#cuz im a lil high rn and this makes total sense
glowyskull · 8 months
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- Parents devoted to Hylia
- Faith took precedence over her well being
- Forced to become a soldier, “to serve Hylia”
- Learned how to fight, but hates it
- Mocked for being a woman, started cutting her hair and hating anything related to femininity
- Mocked for studying plants and healing methods
- Tried to fit in w the knights, but hated that too
- One of the Royal Soldiers tried to break her down enough to mold her to just do as told
- Tried to study anything to do w healing when she had the time and could hide
- Trained to follow orders, killing “in the name of Hylia”, but always cried after the fact
- Weak in combat, learned stealth and to poison blades though
- Starts hating Hylia and anything related to her
- Manages to fake her death, escaping the life as a knight and managing to hide in Ordon
- Never got a lot of access to books to study healing, opted for just eating the plant and recording the effects herself
- Has almost died once or twice because of this
- Started to embrace femininity, finding out she actually enjoys it
- Prefers not to talk about her past
- Proud to be a healer, though still gets mocked for it sometimes
- Is actually really sweet
- Still cries when her feelings are too strong
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blisslilywrites · 4 years
ASK BOX OPEN YESwell, I read the toshinori, Aizawa and Present mic with their s/o with this Jesica Rabbit attitude I LOVE IT, can we have some more? When they were fighting against LOV they were badly injured, their s/o was there or near the area.She saw them injured and for the first time used her quirk in front of them (Like kaneki from tokyo ghoul, without the cannibalism) to defend her man, s/o with this Jesica Rabbit vibe won't let anything happen to his honeybun or her new children👊😤👌
A/N: Aaa yess jessica rabbit s/o is a total badass babe that ain’t gonna let anything happen to her hubby or her kids 👊😤im also lovin that she has a rinkaku (i think that’s what it’s called rite??) anyway its pretty late rn so uh apologies if its weird or anything lol..hope you like it tho uwu ~lily
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ALL MIGHT / Toshinori Yagi
Your boyfriend had forgotten his lunch box at home again
So, like every other day that he did, you went to U.A. to go give it to him
By now, you pretty much accustomed to his schedule and knew you’re way around
Today though, something felt off… 
You couldn’t tell what it was exactly but it just felt..weird? Somehow?
You went to one of the training grounds and finally found your boyfriend…
Being cornered by the league of villains
His face and arms were all bloody and dirty, you could tell he was trying to fight them off
Your hero senses immediately kicked in and you ran towards him
Then you noticed several students laying unconscious behind him
This fueled your rage and protective instincts even more
The League didn’t realize you were there until the very last second when you activated your quirk and started attacking them
Tbh All Might looked pretty relieved when you showed up
It’s as if he knew things would be ok now that you’re here to kick their asses
And kick their asses you did
Let’s just say years of training an already powerful quirk meant that you were really powerful
The lil bitches that call themselves the league of villains were not prepared for you or your quirk but they were quick to adapt
You may be strong but you were still a single person against an entire group of villains
Even still, you fended them off to the best of your abilities
What you didn’t know was that the students of 1-A still had a lot of fight in them
Those that could had quickly come to your aid and, within moments, the tide had changed to your favor
Ngl the damage you guys inflicted was pretty high and it forced Shigaraki to call for a retreat 
You let out a sigh of exhaustion and relief before checking on all the students and making sure they were ok
You gave instructions for those who were injured to be taken to the infirmary and overall managed the situation pretty well
All the students were really grateful that you came and, in a way, fighting together made them feel closer to you
Once you made sure everyone was safe, you hurried over to All Might
You then proceeded to scold him for using his quirk while helping him up and bringing him to the infirmary 
“Thank you though y/n…I never knew you could use your quirk so well,” he said, coughing
“Don’t mention it, I wouldn’t have let anything happen to you or the kids anyway” you replied with a smile
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ERASERHEAD / Aizawa Shouta
It was another peaceful day
The sun was shining bright, birds were singing, people were smiling as they walked along the streets
Yes, it was just another peaceful day
And you were very glad that your patrol ended cuz now, you could go enjoy this peaceful day with your one and only Aizawa Shouta
Just as the thought of Aizawa crossed your mind, you heard a loud boom and several screams
Moments later, a dark figure was flung past your eyes
So much for a peaceful day
Looking over to where the figure landed, you saw none other than Aizawa
His clothes were tattered and torn, injuries were strewn all over his arms and blood trickled from the side of his head
You immediately turned to the direction he came from and stared in horror as the League of Villains battled the young students of 1-A
You heard a cough from behind you and turned to see Aizawa getting up as if he was going back to fight
You quickly ran over to his side and told him to stay put and call for backup
“I’ll fight them off for now”
He seemed reluctant to let you go but he wasn’t in much of a position to argue
So he just gave you a nod and a faint smile 
With that, you rushed towards the battle, using your rinkaku (the tentacles..I dont think thats what you call em but nvm basically your quirk) to propel yourself forward
[insert intense and very cool battle scene over here because I suck at describing fights]
You and the students of 1-A managed to hold your own against the league
In fact, you guys did better than hold them off
You guys could’ve probably defeated them had they not run away when the other heroes arrived
A few of the heroes went to chase after them but you stayed behind and helped the medical team make sure everyone was ok
Once you were sure that all the students were safe and accounted for, you went off in search for Aizawa
You found him being treated by one of the medical team
Smiling in relief, you walked over to him 
“Ah y/n, when were you going to tell me you look absolutely amazing when you use your quirk?”
You suddenly realized that you’ve never actually used your quirk in front of him before and blushed slightly
“Well I guess this just means there are many more things about me you still don’t know,” you said with a playful smirk which he returned
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PRESENT MIC / Yamada Hizashi
It’s been forever since you and your boyfriend Yamada Hizashi went out on a date together
Work has been pretty busy lately so you two haven’t really had the time
Which is why you were so glad that the two of you were able to take the weekend off
He was the one who suggested going out for a stroll around town
“Heard about this new restaurant that has amAZINGG fried chicken”
So here you two were, sitting in a fast-food restaurant eating chicken to your hearts’ content
You felt slight vibrations and tremors but dismissed it thinking it was probably the construction happening down the street
However, when you heard several screams a while later, you knew this wasn’t just some construction
Hizashi realized this too and you two quickly hurried out of the restaurant, leaving the fried chicken behind to go help the people outside
Just as you suspected, this was another villain attack, although these villains weren’t just any villains
They were… The League of Villains *gasp* dun dun dunnn
“I’ll go fend them off while you help evacuate everyone ok?” Present Mic said
You nodded and the two of you rushed off
You used your quirk to protect the civilians from any stray blasts or debris that were sent your way as you led them to safety
You had also made sure to call for backup
Once everyone was safe, you went back to help Present Mic
He was badly injured in the time you left him alone to fight and was barely able to stand anymore
Your protective instincts suddenly kicked in and you propelled yourself forward in between your man and the league
The only thought you had was to make sure that Hizashi was safe
And that one thought served as a flame to your power as you fought off the villains
You knew your quirk was a strong one
You had confidence in your training and your abilities
There was no way you were going to lose now
You fought well and held the league off until the other heroes arrived to help
The league somehow managed to escape before they could be captured 
Since the fight was over though, you went to check on Hizashi and saw he was as spunky as ever
“Y/n you were amAZINGG. Your power, your technique…”
You sighed as he continued to fangirl over your quirk and the way you fought
Truth is, you’ve never actually used your quirk to fight in front of him before
Either way, you were glad he found your quirk amAZINGG
—–a little bonus—–
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