#danganronpa v3 ships
acacia-may · 1 year
How I deal with my most painful ship
 I also like to avoid shipping. Thus, if my shipping fail, I will be disappointed. However, I'm only human after all, hence I do get involved with shipping in my media consumption. Therefore, I like to stroll while daydreaming about a sad story. I love the feeling of the fresh air on my face since it helps to soothe my heart. Thus, I can walk far without feeling tired. When it was raining listening to the music that correlated with my story is also helping. Furthermore, I'm glad to read fanfiction and watch fanart about my ships. There are a lot of amazing writers and artists. I'm really thankful.
These is a trope I daydream about.
She fell too early, he fell too late
Right person, wrong time 
Unrequited love
 I'm an aspiring to write a good story in future. However, my idea disappearing when I hold a pen or keyboard to organize my thought. One of the way I deal with my painful ship too. (Hahaha)
Do you mind to share from which story that ships hurt you now?
Hi there, Anon-friend! Thank you so much for sending this ask in. I'll admit I've been wallowing a bit in shipping angst right now, so these were some lovely suggestions! 🥰 I've put my response under the cut since it got really long and rambling... 😅
(Warnings: brief/vague mentions of death, death games, trauma, and weapons. No specific spoilers but some vague ones for Danganronpa V3 and Omori).
I absolutely love listening to music that reminds me of my favorite stories, characters, and ships. I think that's probably my main method of coping--not just for romantic ships but for painful platonic relationships as well. (I can't tell you how much time I've spent crying over the song "Forest Fire" by Brighton (YouTube) and thinking about some of the most tragic sibling relationships--ouch!). I listen to a lot of happy/upbeat songs too, so it's not all depressing (though believe me, I have definitely gotten emotional over some happier songs as well).
Those tropes definitely sound like they have the potential to be soul-crushing. It got me thinking a little bit about the tropes surrounding my favorite tragic ships, and I think most of my tragic ships are torn apart by outside circumstances, trauma, and/or death, usually combination of several (i.e. Character A had a severely traumatic childhood which prevented them from fully opening up to and believing in the love of Character B until their dying moments so not only did they lose their beloved but also lost any chance they may have had to be happy together prior to losing them forever ect. Extra tragedy points if that then sends Character A on a downward spiral in which they lose themselves and become a bitter, depressed, and/or more villainous shell of their former selves. I've gotten attached to quite a few ships in this category over the years 😭).
I've also tend to have the misfortune of thinking a pairing is "The Ship"™️ only for the story to throw a curveball in the third act and decide "Nope. It's this one over here, actually." And I'm just left with surprised pikachu face and emotional whiplash, wondering if my love detector is broken. [And most frustrating of all, usually when this happens nothing ever gets "canon"-ed so it's all left up to speculation and now way more complicated than it needs to be 🙈].
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(Actual footage of me when Sunny has a crush on Aubrey or Klaus likes Fiona or Tsubaki realizes she loves Kousei or Sparrow would rather date Holly than her sister, or David Copperfield freaking marries Dora Spenlow, or Naho marries Suwa in an alternate timeline or Finral wants to marry his brother's fiancée which he has somehow failed to mention this entire time... For the record, I actually like a lot of these ships too (not Fiona and Klaus that much though--it has issues but I threw it in there to note how this has been an ongoing problem since my childhood), but it's difficult not to feel a bit frustrated that they didn't just come right out with these relationships from the beginning so we could avoid the emotional whiplash of suddenly having to change directions and feeling like "Well I shipped this other thing before so I don't know what to do now..." 🤷‍♀️ The drama is just not worth it, and I find it exhausting--one of the big reasons I really don't like love shapes).
Anyway, I guess since I'm not usually that into shipping, I'm not very observant or very good at picking up the vibes of what will or will not be a ship, or maybe the universe is just conspiring against me and wants to make me feel stupid, I don't know. 😝😂 But I do think a lot of relationship drama in fiction is unnecessarily complicated when it doesn't need to be. For the most part though, when I talk about my tragic ships, they've mostly been separated by death or serious, tragic circumstances rather than their own stupidity or in favor of another ship (if that makes sense).
I would be happy to tell you the story/fandom my painful ships are from--thank you so much for asking! 🥰I have quite a few painful ships, but I will only list the three main ones I've taken on in the last month which have me feeling all broken up and emotional recently. 🙈😭
MomoHaru (Kaito Momota x Maki Harukawa) is from Danganronpa V3 which is a video game/visual novel I just finished earlier this month. It's probably my favorite ship not just in that game but in the entire Danganronpa series of games, and there are some pretty good ships in that series--none of which I got nearly as invested in as this one, however, since that's usually not my thing, but Kaito and Maki were special. It's definitely one of those opposites attract type relationships: he's incredibly outgoing and friendly and wants to be believe in the best in people, but she's very jaded, quiet, and closed off. He chooses to trust her when no one else does and doesn't give up on trying to befriend her, and eventually she slowly warms up to him and finds herself falling in love with the wonderful person that he is. Unfortunately, this all takes place during a death game where they are basically fighting for their lives so naturally there are a lot outside impediments to their romance and it's just heart-wrenching.
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[This is them by the way (screenshot from the game on the wiki) She's showing him how to use a crossbow, the most inherently romantic of all weapons... (or so was the joke my sister & I made whilst playing the game)😅]
The other two are from another game called Omori. It's my sister favorite video game of all time which is saying a lot since she has played and loved many, many video games. 😊 I don't play a lot of games myself, but this year it has been a bit of a resolution of mine to try out some more games and we went through most of my list of games I wanted to play so I promised my sister I'd give this one a try too, and I just finished it last week. I don't think I was very good at it (at least not the battle aspect), but I did get the good ending so I think I must've done something right somewhere. 😅😁
I liked a lot of ships in this game, but my favorites were probably Kelbrey (Kel x Aubrey) and HeroMari (Hero x Mari).
Kel and Aubrey both have really strong personalities, and they're both pretty stubborn. Aubrey is a little bit bossy and Kel never stops talking, so they don't always see eye to eye, but at the end of the day they really do care about each other very much. One of my favorite moments is this cut scene where a young Aubrey starts to cry because their friend is lost and young Kel sort of panics--he tells her he doesn't like it when she cries and tries to his best to reassure her and make her happy again. It's very, very sweet. 🧡 Given the structure of the game, we get to see bits of both what they're like both as kids (preteens) and as older teens so that allows for some really interesting perspective, getting to watch them kind of grow and change over time. (There's also the difference between what the unreliable narrator character imagines/remembers them to be like versus what they are actually like now. It's really interesting). They were really good friends in their childhood but were torn apart by tragic circumstances they didn't have emotional maturity to deal with. In the vague-est terms, they suffered a serious trauma, and they were just kids at the time so, naturally, they didn't/couldn't handle it well and their friendship suffered for that. But eventually they do get to find each other again and start to rebuild that friendship and relationship. Though as I'm sure you can see here, they never really stop teasing and bothering each other. 😂
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[These are some of my favorite screenshots from the game--these ones are from the wiki].
I love them as platonic friends as well, and I like a lot of Aubrey ships, honestly, so I think I'd be happy even if this one didn't sail, but there's just something about Kelbrey. It's called "Baseball Bat" in the fandom, and it's an appropriate name because it just hits really hard, I think. 😂 My sister and I feel a bit differently about it (in relation to some of the other possible ships especially), and so while we would usually commiserate together, I feel a bit like I'm suffering alone on this one. 🙈 Probably why I'm rambling about it on the internet lol... 😂
Then the final one, HeroMari is just this wonderful, beautiful, tragic ship between the kindest people who deserved so much better than what they got. I'm not the biggest shipper usually, but best friends to lovers can really get me sometimes when it's done well, and Hero and Mari were a great example of that trope--that romantic love slowly building over time on the foundation of a really solid and beautiful friendship. They are just so precious in the way they really built each other up and supported each other, and they also had this delightful playfulness and banter that was really cute and really fun too. But...yeah this one just really, really hurts. 😭 I'm going to start tearing up if I talk too much about it. But seriously look at them. They're so in love. 🥺😭💗
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(This is a screenshot from the game too. Just leave me to cry... 😭)
I've been picking up a lot of ships that I like or are okay with recently, but these are probably my favorites and the ones causing me the most pain. Thank you so much for the excuse to ramble about them a little bit. It helps me feel a little better. 💕
I want to really encourage you in your writing as well. I know that writer's block can be difficult and I have spent a long time staring at blank pages when trying to write myself, but I find it is always worth it in the end. Truthfully, I think writing about my favorite dynamics is my favorite way to deal with all my feelings about them. I've started a Momoharu story (which I've fallen a bit behind on already, I'm afraid 🙈), and I would love to write for the others one of these days too. Just have to iron out some story ideas. I wish you the best of luck with your story ideas as well.
Thank you so much for the ask and for the opportunity to share a little bit about my most painful ships (from this month anyway 😅). Please feel free to drop by any time to chat. I'd love to hear about your painful ship too, if you don't mind sharing. 💕 Cheers and much love, friend! 🥰
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bronzeplates · 6 months
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awful news:
i am a danganronpa consumer. fucking hate it, would love if it would stop consuming my thoughts
anyway why do i never see fanart with the both of them
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chibigaia-art · 5 months
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two interns talking about their future (old color practice)
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ariespetal · 7 months
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non-despair AU where they just get to go to school like normal
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beekindtobees · 22 days
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this is v3 to me btw
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turbo-tsundere · 30 days
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*superglues them together*
Aka, eeeeh fok it. Here's some ougoku stuff I've been sitting on. Happy THOSE GUYS day.
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smooshednetwork · 25 days
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Idk kiibo seems like a skill issue
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pipcore · 9 months
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louie starting yet another animatic no one saw this coming
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rejectedartist · 1 month
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She's everything. He's just Kaito.
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villainartist · 6 months
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theres no way im finishing this. anyways theyre everything to me.
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saimatsu-week · 1 month
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AUGUST 11 - Chapter 1 / Chapter 6
AUGUST 12 - Music / Puzzle
AUGUST 13 - Swap / Seasons
AUGUST 14 - Fireworks / Rain
AUGUST 15 - Flowers / Touch
AUGUST 16 - Performance / Home
AUGUST 17 - Free day
rules and other info below!
TAG: #saimatsuweek2024
late entries will be accepted indefinitely
you can make art or fic or cosplay or edits or a storyboarded amv or meta or whatever you want that follows the prompts! as long as it focuses on kaede akamatsu and shuichi saihara and their relationship
works with lgbtq+ themes and headcanons are super encouraged! no harassment over hcs will be tolerated
tag this blog in your posts and use the tag [saimatsuweek2024], feel free to send me an ask too if i don't see your work! we all know how tumblr can be
this event is sfw, for the mod's comfort and so everyone can participate; please keep everything within the level of blood/violence the source material depicts, no graphic sexual content will be accepted
i will also not be accepting/promoting works that are bigoted, hateful, or depict pedophilia/incest/etc
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happyshippingnoises · 6 months
How about some Oumatsu? I was gonna include the pairing in a postgame/crossover AU that I’m probably never gonna actually write.
Interesting. I have a ton of v3 aus that I never wrote out ngl 😭😭
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I love their dynamic ngl
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evercelle · 1 year
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galaxity · 4 months
But here are the Valentine’s Day Danganronpa Ship doodles from the poll!!
I just did the top 6 voted!
I am kinda sad that Fuyupeko didn’t make the cut ☹️ I might give them their own doodle sometime just cuz I love so much
But SLAY FOR ISHIMONDO MAKING FIRST PLACE!! They’re my Roman Empire and I love them
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ninetypercentspoon · 2 months
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I have a lot of fanart of these two cuz they’re SO CUTE (/∇\*)。o○♡
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finsterkiibo · 1 month
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blaming yourself.
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