#cwc fanfiction
fallinnflower · 2 years
method acting
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dk x reader (actor!au, drama, fluff)
wc: 833
a/n: another dialogue prompt i did a little while back. one of my bigger projects is almost finished and ready for posting. thank you everyone for your continued support and patience~ mwah~!
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You stand up abruptly, the chair scraping backward with the force of your reaction. Seokmin remains seated, unperturbed by your intensity. His relaxed posture is far different from yours, with your hands balled into trembling fists at your sides and muscles tensed in preparation for a thus undetermined fight or flight. He looks down his sharp nose at you, brows raised just slightly and lips pressed into a thin, flat line. It's as you're staring him down, his aloof expression fueling the fire of rage in your stomach, that you finally find your voice, fight overtaking flight. 
"I will find out who killed my husband, with or without your help," you say, each word leaving your mouth sharply and determinedly, in a way that you hope is forceful enough to get a reaction out of him. 
So you stare Seokmin down, keeping your expression steely as he meets your gaze. Finally, he narrows his eyes, leaning back in his chair with an indiscernible expression that makes your heart skip a nervous beat. You maintain your cold, tough veneer as best you can, jaw clenched so tightly shut that it's beginning to hurt. 
However, as the silence continues to hang in the air, you find your resolve faltering, brows slowly drawing closer together in response to his silence. A muscle in your jaw ticks, and you immediately break character. Your shoulders slump from the tension, and you lean your head back to stretch your stiff neck with a sigh. 
"Seokmin," you whine, glancing down at your script, "pausing for dramatic effect is nice and all, but did you really have to wait that long?" You skim over the text again, reassuring yourself that you did indeed say the correct line. Your co-star doesn't reply immediately, once again, and you look up with the full intention of scolding him — only to find him gazing at you already, cheeks and ears tinged a pleasant pink. 
"Seokmin?" you ask, and he shakes his head, eyes darting away from you. Nervously, he clears his throat, eyes still cast to the side, and you find yourself even more perplexed than before. 
"You feeling okay?" you ask, setting down the script and reaching a hand out to feel his forehead. He flinches at the sudden contact but then goes completely still as you try to gauge his temperature. 
"Sorry," he blurts, lightly grabbing your hand as you begin to pull it away. 
"What's wrong? Did you forget your line?" you ask, gently rubbing circles on the back of his hand with your thumb. Seokmin looks down at your joined hands and purses his lips nervously,
"Not exactly…" His reticence and reluctance to look you in the eyes leave you both confused and a bit irritated at his antics now, especially since this scene had been going so well this read-through. It had taken you so long to figure out just how to deliver this scene properly, only for Seokmin to freeze up on you during your best run yet. 
You heave a sigh, ready to tell him it's time to call it a day, but he tightens his grasp on your hand ever so slightly, as though sensing your intentions. 
"It's just… I'm embarrassed to admit it."
"Admit what?" Seokmin's shyness suddenly makes you anxious — what could possibly have made him so silent? After taking a moment to compose himself, he finally lifts his chin and meets your gaze, still looking rather sheepish. 
"You, um — you know how sometimes people say someone is hot when they're angry?" he asks, voice small. You nod, and Seokmin glances away again before continuing. 
"Yeah, you're— I—"
"Seokmin," you interrupt, reaching out with your free hand to card your fingers through his hair, giggling under your breath as you watch him struggle to find the words. "Are you trying to say I'm hot when I'm acting angry?" 
"You just looked so pretty I got distracted!" he whines, finally breaking out of whatever anxious funk he'd been in, now grasping your hand in both of his. "I couldn't remember my lines, but I didn't want to make you feel awkward." His exaggerated pout immediately has you laughing at his cuteness, and you sit down on the arm of the chair he's in and shake your head fondly. 
"Ah, and everyone was saying you're the professional," you tease, and he whines again. 
"Hey, I'm good at my job! It isn't my fault you're so pretty," he retorts, though his voice trails off at the end, seemingly because he notices the sudden lack of space between the two of you. 
"Well, how do we work past this in time for filming, then?" you ask, and at that Seokmin smiles blindingly. 
"I have a few ideas," he says, eyes sparkling, and although you find yourself taken aback at his sudden boldness, you soon regain your composure enough to respond in kind. You lean in even closer, breath mingling as you reply,
"Then I say we try them all."
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sheikahwarriork · 2 months
What would be your favorite dimileth dynamic??? (both in hopes and houses if possible)
okay i'll try to be serious for once lmao.
first, acadimileth has a special spot in my heart. i know some people dont like the teacherxstudent thing, but i think with dimileth works perfectly without too many moral issues: 1) dimitri and byleth are close in age, 2) it's not our modern world, but a fantasy/medieval ages-like, 3) him being a FUCKING PRINCE outclasses her being a teacher, in the "omg she has power over him" argument speaking. also, they dont do anything while dimitri is still a student, the in-game romance happens after 5 years of byleth sleeping, plus 1 year of war where byleth is not a teacher anymore.
so, acadimileth is one of my fav dimileth type. i love when dimitri is shy thinking about his professor and his inner turmoils, and i love that byleth slowly learns how to have friends, how to feel emotions, and how to understand that the funny feeling she feels in her heart everytime she thinks about dimitri is something more than "simple friendship" eueue :D also hot bc forbidden.
also for three houses, i like dimileth with feralmitri after the time-skip. i may be ace, but feralmitri makes me feel Things 👀 ahem anyway. the angst, the hurt/comfort, feralmitri making feral sex with his professor, it's just *chef kiss*
i also enjoy a good CF!dimileth lovers to enemies (to lovers), but i need my happy ending or i'll get sad t.t
as for three hopes, i love enemies to lovers, and reincarnation au!!!!! best if there's both! dimitri fights the ashen demon on the battlefield, but he's so mesmerized by her he almost gets killed, but then the ashen demon stops her sword, they look at each other... EUEUEUE yes i love hopes!dimileth a lot too. i wish the game had more dimileth itself but OH WELL thank sothis there are fanfiction.
i also enjoy a lot modern au. my fav type is work collegues, i dont even know why, i dont work in a office xD maybe bc this thrope can bring that bit of "forbidden" acadimileth has?
in general, i love mutual pining, especially dimitri pining for his professor, while byleth is not fully aware of her feelings and can even get jealous! i love soulmates au bc i'm a sucker for soulmates; in both canon and modern au. i love when dimitri gets feral for his beloved, and i love when byleth learns feelings thanks to dimitri.
so, yeah, i like almost every dimileth dynamic xD my only "turn-off" from a fic is a bad ending, and/or if dimileth is not endgame. i need them to be happy or i'll CRY for real cwc
oh, last note: i do enjoy established relationship and post-game fics, but i dont read them much often. i prefer the drama and THEN the happy ending with them getting together lmao
thank you so much for the ask anon!! if you have some fics to recommend, please go ahead! 💙💚
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benis-chillin · 3 months
New fanfiction, "Surge vs Sonichu," is now out!
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"After the events of IDW Sonic #56, Surge awakens in the strange city of Cwcville. Can she leave her past life behind in this new environment, or is her destiny truly inescapable?"
The original C-197 versions of Sonichu and all related elements created by CWC.
Archive of Our Own
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
how do u write fanfic? Every time I try I just get thoughts about how people may find it and link it back to me. It's a nightmare because I want to go into the professional art world (Become a animator/writer) and Im so nervous about someone judging me for it. So, how do you do it?
(This is kinda personal, so if u dont wanna answer this thats fine :D)
In my experience, worst case scenario already happened when my "friend" leaned over my shoulder and read some of my fanfiction out loud in the middle of our high school classroom, so I'm immune to that kind of embarrassment.
Honestly, it helps to remember that more people who write also have read/written fanfiction than you think. In my creative writing circle alone, most of us have stated that we read or wrote fanfiction at some point. Heck, one of the pieces we were workshopping? An original work inspired by a MCYT fanfiction. Even in my creative writing class, it's been mentioned and ppl around me have been like "oh, yeah, fanfiction, sure, there's a lot of good stuff out there, I've read some really good fics, it's not all weird and bad" Like, there's a bit of caginess around the whole thing, most ppl say it in past tense and laugh a little embarrassedly, but on the whole, they're a lot more chill with it than you think.
Another thing that helps is that you're writing with a pseudonym with the anonymity of the internet, and while that doesn't necessarily guarantee that no one will find it, it's a pretty good help to know that it's unlikely that ppl will trace it back to you. If they do, then that's mildly stalkerish of them, and is going to be hard to confront/attack you with without admitting that they're being a little weird and/or have read your fanfiction
Finally: "I am cringe and free" mentality. Own that side. Yeah, you write fanfiction, what of it? It's fun. It builds a little community. Why SHOULD you be embarrassed? I've seen Dr. Who and Star Wars fanfiction published IN my local library. Some of my favorite books in elementary school were published Star Wars fanfiction! Any "movie adaptation" of a book that doesn't have the original author on set is just fanfiction! Fr, just embracing that you write fanfiction and being open about it makes the whole thing less embarrassing. Every time someone in CWC goes "Yeah... I used to write... fanfiction... oof" I say "Hey, I STILL do, you be PROUD of your fanfic writing roots." Nothing to get "gotcha"d with if you're open and don't hide it (that's a huge step, tho, obviously you don't have to go around being like "YEAH I write FANFICTION and I am PROUD of it" the point is just the "I am cringe and free" mentality really helps here)
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ask-sarah-and-co · 3 months
💖Still very new to your blog, but I have the feeling your story will change my mind on the use of canon characters in fanfiction; I'm usually not into that kind of thing, but with you? Interested cwc
What little I have seen when I scrolled your blog a little to send something regarding Hugh is so cute <3
I love getting people into the canon characters… it makes me so ANKKANKSBKNJ
Thank you !!!!! 💕
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monstermaster13 · 8 months
So are you saying that the Jade Harley fanboy's shitty behavior isn't enough to warrant being banned? Allow me to explain his actions for you then. 1. He called Nathan a lolcow and said he still was one despite saying that Nathan was the politest lulcow he had ever met. 2. He called Nathan's photomanipulations terrible. 3. He then posted a post on that site that shall not be mentioned calling Nathan's stories insane and creepy despite not having read them AT ALL. 4. He caused a bit of mild drama between Nathan and another person who Nathan avoided for a long while. 5. Got all worked up when Nathan criticized his Undertale AU that wasn't even a legit one, just a joke one. Made a childish threat against him because of this and apparently just because Nathan tried to tell this user off on their own profile he got warned about it, oh sure…the creepy Homestuck fanboy gets away scot free but Nathan doesn't? 6. Made it look like Nathan hates Homestuck just because Nathan has a stamp about it on his profile, took a reblog Nathan did of a post that was about the Homestuck creator's reportedly awful behavior out of context, making it sound like Nathan hates him, but then again if I was Andrew Hussie i'd barricade the door and never leave my house again especially if the fans are anything like this person.
Cleared off for a bit year, then came back only because he got all triggered because his videos got taken down and pretty much acts like Nathan was attacking Mr Metokur when he was just asking him to take down a video that mentioned him by name because he was embarrassed to hear about his old account, called Nathan a false-flagger, acted like a triggered crybaby and called Nathan's fic about someone turning into Jade Harley disgusting and incomprensible even though he obviously didn't read it, acted like Nathan's comments on Youtube on CWC related content were him denying that he was anything like that sicko (yes, he actually believes that Nathan and Chris Chan are so similar that they're the same person), and said it was stupid for him to have a Youtube account to begin with, when anyone who is over the age of 13 is allowed to have one and also apparently thinks Nathan bitched about him on the youtube forums..if he's refering to lolcow.farm which is basically just where all the rejects of THAT site that shall be named end up, he was just asking nicely not to be brought up or mentioned and it got him mocked and screncapped by the admin and banned even when he went on there to explain why he was uncomfortable with being mentioned., if he's referring to the google products support forum, yes..he did report this guy on the forums but that person's videos and channel came down on their own, as well as Mister Metokur's video on him because guess what not even Youtube's low standards tolerate 'Papa Metokur's hateful words. 7. Childishly challenged him to come at him on his own wiki for his own fanfiction, which of course Nathan declined because it was that stupid. I mean why bother? All Nathan said was he thought the fic was as horrible as the holocast and that was just to get his attention. Even if I could talk about it myself it would just be 'this is fake AU for Undertale with little to no visual representation and it's just music and it's focused around the bizarre niche of tf-tg-writers and artists and Youtubers the author fanboys over. it is a joke in every way and a terrible one at that'. 8. Made a post on Twitter about wanting NZ to get bombed because of Nathan. Dude, I get it, you were pissed because Nathan called you out for being a creepy perv, i'm sorry but you deserve it, and you honestly deserve to get banned too. PS: Jade Harley deserves better than you, you're a nasty man-whore who only wants her for her body and nothing else.
If this fucked up shithead wasn't horrible enough, he very much had this sick fetish of wanting to be Jade Harley. I am guessing he only wanted to be Jade because he secretly has a pet play fetish too and Jade is half-dog so it will be like having a woman he can treat like a pet or he wants to be treated like a pet by her or a woman like her. Nothing against the Homestuck fanbase, but if fans like him exist…i'm going upstairs to barricade my room and hide away.
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yeonchi · 1 year
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I posted 54 times in 2022
53 posts created (98%)
1 post reblogged (2%)
I tagged 32 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#princesas do mar - 13 posts
#el reino de acuatica - 13 posts
#princesas del mar - 13 posts
#sea princesses - 13 posts
#doctor who - 4 posts
#kisekae insights - 4 posts
#koei tecmo - 4 posts
#dynasty warriors - 4 posts
#koei warriors - 4 posts
#thirteenth doctor review - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 27 characters
#doctor who series 13 review
My Top Posts in 2022:
How the world failed Chris-chan - a followup
A year ago today, I published How the world failed Chris-chan as an analysis post following CWC’s arrest on incest charges. Currently, despite outrageous rumours of CWC apparently escaping custody, CWC is still in custody on yet another continuance until next year (there have been numerous continuances over the past year). Unfortunately, because the case has been sealed and the CWCki is (at the time of this post) down following a DDoS attack on the Kiwi Farms, chances are we won’t get any further details for a while.
I’ve noticed the post getting sporadic likes over the past year, which I really appreciate, because it inspired me to do this quick followup post. Looking back, although my prediction of CWC being found guilty in September last year obviously turned out to be wrong, much of what I said in the post is still somewhat correct given the discussion that pops up every now and again when CWC trends on Twitter.
Something I’ve noticed is how people were so shocked at how the events unfolded at the time that they wanted to disassociate themselves from CWC, but then gradually, they became more comfortable reassociating with CWC and/or Sonichu, particularly given what was written in the letters that CWC sent to people from jail. Geno Samuel delayed Part 60 of his documentary for a few months and Sonichu fanartists (some who were white knights/enablers of CWC) decided to “reclaim Sonichu” and continue their fan projects without the involvement of CWC or featuring Chris-chan Sonichu.
I’ll admit that I was in that camp of people struggling about what to do with their Sonichu fanprojects when the scandal came out. At the time, my plans for Soulbound Series 4 were pretty much set in stone, plus “CWC’s” involvement in it was central to the endgame, so nothing changed on that aspect. I was going to feature “CWC” early on in my version of Kamen Rider Zi-O as Another OOO, but I decided against it when the scandal came out. However, by the end of the series, I had no qualms featuring “CWC” because of what he said about his mother and I was looking for filler content anyway.
Speaking of CWC’s mother, Barbara, one of the more astonishing things I saw in the recent letters was how CWC was willing to throw Barbara under the bus and evict her from her home just so he could go back there eventually. CWC was basically close enough to calling Barbara a bitch and disowning her without actually disowning her. This just goes to show how much CWC failed themselves more than Barbara or anyone else.
Anyway, look forward to when I cover Sonichu content in the Soulbound series for Kisekae Insights. Hopefully, it’ll be more interesting than continuing to speculate on what happens next.
3 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
Doctor Who 2022 Easter Special Review: Legend of the Sea Devils
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Air date: 17 April 2022
So it’s been a little while since the boring slogfest that was the 2022 New Year Special, Eve of the Daleks. Let’s take a look into the 2022 Easter Special and see if it is a little breath of fresh air in a polluted landscape.
This episode is another first for Asian representation in a while outside of my personal project fanfiction, with Chinese pirates being the focus of this episode which is also directed by Chinese director Haolu Wang. This episode is also another episode to not be solely written by Chris Chibnall as it was co-written by Ella Road, so it’ll be nice to see how it differs from Chibnall’s notable episodes.
My spoiler-free thought for this episode comes in the form of a song which I’ve been dying to use when I heard that Madam Ching would be featured in this episode:
Spoilers continue after the break.
See the full post
3 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
People out there complaining about translations and localisations in Japanese games and I’m here like, I just want a decently dubbed Koei Warriors game, is that so much to ask?
(for all intents and purposes this is partially satire, I’ve done rants about this subject before and I’m well aware of the situation)
4 notes - Posted June 19, 2022
The Sea Princesses Iceberg Part 2: Adventures in horny jail
Well, some real developments have happened since I posted the first part of the Sea Princesses Iceberg. Aside from posting the wallpapers, releasing the Brazilian Portuguese dub and stating my intentions to refresh my translations and reviews, two YouTubers I mentioned in the first part reciprocated my mention, namely MJZD Gaming and Liamasterink, the latter of whom made the iceberg video that inspired said post and also got me wanting to give my own take on it. Now I have no reason to delay writing the second part any longer. By the way, I’ve also seen myself being mentioned in their comment sections, so thanks for the shoutouts and acknowledgments.
Without any further ado, here is the video:
Before I go on, I want to talk a little bit about how production of the video has changed since the first part. Liam now represents himself with a picture of his channel logo on Hugo’s head and the video also adds two text-to-speech narrators (as if he wasn’t using one already) to represent Marli and Marcello. This comes after he did a similar thing in a video representing a kind of “rap battle” between Marli and Delfi (after a 7-minute prelude, no less). At least the auto-transcription is working on the second part so it’s not killing me this time.
Here is Liam’s second iceberg. He’s kind of improved a bit from the first one even though that’s not how iceberg memes are done, but the errors aren’t egregious:
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As always, this is my translation:
See the full post
9 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Koei Tecmo New Normal Copium
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Ten years ago, on 20 March 2012, Koei Tecmo released Warriors Orochi 3 in the West without English dubbing. That day marked the start of Koei Tecmo’s disgrace to the Western fanbase and English dub fans in particular. People are probably going to gaslight me for this given that I’m talking about the whole of Koei Tecmo’s Western fanbase, but I say this because over the next decade, that disgrace continued to the point where they didn’t just cut corners in localisation, they cut corners in their games as well and by the time Dynasty Warriors 9 came out on 13 February 2018, the apathy set in and I had lost all optimism that Koei Tecmo would properly localise or dub their games again.
In the past two years, the term “new normal” has been used to describe how people around the world would live their lives as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, but recently, I realised that Koei Tecmo not dubbing their games has been their “new normal” for the past decade. In short, they thought the fans were fine with it, so they just carried on with that for future games, without taking other opinions into consideration. Am I the only one who’s starting to think that democracy as we know it is flawed?
Anyway, I already said as much when I said that I would be leaving the Koei Tecmo fandom in my post about Dynasty Warriors 9. As a result, I wouldn’t have gone to the effort of making this post in normal circumstances, so why did I do it? It’s because I’ve decided to return to the Koei Tecmo fandom on my own terms. This post is the end result of the Koei Tecmo fanbase huffing the new normal copium and my analysis of Koei Tecmo as a business over the past decade. My upcoming plans for Koei Tecmo content have already been covered in a separate post if you’re not interested in this one.
See the full post
19 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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vanosslirious · 3 years
Scotty looked over the edge. “Yeah, I see two.”
“That’s not good enough,” said Marcel, “there’s way too many people here for one boat.”
— Excerpt, BBS Fic, Cruel Hearts Burn Out • Ch 48: Intentional.
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toomanystoryideas · 3 years
sometimes i think im bad at writing funny stuff but today in creative writing club i integrated a skillshare ad into one of my stories and i think that’s pretty sexy of me
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carrieeve · 5 years
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Christmas is coming and energised by the nomination i got for @bfwa, i’m asking for Bellarke prompts. whether it’s about Christmas, New Year or just something winter-related, gimme your ideas!
i won’t promise anything because i don’t wanna disappoint anyone but i’ll do my best. so, if you’re interested, go to my ask box and let’s the fun begin!
tagging some people to spread the word: @the-most-beautiful-broom @thehundredtimesobsessed @asroarke @great-wanheda @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @el-corazon-y-la-cabeza @talistheintrovert @blueshirtbell @raven-reyes-of-sunshine @clarkegriffintitties @octannibal-blake @thegriffin-blakefamily @clarkgriffon @tracylorde @katchyalater @eligius-pilot @jasperjoordan - i copied most of my bfsn list, so lemme know if you want me to remove you. or just ignore me ;-)
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fallinnflower · 2 years
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woozi x reader (fluff, neighbors to lovers)
dialogue prompts: “have you come to laugh at me?” / “today isn’t your day, is it?”
wc: 2.5k
a/n: hello!!! it’s been a while, huh? i’m still working on those bigger projects (like vampire!bambam and vampire!ian), but here’s a little writing exercise i did recently. i don’t have nearly enough woozi content out here, right? thank you all for being patient with me and supporting the blog, love you all, uwu
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The forecast did not call for rain, you think, grimacing. You know it didn’t because you had checked over and over again before getting dressed this morning, but here you were, walking through the icy cold, pelting rain, without anything more than your usual lightweight jacket.
You’re shivering by the time you finally make it back into your apartment, having tracked water into the elevator and down the hall. Your hair is dripping wet, and you trudge to the bathroom, barely peeling your soaked jacket off before you hear your door buzzer going off. Taking a glance in your bathroom mirror at your miserable appearance, you frown and snatch a towel before heading to the door, wrapping it around your shoulders as though that’s going to help.
It may be a bad idea, given your current state, but you open the door without looking to find none other than Lee Jihoon, your neighbor-turned-best-friend of the past year, standing at an awkward diagonal from your door to avoid the puddles you’d left while unlocking your apartment. You huff and pull the towel tighter around you.
“Have you come to laugh at me?” you grumble, narrowing your eyes at him. There’s no doubt in your mind that Jihoon had heard you coming home, considering he lives right next door, and that he might just be here to say ‘I told you so’ after you had ignored his nagging about keeping an umbrella on you. You still stand by your statement that always carrying an umbrella is impractical and annoying, but you have to concede that he has a point. Not that you want to.
“No,” he replies, looking you up and down. “But I might now that I’m here. Why didn’t you stop and buy an umbrella?” As he speaks, you step aside to let him in, wondering how long it will take until you regret that decision.
“I have one, so it seemed like a waste of money,” you reply, keeping your voice low as though Jihoon won’t be able to hear you. He lets out a sigh and gives you a witheringly ‘disappointed but not surprised’ look that rivals your mother’s in how badly it makes you want to melt into the floor.
“Have you eaten? Go shower and I’ll make you something,” he says, not even waiting for your reply. You had not, in fact, eaten anything since breakfast that morning — when you had noticed the rainclouds, you’d chosen to skip lunch in hopes that leaving a little early would let you avoid the storm. Ha.
Jihoon pushes you towards your bathroom, and you pout exaggeratedly at him before the door closes, trying to look extra pitiful.
“Thanks, Jihoonie,” you simper, and he cringes. 
“Shower,” is all he says before he shuts the door in your face. You can’t help but laugh.
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Your shower may as well be a miracle, with how rejuvenated you feel afterward. You carefully lift your soaked clothing and the towel you had set them on into your arms, now wrapped in your comfy, fluffy robe, and carry them out to the dryer. After stopping in your room to apply lotions and serums to your skin and throw pajamas on under your robe, you make your way into the kitchen to see what Jihoon is making. Still slowly towel-drying your hair, you pause in the entryway of your kitchen, observing Jihoon. 
It would be a lie to say you weren’t attracted to your neighbor, despite his bouts of grumpiness, so you take the rare moment to admire his figure before he notices. His workout regimen must be working, you think, biting the inside of your cheek. His waist is enviously tiny now, in contrast with his broadening shoulders, and you struggle to tamp down the urge to wrap your arms around that waist as he stands in front of your stove. It’s all cloyingly sweet and domestic, and you let yourself imagine that he feels the same way you do, just for a moment, savoring the fantasy.
“What's for dinner?” you ask, and he glances over his shoulder at you. You slip around him to your fridge and pull out a can of Coke Zero for him, filling a glass with water for yourself as you watch him out of the corner of your eye. 
“You'd better not be putting ice in that,” he nags, without even looking. You frown and close your freezer. 
“How'd you know,” you whine, though it isn't much of a question. You and Jihoon practically lived together during quarantine, only socializing with each other, so he knows all your habits — and is exactly the type to tell you not to drink an iced drink when you just came in soaked from the rain. He doesn't even respond to that, skipping over it completely. 
“Anyways, I used the leftovers I found in your fridge for bibimbap. It’s almost ready; go sit down.” You watch as he cracks two eggs into your pan to poach them, glad for your tiny apartment’s relatively open floor plan. Jihoon used to gripe about you using your coffee table in the living room as a dinner table, but gave up after realizing you weren't going to buy a new table any time soon. Instead of sitting, like he asked, you start moving everything off of said table to make room for the food and drinks. 
True to his word, just as you're finishing, Jihoon walks out with a bowl in each hand. He's barely at the bowls down before he's frowning at you again. 
“Yah,” he gripes, dropping down onto your couch. “You just came in from the rain, and you’re leaving your hair wet again? Seriously. Come here.” You acquiesce, sitting beside him on the couch but with your back to him, handing him the towel you'd been using. You’ll never admit that you had hoped he would do this, though you never imagined he actually would. How totally unfair, you think, pouting, melting into his warm touch as he gently dries your hair. How could you ever resist falling for him, when he’s like this? The universe had truly set you up to be at the butt end of a cruel joke.
But you’ll laugh along, if it’s for him. For your Jihoon, whom nobody but you knows is yours. Maybe he's oblivious, or maybe he's ignoring it on purpose, the (sometimes hungry, always fond) way you look at him, your little flirtations, the devotion you can't hold back. Maybe he knows and chooses not to know. You don't know which would hurt most, so you shove the thoughts aside when they arise, contenting yourself with the closeness he allows already. 
If Jihoon minds that you're leaning into him just a bit more, like a cat asking for more pets, he doesn't say anything about it. He merely continues to carefully dry your hair, his touch light, as though he's afraid he'll hurt you. Frankly, you wouldn't mind even if he did. 
You don't know how long it's been that you've been sitting, eyes closed, turning blissfully to putty in Jihoon’s hands. From an outside perspective, the level of whipped you are for him is pathetic — but you don't feel like chastising yourself over it right now. You can't understand anyone not being whipped for your brilliant, talented, often cat-like neighbor – your Jihoon. 
“There,” he says, resting the towel around your shoulders atop your robe. “Eat before it gets cold.” 
“Thanks, Jihoonie,” you croon again, wrapping your arms around his bicep and leaning into him, pressing the top of your head into the junction between his neck and shoulder. He shivers from the cold of your still-damp hair, shrugging you off half-heartedly. 
“You always take such good care of me.” Your overly cutesy voice and act helps you mask the truth behind your words, because as much as you would like to scream from the rooftops that Lee Jihoon is your ideal man and should be everyone else's, too, you're too terrified of losing him to make the first move. So all your flirtations occur behind the thinly veiled excuse of ‘play,’ never crossing the invisible line you'd drawn yourself. 
Jihoon chuckles, shaking his head. You finally lift your head from his shoulder, letting your hands linger just a moment longer than they should on his bicep. 
“Someone has to,” he teases, and you pout while he ignores you in favor of eating his dinner. Overeager, and a bit flustered by your own actions, you move to scarf down some yourself—
And immediately burn your tongue, becoming an irritated mess in seconds. Jihoon tries his best not to laugh as you guzzle down water. 
“You should've let me have ice,” you whine. 
“That wouldn't have prevented anything,” he says. You frown because you know he's right, but you don't like admitting that to him, even though his smug grin is unfairly attractive. Your heart can only take so much at a time. 
You're glaring down at your food, as if it's the vegetables’s fault you forgot to slow down and blow on it first, when Jihoon’s hand suddenly rests gently between your shoulder blades. He rubs small circles there with the palm of his hand, the warmth radiating through your chest. 
“Today isn't your day, is it?” he asks, teasingly but not unkindly. His gaze is gentle when you turn your face to look at him. 
“No,” you sigh, letting out a defeated laugh. “I guess it isn't.” 
“I'm sorry.” It's such a genuine apology, despite there being no reason for him to be sorry, that you do truly feel better hearing it. You smile. 
“It's okay,” you reply, leaning your head on his shoulder. You close your eyes, content once again, warm and fluttery in the way only Jihoon can make you. “You make all my days better. It's not so bad.” 
All is quiet and warm and pleasant. You think you could fall into a perfect sleep right then, into a dream where this moment never ends, but then Jihoon quietly pipes up,
“Me too.” You blink your eyes open, wondering if you had just hallucinated. 
“What?” you ask. You sit up. Jihoon’s gaze is fixed on your table, ears the faintest bit pink — you feel your own face warming up because of it. 
“Me too,” he repeats, more loudly. He turns to look at you and notice his cheeks are pink, too. “You make my days better too.”
“Jihoon…” Your heart is beating so loudly you can’t think of anything else to say but his name, your entire focus on him, everything behind the two of you a mere blur. Neither of you speak for what feels like too long, and maybe you don't need to, but it somehow feels like it's now or never as your heart is racing and racing and racing,
“I like you.” You want the floor to swallow you up, you want to disappear, because you're scared and it's all happening so fast all of a sudden. Jihoon’s eyes widen and his face flares redder and he stiffens, for a moment that feels like eternity but also a blink and then he's reaching for you very slowly. His hand gently brushes some of your hair behind your ear, feather light and spine-tingling as his fingertips brush against the shell of your ear, and you hold your breath. His hand comes to rest along your jaw, fingers at the nape of your neck, and he stares so intently into your eyes that you think he can see right past them into your thoughts. 
“Can I kiss you?” His voice is a little rough. Your chest is about to explode, and it's a wonder you can speak at all, though your reply is barely more than a sigh,
“Yes, please.”
You taste the spices on his lips, and his gentle kiss burns hotter than the dinner he'd cooked for you, and you're certain that this moment and whatever comes after will scar you forever, no matter how many years pass and skin supposedly replaces itself – you think you will always feel the searing, sweet crush of his lips against yours, and the white-hot trace of his tongue as he parts your lips. He tastes like bibimbap and Coke Zero, sweet and savory, and he feels like home as you wrap your arms around his neck and lean into him, his body heat melting and molding you against him. You want to devour him, you think, eat him whole.
You sigh when he chooses to part from you, hands still lingering on each other. His lips are bitten red, his face flushed. You reach a hand up to smooth out the disheveled hair — hair you had disheveled, you think, with almost devilish glee — and somehow gather up the courage to speak. 
“So, what now?” you ask. You hope he doesn't notice the trembling in your voice as you meet his eyes with faux confidence. Jihoon smiles. 
“Can we call this a date?” 
You're stunned. All you do is blink at him a few times trying to confirm this is real. 
“You want this to be our first date?” you ask, incredulous and more than anything else embarrassed because of all the ways you could have imagined having a first date with Jihoon, him seeing you soaked as a drowned rat from the rain was absolutely not on the list. Jihoon, likely seeing the way you're getting more flustered by the minute, only laughs and gently pinches your cheek, snapping you out of your spiral. 
“Cute,” he says. You drop your face into your hands and lean your head against his shoulder. He wraps his arms around you like it's the most natural thing in the world. His laugh reverberates from his chest and into you. 
“Unfair,” you whine. “You are so unfair, Lee Jihoon, seriously.”
“Then I'll make it up to you,” he says, a teasing edge to his voice. “However long it takes.” You slowly lift your head, and he readjusts, still keeping you in his arms. You rest your hands against his shoulders, and, too nervous to look at him directly, look up at him through your lashes. 
“What if I say it'll take forever?” 
Jihoon replies without missing a beat, still smiling,
“Then forever it is.” 
“I'll hold you to that,” you threaten, tightening your grip on his shoulders. He pulls you closer,
“I'm a man of my word.”
He kisses you again, or maybe you kiss him — does it matter? Your mind is spinning but in his arms you feel more grounded than ever before, like all is right in the world. You never want it to end. 
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“This can be our first date if you'll be my boyfriend,” you negotiate, later, eating your (now very cooled) dinner with Jihoon’s arm looped around your shoulders. 
“Deal,” he replies, using his other hand to push some of your wayward hair out of your face once again. Your heart wants to burst—
“I'm gonna remind you to take an umbrella on every anniversary.”
But just like the rain, your anger at him quickly evaporates under the warmth of his kiss, and you think maybe you were both wrong before – no day has ever been so much yours as this, and nobody more yours than Jihoon. 
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daddy-ambrose · 7 years
Ask me anything
Okay, so... I'm really bored so I thought that maybe you guys could ask me some questions and I will answer them. Don't be too mean please.
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benis-chillin · 4 months
New fanfiction, "Surge vs Sonichu" coming February 24th!
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"After the events of IDW Sonic #56, Surge awakens in the strange city of Cwcville. Can she leave her past life behind in this new environment, or is her destiny truly inescapable?"
The original C-197 versions of Sonichu and all related elements created by CWC.
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Read the previous adventure for this version of Sonichu HERE
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ppapagei · 3 years
Could you elaborate on the inc*stuous red flags with cwc? I never noticed any and this came totally out of the blue for me like what did he do that could have suggested something like this
oof this whole situation is gross as hell but i can summarize some points. if u want to go more in depth i recommend researching the CWCki, watching the Geno documentary on youtube, etc. :
the sonichu comics themselves have always had a really uncomfortable inc*stuous vibe to them like chris‘ interaction & fantasizing about his imaginary twin sister crystal (ppl originally thought that the she came for cwc drawing of megan was actually crystal!), how all the different sonichus get in relationships w each other while still referring to chris as their father/mother, etc.
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chris has talked multiple times about reading inc*st fanfiction, including fanfiction that was written about herself & her mother. made comments through the years on social media supporting inc*st, etc.
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there‘s been a lot of theories through the years speculating that barb groomed & abused chris since he was young, which would explain why he‘s so fucked up, but def does NOT excuse what he did to his mom 🤢
they spoon each other & chris admitted to sexual dreams abt his mom (this vid dropped 10 YEARS ago!!!):
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and his mom was even his prom date
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stay tuned for the trial on sept. 16th (i imagine there would be additional charges in the future, like rape & elder abuse, etc.)
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obligatory links on elder abuse:
information on elder abuse
me too? the invisible older victims of sexual violence
donate to one of many orgs working to end elder abuse
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rollinsdar-blog · 7 years
Goodbye [Noam Dar]
This wasn’t originally the first imagine that I was gonna post but I rewatched the video of Noam saying goodbye to ICW yesterday and I pretty much wrote this straight away. Sorry it’s a little bit shit but I have a long weekend cause there is a bank holiday on monday, so I’m planning on getting some more of my imagines finished over the weekend.
Noam Dar x Reader 
 I watched as Noam was pinned in his last match at ICW and I knew that he was going to get emotional, just as we both had a few weeks ago when he had told everyone that he was leaving for WWE. I could only imagine how hard it was for him, having been in this company for so long and made such good friends.
“Thank You, Noam!” The crowd chanted as I watched from behind the curtain as Noam stood in the ring hugging Sha Samuels and talking to Grado on FaceTime. He was starting to get emotional as the crowd chanted his name and everyone from backstage lined up on the ramp to cheer for him. 
“It’s hay fever, it’s hay fever”, he said as the crowd laughed with him, “There is plenty of wrestling promotions in the world, you might have a couple of favourites, but there is one insane fight club. There is one ICW. There is one Noam Dar that was born in ICW, that was made by ICW. This is the best independent wrestling promotion in the fucking world!” 
Everyone that was crowded around the ring stood up and started to chant their thank you’s for Noam again as I walked out to the front of the ramp and stood in front of the ring. As the crowd saw me, they started cheering because they’d know me for as long as they’d known Noam. Noam and I had been best friends for years, we’d wrestling alongside each other and trained with each other, and many of the fans liked to joke that we should be a couple. 
“Wrestling Couple!”the crowds chants and claps made turn Noam turn around and he saw me as I climbed between the ropes and into the ring. We both laughed with each other about the chants and then he pulled me into a huge hug.
“I’ll miss you” Noam whispered into my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck. He buried his face in my hair so that the crowd wouldn’t see him cry anymore as I whispered “I’ll miss you too, but don’t think you can get rid of me this easily.”
Noam pulled around from the hug but kept his arms around my waist as he laughed, the crowd began to chant our names together and he looked down at me and let out a shaky breath.
“Fuck it,” Noam moved one of his hands from my waist to the back of my head and pulled me even closer towards him. His lips crashed against mine and the crowd begin to cheer as I hesitated for a moment before leaning into Noam and resting my hands on his chest. Noam pulled away after a while and rested his head against mine.
“Was that okay? Sorry if it was weird but I just really-” He began to explain himself, thinking that I hadn’t wanted to kiss him, when I stood on my toes to kiss him again. He smiled into the kiss and pulled me towards him, my face getting hot as I realised that we were still in the middle of the ring in front of the crowd who were still cheering. 
Noam pulled away for a second time and smiled down at me as he moved towards the ropes and held them open for me to climb down and out of the ring. We both joined the group of people gathered on the ramp as I raised his arm in the air and the crowd cheered again for him.
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messifangirl · 7 years
I was reading your fic masterlist and there's some things I didn't know about.. did someone really spit on Leo? :O
I would suspect that it happens more to players than we actually know about. But yes, I wrote that fic after someone spat at him at the airport following the 2015 Club World Cup in Japan.
River Plate apologise for Lionel Messi fan-spitting incident
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