#danny with forced royal servitude is just really really fun to think about like
ghost-pasta · 4 months
GhostKing!Danny it's hilarious because it's usually coming from a place of involuntary servitude. Because being half dead isn't doomed by the narrative enough we have to make doing the right thing have personal consequences.
That mixed with the aggregate timeline in TUE it's really a doomed kid you do doomed if you don't. But not because doing the right thing will lead to bad things personally happening every time, but if it can happen once then it can happen again and you'll never know if/when it'll happen next. And due to the vague sense of time passing your still 14 years old in all of that, if not otherwise still a teenager.
I said hilarious but you know i meant it in a cosmic comedy kinda way. Yeah it's a tragedy.
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