WIBTA if i asked for a gift back from an ex friend?
like. two ish years ago? I (then 19F) had a pretty bad falling out with a very close friend (then 17M) over something stupid. it was a pretty obvious ESH situation between mentally ill teenagers. I had missed my anxiety meds by accident, which always turns me into Cuntzilla the Bitch Queen, and he was hanging out with people that (im pretty sure) were manipulating him into being a worse person. this is not the situation that I need help with, it's just a bit of context.
well, some years before that, I had lovingly handcrafted a matching pair of stuffed frogs for the two of us. I have hyper-empathy, so the idea of these two inanimate frogs "never seeing each other again" sometimes hits me out of nowhere and makes me genuinely distressed, no matter how silly i logically know this is. I thought I would've gotten over it by now, but unfortunately I still want that frog back.
Now, I currently have no way of contacting him, but my mother has pointed out that still has his mother's contact information and could ask her about it. I'm worried this would be 1. weird to do after two years no-contact and 2. kind of a dick move, but I guess technically there's no harm in asking??? And it's not like I want it back out of spite.
I admittedly am also a little terrified that if i bring his attention to it he might just straight up burn it or something (if he hasn't already). This is probably just paranoia, but I'm really attached to this frog and don't want anything bad to happen to it.
Anyway, back on topic. WIBTA if i told my mom to go ahead and ask his mom about it? Should I just keep trying to get over it? Am I overthinking this entire situation?
What are these acronyms?
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iamthecomet · 1 year
Sister is Cuntzilla!
I'm really proud of Dew for actually calling her a cunt, too. He's really learning how to stand up for himself.
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originemesis · 11 days
@deathinfeathers xxx
A squawk as she's swung by the kickers through the air and up into the sturdy cradle of his arms. The nerve! The gall! The audacity! An excorcist's blood-frenzy is not so easily quelled! He'll have to squeeze her twice as hard and call her by significantly schmaltzier names in order to snuff the flames of this fury!
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"NNNGRGHHG!! No!! If they did I would have turned their insides into outsides before the words left their lips!!"
And with that she dips in close to give his left tit a proper chomp!
At this point, the embassy is going to just assume them coming in is going to consist of either her dragging him backwards by the horns while he furiously scratched the air and screamed 'i don't wannaaaa-', or this...whatever this was.
With her resting in his arms like an actual lute, he resists giving her a strum in the form of tickles if only because he has to clamp his grip down to keep her from rolling out of it and clocking her face on the golden pavement.
"Whoa-hoa~ I'ma have to ask you for your permit to be that badass this early, little Miss Manic Monday." He clucks over her wriggling, a hint of fondness shattered once the snap of her teeth finds a chunk of God's chicken breast trapped between those pearly chompers.
"LUTE- th'fuck is wrong with you?! RABIES?!" Cue the trail of molted feathers along their path as he beats his wings aggressively down at her, squawks and squabbling heard several blocks down. "THERE'S NO LEAVE FOR THAT, SO SUCK IT UP, CUNTZILLA-"
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chemicallycole · 3 months
Cuntzilla never thanked me for helping her ass fuck it. I’m her idol.
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shutterdre · 5 years
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All den weedzZ. . . . . . #shuttttteerdreyth #cuntzilla (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvTe6seHmRf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=134f9hie6sb7v
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kmp78 · 4 years
I will NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS stop blogging and posting the shit I feel worthy of posting just because some echie gets her XXXL panties in a wad.
You´re not getting rid of me until I SAY I´m done.
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himetsuri · 2 years
i can’t remember if watching the turd eps in arcv was as painful as this but i’m also not willing to go back and rewatch a turd ep to find out
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖     
Chapter 19 - Or perhaps you’re just a bitch?!
Episode 2. *Somewhere in the valley* Andy: *He sighed deep as he threw himself on his bed, observing Ben sitting on one of Andy's couches just few meters away, gaming on Andy's flat screen tv* Watcha doing? Ben: *He reached a hand up in the air, shaking one of the controllers, shoving chips in his mouth with his left hand* MMMH!!! Andy: *He snorted soft* Fine! I guess it's obvious what you are doing... but I'm boooooooooooored... *he smirked towards Ben's back* Ben: No. Andy: *He chuckled hoarse* How did you know?! Ben: *He pointed at the screen* I can see your reflection... sometimes... Andy: *He stuck his tongue out of his mouth* Ben: *He squinted and repeated the gesture* Andy: *A dramatic sigh escaped him* Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine... I'll call Willow and see what she's up to! *He grunted soft as he reached for his phone on his messy bedside table, and quickly dialed her number* Willow: What's up Slutty McSlut? Andy: *He smirked cheekily* Sup Queen Cooch? Willow: *She laughed hoarsely* Andy: Watcha doing? Willow: Not much, lounging around in my undies... Andy: Ben is boring, wanna go out for a beer? Ben: *He quickly turned around, pouting at Andy* Willow: Ughhhh... kinda too lazy for that, can we do something inside? Andy: *He shrugged lightly* we can stay in, game with Ben, we could order some food and watch movies? Night is still young, I'm sure some greasy place is still open... Willow: ......... I'll be over in a mo! Andy: *He chuckled hoarse* Nice.
Ben: So Willow is coming over? *He mumbled questioning, his eyes once again glued to the screen*
Andy: Yeah, is that okay? I can call and-
Ben: No it's fine *he paused the game and smiled soft at Andy as he turned around* I'm sorry I'm not in the mood for-
Andy: *He shrugged lightly and quickly sat up* It's okay, Ben, I get that things are a bit strange right now between us, I'm just glad you're here and you know, we can cuddle and stuff like that, for now... it's cool... I'm cool *he jumped out of bed and grabbed some pants from the floor, quickly getting them on* We're cool.
Ben: *He sighed soft, and got up, tip toe-ing towards Andy* I know you need something... and I'm sorry that I'm a bit weird on that matter... uhm *he frowned soft as he blushed, nervously scratching the back of his neck*
Andy: *He sighed soft* I told you we're cool, and I mean it. *He smiled soft and placed his hands on Ben's cheeks as soon as he tipped within Andy's reach* Hey... that's one of the beauties of being in a poly-ship with me. I got other partners that can take care of that. Sure if it's specifically you I need, they can't cover that, but they can cover my general needs. *He smiled soft and leaned in, kissing Ben's forehead gently* I love you, Ben. And you're more important than sex. I know you have some stuff you need to work through after everything with Pete, and Adrian now also fooling around with Sam *he frowned soft and stuff with Raven as well... it's a lot...
Ben: *He sighed deep* I worry about him.
Andy: Yeah *he nodded soft* me too. But he's a tough cookie, I'm sure he's alright under the circumstances.
Ben: *He hesitated a bit but nodded as he placed his hands on Andy's hips* So gaming night with Willow?
Andy: We can go somewhere else in the house if you want privacy?
Ben: No *he smiled soft* I would like the distraction, please *as he looked at Andy, it was easy to see the hope that Willow would bring Pete from NY, as well*
Andy: I can call her and- *he didn't get to finish the sentence till Willow already barged through the bedroom door*
Willow: Sup Cuntzilla?! Ben *she nodded with a big grin on her face*
Andy: Always a pleasure mini-me! *he chuckled hoarse and gave Ben a quick kiss, then slowly walked towards his daughter* I was just about to call you to ask if you had Pete around and if you would br-
Pete: *Before Andy could get to finish, he already appeared in the door frame, rocking back and forwards on his tip-toes, his hands planted solid in his pockets* Iiiiis there room for one more? *he smiled friendly and took a step in*
Ben: Pete! *His face lit up*
Andy: *He chuckled soft and pointed at the door* close that after you.
*Meanwhile on the mountain*
Adrian: *He was sitting in front of the fire place, working on getting a fire going*
Sam: *He was laying quietly on some blankets and pillows they had brought with them, sipping a glass of wine, observing Adrian's naked body and every move he made, a warm smile on his lips, thinking how lucky he was, to share this very moment with Adrian*
Adrian: You're starring *he said in a grumpy voice, yet there were a warmth in the tone*
Sam: ..... I think it would be easier for you, if you just get used to it.
Adrian: Sam *he looked at Sam with soft eyes as he turned to look at him* Why me? You can have anyone in the world. There's so many nice girls out there, you're not even ga-
Sam: Remember I told you not to get so hung up in sexualities. *He sighed soft* I think I am straight, cause I seem to be interested in females. So far, you're the only male I am interested in. But I also have very little experience, so who knows? I really don't care about it, Adrian, so would you please stop worrying so much about it? *He slowly pushed himself a little closer, stroking Adrian's thigh playfully with just a single finger* Adrian..... 'Why me'.... I already told you, so perhaps you should stop questioning that as well? *He sighed soft and smiled* You're kind *he laid down on his belly, planting a soft kiss on Adrian's thigh* patient
Adrian: *He snorted soft* I literally wanna kill people every day, Sam.
Sam: And yet you don't... that's patience.
Adrian: *He sighed soft*
Sam: You're very loving, when you want to be *he planted another kiss on Adrian's thigh* romantic *another kiss*
Adrian: *He moaned soft*
Sam: Passionate *another kiss* skillful *another kiss*
Adrian: *He sighed soft and ran his fingers through Sam's long brown hair*
Sam: Mmhhh.... creative *another kiss* ... smart *another kiss*..... handsome *another kiss*.... ssssexy *another kiss* ❌Short sex scene START - readers must be 18+❌         ❌ (To skip sex scene, scroll till next marking) ❌
Adrian: *A soft moan slipped his lips, his dick twitching lightly as it started getting hard* Saaahm *he slowly tilted himself forwards, so he got on all four, slowly crawling next to Sam, planting gentle, sensual kisses from Sam's shoulder, down Sam's back, and till he reached Sam's butt cheeks*
Sam: *He sighed soft and aroused, arching his back gently*
Adrian: *He paused for a moment, observing Sam's back and arch, his naked round butt, the way his hair would rest on his right shoulder, and in the light from the dancing flames of the fire place, Adrian felt a warm tickly sensation spread in his body. The undoubtedly feeling of him falling for Sam*
Sam: What are you thinking? *he smiled soft as he slightly turned his head to look at Adrian, from the corner of his eye*
Adrian: How gorgeous you look, in this light *he bent down, planting a loving kiss on Sam's back arch*
Sam: *The kiss and the words sent shivers of pleasure through his body, unlike anything he had ever felt before, his lower back instantly getting spotted with goosebumps, scattering up his back, thighs and arms, and he had to bite his lower lip to keep from bursting out his excitement*
Adrian: *He slowly kissed his way down both Sam's butt cheeks, enjoying how soft Sam's skin was against his lips*
Sam: *A soft sighing moan escaped his lips, his legs spreading slightly, allowing Adrian access*
Adrian: *He took the hint right away, and very slow and elegantly crawled over Sam, laying down between his legs, gently caressing Sam's skin as he slowly leaned in, gently blowing some air on Sam's naked cheeks*
Sam: *Another sighing moan escaped him, a tiny shiver running up his spine* Fuckhhhh... *no one had ever treated him like this before, not even Ava. His body was full of anticipation, excitement and warm buzzy hormones, longing for Adrian to sink his teeth into Sam's naked skin. It was almost too much to handle, but he craved for more of what Adrian was serving. Much more.*
Adrian: *He rested the tip of his nose against Sam's warm skin, breathing in the scent of him, catching the hormones easily* Sammmhhhhhh *he sighed his name out in a husky tone, closing his eyes for a moment to try to gather himself. This was more than just sex. So he had to stay calm, stay collected and not allow his wolf to take over*
Sam: *He sighed soft from pleasure and arched his back a bit more*
Adrian: *A soft moan escaped him, as he lifted his head and noticed the arch had grown. He slowly leaned down, allowing his tongue to gently and very carefully slip over Sam's hole*
Sam: *He gasped soft and leaned forwards, resting his forehead against the pillow beneath him, trying his best to gather himself, and don't get overly excited too fast*
Adrian: *He leaned a bit closer, gently massaging Sam's hole with his tongue, gently stroking Sam's butt cheeks with his thumbs, as he very gently pulled them slightly apart, to have better access*
Sam: *A soft moan escaped him, trying his best to keep it together, but already feeling himself getting lost in the overwhelming pleasure*
Adrian: *A soft moan escaped him, as he fully opened up, and allowed himself to completely enjoy the two of them together, digging his fingers more demanding into Sam's butt cheeks, biting the sensitive arches between them lightly*
Sam: *A deeper moan sounded from him with each bite, and his breath grew heavier, slower. His stomach filled with butterflies, and he realized he had never been that deeply in love before. At least the love he once had felt, seemed so distant by now, that what he was feeling for Adrian, in this very moment, seemed much more intense.*
Adrian: Mmhhh *he sucked Sam's skin lightly where he had just bit him, fully enjoying the taste of his skin, and all of the sudden, a strong tickly sensation went through his stomach, he paused, lifting his head a bit to look at Sam. He couldn't see much more than his profile the way he was laying now, with his forehead on the pillow, but it still made Adrian's body feel hotter, his heart beating slightly faster. He took a deep shaky breath, this wasn't in the plans, but it was here, he couldn't deny it. He was falling for Sam, quite deep, judging by the insistent butterflies in his belly. He sighed soft, suddenly feeling nervous, feeling as if he wanted to do better for Sam. Treat him even nicer. Then the strong urge to tell Sam how he felt, rushed over him. No, it wasn't... no, no no... what if it was more a heat of the moment thing? He HAD to be sure before he could say something like that. It would mean too much to Sam, and hurt him deep if it wasn't true. So he took a deep breath and bent down again, planting a soft kiss just above Sam's crack, pouring all he love he felt in the moment into the tender kiss*
Sam: Mmmmmmmmmmmhhhhh *he arched his back, welcoming the kiss and the closeness he felt from it. As if a deeper connection than what they already had, was suddenly created between them*
Adrian: *He slowly started kissing his way up Sam's spine, with the same love and devotion, all the way up to the back of Sam's neck. As he now laid on top of Sam, he stroke his hair gently* You're very very special, to me.... I hope you know that *he said in a warm lowered voice*
Sam: *He couldn't help but chuckle soft and surprised by Adrian's sudden affection and words, lifting his head, turning it slightly so he could somewhat see Adrian out the corner of his eyes* And you are very romantic, when you want to be....
Adrian: *He leaned in, planting a tender kiss on Sam's jawline* You deserve much more than this
Sam: *A soft sigh of pleasure escaped him* So do you
Adrian: *He moaned deep and longing, the atmosphere around them was so warm, cozy and safe. The sound of the burning fire place, the prickly warm sensations it created against their skins, the smell and taste of Sam, the feeling of his gorgeous body against Adrian's. He let his hand slowly travel down Sam's side, then swiftly over Sam's butt, determined in it's destination, fingers fumbling for just a second, before they locked around Adrian's dick, slowly pushing it inside Sam, with a moan of relief*
Sam: *He closed his eyes, and bit his bottom lip, as he felt Adrian enter, a deep satisfied moan, as his own longing was finally met, pressing his butt tighter against Adrian.*
Adrian: *A soft moan slipped his lips as he slowly swayed his hips from side to side, feeling the tightness of Sam, around his dick. A wave of warmth and pleasure washing over him*
Sam: *He gasped slightly from the pressure he felt inside, but welcomed it with every part of him. It felt as if he had returned home after a long day, to find his loved one waiting for him.*
Adrian: *His whole body was buzzing with warm sensations and fuzzy feelings, his breathing turning heavier and more steamy* Sam *he whispered against Sam's sweaty skin*
Sam: Adrian *he sighed out soft and warm*
Adrian: *A soft moan escaping him* I love...*he frowned soft* the taste of you *he leaned closer, planting some soft kisses on Sam's skin, as he got overwhelmed by a feeling of love. It couldn't be. It had to not be! It was too much for his head to wrap around, but he also didn't want to push the feeling completely aside. There were something so soothing about it. Something that for a moment seemed to heal everything inside him that had ever hurt him.*
Sam: *He moaned soft by Adrian's words, and squirmed his body tighter against Adrian's, completely getting lost in the warm feeling of his lover against him* ❌Short sex scene END - Readers must be 18+❌           ❌ (Congrats, you successfully skipped sex)❌    
*They laid like that for quite a while, Adrian slowly making love to Sam, as if the two of them were more than just friends. And in this moment it seemed as if the rest of the world was just a far away memory.*
Adrian: *After a while, he slowly crawled off Sam, laying down next to him on his side, planting soft kisses on Sam's shoulder, gently stroking his lower back.* Are you alright? *he mumbled soft*
Sam: *He chuckled soft, a bright warm smile, spreading on his whole face, making him radiate with love and happiness* If I'm alright? Adrian... I feel as if someone literally gave my soul a massage... I'm completely like melted butter *he chuckled soft, and reached towards Adrian, gently stroking his cheek with a thumb* Stop worrying about me, I have never been so pleased in my life.
Adrian: *He burst out a soft chuckle*
Sam: Man... you have no idea *he chuckled as well, raising himself a bit, so he could get close enough to plant a soft kiss on Adrian's lips*
Adrian: *He sighed soft from pleasure, and let his fingers run through Sam's long soft hair* I'm glad you feel that way...
Sam: Mmhh *he planted another soft kiss on Adrian's lips* but I think I want more... if it's not too much to ask of? *he chuckled lightly and pulled a bit away, to be able to gaze into Adrian's eyes* if you can?
Adrian: *He chuckled soft* I never said I was done... beside I'm still standing.... tell me what you need *he smiled soft*
Sam: You! *He wrapped his arms around Adrian's neck, and leaned over him, as he locked their lips in a heated kiss, quickly rolling on top of his Alpha*
Adrian: *He moaned surprised and wrapped his arms around Sam, hugging him tight, feeling safe the closer he was to Sam, as if Sam's safety meant Adrian would be safe as well*
Sam: *He moaned soft and satisfied, by the feeling of Adrian's arms wrapping around him, enjoying the now very strong intimacy between them.*
Adrian: *He sighed soft from pleasure, feeling their kiss warm him even further, gently nudging his nose against Sam's before parting their lips* You still didn't tell me what you need? *he asked in a low, loving voice* ❌Short sex scene START - readers must be 18+❌         ❌ (To skip sex scene, scroll till next marking) ❌
Sam: Mmhhhhh *he hummed with pleasure* How about I take care of it for a while, and you just rest? *he spoke in a sensual voice, and reached down, firmly grabbing Adrian's dick, before slowly rising himself, and pushing it inside with a soft moan*
Adrian: *He moaned deep and arched his back, letting his hands rest on Sam's thighs* As you wish...
Sam: *He moaned again as he slowly started moving his hips in deep, circles, arching his back lightly to feel Adrian even closer against his butt* Oh gawd *he planted his hands on Adrian's lower belly, trying to support himself as good as possible, finding a good balance easily* You're perfect
Adrian: ... hardly *he chuckled soft*
Sam: Well *he chuckled soft* your dick is then, at the very least.
Adrian: *He couldn't help but chuckle* You're pretty perfect yourself... all over.
Sam: *He smiled soft, and a light blush crept over his nose and cheeks, instantly gaining Adrian's attention*
Adrian: *He reached up, gently stroking Sam's chest* You're very beautiful, Sam....
Sam: *He chuckled a bit shy and grabbed Adrian's hand, bending slightly down to reach better, as he planted a soft kiss in the palm of it* So are you....
Adrian: *He wrinkled his nose lightly in a disagreement*
Sam: Oh stop it! *he chuckled soft and let go of Adrian's hand* you're absolutely gorgeous! I could stare at you for hours...
Adrian: *He sighed soft and smiled, and although he wanted to protest again, he kept it inside for the sake of the romance, not wanting to risk the change of subject. So he left his hand travel back down Sam's body, resting back on Sam's thigh, as before, giving it a little squeeze*
Sam: *He moaned soft, and changed his movements, to a back and forwards swaying, a light moan escaping him* Gawd it feels so good!
Adrian: *He nodded agreeing, taking a deep breath of the scent of their love scene, feeling whole and full of love*
Sam: You're so precious to me *he moaned soft and slowly started moving up and down*
Adrian: *He moaned deep and arched his back lightly, feeling overwhelming pleasure by the combination of Sam slowly riding him, and his warm loving voice* If you keep talking like that.... you're gonna make me cum
Sam: *He bit his bottom lip gently and moaned, upping his speed a bit* Prove it... *he smirked at Adrian and squeezed his dick inside him*
Adrian: *He moaned deep and let his hands travel to Sam's butt cheeks, squeezing them firmly* Dirty trick *he chuckled hoarse* that way I'm definitely going to *he paused as Sam squeezed him again, moaning deep* cummmm
Sam: *He moaned deep and squeezed Adrian a little tighter* Cum for me, please *he almost whispered*
Adrian: *He squeezed Sam's butt tighter, digging his fingers into his flesh* I'm not sure I can... handle more if I cum now *he panted soft*
Sam: Me neither *he smiled soft and stroke Adrian's lower belly skin* cum with me, please... I'm so close...
Adrian: *He nodded soft* Me too....
Sam: *He upped his speed a little more, and moaned deep* Oh yeah.... fuck....
Adrian: *He groaned soft and closed his eyes, as the orgasm rolled over him*
Sam: *His moans grew louder, and he quickly reached a hand backwards, grabbing one of Adrian's hands, then came with a loud roar*
Adrian: *He opened his eyes, and came at the sight of Sam cumming on Adrian's belly, a loud satisfied moan escaping him*
Sam: *He fell slowly towards Adrian, resting his head on his chest, panting for air*
Adrian: *He took a deep breath to calm his breathing and let go of Sam's butt, gently stroking his lower back* Damn...
Sam: *He nodded soft and agreeing then chuckled soft* It was so good, I'm now drooling on your chest!
Adrian: *He couldn't help but chuckle* Charming
Sam: *He chuckled soft* I know.... but man, I'm so relaxed now... I feel completely limp in all muscles *he chuckled again* That was..... nothing short of incredible!
Adrian: *He smiled warmly, although Sam couldn't see it* You're incredible....
Sam: *He chuckled soft* I'm too tired to argue with that!
Adrian: *He burst out in a happy laughter, wrapping his arms tight around Sam* Of course you are!
Sam: *He chuckled soft and snuggled his nose against Adrian's chest* I love the scent of you... specially after sex...
Adrian: *He lifted his head lightly, digging his nose into Sam's hair* I love your scent too.... it calms me.... you calm me.
Sam: *He sighed soft and satisfied, closing his eyes, listening to Adrian's heartbeat*
Adrian: *He planted a soft kiss on Sam's hair, then laid his head back, closing his eyes as well, with a soft relaxed sigh*
Sam: Thank you *he mumbled soft* for the perfect romantic night.
Adrian: *He smiled soft* Thank you too, Sam *his voice was warm and loving* it was wonderful... I'm sooooo relaxed now
Sam: *He nodded soft* Me too...
*It didn't take long before the two of them dozed off, happy together, and so full of love*
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thesschesthair · 2 years
She will never be accepted as Queen.
Camilla can fuck off- she'll be known as Queen Cuntzilla instead, don''t' know what Liz is thinking endorsing that....
She's fucking HATED.
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leechs · 3 years
You weren't here for it probably but there's a famous tumblr sub/dom girl called Cuntzilla or something, famous for fucking herself with a steak knife or drinking piss (back when it was anything goes). I know she eventually got free of the scummy abuser but she ran away from home (it was on the news if you knew her real name) and her then-husband seemed like a genuinely nice guy trying to help her and she had a lot of mental issues and I don't know where I'm going with this but it was interesting because she was pretty tumblr-famous, like that shay-gnar girl who started doing extreme bdsm porn and then got disgusting and shitting around the house and is now a lolcow
when was this sent bc I literally just now saw this and omg
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Fallout 7- Finale
Supernatural RPF
Warnings: RPF, smut 
Link to chapter 6 
Words: 1,638
Pairings: Richard Speight Jr/Reader 
The next week of the honeymoon went smooth. Leaving the cabin didn’t happen much. Getting out of bed itself seemed to be almost a chore. On morning 5, you woke up to hearing Richard on the  phone again.
  “Fine Rob. Instead of meeting you there just come here to us. See you then.”
  You turned as Richard got back into bed beside you..
  “What was that about?”
  Richard chuckled.
  “Rob actually came here to talk to us. I have to say I totally did not expect that one.”
  You pressed your lips together. Part of you was ecstatic to see your brother the other part was more nervous than anything. Why? You weren’t sure. This was Rob, however, at the same time you had never felt more abandoned by Rob in your whole life.
  “When will he be here?”
  She asked softly. Richard looked down at his watch.
  “Uh like 30 minutes?”
  You quickly stood up.
  “Thanks for the warning! You may want to put some clothes on. Do you really want Rob to see us sitting here butt booty naked?”
  Richard smirked and pulled on some abandoned jeans.
  “Wouldn’t be the first time he’s seen more of me than I would have liked.”
  You rolled your eyes and started going through your suitcase.
  “You two have a unique friendship.”
  Richard gave you a mischievous smile before walking over pulled you into his arms. You whimpered when he began to suck at your neck while one hand dipped between your legs.
  “Just think about it darlin, if Rob and I didn’t have this weird friendship we wouldn’t be together. You would be with some young douche bag who wouldn’t know how to touch you right..”
  Richard pulled you to the couch on the other side of the bedroom. You quickly straddled his lap being pulled into another steamy make-out session. Right as things started to get heavy, there was a  knock on the door.
  “For fuck sake.”
  Richard mumbled as you got off of his lap.
  “I’ll be down in a minute I need to fix my hair.”
  Richard nodded and pulled on one of his shirts that had been tossed carelessly to the floor before turning and walking downstairs.
  Opening the door, Rob stood on the other side. Rob’s eyes widened when he saw his friend.
  “What happened to you? You look like you got attacked?”
  Richard grinned knowing that the two of you had to be littered in love bites.
  “Your sister is an animal.”
  Rob looked grossed out but was pleased that Richard wasn’t cold like he had been on the phone earlier in the week. Richard carefully looked outside.
  “So how did you get here not being able to drive and all?”
  Rob shrugged innocently.
  “Uber is a wonderful thing.”
  Richard nodded letting Rob inside. He watched Rob closely pleased to see that his friend looked like was recovering well. Some of his words were still a little slurred but for the most part, he sounded decent.
  “Where is Y/n?”
  Rob asked as Richard sat down on the couch. He was more concerned about seeing you than anything. Rob knew that he could get Richard to listen to him easily enough. Sure Richard put on a hard to get act but it wouldn’t take Rob long to break through that exterior.
  “Upstairs getting clothes on. She didn’t want to scare you with what we have been doing.”
  Rob’s face went crimson. He definitely didn’t want to think about what the two of you were doing! Sure, he knew that you were having sex with Richard but that didn’t mean that he wanted to see it!
  “How thoughtful.”
  A few minutes later, you walked into the room. Rob looked as nervous as you did. Richard didn’t need any more proof to know that you were related to Rob. The matching nervous looks confirmed everything! You smiled when Rob stood.
  “Y/n, it's good to see you.”
  “Hi Rob.”
  Richard sat watching the two of you awkwardly look at each other for a few minutes.
  “Alright this is getting lame. Rob, you probably spent like $100-$150 on a plane ticket and about $10-$15 on an Uber to get here so I think we need to have at least $50 worth of conversation about what all has been going on between us.”
  Rob nodded.
  “Yeah, you’re right. You two just dropped off the face of the earth!  Next thing I know I am on Twitter and see that you both are married! I mean that's cool if that is what you wanted! I know that Y/n will be taken care of and for that I am grateful! The rest is just disturbing though! Rich, you pretty much yelled at me that she is pregnant.”
  You frowned before Richard started laughing.
  “You’re kidding right, Robbie? You’re really funny.”
  Rob frowned.
  “I’m not kidding. How is this the least bit delightful?!”
  Richard sighed.
  “For fuck sakes, Rob that is the biggest bunch of…”
  You put a hand on Richard’s shoulder knowing that he was about to lose his temper.
  You whispered softly.
  “No Y/n, he needs to hear the truth.”
  You shook your head. It didn’t matter if Rob didn't know the truth or had his own version of the truth. You were worried that this argument was going too far too quick!
  “I don’t want him to get worked up.”
  “Y/n, you have been devastated for the past few months!”
  You instantly stopped talking and glanced at Rob who was watching the two of you closely.
  “Uh…Y/n, Rich, you can both say what you want. This is why I came.”
  Richard looked pleased.
  “Well damn, look at that. Okay, you want the truth Rob here you go. We both tried to call you, text you, you name it we did it. You want the proof here you go.”
  Richard stood to get the phone records and putting them in front of his friend. Rob blinked a few times before looking down at the printouts that had every outbound call clearly highlighted.
  “I don’t understand. I never got one of these.”
  Rob took out his phone putting it in Richard’s hand.
  “Search my phone. If it were you two of all people calling I would have answered. Look, I want you two to think about how I felt at the same time. Richard, you’re my best friend and I mean that completely. I was thrilled when you two got together. What I am not over is the fact that you two just run off to get married. That’s really sneaky and below the belt. I would have wanted to be there. I didn’t even get told that I am going to an uncle in a decent way. That’s what I wanted to say.”
  Both Richard and yourself were looking down like children who had just been scolded by their parents. You looked up first.
  “We didn’t do this to intentionally hurt you, Robbie. At the moment it was just the most logical option. Neither of us wanted some big to do. Rob, I tried to call you almost every day. Richard tried to do the same thing. We have both tried so hard to reach you. We were both worried and got nowhere…”
  Rob sighed. He hated seeing the pain in your eyes. Richard meanwhile, was thumbing through Rob’s phone.
  “I think I found out why you didn’t get any of our calls. Someone whose name probably starts with a C and ends with a Y  with rysta in the middle has blocked our numbers. No wonder you weren't getting a damn thing, Robbie.”
  Rob looked completely blindsided.
  “I can’t believe this. Why would she want to do something like that?”
  You snorted.
  “Because she hates me.”
  Richard’s amber eyes fluttered to you before going back to Rob looking even angrier. To this Rob was actually pleased, seeing Richard this protective made him happy.
  “You should have seen the way that cuntzilla treated her when you were in the hospital. She was awful to her just like your worthless parents.”
  Rob was angry at that point.
  “I’m taking care of this now. This is bullshit!” 
  He stood taking his cell phone back from Richard before making a phone call and walking to the fireplace pacing. Richard leaned over to you.
  “What do you think he’s doing?”
  You Shrugged.
  “Crystal, hey, it's me. Yeah, I’m in Tennessee. Um, I just wanted to call and tell you it's over. How you did my sister was wrong. I also know that you blocked Richard and Y/n’s phone numbers so they couldn’t get a hold of me. So good luck with the apocalypse and you may want to go buy you a herd of cats or flying monkeys because you are going to die alone.”
  Richard was as shocked as you were with that comment. The two of you looked completely floored as Rob turned with a smile.
  “That felt nice! That woman was really annoying. So Y/n how far are you? I would like to know when I get to see my little niece or nephew.”
  You smiled running a hand over your stomach.
  “A little over two months.”
  Rob blinked clearly surprised.
  “Wow, you two wasted no time. Look I really am happy for you two. Just this time if stuff happens that’s bad like last time…work it out.”
  Richard turned, pulling you into his arms pressing a tender kiss to your lips.
  “It’s different this time. I would be a fucking idiot to walk away.”
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indykast-blog · 7 years
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Dear #HurricaneIrma : You don't scare us! We have #Final2 and #BingBong ed before you, and we will afterwards too!! Be safe everyone in the path this #Cuntzilla!
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chemicallycole · 3 months
Papa: “tell cuntzilla to suck ya dick”
Me: “ok, bet!”
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This is seriously the best tweet in history.
Retweeted Amanda Deibert 🏳️‍🌈 (@amandadeibert):
Being called a “cunt” for caring about tortured children is an interesting start to my day, but hey, if that is what makes me a cunt, fine... I’m a Cunty McCuntface of Cuntbank, Cuntifornia and I am ready to go Cuntzilla on your ass.
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himetsuri · 2 years
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i take back everything i’ve said, this mfer has just automatically crowned himself Cuntzilla, get this garbage back into the dumpster where it belongs
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jlongbone · 6 years
late to the party and just watched your vid on cuntzilla. gotta love how butthurt racists get when they see interracial couples, especially happy and/or good-looking ones. maybe if they weren't such nasty ass racists they could find a good man or woman to settle down with, but nah they're too busy being salty to get any sweet.
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