#danneel’s ig
winchestersbaby067 · 2 months
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(x) (x)
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positivexcellence · 5 months
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Jensen’s 2023 Top Nine IG Posts
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danneel-ackles-love · 1 month
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acklesforlife · 2 years
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danneel-genevieve · 11 months
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Danneel, Odette & Bevin via IG
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jensensitive · 2 years
I’ll just have moments sometimes where I get like stupidly overwhlemed at the idea that jensen and danneel have each other, like these two wonderful, kind, smart, talented, fun, hilarious, cool people have each other, and they’re just so so much what the other deserves like fr fr, but that feeling is always magnified whenever I actually get to listen to danneel say words.
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deansraspberrypie · 16 days
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💖👑 Beautiful Queen Danneel Ackles 👸💖
Video: fwbcharityevents IG Story
🍰 Tag list: @undisputedchick2 @jranutter @kazsrm67 🥧
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hooked-on-elvis · 3 months
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Okay, so... Sometimes special things cross our ways unexpectedly. I feel we gotta keep ourselves sensitive enough so we can catch the drift or special things can go unnoticed.
I'm gonna share something that just happened to me, so it has nothing biographical about Elvis here -- but in a way it has everything to do with him and his magic pouring onto his fans when we less expect it. ✨
It all started with:
I have a huge Jensen Ackles crush aside from my Elvis Presley burning passion. A few minutes ago I was peeping Jensen's Instagram profile and his last post was one congratulating his wife, Danneel Ackles for her birthday, which is one day previous to mine (March 18) ♥ -- Yes, today, March 19, is my birthday. Okay, very cute but so what?
Then I went to Danneel's Instagram , just because I was already there. Scrolling through her feed, I crossed a funny video of Danneel and Jensen reproducing the video clip of "You Can Call Me Al" by Paul Simon. It was a celebration for their 10th wedding anniversary. 🥹
Danneel and Jensen Ackles video, shared on her Instagram account:
Official music video:
Cute, isn't it? I love those the Ackles, oh god. They are such a match! 🥹🩷
Okay, since I've never heard the song before, and I loved it very much, I decided adding it to my Spotify's playlists (yes, to some of them, not just one... it's a real good track this one!). But... talk about how surprised I was when I learned the title of the album that song was released in is "GRACELAND".
Isn't this odd? I know, some people just don't believe in nothing like magic... to some folks everything is just coincidence but I can't help but think this... this album getting to me today, and the way it happened, was kinda a gift from EP to me, on my birthday. 🥹
It's nothing related to his own work or anything but I'm a huge music lover, huge, and I love discovering new songs, specially if they are from the past. I think somehow, someway, this was kinda a gift to me. "Oh, just because the title of the album?" -- Sure but also the way that album crossed my way so randomly like that.
I gotta say I haven't checked on Jensen Ackles' instagram profile in a long while -- no kidding -- let alone his wife's IG! I'm actually not checking anything on Instagram for some months now. So why today? Why clicking on THIS specific video on Danneel's IG? Why visiting her IG, by the way?
You can say all you want as think as you'd like... call me silly, it's fine... but I'll take it as a special gift from Elvis to me. Songs I didn't know before, an entire new album for me to appreciate on my birthday and forever on. ♥
One can spend its life thinking such thing as magic is BS, that it doesn't exist. One can chose to spend its live life in such uninspired, cold, lame way, sure, but... appreciating the little things and believing every little thing is a miracle and a gift to make me smile a little more it's the way I chose to spend MY life -- I feel it's not even a choice, actually. It's just who I am.
Anyway... I know it's a silly, small little thing but this was so random it surprised me greatly.
The song "Graceland" doesn't directly mentions Elvis by name, but ya' know... Elvis and Graceland are a single thing. Anyway... I just felt like sharing this here because:
1. It really impressed me how randomly this thing happened.
2. The album is amazing, so I recommend you to listen to it.
Listen "Graceland" (1986) by Paul Simon on Spotify:
I have felt Elvis Magic in some occasions before, but today it was so special. I feel he's just being a friend and giving me a record for me to enjoy my day. Awwww. I'll never forget this. 🩷✨🎂🥹
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Who’s this Anson character? I took a step back from tumblr and now I feel like I need a book to figure out what I missed lol.
With him yet again leeching off of appearing with Jared this weekend, now seems as good a time as any to circle back to this ask because I too have been perplexed by Jared’s supposed friendship with this guy for some time. And as per usual, I brought receipts.
Anson Gordon seems to first be publicly linked to the Pads in Sandy Molinare’s Instagram in 2016. This looks like he has been a part of the wealthy, and fairly conservative circle that both the Pads and the Ackles use to run with at that time.
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He clout-chased a few times in 2018 in his IG story and wanted to let the world know he has famous friends, with Jared and Danneel (in the background of a video) making appearances. He then started more regularly sharing pics of himself attending UFC fights with Jared in January 2020. And since then, his presence has only grown to include other Austin goings-on, more testosterone fueled events, some weapons safety and/or stuntman gig on Walker that included some brief screen time, meeting up with the Pads on their 2021 Italy trip, Jared’s car accident last year in which he and his son were passengers, and a spot on the Pads Family Feud team earlier this year. He is seen, and confused for Jensen somehow in the comments, in this IG post of Jared’s, sliding down a slide like best buds. He is regularly seen showcasing himself on socials interacting with Pads errand boy, Charlie Capen (you won’t convince me he didn’t record that slide video), as well as Clif and various Walker actors.
I will be 100% transparent here about my political leanings that run deeper than fandom. I don’t like this guy because I feel like he is the very conservative, aging frat boy of my nightmares. I don’t care that he’s rubbed elbows with other rich people at the Out Youth Gala, he is a salesman at the end of the day. I feel like he and I would strongly disagree on a lot of important (to me) issues/values, and the transference I feel when I look at him is strong. (That means he reminds me of people I know in real life.) He appears quite motivated to flex next to Jared at any opportunity and draw attention to himself. (Jared doesn’t showcase him nearly as often. The slide post kinda surprised me. Again, who’s a good boy? Charlie is!)
To me, Anson comes off as caustic, shallow, arrogant, and chauvinistic. Here’s the story of how I got bored and nosy during the pandemic and came to these opinions:
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This post from February 2021 was deleted months later as Anson posted more and more with Jared and Walker actors and gained followers/eyes on him. Now why in early 2021, would some folks from Texas even joke about secession?? The most obvious answer: the growing uproar over covid, mask mandates, vaccines, general pandemic limitations on their gentrifier (sorry/not sorry, wealthy Austinites) rich-kid fun. Look out y’all this privileged white male is “startin trouble.” Somebody ask this guy where he was on January 6th.
Exhibit B is less damning, but it irritates me so imma include it:
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A smug face and pose like this with a firearm captioned “virtue signaling” sure feels like a jab at the sNoWfLaKeS, given the rest of the context. No, shooting guns isn’t a crime, and in fact it’s this guys livelihood, but why add the snark if you’re not an ass and hoping to instigate? It feels like a safe bet that gun laws were also up there on the list of reasons for Texas secession dreams.
Exhibit C, posted to his story in August ‘21 just prior to his IG account going private for a few months and right about the same time the Pads themselves got Covid:
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I would love to know how Jared responded to being tagged in this mess. No I’m not suggesting he gave the Pads Covid, but I do think someone from the Pads or Walker team told ole boy to cool it with the anti-mask rhetoric so as not to reflect negatively on Jared, hence the private account. However you may feel about mask mandates at this point, remember that this was late summer/fall of 2021. Covid was obviously still rampant as the Pads and Anson himself would soon learn after returning home from Italy. How dare the Uber peasant ask that he respect his safety as he provides a service. Fuck that guy, right?!
It was after this in November 2021 that Anson first seemed to try to redeem himself by attending the Out Youth Gala with the Pads and also with his favorite accessory, his wife, in tow. What I won’t include here are the gross IG story video highlights from a different event that this tool has conveniently saved in which he documents his seemingly intoxicated wife’s side-boob for an uncomfortable amount of time. Guys can dig their wife’s bodies, and even do so on their own social media, but you gotta trust me that the ick factor is palpable. Bodily autonomy being what it is, maybe she’s ok with the multiple posts of this type, and I can respect that…and he’s shared quite a few.
But for me the final straw was when, not 24 hours after the horrific Robb Elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas on 5/24/22, Anson’s IG story was plugging his firearm silencer business and hyping the launch of new products at the NRA convention that coming weekend in Houston.
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If you followed the link early on when I called him a salesman, you may have already figured out that this man has made a sizable fortune off of engineering top of the line silencers for assault rifles. The IG account tells me that they sell for about $700-$750 each. None of this is a crime, but he’s not exactly reading the room in this moment. In comparison, Gen was sharing post after post to her IG story during this time about the need for reform around gun laws and sympathy for the victims. But this guy knew a big convention was approaching and he needed to capitalize. Then he went golfing.
Are you still with me?
So this is why I cringe whenever I see this Wish version of Jensen snuggling up to Jared.
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He’s not deserving of the positive assumptions that some fans/Jared stans have made about him based solely on his proximity to Jared. And let’s be honest, with the great big fandom divide these days, a lot of Jared fans are just all too eager to root for anyone that isn’t Jensen. But, in my opinion, you don’t get to show up at an LGBTQ fundraiser claiming to be an ally when you have no doubt voted to protect your own interests (guns, money) and cast ballots for people who also support drag bans and an end to gender affirming care. It doesn’t work like that, especially not in Texas. He’s invested in Texas staying red, and if you recall or scroll up, there was a time when it wasn’t red enough for him. He’s certainly not voting for LGBTQ+ human rights, but he will write them a check for damage control in the aftermath. What a guy.
To clarify, this is NOT an anti-Jared post, although some may see it as such. There’s no suggested call-to-action for the fandom coming from me. Jared is not Anson’s keeper. But at the same time, to an extent, we are who we associate with and with whom we spend precious time. And Jared spends a fair amount of public time with this clown and allows Anson to attach himself to him and profit off of him. Leeching onto Jared is the best thing this guy did to get his face and his veneers seen by a larger audience. So Jared, I love ya, but it’s not a good look. This guy had no qualms showing people who he was when fewer people were looking, but deleting posts doesn’t delete screenshots. And I’ve got those, as you can see.
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hologramcowboy · 4 months
Hello! Do you mind explaining what's up w that ig post that makes jensen unsavory? I think I just might not be hip to a crucial aspect, that or it's something else and I've just been under a rock 😅
Thank you!
Let me rephrase that for you:
Danneel reveals Jensen's true character and it is not a good one. He's every bit as shallow, self obsessed and fake as she is.
Also, people have got to stop making up stories about Danneel posting on Jensen's account just to make her into the devil. Whether she ever managed his account or not, he is the one responsible for what goes and stays on it. Period. I can get curiosity and speculation but it's quite another thing to demonize her for his values and beliefs which are just as shitty as his, clearly. She's a reflection of him and he is fine with everything she did/does, including ruining Riley's life and so much more. Jensen agrees with Danneel's grandiosity and bully like attitude, he even goes so far as bragging about it or displaying pride by calling her shark and happily reacting to irresponsible, petty things she says/does.
Let me put it simply for you: Birds of a feather stick together. Demonizing Danneel is pointless because at the end of the day Jensen is responsible for his own choices and actions, even though he hides behind the woman who wears the pants in their "relationshit".
Sorry, anon, but I am truly sick of how hypocritical his fans are. They keep attacking people for not making him into a God while fully ignoring or burying all his red flags.
It's funny but I've come to the conclusion that Jensen is like Jason Teague - seems ideal on the surface but hides a terrible character. I hope I'm wrong but i've lost all my faith and hope.
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sapphyreopal5 · 5 months
Wow!!! Please tell me you saw JA new IG post. I have been following your board for a while now and I think you would probably have the most incite on what is going on. J looked kinda out of it and the fact that he didn’t do a post with the family, I feel, says a lot without actually saying it. I hope to God he is doing ok. I think I can speak for a lot of us is that we just want that man to finally be happy.
Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. I saw this IG post and didn't feel too much was out of place in this post actually. Believe it or not, I do know a particular demon has been coming and going from Jensen for years now, but it has done so more in the the last couple years. He sounds and looks more "strained" and has a darker energy around him when it is present in him. I can also see it in people's eyes when there is a demon present; it's as if there's a bottomless pit in the pupils and the overall eyes look harsher or just generally not as vibrant looking. It's not so much like the movies such as The Exorcist, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Christine, etc.... at least for now, that is. I can say this with 💯 certainty the demon that has been coming and going was NOT in Jensen in this photo or the video. He seemed more content and calm in the short video clip. I imagine if he was having a bad time he would've held off making any holiday related posts until later, given he cares about his image A LOT.
I am aware some people question whether he was with Danneel in CT for this post and instead with someone else like Jared. I can say with 💯 confidence it IS the CT house he is outside of. As you can see below, the off white brick accent is present around the window with the lower brick on the righthand side of the window being blocked by Jensen's glass (can see it if you look closely enough), the black door with the large glass pane, black window rails, sashes and grilles (basically the inside parts of the window), and bricks coloring are consistent with the CT house. Regarding the video clip, after putting in my earbuds I think the woman's voice was coming from inside the house. Who he may have been looking at while outside and laughing at I can't say. If sources are correct, during the M&G at Nashcon he stated both sides of the family are invited to the CT house for Christmas. Therefore, it's more logical to conclude it may have been a family member's voice that was coming from inside the house and could've been a family member he was outside with. He very likely stepped out to have a private talk with someone outside of the house away from others.
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I'm also aware one of the now former brewers announced on his IG page he was informed he will no longer have a job at FBBC. Initially it sounded like he was fired on that day but it seems he will be coming in to clean up after the holidays are done. If you ask me, it is more or less the same to me as being let go on Christmas. Some are speculating that FBBC's next steps are to sell the equipment then the location. Others are giving FBBC until the end of 2024 before they permanently shut doors. I speculated earlier this year per this post from August 6 it's entirely possible that Jensen purchased the CT house due to having plans for opening a new brewery in CT. I'll explain later in this post but I am aware that Gino was the named manager/owner of another company that seems to have been rebranded to FBBC. It seems with this being said, it's entirely possible history is set to repeat itself in a sense that they just may be packing their bags from Austin to Fairfield business wise too.
Of course, the zoning laws wouldn't allow it to be on the actual property of their house as some people assumed they might open a B&B on this lot. Because why would Jensen purchase such a giant house "so suddenly" otherwise? Zoning laws in Fairfield, CT would not allow it on his lot let alone given the type of zone this house is in; over 10 years ago in 2013, the residents of Fairfield objected to a B&B opening up about 4 miles from this house as a woman named Coke Anne Wilcox made a Text Amendment 652 proposal to amend local laws regarding commercial usages for properties in residential zones. The law amendment never passed and that woman ended up selling the same house she wanted to open the B&B at in September 2016. The zoning laws also won't allow any manufacturing to occur on the type of lot the CT house sits in. Sorry guys but this speculation of them opening a B&B or a brewery on this house's lot is just not factually correct.
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I just learned yesterday FBBC operated under another name out in the Malibu, California area years before FBBC opened doors in 2018 thanks to this amazing Tumblr post. It contains a link to an FBBC post dating back to 2013. I believe that even though Jensen was not a technical owner of this brewery, it seems to me that County Coast Brewing Company was rebranded to become Family Beer Business Company and opened doors in Austin in 2018. Per the screenshots in that Tumblr post I linked to earlier in this paragraph, a Facebook post made on January 24, 2015 (now deleted) was made saying "County Coast is moving location and names!!!!!! WTF?! Haha, relocating to the South. #AustinTexas get ready!!!!!" Per opencorporates.com, this County Coast Brewing Company was created on October 4, 2013 and dissolved October 9, 2017. Family Business Beer Company, LLC was created on November 5, 2014 a little over a year after Gino filed to open County Coast Brewing Company. I did some digging after reading that Tumblr post and it seems that County Coast Brewing that named Gino as the now former owner/manager is listed as Suspended FTB as of between July 10, 2021 and October 30, 2022. Not sure why it updated years after it was dissolved but from having done multiple searches on this website, it seems many LLCs may have had updated in 2021 and 2022 perhaps from technical updates going on with the way this website searches and updates its database? From a quick Google search, per the Franchise Tax Board the top result this status means "A business entity is typically suspended, or forfeited, by Franchise Tax Board (FTB) for failure to meet its tax requirements, such as; File a state tax return. Pay. Taxes. Penalties."
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Now going back to the bottom line message of what you were saying to me and what you asked Anon. Jensen as I said in past posts is a "dumped" incarnation currently. He has some work to do in order to gain back his higher selves. A "soul" needs to have a higher self in order to be able to ascend off of Earth after this lifetime. I mentioned before this is a redemption lifetime for Jensen. The bad luck he's been experiencing goes back to being out of touch with his spiritual side and has chosen to focus too much on money and the physical realm of things. Hades Odin and Hermes have expressed their frustrations with him to me on multiple occasions. They've tried to warn him about multiple things in his divine hearing that are bad ideas to follow through on, including but not limited to signing on for Rust, not selling his share of and letting go of FBBC and especially allowing the awful Supe Juice idea to go through, The Winchesters, buying the CT house, etc. I also mentioned before Loki stated Jensen needs to "lose lots of money and his fucking attitude" as part of his redemption. It seems with the lawsuit having its first hearing on Jan 23, 2024 amongst the other things going on that Jensen is certainly in for a rough ride.
Thank you for the ask Anon and I am glad to hear you appreciate my posts :)
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positivexcellence · 1 year
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Jensen’s 2022 Top Nine IG Posts
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danneel-ackles-love · 1 month
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dotthings · 1 year
Danneel and the cast sang Happy Birthday to Dean at Jensen, I’m cryinngggggggggggggggg
(from thecwwinchesters IG stories)
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danneel-genevieve · 11 months
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stefsdean · 1 year
whether you want to post this ask or not is up to you, so i don't know whether you've seen jensen's recent post or not but if you have then you'll know what im talking about. a few days ago there were speculations involving jensen not wearing his wedding ring all over tumblr & tiktok after he posted a video onto his ig story where it looked like he wasn't wearing a ring. some people said it was mirrored whereas others said it wasn't. now here's a real kicker, today jensen posted not just 1 but 4 videos that clearly show how bare both of his hands are. coincidence? i don't think so. and the fact that in the last video he holds the guitar a certain way so the camera catches his naked fingers is the absolute icing on the cake 💚💙
hey anon
first of all i do not believe in this shit theory.
idk why in the world would you think that this news or theory or whatever could make me happy because it doesn't. we are not cockles "shippers" who would ever want Misha or Jensen to be separated from their wives. when misha and Vicky parted ways, i was devastated and i still haven't been able to process that. i almost lost my faith in love because of that separation.
I absolutely fucking love Jenneel and I would actually pray that nothing of this sort has happened between them. idk how you guys are a part of this cockles fandom when you think that anything related to an absent ring is some sort of "icing on the cake". these are not our values or what we believe in. we have never been wife haters and will never be.
also i do not spend a lot of time thinking of or noticing rings on people's fingers while they play guitar. people can take their rings off sometimes without any major reasons and fyi while playing guitar, rings do cause problems to some people, it does to me.
i am actually offended that you felt comfortable to send me this and thought it calls for some celebration. i do hope that you see how important Danneel is for Jensen and how much he loves her. cuz i don't think you can be a fan of Jensen while thinking of his separation as something to be happy about.
We love Jenneel as much as we love Jenmish and Jenmisheel. Please reconsider your thoughts because this is someone's marriage you are talking about. Also look up the term "polyamory" on google while you're at it.
here's some jenmisheel for you <3
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also have some jenneel because they are the most iconic duo <3
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