#damn he looks gooooodd
blmpff · 3 months
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lizandbo · 3 years
Kirishima thoughts/ headcanons
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- ok i know I haven’t posted ina while but efhlbkfnD:MWefknrljbkeh
- i depressed
- but anyway, ya know how he gels his hair and crap like that
- welp when he gets into the shower with you, like, isn’t eveything gonna be slimy n shit??
- also i felt like he drew on his skin as a kid, but then one peep told him that it Could cause like those cancer cells to activate, so you would be more prone to have cancer
- and he would be scared shitless after that and never did that again
- one time he held the door for you but he was like holding the door from his finger tips
- so like the door would smash right into your faceXD
- he felt like his ass should be buried into the fucking soil cuz he felt super bad
- all this baby wanted to do is hold the god damn door for ya but look! You have a bloody nose
- that this little man cant sleep with out a fucking fan
- idk know why, i don’t make the fucking rules in this house
- a lil bit but hush
- ya know how like, he loves meat? Well, were guessing that he makes like protein shakes
- he would so try to make a meat milkshake
- and holy shit his face is fucking priceless
- a lot of times were he makes his smoothies and stuff, he would scare himself almost knocking his cold ass body to the floor with a most terrified lookin kirishima
- i feel like he would be good buddy at the grocery store and other shopping sprees
- his favorite store is Home Depot. I dunno why he likes the space of it
- but oh my fucking god, i almost completely forgot about this dirty ass name inside my teeny tiny brain(smaller than a rats)
- he loves it, working machines? Passed the fuck out
- also, ya know how Kirishima kinda just explained he was a emo kid just right outa of this sentence
- like when they were exploring tokoyamis room, then kirishima held up this weird looking keychain thingy and said he had the same thang? Yep! That’s his phase right there
- he def had a identity crisis
- loved hotopic holy shit i cant explain how much thos kid loved that mfing shoop
- now its dicks!
- oh dear that sounded..urrm..i- nevermindXD
- he tears up in a good action packed movie
- “those people.. so manly, going into th battle like that!”
- when he’s typing, he’s like playing fucking Pictionary but with emojis
- also when he gets to be like... 18-19 years old.. i mean dont get me wrong he has normal sized hands but i feel like when he gets around the 18 years old age, its gonna be like 0.0
- his hands are gonna growwww
- so its gonna be harder for him to type
- also, one of those fuckers when he uses the toilet, he leaves it open
- I’m sorry but i just have a problem with that ok? Ok
- also i feel like his family are like... a sweep it under the rug kinda family..ya know?
- has broken chairs when he was little, cuz he didnt have much control wit his quirk
- he also always was drinking apple juice and orange juice, and when he is done, he is always running out of breath
- likes Buffalo Wild Wings cuz ya know he loves them meat:)
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peonia-rose · 4 years
My Thoughts on Colosseum
I FINISHED IT! Man it was amazing. But here are my thoughts on it.
The game is very much more mature than your average pokemon game. The fact the evil team actually uses physical force is crazy for pokemon. And theres explosions, which there are explosions in dppt but in colo they just seem...cooler.
And i LOVE IT. I love it when maturing a product meant for kids is actually more mature. Thing about edgy people is that they tend to make things like. "OH AHSHSHH THIS CHARSCYER DOES DRUGS AND WOAH BROCK IS A BIT C REPY" And i really cant stand that kind of content in the fandom.
Wes is an amazing, badass protagonist. He doesnt say anything but he doesnt need to in order for you to know that this is one cool motherfucker. He was said to be one of the top preforming people in Snagem, which, by the way, a PROTAGONIST THATS AN EX-MEMBER OF AN EVIL TEAM IS THE COOLEST THING EVER. And he drives a fuckin motorcycle like! Damn!
Rui is more stale in comparison, but she does seem to be Wes's control, like she keeps him from doing stupid shit (cuz, lets be real, wes may be cool but hes a bit dumb).
And GOOOOODD THE VILLAINS!! Aside from Evice (ill talk about him later), I love all the Cipher Admins. Of course, Ein is my favorite, but im a sucker for mad scientists :)
And the side characters are really nice too! Cail, Silva and Justy are all extremly underrated in my opinion.
And the fact that they use double battles for everything is genius. Not only does it show that Orre is much different than the other regions in Pokemon, but its great for introducing players to the double battle mechanic since it was a new thing in Gen 3. Double battles usually get my brain in a twist, but watching the playthrough of colo, it seemed so easy!
But i do have quite a few criticsms of the game.
I really dont like how this game looks. Thats...true for any gamecube game really, but like. The final scene with Ho-oh destroying the helicopter is just? Weird looking? The trainers move weird too. I only really like the pokemon models lol
Cipher's plans really arent clear, at least to me. I think theyre trying to.. Take over the world, with shadow pokemon? Thats not a bad plan for gen 3 at all, but after being used to that similar plan over and over it gets old.
Speaking of cipher, the true mastermind just seems...uncessary. Like. Evice is neat i guess but Nascour is right there!!! He is so much cooler than Evice! Why have a plot twist that really doesnt give us any shock because its meaningless?
The characters also. Have gen 3-itis. I call it that because none of the characters have a distinct personality unlike in generations 2 ans 4-8 (one doesnt give its characters personalities either). Figuring out the characters personalities boils down to what you feel like and some lines.
Overall, Pokemon Colosseum is a very good game that is severely underrated in every aspect. My issues with the game are crushed when i think of all the amazing characters that my friends and i talk about in depth for hours. In my opinion, i think it should be more popular than PMD: TDS, but its not lol. I really hope colo and xd get remade someday so their amazingness can be shown to everyone.
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