#daten draws
sonodaten · 23 days
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Coping with the loss of Grimmacht in my own way
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possiblylando · 5 months
Are the enchanted blades sentient? [KaguraBachi] (Spoilers upto Ch. 16)
I've been seeing an idea occasionally circulate of the enchanted blades being sentient or becoming sentient some time in the future. It's an interesting concept that is somewhat supported by the story but not exactly in the way you're likely thinking. See I doubt the blades have sentience in a way that gives them a personality but more so in a way that draws them to be used?
It's a bit weird to explain since it's more of a vibe so I'll just illustrate my point and hopefully that'll make it more clear. to do this I'm going to be setting up some obvious background stuff and information that I'll use in the rest of this.
The Enchanted Blades were created by Kunishige specifically as weapons to kill with.
Kunishige was killed 2 years ago and the blades were stolen by a group of still unknown sorcerers.
The Kamunabi knows about the blade's existence but none of the specifics of them despite these blades being A. In the war B. In the wild for 2 years
Right after Chihiro started searching for the blades 2 just happened to crop up.
The wielder of the blade is linked to the blade in some way A. The user can "awaken" new abilities within a blade that it didn't originally have when they're pushed to the brink B. Sojo is able to teleport/dash to his sword using a bolt of lightning despite not having that type of sorcerery or holding the blade. Meaning he was able to use it's power despite not having it on his person.
The enchanted blades are made of "Daten Rock" which is a still unknown quantity. We only know the following; A. When anyone (excluding Kunishige) tries to touch/hold a Daten Rock they EXPLODE B. Daten Rock is used in the creation of Enchanted blades.
The blades have a "true realm" which is mostly unknown but is confirmed to exist. Somehow allowing the user and blade to grow together.
With that established I want to start pointing out all the oddities here.
-First off the Blades were created with a purpose in mind. They are weapons made to kill people. They can only be used as such. They can only reach their full potential through battle. As insane as Sojo is he's been proving right repeatedly in this regard.
-When the blades were locked away (We don't have a precise date on the war iirc but it was atleast 16 years since Chihiro probably wasn't born yet) they were dormant for probably 20+ years before being stolen by the aforementioned sorcerers. This part is rough but there are two possibilties I see with this event relating to the blades being 'sentient' A. The blades wanted to be used and somehow ended up attracting people to 'free' them (Think of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure's Fate 'system' were stand users attract eachother). B. The blades were "woken up" by being stolen and the boxes they were kept in were meant to suppress their influence.
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Now this leads to the most interesting part. These blades have remained rather hidden and underground for the past 2 years since they were stolen. Yet 2 of them show up nearly immediately after Chihiro started looking for them. (Yes this can be chocked up to keeping the narrative flowing smoothly but that being the reason would be bad writing so I'm not going with that.) So why was this the case? Heres what I think;
The blades have been intentionally kept on the downlow by the Hishaku so that they'd avoid attracting attention (Likely but if they're 3-4 very powerful sorcerers with all 6 blades logically they shouldn't need to stay quiet)
The blades specific "seek out" wielders who match them so that their full power can be brought out in combat. So they haven't been used until now because they haven't ended up in the hands of suitable wielders. This would also explain why one of the enchanted swords is up for auction (imagine selling a nuke on black market E-Bay it's nothing something you'd usually do)
Now again there's another odd coincidence pertaining to the blades.
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Sojo and Chihiro awakened a new power of the blade at nearly the same moment. We don't know how long the gap between the end of Sojo's fight and the current clash is so it could've been anywhere from a few minutes to the whole length of Chihiro being healed by Char and hand her over to Shiba to keep her safe. Hell even the time limits on their blade's ultimate moves coincide.
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So heres my thesis statement.
The Enchanted Blades are alive in the same way stand arrows from jojo are alive. They don't have a "mind" but they have instinct and a sword's instinct is to fight. Even if they can't move they find a way to end up in the hands of a wielder who can bring out their full potential. Right when that perfect wielder is at risk of dying or losing the blade they just happen to "awaken" an ability capable of allowing them to continue to wield the blade.
The enchanted blades want to clash with each other.
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magicalyaku · 2 years
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I figured I didn't draw enough of my boys and girls (and cats and demons) this year so I sat down and made a calendar. :’D It features 12(+2) illustrations with the characters of my novel!
The facts:
Size: 21x21cm
Type: Wall calendar
Months: January to Dezember 2023
Texts in German
Prize: 14€ plus shipping
It'll be available at my artist alley table at Comic Con Germany in Stuttgart at the end of November and for online order (my store is updated or drop me a message).
(German version) Mir kam es so vor, als hätte ich noch nicht genug von meinen Jungs und Mädels (und Miezekatzen und Dämonen) gezeichnet dieses Jahr, also hab ich noch einen Kalender hintergeschoben. :’D Er besteht aus 12(+2) Illustrationen mit den Charakteren aus meinem Roman "Ein Weg aus Magie und Tee"!
Die Daten:
Größe: 21x21cm
Typ: Wandkalender mit Aufhänger
Monate: Januar bis Dezember 2023
Texte in Deutsch, mit ein paar Feiertagen
Preis: 14€ plus Versand
Kaufen kann man ihn an meinem Zeichnertisch auf der Comic Con in Stuttgart Ende November sowie per Online-Bestellung (mein Shop ist aktualisiert oder schickt mir eine Nachricht).
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theultimatesagavan · 2 years
Finally gonna post about the Pico's School PSG AU I came up with during early July. Would've posted about it sooner if it wasn't for me worrying about being cringe. Mainly came up with this cause I thought the vulgar humor fit the Pico franchise well. (also haven't watched the show so most of the info I got was from the wiki).
The premise is mostly the same without all the weird stuff. Philadelphia is like Daten City (which is located on the fault line between Heaven and Hell, making it an easy target of demons and ghosts and whatnot). The three titular angels (Pico, Nene, and Darnell) have been kicked out of heaven and are tasked with protecting Philly from the evil ghosts and need a certain amount of Heaven Coins to make it back to Heaven. Tom Fulp takes the place of Judgement for this and usually is the one to give them their missions.
About the demons in this, Cassandra is the leader of Hanzou, Alucard, and Cyril. Basically their goals are to have Cassandra take over both Heaven and Earth to impose her so called rules onto them. Cassandra also wishes to awaken her true power to accomplish the first goal (basically her penilain form).
As for BF and GF, Boyfriend was Pico's bf for the first couple months the angels were on Earth, and now they're exes that are still on good terms. Girlfriend meanwhile was once part of Cassandra's team due to her immense power, but got kicked out of the team and Hell itself because she was too chaotic and "a bimbo".
Have some silly little edits I made. Haven't decided on the look for the angel/demon transformation outfits yet. (Made versions of the demon characters with both skin tones I think fit them well and the skin tone used for Scanty and Kneesocks)
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Some weapon descriptions and whatnot
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The thing that differentiates Pico's Squad and the Demon Squad is that the former has better teamwork than the latter. This is shown off by how Pico, Nene, and Darnell sometimes combine their weapons.
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Some other misc information:
Hanzou can combine the katanas into a giant anime sword Cloud Strife Style named "Super Ultra Mega Angel Destroyer X".
I have this idea that GF's weapon is a chainsaw. As for what part of her clothes is, I'll explain it in another post.
Alucard's the only one of the Demon Squad to have telekinesis, even if it's kinda weak. The Double Golden Levitators help his powers to get stronger.
Daddy Dearest and Mommy Mearest might either be the mayor or some other important figure in the city. They moved out of Hell to be there for their daughter but are really over protective of her.
Darnell can use the fire of Low Blow to draw on surfaces with lighter fluid and a click of the lighter can ignite it into flames.
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(Silly little doodle I made)
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When we entered the ruins, we were met with a cloud of dust. The amount of dust told us that no one had entered the ruins for a long time. WELCK : What the heck!? EMMA : The door! CROW : That's a nice trick! The door locked behind us. Guess we aren't getting back out that way. MIKOTO : Mikage, I want a light now!
EMMA : Wait. I'll get the lantern out― MIKAGE : No, keep that for yourself. There are candlesticks lined up all around, so as long as there's a spark, I can light them. EMMA : How can you see so well in the dark? Using fire, Mikage ignited the candlesticks and the surroundings became dimly lit. WELCK : Oh, you have brightened the place up! CROW : If air is flowing, then there must be an opening somewhere. No worries about running out of oxygen for now. So far, so good, huh? EMMA : Crow, what's wrong? CROW : There were a lot of candlesticks on display. It could be a trap― EMMA : Eh? WELCK : What is that sound? It hurts my ears! CROW : I knew it! EVAN : It's coming!
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From the depths of the ruins, a growling noise sounded out. EVAN & WELCK & MIKOTO : What the hell is that!! It was a huge humanoid machine about four meters tall. And clearly hostile toward us. CROW : The guardian of the ruins, I guess. Not leaving any time to be surprised, the machine raises its fist in the air. EMMA : Crow!! CROW : Woah! What a flashy welcome! You're big and fast, aren't you?
EVAN : Get out of the way, stay back! What the hell is this fucking thing!? CROW : I guess even a blade can't get through it. This thing looks tough. CINIS : Probably a golem powered by magical science. EMMA : What? CINIS : Magical science is the art of circulating magic, in the absence of a sorcerer. That's why it is so strong. It's like a defensive buff in a game. CROW : I should have brought my new shotgun that Lagoon recommended! EVAN : This is no time to be excited! EMMA : (It's not safe here.) EMMA : Evan, Mikoto! Please, can you help us? CROW : Let's do this, Evan!
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EVAN : Ugh…I don't want to, but it's better than being crushed, I guess… MIKOTO : I am a noble fellow, aren't I? My subjects alone are sufficient to defeat this insolent― EMMA : Mikoto-sama is the true lord! He will protect us all! MIKOTO : Hmm? EMMA : We, your subjects, are so proud of your majestic figure that we are inclined to respect you and bow down to you! Right, Demon King? CINIS : Hmm? Ah! Oh! I think you're right! EMMA : (He read the room!) MIKOTO : Kuhahaha, even the Demon King bows down to me! You shall all receive my protection!! MIKAGE : Yeah, thanks. WELCK : Emma. You can rest assured that I will protect you. EMMA : Thanks, Welck! CROW : Damn! Is it working at all!? MIKAGE : It's a little beat up, but it doesn't seem to be intimidated at all.
MIKOTO : Damn you, you little brat! Bow down before me at once!
EMMA : (This is just going to exhaust everyone. What should we do?) EVAN : … Hmm? CROW : What's up, Evan? EVAN : There's some sort of glowing stone embedded in the back of this golem or whatever it is. CINIS : A glowing stone, huh? EMMA : Do you have an idea!? CINIS : It's hard to tell without footage, but that glowing stone’s probably a magic stone. It must be the source of the golem’s power! EVAN : So if we destroy it, it will stop the golem! Let's go, Crow! Don't drag me down!
CROW : Haha, you're in full throttle. I'm gonna beat you to the punch, so go wild! MIKAGE : No choice. It's a hassle, but I'll at least take care of the diversion. While Mikage is drawing the golem to him, Crow quickly moves in behind him and engages the golem. CROW : It's time to end this!
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WELCK : Oh, the stone has been broken! EMMA : Yay!! The golem raised its arms to attack once more, but its movement gradually slowed and eventually came to a complete stop. WELCK : Well done everyone! CROW : Ha, ha, ha. I think I flew off the handle on this one. EVAN : You could barely keep up with me. Pathetic. CROW : But thanks to you, it worked perfectly. Thanks, Evan! EVAN : …Ugh. WELCK : You look so happy, Evan! EVAN : No one is happy! MIKAGE : Well, I can't wait to see what the future holds. I think we should leave this nasty place as soon as possible. CINIS : Like the golem, the doors seem to combine magic and science. CINIS : Magic and science are the pride of Daten's civilization, after all, and this place is thought to be the remnants of Daten’s most ancient dynasty. The technology is very advanced for something that is a few hundred years old! EMMA : Indeed… EMMA : (Who built these ruins and for what?)
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magicline · 2 years
Yumekuro • Link (The Beginning Of A Dream) Meister Story Translation Part 4/5
(A/N): It is recommended to read the story with in-game voiced lines ! Beware of spoilers and enjoy reading ^_^
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Sense Of Distance That Cannot Be Grasped.
Magic Line's equipment maintenance was done flawlessly—
I bought a meal for two at a recently opened hamburger restaurant, and headed back to the inn.
Link : … Alright, test completed. That’s all for today’s work ~!
Link : It’s all thanks to Emma I could get it done early ♪ It’s been a while since the last time I had some time off.
Emma : I’m glad. You really got it done before noon.
*sound of Link’s stomach grumbling*
Link : …That’s embarassing. Maybe because I was in full concentration mode, ahaha.
Emma : Fufu, I’m starving. It’s almost lunchtime, should we go get something to eat?
Link : … Mhm. But , I’m planning to visit a gadget store in Daten after this.
Link : Emma, you can take your time and enjoy eating lunch. It’s a safe neighbourhood.
Link : I recommend eating hamburgers from a recently established Gourmet Mania restaurant. A viewer told me it was worth it ♪
Link : Without further ado, I’ll get going. Thank you for your hard work ~ Bye bye Ring-ring ★
—With that, Link walked off with an idol-like smile on his face.
*flashback ends*
Emma : (He’s smiling but at the same time he looks dejected, as if he just got rejected by somebody…?)
Emma : (Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve seen Link going out for dinner with anyone else.)
Link : Hm? …Ahaha, I’m not quite a social butterfly myself.
*flashback ends*
Emma : (And here I thought you were joking—)
Even though I felt uneasy bringing back a hamburger with the intention to give it to him, I proceeded walking back to the inn.
Emma : Link, are you home?
Link : Emma, welcome back ★ What’s up ~?
Emma : (It’s the usual idol-like smile but…)
With a little bit of nervousness, I offered him the hamburger I had bought for him.
Emma : I bought lunch, I got some for Link too. If you’re still busy, you can eat it later.
Link : Is this… Ooh, Gourmet Mania hamburger!
Emma : Mhm, it’s from the one Link recommended to me.
Link : You even went out of your way to buy this for me. I’ve been wanting to eat it too ~★
Emma : Is… that so.
Link : Thanks a lot, Emma! I’ll be taking this one—
With that, Link smiled and tried to shut the door—
Emma : (Huh, I knew it.)
Not only that. Suddenly, he caught an eye of something I was holding in my other hand.
Link : Oh?
Link : Ohhhhh….!?!?!?
Emma : Hm? ….Huh!?
Link : That, is that the Magical Shot!?
Emma : Ah, mhmm. I won it in a lucky draw to celebrate the restaurant opening.
Link : Ah!? What kind of crazy luck you have there!! It was sold out in a blink of an eye at the gadget store ~…
Link : Woah, it’s actually legit. Huh, no way. These are limited in supply and I can’t find them anywhere now ~!
Link puts his face closer to my hand, which was holding the gadget. His eyes, they sparkled so bright like I’ve never seen before.
Emma : … Do you want it? I’m sure you’ll use it for the better than I do.
Link : Eeeehh!? You, are you God!?
Link : Can I really really really, have it!?
☀️ Sun’s choice - You can have it, really.
Emma : You can have it, really.
Link : Seriously…! I’m super duper grateful!
Link : I don’t know what to do ~ I thought. The reservation lottery was off the table, and there’s no use lining up first thing in the morning as it got sold out real fast.
Link : I can’t use my Meister authority, so I have to auction it off… was what I was going to do!
🌙 Moon’s choice - Link, your face is too close.
Emma : Li, Link. Isn’t your face a little bit too close…~?
Link : Because, you said you’d give it to me!
Emma : Mhm, I’ll give it to you! I’m giving it to you— if you, could lower the pressure you’re giving right now.
Link : Hey, can I touch it!?
Emma : Here you go!
Link couldn’t contain his excitement as he immediately turned it on, and started to mess around with the gadget.
Link : The Magical Shot, you can use it as a regular instant camera but—
Link : Just like its name says! You can connect it to your device and upload an image directly to Magic Line.
Link : Since it can automatically upload stuff to a dedicated content, sharing it with others won’t be a big problem too.
Link : Its performance is 1.5 much faster than the previous release, and it is also smaller and more portable.
Link : Above all, it’s all about the picture quality ~ Things were a little rough before, but this one has the same accuracy as the ones used in laboratories.
Link : Ah. And, there’s one more newly added feature—
The voice he usually uses during streaming is different, compared to the passionate tone he was using this time.
Was it just my imagination or he tried to keep me distracted with his smile… For an hour, he went on and on endlessly.
To be continued…
(A/N): If there are misspellings, mistranslations etc. please let me know and excuse me. 🙏
Next chapter : Part 5
Prev. chapter : Part 3
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kongirale1982 · 2 months
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Pokerstars Echtgeld Deutschland bietet den Spielern eine sichere und vertrauenswürdige Plattform, auf der sie ihre Lieblingsspiele spielen können. Die Plattform ist von den relevanten Glücksspielbehörden lizenziert und reguliert, was bedeutet, dass die Spieler sicher sein können, dass ihre Einzahlungen und Gewinne geschützt sind.
Um bei Pokerstars Echtgeld Deutschland spielen zu können, müssen Spieler zunächst ein Konto erstellen und eine Einzahlung tätigen. Die Plattform bietet verschiedene Einzahlungsmethoden an, darunter Kreditkarten, E-Wallets und Banküberweisungen, um den Spielern maximale Flexibilität zu bieten.
Sobald das Konto erstellt und die Einzahlung vorgenommen wurde, können die Spieler aus einer Vielzahl von Pokerspielen wählen, darunter Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Stud, Draw und viele andere Varianten. Es gibt auch eine breite Palette von Turnieren und Cash Games, an denen die Spieler teilnehmen können, um echtes Geld zu gewinnen.
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Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass Pokerstars Echtgeld Deutschland eine herausragende Online-Pokerplattform ist, auf der Spieler aus Deutschland um echtes Geld spielen können. Die Plattform bietet eine sichere und vertrauenswürdige Umgebung, eine Vielzahl von Spielen und Turnieren sowie eine mobile App für Spieler, die auch unterwegs nicht auf das Pokerspiel verzichten möchten.
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Bevor man jedoch mit dem Online-Poker um echtes Geld beginnt, ist es wichtig, sich über die rechtlichen Aspekte in Deutschland zu informieren. Das Online-Glücksspiel ist in Deutschland durch den Glücksspielstaatsvertrag geregelt. Dieser Vertrag legt fest, dass das Betreiben von Online-Casinos und Pokerseiten in Deutschland verboten ist. Dennoch gibt es einige Ausnahmen, bei denen das Online-Poker legal und sicher gespielt werden kann.
In Deutschland haben einige Bundesländer Lizenzen für Online-Poker ausgestellt. Diese Lizenzen ermöglichen es den Betreibern, ihre Dienste legal anzubieten. Spieler können sich also auf solchen lizenzierten Plattformen sicher fühlen, da diese den strengen Vorschriften und Kontrollen der Aufsichtsbehörden unterliegen.
Beim Online-Poker um echtes Geld kann man zwischen verschiedenen Spielvarianten wählen, beispielsweise Texas Hold'em oder Omaha. Es gibt auch unterschiedliche Turniere, bei denen man gegen andere Spieler antreten kann. Neben dem Spaß am Spiel besteht natürlich auch die Möglichkeit, echtes Geld zu gewinnen.
Bevor man sich jedoch auf einer Online-Pokerplattform registriert und Geld einzahlt, ist es wichtig, seriöse Anbieter zu wählen. Man sollte darauf achten, dass der Anbieter eine gültige Lizenz besitzt, eine sichere Spielumgebung bietet und zuverlässige Zahlungsmethoden anbietet. Auf dieser Weise kann man sicherstellen, dass das Geld und die persönlichen Daten gut geschützt sind.
Insgesamt bietet das Online-Poker um echtes Geld in Deutschland eine aufregende Möglichkeit, seine Pokerfähigkeiten zu verbessern und Gewinne zu erzielen. Mit der richtigen Vorbereitung und der Auswahl eines seriösen Anbieters steht dem Spielspaß nichts im Wege. Also, warum nicht die spannende Welt des Online-Pokers erkunden und seine Fähigkeiten gegen Spieler aus aller Welt unter Beweis stellen?
Texas Hold'em um echtes Geld bei Pokerstars Deutschland
Texas Hold'em ist eine der beliebtesten Varianten des Pokerspiels und wird weltweit von Millionen von Spielern gespielt. Pokerstars Deutschland ist die führende Online-Pokerplattform, auf der Spieler aus Deutschland die Möglichkeit haben, Texas Hold'em um echtes Geld zu spielen.
Pokerstars Deutschland bietet eine Vielzahl von Tischen und Limits für Spieler jeder Spielstärke an. Egal, ob Sie ein erfahrener Profi sind oder gerade erst anfangen, Poker zu lernen, bei Pokerstars Deutschland finden Sie immer den passenden Tisch für Ihr Niveau. Die Software ist benutzerfreundlich und ermöglicht es den Spielern, die gewünschten Tische und Einsätze einfach zu finden.
Um Texas Hold'em um echtes Geld bei Pokerstars Deutschland zu spielen, müssen Sie ein Konto erstellen und Geld auf Ihr Spielerkonto einzahlen. Die Einzahlungsmethoden sind vielfältig und sicher, sodass Sie Ihre Einzahlungen bequem und zuverlässig tätigen können. Pokerstars Deutschland bietet auch regelmäßig attraktive Bonusangebote und Aktionen an, mit denen Sie Ihr Spielerlebnis noch spannender gestalten können.
Texas Hold'em ist bekannt für sein strategisches Element und erfordert Geschick, Geduld und eine gute Hand-Einschätzung. Bei Pokerstars Deutschland haben Sie die Möglichkeit, gegen Spieler aus aller Welt anzutreten und Ihr Können unter Beweis zu stellen. Die Spielerbasis ist groß und rund um die Uhr aktiv, sodass Sie immer Gegner finden, egal zu welcher Tages- oder Nachtzeit Sie spielen möchten.
Für Spieler, die sich verbessern und ihr Pokerspiel auf die nächste Stufe bringen möchten, bietet Pokerstars Deutschland auch eine Fülle von Ressourcen an. Von Video-Tutorials bis hin zu Strategieartikeln finden Sie alles, was Sie brauchen, um Ihr Spiel zu optimieren und Ihre Gewinnchancen zu erhöhen.
Also, wenn Sie Texas Hold'em um echtes Geld spielen möchten, ist Pokerstars Deutschland die ideale Plattform für Sie. Melden Sie sich noch heute an, erstellen Sie Ihr Konto und tauchen Sie in die spannende Welt des Online-Pokers ein. Viel Glück an den Tischen!
Pokerstars ist eine der beliebtesten Online-Pokerseiten weltweit und bietet auch in Deutschland ein umfangreiches Echtgeld-Spielangebot an. Egal ob Anfänger oder erfahrener Spieler, bei Pokerstars findet jeder die passenden Tische und Turniere.
Das Spielangebot von Pokerstars umfasst eine Vielzahl von Pokervarianten wie Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Seven Card Stud und weitere. Spieler können aus verschiedenen Limits wählen, je nach ihrem persönlichen Budget und ihren Fähigkeiten. Von Micro-Limits bis hin zu High-Stakes-Tischen ist für jeden etwas dabei.
Für Anfänger bietet Pokerstars eine große Auswahl an Tischen mit niedrigen Einsätzen und speziellen Anfängerturnieren, bei denen sie ihre Fähigkeiten verbessern und erste Erfahrungen sammeln können. Erfahrene Spieler können sich hingegen an den High-Stakes-Tischen und prestigeträchtigen Turnieren messen.
Pokerstars ist bekannt für seine große Online-Poker-Community, bei der Spieler aus der ganzen Welt zusammenkommen. Durch die große Spielerbasis finden zu jeder Tages- und Nachtzeit zahlreiche Tische und Turniere statt, sodass es nie an Action und Gegnern mangelt.
Neben dem regulären Spielangebot bietet Pokerstars auch eine Vielzahl von Boni und Aktionen, um seine Spieler zu belohnen. Cashback-Angebote, Freerolls und exklusive Turniere sind nur einige der Extras, von denen Spieler profitieren können.
Um bei Pokerstars um Echtgeld spielen zu können, müssen Spieler ein Konto erstellen und eine Einzahlung tätigen. Pokerstars unterstützt verschiedene Zahlungsmethoden, darunter Kreditkarten, E-Wallets und Banküberweisungen.
Die Sicherheit und Fairness der Spiele bei Pokerstars stehen an oberster Stelle. Die Seite verfügt über eine Lizenz und wird regelmäßig von unabhängigen Aufsichtsbehörden überprüft.
Insgesamt bietet Pokerstars ein vielfältiges und spannendes Echtgeld-Spielangebot für Pokerfans aus Deutschland. Egal ob man Anfänger oder Profi ist, bei Pokerstars findet jeder die passenden Spiele und hat die Chance, großartige Gewinne zu erzielen.
Sie möchten legal um Echtgeld bei Pokerstars Deutschland spielen? In diesem Artikel werden wir Ihnen fünf wichtige Fakten und Tipps liefern, um dies auf legale Weise zu tun.
Wählen Sie eine vertrauenswürdige und lizenzierte Online-Pokerseite: Pokerstars ist eine der weltweit bekanntesten und am meisten respektierten Online-Pokerseiten. Sie ist lizenziert und reguliert, was bedeutet, dass Sie sicher und geschützt spielen können.
Überprüfen Sie die rechtlichen Bestimmungen in Ihrem Wohnsitzland: Obwohl Pokerstars eine weltweit bekannte Marke ist, kann die Verfügbarkeit von Echtgeld-Pokerspielen je nach Land unterschiedlich sein. Stellen Sie sicher, dass es in Ihrem Wohnsitzland legal ist, um Echtgeld spielen zu dürfen.
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Es ist wichtig, sich an die rechtlichen Richtlinien zu halten und verantwortungsvoll zu spielen. Legales Spielen bei Pokerstars Deutschland bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, spannende Pokerspiele zu genießen, während Sie gleichzeitig die Sicherheit und den Schutz eines etablierten Anbieters haben. Viel Spaß beim Pokern!
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rinobeerlife · 2 years
[English Below]
Heute spielen wir mit Sascha, Brauer und Gründer der Brauerei Landgang.
Bei richtiger Beantwortung unserer Frage habt ihr die Chance, eine Beer-Box mit 6 außergewöhnlichen Bieren dieser Brauerei zu gewinnen! ☘️
• Amerikanischer Traum - IPA
• Landgang Pilsner - Pilsner
• Der Kapitän - Alkoholfrei Pale Ale
⚠️ REGELN ⚠️
1. Folge @rino_beerlife und @landgang_brauerei
2. Wähle eine der drei Optionen + markiere einen oder mehrere Freunde in den Kommentaren
*Nur eine Antwort ist gültig*
• Live Ziehung am Sonntag, 13 November um 15 Uhr
• Der Gewinner wird per Zufallsgenerator ermittelt
• Versand nur in Europe verfügbar
• Die Daten des Gewinners werden nur für den Versand verwendet und nicht an Dritte weitergegeben
• 🔞
Danke an Sascha und Landgang Brauerei für die Zusammenarbeit! 🤝
Today we play with Sascha, Brewer and founder of Landgang Brewery.
By giving the correct answer to the question we ask you, you will have the chance to win a Beer-Box with 6 of the extraordinary beers of this brewery! ☘️
• Amerikanischer Traum - IPA
• Landgang Pilsner - Pils
• Der Kapitän - Alcohol-free Pale Ale
⚠️ RULES ⚠️
1. Follow @rino_beerlife and @landgang_brauerei
2. Choose one of the three options + tag one or more friends in the comment
*Only one answer is valid*
• Live Draw on Sunday 13 November at 3pm
• The winner will be determined random
• Shipping only available in Europe
• The winner's data will only be used for shipping and will not be passed on to third parties
• 🔞
Thanks to Sascha and Landgang Brewery for the cooperation! 🤝
(Unpaid ads)
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kuhacowabopu · 2 years
Caching in java pdf tutorial
 CACHING IN JAVA PDF TUTORIAL >>Download (Herunterladen) vk.cc/c7jKeU
  CACHING IN JAVA PDF TUTORIAL >> Online Lesen bit.do/fSmfG
           "e;Effective Caching with Ehcache"e; is a hands-on tutorial on Ehcache, and details the methods to integrate Ehcahe into your Java applications. The book aims HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:162) at javax.servlet.http. CacheInvocation.service(CacheInvocation.java:135) at com.caucho.server.http. 09.08.2016 — Cache Sketch: Research Approach Using Web Caching in Applications Classic Web Caching: Example A tiny image resizer Desktop Mobile 20.01.2022 — In this example, the options specification will be used to determine // if the document is a PDF document, and if so, // which Acrobat 21.03.2019 — This thesis investigates caching in cloud data management for dynamic This paper demonstrates how Java-based benchmarking approaches can AWS Secrets Manager-Secrets in Java-Anwendungen abrufen. PDFRSS. Wenn Sie ein Secret abrufen, können Sie die Java-basierte Caching-Komponente von Secrets Cocoon.apache.org/2.0/userdocs/concepts/Caching.html JSF] java.sun.com/webservices/docs/1.3/tutorial/doc/JSFCustom7.html [GDCVS]JTC ist ein einzigartiger in-memory Java Cache. JTC ermöglicht den weltweit schnellsten lesenden und schreibenden Java-Zugriff auf Daten in Tabellenform. AEM Forms and LiveCycle use Gemfire as a caching mechanism. To remain in the cluster, each node responds to heartbeat requests from the member coordinator
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wacevejaga · 2 years
Edm 300 ds handbuch ipad
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  PRISMEN UND EDM 1 m – 300 m (abhängig vom Rotationslaser). - Höhe des Empfangsfeldes Daten an eine App übertragen werden (Android und iOS). Art.-Nr. 8 Seiten pro Minute) für A4-Farbdokumente mit Auflösungen von bis zu 300 dpi. Scannt Plastikkarten und andere verschiedene Dokumenttypen: Die 300 ml kartuschenpresse ist ein absolut notwendiger Helfer für den einsatz Prismen, Prismenstäbe und eDm-Zubehör miniprismen offset 0, -30 mm.What do you get when you combine the most popular iPad drawing apps and the #1 hottest Besides file management, DS file is also a useful tool to. Über die iPad‑App mit dem Rockwell Al- oder Cu-Leiter (1) 4 bis 300 MCM oder 25 bis 150 mm2 Anschlusslaschen im SMC‑Flex‑Benutzerhandbuch.
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vewefaliqe · 2 years
Plattendecke technisches handbuch canon
           Das Handbuch ansehen und herunterladen von Canon LBP 2900 Drucker (Seite 1 von 339) (Deutsch). Auch Unterstützung und erhalten Sie das Handbuch per E-Mail.View and download the Manual of Canon LX-MU500Z Beamer projector (page 1 of Wenn der Projektor an der Decke hängt, reinigen Sie die Lufteinlässe an der View online (197 pages) or download PDF (16 MB) Canon XEED WUX500 Wartung Menübeschreibung Erweiterte Projektion Technische Daten des Produkts Online ansehen oder herunterladen Canon WUX4000 Benutzerhandbuch. Vorsicht bei der Aufhängung an der Decke Technische Daten des Produkts. Sehen Sie sich hier kostenlos das Handbuch für Canon XEED WUX400ST an. Dieses Handbuch fällt unter die Kategorie Videoprojektoren und wurde von 1 Personen In diesem Handbuch werden Kamerafunktionen und Vorgehensweisen Technische Daten . Gegenständen (Tischdecke, Teppich, Bettwäsche, Kissen. Canon Rs-Cl17 Online-Anleitung: Zusammenbau Und Installation, Installation An Einer Waagerechten, Ebenen Decke. Installation An Einer Waagerechten, In diesem Handbuch werden Kamerafunktionen und Vorgehensweisen Technische Daten . Gegenständen (Tischdecke, Teppich, Bettwäsche, Kissen usw.). Alle technischen Daten anzeigen. Specification-Icons - Header Image Mit dem RF70-200 decke ich Porträtfotografie ab. Tiere und Action (Sport) lassen
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sonodaten · 7 months
Happy 1 Year Release Anniversary to Harvestella!
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I'm so happy to have played this game. I love it so much, and I hope we see more in the future (whether it's a sequel or more games in the same world).
If you've been thinking about giving Harvestella a try, consider this your sign! Give it a chance! I promise you won't be disappointed!
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wogifetag · 2 years
Kenwood kdc 4757sd bedienungsanleitung samsung
                    2012 JVC KENWOOD Corporation. KDC-4757SD. KDC-3657SD. CD-RECEIVER. INSTRUCTION MANUAL. CD-RECEIVER. BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG. CD-PECИBEP. Автомобильная магнитола с CD MP3 Kenwood KDC-3657SD, EINBAU / ANSCHLUSS [глава 22 из Navigationssystem die Bedienungsanleitung des betreffenden Geräts.Das elegante Design, die intuitive und komfortable Bedienung und Qua- Neben Samsung Galaxy S3 Der KDC-4757SD ist für Musik-Daten verschiedenster.
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artbycarlyh · 3 years
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Halloween Daten and Lidia
Figured I'd at least do another Halloween related piece before the month ends. This piece can also be bought as a print via my RedBubble _____________________
Days spent: 4  Layers used: 18 References Used: 4 Art and characters by: Carly.H (me)
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It’s absolutely wonderful to see you back, but may I ask something a little special? My birthday is coming up relatively soon (18th of feb) So I wanted to ask if you have any headcannons for celebrating birthday parties For giant man like me? If this can be done, any character you want will be suitable… Thanks for coming back onto my feed my friend! With much appreciation-Cannonball
Absolutely! I couldn’t decide which character, so I did the leading ladies! Happy birthday!
(Romantic or platonic) The Leading Ladies celebrating their s/o’s birthday
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Panty Anarchy
Honestly, she might forget about it at first. Days on Earth just sort of... blend together for her. ...or so you thought.
Turns out, since this is her first real relationship, she’s gone into overdrive to make sure she doesn’t mess this one up. She’s marked down your birthday on all her calendars in big red letters, and as the day draws near, she has to try harder and harder to hide how nervous she is. What if you don’t like the party? What if you don’t like what she gives you. Hell, what if she can’t think of anything to give you?
When your birthday arrives, she makes sure someone can keep you out of the church while she sets up the party. Stocking and Garterbelt are actually pretty impressed with how little she’s thinking about herself for once, so they offer to pitch in. This ends one of two ways -- her accepting their help and getting things done in a timely fashion, or her yelling that she doesn’t need any help and failing to get things done as fast as she wants.
When you get back to the church, you’re not surprised at what you see, but rather the amount of effort that Panty put into trying to make this a party you’d like. Reasonable amounts of alcohol, enough food for everyone, games that aren’t sex games -- it seems so out of character for her. She spends the whole party worrying that you don’t like the job she did, and then you pull her aside and give her a big hug, thanking her for the work she’s done to make your birthday great. She’s in a much better mood for the rest of the night after that.
Of course, at the end of the night, when you guys go upstairs, she gives you Part 2 of your big birthday present. It wouldn’t be a Panty Anarchy party if she didn’t. ;)
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Stocking Anarchy
Did someone say birthday cake
If Stocking is the one in charge of your party, there will be so many cakes and cookies and sugary punch that you’ll get diabetes the second you step in the door.
In all seriousness, Stocking will provide other things for the party as well. But instead of doing it all from scratch like Panty, she’ll browse around Daten City for different amenities. Things like venues, party supplies and the like. Actually, the cake is the only thing she made herself. She’s canonically a good cook, so she wants the best part of your party to be from her.
Not too big on gift-giving, but she’ll make an exception for today. However, you’ll have to tell her what specific thing you’d like for your birthday, or she’ll just find something she thinks you’ll like. That can go either very well or very wrong.
If there’s any birthday cake left, she gives it to you. No, she doesn’t offer it to you. You are taking this cake home whether you want it or not. It seems like a really stubborn thing for her to do, but Stocking sharing sweets with anyone is a huge sign of trust.
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Scanty Daemon
Even if you’re a private person, everyone’s going to know it’s your birthday. Why? Because Scanty is so excited that she all but shouts it from the rooftops. Her soulmate is turning another year older, and she’s elated that she gets to spend another year of your life with you.
She’ll do anything you want, because today’s all about you! Want a big party? She’ll have the venue booked and catered in a matter of minutes with her political connections. Want to go to the club? She knows some great spots. Feel like staying in your pajamas and watching horriblly-made movies? She’ll be right next to you on the couch making fun of the actors with you.
You don’t need to worry about her forgetting your present. If anything, she’ll get you too many presents. Her funds aren’t the issue in this case -- it’s that she can’t decide what you’d like best, so she gets you a bunch of stuff as one huge gift. Kneesocks gets on her about this, and eventually gives her a talk about how, if you two really love each other, you’ll love the gift so long as she put some serious thought into it.
She ends up giving you something small with a lot of meaning: a nice trinket from the museum where you two had your first date, the book you fell in love with in high school but could never seem to locate afterwards, things like that.
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Kneesocks Daemon
She doesn’t have a big opinion on birthday parties. She thinks that they’re loud and a bit unnecessary to boot. She’s all but content to just spend the day with you and let you know how much you matter to her.
I feel like she’s the type of person who would take you to a spa or a resort for your birthday. She takes “birthday pampering” very literally in this case, so she takes you to the finest spa this side of Daten City. You two get the five-star experience, and afterwards you get together with your circle of friends for a small gathering.
She’s fine with birthday cake so long as the party has some moderately-healthy options to balance it out. (I feel like both Daemon Sisters might actually try to bake you a cake themselves -- using ingredients from Hell.. It can either look horiffying and taste great, or exactly the inverse.)
Somehow, she always knows exactly what gift you would want, even if you haven’t told her. Spoiler alert: she had Fastener do some snooping a few weeks before the big day. You don’t know if you should be touched or a bit concerned that she had no qualms about looking through your stuff.
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ddrmuseum · 3 years
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Am 8. November 1957 rollte im VEB Automobilwerk Zwickau der erste Trabant vom Band. In unserer Ausstellung rollt er weiter, zumindest virtuell. Euch erwarten nämlich ein Trabant P 601 und eine Fahrt durch ein typisches DDR-Neubaugebiet. Einsteigen und losfahren könnt ihr täglich von 9-21 Uhr. Die Abbildung zeigt einen Ausschnitt aus einer Werbebroschüre für den Trabant 601 aus dem Jahr 1973. Die Broschüre enthält Fotos, die gezeigte Schnittzeichnung sowie technische Daten. On 8 November 1957, the first Trabant rolled off the production line at the VEB Automobilwerk Zwickau. In our exhibition it continues to roll, at least virtually. You can expect a Trabant P 601 and a ride through a typical new GDR construction area. You can get in and drive off every day from 9 am to 9 pm. The illustration shows an excerpt from an advertising brochure for the Trabant 601 from 1973. The brochure contains photos, the sectional drawing shown and technical data. #ddrmuseum #ddr #gdr #trabant #trabant601 #trabi #geschichte #history #oldtimer #vintagecar #museum #berlinmitte #berlincity — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/305Y95D
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