#damn meemaw ok I see you
synthwavecryptid · 1 month
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Who cares where we go on this rutted old road
In a world that may say that we’re wrong
‘Cause I know a love that will never grow old
(A Love That Will Never Grow Old - Emmylou Harris)
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withahappyrefrain · 1 month
Abby, that last little Bob though had me all 😭😭😭😭. I hope you're ok with me sharing this because this month has been really rough.
Bob is determined to be there for the births of all his babies no matter what. He was there when Auggie and Patrick were born and he's especially determined when his beloved wifey is having a little girl.
You guys do your best with the nursery. It's soft yellows and pinks with scene's from "Sleeping Beauty" painted on the walls. Bob's Meemaw made it a point to come over and help you tie the fake roses on the crib-posts, the bed already looking fir for your little princess. However, you're a little confused when Auggie suddenly comes in when he's supposed to be playing outside.
"Mommy I think Daddy's gone cuckoo for coco-puffs" he chirps.
Bob comes barreling into the house laughing, cheering and hollering like a madman and smiling like an idiot, his father's muffled voice calling from the other room and asking if Bob's lost his damn mind. When Bob passes you the papers, you are in complete disbelief. It's his honorable discharge papers.
No more deployments.
No more counting down the days until he comes home.
No more worrying.
You both hug each other tightly, but Bob's scared he'll hurt the baby, the both of you sobbing with happiness and relief. Even Meemaw's relieved that her precious grandson won't have to go on those lengthy missions anymore.
And you're especially happy when your baby girl enters the world and Bob gets to hold her for the first time. You're almost in tears when you hear him singing "Edelweiss", a song you've taught both to your children and your students for when spring comes.
Abby I'm sorry, it's been a really rough month and I've been soft lately.
God him being Able to hold his child right after they're born!!!!! He cries, he's so happy he can be there for you, be there for her as she enters this world. He's so relieved he doesn't have to wait, doesnt have to rely on pictures and descriptions. He can see her, when she is so tiny and vulnerable. He can support wife in her hour in need, not over the phone but in person. Can actually hold her hand!
It's the best day of Bob's life.
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feeling feelings about Nona in the house tonight bc I'm so messed up about how 🥺 extremely endeared I immediately was of her bc Raz's family calls her Nona and she had a funny little laugh, and how my being endeared to her was used against me (positively) by the writers
I think I had accidentally spoiled mysef just a touch about Maligula's true identity just cause I kept looking at fanart then catching glimpses of stuff like art of Nona captioned "war criminal ❤️"
but it's still such a good. Story.
When it was first rolling out that Maligula used to be a normal lady I had my reservations about what they were going to do about that. Since I've been burnt out just a tad on "villain with sympathetic sob story".
but then they had to draw in that Personal Connection. Like oh you see Maligula? That's your Beloved Grandma/Grandaunt, who Raz has known all his life and by all accounts has been a bit of a weird but loving matriarch to the family. Someone who's always loved her family so much she was willing to risk her safety to help when the time arose. And had that familial love twisted around against her.
Just left me standing there at the end like damn ok! I had misjudged what they were gonna write about! Ok! This is extremely well realized!
Just... I love you my fucked up little meemaw 😔
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bluesrrgents · 7 years
92 Truths
rules: write 92 truths about yourself and then tag as many people as you want
i was tagged by @aarvnminyrd thank you!!
drink: water
phone call: my friend called me bc her ex was trying to get back w her aha
text message: i said “then get rid of all three” to my friend erica
song you listened to: ok i don’t want to tell u it was just so you know by jesse mccartney
time you cried: im always crying but probably watching the lion king or some shit like that
dated someone twice: ALMOST but thank god i can say no
been cheated on: nope
kissed someone and regretted it: no
lost someone special: i mean no one i was particularly close to
been depressed: depression is my middle name
gotten drunk and thrown up: nopee
light blue
dark purple or like light light coral
made new friends: yes
fallen out of love: don’t think so
laughed until you cried: yes
found out someone was talking about you: yes
met someone who changed you: no
found out who your true friends are: actually yeah for the most part
kissed someone on your facebook list: i don’t have facebook soooo
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: listen, everyone was joining facebook when i was in 3rd grade so i’ve never needed one
do you have any pets: no please don’t mention it i’m sad
do you want to change your name: idk probably not
what did you do for your last birthday: i hate my birthday but my (ex)friend actually planned a party for me it was actually really fun
what time did you wake up: 5am
what were you doing at midnight last night: its a school night and i’m a nerd so sleeping
name something you can’t wait for: the ronan cycle
when was the last time you saw your mother: at like 6:20 this morning
what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: umm the friendships that i’ve had in the past bc they’ve affected me negatively so
what are you listening to right now: y’all have to stop doing this to me i listen to stupid music so often - Waterfalls by TLC
have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes what is this question
something that is getting on your nerves: school and my parents aha
elementary: you all seem like nice people but sorry i’m not telling you my elementary school
high school: a love hate relationship
college: praying i get in
hair color: brown but i have highlights so like dirty blonde
long or short hair: short i love it short
do you have a crush on someone: nope
what do you like about yourself: i don’t tolerate bs & i stay loyal to people who i care about
piercings: surprise it’s none
blood type: how do people know this
nickname: zo, z, zozo, and today they called me meemaw don’t fucking ask me why
relationship status: lmao single
zodiac sign: leo
pronouns: she/her
fav tv show: so manyyyyy rn i’m watching reign, but also teen wolf, 3%, the oa, gbbo, eyewitness, yoi, sirens
tattoos: I WISH
right or left handed: right
surgery: i got staples in my head bc i split it open ha (who’s stupid enough to do that? me, i am)
piercing: not applicable
best friend: my next door neighbor
sport: soccer? maybe gymnastics or ballet
vacation: oh lord i have no idea i think i was like 2 months when we went to the outer banks does that count
pair of trainers: who remembers this
eating: i ate a quesadilla like an hour ago...
drinking: water
i’m about to: stop doing this bc i have so much work and i’ve wasted 3 hours
listening to: a spotify ad lmao wait it changed 
waiting for: the sweet embrace of death my mom to come home for dinner
want: to be happier actually also more time to read
get married: really really extremely highly unlikely
career: medicine/neurological fields
hugs or kisses: hugs
lips or eyes: i don’t really..,,, have a preference?
shorter or taller: idk!! i’m short though
romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
nice arms or nice stomach: this is objectifying both i guess lmao idc
sensitive or loud: damn idk this is so specific like ?
hook up or relationship: neither
troublemaker or hesitant: ok i’m usually hesitant so troublemaker
kissed a stranger: no
drank hard liquor: nope
lost glasses/contact lenses: i forget where they are sometimes
turned someone down: yikes yeah
sex on first date: no
broken someone’s heart: listen,,, i still feel bad
had your own heart broken: no
been arrested: no
cried when someone died: yeah
fallen for a friend: sort of? i don’t really get major crushes so
yourself: shit don’t ask me this i dont know
miracles: that’s so subjective to what u see as a miracle idk
love at first sight: i would say no but louis and harry? they did that
santa claus: no
kiss on the first date: sure
angels: no..?
current best friend’s name: i mean i’ve kind of pulled away bc i’m annoying like that but noa, megan, madison 
eye color: i always say hazel, but there’s blue on the outside? green in the middle and brown on top? its weird and it doesn’t look nice
favorite movie: SO MANY you really don’t want me to do this okay - les mis, the way he looks, kings of summer, pride and prejudice (2005), atonement, etc
tagging (if u want): @be-mineyard @andrew-minycrd @thef0xholecourt @neiljoseten
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samanthasroberts · 5 years
Vanderpump Rules Season 7 Episode 3 Recap · Betches
What’s good, Sexy Unique People? It’s your favorite recapper, Sgt. Olivia Betchson, here. I’m here one whole day early to recap Vanderpump Rules season 7 episode 3, which got moved to a new day for some reason. Smh, you think you can depend on something, like you have been doing for the past FOUR YEARS, and then they go changing it for no discernible reason. Is it so much to ask for my show to be on at a consistent time? Is it?? There’s so little I can rely on anymore in this world.
This week picks right back up at Pride, after James has called Katie fat. He yells at Katie to “lose some f*cking weight” before storming off and telling some guy that Katie can go f*ck herself. Way harsh, Tai.
Scheana is talking about how she doesn’t know if Hope hooked up with James. Which is fair because the only people who know that for sure are Hope, James, and God. And still Scheana gets sh*t for this very uncontroversial opinion. It may be besides the point that James cheats on Raquel a lot, but also, why is this anyone’s business? Scheana is the only one who actually likes and wants to be friends with Raquel, so she’s realistically the only one who is in a place to tell Raquel about any cheating rumors. Everybody else isn’t doing this out of loyalty to Raquel but a desire to f*ck up James’s life. You heard it here first!
Lisa arrives at Pride dressed like she’s going to the Kentucky Derby.
No further comments at this time.
Raquel comes back up to Kristen and Hope and steals Hope away for a second. Raquel asks her to tell her what really happened at Coachella. Hope claims that Coachella is only the tip of the iceberg and she and James were sleeping together for THREE YEARS!! Oh and I’m sorry, this Coachella incident was not at this past year’s Coachella, but it actually happened two years ago.
I’m sorry, hold the phone. So you mean to tell me that this alleged incident happened years ago, and we’re only just hearing about it now? Hope sat on this information for TWO YEARS?? And she’s bringing it up now as if it’s somehow relevant and current information? Seems extremely suspect. How can you even begin to verify something that happened years ago?? Also, is Raquel really meant to blow up her relationship over something that may or may not have happened two years ago? I’ve gotta say, this is not Kristen’s best work. Try coming through with receipts from this calendar year, hmm?
Stassi calling James an emaciated muppet literally made me spit out my drink. Speaking of said emaciated muppet, James is literally full-on in white Kanye mode. He’s f*cked up, slurring, wandering around and trying to order a pumptini. It’s not good.
Lisa pulls Raquel aside to basically be like “come get ya mans and make sure he doesn’t have another sip of alcohol.” Yeah, that will end well. When has anyone in the history of alcohol successfully stopped a drunk person from doing something stupid? Never. So Raquel confronts James again about the rumors, and all he does is call Hope a f*cking whore. Hmm, so she’s a whore for not sleeping with you? Reminds me of middle school when some girl called me a slut when I hadn’t even kissed a guy yet. Just fun misogyny things!
We leave this with Raquel saying she wants to stay with James for the Instagram exposure.
Raquel and James are trying to put together furniture while discussing the train wreck that was the day before.
Ok so James’s story is that he and Hope hooked up two and a half years ago, before he was with Raquel.
Right after this, Peter calls James to un-invite him to his birthday. I kind of wonder what Kristen had to blackmail him with in order to get that to happen.
James: Well Tom’s drinks don’t taste like alcohol so it snuck up on me. Raquel: Mmm, no that’s not it.
Yeah no, that’s not what happened here. This is wild because I’ve never even heard Raquel speak this many words before, and I legit have met her in person. I’m into this, though. She says she doesn’t want James to have another sip of alcohol ever again. I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for that to come true, because I don’t wish to asphyxiate. Still, I can respect that she has a more realistic perspective of addiction than Scheana.
Some lady with a pageboy cap shows up to SUR to ask Lisa if she could give her brother a job. OK so it looks like we’re getting another Instagram model added to the cast… who’s probably going to date Scheana. Let’s just hope this guy shows up to the interview wearing pants and that he brings his resume.
Speaking of… Scheana shows up to Peter’s birthday party with Adam, which surprises no one. I’m glad they’ve finally taken their Instagram relationship public. The real question is… can he hang a TV in under 7 minutes?
Stassi is like, annoyed that Scheana doesn’t want to speak on rumors she doesn’t know about (aka James hooking up with Hope). Oh here’s the Stassi I knew and hated from season 5—the one who is only friends with people so long as they agree with her on all things and hate the same people she hates. That’s not loyalty, btw, that’s blind devotion!
Stassi and Ariana are finally joining forces to throw one birthday party. I would have commentary on this, but I knew this happened over the summer so I no longer have anything to say on the matter. Is Instagram ruining Vanderpump Rules? The title of my next think piece.
Ariana: Stassi just kept following me around and being nice to me so I gave up the energy to be bitchy.
Katie, Brittany, Stassi and Ariana are having a girls’ night and not inviting Scheana. Ariana is kind of being a mean girl by being like “yeah well I haven’t seen Scheana lately, it’s on her to work out her issues with Katie and everyone” rather than sticking up for her supposed friend and trying to get her an invite. Who has no loyalty now?? (I keep referencing this because later on this season, Stassi will come at Scheana for her supposed lack of loyalty.)
Jax and Brittany are going to a cheese shop because they’re starting a beer cheese company. a BEER CHEESE COMPANY. Literally watching Brittany act like beer cheese is a novelty you can’t get anywhere but her Meemaw’s basement is f*cking ridiculous. I’ve had beer cheese in Atlanta. I’ve had it in New York. Go to any artisanal brewery and you can probably find a beer cheese dip that comes with a soft pretzel. Damn, now I want a pretzel.
Brittany is going to invite Raquel to girls’ night, basically because she’s been cheated on by her boyfriend too. Let’s also invite Khloé Kardashian and Cardi B to this girls’ night. It’s Cheaters Anonymous up in this bitch.
Jax re: Raquel: Why would you want to be with someone who literally everybody hates?
LOLLLLLLLLLMFAOOOO IS THIS A JOKE?? Pot, meet kettle who everyone hates.
Jax has started his job back at SUR again. Again, what’s it like to have literally no consequences for your actions? MUST BE NICE.
Wait a sec, did Schwartz just call Katie his girlfriend? Yes he did. THAT’S YOUR WIFE! Or have you forgotten?
Schwartz goes to talk to James about calling Katie fat and the convo goes as follows:
Schwartz: Katie isn’t fat she’s sexy and luscious James: I know man Schwartz: Say it. I want you to say it.
You want another man to call your WIFE sexy and luscious? Weird flex, but ok. In predictable Schwartzy fashion, he doesn’t get mad at James or really give him any consequences for what he did. Maybe this is why Kristen has dubbed herself the Karma Police?
It’s girls’ night, and Ariana is SERVING in this see-through red lace number with a red thong. Everyone looks amazing, I’m really loving this. Looking at these outfits has cleared my skin, hydrated my body, and filled up my bank account.
View this post on Instagram
Don’t forget there’s a new #pumprules tonight at 9pm!
A post shared by Katie Maloney-Schwartz (@musickillskate) on Dec 16, 2018 at 1:51pm PST
Meanwhile at guys’ night, Jax comes riding in on a motor scooter. All I could think about was:
Jax announces he and Brittany are business owners, and claims they’re getting patented and whatever. I doubt that. Have you even filed an LLC yet? I’m not saying Jax is a liar, but a brief Google search for “Meemaw’s beer cheese” only pulled up a Bustle article.
Brittany tells everyone that she invited Raquel to girls’ night and you can see the group calculate whether they should throw their drinks in Brittany’s face or jump out the window.
It’s so rich that Brittany is inviting Raquel out to tell her that her boyfriend sucks. And yet, she’s still with Jax and is now pledging to be with him FOR LIFE, so?? The cognitive dissonance is astounding. Jax buys tampons one time and all of a sudden we’re meant to believe he’s a completely new person?
I can’t believe Kristen is telling Raquel that James has a really shitty temper. Spoken by the woman who punched James in the face??!? Kristen should get a gold medal in mental gymnastics. F*ck it, they all should.
Katie: I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone where monsters are allowed to do and say whatever they want without consequences.
Yeah, welcome to 2018, bitch. Where have ya been?
We end this episode with Katie going to talk to Lisa to tell her about James calling her fat during Pride. I’m actually here for this Katie because Lisa is saying “James’ language is unacceptable” but not actually vowing to do anything. *Whispers into the void* just like when any high-powered man gets called out for unacceptable behavior. So Katie basically tells Lisa “it’s him or me.” You can tell Lisa is PISSED to not be calling the shots this time. Maybe if these men ever faced consequences for their gross behavior we wouldn’t have to resort to ultimatums! I mean, has anyone else ever thought about how the only person who has truly gotten fired from SUR and never gotten her job back has been Kristen? I have to wonder why that is…
And it’s possible I spoke too soon about this season being good, because this episode was kind of a bore. I tried to make this recap as exciting as I could, but putting jokes into this uninspired episode is like trying to inject life into a corpse… or into Giggy’s hairless body. Boom! And with that, I’m out of here! See you guys next Monday, because I’m pretty sure Bravo is f*cking with us yet again by changing the time of this show. For the record, I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS!
Images: Trae Patton / Bravo Media; Giphy (4)
Source: http://allofbeer.com/vanderpump-rules-season-7-episode-3-recap-%c2%b7-betches/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2019/02/23/vanderpump-rules-season-7-episode-3-recap-%c2%b7-betches/
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adambstingus · 5 years
Vanderpump Rules Season 7 Episode 3 Recap · Betches
What’s good, Sexy Unique People? It’s your favorite recapper, Sgt. Olivia Betchson, here. I’m here one whole day early to recap Vanderpump Rules season 7 episode 3, which got moved to a new day for some reason. Smh, you think you can depend on something, like you have been doing for the past FOUR YEARS, and then they go changing it for no discernible reason. Is it so much to ask for my show to be on at a consistent time? Is it?? There’s so little I can rely on anymore in this world.
This week picks right back up at Pride, after James has called Katie fat. He yells at Katie to “lose some f*cking weight” before storming off and telling some guy that Katie can go f*ck herself. Way harsh, Tai.
Scheana is talking about how she doesn’t know if Hope hooked up with James. Which is fair because the only people who know that for sure are Hope, James, and God. And still Scheana gets sh*t for this very uncontroversial opinion. It may be besides the point that James cheats on Raquel a lot, but also, why is this anyone’s business? Scheana is the only one who actually likes and wants to be friends with Raquel, so she’s realistically the only one who is in a place to tell Raquel about any cheating rumors. Everybody else isn’t doing this out of loyalty to Raquel but a desire to f*ck up James’s life. You heard it here first!
Lisa arrives at Pride dressed like she’s going to the Kentucky Derby.
No further comments at this time.
Raquel comes back up to Kristen and Hope and steals Hope away for a second. Raquel asks her to tell her what really happened at Coachella. Hope claims that Coachella is only the tip of the iceberg and she and James were sleeping together for THREE YEARS!! Oh and I’m sorry, this Coachella incident was not at this past year’s Coachella, but it actually happened two years ago.
I’m sorry, hold the phone. So you mean to tell me that this alleged incident happened years ago, and we’re only just hearing about it now? Hope sat on this information for TWO YEARS?? And she’s bringing it up now as if it’s somehow relevant and current information? Seems extremely suspect. How can you even begin to verify something that happened years ago?? Also, is Raquel really meant to blow up her relationship over something that may or may not have happened two years ago? I’ve gotta say, this is not Kristen’s best work. Try coming through with receipts from this calendar year, hmm?
Stassi calling James an emaciated muppet literally made me spit out my drink. Speaking of said emaciated muppet, James is literally full-on in white Kanye mode. He’s f*cked up, slurring, wandering around and trying to order a pumptini. It’s not good.
Lisa pulls Raquel aside to basically be like “come get ya mans and make sure he doesn’t have another sip of alcohol.” Yeah, that will end well. When has anyone in the history of alcohol successfully stopped a drunk person from doing something stupid? Never. So Raquel confronts James again about the rumors, and all he does is call Hope a f*cking whore. Hmm, so she’s a whore for not sleeping with you? Reminds me of middle school when some girl called me a slut when I hadn’t even kissed a guy yet. Just fun misogyny things!
We leave this with Raquel saying she wants to stay with James for the Instagram exposure.
Raquel and James are trying to put together furniture while discussing the train wreck that was the day before.
Ok so James’s story is that he and Hope hooked up two and a half years ago, before he was with Raquel.
Right after this, Peter calls James to un-invite him to his birthday. I kind of wonder what Kristen had to blackmail him with in order to get that to happen.
James: Well Tom’s drinks don’t taste like alcohol so it snuck up on me. Raquel: Mmm, no that’s not it.
Yeah no, that’s not what happened here. This is wild because I’ve never even heard Raquel speak this many words before, and I legit have met her in person. I’m into this, though. She says she doesn’t want James to have another sip of alcohol ever again. I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for that to come true, because I don’t wish to asphyxiate. Still, I can respect that she has a more realistic perspective of addiction than Scheana.
Some lady with a pageboy cap shows up to SUR to ask Lisa if she could give her brother a job. OK so it looks like we’re getting another Instagram model added to the cast… who’s probably going to date Scheana. Let’s just hope this guy shows up to the interview wearing pants and that he brings his resume.
Speaking of… Scheana shows up to Peter’s birthday party with Adam, which surprises no one. I’m glad they’ve finally taken their Instagram relationship public. The real question is… can he hang a TV in under 7 minutes?
Stassi is like, annoyed that Scheana doesn’t want to speak on rumors she doesn’t know about (aka James hooking up with Hope). Oh here’s the Stassi I knew and hated from season 5—the one who is only friends with people so long as they agree with her on all things and hate the same people she hates. That’s not loyalty, btw, that’s blind devotion!
Stassi and Ariana are finally joining forces to throw one birthday party. I would have commentary on this, but I knew this happened over the summer so I no longer have anything to say on the matter. Is Instagram ruining Vanderpump Rules? The title of my next think piece.
Ariana: Stassi just kept following me around and being nice to me so I gave up the energy to be bitchy.
Katie, Brittany, Stassi and Ariana are having a girls’ night and not inviting Scheana. Ariana is kind of being a mean girl by being like “yeah well I haven’t seen Scheana lately, it’s on her to work out her issues with Katie and everyone” rather than sticking up for her supposed friend and trying to get her an invite. Who has no loyalty now?? (I keep referencing this because later on this season, Stassi will come at Scheana for her supposed lack of loyalty.)
Jax and Brittany are going to a cheese shop because they’re starting a beer cheese company. a BEER CHEESE COMPANY. Literally watching Brittany act like beer cheese is a novelty you can’t get anywhere but her Meemaw’s basement is f*cking ridiculous. I’ve had beer cheese in Atlanta. I’ve had it in New York. Go to any artisanal brewery and you can probably find a beer cheese dip that comes with a soft pretzel. Damn, now I want a pretzel.
Brittany is going to invite Raquel to girls’ night, basically because she’s been cheated on by her boyfriend too. Let’s also invite Khloé Kardashian and Cardi B to this girls’ night. It’s Cheaters Anonymous up in this bitch.
Jax re: Raquel: Why would you want to be with someone who literally everybody hates?
LOLLLLLLLLLMFAOOOO IS THIS A JOKE?? Pot, meet kettle who everyone hates.
Jax has started his job back at SUR again. Again, what’s it like to have literally no consequences for your actions? MUST BE NICE.
Wait a sec, did Schwartz just call Katie his girlfriend? Yes he did. THAT’S YOUR WIFE! Or have you forgotten?
Schwartz goes to talk to James about calling Katie fat and the convo goes as follows:
Schwartz: Katie isn’t fat she’s sexy and luscious James: I know man Schwartz: Say it. I want you to say it.
You want another man to call your WIFE sexy and luscious? Weird flex, but ok. In predictable Schwartzy fashion, he doesn’t get mad at James or really give him any consequences for what he did. Maybe this is why Kristen has dubbed herself the Karma Police?
It’s girls’ night, and Ariana is SERVING in this see-through red lace number with a red thong. Everyone looks amazing, I’m really loving this. Looking at these outfits has cleared my skin, hydrated my body, and filled up my bank account.
View this post on Instagram
Don’t forget there’s a new #pumprules tonight at 9pm!
A post shared by Katie Maloney-Schwartz (@musickillskate) on Dec 16, 2018 at 1:51pm PST
Meanwhile at guys’ night, Jax comes riding in on a motor scooter. All I could think about was:
Jax announces he and Brittany are business owners, and claims they’re getting patented and whatever. I doubt that. Have you even filed an LLC yet? I’m not saying Jax is a liar, but a brief Google search for “Meemaw’s beer cheese” only pulled up a Bustle article.
Brittany tells everyone that she invited Raquel to girls’ night and you can see the group calculate whether they should throw their drinks in Brittany’s face or jump out the window.
It’s so rich that Brittany is inviting Raquel out to tell her that her boyfriend sucks. And yet, she’s still with Jax and is now pledging to be with him FOR LIFE, so?? The cognitive dissonance is astounding. Jax buys tampons one time and all of a sudden we’re meant to believe he’s a completely new person?
I can’t believe Kristen is telling Raquel that James has a really shitty temper. Spoken by the woman who punched James in the face??!? Kristen should get a gold medal in mental gymnastics. F*ck it, they all should.
Katie: I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone where monsters are allowed to do and say whatever they want without consequences.
Yeah, welcome to 2018, bitch. Where have ya been?
We end this episode with Katie going to talk to Lisa to tell her about James calling her fat during Pride. I’m actually here for this Katie because Lisa is saying “James’ language is unacceptable” but not actually vowing to do anything. *Whispers into the void* just like when any high-powered man gets called out for unacceptable behavior. So Katie basically tells Lisa “it’s him or me.” You can tell Lisa is PISSED to not be calling the shots this time. Maybe if these men ever faced consequences for their gross behavior we wouldn’t have to resort to ultimatums! I mean, has anyone else ever thought about how the only person who has truly gotten fired from SUR and never gotten her job back has been Kristen? I have to wonder why that is…
And it’s possible I spoke too soon about this season being good, because this episode was kind of a bore. I tried to make this recap as exciting as I could, but putting jokes into this uninspired episode is like trying to inject life into a corpse… or into Giggy’s hairless body. Boom! And with that, I’m out of here! See you guys next Monday, because I’m pretty sure Bravo is f*cking with us yet again by changing the time of this show. For the record, I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS!
Images: Trae Patton / Bravo Media; Giphy (4)
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/vanderpump-rules-season-7-episode-3-recap-%c2%b7-betches/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/183010553612
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allofbeercom · 5 years
Vanderpump Rules Season 7 Episode 3 Recap · Betches
What’s good, Sexy Unique People? It’s your favorite recapper, Sgt. Olivia Betchson, here. I’m here one whole day early to recap Vanderpump Rules season 7 episode 3, which got moved to a new day for some reason. Smh, you think you can depend on something, like you have been doing for the past FOUR YEARS, and then they go changing it for no discernible reason. Is it so much to ask for my show to be on at a consistent time? Is it?? There’s so little I can rely on anymore in this world.
This week picks right back up at Pride, after James has called Katie fat. He yells at Katie to “lose some f*cking weight” before storming off and telling some guy that Katie can go f*ck herself. Way harsh, Tai.
Scheana is talking about how she doesn’t know if Hope hooked up with James. Which is fair because the only people who know that for sure are Hope, James, and God. And still Scheana gets sh*t for this very uncontroversial opinion. It may be besides the point that James cheats on Raquel a lot, but also, why is this anyone’s business? Scheana is the only one who actually likes and wants to be friends with Raquel, so she’s realistically the only one who is in a place to tell Raquel about any cheating rumors. Everybody else isn’t doing this out of loyalty to Raquel but a desire to f*ck up James’s life. You heard it here first!
Lisa arrives at Pride dressed like she’s going to the Kentucky Derby.
No further comments at this time.
Raquel comes back up to Kristen and Hope and steals Hope away for a second. Raquel asks her to tell her what really happened at Coachella. Hope claims that Coachella is only the tip of the iceberg and she and James were sleeping together for THREE YEARS!! Oh and I’m sorry, this Coachella incident was not at this past year’s Coachella, but it actually happened two years ago.
I’m sorry, hold the phone. So you mean to tell me that this alleged incident happened years ago, and we’re only just hearing about it now? Hope sat on this information for TWO YEARS?? And she’s bringing it up now as if it’s somehow relevant and current information? Seems extremely suspect. How can you even begin to verify something that happened years ago?? Also, is Raquel really meant to blow up her relationship over something that may or may not have happened two years ago? I’ve gotta say, this is not Kristen’s best work. Try coming through with receipts from this calendar year, hmm?
Stassi calling James an emaciated muppet literally made me spit out my drink. Speaking of said emaciated muppet, James is literally full-on in white Kanye mode. He’s f*cked up, slurring, wandering around and trying to order a pumptini. It’s not good.
Lisa pulls Raquel aside to basically be like “come get ya mans and make sure he doesn’t have another sip of alcohol.” Yeah, that will end well. When has anyone in the history of alcohol successfully stopped a drunk person from doing something stupid? Never. So Raquel confronts James again about the rumors, and all he does is call Hope a f*cking whore. Hmm, so she’s a whore for not sleeping with you? Reminds me of middle school when some girl called me a slut when I hadn’t even kissed a guy yet. Just fun misogyny things!
We leave this with Raquel saying she wants to stay with James for the Instagram exposure.
Raquel and James are trying to put together furniture while discussing the train wreck that was the day before.
Ok so James’s story is that he and Hope hooked up two and a half years ago, before he was with Raquel.
Right after this, Peter calls James to un-invite him to his birthday. I kind of wonder what Kristen had to blackmail him with in order to get that to happen.
James: Well Tom’s drinks don’t taste like alcohol so it snuck up on me. Raquel: Mmm, no that’s not it.
Yeah no, that’s not what happened here. This is wild because I’ve never even heard Raquel speak this many words before, and I legit have met her in person. I’m into this, though. She says she doesn’t want James to have another sip of alcohol ever again. I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for that to come true, because I don’t wish to asphyxiate. Still, I can respect that she has a more realistic perspective of addiction than Scheana.
Some lady with a pageboy cap shows up to SUR to ask Lisa if she could give her brother a job. OK so it looks like we’re getting another Instagram model added to the cast… who’s probably going to date Scheana. Let’s just hope this guy shows up to the interview wearing pants and that he brings his resume.
Speaking of… Scheana shows up to Peter’s birthday party with Adam, which surprises no one. I’m glad they’ve finally taken their Instagram relationship public. The real question is… can he hang a TV in under 7 minutes?
Stassi is like, annoyed that Scheana doesn’t want to speak on rumors she doesn’t know about (aka James hooking up with Hope). Oh here’s the Stassi I knew and hated from season 5—the one who is only friends with people so long as they agree with her on all things and hate the same people she hates. That’s not loyalty, btw, that’s blind devotion!
Stassi and Ariana are finally joining forces to throw one birthday party. I would have commentary on this, but I knew this happened over the summer so I no longer have anything to say on the matter. Is Instagram ruining Vanderpump Rules? The title of my next think piece.
Ariana: Stassi just kept following me around and being nice to me so I gave up the energy to be bitchy.
Katie, Brittany, Stassi and Ariana are having a girls’ night and not inviting Scheana. Ariana is kind of being a mean girl by being like “yeah well I haven’t seen Scheana lately, it’s on her to work out her issues with Katie and everyone” rather than sticking up for her supposed friend and trying to get her an invite. Who has no loyalty now?? (I keep referencing this because later on this season, Stassi will come at Scheana for her supposed lack of loyalty.)
Jax and Brittany are going to a cheese shop because they’re starting a beer cheese company. a BEER CHEESE COMPANY. Literally watching Brittany act like beer cheese is a novelty you can’t get anywhere but her Meemaw’s basement is f*cking ridiculous. I’ve had beer cheese in Atlanta. I’ve had it in New York. Go to any artisanal brewery and you can probably find a beer cheese dip that comes with a soft pretzel. Damn, now I want a pretzel.
Brittany is going to invite Raquel to girls’ night, basically because she’s been cheated on by her boyfriend too. Let’s also invite Khloé Kardashian and Cardi B to this girls’ night. It’s Cheaters Anonymous up in this bitch.
Jax re: Raquel: Why would you want to be with someone who literally everybody hates?
LOLLLLLLLLLMFAOOOO IS THIS A JOKE?? Pot, meet kettle who everyone hates.
Jax has started his job back at SUR again. Again, what’s it like to have literally no consequences for your actions? MUST BE NICE.
Wait a sec, did Schwartz just call Katie his girlfriend? Yes he did. THAT’S YOUR WIFE! Or have you forgotten?
Schwartz goes to talk to James about calling Katie fat and the convo goes as follows:
Schwartz: Katie isn’t fat she’s sexy and luscious James: I know man Schwartz: Say it. I want you to say it.
You want another man to call your WIFE sexy and luscious? Weird flex, but ok. In predictable Schwartzy fashion, he doesn’t get mad at James or really give him any consequences for what he did. Maybe this is why Kristen has dubbed herself the Karma Police?
It’s girls’ night, and Ariana is SERVING in this see-through red lace number with a red thong. Everyone looks amazing, I’m really loving this. Looking at these outfits has cleared my skin, hydrated my body, and filled up my bank account.
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Don’t forget there’s a new #pumprules tonight at 9pm!
A post shared by Katie Maloney-Schwartz (@musickillskate) on Dec 16, 2018 at 1:51pm PST
Meanwhile at guys’ night, Jax comes riding in on a motor scooter. All I could think about was:
Jax announces he and Brittany are business owners, and claims they’re getting patented and whatever. I doubt that. Have you even filed an LLC yet? I’m not saying Jax is a liar, but a brief Google search for “Meemaw’s beer cheese” only pulled up a Bustle article.
Brittany tells everyone that she invited Raquel to girls’ night and you can see the group calculate whether they should throw their drinks in Brittany’s face or jump out the window.
It’s so rich that Brittany is inviting Raquel out to tell her that her boyfriend sucks. And yet, she’s still with Jax and is now pledging to be with him FOR LIFE, so?? The cognitive dissonance is astounding. Jax buys tampons one time and all of a sudden we’re meant to believe he’s a completely new person?
I can’t believe Kristen is telling Raquel that James has a really shitty temper. Spoken by the woman who punched James in the face??!? Kristen should get a gold medal in mental gymnastics. F*ck it, they all should.
Katie: I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone where monsters are allowed to do and say whatever they want without consequences.
Yeah, welcome to 2018, bitch. Where have ya been?
We end this episode with Katie going to talk to Lisa to tell her about James calling her fat during Pride. I’m actually here for this Katie because Lisa is saying “James’ language is unacceptable” but not actually vowing to do anything. *Whispers into the void* just like when any high-powered man gets called out for unacceptable behavior. So Katie basically tells Lisa “it’s him or me.” You can tell Lisa is PISSED to not be calling the shots this time. Maybe if these men ever faced consequences for their gross behavior we wouldn’t have to resort to ultimatums! I mean, has anyone else ever thought about how the only person who has truly gotten fired from SUR and never gotten her job back has been Kristen? I have to wonder why that is…
And it’s possible I spoke too soon about this season being good, because this episode was kind of a bore. I tried to make this recap as exciting as I could, but putting jokes into this uninspired episode is like trying to inject life into a corpse… or into Giggy’s hairless body. Boom! And with that, I’m out of here! See you guys next Monday, because I’m pretty sure Bravo is f*cking with us yet again by changing the time of this show. For the record, I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS!
Images: Trae Patton / Bravo Media; Giphy (4)
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/vanderpump-rules-season-7-episode-3-recap-%c2%b7-betches/
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