#dani as ofelia
justalittletomato · 3 years
Jet Puff would no doubt beg the Wishmaster to know what happened to them, why they’re doing this.”One cannot trade the lives of children like they were tokens!” Only for the Wishmaster to start flaring in anger “YET THEY DECIDE TO DO THAT WITH HIM! My BFF did everything for them! And what do they do? MURDER him for a crime he didn’t commit! He didn’t even fight back! But I did… how do you think I got started on the grove anyway? Their lives so I can bring him back. Danica is doing a good deed.”
Oh no. So that's what caused the fall, where Puff's friends could not be helped the Wishmaster's dear friend had been destroyed. Ripped away and leaving the fallen to weep and seek out this futile grove...how man? How many others?
Puff feels sick...it is not a good deed...you dont trade innocents for another. Danica whimpers and the Wishmaster brushes the leaves about her, "I give them refuge in sleep, they will dream forever, a sleep full of all their wishes, I do that for them and they help...I would do the same for the sister if she calls to me....her despair is on level with Danica's....I'd plant them close together."
The combo of the labyrinth and OTGW is just amazing anon.
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secnghwa · 3 years
u ever just.... fomo?
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This took too long #sixfanarts #midsommar #dani #roadtoeldorado #chel #panslabyrinth #ofelia #thewitcher #blackmirror #iamnotokaywiththis #netflix #digitalart #artoftheday #illustrationoftheday #movies https://www.instagram.com/p/B_NfH-SpNNa/?igshid=f938bh3lx4pn
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argentvive · 4 years
Dany and Jon’s Philosophical Child?
Anonymous said:
hi! i know the show blueballed everyone, but do you think dany and jon might have a philosophical child in the books?
That’s a very good question, and one that’s had me pondering.  Obviously I don’t know for sure, but my best guess is that Daenerys and Jon will have a child (or more!) but they will not have the philosophical child.  The principal reason is that Dany and Jon themselves are the main protagonists of ASOIAF, the philosopher’s stone-to-be.   
Per Lyndy Abraham’s Dictionary, the philosophical child is “the philosopher’s stone when it is first born from the union of Sol and Luna at the chemical wedding.” (p. 148)  There are a couple of well-known depictions of the philosophical child in alchemical emblems.  These are both from Johann Daniel Mylius, Philosophia reformata, 1622.  (Colored versions by Adam McLean.)
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Mylius, Philosophia reformata, 1622.
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It appears that Guillermo del Toro may have copied the second image at the end of Pan’s Labyrinth, when Ofelia  takes her place on the center throne between her parents.  This screenshot is from right before that moment, when Ofelia first enters the throne room.  (Note the red dress, signifying that she has achieved the Red Stone, aka the Philosopher’s Stone.)
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Even though Ofelia is a child, she is the main protagonist of Pan’s Labyrinth.  Her parents--the Sulphur and Mercury, Sol and Luna of the story--appear only in the dream sequences.
We see this too in Harry Potter.  Harry’s mother Lily is marked as White (i.e., Mercury/Luna) with her name.  She plays a critical role in the story, having saved Harry from Voldemort when he was a baby.  But having died saving him, she appears in the books only in flashbacks and the dreamlike sequence when Harry walks to meet Voldemort for the final time.  Harry is the philosophical child--the philosopher’s-stone-to-be as I like to call it.
An even more intriguing philosophical child is Lyra Belacqua in His Dark Materials.  Her parents both play important roles in the first trilogy, but there is no question that Lyra is the protagonist.  Lyra’s status as the philosophical child is even clearer in La Belle Sauvage, the first book of the second trilogy, The Book of Dust.  The entire book is a flashback to when Lyra was a baby, but her existence--and the need to protect her--drive the entire plot.  She gets surrogate parents in LBS--teenagers Malcolm and Alice, who have their own Chemical Wedding toward the end of the book.  
Malcolm scrambled across to Alice . . . and they sat clinging together with the child between them, all their daemons clinging together too. . . . (p. 444)
Dany and Jon are not comparable to James and Lily Potter or to Lord Asriel and Marisa Coulter.  Dany and Jon are the main protagonists: they are the Fire and Ice, respectively, of ASOIAF.  It is Dany and Jon, and their union, that will bring about the harmony and reconciliation of opposites that is the goal of an alchemy story.  
There is another strong tradition in alchemy stories that would be fulfilled if they have a child, however.  The penultimate phase of the alchemical process is multiplication.  The couples who marry in the matrimoniathon at the end of the story have many children.  Generation, fecundity, bounteous harvests and the rest are the mark of a properly written Eucatastrophe, as Tolkien defined it.  Samwise Gangee and Rose had 13 children, for example.  
 GRRM has certainly set it up for Dany to have a child, given all the discussion of the prophecy in the books.  It will be interesting to see how he manages to parse the prophecy so that can happen.  
For Jon and Dany to have the philosophical child, enough years would have to pass for the child to grow up and become the main protagonist, find an alchemical partner, and somehow herself (or himself) reconcile the warring factions and bring peace and harmony.  That seems unlikely to me.  
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yvesminatozaki · 7 years
Top 6 fenale tv or film characters
OH SHIT…both tv and/or film?? This is going to be fucking hard(minus Sansa - she is #1 always.)
Sansa Stark.
Kady Orloff Diaz
Julia Wicker
Sameen Shaw
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sincerelyensouled · 4 years
Howdy my dude, it's me your secret Candlenights pal. Do you have a preferred design for the Amnesty Squad? (I got my own designs for Aubrey n Dani but I'm a bit embarrassed to admit I haven't drawn Alexandra or Janelle before, W h o o p s. Really love your Alexandra design so super wanna use that if that's cool with ya (do you have a full body reference?). If not I can bake something up!)
Oh shit is it Candlenights assignment day already? I didn’t realize it was so soon, I would’ve woken up early if I had remembered.
I don’t have any preference in Janelle design, I actually haven’t drawn her either yet ;;;; One day I’ll get further into a concept for her other than the fact that she’s tall. As for Alexandra, hell yeah, feel free! I haven’t had the chance to draw her full body yet so if you’re looking for a dress design I don’t really have one. But otherwise, something else that might help is the fact that my main reference for her is actually the actress who plays Ofelia from Pan’s Labyrinth :O (of course with a couple of sylph traits slapped on, but those don’t affect anything beyond the face) sorry if that makes my design significantly less exciting. 
Have fun with this!! If you have any other answers, of course, feel free to ask 
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siobhanlovesfilm · 3 years
My Favourite Books of the Year
I’m going to put one of my favourite quotes by each book, with warnings if needed.
In no particular order....
1. The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon
“I realized, that she had been spoon-fed a story from the day she was born. She had been taught no other way to be. And yet, I saw that despite everything, some part of her was self-made. This part, small as it appeared at first, was forged in the fire of her own strength, and resisted her cage. And I understood...that this part was made of steel. The part who she truly was.”
The female characters and the world building is everything, want to re-read it so much.
2. The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss
“My parents danced together, her head on his chest. Both had their eyes closed. They seemed so perfectly content. If you can find someone like that, someone who you can hold and close your eyes to the world with, then you're lucky. Even if it only lasts for a minute or a day. The image of them gently swaying to the music is how I picture love in my mind even after all these years.”
There is definitely a reason why everyone recommends this book.
3. Emma by Jane Austen
“I cannot make speeches, Emma...If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more. But you know what I am. You hear nothing but truth from me. I have blamed you, and lectured you, and you have borne it as no other woman in England would have borne it.”
4. The Tea Dragon Society by Katie O’Neill
“Memories don't just live inside you, Minette. They live in all the people and objects you share your life with.”
A lovely graphic novel.
5. Princess Princess Ever After by Katie O’Neill
Two very different Princess full in love. In this graphic novel.
6.  Get a Life Chole Brown/Take a Hint, Dani Brown by Talia Hibbert
“Neither can I. You’re just a cute little hermit who hisses at sunlight.”
“Because he knew her well enough to realize she'd rather be holed up in here like Gollum, stroking books and murmuring, "My precious.”
7. The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
“For a while I was looking for a person but I didn't find them and after that I was looking for myself. Now that I've found me I'm back to exploring, which is what I was doing in the first place before I was doing anything else and I think I was supposed to be exploring all along.”
8. Pan’s Labyrinth by  Guillermo Del Toro and Cornelia Funke
“Ofelia's mother didn't know it, but she also believed in a fairy tale. Carmen Cardoso believed the most dangerous tale of all: the one of the prince who would save her.”
9. In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado
“ In this way, the Dream House was a haunted house. You were the sudden, inadvertent occupant of a place where bad things had happened. And then it occurs to you one day, standing in the living room, that you are this house’s ghost:[32] you are the one wandering from room to room with no purpose, gaping at the moving boxes that are never unpacked, never certain what you’re supposed to do. After all, you don’t need to die to leave a mark of psychic pain. If anyone is living in the Dream House now, he or she might be seeing the echo of you.”
Trigger Warning: Emotional Abuse
10. Radio Silence by Alice Oseman 
“I think everyone’s a bit bored with boy-girl romances anyway,” he said. “I think the world’s had enough of those, to be honest.”
11. The Invisible Life of Addie Larue by V.E Schwab
“You know,” she’d said, “they say people are like snowflakes, each one unique, but I think they’re more like skies. Some are cloudy, some are stormy, some are clear, but no two are ever quite the same.”
12. This is How you Lose the Time War by Max Gladstone 
“ Red’s letters she keeps in her own body, curled beneath her tongue like coins, printed in her fingers’ tips, between the lines of her palms.”
13. A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara
“You won’t understand what I mean now, but someday you will: the only trick of friendship, I think, is to find people who are better than you are—not smarter, not cooler, but kinder, and more generous, and more forgiving—and then to appreciate them for what they can teach you, and to try to listen to them when they tell you something about yourself, no matter how bad—or good—it might be, and to trust them, which is the hardest thing of all. But the best, as well.”
I would not recommend this book of how traumatic it is and can leave you, but I couldn’t help but putting this on my list as I love the writing and care so much about the characters. It does give you characters make you care and then tortures them.
TW: sexual abuse, child sexual abuse, scary verbal abuse, psychological manipulation and gaslighting, kidnapping/imprisonment, self-harm, a violent accident, a few moments of prejudice against the disabled, drug use, addiction, grief and loss of a loved one.
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thenightling · 7 years
How many good female characters can you think of from all the Gothic/horror/fantasy media you've seen/read/played?
Plenty. Too many to number.  I’ll give you a few favorites though.
Guillermo del Toro is very good with the strong (as in well written) female protagonist such as Ofelia in Pan’s Labyrinth and Edith Cushing in Crimson Peak.   Elisa in the up coming Shape of Water movie.  There’s Lucy in the 1979 Dracula starring Frank Langella. In my opinion she is the strongest female lead in any Romantic incarnation of Dracula.   There’s Randi in She wolf of London (TV series from the early 90s). 
Janette and Natalie in Forever Knight (TV series).
Buffy The Vampire Slayer, of course (TV series version).  
Eva in The Bride (1985 movie).  Laura and Carmilla in the novel  Carmilla by Joseph Sheridan le Fanu.   A good film adaptation is The Vampire Lovers from Hammer Horror.  Lucy Muir in the novel, movie and short lived TV series The ghost and Mrs. Muir.   There’s Marie in the film Innocent Blood.    There’s Eli in Let the Right One in (But in the novel and original movie Eli is actually a mutilated boy who chooses to pass as a girl). 
 There’s the Governess in The Turn of the Screw (later made into the film the Innocents and remade by Dan Curtis in the 70s as Turn of the Screw).   Eleanorin The Haunting of Hill House (made into the film The Haunting which got a remake and soon a Netflix mini-series.  I’m not a huge fan of the character but thought it worth a mention).
There’s Annie in the original 2008 UK version of Being Human (Was much better than the American version, at least for it’s first two and a half seasons. it jumped the shark from the end of season three onward…)
Jane Eyre, of course.  
For more science fiction edge I recommend Charlie from Firestarter and if you like her than Eleven in Stranger Things. 
Virginia in the Canterville Ghost by Oscar Wilde (best film version is the 1996 version with Patrick Stewart as the ghost). 
Katrina in Sleepy Hollow (1999 movie).
Allison and Dani in Hocus Pocus (movie).
For things with a more fantasy element I recommend Lost Girl.  It’s not as sex-obsessed as the advertisements make it out to be even though the main character is a succubus. 
Belle in the 1991 Disney Beauty and the Beast and the novel by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve.
Miss Divine in the novel The Devil and Miss Divine by Josephine Lesley (who under a pen name is also the author of the Ghost and Mrs. Muir).
There’s Doctor Julia Hoffman from Dark Shaodws, who is likely the most independent and strong female characters of 1960s TV, not just the Gothic Genre.  It annoys me that in all film versions and reboots of dark Shadows she’s rendered a villain when her original incarnation started as a Van Helsing type who evolved into Barnabas’ friend and most trusted ally.  She’s the one he would shout for when things were happening that he didn’t understand.  She was the one who usually came to the rescue of the protagonist.  
Emily and Victoria in The Corpse Bride are good characters along with Sally in Nightmare before Christmas - if you want something a little more kid friendly.  For other kid friendly ones there’s Sara Crew in The Little Princess and Mary in The Secret Garden.
For a good female antagonist there are: Regine in Fright Night (Part 2) 1988.   
The Sanderson sisters in Hocus Pocus.The Grand High witch in The Witches novel and movie.
Regina in Once Upon a Time (First season)
The Evil Queen (10th Kingdom mini-series).  
Pretty much anyone Jessica Lange played in American Horror Story.
Carmilla in the novel Carmilla and film The Vampire Lovers.The Devil in Bedazzled (Remake version).
Many people like Vanessa Ives and Lily from Penny Dreadful.   I felt Vanessa was a bit too much of a Sue for my tastes though I loved the show’s Frankenstein Monster.  The supernatural world revolved around Vanessa and there are only so many scenes of her stoically staring off out a window while puffing on a cigarette that I can endure watching.  I loved Penny Dreadful, just not the show runner’s obsession with Vanessa Ives.
For anime there’s Integra in Hellsing but I can’t really stand her constant smoking.  I hate when writers think smoking equals empowerment with “masculine” women.
For comic books there’s Death of the DC universe.  Death AK Death of The Endless who first appears in issue 7 or 8 of Sandman and has been a fixture of DC ever since. 
There’s also Desire from the Sandman comics.  Desire is genderfluid and often an asshole but sometimes very useful and helpful.  Desire’s best moments are in Sandman: Overture (2015 / 2016 graphic novel).
Not exactly Gothic but there’s also Loki in Marvel if you like genderfluid protagonists with shapeshifting powers and a mischievous side.
There are a lot more but these are the ones that first come to mind for me.  
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deviatednorm · 7 years
Letters from Home
[Finally decided to write something woohoo. A bit rusty but I hope this is worthwhile.
I promised a rewrite of my Victubia fic but this came first.
On mobile so I dont know how to put a read more xD]
In the early quiet morning, the streets of Victubia bursts to life as citizens wander left to right, going from one place to another. Although quiet isn't the proper term Lucille would decribe it, the day felt like it was going on at a slower pace. She swept the front of the cafe clean from the fallen leaves, humming a jolly song that she heard on the radio this morning. Doing a few twirls here and there, she felts as if today would be a good day.
A minute or two later, she started to dance to the tune while she swept the area clean. Her body moving to the rhythm of the song, completely lost to the song. Eyes closed and a smile on her face, she dropped the broom and continued the dance until she finished with a twirl and a curtsie.
Her eyes shot open and sweat dripped down her forehead when she heard the sound of clapping, realizing her somewhat embarassing display. Standing back upright, she turned towards the person clapping and saw a young boy wearing a blue cap. He wore an white shirt, brown shorts and boots, and a letter bag slung on his right shoulder. "That was great, miss!" he applauded more, making Lucille blush.
"Eheheh... thank you," she said, lowering her head a bit as her face flushed red. She picked up the broom she dropped, "by the way, what are you here for, young man?"
The boy reached inside his bag filled with various letters and parchments. The bag looked like it was about to burst by the sheer amout of letters inside. Luckily the boy was able to bring out a bunch of letters neatly tied with a ribbon.
Lucille's face lit up as soon as she laid eyes on the letter on top. She took the letters from the boy and thanked him thoroughly, tipping him a bit too much as thanks before running back inside the cafe, once again dropping the broom.
Inside the Timeless Magnolia cafe, the others were already preparing today's menu of coffees, teas, and desserts. Danielle laid out the tables and chairs, Lydia washed the various cups and dishes they plan to use for the day, then Elizabeth and Ofelia set up the tablecloth and flowers on the prepped up tables. Lucille bursts through the door, bearing the letters she had just recieved.
Everyone stared as Lucille strode towards the counter and slammed the letters down triumphantly. Danielle walked up to her, one hand on her shoulder. "Please tell me that you're not here to escape from chores now, are you?"
"Nope!" Lucille huffed, both hands on her side and face lifted up with a proud smile. "Today, people have sent us letters!"
Elizabeth and Ofelia emerged from the kitchen to bear witness of the commotion Lucille is making and noticed the letters on the counter. "Ah, the letters have arrived," Elizabeth calmly acknowledged. She picked up the letters from the counter and slowly undid the ribbon. Sorting through the letters, she gave the letters to the properly addressed person.
"Huh... funny to get one myself," Ofelia chuckled, "mom really wants to hear what I have to say, huh?"
"That's because you don't write that often," Elizabeth rebutted, "people might think you died or something."
"Psssshhhh, as if you haven't tried that before."
As the two continue to banter against each other, Lucille opened the letter addressed to her. It was from her younger sister Rosaline. The letter talked about how much she misses her sister and her progress in her training with Lady Lissandra. "I'm gonna write her back soon!" Lucille exclaimed before turning to Danielle who had a less-than-excited face. "What's wrong, Dani?"
"... nothing," she replied, stuffing the letter inside her pocket. She didn't bother reading the letter nor did she care. Lucille didn't bother asking what it's about, already had a gut feeling on what it may be about.
Lydia came in to break the tension, "you know, with some of the birds that are capable of long travels overseas, they could've at least sent the letters using them instead do that it'll be faster."
"Yeah but I then some of us are kind of old fashioned." Lucille shrugged.
"Welp," Lydia grinned, both young ladies laughing.
Danielle noticed the lone letter on the counter. She picked it up and saw it was addressed to Shigure. She told them that she will just give the letter to him and started marching upstairs. Knocking on the door, no one answered, only silence. Another knock, another set of silence. "Uh... Shigure?"
"Hmmm?" he hummed, finally responding. "Come in."
Danielle turned the knob to his room and stepped in, seeing Shigure sitting by the window again, contemplating. She placed the letter on the table and Shigure thanked her. "The cafe is almost ready. Anything else you want us to do daddio?"
"No, it's fine," Shigure said, already used to being called daddio or dad or names of the same vein. He took a quick glance at the letter before looking back outside. "Make sure to bring out the blackboard for today's menu."
"Sure will!" Danielle said before marching back downstairs.
Shigure looked between the sunny streets outside and the letter. Letting out a sigh, he took the letter and examined it for a bit. A royal purple envelope with a black wax seal of an E with a crown on the middle. Opening the letter, he saw that it came from his former master, wishing him well and goodluck on his new life.
Shigure felt flattered by his former master's warm wishes. Taking the time to write him a letter despite his busy schedule was indeed difficult, knowing how much his work demanded all of his attention.
Putting down the letter, he continued to stare at the outside for a bit longer before standing up from his seat, getting ready for the day ahead.
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taylorxdebnam · 7 years
Tagged by: @damngoodearthcleavage @swan-heda @hedaswanheda @stubbornwanheda @lexagriffinwoods @theclexachronicles @leksalover @dontwantthenextcommanderiwantyou and i think @elizataylorslapdancer and @fuckyoujroth too??????? i dont remember lmao
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
Nicknames: dont have any
Star sign: pieces
Height:  1.73 meters
Time right now:  11:15pm
Last thing you googled: memes
Fave music artist: sia
Song stuck in my head: side to side by ariana and nicki
Last movie I watched: the perks of being a wallflower
Last tv show I watched: the affair What I’m wearing right now: a clexacoon sweater and pj pants
When I created this blog:  2013? i think
The kind of stuff I post: elycia clexa got (f)twd animals books
Do I get asks regularly?: nope
Why did I choose my url:  house stark+sam merlotte (my fave character from tb)
Gender: female
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Pokémon team:  ??????
Favorite color: Black
Average hours of sleep: 3?
Lucky number: 7
Favorite characters:  lexa clarke arya cersei jaime oberyn robb jon dany echo roan raven octavia lincoln anya stannis melisandre davos alicia ofelia tywin jorah drogo ned hodor negan michonne tara rosita veronice betty archie chryl.........so many more
Dream job: a vet
Number of blankets I sleep with: 1
I’m tagging: whoever wants to do this is welcome:)
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justalittletomato · 3 years
Part 13 of Wishmaster: Jet Puff crouched to the mandrake in the middle to whisper in its presumed ears. The Wishmaster let’s put an unholy screech before shoving him away. “DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU’VE JUST DONE, YOU IDIOT!” Jet nods as branches start receding from Dani “He would not have want any of this” then get started on knitting a wool blanket from Woolley. “Ava, could you please reach into Wooley? There’s a thermos of hot coco. Maul, rub her chest to stimulate her hearts and warmth”
🥺🥺Ava reaching in with his hands shaking as Maul rubs Dani's chest alternating sides to reach both her hearts.
"Stay with us, my dear heart. Stay with me, I won't go, I won't ever go away without you." Maul whispered trying his best not to choke. He had done this once years and years ago. When Dani first graced this world and needed help. She had been so small then...she was still so small now.
Her heart beats faint, "Please don't leave me Dani. Please..."
"You need to grow up...you need to still play games and have adventures with Ava...please stay."
As Maul does this, Ava has his forehead pressed to hers, "We promised to remember? Pinkie promised. Friends forever and together always? Don't go where I cant follow Dani...please don't.." the small boy weeps.
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justalittletomato · 3 years
Can you imagine the sheer panic and terror that went through Jet Puff when he realizes where Dani went off to and who is behind it after finding one of the fallen’s horseflies? He’s already dragging Maul and Ava to follow him “Come on! Come on! Come on! Every second wasted is a second closer to Dani’s demise!”
"Demise?!" it was one of the newer words Dani had taught him, Ava's mind filled with destruction and images of creatures that would never move again. That can't happen...not to Dani...not his friend. A comforting hand on his head, "We are bringing her home, Ava" Maul assures while immediately growling at Puff
" Why did it take her?" Why his child? His Danica...
"She called it! She feeds off the despair in a person's heart...Dani's hearts called for it to help her."
Ava sniffles, "She said she wasn't sad. She told me..."
"Dani would. She doesn't want you to worry."
"I'm her friend," he was supposed to protect her.
Maul stays silent, he was that precious girl's father...and the culprit of her heartbreaks.
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justalittletomato · 3 years
Part 3 if you wish to answer: The strange deer-like creature puts their hands over their chest “You’re a very kind and such a precious being to cherish forever. I don’t know how anyone could call you anything but.” That’s when Dani realizes, she doesn’t know their name despite knowing hers.
"Why do you know my name? I never told you"
The creature looks over her, " I have known your name for years and years before you born, how could one forget the name of the Morning Star?"
Danica shakes her head, " How can you know me before I was born?"
The creature sighs, " I knew you once...years and years ago, when our Morning Star lived in our world, below this maze, where time was endless and we had the stars etched into the stone. Our Morning Star was a curious one...and one day she snuck out to the surface. She never returned...until now"
The small girl takes a step back, that didn't make any sense... I'm Dani..just little Danica with a brother and sister, my buirs, my pup Atticus. I love- "
"Books that you gobble up, an imagination that you keep in writing, I know you Dani...you have come home again."
"no my home is on Dathomir, I am the last one to be born there..."
"That family of yours does not care for you as they should Dani.."
The child is getting angry, "My family loves me! They all love me so much!"
"So why do you cry so much? Why does your father leave knowing it makes you so sad? Why did your brother not take you with him? hey know it breaks your heart but they still did it anyway..."
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justalittletomato · 3 years
Not technically angst for Dani I hope, but imagine For the Pan’s Labyrinth scenario; Dani falling asleep reading a book only to awake to a small curious young creature which she could only describe as a literal eight legged horsefly. Soon more follow and lead her to the entrance to a decrepit maze, urging her into a underground passage. At the bottom to greet her, is a creature hidden in mist and shadow. This being deer like in silhouette, with swept back antlers, long tail, and wears a cloak
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I don't know why but my brain thought of Elias Ainsworth from The Ancient Magus Bride...
The small Zabrak shivers, the maze is damp and her nightgown is not made for this environment...
She should return back to her home...return to the dim red light and safe place, instead she stays still.
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justalittletomato · 3 years
Part 15 of Wishmaster: The Wishmaster seems to be quite literally falling to pieces with one antler breaking off and shattering on to the ground. Jet Puff then gets up, his back turned toward the others so they can’t see his expression. “Follow Woolley and keep your eyes on her, she’ll lead you out.” And goes to walk to the Fallen. Ava later realizes as he’s walking out with Dani, his make-shift flamethrower isn’t on him.
"Don't look back," Maul warns. Ava keeps his eyes forward on the sheep, out of the labyrinth and back to the surface of the red planet. Even far out here, they can hear the Wishmaster screech. He looks to Dani still bundled up in Maul's arms, her small hand out. Ava takes hold of it, "Can we go home?" she asks.
*Sorry have been busy the past few days!
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justalittletomato · 3 years
Part 2: This creature is long in length, encircling the entire chamber. When their eyes land on Dani, she notices the deer like head with two spotlight-like eyes. “Greetings young Danica. I beg you, don’t be frightened” And bows their head to her before releasing more horseflies that flow like fireflies to ease her. When she attempts to get a closer look, the creature backs away”Please, I’m so terribly shy about my appearance, I’m afraid you’ll make fun of me for it. I
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This is all I thought of...
Tiny Dani is comforted by the lights, she has always hated the dark, even as a tiny baby she has been told.
"I won't make fun of you," she assures, she knows the feeling. Little monster... "I promise I wont"
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