shihtzubrothers · 6 years
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Today Maryland via @larryhogan became the second state in 🇺🇸to ban the sale of #puppymill 🐶in pet shops. California was first. 🌟 🌟 #adoptdontshop matters, but we have always had a proclivity for also advocating for the support of #legislativechange bc in the 🇺🇸 #government was created to support the views of the people, and the ability to #amendlaws was something our #foundingfathers recognized in 1787 #forthepeoplebythepeople 🌟 🌟 Thank you @sengianaris for proposing similiar legislation for #newyorkcity we are watching you #albany and @kirstengillibrand @chuckschumer and @cynthiaenixon as you campaign, remember the voters who have 🐶bc NEW YORKER LOVE DOGS let's make 🍎🚖🍎 NEXT. 🌟 🌟 Those who cannot speak deserve our LOUDEST voices. In the dark abyss of our country's embarrassing lack of laws protecting dogs, there are glimmers of hope and the #milestones deserve celebration. Thank you to groups like @bailing_out_benji who advocate tirelessly and never give up hope...and most importantly, recognize that #informationispower and #changeispossible ❤️ . . . #puppymill #ilovedogs #usda #americanlaw #maryland #daniellecitron #dogs #hope #america #victory (at Maryland)
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luthful2 · 4 years
RT @aonwuachi: https://t.co/dHkpjNIcR7 Here is my message to @BU_Law students today. @daniellecitron @nvancleve @shaunking @AuntieFeminist @DMConwayDean @carlissc @ProfMMurray @LeahLitman #wanitaxigo https://ift.tt/2XQ4rS2
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elisesap · 4 years
Week 11 - Digital Communities and Trolls – understanding social media conflict.
Social media has so many positives attached to it, however sadly there are negatives associated, just like anything else really. The reason that social media conflict is explored is it relates to the topics discussed throughout the semester, such as “digital citizenship, activism, regulation, platforms, community and inclusion” (Milne 2020).
As spoken about earlier in the semester a ‘‘digital citizen refers to a person who has the knowledge and skills to effectively use digital technologies to communicate with others, participate in society and create and consume digital content’. Being a digital citizen is crucial in today’s society as not only is it apart of our everyday lives but also our work lives.
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A social media conflict that happens way too regularly is ‘online harassment’. A definition that I found on Forbes describes it perfectly describes it “understood as repeated online expression amounting to a course of conduct targeted at a particular person that causes the targeted individual substantial emotional distress and/or the fear of bodily harm” (Citron 2014). This sort of behaviour needs to be regulated otherwise individuals will continue to get away with this sought of behaviour. If nothing is done, innocent people will continue online harassment, leading to mental health issues not only mental but also physically. There has been research conducted into this where it is estimated online harassment costs Australians $3.7 billion dollars (ABC 2019).
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Awareness needs to be raised in regards to the issue of online harassment, as currently it is not really spoken about or no campaigns are adherent. In Australia there is nothing regards into legislation of online harassment, emphasising the need for the Government and the Courts to get involved in this issue to protect our society.
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Burnside, N, Roy, T 2019, ‘Online abuse harassment, cyber trolling costing Australians $3.7 billion’, ABC, 28 January, viewed 27 May 2020, < https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-01-28/online-abuse-harassment-costing-australians-3.7-billion/10754196>
Citron, D 2014, ‘Defining Online Harassment’, Forbes, 23 October, viewed 27 May 2020, < https://www.forbes.com/sites/daniellecitron/2014/10/23/defining-online-harassment/#2012c4de28de>.
Digital citizenship, 2020, Digital citizenship, Digital technologies hub, viewed 26 April 2020, < https://www.digitaltechnologieshub.edu.au/teachers/topics/digital-citizenship>
Milne, E 2020, ‘Lecture 6. What is digital citizenship? How social media is changing the election process’, MDA20009 Digital Communities, Modules via Canvas, Swinburne University of Technology, 22 April, viewed 26 April 2020.
Milne, E 2020, ‘Lecture 11. Digital communities and trolls – understanding social media conflict’, MDA20009 Digital Communities, Modules via Canvas, Swinburne University of Technology, 27 May, viewed 27 May 2020.
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mensrightsff · 4 years
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RT @nitin_kuls: @suhailamd27 @daniellecitron @RanaAyyub And she supports brave people who can blast themselves anywhere...
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tesaonews · 5 years
Algoritmo identifica perfis sociais de mulheres em filmes pornô e levanta debate
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Um homem supostamente baseado na Alemanha afirmou, via Twitter e Weibo, que utilizou um algoritmo de reconhecimento facial para cruzar referências e encontrar, nas redes sociais, perfis de mulheres que aparecem em vídeos adultos de plataformas como o Pornhub. Até o momento, não foi publicada nenhuma evidência que confirme a veracidade de tais afirmações e o usuário em questão não postou nenhum código ou software para download. Ao menos, não publicamente.
Ainda assim, a situação viralizou e chamou a atenção de diversos grupos online e especialistas no ativismo digital — sobretudo especialistas e autoras de literatura feminista, que acusam a noção de tal algoritmo de ser propositalmente direcionada ao sexismo online.
O usuário em questão disse ter sido capaz de identificar “mais de 100 mil” perfis em redes sociais pertencentes a mulheres que atuam ou atuaram em filmes pornô dentro das plataformas de alto acesso. Ao Motherboard, o braço tecnológico da Vice, ele prometeu que soltaria informações concretas entre esta e a próxima semana, sem elaborar mais sobre o assunto.
– Participe do GRUPO CANALTECH OFERTAS no WhatsApp e garanta sempre o menor preço em suas compras de produtos de tecnologia. –
A Germany-based Chinese programmer said he and some friends have identified 100k porn actresses from around the world, cross-referencing faces in porn videos with social media profile pictures. The goal is to help others check whether their girlfriends ever acted in those films. pic.twitter.com/TOuUBTqXOP
— Yiqin Fu (@yiqinfu) 28 de maio de 2019
Questionado por suas razões, o usuário disse, primeiramente, que fez isso em nome de “ter o direito de saber nos dois lados do casamento”. Após a reação pública em ambas as redes sociais, porém, seu discurso mudou, dizendo que desenvolveu o programa junto de amigos “para permitir que mulheres, com ou sem seus noivos, possam verificar se estão em sites pornográficos e emitir pedidos de remoção de conteúdo”.
A autora Soraya Chemaly, que escreveu o livro Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women’s Anger (inédito no Brasil), tuitou sobre o caso e disse “Isso é horrendo, além de um exemplo perfeito sobre como esses sistemas, globalmente, permitem a dominância masculina”. A autora seguiu seu raciocínio: “Vigilância, roubo de identidade, extorsão, desinformação – tudo isso acontece primeiro com as mulheres e só então se movem à esfera pública, onde, só depois que os homens são afetados, começa a ganhar atenção”.
This is horrendous and a pitch-perfect example of how these systems, globally, enable male dominance. Surveillance, impersonation, extortion, misinformation all happen to women first and then move to the public sphere, where, once men are affected, it starts to get attention. https://t.co/oPhe4WMi06
— Soraya Chemaly (@schemaly) 28 de maio de 2019
O grande problema com o suposto algoritmo — seja ele real ou não — é o fato de ele poder abrir caminho para o abuso e assédio de mulheres nas redes sociais. Tal qual a tecnologia dos deepfakes, onde a inteligência artificial é empregada para posicionar rostos de celebridades nos corpos de atrizes pornô, o uso de machine learning para controlar e extorquir a autonomia corporal das mulheres é uma possibilidade grande aqui.
Segundo Danielle Citron, professora de Direito da Universidade de Maryland, que também tuitou sobre o assunto, essa suposta tecnologia é “uma ideia dolorosamente ruim — vigilância e controle do corpo da mulher reduzido a um ponto ainda mais baixo”.
This is a painfully bad idea—surveillance and control of women’s bodies taken to new low @ma_franks @CCRInitiative @HoLLyCCRi @ariezrawaldman @cagoldberglaw https://t.co/PyiKV5x3Qu
— Danielle Citron (@daniellecitron) 28 de maio de 2019
Em 2017, o próprio Pornhub anunciou a criação de um algoritmo de reconhecimento facial em seu site com o objetivo de auxiliar usuários a encontrarem suas atrizes e estrelas favoritas nos vídeos publicados. O problema é que isso teoricamente também poderia ser usado na identificação e assédio virtual de mulheres.
Em 2018, segundo a Vice, trolls online compilaram uma lista de profissionais do sexo, revelando, no processo, pessoas que se mantinham na atividade em segredo. A consequência disso foi grave para muitas mulheres, que viram seus perfis pessoais em redes sociais invadidos, atacados ou derrubados pelas plataformas, além de sistemas de pagamento online como PayPal cancelarem suas contas, deixando-as sem uma renda pelo seu trabalho.
Novamente, é importante reiterar que, no momento, não há evidências de que o tal recurso exista: o que temos até o momento são um par de postagens em redes sociais, com alguém dizendo ter feito alguma coisa. Entretanto, um conhecimento moderado de programação pode, em teoria, tornar tal tecnologia possível. E isso é o que vem incomodando grupos de ativismo digital.
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O post Algoritmo identifica perfis sociais de mulheres em filmes pornô e levanta debate apareceu primeiro em Tesão News.
source https://tesaonews.com.br/noticia-tesao/algoritmo-identifica-perfis-sociais-de-mulheres-em-filmes-porno-e-levanta-debate/
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Digital Citizenship 3: Week 9: Visual communities and social Imaging (Tagging)
DIGITAL COMMUNITIES – Assignment - Blog 6 week 9
Tagging can be fun. To tag is a keyword used to describe a group of content or a phrase to place a person or specific content (Nations 2016).    Depending on the privacy settings, a person can tag the content of another person’s. E.g. tagging a photograph of someone and posting online for the public to see. This can have a negative or positive experience for the person being tagged.
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Do not give your employer ammunition to fire you
Tagged photos have the potential to damage relationships and careers (Henry 2013)  Right or wrong, there have been interns and professionals sacked for what the employer deemed inappropriate photographs tagged online. (Scram Photo 2014)  
 Creating a digital footprint for the criminal
On line users can easily create a digital footprint when sharing photos, videos or other online content, photographs that are uploaded with a smart phone with the GPS enabled could allow geo-tagging (Media Literacy Council  2014).  There can be associated dangers such as stalking and criminal behaviour such as burglary when sharing location data (Citron  2014).  Criminals utilising geo-tagged information online or cybercasing data to carryout criminal acts could be an increasing real world threat (Schiffner  2013). An innocent tag of your friend’s photograph whilst on holiday, or a hiking day trip could give criminals enough free time to mount criminal activity, on your property or worse you family or pets.
Parents beware - The innocent photo can be information for the predator
There are a high percentage of U.S. teenagers who have received unwanted contact via the web (Puresight  2011). One in five American teenagers have been solicited online and seventy –five percent are more than willing to share private information online (Sentry PC  2017) .  At home here in Australia police have warned parents of the dangers of using mobiles to upload photos. Geo-tagging allows predators to find out information on school and playground activity.
Even on Twitter
If you enable geo-location as a twitter account user tagging on tweets may result in personal information leakage (Gan & Jenkins  2015).  From a security perspective the leakage could lead to vulnerabilities and cyber or real attacks (Rose  2011).    
CGan, D. & Jenkins, L., 2015. Social Networking Privacy-Who's Stalking You?[dagger]. Future Internet, 7(nternet, 2015, Vol.7, no. 1, pp.67-93.
Citron, D., 2014. Forbes.  Viewed 22 January 2017, <http://www.forbes.com/sites/daniellecitron/2014/12/24/beware-the-dangers-of-location-data/#345177d56968>.
Henry, A., 2013. Life Hacker. Viewed 22 January 2017,   < http://lifehacker.com/how-youre-embarrassing-yourself-online-without-knowing-495859415>.
Media Literacy Council, 2014. Media Literacy Council. Viewed 22 January 2017,   <http://www.medialiteracycouncil.sg/online-safety/Pages/sharing-personal-information-online.aspx>.
Nations, D., 2016. Livewire. Viewed 22 January 2017,   < https://www.lifewire.com/define-tagging-3486207>.
Puresight, 2011. Puresight. Viewed 22 January 2017,   < http://www.puresight.com/Pedophiles/Online-Predators/online-predators-statistics.html>.
Rose, C., 2011. The Security Implications Of Ubiquitous Social Media. The Clute Institute,  Vol, 15 no. 1, pp. 35-40 .
Schiffner, B., 2013. Digital Trends. Viewed 22 January 2017,  <http://www.digitaltrends.com/photography/could-you-fall-victim-to-crime-simply-by-geotagging-location-info-to-your-photos/>.
Scram Photo, 2014. Scram Photo. Viewed 22 January 2017,  
< https://scramphoto.com/article/your-facebook-photos/>.
Sentry PC, 2017. Sentry PC. Viewed 22 January 2017,   < https://www.sentrypc.com/home/statistics.htm>.
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prof-kmac · 4 years
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suitedgladiators · 4 years
BKC's @zittrain, @daniellecitron, and @BostonJoan discuss deepfakes, the dangers they pose, and the future of truth on the Internet for a short documentary from @sciam 🎥 🎥 https://t.co/WJQp84qfCh
— Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society (@BKCHarvard) July 20, 2020
via Blogger https://ift.tt/32EmkY8 https://ift.tt/1RZlMRb
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luthful2 · 4 years
RT @aonwuachi: https://t.co/dHkpjNIcR7 Here is my message to @BU_Law students today. @daniellecitron @nvancleve @shaunking @AuntieFeminist @DMConwayDean @carlissc @ProfMMurray @LeahLitman #wanitaxigo https://ift.tt/2XQ4rS2
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via Twitter https://twitter.com/Ramikantari
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cristian-randieri · 7 years
Fantastic interview of privacy pioneer and uber mentor @DanielSolove, looking back and forward https://t.co/8exdGmGqi2
— Danielle Citron (@daniellecitron) September 6, 2017
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ecologiadigital · 7 years
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Great talk at #rp17; fascinating insights on how human moderators & ML can identify & defuse harassment cc @daniellecitron @cagoldberglaw https://t.co/j3RExVF7KB
— Frank Pasquale (@FrankPasquale) May 9, 2017
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publicsituation · 5 years
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RT @ForeignAffairs: Deepfakes will exacerbate the disinformation wars that increasingly disrupt domestic politics in the United States and elsewhere, write @bobbychesney and @daniellecitron. https://t.co/tYuk2lm8Lm
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publicsituation · 5 years
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RT @ForeignAffairs: .@bobbychesney and @daniellecitron discuss how professional-grade video and audio forgeries may be used to create unusually effective lies capable of inciting violence, discrediting leaders and institutions, or even tipping elections. https://t.co/ZgYe6iXNi2
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publicsituation · 5 years
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RT @ForeignAffairs: Read @bobbychesney and @daniellecitron on the rise of deepfakes and the era of post-truth geopolitics: https://t.co/V2wIGcPguR
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publicsituation · 5 years
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RT @ForeignAffairs: .@bobbychesney and @daniellecitron discuss the effects on democratic societies as professional-grade video and audio forgeries become easier to produce. https://t.co/alnPYKuupb
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