melaniagir8 · 7 months
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Inktober 2023, giorno 19 – Diciannovesimo/Plump
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gggermicide · 7 years
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Trying things. I ordered some notepad with this !
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iures · 6 years
someone on twitter said they probably canceled e3 because they prepare for the next generation. It's very likely that microsoft will announce their next gen and playstation wants to see whats good, whats bad and then they'll gonna use it for their advantage or something. But of course it's just rumours.
They may prepare for the next generation but I’m not ready for it yet, so no, thank you /: 
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wolf-beil · 7 years
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I can’t believe us dirty allos are destroying the HeIlboy fandom.
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saartje77 · 7 years
Hi! I don't know if this is already answered but is there any chance you could post the tray files of Rocky Goon? I really really love him and think he looks absolutely adorable. I hope you have a nice day!
Hi there. Sorry for the late reply. 
I don’t really have all that much to do with his creation, since his parents were made by the wonderful @cabsim, but sure I’ll share him after I have tracked down his cc.
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zdbztumble · 5 years
how about 103 & 78 its random but it'll help get those creative juices flowing
Standard disclaimer: I write the Kalos characters as being incredibly French.
“There.” Jessie’s eyes narrowed, even with the binoculars pressed to them. “That’s a pretty pair of Pokemon, don’t you think?”
“Are you drunk?” Meowth whispered. “Dat’s da woist pair of Pokemon for Performances we’ve seen since we got ta dis place.”
James didn’t comment himself, though he was inclined to agree. A slobbering, stocky puff ball with a squat face and a dark and dangerous feline with overlarge ears seemed well out of step with most of the Showcase teams he’d seen in Kalos. Then again, Jessie’s team wasn’t exactly conventional either...
“Nonsense,” Jessie hissed. “They’ll be perfect for my performances. And all we have to do is get by that little pup of a Trainer first...”
“That shouldn’t be difficult,” said James. Besides letting her Slurpuff and Meowstic out of their balls to roam around their camp, the Trainer wasn’t even paying attention to them. She was sprawled out on her back, her feet propped up against a tree, as she fussed with her orange tie with one hand and held her Poke Gear up to her wolven face with the other.
“Ne sois pas si prude, Tonton,” she said. “Ce n'était qu'un film...Il lui a alors dit: ‘Je sais utiliser un lit.’ Il la prit par la main, puis ils -”
“Prepare for trouble!” Jessie declared, leaping from their hiding place in the bushes.
“And make it double!” James called, following after.
“To protect the world from devastation!”
“To unite all peoples within our nation!”
“To denounce the evils of truth and love!”
“To extend our reach to the stars above!”
“Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!”
“Surrender now, or prepare to fight!”
“Meowth, dat’s right”
The Slurpuff and Meowstic only briefly glanced up from the flowers they were inspecting. The Trainer had watched the motto in silence, but as they finished, James noticed just how disinterested her red eyes looked.
“Je vais te rappelle, Tonton,” she said flatly into her Poke Gear, before spinning up onto her feet. “Ees zees some sort of traveling circus?” she asked, looking them all over. Jessie, James, and Meowth all fell to the ground.
“Why you haughty little...” Jessie growled, scrambling back upright. “We’re no circus! We are Team Rocket, the greatest Pokemon thieves this world has ever known!”
“Team...Rocket?” the girl tapped a finger to her chin, then gave a little noise of comprehension. “Ah...ze ones wit’ Sacha.”
“Who?” Meowth asked.
“Don’t try and change the subject,” said James, rising to his own feet. “We’re here for that Slurpuff of yours.”
“Don’t forget the Meowstic!” Jessie added.
“Hmm...I seem to remember you could not even pass as Berry thieves before,” the girl said, with a dismissive wave of her hand.
“WHAT!?” Team Rocket all cried together.
“And really, you might ‘ave taken at least one of my darlings if not for that silly recital.”
“‘SILLY RECITAL?’“ Jessie’s eyes were alight with rage, and James felt a tremor inside himself. “Our motto is not to be -”
“Ees zat w’at you call it?” The girl smirked. “Well, you did get to ze point by ze end, but eet ees only so-so for saying w’at your ‘Team Rocket’ is all about.”
“Enough of this!” Jessie’s hand flew to her belt and plucked off a Poke Ball. “I think it’s time we put this little brat in her place. James?”
“Of course, Jessie.” James readied his own ball. “I think a little Inkay ink is all we’ll need to - ooh, that’s just rude!” The girl had sat down on a tree root, and started inspecting her nails. “How dare you pay so little respect to Team Rocket! That does it - Inkay, go and -”
“Mistigrix, Feuille Magik,” the girl said as she blew on her fingertips. “Cupcanaille, Éco-Sphère.”
“Whaddya say we go back ta chasin’ da twoip?” Meowth asked, once they were about thirty yards up in the air.
“Absolutely,” Jessie whimpered. “That’s trouble I’m used to.”
“Make that double for me,” James sobbed.
Apologies for going a little long - but I’ve wanted to do a scene like this for ages :D
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empressmcbride · 7 years
top 5 tv shows!
the walking deadperson of interestdoctor whopitchblack mirror
ask me my top 5 anything
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galeriexantys · 7 years
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warmbodycoldmind · 7 years
Tagged by @horsesarecreatures thank you! My blog is technically a desert, so I never get tagged; this is a big deal for me :D
(Unfortunately I’m very bad at picking just one favourite, and they change a lot, so I may be not sticking to numbers and will use the most recent ones.)
RULES: Answer honestly and tag 20 blogs you want to know better!
Relationship status: Single and I couldn’t care less
Favourite colour: Black, dark Grey, dark Red, desaturated Blues and Greens
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick
Last song I listened to: IDER - Pulse
Last movie I watched: Arrival (2016)
Top (three) tv shows: The Legend of Korra, Avatar: The Last Airbender,  Supernatural, Star Wars The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels
Top (three) characters: Korra, Kuvira; Dean, Castiel, Crowley; Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, R2-D2, every clone; Zeb, Kallus, Chopper; BB-8
Top (three) ships: Korra/Kuvira, Obi-Wan/HAPPINESS, Ahsoka/Kaeden, Zeb/Kallus (welcome to rare pair hell)
Books I’m currently reading:  Star Wars: The Wrath of Darth Maul by Ryder Windham
Name: Sandra
Nickname: Schnecke (german for snail, by my mom), Kleene (”little one/sister”, by my sister); a friend in school used to call me Sunny
Height: 1.66 m // 5 feet 5 inches
Orientation: Anything but straight, it’s a weird mixture between poly, demi and aro/ace
Favourite Animal: Horses
Average Sleep Hours: From 0 to 12 everything is possible. I try to get 7, but mostly it ends in 4-6 hours and a nap in the afternoon.
Cat or Dog Person: Dogs are super cool, but I think I’m more of a cat person (grew up with one and am the “cat sitter” for my sisters cats).
Favourite Fictional Character: Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: Usually one, maybe two if I’m really really cold and/or sick.
Dream Trip:  Scandinavia, Iceland and/or Scotland
Blog Created: 2013
Number of Followers: The counter says 22, but there are 7 names in the list
Tagging: (if any of you already did this or doesn’t have time/motivation, please ignore)
and just for the fun of it: @thatsthat24
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gggermicide · 7 years
hey i really like the notepad design you did, can you post a version without the lines? i think it'd be cute as a phone background.
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Yes why note !
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wolf-beil · 7 years
I follow you because you seem to be a really nice person and you post some A+ bara and nsfw overwatch art. Bonus points for posting really sexy dudes too. ♥️
ahhh thank you so much! I dont want to brag, but I do have the best taste™ in dudes and bara (im joking lmao, i’m glad you like what I reblog! you’re the best buddy!)
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madpingouin · 7 years
RT @be_a_pingouin: RT @FuckMeImGud: Cupcanaille -Mange tout le temps -Un peu en surpoids -Ne peux pas résister à un gâteau https://t.co/OVbT22oOHP
from http://twitter.com/be_a_pingouin via IFTTT
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saartje77 · 7 years
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Here’s Rocky, @cabsim and @cupcanailles.
skin overlay 1 I skin overlay 2 (Nen) I hair I nose overlay I dimples I eyebrows I eye bags I facial hair I nose blush I cheek blush I freckles I lips I body hair I waterliner
I couldn’t find his brows anywhere, sorry
Download Rocky: SFS
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karameruru · 7 years
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Drew some pokemon
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iures · 7 years
Meiner Meinung nach muss man auch nicht zwingend aufhören, etwas zu mögen, nur weil es problematisch ist. Bspw mag ich Lana Del Rey, obwohl sie zum Beispiel in einem ihrer Videos riesigen Federschmuck trug, was halt als Amerikanerin ziemlich krass bescheuert ist. Während ich das aber weiß und nicht verteidige, liebe ich sie und ihre Musik. Tumblr und seine Sucht nach gesellschaftlicher Perfektion in ALLEM ist sau anstrengend. Nichts auf der Welt ist perfekt. Leute machen Fehler.
Ich stimme dir da voll zu. Ich weiß nicht wo dieser Trend herkommt aber ich finde es äußerst widerlich, alles in “perfektion” oder “das schlimmste das es gibt” einzuteilen und es ist mir persönlich zu anstrengend. Nicht, weil ich denke, es sei bullshit, man sollte schon mit offenen Augen durch die Welt gehen aber hier wird es zum extremen betrieben. Wie immer halt, ne. 
Es gibt kein Medium und schon gar keine Person, die 100% Perfekt sind. Es ist unmöglich. Wir sind Menschen und Menschen mache Fehler, wie du schon sagtest. Aber hier spielt es keine Rolle und die meisten User holen bei dem kleinsten Fehler die Mistgabeln und Fackeln raus. 
Zudem scheint den meisten immer noch nicht klar zu sein, das du etwas genießen kannst und trotzdem *gasp* Kritik daran üben kannst. Du kannst Spiel X über alles lieben und trotzdem eine kritikfähige Meinung äußern. Und ich denke sogar, das dies wichtig ist. Besondern auf dieser website, wo dieser Perfektions-Trend ungeahnte ausmasse annehmen kann. Aber, wie du sicherlich selber weißt, liebst du hier eine Sache oder du hasst sie. Es gibt keinen Mittelgrund. Und es werden auch kaum Diskussion zu gelassen, bei denen es nicht gleich unter die Gürtellinie geht oder du gleich als Hater beschimpft wirst. 
Mir persönlich ist es scheiß egal, was andere denken, was ich tun sollte. Ich bin eine erwachsene Frau, bin berechtig Alkohol zu trinken, Wählen zu gehen und meine Steuern zu machen und sollte daher in der Lage sein, selbst zu entscheiden, was ich an Medien konsumiere. Wenn ich öffentlich nach der Meinung meiner Follower frage, ist das okay, dann kann von mir aus jeder so negativ schreibe wie sie wollen aber ich akzeptiere nicht, dass irgend jemand denkt, er müsste mich vor den ach so bösen Büchern beschützen, weil die Person denkt, sie seien problematic af. Also da hört es für mich auf. 
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