#dancing cole
octoberwitchsblog · 6 months
One of the moments that has the most potential to become a stellar scene in House of the Dragon is probably the days before Criston Cole's death. The men sick and starving walking through the destroyed Riverlands, the burning villages, Criston realizing that all of this is Aemond's doing. Them walking through those horrific feasts of burnt corpses and getting attacked by men disguised as dead villagers. This whole scene has such a vivid sense of horror linked to it and it could allow the audience to have a sense of the scale of what Aemond did when he burned the Riverlands. Have Criston walk through the ruins caused by the boy he practically raised and then have him die like a peasant at the Butcher's Ball. This has so much potential at every level, visual and storytelling of the war and I know that Fabien Frankel and Ewan Mitchell would be terrific at portraying all of that.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 16 days
More and more I see people questioning how the Blacks didn’t outright win and destroy the Greens in one go with all the advantages they had.
The answer is simple: The Greens were protected by plot armor.
GRRM gave the Blacks almost everything they could ask for (thereby favoring them):
1. The best allies (the Winter Wolves, the Lads, Cregan Stark, Jeyne Arryn, etc.)
2. The most Houses supporting Rhaenyra’s cause (53)
3. The largest territories (the North, the Vale and the Riverlands)
4. The largest and best fleet (commanded by the Velaryons)
5. The Velaryon fortune
6. The most dragons
Normally, with all these advantages, they should have won the war with their hands tied behind their backs. The Greens only had home-field advantage (King’s Landing) and Vhagar. That’s pretty much it.
But of course, GRRM wanted it to be a more balanced war, and despite giving the Blacks plenty of advantages, he protected the Greens so the story can actually take place.
1. There is just no way that Aegon the Usurper could have survived everything he endured (Rook’s Rest, and then battling with Baela etc.) In my opinion, he was one greenie who was definitely protected by plot armor.
2. Daemon using B&C to only kill one of Aegon’s heirs instead of eliminating everyone in that tower is also kind of plot armor for the Greens. There is no way that he wouldn’t have taken advantage to have everyone in that tower killed. It would have weakened the Greens considerably (not to mention that Alicent was the “brains” behind the operation).
3. Then you have Rhaenyra sparing Alicent after she took King’s Landing (the woman who bullied her as a child and stole her throne) for some dumb reason like “My father loved you so I am doing this for him”. Yeah right…With how much Rhaenyra hated the woman, she wouldn’t have hesitated to chop her head off.
4. For some reason, Rhaenyra decides to go to Dragonstone after the storming of the Dragonpit, instead of the Vale. Another plot convenience for the Greens. The Vale was obviously the best place to go. The Greens wouldn’t have been able to touch Rhaenyra there. The Arryns would have protected her and her child, until Cregan Stark arrived and dethroned the usurper. Happy ending, the end. But yeah, it’s Asoiaf. There are no happy endings, and GRRM had to give Rhaenyra a tragic end.
All in all, the Greens survived as long as they did because of plot armor. No, they were not politically savvy (believe it or not, that’s Daemon. He managed to convince the Red Kraken to side with the Blacks and didn’t really offer him anything in return).
Otto was a terrible Hand who got fired twice, Criston Cole was another terrible Hand who was all muscle and had no political intelligence (or any kind of intelligence), Alicent was a manipulating and greedy shrew hiding behind her sons, Helaena was completely useless, Aegon didn’t know what the hell he was doing or why he was doing it, and Aemond was a brainless psycho on the biggest dragon in existance.
Oh, and there’s also Daeron the Forgotten, who after torching Bitterbridge, managed to get himself killed by a fallen tent.
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editfandom · 20 days
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House of the Dragon, Season 2
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stephmosphere · 9 months
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lilhawkeye3 · 2 years
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she really was not expecting that 💀
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knightsickness · 11 months
alicole is very funny because if alicent ever even implied to him she’d be down it’d shatter his meticulously maintained madonna-whore dichotomy so completely he’d try to kill himself again. equally alicent would never do that but she would hold the hypothetical tryst as proof of her piety and heterosexuality as if it’s something she actively has to resist. she is attracted to women
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sunfyredefender77 · 4 months
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This little scene is so special to me
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soyboywenzie · 3 months
i think we as a fandom need to talk about the fact that the targtower children’s resentment and disdain for rhaenyra is not just the work of viserys lack of parenting but due to everyone else too.
it’s from otto doing everything in his power to stop rhaenyra from getting the throne so his blood can get it, not because he thinks aegon is or would be a good king, not because he thinks his grandson deserves it, but because his blood would take the throne, not rhaenyra’s, not daemon’s. HIS.
it’s from alicent’s every conversation on screen with aegon revolving around rhaenyra. how, in ep.6, his mother stops his session to tell him he needs to be better to his brother in public so we can be a united family against her, how if rhaenyra takes the throne, she’ll have no choice but to kill them to keep her throne, how in ep.8, alicent is mad at his continuous behaviors but only this mad because rhaenyra is about to be in town.
the talk before his coronation is explicitly about how much his father wanted rhaenyra on the throne, how he had twenty years to change it and never did. it’s about alicent telling him not to not be swayed by judgements to kill rhaenyra, how above all the terrible she’s done, she still his sister. yet no one has ever acted like she is.
it’s from aemond’s eye being taken out and it ending with his mother yelling at rhaenyra about duty and sacrifices, how she can do all and never get in trouble, how she does as she pleases and is happy, yet she, the queen, is dutiful and isn’t. aemond’s eye is used to get back at rhaenyra, his mother is mad that his eye is gone but it’s more because RHAENYRA’S sons took it then it being taken at all. how he has to soothe his mother even if he’s the one bleeding.
it’s from criston cole bullying and tormenting rhaenyra’s sons because they are rhaenyra’s sons. It’s about them being lesser because they came from her indecency, them being worse because they came from her. her sons being lower than them because of them being a direct connection to rhaenyra and him feeling mad about not being the one she choose.
the targtower children entire world revolved around rhaenyra. it wasn’t just viserys who preferred her, everyone did! rhaenyra’s stepmother would rather fight her than love them! their mother’s sworn sword would rather mess with her children as an act of vengeance than genuinely be interested in them, their grandfather’s every political move was to stop her husband from being near power. love or hate, those children never had a chance to see rhaenyra on their own before or after Driftmark.
their father, her father, loved her more. their mother, her stepmother, hated her more than she cared for them. their grandfather, who has no connection to her, would rather deal with politics through them against her than for them. their mother’s sworn sword, who was rhaenyra’s sworn sword first, hates her more than he likes them.
these kids, again, never stood a damn chance!!
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ginny-anime · 2 months
“All must choose”
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alaynerhinestone · 4 months
arianne and doran's relationship is genuinely one of my fav parent-child relationships in the series, like no my child your plans were convoluted and doomed to fail. let me tell you instead about my even more convoluted plan, which is currently failing as we speak. like the whole time she was whining about lord yronwood he and doran were doing p much the same thing she was!!! she thought her father was about to disinherit her but she could not be more of his heir!!!
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alicent-archive · 24 days
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I fixed it.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 2 months
Can we talk about how one so-called “solution” certain people have for avoiding the war is Viserys naming Rhaenyra his Hand and “teaching” her how to rule?
Are we seriously going to ignore the fact that she ruled Dragonstone for over 10 years before her father died? That doesn’t count for experience in ruling in their book? Dragonstone is the Targaryens’ ancestral seat and a practice run for the future monarch, which is why the heir to the throne is named Prince/Princess of Dragonstone.
In medieval England, the Prince and Princess of Wales were sent there to establish their own household and learn how to rule.
How exactly would staying in King’s Landing benefit Rhaenyra? So she could waste her time fighting off the snakes her father let into their nest? Waste her time trying to fix her father’s mistakes?
And the argument “Viserys should have taught her how to rule” is absurd. What could he have possibly taught her? That going back on your word is not ok? That marrying an ambitious upstart and letting her bully your child is not ok? That naming your daughter heir and then endangering her future rule by fathering spawns on a malicious woman way beneath your station is not ok? That marrying your daughter to a rumored gay man and minimizing her chances of having heirs is not ok? That pushing away the brother who has always been by your side is not ok? That renaming a dangerously ambitious man as your Hand after you know perfectly well what his intentions are, is not ok? That letting your wife keep a traitorous murderer as her sworn shield is not ok?
I think Rhaenyra learned all that between the ages 8 and 16. There is nothing useful Viserys could have taught her in preparation for her ascension (he may have been a good man but he was a shitty king).
What about Aegon the Usurper? What did he do those 10 years? Drink and hump while his family was “plotting” to make him king and not even bothering to let him know? Yeah, he sure is king material…
I love how focused people are on what Rhaenyra should have done to make the transition easier but no one talks about how Aegon did absolutely nothing and got everything handed to him by his mommy.
Rhaenyra is “entitled” but Aegon isn’t?
Just admit you’re a misogynist already.
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"But Rhaenyra's heir was a bastard! That means the Greens were right to support Aegon II instead of her!"
So you're telling me, if Rhaenyra had by chance married Harwin Strong, and he was her only husband, and she had 5 very legitimate dark-haired sons with him... Alicent would've just sat back and let Rhaenyra take the throne instead of Aegon? Criston would have? Otto would have? All the other lords of Westeros would have preferred a woman as ruling Queen, instead of the king's son?
Well. That's news to GRRM, because in an early version of the Dance, Rhaenyra was married to a Strong, and had three legitimate kids with him... and the Dance of the Dragons still happened.
From A Song of Ice and Fire Campaign Guide, published by Green Ronin in 2010, which GRRM provided with a lot of then-unpublished information, including his existing version of the Targaryen family tree:
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(Yes, Lyonel, not Harwin. And interestingly, this was version 2 of the Targaryen tree / Dance of the Dragons era - in version 1, Rhaenyra's first husband was a Lannister, though she had no children by him.)
Also, it should be noted that this is how this RPG book explains the reason for the Dance of the Dragons:
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Mind you, this is simply paraphrasing what we learned from Jaime
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and Arys
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in AFFC (2005)... and yet. Interesting, isn't it. At the time AFFC was written, at the time we first learned who's blamed by history for the cause of the Dance, when we learned why it's believed he did it... Rhaenyra only had legitimate children. Maybe that's not the real issue after all...
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nullafic-ninjago · 4 months
"I'm sorry I let you down mom..."
Thinking about Cole and Lilly recently, waagghhh love how much of a mommas boy cole is sob sob
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knightsickness · 5 months
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jace continued failure to beat the coleism allegations. will somebody please get this kid the holy grail im trying to see something
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long-lost-mcguffin · 8 months
brazilian/polynesian cole who uses capoeira and haka dance elements in controlling the earth, singing and chanting over the rocks and dirt crumbling. his mother couldn’t teach him properly before she died, but he hopes she’s looking down, smiling and proud of him for incorporating their culture into the fight. lou is SO proud that sometimes he runs right into danger trying to record his son fighting using battle dances
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