pueraeternuspan · 6 years
@darlinglittlewendymoiraangela liked for a starter.
He eyed the Neverbird in silence, getting ever closer towards it but never jumping out to catch it. Just a little game of his own and now Wendy’s since she was close to him as well. “Rumor has it that if you pluck one of the Neverbird’s tail feathers than all your wishes can come true” He whispers, smirking some.
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lilladybayou · 6 years
“There is no guarantee we will make it to eighty without breaking up. “
"Don’t be such a downer.”
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"Excuse me? Can you help me?" (For Beau )
Beau wiped sweat from his brow and set aside his tools, stepping back from the heat of the forge and turning to the young woman who’d just interrupted his work. She looked to be somewhere around Belle’s age, if not a tad younger. Concern furrowed his brow, emphasized by the streak of soot his hand had just left. “Are you all right, mademoiselle?” he asked. “What is it you need my help with?”
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lost-boys-king-blog · 7 years
If I continue at this rate, the only thing I’ll ever date, is my MacBook Pro hard drive.
Emerald eyes watched the girl carefully as she spoke a wide grin pulling at his lips “Now Darling that can’t be true.” he teased as his fingertip lazily storked the girls cheek.
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flowernamedmoved · 7 years
❝ darling, stop wishing on dead stars. ❞
six/ten words || @darlinglittlewendymoiraangela || accepting
“I wish I could.” she sighed but smiled. “I guess I don’t know how to tell when they’re dead.”
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lxyalty · 7 years
@darlinglittlewendymoiraangela Continued from here. Trust me, it wasn't from lack of trying. "Why, Wendy-bird, I'm hurt," he mocks back, even drawing himself back some before he rolls his eyes at her. "If I'm so unwanted, suppose I'll take my leave. I wouldn't want you to get a crick in your neck from trying to look up at me after all."
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thecursedson · 7 years
" I've been reading books of old, the legends and the myths. Achilles and his gold, Hercules and his gifts, Spiderman's control, and Batman with his fists, and clearly I don't see myself upon that list.” 
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//Something Just Like This by the Chainsmokers and Coldplay
[ [ @darlinglittlewendymoiraangela ] ] 
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neverlandborn · 6 years
“Five Times Cried. “
Send “Five Times ______ed” for a Drabble
You’re five and while you think you’re far too old to cry you can’t help but sniffle and rub angrily your eyes after school that day. It was dumb, if you’re honest (which you’re not) but you hate when other children made fun of you. Or more specifically made fun of your mom. 
You never cared if they called you names, momma’s boy or how it was supposed to be an insult.  So after a while, they figured out new ways to get a rise out of you. Calling her names and insulting her was usually the way they got you to snap and get into a fight. You were always the one that got blamed and it wasn’t fair! You didn’t start it (you had promised not to) but you weren’t going to let them push you around either. 
“Bug?” You were so focused on whipping your tears away you didn’t notice your mother had walked into your room until she was cradling you in her arms and petting your hair. You just  couldn’t stop crying and you hated it 
“It’s okay” she smiled softly “I’m here, it’ll be okay” 
(You really wanted to believe her)
That man breaks her arm breaks and you’re sure you cried more than she did. You’re almost ten now and you’re not supposed to cry. You’ve done your best not to let it show because if people knew how easy it was to break you then they’ll keep doing it. So you suck it up, wash your face with cold water and march back to the ER with her so you can both lie to the doctor about some silly accident with the stairs 
(There’s a lot of silly accidents when Edward is around) 
When you finally get taller than Edward, accidents stop happening to you. A funny coincidence, really because they start happening even more often to your mother: She would walk around with bruises that couldn’t be hidden and if you were still able to it, you would cry at the sight.  
But since you’ve decided you weren’t going to be a victim anymore, you just snap. 
Edward isn’t that brave when you have him by the neck against a wall, really, hell he even looks close to pissing himself when you throw him out of the house. You’re on a high after that, smirking to yourself and happier than you’ve been in years.  
A heavy sob breaks you out of your thoughts and that’s when you see her standing there, crumbling down to the floor it’s like everything slows down while fast forwarding at the same time 
“We’ll be okay” you hush to her as you pat her hair “I promise”
“Ma, are you actually crying over this?” 
“Shut up! You were just adorable and fat and I’ve got something in my eye” 
“Whatever you say” 
“I want one last picture” she’s happily standing on her tiptoes so she’s able to reach over and fix your hair for the unkept time. It’s hopeless but she’s been so happy the entire graduation ceremony that you’re willing to humor her
 “On one condition” you lean down to make it easier on her “No more crying” 
“These are happy tears. So no, never”
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pueraeternuspan · 7 years
@darlinglittlewendymoiraangela cont. from here
He always knew where she was, that part was never a lie to get her to be obedient. If he wasn’t near one with Neverland- the battle would have been an ambush and he’d have lost so much more. Still Hook was getting clever.. and he hated him more for it. Clever and more courageous. 
For now he let the hate go deep into his heart, blackening it like always. He had work to do. His flute changed to a different tune and slowly little orbs began to come from the bodies and float around him- at first they looked like little fairies. He opens his eyes that shone a more green glow to them. The orbs came from both child and pirate. There was always a hint of mercy (or quarter in pirate phrases) in him. 
So he floated, breathing in the cool air and trying his best to ignore the smell of metallic and smoke from the battle. Slowly he looked up and the stars seemed to shown brighter on him. Suddenly the orbs began to float above him and towards the sky. He could only go so far. About three orbs remained. He looks at them with a kind expression and gently touches each of them. Magic came from him. The little orbs began to sprout wings and each one flew off. Peter allowed those to scared to go to be a fairy until the day they truly are ready. 
Only than did Peter land on the sand and stagger, exhausted. “It’s the one piece of kindness I can give them, little bird. It can be seen as a curse. Where I have to point them to their final paradise over and over. It can also be a blessing because I am kind and allow them to do so. Only those that are truly unwilling or to scared to go I turn into fairies until they are ready.” A moment of weakness? Is that why he tells her this? He wasn’t sure himself. 
“Even when Hook meets his end I will grant him peace. Neverland isn’t fantasy, keeping the Lost Boys away from weapons and training gets them killed quicker or painfully. I do not train them or hurt them for fun, they aren’t my playthings. If we win a battle and live through it, they are able to live longer. If they are thrown in without any idea what to do they will die. Why? Because Hook isn’t merciful. He will kill his own for getting in his way. I can mock him and play with him because I know he can’t kill me.”
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lilladybayou · 7 years
❛ well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw. ❜
“Wendy! Watch your language!” 
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"You're Belle's dad, right?"
“I am, and you must be George’s mother?”
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Continued from here
“An inn? There’s one connected to the tavern near the town square. If you wouldn’t mind waiting a few minutes, mademoiselle, I can show you the way there.”
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flowernamedmoved · 7 years
"You look beautiful."
tattoo starters || @darlinglittlewendymoiraangela || accepting 
“Do you think so?” Lily smiled and admired the lily on her hip, which was wrapped around a cigarette. “I’m really happy with it.”
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tinystarscapes · 6 years
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intoyxurheart’s Holiday Follow F o r e v e r
Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate, and happy holidays to absolutely everyone. I’ve had it in my mind to do this for a long time, but I just never have (please excuse my last minute kind of sadly edited graphics that I made on pixlr… I wanted to make it look kinda cute, but this was the best I could do). To be honest, I’ve never really known who to put on here, because I just love all of you so much and I just don’t want anyone to feel left out when I post things like this. But I’ve made a lot of friends this year, and I’ve gotten close to a lot of new people, so I think it’s time I made one of these. This isn’t for any milestone or anything, it’s just my little gift to you for the holidays.
♡ The Besties~
♡~@thexsisters Where to begin? You’ve been one of the absolute best friends a person could ever ask for this year, to be honest. I’m really glad to have met you. From writing with you, coming up with new ships and plots, to just talking to you every day, I don’t know if I’d consider a day complete without talking to you. You’ve been here for me through the absolute hardest times this year, and that’s all I could ask for and more. I just hope that I can do the same for you. You really are one of my absolute closest friends, and you really do mean so much to me. I wish you the absolute best now and forever, because you really do deserve it. I genuinely don’t know what I would do without you, to be honest. Like for real. You’re absolutely one of my best friends, you’ve been my blessing, and my bright spot in dark times this year. I love you lots, I really do. I’m so happy I get to call you my friend.
♡~@serenityxbecca Even though you try to murder me/drown me in new muse bios and ships, you really are a fave of mine. The scenarios we come up with have to be some of the absolute best ever. I honestly have zero clue what I’d do without you at this point, I’m gonna be perfectly honest. I might be at a loss if I couldn’t scream ideas at you at this point.
♡~@dxsguxsed You and I have been following each other for ages at this point, to be honest. You’ve been one of my closest friends since pretty much the very beginning. You pROBABLY REMEMBER WHEN I WAS A SINGLE MUSE BLOG LMAO. You probably also remember when Jayce was a little ghostie, too, tbh. And you’re literally probably maybe the only person who follows me who even rEMEMBERS Jayce. ANYWAYS, we’ve pretty much been friends since the dawn of time when I was on this blog, I think I’ve made that point by now. You’re literally one of my favoritest people ever, even if we go extended periods of time without talking to each other. I love you lots. (ps, SPRING BREAK 98 WOOO)
♡~@segrxti MY LOVE, THE JIN TO MY NAMJOON. I love you. A lot. You, too, have been following me on this blog practically since the beginning, and even though we just got super close this year, you’re one of my absolute favorite people ever. You helped me through the absolute hardest part of this year, too, honestly. And I really really appreciate that. Thank you. Honestly. I only hope that I have been as good to you as you have been to me, because wow, dude, I’d be a basket case sometimes, I think, if I didn’t have you. You can always come to me for anything and everything.
♡~@trulyhopelessromantic We may not talk as much anymore, but I still remember when I met you on fanfiction.net back when I was new to writing Haunted Mansion fan fiction, and you were literally one of the nicest people I’d ever met. I think you were actually my very first internet friend, honestly. And I’ve never been luckier to be able to call anyone a friend ever. Because you were there for me when other friends were abandoning me, when I was going through the hardest time back in 2014. And I will never forget that, ever. I will literally be forever grateful for that.
♡~@brassypants9 Last but not least, my platonic soulmate. My best friend since day one of high school. The first person who made me feel like I fit in absolutely anywhere ever, the only person I met in high school who I’m still as close with now as we were when we were in high school. Love of my life. You mean the absolute world to me, you know that? I love the closeness that I have with you. You and I, we’ll probably always be friends. I can feel it. I’ve said that about other people I met in high school, and found out it was not true. But I just don’t foresee that happening with you and I. I think we’ll actually make it through the years. It doesn’t matter how long we go without talking, I know I can text you and we can totally pick up where we left off. I can’t make one of these and not put you on here, you’ve followed this blog since the moment I made it. You were, like, my first follower. I love you. And I always will.
♡ People I want to get to know better in the next year~
♡~@wonhoxmonstax, @quccnsx, @xxblackjokerxxrp, @scarletxaya, @girlsxunited, @captainofthecosmos, @angelxkitsune~♡
♡ People I admire from afar because I’m too shy to interact~
♡~@fckxillusion, @pcstscripts, @darlinglittlewendymoiraangela, @seomxj, @jnsomin, @kkvm~♡
PS: I probably forgot a lot of people, because I’m a terrible person who has the worst brain function ever. Just know that if I follow you, even if we’ve never interacted, I love you. I appreciate you, and I want you to know that you can come to me no matter what, for anything, IC or OOC. I will be here for you. Thank you for following me. I appreciate absolutely all of you, so so much.
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neverlandborn · 6 years
Wendy and George + things you always meant to say but never got the chance
Prompts // SELECTIVELY accepting
“I love you. Come on, i know you can say it bug”
The words leave the little boy’s lips in the form of babble and his mother smiles down at him, not caring the words came out mumbled. She hugged the toddler closer to her chest and kissed his little head  “You love me, don’t you?” 
“’ove” he mumbled again, frowning this time  and patting her face in frustration
“Yeah, i know.” she chuckled sweetly “I guess that’ll do until you can learn to say it, right?” 
“and i still don’t like that word”
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lilladybayou · 7 years
"Be rough with me. "
“Are you sure baby?”
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