#dandelions forget-me-nots and cosmos
iheart2manyfandoms · 1 year
So I was a part of the Linked Universe Discord server’s 4th birthday gift exchange and my giftee is @marenwithanm ! And girl might I say, you have incredible taste. The prompt I went with was language of flowers and you said you liked Four and Wild’s friendship.
Without further ado ✨
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The words around the edges are the flower names and meanings🌼🌸💐
Dandelions for freedom and survival
Cosmos for order, harmony, and balance
Forget-Me-Nots for memories
This is actually my first finished digital art piece. There was lots of experimenting involved lol. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out and I hope you like it ❤️💚💙💜
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Hello! I am sorry for the delay! The tournament will start at November 18 at 2 pm BRT, the polls will be posted every 10 minutes!
The matches were randomized!
Side A
A bouquet of purple daylily, green carnation, dead leaves, fern, opium flowers and coriander Vs Red Orchid
Violet Vs Red Spider Lily
Dandelions 1 Vs A bouquet of willows and chives
A bouquet of wisteria, black and red carnations and foxgloves Vs A bouquet of buttercup, daffodils, edelweiss and orange
A bouquet of amaryllis, milkweed, bluebells and strelitizia Vs A bouquet of blue and red hyacinths
A bouquet of white, red and black roses Vs A bouquet of white chrysanthemums, orchids and blue hydrangeas
A bouquet of white chrysanthemums, orchids and blue hydrangeas Vs Forget-me-nots
A bouquet of snapdragon, tansy and black eyed susan Vs White poppies
Daisies Vs A bouquet of white clover, chamomile and pine
A bouquet of pink peonies, purple hydrangea and a variety of cosmos Vs A bouquet of asphodel, sage, yellow chrysanthemum, green carnation, plum blossom, stinging nettle, anemone and acanthus
A bouquet of marigold, dandelions, goldenrods and amaryllis Vs A bouquet of sea holly, ageratum, globe thistle, orchid cactus, protea, bird of paradise, mimosa, dianthus, hydrangea and clematis
A bouquet of bleeding hearts and dandelions Vs A bouquet of plastic lemon balm, thyme, hyacinths and anemone flowers, with a single real orange rose in the middle, wrapped in light blue cellophane
A bouquet of snapdragon, yellow poppy and jonquil Vs Blue Rose
A bouquet of yellow orchids, rue, yew, bird’s-foot trefoil, yellow gladiolus, yellow peony, sunflower and yellow amaryllis Vs A bouquet of dandelion, asphodel, poppy, chamomile, red columbine, hydrangea, rhododendron, dark crimson rose and queen of the night
Snapdragons Vs A bouquet of lily, red spider lily, daffodils and milkweed
A bouquet of rainflower, green carnation, camelia, nightshade, mulberry and purple lilac Vs Red Anemone
Side B
Strelitzia Vs A bouquet of blue violets, trumpet creeper, lavender and green carnation
Hibiscus Syriacus Vs Dandelions 2
Desert Bluebell Vs A bouquet of yellow and purple carnations
A bouquet of poppies, daffodils, daisies, ivy, and purple hyacinths Vs A bouquet of gloriosa (flame lily), veronica, jasione, jacaranda, cyclamen, jasmine and freesia
A bouquet of dandelions and buttercups Vs A bouquet of marigold, yellow and white zinnia, phlox, bluebells, cornflower, gladiolus, rosemary, dark crimson rose and purple cyclamen
A bouquet of orange lilies, yellow roses, buttercups, aconite, sunflower, hollyhock and lotus Vs bouquet of jasmine, milkweed, dandelion, poppy and oenothera
A bouquet of oleander, refflesia (corpse flower), trigidia, hyacinth, hollyhock, Iberis (candytuft) and orange tulip Vs A bouquet of lily of the valley and amaryllis
A bouquet of marigolds, tuberose, and dandelions Vs A bouquet of daffodil and pansy
A bouquet of amaranth, orange brugmansia, delphinium, honeysuckle and white aster Vs A bouquet of plumeria, fawn lily, magnolia and star grass
A bouquet of gladiolus, snapdragon, canterbury bells, gloriosa (flame lily) and white chrysanthemum Vs A bouquet of fern, rex begonia leaves, black rose, lily, odessa calla lily and green hydrangea
A bouquet of daisies, butterfly weed, orchids, purple lotus and violets Vs A bouquet of striga, mistletoe, and monotropa uniflora
Thistle Vs A bouquet of chestnut flower, lotus, dandelion, fern, thyme, anemone, geranium, holly, magnolia and bluebell
A bouquet of poppy, zygopetalum, echeveria, dandelion, yucca, twinspur , lotus, tagetes, ursinia, purple hyacinth and hibiscus Vs A bouquet of amaryllis, dicentra, red spider lily and white roses
Oleander Vs A bouquet of blue and purple daisies, desert lilies and black tulips
A bouquet of black eyed Susan, geranium and a tall sunflower Vs A bouquet of forsythia, holly, yellow hyacinth, petunia, viscaria and orange lilys
A bouquet of arborvitae, gladiolus and begonia Vs Spiderwort
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potionbarrel · 4 years
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Happy 5th anniversary, Undertale!
This game means the world to me and I’m always so excited to celebrate its anniversary! If you’ve seen any of my past posts, you’ve probably seen me gush about this game plenty. But I still want to thank Toby Fox for creating such a special and important experience that continues to mean a lot to me five years after first experiencing it! I would link the speedpaints I made of this, but from what I’ve heard, Tumblr kills posts with links. I’ll link it in a reblog. If you’re interested, checking out the video would be great! Thank you for reading! One more thing: if you look, you’ll notice everyone’s holding specific flowers and not a random assortment. That was intentional! I have this neat e-book of flower meanings I bought to use in art, and that’s just what I did here! I’ll list everyone’s flowers and their meanings below the cut. (Please keep in mind that this is one book’s interpretations. They could be wrong, or not what you expected!)
Alphys: White carnation- ardent love, skullcap- ability to cope, and blue flag iris- ability to be happy. Undyne: White camellia- you are adorable, rosella flower- strength, and black iris- valor Papyrus: Wooly sunflower- gentle strength, yellow petunia- friendship and enthusiasm, and rosa moschata- compassion Sans: Gentiana- belief in the future, snowdrop- new beginnings/ self-neglect, Venus’ looking glass- self-worth, and lilac- brotherly love. Mettaton EX: Liriodendron- fame, cosmos- beauty, and yellow rose- friendship. Napstablook: Geranium maculatum- lifting spirits Monster Kid: Dandelion- simple joys and happiness. Frisk: Xeranthemum- cheerfulness in adversity, boronia serrulata- you are not alone, and blue cornflower- new friendships. Chara: Daffodil- hope, memory; red poppy: death, remembrance; scarlet pimpernel- childhood. Asgore: Rumex acetosa- paternal affection, flannel flower- I am sorry, and holly- am I forgiven? Asriel: Forget-me-nots- connection through time, remembrance; dogwood- regret what I have done, and lily of the valley- purity of the heart, sadness from death. Toriel: Lavender- peace, coltsfoot- maternal love, and snapdragon- grace under pressure.
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maknaebias · 5 years
Rose and gorgeous 💜
ty sweet pea!
rose: favorite flower? i’m very partial to violets n forget me nots, but also lilacs, and dandelions, and cosmos, and daisies, and and and and and! i really like flowers dkajfsdf but if i have to pick just one, then probably violets!
gorgeous; what do you like in a person? i love people who get excited about things they love, especially when it’s something we have in common so we can be excited together! also people who are as affectionate n clingy as me, that’s a big plus ^^ 
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
Magickal Herbs 11
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Plants that attract butterflies and faeries Bluebells  Boxwood  Buttercup  Carnation  Coreopsis  Cosmos  Cowslips  Crocus  Daffodil  Daisy  Dandelion  Forget-Me-Not  Fountain Butterfly Bush  Foxglove  Gardenia  Heliotrope  Harebell  Hollyhock  Honeysuckle  Hyacinth  Iris  Jasmine  Lamb's Ear  Lavender  Lilac  Lily  Lobelia  Marigold  Morning Glory  Mums  New York Aster  Orange-eye Butterfly Bush Orchid  Pansy  Periwinkle  Peony Poppies  Petunia  Phlox  Pincushion Flower  Poinsetta  Primrose  Pussywillow Ragwort  Roses  Shrubby Cinquefoil  Snapdragon  Summer Lilac  Thistles Tulip  Violet  White Lotus  Zinnia
"I know a bank where the wild thyme blows, Where oxslips and the nodding violet grows Quite over canopied with luscious woodbine, With sweet musk-roses and the eglantine. There sleeps Titania sometimes of the night, Lulled in these flowers with dances and delight..." Shakespeare Bluebells - Fairies are called to their midnight dances by ringing these little bells. They represent kindness and are the most potent of all Faery flowers. They are also called "warning bells" because it is said that one who hears a bluebell ring will soon die. They also serve to warn those who are about to travel into a bluebell glade, for these are places of consecrated Faery magick and enchantment. On Beltane Eve, make an ankle bracelet of bluebells and jingle bells to attract the helpful fae folk to you. Boxwood - It can be clipped into a topiary tree and decorated for a special Faerie events, such as a wedding. Buttercup - This flowers' faeries help to bring compassion to humans. They bring healing energy and understanding. Use this flower to rediscover yourself or to boost your self-esteem. Carnation - These faeries bring deep love. They help to strengthen one's aura, and renew one's love of life. The red ones attract faeries who heal animals. Coreopsis Cosmos
Cowslips - These are loved and protected by the faeries and they help one to find hidden faerie gold. The fae use the blossoms for umbrellas. “And I serve the Faery Queen, To draw her orbs upon the green. The cowslips tall her pensioners be, In their gold coats spots you see: Those be rubies, faery favours: In those freckles live their savours. I must go to seek dome dewdrops here, And hang a pearl in every cowslips’ ear.” - Shakespeare Edmund Canterbell wrote: “That they do dwell within the cowslips hollow is truth, for I have seen them fly out in intoxicated abandon.” Crocus - These faeries have the power to inspire love but may drain your strength while collecting them. Daffodil - This flower faerie is good for inner beauty. Let it help you with meditation and clarity of thought. Daffodils are also useful for evoking faeries and elves. Daisy - This is the best flower to use to connect to the Faeries and relaxing in a daisy bed will help one to contact faeries, especially Dryads. Putting a daisy chain on a child is said to prevent faeries from beguiling the child and carrying her or him away. The daisy will also help you to awaken and use your creativity and your inner strength. Dandelion – This flower is said to be used by the faeries for making beverages. Forget-Me-Not - A symbol of love and devotion. The flowers also provide protection from faeries and are said to help to unlock the secrets of the fae. If you place forget-me-nots on the side of a mountain where fairy treasure is hidden, secret cavern walls will open up for you. Fountain butterfly bush
Foxglove - (Poisonous) Folk names for foxglove include Faery Thimbles, Faery Glove, Little Folks’ Glove, Faery Fingers, Faery Petticoats, Faery’s Cap, and Faery Weed. The name is derived from "Little Folks' Glove" because the flowers are worn by fairies as gloves and hats and the little flecks found on the flowers are definitely faery fingerprints. It is a favourite of Earth Elementals. Bad luck will follow those who pick these flowers and bring them in their home. The leaves and the plant's juice are said to grant release from faery enchantments. Planting foxglove is an invitation to faeries to enter you garden. Plant it near your front door to invite the fae in to your home. Wearing foxglove is a charm to attract faery energy, put a dried sprig in a talisman to keep you surrounded by faery light. Gardenia - These bring feelings of peace and protection. These flower faeries are very protective of children, so plant Gardenias in places where children play, so the fae will watch over them. These faeries will also help to increase your telepathic abilities with all nature spirits. Heliotrope – Beloved of Fire Elementals. Harebell - These faeries inspire honesty - the person wearing them is incapable of lying. Hollyhock – Beloved of the fae, especially the pink ones. 
Honeysuckle - Will help to stimulate dreams and your psychic energy. These Fae will teach you how to develop your "charms" to draw others to you. Hyacinth - These help to restore belief. They will give you energy to overcome grief and awaken greater gentleness. Iris – Iris was the Greek Goddess of the rainbow, and the faeries of this flower manifest in all of the rainbow’s colours. Jasmine - These faeries will help to bring on peaceful dreams and clarity of the mind. Lamb's Ear - This woolly perennial is a pet for the Faeries - normal animals are just too big! Lavender - Where there is lavender there is great faerie activity. Faery clans like to have many parties and lavender infused wine is one of their favourites because it promotes pure knowledge. Lavender plants are also where the Faeries drape their clothes to dry. These faeries bring healing, protection and help to overcome emotional blocks and the scent of lavender in the air relieves stress. Elf leaf is another name for lavender, which is used in elfin magic. Lilac – The scent attracts musical faeries. Lily - These fae help one to nurture purity and humility within one's self. Lobelia – attracts winged faeries.   
Marigold - These flower faeries know the magic of thunderstorms. They will teach you the power of words and the mysteries of love. A jam made of marigolds that is eaten in the morning will help you to see faeries very soon after ingesting it. The Druids believe that Marigold water, made from the blossoms, then rubbed on the eyelids, helps one to see faeries. Morning Glory – Repels unwanted night faeries. Mums - They help to strengthen the life force. They will help you to express yourself more lovingly. New York Aster Orange-eye butterfly bush/summer lilac Orchid - Hammarbya paludosa is known as Green Faery Orchid. 
Pansy - Attracts parades of trooping faeries and they use these flowers for making love potions. Oberon, the faery king, used pansies in his love potion in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”: “Yet marked I where the bolt of Cupid fell. It fell upon a little western flower; Before marked white; now with purple love’s wound – And maidens call it Love-in-idleness. Fetch me that flower, the herb I showed thee once. The juice of it on sleeping eyelids laid, Will make a man or woman madly dote Upon the next living creature that it sees.”   Periwinkle - Has the ability to inspire love. One can rekindle their love by eating the leaves. Peony – Peonies are used as a charm to bring one dreams of faeries. Peony seeds were once used to protect children from faeries. A garland of the seeds were placed around the child’s neck to keep them safe from kidnappings.
Poppies – Poppies are said to make you able to visit with the fae in your dreams. Petunia Phlox – This flower attracts elves who oversee and guard the plants growth. Pincushion Flower Poinsetta Primrose (especially the blue and red ones) - Has the power to reveal the invisible. Eating them will help you to see fairies. Hanging a spray of primroses on your door is said to be an invitation to the fae to enter your home, and to draw fairy blessings; but scattering primroses outside your door is said to keep faeries away by making a barrier that they can’t cross.Touching a Faery rock with the right number of primroses (5) can open the pathway to the Faery realm. Beware, however, the wrong number may open the door to a place you don't want to be. Also, if you have them growing under your care, do not let them die! The faeries will take your carelessness as a serious offence. Primroses make great container gardens and can be used in Faery Magick. Tie a pink ribbon around your container while chanting: 
"Sacred roses, hear my cry, For your protection, this I tie."
Pussywillow Ragwort - Used as makeshift horses by the faerie. The magick words used to make the stems fly are, “Horse and Hattock.” 
Roses (they grow best when stolen) - Roses are very special to the Fae's sisters, the Angels. They give you a greater sense of love and they hold the secrets of time and its exploration. The petals can be used in Faery Magick, especially love spells. When performing the spell, sprinkle rose petals under your feet, and dance softly upon them, while asking the faeries for their blessing on your magick. White roses - help to develop spiritual purity. Red roses - Are good for love and fertility. Pink Roses - are for new life and a symbol of a new beginning. Yellow roses - these Fae help you to express the truth. When planting a baby rose bush chant: "I ask a faery from the wild to come and tend this wee rose child. A babe of air she thrives today, root her soul in the Goddess' good clay. Faeries make this twig your bower, by your magic shall time see her flower."  
Shrubby cinquefoil Snapdragon - Hold these flowers secretly in your hand and others will see you as gracious and fascinating. This plant and where it grows are watched over by tiny dragons. The faeries and spirits of this flower have connections to the energies of all dragons and, therefore, bring great protection for all from deceit and curses. Thistles – Thistles are also called Pixies’ Gloves, because the fae use their tiny flowers as such. Tulip – These faeries hold the knowledge of the hidden significance of events, people and things. Violet - The violet is the home of the Faery Queen and, therefore, sacred to all faeries. Picking the first violets of spring will bring one good luck, and a chance to ask the Fae to grant them a wish to be fulfilled within the year. White Lotus - Some believe that the white lotus flowers are nymphs in disguise. A woman can carry this flower to counter the effect of unwanted love spells. Zinnia   
Plants for a Night Garden The goal here is to plant a garden that will attract bats, owls and crickets. Use alba or white flowers because their iridescent colour will stand out in the darkness. Also be sure to include some noctiflora (flowers that bloom at night), especially those that have a strong sweet smell such as night blooming jasmine, tobacco plant, four o'clock flowers, dame's violet, sweet rocket, and sweet woodruff. Building a belfry will attract bats and having a compost heap will attract mice and, therefore, owls to feed on them. So far as I know crickets aren't really something one needs to try to attract, they're just pretty much everywhere... 
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winter-gale · 7 years
Plants to attract the Fae
Plants to attract the Fae - http://www.hafapea.com/thelandoffaepages/faerygarden.html Bluebells - Fairies are called to their midnight dances by ringing these little bells. They represent kindness and are the most potent of all Faery flowers. They are also called "warning bells" because it is said that one who hears a bluebell ring will soon die. They also serve to warn those who are about to travel into a bluebell glade, for these are places of consecrated Faery magick and enchantment. On Beltane Eve, make an ankle bracelet of bluebells and jingle bells to attract the helpful fae folk to you. Boxwood - It can be clipped into a topiary tree and decorated for a special Faerie events, such as a wedding. Buttercup - This flowers' faeries help to bring compassion to humans. They bring healing energy and understanding. Use this flower to rediscover yourself or to boost your self-esteem. Carnation - These faeries bring deep love. They help to strengthen one's aura, and renew one's love of life. The red ones attract faeries who heal animals. Coreopsis Cosmos Cowslips - These are loved and protected by the faeries and they help one to find hidden faerie gold. The fae use the blossoms for umbrellas. “And I serve the Faery Queen, To draw her orbs upon the green. The cowslips tall her pensioners be, In their gold coats spots you see: Those be rubies, faery favors: In those freckles live their savors. I must go to seek dome dewdrops here, And hang a pearl in every cowslips’ ear.” - Shakespeare Edmund Canterbell wrote: “That they do dwell within the cowslips hollow is truth, for I have seen them fly out in intoxicated abandon.” Crocus - These faeries have the power to inspire love but may drain your strength while collecting them. Daffodil - This flower faerie is good for inner beauty. Let it help you with meditation and clarity of thought. Daffodils are also useful for evoking faeries and elves. Daisy - This is the best flower to use to connect to the Faeries and relaxing in a daisy bed will help one to contact faeries, especially Dryads. Putting a daisy chain on a child is said to prevent faeries from beguiling the child and carrying her or him away. The daisy will also help you to awaken and use your creativity and your inner strength. Dandelion – This flower is said to be used by the faeries for making beverages. Forget-Me-Not - A symbol of love and devotion. The flowers also provide protection from faeries and are said to help to unlock the secrets of the fae. If you place forget-me-nots on the side of a mountain where fairy treasure is hidden, secret cavern walls will open up for you. Fountain butterfly bush Foxglove - (Poisonous) Folk names for foxglove include Faery Thimbles, Faery Glove, Little Folks’ Glove, Faery Fingers, Faery Petticoats, Faery’s Cap, and Faery Weed. The name is derived from "Little Folks' Glove" because the flowers are worn by fairies as gloves and hats and the little flecks found on the flowers are definitely faery fingerprints. It is a favorite of Earth Elementals. Bad luck will follow those who pick these flowers and bring them in their home. The leaves and the plant's juice are said to grant release from faery enchantments. Planting foxglove is an invitation to faeries to enter you garden. Plant it near your front door to invite the fae in to your home. Wearing foxglove is a charm to attract faery energy, put a dried sprig in a talisman to keep you surrounded by faery light. Gardenia - These bring feelings of peace and protection. These flower faeries are very protective of children, so plant Gardenias in places where children play, so the fae will watch over them. These faeries will also help to increase your telepathic abilities with all nature spirits. Heliotrope – Beloved of Fire Elementals. Harebell - These faeries inspire honesty - the person wearing them is incapable of lying. Hollyhock – Beloved of the fae, especially the pink ones. Honeysuckle - Will help to stimulate dreams and your psychic energy. These Fae will teach you how to develop your "charms" to draw others to you. Hyacinth - These help to restore belief. They will give you energy to overcome grief and awaken greater gentleness. Iris – Iris was the Greek Goddess of the rainbow, and the faeries of this flower manifest in all of the rainbow’s colors. Jasmine - These faeries will help to bring on peaceful dreams and clarity of the mind. Lamb's Ear - This wooly perennial is a pet for the Faeries - normal animals are just too big! Lavender - Where there is lavender there is great faerie activity. Faery clans like to have many parties and lavender infused wine is one of their favorites because it promotes pure knowledge. Lavender plants are also where the Faeries drape their clothes to dry. These faeries bring healing, protection and help to overcome emotional blocks and the scent of lavender in the air relieves stress. Elf leaf is another name for lavender, which is used in elfin magic. Lilac – The scent attracts musical faeries. Lily - These fae help one to nurture purity and humility within one's self. Lobelia – attracts winged faeries. Marigold - These flower faeries know the magic of thunderstorms. They will teach you the power of words and the mysteries of love. A jam made of marigolds that is eaten in the morning will help you to see faeries very soon after ingesting it. The Druids believe that Marigold water, made from the blossoms, then rubbed on the eyelids, helps one to see faeries. Morning Glory – Repels unwanted night faeries. Mums - They help to strengthen the life force. They will help you to express yourself more lovingly. New York Aster Orange-eye butterfly bush/summer lilac Orchid - Hammarbya paludosa is known as Green Faery Orchid. Pansy - Attracts parades of trooping faeries and they use these flowers for making love potions. Oberon, the faery king, used pansies in his love potion in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”: “Yet marked I where the bolt of Cupid fell. It fell upon a little western flower; Before marked white; now with purple love’s wound – And maidens call it Love-in-idleness. Fetch me that flower, the herb I showed thee once. The juice of it on sleeping eyelids laid, Will make a man or woman madly dote Upon the next living creature that it sees.” Periwinkle - Has the ability to inspire love. One can rekindle their love by eating the leaves. Peony – Peonies are used as a charm to bring one dreams of faeries. Peony seeds were once used to protect children from faeries. A garland of the seeds were placed around the child’s neck to keep them safe from kidnappings. Poppies – Poppies are said to make you able to visit with the fae in your dreams. Petunia Phlox – This flower attracts elves who oversee and guard the plants growth. Pincushion Flower Poinsetta Primrose (especially the blue and red ones) - Has the power to reveal the invisible. Eating them will help you to see fairies. Hanging a spray of primroses on your door is said to be an invitation to the fae to enter your home, and to draw fairy blessings; but scattering primroses outside your door is said to keep faeries away by making a barrier that they can’t cross.Touching a Faery rock with the right number of primroses (5) can open the pathway to the Faery realm. Beware, however, the wrong number may open the door to a place you don't want to be. Also, if you have them growing under your care, do not let them die! The faeries will take your carelessness as a serious offense. Primroses make great container gardens and can be used in Faery Magick. Tie a pink ribbon around your container while chanting: "Sacred roses, hear my cry, For your protection, this I tie." Pussywillow Ragwort - Used as makeshift horses by the faerie. The magick words used to make the stems fly are, “Horse and Hattock.” Roses (they grow best when stolen) - Roses are very special to the Fae's sisters, the Angels. They give you a greater sense of love and they hold the secrets of time and its exploration. The petals can be used in Faery Magick, especially love spells. When performing the spell, sprinkle rose petals under your feet, and dance softly upon them, while asking the faeries for their blessing on your magick. White roses - help to develop spiritual purity. Red roses - Are good for love and fertility. Pink Roses - are for new life and a symbol of a new beginning. Yellow roses - these Fae help you to express the truth. When planting a baby rose bush chant: "I ask a faery from the wild to come and tend this wee rose child. A babe of air she thrives today, root her soul in the Goddess' good clay. Faeries make this twig your bower, by your magic shall time see her flower." Shrubby cinquefoil Snapdragon - Hold these flowers secretly in your hand and others will see you as gracious and fascinating. This plant and where it grows are watched over by tiny dragons. The faeries and spirits of this flower have connections to the energies of all dragons and, therefore, bring great protection for all from deceit and curses. Thistles – Thistles are also called Pixies’ Gloves, because the fae use their tiny flowers as such. Tulip – These faeries hold the knowledge of the hidden significance of events, people and things. Violet - The violet is the home of the Faery Queen and, therefore, sacred to all faeries. Picking the first violets of spring will bring one good luck, and a chance to ask the Fae to grant them a wish to be fulfilled within the year. White Lotus - Some believe that the white lotus flowers are nymphs in disguise. A woman can carry this flower to counter the effect of unwanted love spells. Zinnia Plants for a Night Garden The goal here is to plant a garden that will attract bats, owls and crickets. Use alba or white flowers because their iridescent colour will stand out in the darkness. Also be sure to include some noctiflora (flowers that bloom at night), especially those that have a strong sweet smell such as night blooming jasmine, tobacco plant, four o'clock flowers, dame's violet, sweet rocket, and sweet woodruff. Building a belfry will attract bats and having a compost heap will attract mice and, therefore, owls to feed on them. So far as I know crickets aren't really something one needs to try to attract, they're just pretty much everywhere...
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gethealthy18-blog · 5 years
How to Make & Use Dried Flowers for Decor, Tinctures, and More
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/how-to-make-use-dried-flowers-for-decor-tinctures-and-more/
How to Make & Use Dried Flowers for Decor, Tinctures, and More
We use a lot of flowers around here for purposes other than decoration, from calendula for skin to dandelions for iced dandelion lime tea. While I enjoy a vase of fresh flowers as much as the next person, the practical side of me always wishes for a way to extend the enjoyment.
I did a little research, and as a result, here are five natural ways to preserve flowers so their beauty lasts for weeks (even months!).
How to Make Dried Flowers for Lasting Beauty & Benefits
Yes, they’re pretty, but flowers have other benefits. Science has shown flowers make us happier!
I may be known for suggesting gifts other than flowers (preferably, experiences!), but there are tangible benefits to this popular gesture. In 2005 researchers explored how flowers impact behavior. People who received flowers were happier and had more positive interactions with those around them. The flowers even positively affected the recipient’s memory!
Fresh flowers can get expensive though! (I personally love to receive potted plants for this reason.) One other approach though is to dry flowers in order to preserve them (and the positive emotions!). Dried flowers are one of the simplest and most classic ways to preserve flowers and make the enjoyment last.
Which Flowers Work Best
Flowers that are delicate can crumble more easily when dried, so sturdy flowers work best. Sunflowers and daisies usually lose their petals when dried, so they’re not the best candidates for dried flowers.
Here are some flowers that work well:
Tip: Flowers are best preserved when they’re vibrant and before they’re fully opened. Don’t’ wait until they’re dying!
How to Make Beautiful Dried Flowers at Home
There are three basic ways (that I know of) to dry flowers: by hanging, by pressing, or in wax.
Option 1: Dry Flowers by Hanging
Pros: Easy to do, little prep time. Ideal method for flowers and herbs that may be used in tinctures.
Cons: Some fading and loss of color. Will crumble easily if touched.
You’ll need:
Coat hanger
Brown paper bags (optional)
Remove the leaves from the stem so the flowers dry better.
Arrange the flowers in small bundles. Space the flowers out so there’s enough airflow and the blooms aren’t smashed together.
Tie twine around the flower stems and pull it tight. The stems will shrink some as the flowers dry.
Tie the twine to a clothes hanger. Each coat hanger will fit about 2-3 flower bundles.
Hang the flowers in a warm, dry place for 2-3 weeks or until dry.
Tips for Success:
Moisture will prevent the flowers from drying properly and can cause them to get moldy.
There should be air circulation, but make sure there aren’t any breezes nearby!
Direct sunlight causes the petal color to fade. Covering flowers with a paper bag while they’re drying can help. Once the flowers are tied, gently place the flower heads into an open paper bag and secure with some twine.
Storage and Shelf Life
Keep the flowers away from direct sunlight and protect them from gusts of wind. When stored properly, dry flowers will last for years, if not indefinitely.
Option 2: Dry Flowers by Pressing
Pros: Easy, low prep, and perfect for framing
Cons: Will lose the three-dimensional beauty; only works with certain flowers
This well known method to preserve flowers works best on blooms that are naturally more flat. There are some inspiring wooden flower presses available, but good old-fashioned books work just as well. According to Better Homes and Gardens, here are some flowers that work well for pressing.
Flowers that work well for pressing:
Shrub roses
Miniature roses
Pressed Flowers Supplies
You’ll need:
Heavy books or flower press
Absorbent paper (newspaper, regular printer paper, etc. NOT wax paper or paper towels)
Pressed Flowers Instructions
Snip the stems from the flowers as close to the base as possible.
Lay a sheet of paper on the pages of the book. Arrange the flowers on the paper so they don’t touch each other.
Lay another sheet of paper on top, then close the book or flower press.
Stack heavy books on top and leave it be for several weeks.
Storage and Shelf Life
Pressed flowers will last indefinitely when stored properly. Keep them away from excessive heat, moisture, and direct sunlight. The flowers can be displayed in a glass frame, or laminated for things like bookmarks.
Option 3: Preserve Flowers in Wax
Pros: Lasts indefinitely and preserves color better than the other methods
Cons: Time-intensive and can be finicky; more to clean up.
I use beeswax in everything from homemade deodorant to non-toxic candles. Turns out it’s also handy for preserving flowers. Paraffin wax is typically used to wax flowers. However, like petroleum jelly, paraffin is a by-product of oil refining so I prefer to skip it. Soy wax is often used, but it comes from highly refined GMO crops (definitely not eco-friendly), so it’s also on my no list. So that leaves us with beeswax.
Wax Flowers Supplies
Beeswax (about 1 cup)
Wide mouth Mason Jar
Metal Spoon
Wax Flowers Instructions
Fill the pot half full of water and place it over medium/high heat on the stove.
Put the beeswax into the jar and place the jar in the water.
Stir occasionally with a spoon until fully melted.
Quickly dip the flower into the wax, making sure it’s fully submerged.Large flowers like roses need more wax than something like daisies.
 Pull the flower up out of the wax, but keep the head still in the jar: give it a spin so the excess wax comes off.
Dry flowers upright for a few hours until hardened.
Tips for Success:
This method is a little trickier than the others and takes some trial and error.
The wax should be hot enough to smoothly coat the petals, but not so hot it cooks them.
The wax made the pink and red flowers duller and faded. However the method works beautifully for leaves, yellow, and orange-toned flowers.
Flowers with petals that aren’t tight together work best (flowers should be completely bloomed and open). Delicate flowers that won’t hold up to the heat of the wax are also a poor choice.
Storage and Shelf Life
Waxed flowers will last about 1-4 weeks, although some people have reported theirs have lasted for years. Keep them out of direct sunlight.
Fun Uses for Dried Flowers
Here are some ideas to use dried flowers:
Mount pressed flowers in a picture frame and hang them like art. Frames that are clear glass on both sides work well for this!
Put pressed flowers on some scrapbook paper to make a bookmark. Cover it in contact paper or laminate.
Arrange and put in shadow boxes (these are like picture frames but much thicker for large items).
Make a wreath with dried flowers to hang in the home.
You can make handmade paper from paper scraps and add flower petals for color.
Decorate gifts by tying with some twine and tucking dried flowers in the twine.
Pressed flowers can even be used to decorate a smartphone. Simply arrange the flowers on the phone back, then snap a clear phone cover over them.
Memory books and scrapbooks are another way to keep pressed flowers. Be sure to use very flat blooms and cover them with modge podge, contact paper, or something similar so they don’t crumble on the page.
Have you ever dried flowers before? What are some ways you use the dried blooms?
Haviland-Jones, J., Rosario, H. H., Wilson, P., & McGuire, T. R. (2005). An Environmental Approach to Positive Emotion: Flowers. Evolutionary Psychology. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/147470490500300109
Source: https://wellnessmama.com/403578/dried-flowers/
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originalcontent · 7 years
Characters and their favorite flowers:
Yup. Long post
Adelaide-Baby’s Breath or Wild Rose (pink or white)
Alec-Roses (red or purple)
Alexis-Aster (white)
Briar-Orange Blossoms or Clover Flowers
Ellodia-Jonquils (white)
Evelyn-Jonquils (yellow)
Kayden-Forget Me Nots or Hydrangeas (blue)
Lemon-Daisies or Rain Lilies
Ren-Plum Blossoms or Poppies (red)
Vanessa-Tulips (purple)
Vesper-Roses (red or white)
Virva-Rain Lilies or Lilacs
0 notes
A bouquet of lotuses, dandelions, sunflower, gerberas, forget me nots, nemophilas, narcissus, lilies, purple and light blue hydrangeas, leaved corepsis, yellow cosmos, roses, peonies, periwinkles, bellflowers, white paper daisies, christmas rose, dahlias and carnations VS Buttercups
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First, let's talk about the bouquet of lotuses, dandelions, sunflower, gerberas, forget me nots, nemophilas, narcissus, lilies, purple and light blue hydrangeas, leaved corepsis, yellow cosmos, roses, peonies, periwinkles, bellflowers, white paper daisies, christmas rose, dahlias and carnations
Meaning and why: So fuckin uhh starting with the ones for the group as a whole, lotuses and dandelions. Both represents end and rebirth representing this group disbanding and how it's necessary and not a bad thing because their time in the spotlight is up and they've paved the way for the new generation of idols to flourish. Now for the individual ones. Character 1, sunflowers and gerberas. Sunflower can represent her sunny-ness and how she's the light of the group? Er like she's the one to help them grow and all that stuff. She's like the sun. Gerberas can represent hope and running forward which is like a big part of her character. Like her catchphrase is literally "fight on". She rarely gives up and always moves forward. For Character B, forget-me-nots and nemophilas. Forget-me-nots can mean true love and remember me. Nemophilas can mean solemnity and prosperity. For Character C, narcissus and lilies. Lilies can mean pureness which yeah she's pretty stereotypically pure. Also she's gay as fuck but that's not really saying much in the gay as fuck franchise. Narcissus can mean selfishness and conceit. She's the opposite of that. She usually just follows whatever Character A and Character D does. Like most of her decisions have been made by someone else or are for the sake of someone else. She is the least selfish out of everyone in the franchise. But, once she had a chance to go away to follow a dream but like. Basically she doesn't want to stress out Character A and Character A doesn't want to hold her back and it ends with Character C staying not because Character A wants her to but because she wants to. For Character D, purple and light blue hydrangeas. Purple hydrangeas abundance, elegance and royalty. And light blue ones represents forgiveness, regret and rejection. For Character E, Lance Leaved Coreopsis and yellow cosmos. The first one means always cheerful, and the second one means optimism, happiness, and the contagiousness of laughter. For Character F, roses and peonies. Roses meaning chances depending on their color, examples being beauty, love, friendship and fascination. Peonies mean romance, prosperity, good fortune. For Character G, periwinkles and bellflowers. The first one means faith, trust, and everlasting love, and the second one means gratitude, constancy, support, and romance. For Character H, white paper daisies and Christmas rose. White laker daisies means purity and innocence, while christmas roses mean relieve my anxiety. For Character I, dahlias and carnations. The first one means devotion, love, beauty and dignity, and carnations means Love, Captivation and Distinction Description: They're the legendary 9.
Check their post here
Now, let's talk about the buttercups
Meaning: growth, youthfulness, good health. Why this flower was chosen: this character is heavily associated with this flower Description: — Mischievous, if perhaps a bit lonely. Resenting their own species, they found comfort in a family of another kind. They would go on to sacrifice everything for this family. — They killed themself for their family, but their brother also got killed because of it. They are a ghost who narrates the story now.
Check their post here
11 notes · View notes
A bouquet of lotuses, dandelions, sunflower, gerberas, forget me nots, nemophilas, narcissus, lilies, purple and light blue hydrangeas, leaved corepsis, yellow cosmos, roses, peonies, periwinkles, bellflowers, white paper daisies, christmas rose, dahlias and carnations
Tumblr media
Meaning and why:
So fuckin uhh starting with the ones for the group as a whole, lotuses and dandelions. Both represents end and rebirth representing this group disbanding and how it's necessary and not a bad thing because their time in the spotlight is up and they've paved the way for the new generation of idols to flourish.
Now for the individual ones.
Character 1, sunflowers and gerberas. Sunflower can represent her sunny-ness and how she's the light of the group? Er like she's the one to help them grow and all that stuff. She's like the sun. Gerberas can represent hope and running forward which is like a big part of her character. Like her catchphrase is literally "fight on". She rarely gives up and always moves forward.
For Character B, forget-me-nots and nemophilas. Forget-me-nots can mean true love and remember me. Nemophilas can mean solemnity and prosperity.
For Character C, narcissus and lilies. Lilies can mean pureness which yeah she's pretty stereotypically pure. Also she's gay as fuck but that's not really saying much in the gay as fuck franchise. Narcissus can mean selfishness and conceit. She's the opposite of that. She usually just follows whatever Character A and Character D does. Like most of her decisions have been made by someone else or are for the sake of someone else. She is the least selfish out of everyone in the franchise. But, once she had a chance to go away to follow a dream but like. Basically she doesn't want to stress out Character A and Character A doesn't want to hold her back and it ends with Character C staying not because Character A wants her to but because she wants to.
For Character D, purple and light blue hydrangeas. Purple hydrangeas abundance, elegance and royalty. And light blue ones represents forgiveness, regret and rejection.
For Character E, Lance Leaved Coreopsis and yellow cosmos. The first one means always cheerful, and the second one means optimism, happiness, and the contagiousness of laughter.
For Character F, roses and peonies. Roses meaning chances depending on their color, examples being beauty, love, friendship and fascination. Peonies mean romance, prosperity, good fortune.
For Character G, periwinkles and bellflowers. The first one means faith, trust, and everlasting love, and the second one means gratitude, constancy, support, and romance.
For Character H, white paper daisies and Christmas rose. White laker daisies means purity and innocence, while christmas roses mean relieve my anxiety.
For Character I, dahlias and carnations. The first one means devotion, love, beauty and dignity, and carnations means Love, Captivation and Distinction
They're the legendary 9.
(The flowers were taken from these sites: lotus, dandelion, sunflower, gerbera, forget me not, nemophilas, narcissus, lily, purple hydrangea light blue hydrangea, leaved coreopsis, yellow cosmos, rose, peony, periwinkle, bellflower, paper daisies, christmas rose, dahlia, carnation!)
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