#danganronpa 3: the end of hope's peak high school future arc
violentalbino-real · 5 months
fuck mbti what's your danganronpa 3: the end of hope's peak high school future arc forbidden action, i'll go first, i'm don't talk about your ocs
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razorursine · 10 days
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ayyy she's not meant to be there
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starlightshadowsworld · 5 months
Danganronpa 3 but there's a moment where Munakata asks Makoto why he's even bothering to talk about hope and humanity.
Words are just words after all, but even than it's not like anyone can hear him.
They aren't being broadcasted like they once believed, so why keep up the act?
Makoto looks at him.
For the first time since this whole game. And in all the time he's known him, the light in Makoto's eyes dim.
He's not seeing the Ultimate Hope, just, Makoto.
Tired, hurt, angry, sad, completely and utterly human Makoto.
It makes Munakata pause.
Makoto was an equal, all of the survivors were but in that moment he sees just how young he is.
In another life, Makoto could've been one of his students.
Makoto smiles but it's so unlike any smile he's ever given.
It's like a mirror that's been shattered. One someone's tried to fix with tape, with all the cracks visible.
"I don't say this to change the world."
Munakata raises an eyebrow, lowering his sword in intrest.
"Than why?"
A single tear rolls down Makoto's cheek but he's still smiling.
"I'm saying this so that the world won't change me."
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toastybugguy · 6 months
dude why did ppl hate The End of Hope’s Peak High School sm
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dj4jungshook · 2 years
What about Seiko?
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Name: seiko kimura
Age: 19
Profession: Pharmacist
Ideal man: a simple guy
skills: In addition to making medicines and drugs, he can also turn into a monster
yandere style: obsessive in love.like Mikan
State: together with mikan they go to help the sick in hospitals. and their team too when it comes to their love interest. predicting dna fluids, (͡ ° ͜ʖ ͡ °)
Weakness: the insults of Ruruka.
Dangerousness yandere: : Even if she's a quiet person, if you piss her off like that she'll kill you in the blink of an eye
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bubble-cola · 1 year
haiii i totally forgot danganronpa was like. still half a thing on tumblr. so happy late birthday hajime hinata and izuru kamukura (i drew these on jan 1 just didn’t post till now)
i’ve drawn this for their birthdays every year for three years now, can’t wait to see where i am in a year from now <3
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bunpiry · 7 months
This is related to the danganronpa au I made where class 77b and the rest of the brainwash victims are cured.
So I call this. Danganronpa 4: Hope in Agonyland. I even made an arc called Chaos Arc. This is after a remade future arc.
I eliminate a few characters lol. And y'all gotta guess who's the villain :)))
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danganronpa-21 · 4 months
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Rating: Mature Audiences
General Warnings: Implied/Referenced Sex
Fandoms: Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak Academy
Relationships: Makoto Naegi/Kyoko Kirigiri
Additional Tags: Post-Danganronpa 3: Hope Arc, Embarrassing Moments, Making Out, Teasing & Flirting, Kyoko Kirigiri being a lil sass pot, Just a heads up that this is a little saucier than what I usually write but it’s still pretty tame
Word Count: 4,075 words
Story Summary: Kyoko decides to take advantage of her boyfriend's free time at work. Byakuya, unfortunately, gets caught in the cross fire of this incident.
[Read it on AO3.]
Kyoko has a keen awareness of her boyfriend’s current… free time.
Well, if you asked him, he would tell you that the time wasn’t really all that free. Just because he wasn’t in a meeting or handling student issues didn’t mean that he had all the time in the world. There was still plenty to do as the headmaster of a school like Hope’s Peak, one that had a myriad of talented but trouble-seeking students. Somehow, even with the end of the Tragedy and the abolishment of the Reserve Course/Main Course system, that little thing never seemed to change. She knows Makoto doesn’t mind it. He never would. After all, the kids who attend Hope’s Peak now probably had to grow up much faster than they should have because of what they had seen. The least he could do was let them be creative, wild, and fun – even if that ultimately was more paperwork for him.
Paperwork. That was usually his something, the thing that would make him insist that he had no free time – not even for his beautiful, beloved girlfriend.
It isn’t as if Kyoko is utterly deprived by her boyfriend, nor does she have an appetite for him so insatiable that she just never seems to have had enough of him. No, neither of those things are the problem. It’s just that, for whatever reason, the danger of wanting to be with him here at work is so much more. She likes that even the casual showing of affection between the two of them is forbidden. She’s never been so scandalous as to go past anything but a kiss, but even that, she is not permitted to take. Both she and her boyfriend are responsible for engaging in the utmost professionalism while Hope’s Peak is in their care, and while Kyoko completely understands why, she finds that it doesn’t stop her from this wanting.
The fact that she cannot control the wanting, no matter how hard she may try, is why she is headed to Makoto’s office now.
Improper it may be, but sometimes, a woman just needs to kiss her boyfriend and not care who is watching.
This is the thought she keeps in mind as she struts towards her boyfriend’s office. What can she say? She loves the thrill. Life has become so quaint since they opened Hope’s Peak, and although she won’t take it for granted given everything they’ve been through… She can’t help but want to add a bit of zest to their lives. Nothing that will hurt, but just… something that will make both their hearts beat a little faster. The thought almost makes her giggle like a meek schoolgirl.
The halls of Hope’s Peak are eerily quiet, save for the sound of her high-heeled boots clacking against the tiled floors and the faint voices of teachers instructing their students just beyond the hallway’s walls. The school is not yet populous enough to be filled with a great deal of noise, but there is some, and Kyoko cannot help but enjoy what she can hear as she makes her way down the hall. The students may in theory be keeping her from her boyfriend, but the joy of them having a future is enough to make her forgive them for that. Besides, it’s not like at this point she is open to being deterred from what she wants.
Her walk down the hallway is quick and simple, not interfered with. Perhaps it’s her intimidating gaze or the strength of her gait, but even those who do cross her path don’t seem particularly interested in stopping her for a conversation or even sparing her a glance of acknowledgement. Their heads dip down and they just keep walking, and for a moment, she wonders if they think she must be on her way to scold the headmaster for something. Though he is higher up in the scholastic food chain by a mile, given that she is only part-timing to focus on detective work, the students all seem to get the impression that she completely dominates him. It’s not something she is unused to people assuming, mind you, considering her serious personality and his gentle, cheerful one. Every once in a while, she even hears rumours that it’s truly she who is calling the shots, and Makoto is just the nice man making everything happen.
If only they knew that I call the shots behind closed doors, too, she thinks with a smirk.
She tries not to let her amusement show too greatly as she makes her way down the hall. That would surely ruin her strict, serious image. Besides, to capture Makoto at his best moment, she has to have a particular demeanour about it – anything else would tamper with her plans. She keeps her face straight and her eyes locked forward, marching confidently towards her mission. As she comes upon the doors to the Headmaster’s Office, she finds that she doesn’t even bother knocking before prying them open. As soon as she can see through even the slightest crack, she catches a glimpse of Makoto and notices how he immediately perks up. How cute. His face only seems to light up in further interest when he realizes who it is coming to keep him company. She has to fight not to giggle as she slips into the room with ease, closing the door tightly behind her. Nobody needs to know that she is disturbing the headmaster’s peace. This little moment, it can stay private between the two of them.
“Kyoko?” Makoto says, staring at her from across the way with this innocently curious expression on his face that honestly kind of makes her heart melt. Once upon a time, it would have horrified her to turn into pudding over a man, but now, she’s a little more comfortable embracing her affections. After all, Makoto isn’t just any man. “I’m surprised to see you here. Is everything okay?”
It’s all Kyoko can do to keep a neutral face when she stops dead, staring him right in the eyes. “Take off your clothes.”
Makoto’s flesh turns fifteen different shades of crimson in a matter of four seconds. That has to be some kind of world record, she thinks amusedly to herself.
“W-What?!” He sputters, slack-jawed, unable to believe what his partner has just said to him.
There might have been more, had she the self-control to keep it going, but the sight of his rose-red face is too funny to bear. She can’t help but snicker at the sight, her lips cracking into a warm smile. Makoto is just so much fun to tease – and, thankfully, he’s a good sport about it, too. As soon as he realizes that she’s played a joke on him, he starts laughing along, too. The relief on his face is instant as he wipes his brow with the back of his arm.
“You’re… rotten, Kyoko Kirigiri,” he half-snickers, dropping his pen on the desk, “You really had me there.”
“I’m sorry,” she replies, not sounding nor feeling sorry at all, “I couldn’t help myself. You really are an open book.”
Makoto shrugs, leaning forward on the desk. His face is still pinkish in places, but the embarrassment is fading, and even with that in place, he is still unbearably charming to her. He’s adorable when he’s flustered, but still so sweet on the eyes in his natural state, too. How is she supposed to maintain a professional decorum around this man when he’s just so delightful to be around?
It sounds silly, she supposes, when you put it like that – but it’s just the truth, as far as she’s concerned. She feels like a smitten schoolgirl somedays. It’s embarrassing and electrifying all at the same time.
Makoto seems to only shake his head at her teasing, heaving a sigh as if to ask what he’s going to do with her. It is not the first time the two of them have gone on like this, not by a long shot, and Kyoko can’t help but love how familiar it all feels. Their relationship is still young, but it makes it feel like they’ve been together for years.
“Is there a reason you want to come see me, Kirigiri-san?”
Kyoko raises her eyebrows in mock-surprise. “Kirigiri-san?” she parrots, folding her arms across her chest. Just a minute ago it was the much more familiar Kyoko, and now…? Oh, he can try and make this business-like all he pleases, but she came here on a much different kind of business. Makoto must notice the hint of coyness in her voice, because his smile begins to melt and turn a bit sheepish.
“W-Well, it’s… this is a school, and nobody really knows about us yet,” he laughs, “If anyone heard us acting too close, they might get the wrong idea.”
She quirks a brow. “And who do you think is eavesdropping on us?” she looks around the room, a small part of her – a more paranoid part – almost wondering if he has a point. Cameras loved them once. Who's to say that they wouldn’t again? “There is no one here but us. The things that go on behind closed doors are our business.”
Feeling her heart skip a beat, she takes this opportunity to move closer to her partner. Her walk is meant to be sultry as she struts to his side, but her lacking experience in the area of seduction just makes her feel a bit stupid. Thankfully, she is Makoto’s only experience with a woman intending to pursue him, so he turns into a bit of a puddle for her anyway. His face warms as she approaches, and when she places a hand on the back of his office chair, leaning over him so her long lavender hair hangs down over top of him, she can actually hear his breath hitch. She loves it. His eyes are clouded with a mixture of excitement and worry, and she knows that he must get butterflies in his stomach when she opens her mouth to speak once more.
“There is no one here but you and I, Makoto. This free time that you have, it’s just for us.”
Makoto actually gulps. She swears she sees his eyes flick to the door briefly, like he’s worried that someone is going to barge in. “F-For us?”
She nods. “You’ve been so busy lately. I feel like I never see you.” she struts herself right in front of him, and for a moment, she contemplates plopping herself right down on his lap… but something about that just feels a bit too scandalous. She opts to hop right up on his desk instead, not really thinking about the fact that that might not be much better. She tilts her head teasingly at him. “Surely you can make some time for your significant other, can’t you?”
The sweat must be beading on Makoto’s skin now. He pushes himself to his feet, although he doesn’t seem exactly sure why he does it. For a moment, just a flicker of a moment, it looks as if he might want to protest – push her away, remind her that she’s supposed to be the more responsible one of the two of them – but it dies. Instead, his eyes can do nothing but fall to her lips, looking dazed and confused.
“I… I thought…?”
“You thought what?”
“You’re not, like, propositioning me right now, right?”
“For what?”
“For…” his face reddens again. “I thought we talked about not being ready for that right now.”
Kyoko scrunches up her nose, almost as if disgusted by the prospect. “I’m not propositioning you for that, no.”
The worry fades just a bit, and she notices him start to nibble on his lip ever so slightly. He doesn’t know what’s going to come out of her mouth next – she can tell. She wonders if he’s enjoying the uncertainty. “B-But for something, yeah?”
She sighs and shakes her head, gesturing him over to her. “Just hold your tongue for a minute and kiss me.”
Makoto’s eyes widen for a second, processing the information. The moment he does, however, he follows her instructions with ease. Rushing over, he is now just about at her level, his hand slipping along the underside of her jaw, tilting her head towards him a bit for better access to her lips. She tips her head up a bit to help, and tries not to smile to herself at how grateful he seems for the assistance. Makoto is a pleasant but inexperienced kisser. He likes to try extra hard to make his kisses good.
When he connects their lips, she’s almost surprised by how warm they are. In the midst of a chilly winter, the presence of his warmth is more than a little welcome. It pairs well with the taste – caramel and espresso, perhaps even a hint of whipped cream, although she recognizes that she could be imagining that part. Makoto is the only man she’s met who is so comfortable with ordering a caramel macchiato, but tasting it here on his lips, she finds she can understand what he’s talking about when he says it truly is the best coffee drink. Sweet, and warm… just like him. Soft, too. Soft like his smile, soft like his heart, are his lips. She used to think boys would have unkempt lips, cracked and unpleasant… but Makoto’s were always soft to the point of being almost silken. At times, kissing him felt so perfect that it was almost like it was unreal. Why else would she put herself at the mercy of being caught if she didn’t love it this much?
Her heart swells with affection as his fingers tangle in her hair, tucking some of the silvery-purple strands behind her ear as he deepens their kiss. She hums appreciatively. He’s taken the tips she’s given him. She can’t help but smile against him. She never used to think she would be able to feel such happiness, yet now, the two of them are infinitely together, infinitely connected… In this context, the two of them kissing would be considered so improper, but if it’s really that big of a deal, why does it feel so right? This is all Kyoko can think about, all she can dream of, as she parts her lips to allow Makoto’s tongue to slip into her mouth. Everything about this moment is too perfect, and she could stay in it forever if fate would allow her to. This is all she wanted today – just a flawless moment with her boyfriend, the one man who had destroyed her preconceptions of love. If fate could allow her that, then that was all she needed.
Unfortunately, however, fate finds a disciple in Byakuya Togami.
The door swings open in the blink of an eye. Neither Makoto nor Kyoko has a chance to react or resist as it does. It swings open large and wide, with no discretion or thought given to it, the perfect embodiment of Byakuya and his callous nature. At any other time, she might leap up to break apart from Makoto, but the realization hits her so slowly she doesn’t have the time. Kyoko would swear on her grandfather’s life that she didn’t hear Byakuya’s footsteps coming down the hall, nor did she know that he would have business with Makoto at this hour. She had no idea about him also sharing the gap in his schedule. Her main focus, and quite frankly her only concern, was that Makoto had this free time.
It's what makes it all the more aggravating that Byakuya reacts in loud, disapproving disgust.
Makoto breaks off the kiss the second he hears Byakuya’s voice, his face flushing bright red once more. At this point, she’s wondering if he may end up staying like that permanently. Out of the corner of her eye, Kyoko can see her plum-coloured lipstick smudged on Makoto’s mouth. Were the situation less compromising, she might have laughed, yet with Byakuya’s eyes boring into them…
“Of all the-! What is the matter with you two?!” He stomps his foot on the ground like a child, or an employer infuriated with his insubordinate employees. He probably sees them as the latter, if she had to guess. Still, even with this thought in her head, she notices that he seems unable to hide his own embarrassment. The tips of his ears, much like Makoto’s entire face, are tinged pink, and he seems to be darting his eyes around everywhere but their faces. Much as he might dislike admitting it, they are his friends. Even for him, this must stir some odd feelings. It’s no secret to her that many of their companions don’t think of them as sexual beings. They do like to make jokes about their current absence of a sex life. “This is extremely unprofessional!”
Kyoko’s lips press into a flat line. In the back of her mind, she knows that some part of Byakuya is right. There really is a lot to be said about employees, particularly two educators, who seem utterly incapable of keeping their hands off each other. That being said, he is the one who rudely shoved the door open without so much as a single knock. He just assumed Makoto should have this time available to him because he thought that it was free on his schedule. She contemplates laying into him for that in an effort to save face. Truth be told, she doesn’t care much that they’ve been caught, considering it was only by Byakuya, but she knows it will bother Makoto. That is the only reason she even considers trying to reason with their friend.
“It’s… um…” Makoto stammers, reminding her of an anime character just bulleting with sweat, “Well, I… I can… explain…?”
The nervous chuckle he lets out, combined with the scratching at his cheek, makes Kyoko think that that would be unlikely. He looks like he could sweat right through his suit. She could see him fitting in in a sauna right about now.
“Explain what, exactly?” Byakuya snaps. “There is no good reason for you two to… to… To be so brazenly sucking face in the middle of your work day! Have you no shame?”
“That’s quite enough, Togami-kun,” Kyoko scolds, long before she can actually consider whether or not she wants to let him keep going. Without interrupting, they’ll get by easier, but at the same time, she dislikes the way he’s speaking to them. They most definitely were not kissing hard enough to qualify as “sucking face”. Tongue-kissing? Maybe, but there was no face-eating involved, and she intends to make that very clear to him. “Perhaps you have learned your lesson now about knocking before you go opening doors?”
Byakuya clutches his chest in offence. “Me?! You were the ones who-”
Kyoko folds her arms across her chest, sliding off Makoto’s desk to stand and fully face her accuser. This is not the first time that the two of them have engaged in a battle of wits, nor will it be the last, but she knows that in order to win this one, she must look him straight in the eye. Then, and only then, will he start to falter. It is crucial that she make that signature Kirigiri glare work for her once more.
“Who were having a private moment of passion which you so rudely interrupted by bursting through the door.”
Makoto looks like he wants to speak, to add something of substance to the conversation that they are having, but he seems to know well enough to keep his mouth shut. With his level of humiliation, he is in no condition to help Kyoko against Byakuya, nor cut down what Byakuya is saying about him and Kyoko. He is best to just sit and watch, look and listen. Like a good boy, he understands that.
“Certainly you must understand the importance of privacy, Togami-kun. I don’t imagine Mr. Pennyworth came bursting through your door anytime he pleased. You must extend the same courtesy to Makoto and myself. We certainly wouldn’t go bursting through your door.”
Byakuya grits his teeth. “You’re deflecting, you vile little minx.”
Minx, Kyoko thinks. That is new. He has never called me that before. She is not offended. Byakuya’s insults scarcely mean much of anything. They just fly out of his mouth as easily as air goes in.
“Deflecting from what, exactly? Your lack of manners?” She taps her chin. “I think we should be able to forgive you for your transgression, but I surely think we will struggle more if you refuse to let bygones be bygones.”
Byakuya releases a low growl from somewhere in his throat. It reminds her a bit of an animal, but it is not vicious enough to tell her anything other than he is preparing to back down.
“Come now, Togami-kun. You’re embarrassing Makoto.” She shakes her head. “I just wanted a moment alone with my boyfriend. Are you really going to shame us for that? You must understand how important it is for a couple to be together.”
“You’re ridiculous.” He huffs, folding his own arms across his chest. “Utterly ridiculous. Fix your conduct, next time, instead of trying to use that silver tongue of yours on me.”
Kyoko chuckles softly, brushing some hair out of her face. “But I thought you believed me to be using my silver tongue on Makoto?”
She feels her boyfriend lightly jab her in the ribs for that comment. She doesn’t care. The way Byakuya’s face lights up like a firecracker is too amusing for her to just shove away. The shock of the statement strikes him so badly that he actually has to turn away. Makoto will forgive her for it later.
“Naegi-kun, please inform me when Kirigiri-san departs. I have important matters to discuss with you.” Kyoko wants to laugh at how Byakuya won’t even direct his attention at her anymore. He is too busy looking as red as a tomato, shuffling around the papers he is carrying in her arms. If it were anyone else, Kyoko might have felt a bit sorry about this – but given his conduct as of late, it made for a bit of nice revenge. “Until then, I advise both of you – keep your clothes on.”
It is clear on Makoto’s face that he wants to protest the clothes comment, but Byakuya is spinning on his heel and rushing out the door before they know it. As he leaves, Kyoko contemplates calling after him a reminder to knock on the door next time, but decides against it. She’s probably gotten the poor man enough as it is. Instead, she turns her focus back to Makoto, who looks to be a cross between frustrated and sheepish.
“I can’t believe that just happened,” he mutters, his shoulders slumping, “You shouldn’t have antagonized him like that.”
Kyoko shrugs. “Ideally, I wouldn’t have had to, but you know he’s not above making a scene. You’ve only just become headmaster here… It wouldn’t do for you to be dismissed in your first few months for something that wasn’t your idea.”
Makoto weighs her words in his head, seeming to understand what she is driving at. Still, that sheepish look remains on his face, like he just can’t let everything about it go. “Still… we probably shouldn’t have been making out at work.”
“Not with the door unlocked, anyway.” She finds herself staring back at that door, hand to her chin as she loses herself in thought. “I could have sworn I locked it.”
He shrugs. “Maybe the lock’s broken?”
“Maybe… That won’t do, though.”
“Hm?” Makoto quirks a brow. “Why not?”
“Well…” she turns back to him, draping her arms over his shoulders and leaning in close. She brushes her nose against his, able to feel the heat radiating off him as she places herself in front of him. “I don’t think this will be the end of our little moments of stolen free time.”
Makoto gulps loudly. “B-But we just got caught…”
Kyoko smiles a devilish smile. They are still early on in their relationship, still so early on that they both struggle to think of things in a particular context, but… “Maybe that’s part of the thrill of it.”
She swears those words could have made Makoto faint.
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werewolf-cuddles · 3 months
Are the Danganronpa games available on Steam all of them, or are there still some that haven't been translated? I'm considering getting into the franchise.
Another question - is there one storyline throughout them all or are they all standalones set in the same universe?
All of the Danganronpa games are on Steam, yes, though I wouldn't bother with Danganronpa S since it's a non-canon spin-off title. They're all fully translated with both English and Japanese voice acting available.
There is some Danganronpa content that has not been translated, but those are light novel spin-offs that are not essential to the overall plot.
As for the story, the first set of games (as well as an anime series) do have a story connecting all of them, and should be played through in the following order;
1 - Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
2 - Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
3 - Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls (Takes place between 1 and 2, but contains spoilers for 2 and is best experienced after it)
4 - Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School (Anime)
Danganronpa 3 is split into two separate arcs; one set after the second game (Side Future), and one set before the first (Side Despair). The series is best watched in the original broadcast order, alternating between the Future and Despair arcs, as the two arcs play off of eachother, and ultimately come together at the end for a shared conclusion.
I believe Danganronpa 3 is currently available to stream on Crunchyroll, both subbed and dubbed, but if it's not, then don't feel bad about sailing the seven seas.
Danganronpa V3 is a weird case. It's technically stand-alone, but you should already be familiar with the rest of the series before you play it. I can't say any more about how it fits into the timeline without spoiling the plot though.
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mozillavulpix · 1 year
The Problem With This Plot
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I’m not even anti-Hinanami or whatever, I just want to write down how the writing of Danganronpa 3 made everything feel way less interesting.
So I don’t even hate how they write Hajime and Chiaki in Danganronpa 3 Despair Arc. I’m mostly just really indifferent to it, because there’s honestly not much of substance to even get mad about. But it is a really great example of Danganronpa 3′s overall laziness and actively undermining the themes that sit so well in the first two games.
Basically, the way it goes, and the way that Chiaki and Hajime meet in general, is Chiaki is too busy playing a game that she doesn’t watch where she’s walking and accidentally bumps into Hajime next to the giant fountain. And she would have just moved on without taking much notice, but then Hajime just so happens to recognise what game she’s playing, which makes her get super-invested and wanting to see him again so they can play it together next time.
Now I have nothing wrong with the idea of Hajime being a gamer. Sure, it’s not like the game says he is, but the game doesn’t say he isn’t, either. The problem is, honestly, all these series of coincidences (Chiaki bumping into Hajime, Hajime happening to recognise the game and having experience in playing it, it all happening in front of the Atmospheric Fountain) are just way too contrived to the point it simply feels like generic anime tropes. And that’s...not Hajime.
That’s specifically Makoto.
The whole thing about Makoto and his talent as ‘Super High-School Level Luck’ is it feels kind of like a metafiction joke about how anime protagonists just seem to end up in ridiculous situations from plain bad luck (because it makes for good and funny plots).
But the whole thing about Hajime is he is very intentionally different to Makoto.
He doesn’t suffer from crazy coincidences, because he doesn’t have insane luck. He doesn’t have a talent at all.
The theme of his character is that even by comparison to the plain Makoto, Hajime is a real ‘ordinary person’. His design is plainer. He’s a bit less patient with the over-the-top personalities around him. And he didn’t end up in a killing game because of bad luck - he literally put himself in there because of the circumstances that only happened to him because he was completely ordinary. (It’s kind of complicated.)
But basically what I’m trying to say is Hajime isn’t the kind of guy who’d suddenly have a cute girl at school bump into him and just happen to have an obscure hobby he shares.
I think Hajime’s ‘ordinariness’ is a real crucial part to both his character and the themes of Danganronpa (especially 0, 2 and 3). The idea that I got was that not only is Hajime ordinary, he’s also easily replaceable. Sure, he may have admired Hope’s Peak Academy enough to be chosen for the Kamukura Project, but the very reason he was a lab rat is because it wasn’t a big deal to Hope’s Peak if the experiments failed. They could just try again with another applicant. For every one Hajime, there was another 2,356 Reserve Course students harboring similar feelings and willing to do similar things for the sake of a better future.
At the end of Danganronpa 2, he doesn’t beat Junko as super-talented genius god Izuru Kamukura. He stops her as Hajime Hinata, a completely ordinary guy just like you or me who had decided to believe in himself nonetheless.
But by Danganronpa 3 doing this plotline, by making Hajime happen to bump into Chiaki, happen to recognise his game, happen to be good enough to be her gaming partner, it doesn’t just make Hajime lucky or secretly talented, it makes him special. Special enough to be acknowledged by an Ultimate, out of everyone else. Special enough to be seen with a face while the rest of the Reserve Course are featureless blue shadows.
Basically, I think it really undermines the strength of Hajime’s character.
And don’t get me wrong, I know why they did it. The logic seems pretty simple, actually. Chiaki is a character who’s going to die as the catalyst to plunge her classmates into despair. Why not also give her a personal connection to Hajime to not only add to the soap-opera ironic tragedy, but also making her death be a catalyst for Izuru Kamukura also deciding to give a shit, as well?
I do think they could have done it in a really interesting way if they had more time to flesh it out, maybe. Putting in more of a reason as to why Chiaki didn’t talk to the other Reserve Course students, giving more reasons for their relationship to be strained than just Hajime thinking he’s not good enough for her with zero evidence shown to us. Maybe making the other members of Class 77 still treat him like he’s not as important to twist the nail in a bit more.
But as-is, the outcome we got trod on a lot of subtlety present in the original games just for the sake of more clear ‘iconic’ moments. It’s not bad, it’s just...terribly disappointing.
Which is what I can say for most of Danganronpa 3 as a whole.
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pinkiemeowstic89 · 1 year
The Super Maeda (Mario) Bros Movie
(Inspired by similar posts from @sundove88 and @thehyperrequiem )
Yuki Maeda (Super Danganronpa Another 2) as Mario
Shuichi Saihara (Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony) as Luigi
Sora (Super Danganronpa Another 2) as Princess Peach
AI!Mikado Sannoji (Super Danganronpa Another 2) as Bowser
Omi (Xiaolin Showdown) as Toad
Nekomaru Nidai (Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair) as Donkey Kong (A/N: If I decide to write this out, Nekomaru/Donkey Kong will be given a rewrite to make him more like OUR DK instead of an imposter)
Great Gozu (Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School - Future Arc) as Cranky Kong
Masaru Daimon (Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls) as Diddy Kong
Suguru Kamoshida (Persona 5) as Foreman Spike
Kyosuke Munakata (Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School) as Mario and Luigi's Father
Chisa Yukizome (Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School) as Mario and Luigi's Mother
Marie Lambert (Danganronpa: Rocky Restarts) as Mayor Pauline
Monocrow (Super Danganronpa Another 2) as Kamek
Akira Tsuchiya (Danganronpa Re:Birth) as King Boo
Jasper Shion (Danganronpa 52: Despair from the Heart by @mewmewchann ) as King Bob-omb
Berkut (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia) as Blue Shell Koopa General
King Snugglemagne XXV (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart) as the Penguin King
Sweetypies (Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart) as the Penguins
Lauren/Scary Girl (Total Drama Island 2023) as Lumalee
Mario himself as Giuseppe
Bond (Spy X Family) as Yoshi
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jimintomystery · 2 years
Danganronpa 3
After I watched the Game Grumps play the first two Danganronpa games, I wanted to continue the story. I was gonna wait for them to play the third game, but that's more like an AU or something. (Or is it?) It turns out that the adventures of Danganronpa, Blorbo, and the rest of Dork Squad continue in the anime series Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibougamine Gakuen.
(translator's note: "Kibougamine Gakuen" means "Hope's Peak High School.")
I don't think Arin and Dan are going to riff an anime, so I figured I'd have to do this one solo. Sure, I don't like anime, I thought, but I held my nose through the games, so how bad could it be? The first episode has a weird caricature of a Black man. Four episodes in, everybody gets horny because their dinner is laced with an aphrodisiac. Anime!
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[Above: I couldn't believe the world ended because an otaku got all mad that somebody said anime is stupid, but actually it makes a lot of sense.]
Even by anime standards, though, something about the way the characters look and move feels uncanny. I got the feeling this was a bit of a rush job, but maybe I'm just out of touch.
Also, this show is really hyper-violent. I can't be too upset about that, because I knew it was Deaddovebagpa when I picked it up. But I can't in good conscience recommend this to anyone. If you're going to watch it, you need to have a hell of a reason that overcomes all the reasons not to. My reason is that I'm already In Too Deep.
Anyway, I binged this back in May and immediately spent the next three months writing fanfic about it. So as much as I complain about this furshlugginer thing, I clearly got something out of it. So let's talk about that. (Spoilers under the cut.)
DR3 is split into two arcs: The "Future Arc" is a sequel to DR1 and DR2, and the "Despair Arc" is a prequel. (There's also one episode called the "Hope arc", but that's basically just the finale of the Future Arc.) The Despair Arc features the kids from DR2 and the events leading up to The Tragedy. The Future Arc features the DR1 kids, and their contentious relationship with the Future Foundation, which has been rebuilding the world since The Tragedy.
I don't have a lot to say about the Despair Arc. It's a tragic story, and it does fairly well weaving the bits of backstory from DR1&2 into a coherent narrative. In a weird way it reminded of watching the Star Wars prequels. You've got all this organization of super-prodigies at the height of their power, and in their hubris they let a few unforced errors snowball into the collapse of their civilization. I was mainly interested how Despair episodes added context to subplots in the Future Arc: the Munakata/Sakakura/Yukizome stuff is an obvious example, but there are plenty of others.
But I'm sick of prequels. I prefer to move forward. Give me Blorbo.
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In the Future Arc, Makoto Naegi is in trouble for his unauthorized plan to rehabilitate the kids from DR2. So he's brought before the Future Foundation leaders for questioning, but then the whole group is trapped in a new version of the Killing Game. The kids from DR1 want to work together to figure this out, because that worked before. The Foundation leaders, who have spent years at war while the DR1 kids were isolated in their school, think that approach is naive, so they quickly descend into trying to kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out.
Most of the new characters in this Killing Game are really absurd. I mean, that's Danganronpa for you, but it's harder to roll with it when these weirdos are sitting around a Wise Council Elders table deciding the fate of the world. Not to single out Ruruka Ando, but she's only a couple of years older than Makoto and her special talent is making delicious candy. I Guess dot jpg.
Despite this, each character gets just enough development to make me care about most of them, at least a little. Danganronpa has always been surprisingly good at that, often with little effort. You'll meet a dude named "Hentai Dakimakura" and he's the Ultimate Coupon Clipper or something but also he speaks through a ventriloquist dummy, and you're like "...the hell is this?" But then a month later you're like "Ha ha, that's our Daki, always up to his shenanigans."
Of course, my favorite character is Kyoko Kirigiri, and I watched this primarily to see what happens to her...and uhhh to see if she hooks up with Makoto. This did not go well.
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[Above: just fuck me up]
...OK, look. I read over a year ago that Kyoko seems to die in DR3, and then in the end she's still alive. If I wasn't sure she'd be okay I wouldn't have watched this thing. I thought I was ready. I was not ready, because I didn't know how she "dies." All at once you learn that her poison bracelet was going to kill her unless Makoto died first, and that she must have know this the whole time. I had to stop and drink some rum. I cannot believe this hit me so hard.
This leads to a pivotal scene where Future Foundation leader Chad Munakata challenges Makoto to a showdown. See, all along Chad believed Makoto didn't have the nads for defeating despair. So he figures Kyoko's death will break Makoto's spirit, proving his point, and I'm like "YOU SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH, YOU SON OF A BITCH." But Kyoko asked Makoto to promise not to give up, so then I'm like "i know it sucks little buddy but you have to shake it off and get back up, dude, you promised." And then he flashes back to that scene and balls his fists and I'm all "yeahhhhh go get 'im, tiger."
The general theme of the Future Arc is about refusing to surrender to despair, even in the face of abject doom, even when empty violence might seem more personally satisfying. Makoto can't bring back the dead or undo the damage done to the Future Foundation, but he stays the course for its own sake, and therefore wins the ideological fight. So I think I understand why the Hope Arc might come across as magically fixing too much--not only is Kyoko resurrected, so is nearly every casualty from Danganronpa 2. I don't think that undermines the premise, though; like I said, I knew Kyoko wasn't dead but I still felt Makoto's grief as if she was truly gone forever. And besides, the series has always rewarded characters for enduring despair with a timely stroke of luck, even if it's not always so transparent.
["I think it's very nice of you to give that dead woman another chance."]
I ended up pulling an all-nighter to finish Danganronpa 3, because I just couldn't put it down and...well, I had to get to the part where Kyoko returned. About ten minutes before that scene, it finally hit me that nothing is going to happen when Makoto finds out she's alive, just like they didn't confess their love for each other in DR1 and they weren't explicitly a couple at the start of DR3. I feel dumb for just now figuring this out in 2022, but the tease that two characters will get together is the draw, so the storytellers always have an incentive to kick the can down the road rather than deliver a payoff. If you need a payoff, well, that's what fanfiction is for. Which explains why I had to write two of 'em, probably.
It's truly astonishing to me how happy and fulfilled I feel after I finish one of these Danganronpa things. Maybe it's just because I like Kyoko a lot and she always wins. But I suspect it's because they know how to manipulate your emotions, and take you down just low enough (but not too low) so you'll feel great when the good guys finally win. I need to figure out the formula so I can swipe it.
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izurukamiikura · 2 years
Why everyone in Danganronpa is an adult + a detailed timeline
Basic Info The students of Hope’s Peak Academy are recruited from various high schools across the nation. They are grouped into classes by when they were recruited rather than by age but as a basic rule each student is at least 16 years of age when recruited. This document provides information and insight to why I believe every character in the main 3 Danganronpa games is an adult over the universal age of majority (18 years of age). I will be covering Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, and New Danganronpa V3:Killing Harmony in this document. There may be spoilers from the DR3 anime from both Despair and Future Arc as well so keep that in mind.
Trigger Happy Havoc THH takes place 2 calendar years after the new Ultimate class’s imprisonment and the Hope’s Peak Tragedy (the reserve course mass suicide as shown in DR3:Despair Arc) At the time of the student’s recruitment most were understood to be high school aged so 16-18 aside from Yasuhiro Hagakure who was 21 when recruited. After that 2 year period of imprisonment all of the students would be at least 18 though they still believe they are high schoolers thanks to Junko’s brainwashing. For my notes’ purpose I’m going to place the killing game’s start at about mid-May and assume the duration was approximately 3 months which would end it somewhere between mid-July and early August. To account for ages we have to note that multiple birthdays would have passed during this time frame without them knowing. For example Togami’s birthday is May 5th which would have passed right at the beginning of when the killing game started or right before. The birthdays that would definitely pass in the timespan I’ve established include Mondo’s and Sayaka’s. That would add another year to Mondo’s number by the time he died. Sayaka unfortunately wouldn’t have lived to see that next birthday as it would take place closer to the end of the game where I would place chapter 4 but she would still be at least 18 by the time of the killing game. Since Sayaka and Makoto grew up in the same grade it’s safe to say they’re around the same age though he’d be slightly younger based on birthdays and how schools are lined up in Japan.
Super Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair SDR2 takes place inside of a simulation created by the Future Foundation. At the time the cast was placed into it they were all between the ages of 20-24 after being out and raising hell as Remnants of Despair for a number of years. The only exception being Chiaki Nanami who was executed in DR3 at the age of 18. In the simulation the cast is shown to be between 16-17 but they are ultimately adults by the time they are in the simulation.
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starlightshadowsworld · 8 months
Danganronpa 3: Despair Arc episode 1
I love the framing of zooming out of Chisa's death to her sat in a cinema.
Because it's back to the past my dudes.
The colour pallet and tonal shift from the first episode of the future arc is jarring.
Like end of the world, arresting Makoto, put into a death game.
And now, high school.
Glares at Jin Kirigiri Can't wait for you to blast off.
Chisa is what I imagine a fusion between Ishimaru and Makoto would be like.
The fact there's only 4 people who showed up and one is Fuyuhiko.
I see you mister too cool for school sat in the back of the class with your feet up.
You ain't slick.
Mahiru and Hiyoko talking, Sonia sat front and center all posied.
It's insane how just one frame of them sat in class before any words are spoken, perfectly sums them up.
Chisa not being fazed by any of this, love it.
I mean honestly even her saying she doubled down on health insurance before she took this job.
Makes sense.
Super high school level or not they're still high schoolers.
And getting into Hopes peak is the hard part, once your in your in.
Your set for life when you graduate.
And as Mahiru says as long as you pass your exams and keep up your talent your good.
Why would you bother attending regular classes if that's the case.
Oh Mikan, your poor sweet child, get up.
The maid apron, guess shits going down. Ohh you're gonna show up to class, whether you wanna or not.
... I didn't need the very descriptive image of a mouldy orange but I get it.
Sonia matching Chisa's energy, yess.
Fuyuhiko tried to deny the power of friendship.
He loses.
Now I dunno if pulling a blade on a student, stabbing his table and look very much like you'll stab his hand... is the best idea.
But she spoke his language and for it got his respect.
Which I'm glad because as fun as asshole Fuyuhiko is, I like when he's friendly.
Also given the erm... Shit going on in this school, I don't think they can say much.
Just be glad Peko isn't here.
Why are we in the mens bathroo-...oh wait, Nekomaru.
Nope, that's Sonia.
And the blood is pink here.
... Wish I didn't have to get that information from Teruteru having a nosebleed over Sonia ordering meat.
I'm glad Chisa ties him up but knowing him he'd like it.
Annnd he does.
Idk if he flirts with guys in the game, but apparently Teruteru loves all.
... Way to much and way too intensely.
Stay classy, Teruteru.
Akane being spiderman, wasn't what I was expecting but here we are.
And if course they need Teruteru to cook to get Akane.
Sonia is just getting all the pervs to go to class.
I don't care what anyone says, Gundam is so cool.
The animal shed looks like some kind of temple, torches are lit and he's standing above.
And there's giant statues of the 4 dark devas of destruction.
The bat's that signal his arrival.
"Speak the name of evil and it shall appear. You gaze upon Tanaka the forbidden one."
Gives a speech about destroying this corrupted planet.
👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼Now that, is how you make an entrance.
Ibuki's guitar being part flame thrower just makes sense.
Peko just apologising and going, makes sense.
Idk why Fuyuhiko is suprised about Peko's job. Is it a secret they're in the Yakuza?
I mean he was scouted because of it right? Idk maybe I'm missing something.
Did... Soda just get hit by a truck?.
Oh I get it, Nagito went to get a drink and now he's gonna end up with a Soda.
Slow claps
... Nevermind the truck broke the machine and he gets all the drinks.
Great show of his talent, he had bad luck and than immediately got good luck.
The four dark devas with teeny lil brushes is so cute.
... Wait so Ryota was apart of this class?
I thought he was gonna end up being Imposter but, huh... Interesting.
Because he's preseumbly the only one who didn't become a Remnant?
And he and Chisa got out.
Hears his thoughts of people insulting him.
Hajime 🥺
... Wait wasn't Chiaki just programme in the simulator? She wasn't real like the others were.
So this mean that she actually existed.
... Oh... That's not good.
I know Hajime isn't apart of the 77th class, he's a reserve course student.
But man it feels werid seeing them without him.
And he's already got those negative thoughts about himself and his lack of talent.
At least Chiaki seems like she's gonna be a friend to him, especially from what we know from the game.
... But that wasn't really her but based on her.
... Hmmm....
Wasn't expecting Hajime to be from a rich family but I guess it makes sense.
Reserve course or not, Hope's Peak is one of the most prestigious schools.
The fact they have a uniform and the Ultimate don't, immediately putting them in their own category.
I find it interesting how Makoto is now seen as lower than everyone else.
Everyone who's an Ultimate while they wonder if he even deserves his title.
And he's wearing a suite identical to Hajime's.
A symbol of the reserve course, of people the talented see as beneath them.
Chiaki offering a unique outlook, the outlook I know Hajime won't accept.
Given... Yeah.
That you have the freedom we don't, you have the ability to do what you want while I just have a pile of video games.
Similiar to how Leon dedpite his talent for baseball wanted to be a musician.
"Let's put something else first, our hope."
Nagito: Hope
Me:... Oh no.
I mean now your speaking his language.
Chisa knows Munakata already?
I wonder if they went to school together than?
Also Munakata your hair looks so much better here.
What happened man?
Oh they definitely know each other.
So Chisa, Munakata and Juzo the guy who best Makoto all went to school together.
... And now we're going back to the present where she's just been killed infront of them...
Oh boy
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moiloru · 2 years
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School Review!
Hello, everyone! It was probably long overdue for someone who posts so much in this fandom, but here's my review for Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak Academy!
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Well... where to start, right? I mean, there's much to be said, so let's begin by introducing DR3. By the way, if you read this review, I'll assume you've played the first two games in the series, as well as the spin-off. The anime won't be spoiled, but these games will be.
Now, this anime is split into two arcs: Future Arc and Despair Arc. The former takes place right after the events of Goodbye Despair, while the second takes place before Trigger Happy Havoc. They're twelve and eleven episodes long, respectively.
Of course, this is Danganronpa, so you'll be dealing with a mix of high-stakes game, horror, psychology, but with a touch of comedy (and even some slice of life). Beware the fanservice in Despair Arc, too.
Ironically, I disagree with most people when it comes to my favorite of the two arcs. Many reviews will tell you that Despair Arc is better than Future Arc, but I personally do not agree with this. Not that I think that Despair Arc is overrated, but I believe that Future Arc (for all its flaws) is severely underrated.
Future Arc follows the surviving cast of THH, with some brand-new characters thrown into the mix. Well, you might know that I love most of the THH cast, and I really think they got a chance to shine again in this arc. I personally think Makoto's development was done well, and Kyoko is still the best girl. Hina also gets a major role and makes the best of it! The new characters aren't all amazing, but I'd say half of them are at least good. As a Naegiri shipper, this arc is also very important to me (and for more than one reason...).
This arc's main strength, in my opinion, is in its atmosphere. It feels claustrophobic at times, but not necessarily in a bad way. The tension can be felt, and honestly, the few fights out there are pretty good! They made the correct decision in changing things up from the games to make it work in anime format, and some new dynamics are honestly very interesting!
Now, it's not perfect, either. To be honest, it should have been much better, but for what it is, it's very good. The writing could have been less shaky, some plot twists made to be more predictable, and the development of a few characters could have been better. Yet, I believe this arc was more than solid.
Despair Arc focuses on the life at Hope's Peak High School of the DR2 cast. Some tidbits were revealed in the game, and the full story is detailed in this arc. It goes over how they were turned into Remnants of Despair, how AI Chiaki came to be, how Izuru Kamukura was born, how Junko took over Hope's Peak... I don't love the DR2 cast as much as the THH one, but they were written well, and the couple new characters were good. However, I cannot be angry enough at how they wrote Mukuro. Poor girl got the short end of the stick, and honestly, the way they wrote her is pretty disgusting.
This arc focuses a lot more on character dynamics. It's done relatively well, but more importantly, it makes sense (which isn't always the case in Danganronpa...). However, this side of the anime feels rushed to me, to put it kindly. It should have been twice as long to reach its full potential. Still, the story is pretty good, and if you're not made too uncomfortable by horror and fanservice, you should enjoy it.
Overall, this arc is good. As mentioned before, I don't think it's as good as Future Arc, but it does the job of telling the story it's supposed to tell. It does answer some really important questions, which is perhaps the most important part.
And we're... not done, actually! This anime has a third arc (although it's not really an arc, since it's only one episode...): Hope Arc! It basically connects both arcs (and both casts) in one grand finale. It's a pretty good ending to the Hope's Peak saga, to be honest. Not perfect by any means, but at least it concludes everything well. Some people don't really enjoy the final twist (and I personally don't like how it was written), but honestly... I'm pretty happy it happened, haha.
To summarize, this anime is good. It's not as much of an adventure as the games, but it's still more than solid, especially if you like the Danganronpa universe. The way it's designed so that you have to watch one episode of Future Arc then one of Despair Arc is honestly super clever. It shows how the overarching writing is still really good. Of course, this anime has weaknesses (which others won't fail to insist upon), but it's worth watching, especially if you're looking for some answers to the questions the games left unanswered...
Down below is the tierlist for the characters! Please note that I rated them based on how good they are in the anime only. Thank you for reading this review!
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(Link: https://tiermaker.com/create/danganronpa-all-characters-games-novels-and-anime-360438)
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dj4jungshook · 2 years
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Name: Chisa yukizome
Age: 31
Profession: home teacher
Ideal man: a young man
skills: beautiful sensual, intelligent
yandere style: MILF( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
State: teacher who fell in love with one of her students
Weakness: unrequited love. and women younger than her
Dangerousness yandere: hard. very hard( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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