#david malave
sagesolsticewrites · 1 year
put that stare away RIGHT NOW SIR 👀
(Video credit to austinbnews on Instagram!)
@burninlovebutler 👀👀👀
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adribosch-fan · 2 years
Bolsonaro desinfla el avance del Globalismo en América Latina
Bolsonaro desinfla el avance del Globalismo en América Latina
Foto archivo Y la primera embestida no podía venir sino de Brasil, el país que sufrió casi  12 años el naufragio que significó el socialismo de los gobiernos de Lula da Silva y Dilma Rousseff, fundador el primero del “Foro de Sao Paulo” y que, aliándose con el petrodictador venezolano, Hugo Chávez, intentó restaurar el comunismo soviético en la región, pero disfrazándolo de democrático,…
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ola-rojita · 3 years
Conozca los postulados a rectores del CNE (+Listado)
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Los nombre de los 75 postulados y postuladas a rectores y rectoras del Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE) que pasaron la etapa de evaluación realizada por el Comité de Postulaciones Electorales, fueron dados a conocer por el Comité de Postulaciones Electorales de la Asamblea Nacional (AN).
El Comité informó que de las 75 postulaciones que superaron esta etapa, 47 pertenecen a la sociedad civil, 10 a las universidades y 18 al Poder Ciudadano, cumpliendo así con el artículo 26 de la Ley Orgánica del Poder Electoral.
A continuación el listado
Candidatos postulados por las facultades de Ciencia Jurídicas y Políticas de las Universidades:
Candidatos postulados por el Poder Ciudadano:
Postulados por las Organizaciones de la Sociedad:
Cabe destacar que este miércoles, el vicepresidente del Comité de Postulaciones Electorales, diputado José Gregorio Correa, precisó que la lista con los nombres de los venezolanos seleccionados como elegibles se podrá impugnar durante 6 días, quienes tendrán ese mismo tiempo para hacer los descargos de las objeciones.
El Consejo Nacional Electoral está integrado por cinco (5) miembros, denominados Rectoras o Rectores Electorales, cuyo periodo de ejercicio en sus funciones es de siete (7) años. Son designadas o designados por la Asamblea Nacional con el voto favorable de las dos terceras partes de sus integrantes y podrán ser reelegidas o reelegidos en sus cargos hasta un máximo de dos (2) periodos adicionales, previa evaluación de su gestión por parte de la Asamblea Nacional.
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Crawling through tight underground passages in southern France, paleontologist Jean-David Moreau and his colleagues have to descend 500 meters below the surface to reach the only known footprints of long-necked dinosaurs called sauropods ever found in a natural cave.
The team discovered the prints, left by behemoths related to Brachiosaurus, in Castelbouc Cave in December 2015 (SN: 2/21/18). But getting to the site might make even the most hardened field scientists balk. Wriggling through such dark, damp and cramped spaces every time they visit is challenging for elbows and knees, and even trickier when carrying delicate equipment such as cameras, lights and laser scanners.
It’s both physically exhausting and “not comfortable for someone claustrophobic,” with the researchers spending up to 12 hours underground each time, says Moreau, of the Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté in Dijon. It can be dangerous too, as some parts of the cave are periodically flooded, so accessing the deep chambers must be limited to periods of drought, he says.
Moreau has studied fossilized dinosaur footprints and plants for more than a decade in southern France’s Causses Basin, one of the richest areas for aboveground dinosaur tracks in Europe. When spelunkers chanced upon some underground prints in 2013, Moreau and his colleagues realized there could be lots of dinosaur prints within the region’s many deep, limestone caves. Footprints left in soft mud or sand hundred million years ago could have been turned to rock and forced underground over many eons.
And deep caves, being less exposed to wind and rain, “can occasionally offer larger and better-preserved surfaces [imprinted by dinosaur steps] than outdoor outcrops,” Moreau says.
Moreau’s team is the only one to have discovered dinosaur footprints in natural caverns, though prints also have been found around the world in human-made railway tunnels and mines. “The discovery of dinosaur tracks inside a natural karstic cave is extremely rare,” he says.
The first subsurface dinosaur prints that the team found were 20 kilometers away from Castelbouc at a site called Malaval Cave, reached via an hour-long clamber through an underground river with several 10-meter drops. “One of the main difficulties in the Malaval Cave is to walk taking care to not touch or break any of the delicate and unique [mineral formations],” Moreau says.
Those three-toed prints, each up to 30 centimeters long and detailed in 2018 in the International Journal of Speleology, were left by carnivorous dinosaurs walking upright on their hind legs through marshland about 200 million years ago.
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redglobalpress · 3 years
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El maratonista colombiano Andrés Ruíz Malaver obtuvo el título en el Campeonato Suramericano de Maratón que se llevó a cabo en el parque Guazú, en Asunción, Paraguay, este fin de semana. El atleta cafetero, que representó a Colombia en los Juegos Olímpicos Río-2016, obtuvo el título en la competencia masculina con un tiempo de 2 horas, 21 minutos y 7 segundos. Al podio lo completaron el boliviano Héctor Garibay con 2:22.25 y el local Derlys Ayala con 2:25.39. La última vez que Colombia ganó este certamen suramericano fue en 2012, en Caracas, Venezuela, en el que José David Cardona se quedó con el primer lugar tras atravesar la meta con un tiempo de 2 horas, 19 minutos y 18 segundos. En las damas, Colombia fue segunda Por su parte, la maratonista colombiana Ruby Milena Riativa se quedó con el segundo lugar de la competencia femenina luego de hacer una marca de 2 horas, 54 minutos y 2 segundos, siendo solo superada por la ecuatoriana Silvia Patricia Ortiz (2:48.08); la paraguaya Fátima Viviana Romero fue tercera con 2:56.06. (en Asunción - Paraguay) https://www.instagram.com/p/COd4FX0DVHW/?igshid=2dzro8owsskx
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liliannorman · 4 years
The challenge of dinosaur hunting in deep caves
Being a paleontologist can be fun. Sometimes it also can be a bit scary. Like when you’re crawling through tight underground passages in a deep, dark cave. Yet that’s what Jean-David Moreau and his colleagues have chosen to do in southern France. For them, the payoff has been rich. For instance, after descending 500 meters (a third of a mile) below the surface at one site, they discovered footprints of enormous, long-necked dinosaurs. They’re the only such sauropod footprints to ever turn up in a natural cave.
Moreau works at the Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté. It’s in Dijon, France. While at Castelbouc Cave in December 2015, his team found the sauropod prints. They had been left by behemoths related to Brachiosaurus. Such dinos could be almost 25 meters (82 feet) long. Some likely tipped the scales at nearly 80 metric tons (88 U.S. short tons).
Explainer: How a fossil forms
Getting to the fossil site might make even the most hardened field scientists balk. They had to wriggle through dark, damp and cramped spaces every time they visited. That’s exhausting. It also proved hard on their elbows and knees. Carrying along delicate cameras, lights and laser scanners made it extra tricky.
Moreau also points out that it’s “not comfortable for someone claustrophobic” (afraid of tight spaces). His team spends up to 12 hours each time it ventures into these deep caves.
Such sites also can pose real danger. For instance, some parts of a cave flood now and again. So the team only enters the deep chambers during periods of drought.
Moreau has studied dinosaur footprints and plants in southern France’s Causses Basin for more than a decade. It is one of the richest areas for aboveground dinosaur tracks in Europe.
Cave explorers, known as spelunkers, first chanced upon some underground dino tracks in 2013. When Moreau and his colleagues heard about them, they realized there could be lots more hidden throughout the region’s deep, limestone caves. Footprints left in soft surface mud or sand a hundred million years ago would have turned to rock. Over the eons, these would have been forced underground.
Compared to outdoor rocks, deep caves are exposed to little wind or rain. That means they “can occasionally offer larger and better-preserved surfaces [imprinted by dinosaur steps],” Moreau observes.
His team is the only one to have discovered dino tracks in natural caverns, although others have turned up similar prints in human-made railway tunnels and mines. “The discovery of dinosaur tracks inside a natural … cave is extremely rare,” he says.
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Paleontologist Jean-David Moreau examines a three-toed footprint in Malaval Cave in southern France. It was left by a meat-eating dinosaur millions of years ago.Vincent Trincal
What they’ve turned up
The first subsurface dinosaur prints that the team found were 20 kilometers (12.4 miles) away from Castelbouc. This was at a site called Malaval Cave. The paleontologists reached it via an hour-long clamber through an underground river. Along the way, they encountered several 10-meter (33 foot) drops. “One of the main difficulties in the Malaval Cave is to walk taking care to not touch or break any of the delicate and unique [mineral formations],” Moreau says.
They found three-toed prints, each up to 30 centimeters (12 inches) long. These came from meat-eating dinosaurs. Some 200 million years ago, the animals left the tracks while walking upright on hind legs through a marshland. Moreau’s team described the prints in early 2018 in the International Journal of Speleology. 
Explainer: Understanding geologic time
They also found tracks left by five-toed plant-eating dinos in Castelbouc Cave. Each footprint was up to 1.25 meters (4.1 feet) long. A trio of these enormous sauropods had been walking along the shores of some sea roughly 168 million years ago. Especially interesting are prints found on the cave’s ceiling. They are 10 meters above the floor! Moreau’s group shared what they found online March 25 in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
“The tracks we see on the roof are not ‘footprints,’” Moreau notes. “They are ‘counterprints.’” He explains that the dinos had been walking on a surface of clay. The clay beneath those prints “is nowadays totally eroded to form the cave. Here, we only see the overlying layer [of sediment that filled in the footprints].” These amount to reverse prints bulging down from the ceiling. It’s similar, he explains, to what you’d see if you filled a footprint in mud with plaster and then washed all of the mud away to leave the cast.
The tracks are important. They hail from a time in the early- to mid-Jurassic Period. This would have been 200 million to 168 million years ago. At that time, sauropods were diversifying and spreading across the world. Relatively few fossil bones from that time remain. These cave prints now confirm that sauropods had inhabited coastal or wetland environments in what is now southern France.
Moreau reports that he is now leading researchers in exploring “another deep and long cave, which has yielded hundreds of dinosaur footprints.” That team has yet to publish its results. But Moreau teases that they may prove to be the most exciting of all.
The challenge of dinosaur hunting in deep caves published first on https://triviaqaweb.tumblr.com/
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frankkjonestx · 4 years
Deep caves are a rich source of dinosaur prints for this paleontologist
Crawling through tight underground passages in southern France, paleontologist Jean-David Moreau and his colleagues have to descend 500 meters below the surface to reach the only known footprints of long-necked dinosaurs called sauropods ever found in a natural cave.
The team discovered the prints, left by behemoths related to Brachiosaurus, in Castelbouc Cave in December 2015 (SN: 2/21/18). But getting to the site might make even the most hardened field scientists balk. Wriggling through such dark, damp and cramped spaces every time they visit is challenging for elbows and knees, and even trickier when carrying delicate equipment such as cameras, lights and laser scanners.
It’s both physically exhausting and “not comfortable for someone claustrophobic,” with the researchers spending up to 12 hours underground each time, says Moreau, of the Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté in Dijon. It can be dangerous too, as some parts of the cave are periodically flooded, so accessing the deep chambers must be limited to periods of drought, he says.
Moreau has studied fossilized dinosaur footprints and plants for more than a decade in southern France’s Causses Basin, one of the richest areas for aboveground dinosaur tracks in Europe. When spelunkers chanced upon some underground prints in 2013, Moreau and his colleagues realized there could be lots of dinosaur prints within the region’s many deep, limestone caves. Footprints left in soft mud or sand hundred million years ago could have been turned to rock and forced underground over many eons.
And deep caves, being less exposed to wind and rain, “can occasionally offer larger and better-preserved surfaces [imprinted by dinosaur steps] than outdoor outcrops,” Moreau says.
Moreau’s team is the only one to have discovered dinosaur footprints in natural caverns, though prints also have been found around the world in human-made railway tunnels and mines. “The discovery of dinosaur tracks inside a natural karstic cave is extremely rare,” he says.
The first subsurface dinosaur prints that the team found were 20 kilometers away from Castelbouc at a site called Malaval Cave, reached via an hour-long clamber through an underground river with several 10-meter drops. “One of the main difficulties in the Malaval Cave is to walk taking care to not touch or break any of the delicate and unique [mineral formations],” Moreau says.
Those three-toed prints, each up to 30 centimeters long and detailed in 2018 in the International Journal of Speleology, were left by carnivorous dinosaurs walking upright on their hind legs through marshland about 200 million years ago.
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Paleontologist Jean-David Moreau examines a three-toed footprint left behind by a carnivorous dinosaur millions of years ago and now found in Malaval Cave in southern France.Vincent Trincal
In contrast, the five-toed herbivore tracks in Castelbouc Cave are each up to 1.25 meters long and were left by three enormous herbivorous sauropods that walked the shoreline of a sea about 168 million years ago. What’s more, these prints are on the cave’s ceiling 10 meters above the floor, the team reports in a study published online March 25 in Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
In fact, “the tracks we see on the roof are not ‘footprints,’ they are ‘counterprints,’” Moreau explains. “The dinosaurs walked on a surface of clay, which is nowadays totally eroded to form the cave. Here, we only see the overlying layer [of sediment that filled in the footprints],” leaving reverse prints bulging out of the ceiling. It’s similar to what you’d see if you filled a footprint in mud with plaster and then washed all of the mud away to leave the cast.
The tracks are important as they hail from a time in the early to mid-Jurassic Period from 200 million to 168 million years ago when sauropods were diversifying and spreading across the world, but relatively few fossil bones have been found (SN: 12/1/15). These prints confirm that sauropods then inhabited coastal or wetland environments in what is now southern France.
Moreau is now leading researchers in exploring “another deep and long cave, which has yielded hundreds of dinosaur footprints,” he says. The team has yet to publish those results, which he says may prove to be the most exciting of all.
from Tips By Frank https://www.sciencenews.org/article/caves-france-dinosaur-prints-paleontology
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Lima, 15 de junio de 2019
·        Si los has visto o sabes el paradero de alguno de ellos, repórtalo a la comisaría más cercana.
La Policía Nacional del Perú, a través de la División de Investigación de Personas Desaparecidas de la Dirección Contra la Trata de Personas y Tráfico Ilícito de Migrantes, como un servicio a la comunidad brinda la relación de personas extraviadas en los últimos días, con el fin de contribuir a su hallazgo.
Lima y Callao
Luis Antonio Arauco Rengifo (48)                        Miraflores
Angely Fabiana Caballero Siguas (15)                VES
Maria Natividad Cardenas Castro (13)                Ancón
Gladis Victoria Chavez Rodriguez (56)               Carabayllo
Dafna Stephanie Chunga Garavito (27)              SJL
James Fabricio Cotrina Sanchez (10)                 Ancón
Virginia Crisostomo Oscco (70)                          Surco
Edwinton Clifort Cueva Manchego (70)              Independencia
Brandy Jesus Guadalupe Rojas (9)                    Carabayllo
Kevin Hans Malaver Arias (17)                           Magdalena
Claudia Morales Concha Fernandez (47)           Surco
Eduardo Orccon Titto (81)                                   ATE
Aracely Karla Quispe Huilca (14)                        Independencia
Luis Reyes Capcha (9)                                        Chaclacayo
David Cristian Yaranga Pìneda (29)                    SMP
Rafael Condori Matamoros (13)                           Huancavelica
Wilson Jesus Delgado Martinez (14)                   Cusco
Nicool Yoferin Fernandez Huamani (17)              Ayacucho
Yeny Mayhua Martinez (20)                                 Chilca
Ingritt Maribel Montes Sanchez (23)                    Jauja
Yosi Nazario Isidro (14)                                        Huánuco
Maria Alexander Puelles Pasache (17)                Piura
Lizeth Rodriguez Ataucusi (15)                            Satipo
Max Junior Tineo Quispe (15)                              Ayacucho
Maire Zachary Thomas (33)                                 Cusco
Amigo ciudadano:
Si Ud. tiene conocimiento del paradero de alguna de estas personas desaparecidas, comunicarse de inmediato a los teléfonos 330 – 7068 / 431-8140, 942072845; o a los correos electrónicos, de la División de Investigación de Personas Desaparecidas PNP sito en: Av. España cdra. 4 - 1er Piso Lima – Cercado.
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public-digiturgy · 7 years
Latin History 201: A Syllabus
Latin History for Morons
Loved Latin History, but want to know more? Kept wondering about the books on the back wall? Just love reading? 
Fear no more. Here’s a syllabus (or a silly bus, if you will) of books that John used as research, inspiration, and set dressing - and all of them will help you dive deeper into Latin History. Find them at your local bookstore or @strandbooks!
Hell to Eternity by Edward S. Aarons Lost Cities of the Maya by Abrams Discoveries Viva La Raza: A History of Chicano Identity and Resistance by Yolanda Alaniz & Megan Cornish The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander Ché Guevera: A Revolutionary Life by Jon Lee Anderson Bolivar, American Liberator by Marie Arana Bolivar: Liberator of a Continent by Bill Boyd Born in Blood and Fire: A Concise History of Latin America by John Charles Chasteen Aztecs, An Interpretation by Inga Clendinnen The Maya by Michael D. Coe & Stephen Houston The Aztec Treasure House by Evan S. Connell The Apologetic History of the Indies by Bartolome de las Casas Florentine Codex: General History of the Things of New Spain by Fray Bernardino de Sahagun Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond La Publicidad que me pario by Gabriel Dreyfus An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz Indian America: A Traveler’s Guide by Eagle Walking Turtle The History of Latin America by Marshall C. Eakin Politics & Privilege in a Mexican City by Richard R. Fagan & William S. Tuohy Open Veins of Latin America by Eduardo Galeano Maya: The Riddle and Rediscovery by Charles Gallenkamp Forgotten Dead: Mob Violence Against Mexicans in the United States 1848-1928 by William D. Gerrigan & Clive Webb Manifest Destinies: The Making of the Mexican-American Race by Laura E. Gomez Cuentos: Stories by Latinas edited by Alma Gomez, Cherrie Moraga, and Mariana Romo-Carmona Santeria the Religion by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler Powers of the Orishas by Migene Gonzalez-Wippler Guerilla Warfare by Ernesto “Che” Guevara, translated by L.P. Morray Back on the Road by Ernesto “Che” Guevara Pre-Colombian Cities by Jorge E. Hardoy Death of a Revolutionary: Che Guevara’s Last Mission by Richard Harris Incans Aztecs Mayas by John Holzman Aztecs by Gary Jennings 500 Nations by Alvin M. Josephy Jr. Early Latin America by James Lockhart & Stuart B. Scwhartz Growing Up Chicana/o by Tiffany Ana Lopez Latin America in a New World edited by Abraham F. Lowenthal & Gregory F. Troverton Bartolome de las Casas: His Life by Francis Augostus Macnutt Latino Stats by Idelisse Malave & Esti Giordani 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus by Charles C. Mann Selected Writings by Jose Marti, translated by Esther Allen Nuestra America by Jose Marti Ancient Civilizations of the Americas by Antony Mason The Ancient Maya by Sylvanus Griswold Morley Spain by Jan Morris Short Eyes by Miguel Piñero Labyrinth of Solitude by Octavio Paz Mesoamerica by John M.D. Pool Yurupari: studies of an Amazonian Foundation Myth by Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff Mexican American Heritage by Jamie Riddle & Valerie Angle Walking the Red Road on Chicanismo by Ysidro Roman-Macias Chicano! The History of the Mexican-American Civil Rights Movement by F. Arturo Rosales The New Archaeology of the Ancient by Jeremy A. Sabloff A Forest of Kings: The Untold Story by Linda Schele & David Freidel Simon Bolivar, The Liberator by Guillermo A Sherwell Warlords of the Ancient Americas by Peter G. Tsouras The Comeback by Ed Vega Loretta Janeta Velazquez: An Autobiography by Loretta Janeta Velazquez The Ancient Sun Kingdoms of the American by Victor W. von Hagen The New York Young Lords and the Struggle for Liberation by Darrel Wanzer-Serrano The Ghost of Che Guevara by Jason Webb Zapata and the American Revolution by John Womack, Jr. War Cry on a Prayer Feather by Nancy Wood A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn
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thatstrueonline · 5 years
BMI celebrated the songwriters, producers and publishers of the past year’s most-performed R&B/hip-hop songs during the 2019 BMI R&B/Hip-Hop Awards held at the Sandy Springs Arts Center in Atlanta. Multiple-award-winning singer/songwriter and actress Brandy received the BMI President’s Award in recognition of her powerful impact on the entertainment industry and her timeless hits, which have secured her place in R&B history.
Hosted by BMI President & CEO Mike O’Neill and BMI Vice President, Creative, Atlanta, Catherine Brewton, the evening included stellar performances by some of the hottest artists on the music scene. The ceremony kicked off with a moving tribute video in honor of the late rapper and activist Nipsey Hussle to celebrate his musical legacy and remarkable philanthropic work. Atlanta-based rapper Gunna followed with a medley of his biggest hits, ending with his smash “Drip Too Hard,” featuring Lil Baby, who joined him on stage for the performance. Afterwards, Gunna received a special award in recognition of the song garnering one billion streams. Television personality and comedian, DC Young Fly then presented Memphis rapper NLE Choppa with the 2019 BMI Social Star Award.
The evening also featured a series of special tributes to Brandy, beginning with contemporary R&B singer/songwriter Jade Novah performing a beautiful rendition of “Talk About Our Love.” The tributes continued with Samoht singing a stripped-down version of “Brokenhearted,” followed by gospel singer Kierra Sheard’s sultry performance of two of Brandy’s ballads, “Have You Ever” and “He Is.” Eric Bellinger rounded out the tributes with “Baby” and “Nothing” which had the audience singing along. Brandy’s brother, Ray J, took to the stage and serenaded his sister with “Best Friend” before she was presented with the BMI President’s Award. Brandy accepted the accolade with an impromptu performance, encouraged by the audience, of “I Wanna Be Down,” before singing her iconic hit “Almost Doesn’t Count.”
The event also honored the top producers and songwriters of the previous year’s 35 best-performing R&B/hip-hop songs in the U.S. from BMI’s repertoire of more than 14 million musical works. Wheezy Beatz tied for Producer of the Year with Tay Keith. Keith also received the coveted Songwriter of the Year award, an honor he shared with Post Malone, marking his second tie for the evening. Song of the Year went to “God’s Plan” by Yung Exclusive and Marciano and Sony/ATV was named Publisher of the Year for having 18 of the most performed songs of the year including “Sicko Mode,” “I Like It” and “In My Feelings.”
As the 2019 BMI President’s Award honoree, Brandy joins previous recipients Curtis Mayfield, Ludacris, Toni Braxton and Will.i.am, among others in sharing this distinction.
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MAJOR WINNERS: 2019 BMI R&B/Hip-Hop Awards
R&B/HIP-HOP SONG OF THE YEAR God’s Plan Daveon “Yung Exclusive” Jackson Brock “Marciano” Korsan Annuity Songs Nasrock Music Publishing Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing Yex Publishing
R&B/HIP-HOP SONGWRITER OF THE YEAR BryTavious “Tay Keith” Chambers Look Alive Nonstop Sicko Mode
Post Malone Better Now I Fall Apart Psycho
R&B/HIP-HOP PUBLISHER OF THE YEAR Sony/ATV Music Publishing Be Careful Better Now Boo’d Up Butterfly Effect Fefe Finesse (Remix) I Fall Apart I Like It In My Feelings Lucid Dreams MotorSport No Limit Nonstop Pray for Me Psycho Sicko Mode Sky Walker Taste
R&B/HIP-HOP PRODUCER OF THE YEAR BryTavious “Tay Keith” Chambers Wesley “Wheezy Beatz” Glass
BMI 35 Most Performed R&B/Hip-Hop Songs
All the Stars Kendrick Lamar SZA Anthony “Top Dawg” Tiffith Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing Songs of Universal, Inc.
Bartier Cardi Samuel “30Roc” Gloade Jaucquez “London Jae” Lowe Darryl “Cheeze Beatz” McCorkell Lamont “EZ Elpee” Porter BMG Platinum Songs US Have We Got Music For You Mushie Music Ten Down Muzik TJK Forever Publishing Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.
Be Careful Adam “Frank Dukes” Feeney (SOCAN) Ghostface Killah Lamont “U-God” Hawkins Jason-Scott “Rebel-INS.” Hunter Method Man Ol’ Dirty Bastard RZA Jorden “Pardison Fontaine” Thorpe Corey Woods EMI-Blackwood Music, Inc. MYNY Music Sam Fam Beats Sony/ATV Ballad Sony/ATV Songs LLC Universal Music-Careers Wu Tang Publishing, Inc.
Better Now Adam “Frank Dukes” Feeney (SOCAN) Post Malone Austin Rosen Electric Feel Music EMI-Blackwood Music, Inc. MYNY Music Posty Publishing Sam Fam Beats Songs of Universal, Inc. Sony/ATV Songs LLC
Big Bank DJ Mustard Nye “NANO” Lee, Jr. Nicki Minaj YG Ce A Million Music Irving Music Kjack Publishing Mustard on the Beat Publishing Songs of Roc Nation Music Songs of Universal, Inc. Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.
Boo’d Up DJ Mustard Larrance Dopson Ella Mai Blue Nike Publishing Ella Mai Publishing Mustard on the Beat Publishing peermusic lll, Ltd. Songs of Roc Nation Music Songs of Volume Ventures Sony/ATV Ballad Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.
Butterfly Effect Felix Leone (SOCAN) Travis Scott Sony/ATV Ballad Travis Scott Music
Crew Brent Faiyaz Teddy Walton Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing Teddy Walton Publishing
Fefe Kevin Gomringer Tim Gomringer Andrew “Trifedrew” Green Nicki Minaj Tekashi 6ix9ine Create Digital Music Songs of Universal, Inc. Sony/ATV Ballad
Finesse (Remix) Ray Romulus Jonathan Yip Music for Milo Please Enjoy the Music Sony/ATV Songs LLC Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.
God’s Plan Daveon “Yung Exclusive” Jackson Brock “Marciano” Korsan Annuity Songs Nasrok Music Publishing Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing Yex Publishing
Good Old Days Ben Haggerty Andrew Joslyn Bengal Yucky Publishing D.B. Joslyn Music Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing
Him & I Dakari Ashley Frangipane Edgar “Edd Grand” Machuca 17 Black Music BMG Platinum Songs US Cider Sounds Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing Songs of Universal, Inc.
I Fall Apart Carlo “Illangelo” Montagnese (SOCAN) Post Malone Posty Publishing Songs of Hear The Art Songs of Universal, Inc. Sony/ATV Ballad
I Get the Bag Southside Leland “Metro Boomin” Wayne Irving Music Pluto Mars Music Royal Legend Publishing Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.
I Like It J Balvin Edgar “Edd Grand” Machuca Luian Malave Marcos Masís “Tainy” Tony Pabon Manny Rodriguez Jorden “Pardison Fontaine” Thorpe Anthony “J.White Did It” White BMG Platinum Songs US EMI-Blackwood Music, Inc. EMI-Longitude Music Co. Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing Songs of LVS Music Publishing Sony/ATV Ballad Universal-Música Unica Publishing
In My Feelings Jim Jonsin Lil Wayne Magnolia Shorty Adam “BlaqNmilD” Pigott Benny Workman Rex Zamor Eighth And Groove Music EMI-Blackwood Music, Inc. Jimipub Music Laumar Music Co. peermusic lll, Ltd. Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing Songs of Volume Ventures TrapMoneyBenny Songs Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp. You A Genius Publishing Young Money Publishing, Inc.
Lemon Rihanna Monica Fenty Music Publishing Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.
Look Alive Paul “DJ Paul” Beauregard BlocBoy JB BryTavious “Tay Keith” Chambers Jordan “Juicy J” Houston Patrick “Project Pat” Houston Bloc Nation BMG Bumblebee BMG Platinum Songs US Lakeith Legacy Publishing Tefnoise Publishing LLC Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.
Lucid Dreams Juice Wrld Dominic Miller (PRS) Nick Mira Taz Taylor Sting (PRS) Artist 101 Publishing Group BMG Platinum Songs US Electric Feel Music EMI-Blackwood Music, Inc. Nick Mira Publishing Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing Songs of Universal, Inc. Taz Taylor Beats
MotorSport Kevin Gomringer Tim Gomringer Nicki Minaj Songs of Universal, Inc. Sony/ATV Songs LLC
Nice for What Jerome “5th/Ward Weebie” Cosey Ghostface Killah Lamont “U-God” Hawkins Jason-Scott “Rebel-INS.” Hunter Mannie Fresh Method Man Ol’ Dirty Bastard Adam “BlaqNmilD” Pigott RZA Bryan “Baby” Williams Corey Woods Fresh Is The Word Money Mack Music Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing Songs of Universal, Inc. Universal Music-Careers Wobblemart Publishing Wu Tang Publishing, Inc. You A Genius Publishing
No Brainer Nick Balding DJ Khaled Nolan Lambroza David Park BMG Platinum Songs US Give Thanks Publishing Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.
No Limit A$AP Rocky Jay Anthony Edgar “Edd Grand” Machuca Jorden “Pardison Fontaine” Thorpe A$AP Rocky Publishing LLC BMG Platinum Songs US Sony/ATV Ballad Sony/ATV Songs LLC
Nonstop BryTavious “Tay Keith” Chambers Sakata Oatis Kenza Samir (SOCAN) EMI-Blackwood Music, Inc. Great South Bay Music Lakeith Legacy Publishing Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.
Plug Walk Grant “Lab Cook” Dickinson (SOCAN) JRHITMAKER Tay Taylor Annuity Songs Artist 101 Publishing Group Electric Feel Music JR Hitmaker Publishing Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing Songs of Universal, Inc. Taz Taylor Beats
Pray for Me Adam “Frank Dukes” Feeney (SOCAN) Kendrick Lamar Anthony “Top Dawg” Tiffith EMI-Blackwood Music, Inc. MYNY Music Sam Fam Beats Songs of Kobalt Music Publishing Sony/ATV Songs LLC
Psycho Tyrone “Ty Dolla $ign” Griffin, Jr. Post Malone Austin Rosen Electric Feel Music EMI-Blackwood Music, Inc. Its Drugs Publishing Posty Publishing Songs of Universal, Inc.
Ric Flair Drip Leland “Metro Boomin” Wayne Songs of Universal, Inc.
Sicko Mode Khalif “Swae Lee” Brown Busta Rhymes Luther “Uncle Luke” Campbell Rogét Chahayed BryTavious “Tay Keith” Chambers Mike Dean Rick Finch Kevin Gomringer Tim Gomringer John Hawkins Bryan Higgins Chauncey “Hit Boy” Hollis James “Dinco D” Jackson KC Travis Scott Fred Scruggs, Jr. Tyrone “Sonny Seeza” Taylor Cydel Young BMG Platinum Songs US EMI-Longitude Music Co. Fat Pat Lives Music Ill Hill Billy’z Muzik, Inc. Lakeith Legacy Publishing Mr. Redan Music of Ever Hip-Hop Music of Evergreen Papa George Music Songs of Universal, Inc. Sony/ATV Ballad Sony/ATV Melody Travis Scott Music Tziah Music U Can’t Teach Bein’ The Shhh, Inc. Universal Music-Z Songs Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.
Sky Walker Rogét Chahayed Happy Perez Travis Scott Songs of Universal, Inc. Sony/ATV Ballad Travis Scott Music
Stir Fry Harry Palmer (PRS) Embassy Music Corporation
Taste Cameron Forbes Tyga EMI-Blackwood Music, Inc. Sound of Money Tygaman Music Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.
Walk It Talk It Grant “Deko” Decouto DJ Montay Harbosky Martiniz Gordon Frederick D. Hall “Jamezz Bonn” Donald B. Jenkins Brian Nash Korey “Big Oomp” Roberson Howard “MC Assault” Simmons Southern Style Techniques, Inc. Top Quality Publishing Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.
Yes Indeed Branden Brown aka B-Rackz Wesley “Wheezy Beatz” Glass Annuity Songs Songs of B-Rackz Ultra Empire Music
Brandy Honored with the BMI President’s Award at the 2019 BMI R&B/Hip-Hop Awards BMI celebrated the songwriters, producers and publishers of the past year’s most-performed R&B/hip-hop songs during the 2019 BMI R&B/Hip-Hop Awards held at the Sandy Springs Arts Center in Atlanta.
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krisdakers · 6 years
san antonio TX dental implants
{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Dentist", "additionalType": "http://www.productontology.org/id/Business_Type", "name": "DIA Dental Implant Center", "legalName": "DIA Dental Implant Center", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressLocality": "San Antonio", "addressRegion": "TX", "postalCode": "78205", "streetAddress": "#148, 7th Floor, 110 E Houston St" }, "telephone": "(210) 753-4049", "url": "https://www.diadentalimplants.com", "email": "[email protected]", "image": [ "https://www.diadentalimplants.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/dia-dental-implant-center.png" ], "logo": "https://www.diadentalimplants.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/dia-dental-implant-center.png", "priceRange": "$$", "openingHours": [ "Mon-Fri 7:30am-4:30pm", "Sat-Sun Closed" ], "hasMap": "https://goo.gl/maps/3WMQp3tuso72", "geo": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": "29.4262746", "longitude": "-98.49350900000002" }, "sameAs": [ "https://www.facebook.com/sanantoniodentalimplants/", "https://twitter.com/dentaimplantstx", "https://plus.google.com/108061383048188372590", "https://www.linkedin.com/company/dia-dental-implant-center/", "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_N-qNr2dVXNmNNGVl2Em2A" ], "founders": [ { "@type": "Person", "name": "David Malave, DMD, OMFS", "sameAs": [ "https://www.linkedin.com/in/dental-implants-san-antonio/" ] } ] }
See the rest of the story at http://www.herbaforms.com/san-antonio-tx-dental-implants/
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Denture implants San Antonio
{ "@context": "http://schema.org", "@type": "Dentist", "additionalType": "http://www.productontology.org/id/Business_Type", "name": "DIA Dental Implant Center", "legalName": "DIA Dental Implant Center", "address": { "@type": "PostalAddress", "addressLocality": "San Antonio", "addressRegion": "TX", "postalCode": "78205", "streetAddress": "#148, 7th Floor, 110 E Houston St" }, "telephone": "(210) 753-4049", "url": "https://www.diadentalimplants.com", "email": "[email protected]", "image": [ "https://www.diadentalimplants.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/dia-dental-implant-center.png" ], "logo": "https://www.diadentalimplants.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/dia-dental-implant-center.png", "priceRange": "$$", "openingHours": [ "Mon-Fri 7:30am-4:30pm", "Sat-Sun Closed" ], "hasMap": "https://goo.gl/maps/3WMQp3tuso72", "geo": { "@type": "GeoCoordinates", "latitude": "29.4262746", "longitude": "-98.49350900000002" }, "sameAs": [ "https://www.facebook.com/sanantoniodentalimplants/", "https://twitter.com/dentaimplantstx", "https://plus.google.com/108061383048188372590", "https://www.linkedin.com/company/dia-dental-implant-center/", "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_N-qNr2dVXNmNNGVl2Em2A" ], "founders": [ { "@type": "Person", "name": "David Malave, DMD, OMFS", "sameAs": [ "https://www.linkedin.com/in/dental-implants-san-antonio/" ] } ] }
See the rest of the story at http://www.colegiodeabogadosdehonduras.org/2018/04/24/denture-implants-san-antonio/
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leglaneur · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
DIRECT 1/3 à #Montévidéo, #Marseille, La Collection #Lambert en #Avignon imaginent conjointement l’exposition « JE T’AIME, JE T’AIME ».
Vernissage en cours : Vendredi 16 Février à 18h30 - DJ set John #Deneuve & DJ #Marel 
Une exposition autour de l’œuvre « Nuancier » de François-Xavier #Courrèges, artiste qui interroge tout particulièrement dans son travail le sentiment amoureux. En écho se déploieront des œuvres de Carlos Amorales, Elina Brotherus, Jason Dodge, Nan Goldin, Jonathan Horowitz, Jo Lansley et Helen Bendon, Jill Magid, Robert Malaval, Duane Michals, Yann Serandour, David Shrigley et Salla Tykkä.
plus d’infos/liens en commentaires : http://LeGlaneur.info/posts/10160705661745347
Exposition ouverte du lundi au vendredi de 10h à 19h et du samedi au dimanche de 10h à 18h. Entrée libre.  Visites commentées les Lundis, Mardis, Jeudis et Vendredis à 12h30 et les Samedis et Dimanches à 15h Mercredi 21 Février à 20h, visite commentée par Stéphane Ibars de la Collection Lambert
Commissariat Stéphane Ibars (Collection Lambert), à l’initiative d’Éric Mézil. Une coproduction #Montévidéo créations contemporaines, La Collection #Lambert en Avignon et #MP2018 #QuelAmour.
les autres photos :
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dellacortesport · 6 years
Florida community redevelopment agency bills aim to restrict, end TIFs
The Florida State Capitol in Tallahassee, Florida.
Two bills now in Florida Senate committees offer different ways to do the same thing: Impose strict auditing, ethics, reporting and accountability measures on the state’s 222 community redevelopment agencies (CRA).
After that, the bills vary, with one phasing CRAs out within 20 years and the other restricting how revenues are collected and spent, effectively diminishing their utility as redevelopment tools for local governments.
Florida’s Community Redevelopment Act of 1969 created CRAs as conduits for directing tax incremental funds (TIF) directly into financing improvements in “blighted” areas. TIF is property tax revenue generated above a “base” year property values within the redevelopment area.
CRAs are created and managed by cities and counties. Often, the CRA board is the county or city commission or council. They have the authority to issue bonds, provide low-income housing incentives, prepare and adopt area development plans.
CRAs have come under fire since a February 2016 Miami-Dade grand jury report identified several South Florida CRAs as “slush funds” for “pet projects” controlled by county and city officials with little scrutiny or public input.
Florida House Speaker Richard Corcoran, R-Land O’Lakes, in a widely-published August op-ed, claimed CRAs extract millions of dollars from municipal budgets for projects that often don’t benefit the general public.
Citing a 2017 Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability’s (OPPAGA) audit, Cocoran noted that statewide, the agencies issued $1.35 billion in bonds between 2005 and 2016, and were collectively $715 million in debt.
“We literally cannot afford CRAs,” he wrote.
Untrue, local governments and redevelopment specialists maintain. Florida League of Cities (FLC) Assistant General Counsel David Cruz said CRAs have proven to be flexible and cost-effective mechanisms for revitalizing private investment in depressed areas and one of the best means to create affordable housing.
Dunedin Director of CRA Economic Development Robert Ironsmith said CRAs do not extract money from municipal budgets because their revenues are generated by property values within them.
CRA revenues are ”direct investments in the area generating the revenues,” Ironsmith said. “This public investment gets rewarded as performance improves — it is not a handout. It is a concentrated approach in turning areas around.”
The bills “effectively punish all of Florida’s municipalities, counties and special taxing districts that have played by the rules and achieved so much to benefit their communities,” Tampa City Councilman Mike Suarez said. “There’s no need for his heavy-handed legislation.”
“There are more than 200 CRAs,” Cruz said. Despite “the negative press for a couple,” the vast majority are effectively run and directly responsive to residents and businesses within them.
House Bill 17 Passed By House
Both bills — HB 17 and SB 432 — are similar to 2017 bills that withered in committees and are submitted by the same sponsors, Rep. Jake Raburn, R-Valrico, in the House, and Sen. Tom Lee, R-Brandon, in the Senate.
Both would increase audit, ethics, reporting and accountability measures for CRAs; require CRAs to annually submit additional reporting information to the state, including performance data for each CRA plan, number of projects started, total number of projects completed, commercial property vacancy rates, amount expended on affordable housing, etc. The bills require CRA procurement to be the same as city and county procurement procedures.
“At this point, we are very supportive of the accountability and transparency in each of these bills,” Cruz said, noting they provide enough oversight to ensure only CRAs that meet economic viability and community engagement standards will be sustainable.
Raburn’s HB 17 passed the House in a 72-32 vote on Jan. 12. It has been referred to the Senate’s community affairs, rules and appropriations committees.
HB 17 prohibits the creation of new CRAs after Oct. 1, 2018, except by a special act of the legislature. It calls for phasing out existing CRAs by Sept. 30, 2038, except those with outstanding bond obligations, unless reauthorized by a super majority vote of the body that created the CRA.
Raburn maintains CRAs are “redundant” and cites an OPPAGA survey of CRA board members that found 97 percent said similar projects could be funded by other local government entities, such as cities or counties, just as effectively.
Raburn said greater transparency and broader citizen inclusion are needed because some CRA boards are exclusively comprised of local elected officials that are not held to the same accountability standards as city or county commissions are.
Corcoran describes Rayburn’s bill as “pure common sense” while others, such as Bill Peebles of the Florida Redevelopment Association, testified in committee hearings that it is “a nuclear option. That’s a death knell for these things.”
Cruz said the FLC is opposed to provisions in HB 17 that only allow state legislators to create new CRAs and require a supermajority vote of a county commission or city council to reauthorize an existing CRA before all are phased out in 2038. It should be a local decision to create one “since no state funds are used to create CRAs,” he said.
Veteran lobbyist Ron Book, who represents nearly 30 municipalities in Tallahassee, agrees, but pointed out that state legislators have the statutory authority to regulate all taxing entities, including CRAs. Therefore, he said, they can require CRAs only be created by state legislators.
“The Constitution of Florida says if you’re going to tax, you must have specific authorization from the state legislature,” Book said. “What the legislature giveth, the legislature taketh away.”
Senate Bill 432 Remains In Three Committees
Lee’s SB 432 has passed through the Senate’s Community Affairs Committee and is in the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development.
Unlike the House bill, SB 432 does not impose a timeline for phasing out CRAs or require legislative approval of new CRAs, but it contains provisions that cap administrative spending at 18 percent, prohibits TIF expenditures on festivals, street parties, grants to promote tourism and grants to “socially beneficial programs.” The Senate bill would also change CRA board composition by requiring the appointment of two non-elected members.
Cruz said “there are a number of key differences” between HB 17 and SB 432 with the FLC objecting to the Senate bill’s proposal to cap administrative CRA spending, impose “a very restrictive list of TIF” expenditures and eliminate “social benefit” partnerships with non-profits.
Many CRAs seek opportunities to create partnerships with local non-profits, Cruz said. Since affordable housing is a key, common CRA objective, many often “partner” with organizations such as Habitat For Humanity. The Senate bill “specifically prohibits these types of partnerships,” he said.
What’s Next
With both bills in Senate committees, Cruz said there is still time for local government officials to lobby their state representatives to retain accountability and transparency standards in the proposals while doing away with provisions to phase out CRAs or restrict their spending and partnership capacities.
“The accountability and transparency [in each] can help with that in the future,” he said.
County and city elected officials had the opportunity to bend lawmakers’ ears about CRAs up close and personal during the FLC’s ‘Legislative Action Days’ on Jan. 30-31.
CRA advocates point out the agencies have spearheaded revitalizations of downtowns across the state, from Tallahassee to Key West, paving the way for St. Petersburg’s Dali Museum and Mahaffey Theater, the restoration of historic McCollum Hall in Fort Myers and the $3 billion investment in Tampa’s proposed Water Street district by Jeff Vinik and Bill Gates.
They note CRAs are created as a revenue stream that incentivizes investment in struggling areas that would otherwise not be attractive. The money “is going into areas where the private sector would not go,” Lakeland CRA Manager Nicole Travis said.
Without initial CRA subsidization, “I don’t know if these areas would get the dollars and resources they need” from general fund budgets, Fort Myers CRA Executive Director Leigh Scrabis said.
The CRA-related proposals are among at least nine bills introduced during the 2018 legislative session that the FPL and Florida Association of Counties have labeled as “preemption bills” that diminish local control on a range of issues, from tree-trimming to the timing of ballot measures to regulating short-term vacation rentals.
Cochran dismisses the preemption complaint, calling it “just government blame shifting. What [HB 17] instead is part and parcel of an attack on corruption and on those who would pass the buck with one hand and pass the plate with the other,” he wrote in defending the proposal.
The bills, particularly HB 17, are widely supported by a range of conservative groups and spending critics, including Florida TaxWatch and Americans For Prosperity’s Florida Chapter.
“We support more transparency and efficiency in government, especially where tax dollars are in play,” Florida AFP spokesman Andres Malave. “We’d like to see CRA be phased out for common sense regulatory reform that can empower the private sector take on development and redevelopment, and empower these communities to build a brighter future.”
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More Info At: https://www.dellacortesport.com/florida-community-redevelopment-agency-bills-aim-to-restrict-end-tifs/
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Roberto Malaver | Hoy no hay guerra, mañana sí
Nunca imaginó David Monsalve que un anuncio publicitario lo iba a hacer famoso. Cuando pequeño, David llegaba a comprar a la bodega Los Guayacanes, y siempre le llamó la atención el aviso que tenía pegado en la pared, José Pascual Malaver, el dueño del negocio: “Hoy no fío, mañana sí”.
El primer día que vio el anuncio le pareció simpático, y se dijo para sí mismo: “Mañana vengo”. Al día siguiente…
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paunksacosta-blog · 7 years
¿Cuántos más faltan? Falsos Positivos Judiciales
A quien corresponda:
Gente, sé que algunos son bastante indiferentes a temas tan polémicos como los que ocurren diariamente en el país, justamente porque no sabemos a fondo sobre la situación tan grave que presenta tal o tal fenómeno, y nos creemos ajenos a esa realidad, callamos y simplemente no queremos protestar, tenemos otras prioridades y quizá no sabemos cómo apoyarnos, cómo cambiar las diferentes injusticias que de manera abrupta arremeten día a día contra nuestro país. Por tanto, siempre es y será momento de tomar medidas del caso y hacerle entender a todas las personas que con la justicia, la verdad, la libertad, no es un tema para ser tomado como un juego y de manera urgente, necesaria, exigente, deben ser derechos sumamente fundamentales para cada uno de nosotros y no para su uso costumbrista de irregularidades que quedan en el pasado; les dejo un recordareis sobre el por qué los llamados "Falsos positivos Judiciales", y en verdad no seamos tan ingenuos, no seamos víctimas de un show mediático ni mucho menos nos dejemos untar para ser fichas de su propio juego.
Es necesario comenzar con la postura de “Seguridad Democrática” de los dos gobiernos comprendidos entre el 2002 y 2010 de Álvaro Uribe Vélez, dejando un sin sabor a los colombianos y siendo ésta utilizada como una capa para la violación constante y sistemática de los DDHH. En el marco de seguridad nacional, se crea una profunda indignación por la aparición de dos fenómenos claves que merecen ser recordados: Los Falsos Positivos y los Falsos positivos Judiciales. Son varios los acontecimientos ocurridos en el país colombiano, donde se pretende hacer creer a los espectadores que personas inocentes atenten contra la población, señalados de manera abrupta de ser terroristas - no es sorpresa - que seamos víctimas de las mentiras y la desinformación por parte de los medios masivos de comunicación.
No olvidemos por ejemplo el caso de Fredy Julián Cortés Urquijo, donde los medios se encargaron de presentarlo como un peligroso guerrillero de las FARC, en ese entonces se afirmó que preparaba un atentado contra el expresidente Álvaro Uribe Vélez, frente a esta polémica, se hablaron de pruebas que se habían encontrado donde comprometían al profesor sembrando minas antipersonales en Cabrera (cundinamarca), también, las autoridades judiciales dijeron que en su computador habían encontrado fotografías del avión presidencial, pero en dicho momento no se había revisado su contenido, y a su vez de acusarlo de pertenecer al Frente Urbano “Antonio Nariño” de las FARC, todo esto fue falso. Urquijo se encuentra exiliado en Bélgica y en sus relatos cuenta de manera descarnada la forma en cómo han sido perseguidos dirigentes de la oposición política y social en Colombia.
Otro Falso Positivo Judicial es el reconocido profesor Miguel Ángel Beltrán, capturado en mayo de 2009 por documentos hallados en los computadores de “Raúl Reyes” de ser el encargo de dirigir eventos académicos para promover y obtener recursos económicos para las FARC, sin embargo fue absuelto en junio de 2011, tres años después, por el juzgado cuarto al considerarse que no existían pruebas directas y fehacientes que lo relacionaran directamente con el grupo guerrillero, “con las pruebas que existen, no hay cómo concluir que Beltrán es el Jaime Cienfuegos de las Farc” concluyó la Corte Suprema.
Tenemos el caso de Adolfo Gutiérrez Malaver quien no fue más que un chivo expiatorio, torturado por miembros de la Fuerza Pública durante cinco días que se hicieron pasar por paramilitares y le ponían corriente en los testículos. Fue acusado en el año 2002 de ser autor del atentado con carro bomba contra la policía que había dejado dos muertos y 39 heridos. Gutiérrez recuperó la libertad y el estado reconoció su inocencia después de 11 años detenido.
En el año 2015 fueron capturados 13 personas, David Camilo Rodríguez Hernández, Heiler Anderson Lamprea Florez, Gerson Alexander Yacumal Ruiz, Paola Andrea Salgado Piedrahita, Estefany Lorena Romo Muñoz, Félix Mauricio Augusto Gutiérrez Díaz, Luis Daniel Jiménez Calderón, Sergio Esteban Segura Guiza, Liset Johana Acosta Bogotá, Jhon Fernando Acosta Bogotá y Andrés Felipe Rodríguez Parra, señalados por la Fiscalía de participar el 2 de Julio en Bogotá de una serie de explosiones con petardos. Según el Juez, la decisión que los había enviado a prisión “carece de motivación” pues “no se hicieron los respectivos análisis de los casos de cada uno de los implicados”, estos jóvenes quedan en libertad el día 11 de Septiembre de 2015.
La sumatoria de falsos positivos judiciales sigue creciendo cada vez más (seguiría escribiendo más nombres y testimonios)
Si nosotros los jóvenes quienes somos los encargados de poner un freno en esta violación desmesurada y continua de nuestros DDHH, créanme que NADIE más hará este freno y esta lucha por nosotros.
Tras esta época de postconflicto, donde en vez de estar unidos, la polarización se concentra cada vez más en nuestro territorio colombiano. Es necesario concentrarnos en estos cambios y procedimientos en los que se encuentran nuestros campesinos, estudiantes, intelectuales, académicos, etc... y nosotros como conocedores de los fenómenos ocurridos recientemente: ¡debemos darnos la pela!
Para La Paz se necesita un gobierno que respalde la justicia y la libertad, y no que se violen de manera abrupta día a día los derechos humanos, donde la verdad debe prevalecer por encima de todo, y recientemente un caso como el del C.C Andino debe ser respaldado por medio de quienes somos fieles a un cambio verdadero, democrático y sincero en nuestro país, apoyemos a nuestras colegas, hermanas, compañeros, familia, por favor, no seamos ajenos a este asunto que no sorprende a quienes sabemos la manipulación masiva tan abrupta y violenta que nos imponen para la conveniencia de pocos. ¡ÚNAMONOS!
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