conductinguphill · 1 year
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I went to ALA this weekend! It was my first con in years, so it was very overwhelming at times, but I had so much fun!! I went as Warden Ingo, and my lovely partner @ozboimoth went as Professor Jacq. I even got to meet up with my good friend @cupoftea-oliver who went as Emmet for some submas shenanigans! It was such a fun time and a wonderful experience to get back into things. Thanks to all the lovely cosplayers I met along the way too!
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kurulover · 3 years
Pastel green, cyan, and arcade carpet :3c
(friend!, i would share my baja blast with you, i would go to eeby deeby with you)
Oh I would like to pour that blast into champagne glasses and have it I think on a Beach :)
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kah-way-loh · 4 years
14, 15, and 33
Here’s the list of questions!
14. Do you have any headcanons about furbies? Hmm... not really? I have headcanons for my own Furbies, but not many for them in general. I do like the idea that Furbies use ear gestures and dancing as a form of sign language though, that’s adorable!
15. Do your furbies have backstories and personalities? Yeah! I know a lot of people don’t like to call their Furbies “cursed” but I like making supernatural and occult origins for a lot of my characters, which is what I did for Buddy, French Fry Supreme, and Valentine (they’re demons that take the form of a Furby when they’re not at full power). Buddy’s the stereotypical “looks-intimidating-but-is-mostly-harmless” character who is a ball of anxiety that enjoys cherries and climbing things; French Fry Supreme looks like a chill dude but is incredibly chaotic and steals everyone’s fries; Valentine, despite her name, is allergic to roses and chocolate and is aroace; I haven’t worked much out for Liberty yet; Terezi is... well, Terezi
33. What got you interested in the furby community? My grandma asked my mom and I to help her sell her Furby collection as she was running out of room in her closets, and while looking through them we found some that were already open (Buddy and Frenchie were first, then Valentine) and mom said I could keep them. At first I didn’t think much of them, just “Oh hey cool, old robots, what can I do with these”, then I discovered that there was an entire subculture of Tumblr dedicated to Furbies and other bots and seeing all of the customizations got me inspired. And Idk exactly why or how I got into the Furby factory codes but uhhhhh that’s a whole special interest of its own jdbvjhf
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necessarymerchant · 4 years
cupoftea-oliver replied to your post: [[ It’s been a while since I talked about the...
It’s good to see that you’re working on it! There was a bug that we might have found with a hound wave and spring that stopped me from using the mod, I’m not sure if you guys might have heard of it?
[[ I hadn’t heard about a bug like that. Right now though, the plan is to re-write the mod based on the current version of DST so I’m not sure the bug will still be there. I’ll try to keep everyone up to date on when the mod updates so people can play the new version and look out for any new bugs. ]]
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phonepastry · 4 years
Spoiler :3
That doll that's been hounding you... don't they look so similar to someone in the party? I wonder why they hate you so much?
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wolftheidioticfan · 4 years
How come my interests keep going towards obscure stuff no one else really cares about lately.
Help me.
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scatterpatter · 5 years
14 and 19
14: Answered!
19: Do you believe in ghosts/spirits?
Y... es. Yeah. I think I do. I always wanna have a supernatural experience when exploring “haunted” locations! I think there might be an entity(?) that just chills at my home(likes to stay at my home tho, never notice it when I live in school dorms), so like! I think so ye!
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brosif40 · 5 years
🎼 Your favorite music to draw to right now?:
Hmmmm its gonna be a list of some of the songs I listen to while drawing atm-
Dream by Imagine dragons
Come Along by Cosmo Sheldrake
No Roots by Alice Merton
Machine by Imagine dragons
Hollow by Cloudeater
Reaper Man by Mother Mother
Monster by Dodie and most of her other songs~
Friction by Imagine dragons, etc etc.. alot of thier songs are good
The Dancing Demon by Tryhardninja
And most of his other songs!
Theres other things but that would make this too long sksjsk
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enderpearlgurl13 · 5 years
5 and 7 for the trans ask
5. what makes you feel validated?
Wearing men’s clothes (especially tank tops, the arm holes are HUGE and I can’t explain why I like that so much but I do), having my hair cut short, and pretty much knowing I’m not alone!!
7. favorite trans meme/bit of trans humor?
How we all collectively agree that our superpower would be shapeshifting
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kurulover · 4 years
I wanted to stop by to say congrats on the top surgery!!!!!!! I’m so happy for you ^^
Thank you!! I’m so glad it could happen even with everything...
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kalza · 6 years
cupoftea-oliver replied to your post: Me: this year, I’m gonna focus more on drawing for...
Im pretty sure even if you lose some followers most would stay! Like I definitely would.
thank you, this actually means a lot to me ^^
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Identity Asks
27. Do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the ‘real you’?
Honestly no but at this current moment in time there isn’t a lot that I can do about it. Hopefully one day In the future I’ll be able to look how I feel.
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phonepastry · 5 years
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kmittingmoved · 7 years
~7 for the ask prompt~
hmmn, I would probably be a pegasus or a dragon. Something with wings.
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brosif40 · 5 years
🎃 for any oc you like. Everyday is halloween :3
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Brosif would be a vampire
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enderpearlgurl13 · 5 years
Japanese bobtail and Somali
Japanese Bobtail: Which Clan is your favorite? Why? 
I’ll go with ShadowClan for this one. There was this headcanon that each clan had adapted to a certain niche (so WindClan cats were more adapted to chasing their prey and running, RiverClan cats were built with streamlined bodies that helped them swim, etc.) and I like the idea of ShadowClan cats that are stealthier and more efficient crepuscular hunters than other cats simply because of how they adapted to their environment. I may have goofed up the actual headcanon but I can’t remember the whole thing so I improvised.  I may also have a warriorsona that’s a ShadowClan cat that made this decision more biased but what do I know
Somali: Forest, lake, or mountain territory? 
Definitely lake. I live near a heavily wooded area and it’s a nice place to wander through, but I have taken trips to Lake Erie and it’s a much more soothing experience to sit by the banks and watch the sun set
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