheds outside. Mining equipment scattered about, frozen to the earth and buried under the snow. The large central structure housed barracks, an empty armory, mess hall, offices, all frozen and abandoned for years. Trenches and sandbags lined the outer rim, and a trail that leads into a nearby mountain cavern. Had visibility not been so horrid, one could spot a few small wooden cabins just within the tree line.*
*This place was home for one individual, an Owl, on the prowl for another target. She has long abandoned her voice changers, exposing her calming voice yet hiding a sharp tongue. She hunts not for the thrill, nor the need to survive. She has a job and she aims to please her new employer.*
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(Ask Blog starter for the Barn owl. She has left her voice changers and mystery behind now that she will be competing against others officially. You can say Hi to her, she's more open to talking now that she's been released into the realms. Try out her new Map, "The Novosi Mining Camp". There's history to be dug up about everything, come to see just who wears the mask of the greatest assassin that never lived.)
artwork by:@b-eye-sexual
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ask-theoverseer-max · 2 months
I Want to be a bit mean today, Indulge your Overseer won't you?
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dbd-winter-fest · 2 years
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Some roleplay starter ideas!
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ask-the-dweets · 2 years
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Pizza burned back to the campfire.
The previous trial must have gone poorly, he couldn't remember any of it. Come to think of it, the previous trials before that were hazy too. Looking around the camp it seemed like the other two Dwights weren’t there, they must have been in that last trial too then.
The forest and eerie silence around his fire began to unnerve him so made the short trek over to the much more bustling campfire connected nearby, Steve's fire. There were always so many survivors over there, maybe some friends were there too.
But as soon as he stepped near their fire and presence was noticed everyone at the campfire turned to look at him. Conversations stopped, words were muttered. Had he really done so badly in his trials to earn a stink eye? unnerved by everyone's stares he slinked his way around the fire to sit by his friend, James. Many of the survivor’s eyes followed him as he did so.
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"Was I reeally that bad last trial?" Pizza hushedly asked as he sat down. Only to turn and see James giving him a similar face. "What did-" "You should go." James said flatly, almost cruelly, cutting off Pizza's question. "What? Why? I don't-'' Another voice from the crowd spoke up cutting him off again "You're not welcome here" Pizza felt the words stab him deeper than any knife. 
He didn't even know what had happened. Were they just tired of his poor trial performance? Had he backfired a generator too many times? Failed a save? Maybe they were fed up with how short his chases were, or maybe they just talked it out and realized Pizza, as a person, was just awful and weak all together. He clearly wasn’t a leader that Dwights were apparently known to be.
He glanced back at James who nodded towards the Dwight's fire. They all really wanted him gone that badly? "Why?" He simply asked. "If you really thought you could just waltz back in here without any consequences you're sorely mistaken." another survivor said.
That… didn't seem very fair. He didn't even know what he had done. "What happened?" He asked, looking to the others again, but nobody responded….. Maybe they would fill him in once they had cooled off, this had to all be a misunderstanding.
Not wanting to displease anyone any further, he obeyed their ousting and slowly made his way back to his camp fire. It was almost as welcoming as the other fire had been. Cold, dark, lonely and quiet. He could hear murmerings from the other camp but beyond that it was deathly quiet. He hated it, it kept him on edge, he'd jump at the slightest of sounds.
Perhaps he could figure something out so that they would at least listen to him and not shoo him away again. He really hoped the other camp simply needed time… he could wait, he could hold out until they were willing to talk to him. Surely it wouldn't take long. If nothing else, the other two Dwights should be back soon. Even if they hated him, for whatever reason, he was sure they'd at least tell him what had happened.
He just had to wait.
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frontierdavinci · 2 years
50+1/2 out-of-context-dnd inspired rp starters
//Let's make this a proper prompt list. All quotes from outofcontextdnd and, hoh boy, make they for some interesting RP starters.
1. “I forgot for six levels…”
2. “Are you sure you’re not a supervillain? Your motivation is literally to conquer the world.”
3. “What’s the silverware’s dexterity?”
4. “I’m an adult and I can make my own bad decisions!”
5. “Okay new rule, if anyone’s eyes start glowing ominously kick them in the junk immediately.”
6.  "It’s like 52 card pickup, except it kills people!"
7. “I had a similar plan, but it’s less stupid.“
8. And something miraculous happens. Your brain, it actually works!
9. “My acrobatics skills allows me some moral flexibility.”
9A. "I’m acrobatics as fuck!”
10. “I sit in the corner and consider murder.”
11. "If I see a wanted poster with my face on it, I sign it."
12. “Yeah there’s no way you’re getting out of this without being on fire.”
13. “Can everyone stop over-reacting? It was *only* a murder!”
14. "Stop being disappointed in me wearing clothes!"
15. “Guys, I swear I didn’t mean to escape prison, it was an accident.”
16.  "Rock, Paper, Scissors, BURNING HANDS!"
17.  “We’re not pirates, we’re aggressive bullet salesmen.”
18.  "Talk to the horses BEFORE we decide to stake the place out!"
19. “I am a genius when others help me. “
20.  “It was such a beautiful plan, it just didn’t survive contact with reality.”
21.  “I strive to be helpful and unsettling, I suppose.”
22.  “Hey buddy! Wanna help me do something stupid?”
23.  “I have two skills: Destruction and Style.”
24.  “Whatever their half-baked plans are, we need to make sure they don’t interfere with our own half-baked plans – otherwise we’ll all end up with quarter-baked plans and that’s practically raw.”
25.  "As a bonus action, I commit arson."
27.  “In our defense, we’re morons.”
28.  "Once it makes sense it will hopefully make sense"
29.  "You’re damaged, but in a good way."
30.  "Just to be clear: we’re all down to resist arrest, right?"
31. “I didn’t think about what to do when I got up here, I expected to fail” - “We all did”
32.  “Oh, I remember you from the darkest corners of my nightmares!”
33.  "Sorry about all the arson, I was trying to not die and got carried away."
34.  “Other than the looming threat of death it’s been fun”
35.  "Did you just propose to the enemy?"
36. “We have too much dignity for that.” - “We do?”
37.  “I think if we don’t set off all the traps we’re not doing it right.”
38.  “Oh yeah, almost dying is pretty much a habit at this point”
39.  “That is an incredibly evil act. Let’s do it.”
40.  “Are you inventing new theological branches just to spite me?”
41.  “I only murdered one guy! How does that make me a bad person?”
42.   “Stop killing (them) for a second!”
43. "Oh no, my evil cult got weird."
44. “We have to make that one special dead.”
45. “Sure, I could knock but I don’t want to, because I’m a criminal.”
46. "How do you safely remove someone’s skull?"
47. “I had everything planned! Except for soap. I never accounted for soap.”
48. “Ok its time to free a horse from hell jail”
49. “That’s adorable. We’ll kill (them) last.”
50. "When do the repeated horrible deaths begin?"
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the-game-warden · 1 year
Even now, armed and stronger than any survivor had a right to be, Jake never quite got over the chill that ran through him at the start of a trial. No matter how many times he downed a killer by his own hand or watched the fear light up in their eyes as they realized the tables had been turned, Jake supposed that a few years playing the part of the prey ingrained in him a certain skittish anxiety he would never be able to fully shed.
Which, really, was just as well. No point in getting cocky when he was essentially in a dogfight against monsters.
It didn’t take long for him to figure out who he was up against this time. Metal glinted in the moonlight, sharpened teeth poised and hidden in stray bushes where unwary survivors might tread and get caught.
The smart thing to do would be to leave it alone. It was the beginning of the trial, there was nobody close enough to potentially step in it, and disarming it now would only attract the Trapper’s attention. It would be better to focus on finding the killer first, keeping the element of surprise on his side for when they did come face to face.
But honestly? Jake didn’t really feel like waiting. Out of all the killers, the Trapper was always the one Jake was the most interested in pissing off. Maybe it was those first few brutal trials while he was still learning the ropes, or maybe it was the months of cat-and-mouse games they played until the Trapper finally figured out how to design the traps so that Jake’s endless tampering wouldn’t render them heaps of useless scrap, or maybe it was just something for him to do to take back what little power he had here.
Regardless, Jake didn’t hesitate to make a beeline for the trap. A couple loose screws and a loud snap later and Jake got to his feet, hiding in the brush nearby and waiting.
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dreadful-shroud · 1 year
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“This is a strange place. I found myself in a small cabin within the woods with only my equipment present. Whispering voices were speaking to me, reaching out. I couldn’t comprehend what they were saying, but somehow I knew that this was just where I belonged.”
The Ghostface has arrived in the DbD ask blog/rp community! This blog will be mostly writing based with written answers, but there will also be art to answer asks or just for fun occasionally. Mun is 18 and Muse is 36, NSFW asks are allowed as well as other, more problematic themes. Thus, this blog will be 18+! If you are a minor, do not interact and view at your own risk. Here are some other basic rules for this blog:
Things like homophobia, transphobia, ableism, racism, sexism or other forms of discrimination will not be tolerated on this blog! In character interactions that feature such things are allowed to a certain degree.
My version of Danny is based off of his canon lore and tome, but also very strongly reliable on my personal headcanons. If you don’t agree with my portrayal of him, you are welcome to leave. Don’t force your version of Danny onto my Danny.
I usually don’t do rp’s with people that I don’t know, so before you send a starter, please DM me first!
Don’t force a ship or relationship on my character without talking to me first.
Don’t be mean to the mun. You can be mean to Danny as much as you’d like, but do not direct hate or bullying at me.
Posts will be tagged with the according featured tag to keep things orderly! This contains tags for writing, art, reblogs, roleplay, shitposts and answered asks.
My ask box is open and ready for asks! Please feel free to submit them and I’ll answer them as soon as possible!
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chaosmultiverse · 8 months
Spooky Season Pinned/Starter Call
Okay shortly, hello I am Kitty/Alex, he/him, 21, disabled, white. I am the mun of this blog. Here is a link to my rules which is required reading before following. And here is a link to my muses page, all muses are accepting threads & asks but not all have tags or bios yet.
RN I am homeless so can only use mobile, chdck out my non-rp blog for nore details and my donation posts @kitty-does-stuff
Now onto the seasonal stuff! This post in short is acting as a starter/ask call for my spooky muses and spooky verses, below the cut I will be listing these spooky things, but if you would like a starter/ask or whatever then reply to this with which muse (& what verse if applicable) you would like and if you are a multi or have a verse you want to rp in please include that in the reply. You can request starters/asks multiple times like this.
Now this isn't the only starter I will put out I hope but this is my catch all & I will try to keep it updated.
Now my spooky stuff, warning tis a little long.
DC Muses:
Klarion Bleak/Klarion The Witch Boy
Greta Hayes/Secret
Billy Hayes/Harm
Thad Thwane/Inertia (sci-fi & psychological horror, replacing Bart likey to come up)
Eddie Bloomberg/Red Devil
Misty Kilgore
Joseph "Joey" Wilson/Jericho
Mia "Maps" Mizoguchi
John Constantine
Dragon Age:
Magister Rezaren Ammosine
Lucien Cousland (Noble Origin, Warden Side Verse)
Ellie "Nell" Cousland (Lucien's son, same age group as Kieran)
Graverobber/Robbie (No role OC)
Inner Krieg & Outer Krieg
Timothy Lawrence/Jack/Handsome Jack
"Red" (oc)
Gamzee Makara
Kurloz Makara
The Grand Highblood
Cookie Run:
Alchemist Cookie
Pumpkin Pie Cookie
Black Garlic Cookie
Walnut Cookie
Roguefort Cookie
League Of Legends/Arcane
Siebren de Kuiper/Sigma
Anthy Himemiya (Test & request only)
Paper Star
The Shancter
Stargazer (oc)
All Horror Muses
All Monster Prom/Monsterfucker muses
All Danganronpa muses
All Owl House muses
All Don't Strave muses
All Death Note Muses
Universal AUs/Verses:
Plotted 'bad end friend' type aus, depending on the muse they have ended up in a befiting bad fate villainous/victim role. Pre-existing example is my vr-Bart verse where he still thinks he is in a game and doesn't value life due to that.
Vampire aus, depending on the fandom I might have more fleshed out such as for Horror muses or twists to the formual like dc vs vampires inspired for dc vamp verses.
Ghost aus for my canonly dead muses.
Demon au, one muse is a human/witch or whatever, the other a demon. I will say depending on the muse or fandom things might be different, I'll probably end up with multiple demon aus for different fandoms at least.
Selectively post-Zombie aus, I will default to modern day settings unless told otherwise and I will use a Walking dead setup minus the walker name, zombie media would still have existed. I might be low muse or drop these as zombies are a horror I am sensitive to.
DC verses:
DC vs Vampires setup, someone in the super community has been turned into their own brand of vampire with a lot of the classic powers of a vampire and a curse to bring out the worse in a vampire, now the curse is spreading among the super community and to normal people too.
DCeased setup, a zombie-like virus started when technology was infected with a form of The Anti-Life Equation looking at screens was how the first were infected, both supers and civilians, everything is thrown into chaos and those who survived the very beginning now have to survive super powered zombies.
Horror verses:
Reversed role aus, for dbd I think it's obvious how this would work and for others it can be briefly ploted out.
Vampire au, there is a curse with a hunger for blood, it has infected many killers and former human horrors over the years bestowing them common vampire abilities and something special and horrorfyingly their own as a power. There are also humans this curse hungers far more for the blood of, these survivors and would be victims tend to band together as vampire hunters or as ghouls, aka humans who drink a vampire's blood for some weaker forms of their power.
Livevile, the muses have been kidnapped and put in a realm known as livevile, it appears as a small town with everything one could need and which has other horror characters living there. If someone is killed by another then the night will play out as normal but in the morning the dead will return to life. Now the big question is what made this place and why?
Monster Prom
The worst timeline au, this is during the end credits of the Prank Masterz ending of porm, can be canon complient or divite, also characters interduonced later are welcome on my or others side.
Dragon Age
Blighted au, this takes place in a slimmer timeline to the darkspwan dlc of origins where HOF died during the joining and the Blight got much much worse, possibly spreading to the larger world.
Bad timeline au, taking place in the bad timeline seen during the mage siding quest in dai The Herled went missing right before things started getting bad and the world is thrown into horror.
Borderlands verse
A mushroom, able to smemi control the dead and living and bring them to their feet found the body of Tyreen Calypso, who became it's head as a intelligent zombie, now the fungi is spreading among the galaxy as The Raiders try to fight it.
Payday verse
Zombie au, After the death of Bain and failure to defeat Murkywater the gang disposed of the masks and their identities within the Payday Gang, little did they know the virus that killed Bain would have his body rise to take revenge on the world of the living as he is paitent zero of a zombie virus.
Spooky MEMES
Here are some spooky memes to send to any of my muses if you want a ice breaker. Please copy thr whole meme, especially for emojis otherwise I will likely get mixed up with other rp memes:
horror themed sentence starters.
Find My Muse Covered In Blood!
Find Out How My Muse Would Kill Yours
Victorian Horror symbol starters
for the ghosty muses … sentence starters
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deadmansace · 2 years
“You feelin’… lucky?”
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that's right, he's here: a brand new Ace Visconti! literally… he just got here, and he’s not having a good time. this is a RP/ask blog for my new-to-the-fog Ace!
interactions are OPEN! check out the read-more for more info!
↠ open to interactions from anyone! DBD blogs, anons, OCs… you name it! ↠ this blog will be SFW (mun is 21+) but there may be occasional suggestive content—it is ace after all—and of course the usual canon-typical violence. any triggering content will be tagged and always feel free to ask for a tag! ↠ want a starter but not sure what to ask for? send me a message/ask and I might be able to work something out or send you something instead! ↠ this blog will be mostly text-focused with occasional art
Follows & Likes will be from @lexdelicata--old—I also have another DBD RP blog over at @jakebark
Information Page / Text Reference
Tags Page | Rules Page | Mun Info
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janeromeroshow · 6 months
NAME :  rev!
PRONOUNS :  they / he / she.
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION : if we don't know each other well, then tumblr ims, but i kind of despise them so feel free to ask for my discord!
NAME  OF  MUSE(S) : jane romero - on other blogs, a multitude of dbd muses, monika (doki doki literature club), and vanny / vanessa and toy bonnie (fnaf).
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? ) : my first foray into roleplaying was as a kid circa 2012-13, but on tumblr i've been doing this for just over a year :)
BEST  EXPERIENCE : honestly just being able to connect with people who are as passionate about these characters and stories as i am! i've always been the type to love writing my own stories (yes, including fanfiction) and really focus on character-driven stuff, so to be able to write with people who feel the same is a blessing.
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS :  i try to be very chill, but there a couple of things that i really can't get past. for one - i'm extremely passionate about fandom-specific misogyny and the unfair way female / feminine characters are treated, and sadly this includes in the roleplaying sphere. generally i see people who go out of their way to be negative about female characters while singing the praises of their similarly characterized male counterparts as a HUGE red flag.
i'm also just very sporadic in activity due to real life commitments and also adhd, so a pet peeve of mine is people being pushy about responses or interaction! if i don't respond to a thread but you see me online, that doesn't mean i'm ignoring you specifically!! it just means i don't have the spoons to respond to that specific post at that moment, or maybe i'm editing it or responding to other people.
MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,   ANGST  OR  SMUT : all of the above!! okay, maybe smut a little less because i'm less experienced with writing it, but i love any sort of interaction! i do have a soft spot for angst or high-tension interactions, though.
PLOTS  OR  MEMES :  memes are my main form of starter, mostly because i'm not great at coming up with starters on the fly! however i do love plotting and i'm always open to it, especially for longer threads :)
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES :  i'd consider myself a mimic of my partner's length - i don't exactly know what my "default" length would count as, but it's always at least a couple of paragraphs.
BEST TIME TO WRITE :  wildly, my best time for motivation is either the morning or dead in the middle of the night. my activity is sporadic, so i don't expect people to respond immediately - think of writing with me more like a letter, rather than a text - the response can come anywhere from minutes to weeks, but i'm still sending it with all the love in the world, and i don't expect immediate responses either.
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) : i definitely put a lot of myself in jane - i'm not exactly as much of a big personality as she is, but i relate a lot to her in some ways and wish i did in others. :)
stolen from: @mxlevolence
tagging: anyone!!
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labcampkill · 1 year
The Rules Pinned
Heya all welcome to lab-camp-kill, my new DBD multi-muse blog. After realizing that with the amount of character blogs I had was getting unwieldy. I decided to consolidate and make it so that I only had to keep track of the one blog for the most part.. The older blogs will still be up for now, though after a time of archiving probably will go away... All new roleplay and questions should be directed to here from now on.  When doing asks or RP please tag or indicate which muse you are interacting with.  The muses that now inhabit this blog are as follows (There will be some tags the old blog for those wishing to dig through their old content while it still exists. Also by clicking on the name of each character you can go to each of their individual Rule/FAQ page which are stil currently hosted in the old blogs that might change over time.) The Lab-  Exy’s Lab his realm.
The Experimentity(Exy) @experimentity -The ExperimEntity most people call him Exy.. He’s my version of the Entity... a strange science obsessed being... Who also has become a little bit of a Daddy... Exy is the owner of ALL of the muses on this blog.. The Campfire-  The survivor muses that I run.. these boys all share the same campfire and all know each other.. If you want to do asks/rp’s with them together that’s quite encouraged. (A special note about the campfire.. their campfire is also merged with @ask-the-dweets campfire, I don’t own those muses but we do a lot of RP together... if you are interested in doing shared campfire asks or RPs contact us both about that) Steve Harrington @askgogglessteve -  Steve as seen from Stranger things, for some reason this Steve refuses to take off his goggles. James Sunderland @silent-daylight-james  - James from Silent Hill 2, a sad man dragged into the entity’s realm after surviving a similar nightmare in the town of Silent Hill, Brad Vickers @ask-dbd-brad-vickers - Good old chicken hearted Brad Vickers from the Resident Evill universe. This is OG Brad from the OG Resident Evil 3 not the Remake. Dwight Fairfield @askgogglesdwight -  This is my version of Dwight, for some reason Exy decided to stick him with his Chute Malfunction head and wont let him change it..  The Killers- My three killers they don’t share realms but they know each other also both owned by Exy. Roman Bridger(Ghostface) @dbd-ghostface-roman - Now stuck in the Entitys realm Roman is the Ghostface from Scream 3, he has some anger issues especially over his half-sister Sidney Prescott.  Leslie Vernon(A.K.A. Leslie Mancuso)- Brand new to this blog, Leslie Vernon is a slasher killer from the super underappreciated gem of a movie called Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon. Johnny Slaughter/Sawyer- Recently created for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre video game. Johnny is a member of Bubba(Leatherface’s) family in the real world. Johnny is one of the more normal looking family members and he uses his good looks to lure victims to the family house. Recently Exy decided that he was perfect for trials so brought a version of him here to the realms. (Johnny is special, most of my muses are completely stuck in the Entity realms. But Johnny you can ask questions as if he were in the “Real World” of the TCM game as well like AU questions make clear that’s what you are doing if you do so.)  Rules-  - This is an ask blog for Dead By Daylight (DBD) muses  - +18 blog - Asks not directed at a specific muse will be given to one at random  - Asks can be sent to all muses at once  - Interacting with mutuals and non-mutuals alike! You don't have to follow the blog to send asks or starters I still have final say on who I interact of course but not following me isn’t the reason I choose not to interact.  - Please do not godmode (control) my muses. 
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(Leave a like to get an ask starter from Maxwell.)
(If your dbd blog, isn't the main blog then send an ask with your blog)
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mixtapejunkie · 2 years
Welcome to anyone who wants to play, you're all welcome here.
I do DBD and DBD related content, not limited to but including violence, murder and psychological trauma. If you don't like that, you might want to move on.
Born in '87, and female mun. Very few issues with RPing, also reposting any drabbles that are relevant here from my main blog. I'll also reblog art I like here.
Muse is a 19yo Frank Morrison, aka the Legion from dead by daylight. Anyone can ask anything, feel free to reblog some memes and stuff if you'd like to interact.
Frank's faceclaim is Dylan O'Brien, specifically Nogitsune!Stiles.
Shipping will be at my discretion, but I'll probably play Frank as Bi, much like my Waylon, friendly to OCs, canon compliant or canon divergent. (friendly is a relative term, he's going to be a dick.)
For NSFW content, you must be 18+. Non Negotiable.
Am on UK time here, so don't panic if I don't insta-reply! (I do sometimes come to browse if I'm awake at 4am)
Drabbles for AU where Frank was adopted by Waylon are the Adopting the Feral series.
DBD Verse Drabbles are labelled as such.
AU where Frank becomes a Banshee is the Playing With Dead Things series. Heavily features @e-temmu.
Wolf!Frank who is rescued from a dog fight ring and assumed to be a dog is the rescued feral tag
Open starters are posted frequently for anyone to reblog and enjoy, also appropriately tagged.
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dandy-dove · 1 year
— rp & ask blog for jacob “dandy” park —
A new arrival to the Fog, Jacob is not at all cut out for this. And he is about to have one hell of a bad time.
↝ 16+ sfw (mun is 21), although canon-typical violence and light suggestive content can and will pop up here and there ↝ open to canon & oc interactions — open for starters & starter requests ↝ want a starter but not sure what to ask for? send me a message/ask and i might be able to work something out or send you something instead! ↝ jacob is still owned by the entity howl, so yes… he will be a dog sometimes, just like bark~
Follows / Likes come from @lexdelicata--old, and my other DBD blogs are at @jakebark and @deadeyesrealm!
Read more below for mobile links + additional information! Please be sure to check out the references + rules page to get a bit more information about this blog and this interpretation of the character.
Information Page / Text Reference | Up-to-date Art Reference (wip)
Tags Page | Rules Page
!!! Content Warning !!! [Post]
This is a Dead by Daylight-related blog, and there will be canon-typical themes of violence (sometimes extreme and/or detailed, including torture) and temporary death. Please be aware that you may come across these themes though they will be tagged. Suggestive content will all be tagged “#suggestive” if you wish to avoid it.
Mun Info
Lex/Bark - He/Him 🏳️‍⚧️ - main blog @lexdelicata Twitter | Twitch | Art Blog | AO3 Support me on Ko-fi My twitter account is my other 'main activity' account and where I semi-actively post art, especially sketches I don't post here or on my tumblr art blog, so if you're interested in that check me out there! I also write a good bit of DBD fic on AO3 if you want to have a look at that. A lot of it is related to this blog and other ask/RP blogs as well!
There is an additional 18+ only blog that I run over at @afterdarkbark - please DO NOT follow if you are below the age of 18, because I will block you and that will block you for all of my blogs. The blog will contain suggestive, sexual, and violent content - please read all warnings and rules before following.
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frontierdavinci · 2 years
Tags & About
Semi-Selective RP/AskBlog for Caleb Quinn (DbD Deathslinger).
Timezone’s CET, english is a secondary language.
Might draw responses at times, but will mostly do written replies.
EDIT, because it has become necessary:
As mentioned, this blog is semi-selective. Thus I reserve the right to either not answer at all, or not play along if it becomes apparent that the other character is not given Caleb a chance to gain/have/keep any ground. Caleb will banter and snark with others and say stuff that might hurt (he’s a very bitter man who has seen some shit after all), but I will always try to keep things on eyelevel (tell me if anything you are not okay with is said) between the characters, leaving room to act and react well. What I won’t do is let other characters stomp all over Caleb, expecting him to be impressed and in awe of their skills/deeds.
RP should always let all involved characters breath.
Hellshire’s Most Wanted (RP Starters)
Genius Outlaw (RP Replies)
Campfire Folklore (OOC/About/Mun speaks)
Torn Wanted Posters (Art)
Pocketsized Telegraph (Asks/Prompts and Answers)
Visit to Miss Josie’s (NSFW)
Further tags will include blog- and character names.
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foggycuriosities · 7 months
Hello! I'm Vincent! I'll keep this as short as I can this is my multimuse blog but as of the moment DBD/Horror muses are the center of my attention, but don't be afraid to ask to interact/send ask memes for my other fandom muses! I am 23 years old and will only rp with other muns that are also 18+ ! Personal blogs can like my post and send asks but DO not reblog any of my rps! (headcannon/writings are okay!) I am selective atm just to make sure to avoid burn out! Please don't take it personally if I don't follow back or interact! If i'm not 8/10 invested or interested in an rp I will probably pass it up! Feel free to message me here or on my discord BimboBarbie and we can still discuss and talk about our muses interacting etc until we can find a plot that I'm interested in.
I will be upfront I have a learning disability and other brain issues so there will occasionally be spelling or grammar errors in replies! I go over all my writing multiple times to try and ensure the best quality I can offer despite this but I ask you to be kind and understanding if I slip up a word here and there. This is also the main blog for @hauntedmoonstone and @wonderingduke ! Other than that here are the final quick points: - Ask memes never expire but please send the whole prompt if its older than a day or two not just the emoji! - Multiship/Multiverse !
- Common triggers tagged as tw:trigger as well as just the trigger
- Will rp smut/nsfw but must have one meaningful rp between muses and discussion about them ooc before I consider it Tags: foggy whispers - ooc post! ask memes - tag for all ask memes! starter memes - specific memes for starters! headcannons - for any headcannon post/ask memes that ive posted about any of my muses foggy words - any short stories etc i do for asks or other reasons aes - any aesthetic post i reblog for my muses musing(s) - (sometimes i forgot the s..) any quotes etc related to muses of mine! That's all for now! I can't wait to interact! c: ₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪₪
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