#cult of intersectionality
New Rule: The War on the West | Real Time with Bill Maher
New Rule: For all the progressives and academics who refer to Israel as an "outpost of Western civilization" like it's a bad thing, please note: Western civilization is what gave the world pretty much every goddamn liberal precept that Liberals are supposed to adore.
Individual liberty, scientific inquiry, rule of law, religious freedom, women's rights, human rights, democracy, trial by jury, freedom of speech. Please somebody, stop us before we Enlighten again.
And since one can find all these concepts in today's Israel and virtually nowhere else in the Middle East, if anything, the world would be a better place if it had more Israels.
Of course, this message falls on deaf ears to the current crop who reduce everything to being only victims or victimizers, so Israel is lumped in as the toxic fruit of the victimizing West. The irony being that all marginalized people live better today because of western ideals, not in spite of them.
Martin Luther King used Henry David Thoreau's essay "Civil Disobedience" to help shape the Civil Rights Movement. The UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights owes its core to Rousseau and Voltaire. Kleisthenes never showed up for a sexual harassment seminar, but without him there's no democracy. The cop who murdered George Floyd got 21 years for violating his Fourth Amendment rights, an idea we got directly from John Locke, who no one in college would ever study anymore because he's so old, and so white, and so dead, and so Western.
Yes, that's how simple the Woke are. It's never about ideas. If it was, would they be cheering on Hamas for their liberation? Liberation? To do what? More freely preside over a country where there are no laws against sexual harassment, spousal rape, domestic violence, homophobia, honor killings or child marriage. This is who liberals think you should stand with? Women there should be so lucky as to get colonized by anybody else.
And for the record, the Jews didn't "colonize" Israel or anywhere ever, except maybe Boca Raton. Gaza wasn't seized by Israel like India or Kenya was by the British Empire. And the partitioning of the region wasn't decided by Jews, but by a vote of the United Nations in 1947 with everyone from Russia to Haiti voting for it. But apparently, they don't teach this at Drag Queen Story Hour anymore.
Now it is true that for too long we didn't study enough Asian or African or Latin American history. But part of the reason for that is, frankly, there's not as much to study. Colleges replaced courses in Western Civ -- boo! Eyeroll! Dead white men, am I right? -- they replace that with World Civilization classes, which is fine in theory, but what it meant in practice is you read queer poetry of the African diaspora instead of Shakespeare. And I'm sure there's value in both, but as usual, America only ever overcorrects.
And so, we're at this place now where the words "western civ" became kind of a shorthand for "white people ruined everything." But they didn't ruin everything. No, they didn't live up to their own ideals for far too long and committed atrocities. But people back then were all atrocious, not just the white ones depending on who had the power.
But it was the western Enlightenment that gave rise to the notion that the law of the jungle should be curbed. Henry David Thoreau. John Stewart Mill. Ralph Waldo Emerson. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Three-named dudes. It was all about three-named dudes. Three-named dudes like that were the OG social justice warriors. The ideas that came through Athens, Rome, London, Paris, and yes Philadelphia, are what make life good for most people in free societies today. That the individuals have value, and even the powers that be must submit to the rule of law. That punishment should not be cruel and unusual. That accused people get a trial. That there is such a thing as a war crime.
Why is it that every other culture gets a pass, but the West is exclusively the sum of the worst things it's ever done? You think only white people colonized? Historians estimate that the very non-western Mr Genghis Khan killed 40 million people, and that was in the 13th century. He single-handedly may have reduced the world's population by 11%. On the other hand, he kind of made up for it, because he was such a prolific colonizer of vaginas that today an estimated 16 million people are his direct descendants.
So, stop saying "western civilization" like it's a contradiction in terms. It's not. You're thinking of "moderate Republican."
The people who snarl "western civilization" went to elite universities with air conditioning where they used their MacBook Pros and iPhones on extensive Wi-Fi networks.
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Current leftism is the Big Brother
This is a realization that I had five years ago.
I've never been a left-wing follower or a right-wing. I prefer to walk in the middle like Buddhism has always inspired me. No, more than that, I prefer to be a free thinker. Some left-wing ideas are awesome. Some right-wing ideas are good. Some left-wing ideas are wicked. Some right-wing ideas are cruel. But rooting for a political party, as if it's a sports team, will create a mob-like mentality.
Worse, cult-like mentality.
For some reason, the left has become an extreme cult of desperate progression without an ounce of care. In a period of two years, we've seen the trans acceptance movement (which was awesome) jump to the forced acceptance of a trans woman, guilty of rape, to be transferred to a female prison. What followed was the rape and violence against several female inmates. In a period of twenty years, we've seen the sexual liberation of women turn into the acceptance of nine-month pregnancy abortion (which is clear murder, given some people are born with seven, or eight months... Me included).
What's the final goal of this rushed progression?
What's a perfect world in the eyes of a leftist? Every time I asked, they never had a clear vision. They didn't know. The goal of the left is just the progression. But will they know the time to stop? Probably not. Because, if they lived in a utopia, they would do what their ideology tells them... to change the status quo for more progression.
The left was created from dissatisfaction. If that's the foundation of the ideology, the left will never be truly satisfied.
But what makes me think that the current (mostly US) leftism has unbalanced the world towards a 1984, by George Orwell, type of reality was the subtle use of doublethink, newspeak, and thoughtcrime. Let's go, one by one.
Doublethink: In the book, doublethink is the acceptance of opposing concepts by indoctrination. For example, Winston had to accept that 2+2 was both four and five. Because, if Big Brother says it's five, one cannot doubt the morals and good intentions of Big Brother. Now, applying doublethink to leftism, we have gender studies. Male and female chromosomes are the equivalent of 2+2 equal four. But the complex studies of genders as a social construct, non-binary, non-conforming, ever-changing, never-settling is the equivalent of 2+2 equals five. The indoctrination of gender studies has the goal of dissatisfaction. One, subjected to such, should never be satisfied with it's own body, self, and family ties (much like a cult, parting the individual from it's family). And if the individual is dissatisfied, it is pushed towards progression. Which, often, results in body modification. These victims (sometimes, as young as five years old) become live propaganda. And, despite all the changes, they end up still dissatisfied.
Newspeak: In the book, newspeak is the manipulation of language for the benefit of Big Brother. Some words, erased, like 'lovely', 'freedom', 'lie', 'love'. And some words, created and enforced, like 'upsub' that means the greatness in submitting to Big Brother. Or 'crimestop', that means not accepting ideas that go against Big Brother. The current leftism uses newspeak on a daily basis. And they shift or create more words daily too. Woke, equity, gender studies, pregnant people, latinx, systemic, structural, social justice, microaggression, problematic, cis, cultural appropriation, intersectionality, mansplain, trigger, theybies, maps (minor-attracted people, formerly known are pedophiles). All of these words have the goal of causing confusion. To describe something simple as if it's extremely hidden, new, and complex.
Thoughtcrime: In the book, thoughtcrime is any thought or belief that goes against the party Ingsoc (English Socialism) or Big Brother. Now, this is the most basic aspect of current leftism. No one is allowed to question abortion, or trans progression, or the lgbt change of name for inclusion (which certainly weakened the lgbt community's strength). No one is allowed to question feminism or racial arguments. No one is allowed to question left-wing leaders and misconduct. And, most important, no one is allowed to question progression. If anyone does so, they are immediately ostracized and shamed, being called transphobic, racist, homophobic, and misogynistic without committing said crime (which weakens the severity of the crime itself).
All the tactics used by Ingsoc and Big Brother in the books 1984, by George Orwell, are being currently used by the left. George Orwell, himself, was a democratic socialist, but he was also a free thinker. And he wrote 1984 and Animal Farm as criticisms against Stalinism and the Third Reich. He wrote the flaws of both right-wing and left-wing into a single book. The far left and the far right are so similar that they almost touch, like says the Horseshoe Theory.
Personally, I don't think this division of right-wing and left-wing is serving society anymore. Our political concepts need to evolve in union (and not sink deeper into hateful separation).
If a single person reads this post and realizes that they are free thinkers, I'll be happy. The left is not the moral ground that it claims to be. Because their morals are not open and honest. Their morals are constructed by repeated arguments. Much less, the left is a counter-culture. The left and its progressiveness, right now, is the status quo. They will walk society forward, without a care, even if straight into a cliff.
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tulesproject · 14 days
An Observational Study on Fictoreligions
by: Tule
This is an amateur study not affiliated to any persons or institutions.
The purpose of this sociological research is to document and understand what is the Fictoreligion Community, why beings (see dictionary) might identify with a fictoreligion, and what activities they perform related to their faiths. 
Although this research focuses on the community directly connected to that label, the chapters “Intersectionality with Systemhood” and “Intersectionality with Pop Culture Paganism” explore the existence of beings who relate with fictional religions or entities way before the term was coined.
Methods of study: observing the tags ‘fictoreligion’ and ‘neoreligion’ on Tumblr, as well as a public* fictoreligion Discord Server owned by the coiner of the term; interviewing the label's coiner. (see dictionary)
*as of April 8, 2024
“Fictoreligion” (FR) is a label coined by Kai on xry Tumblr page @/redacted-coiner on January 27, 2024, to describe real-world religions based on fictional media. 
Transcription from a part of xry coining post:
“Ficto-Religions, a term to refer to religons/neoreligons found in fictional sources and/or religions that are based off religious mediums! These are commonly non practiced religions within this world but does not mean they are never practiced. These religions should not be moderated , rather these shall only be something that someone should inner personally use (of course multiple people can use it but it should stick to one person to one person).
Note: These are NOT Fults/Cults. Do not use them as if they are!”[1]
Moreover, according to Kai xemself, xry rule that “FRs should not be moderated” means that FRs must not have groups with leaders, in order to “prevent unintended cult-like situations”.[1]
Term etiquette
Kai has stated that xe does not want xry term connected in any way to the creation of, compared to, or facilitating relationships that resemble cults or fults (see dictionary). Considering that the FR community is very supportive of this rule, breaking it would cause a negative reaction from other members and arise conflict.
A few statistics
As of April 6, 2024, Kai's coining post has received exactly a hundred notes (interactions) on Tumblr. Moreover, there is evidence of more than 60 FRs announced on either Tumblr or the Discord server, meaning that an average of 15 FRs per month have been created so far since the label's inception. Although only a few users other than Kai have coined FRs yet, they commonly have done so at the requests of other beings. The exact number of FR adepts is unknown. (Hey does anyone wanna do the research?)
The complexity of FRs 
Internet coining hobbyists exhibit a lot of creative freedom with their terms surrounding specific topics of interest, and this is also true for FR coiners. For example, Kai's “Writer's Faith” religion is both meta- (referring to the paradox of creating fiction creating reality) and self-centered (self as referring to the adept themselves, not Kai). Xe also coined “Parable's Blessings”, a FR based around Parable, the mascot xe created to represent the community. 
Sub-groups, or perhaps branches, have been created to multiple FRs, like Revive the Old Faith (a FR based on Cult of the Lamb) and the Genshin Belief (FR based on Genshin Impact).
Intersectionality with Systemhood
A considerable number of fictives heavily identify with their sources, including the faiths presented in them (but a fictive may also feel disconnected from source and still identify with its religions). A fictive from the Discord server mentioned worshiping their entity in source (thus carrying the worship into this world); another fictive, a Jedi whose source is Star Wars, mentioned that a pre-established Jedi faith exists in real life, but she doesn't identify with that community since her experience is different, reason being that she actually is from the Star Wars universe.
Systems are extremely diverse, both intra-system (inside the system, “alter-to-alter”) and extra-system (outside the system, “system-to-system”). A single system can feature devotees to multiple FRs, followers of pre-established religions and atheists, agnostics, etc. 
Proving one more example, according to another Discord member the following scenario is real (Tule is not using his words, it's just interpreting what he said):
In a system, there are fictives from source A and B, all connected to their respective sources. Almost all fictives from B follow one of its religions, except for “Jane” who follows a religion from A.
Intersectionality with Pop Culture Paganism (PCP)
When Kai was asked on xry coining post if FR was related to pop culture paganism, xe answered: “can be, matters on someone’s view of things. Being they may not attach it to paganism.”[1]
Some adepts of neopaganism or neopagan faiths, chaos magick, etc, also work with deities and spirits first seen in fiction (like Lovecraft's Cthulhu) for a variety of reasons, such as: believing that the author was inspired by the spirit, believing the spirit sprung into reality via the collective subconscious (an egregore; see dictionary), that the character manifests an abstract concept or collection of concepts, or that the character is or represents an aspect/mask of a real spirit. (Source: neopagan community and headmate lol)
The perspective of FR adherents
Some beings follow FRs for the comfort they provide.
The way a FR is practiced varies from adept to adept, but common activities include building digital or physical altars to worshiped entities and creating sigils.
Here's an interview Tule did with Kai:
Q: What sparked your desire to coin Fictoreligion? 
A: I made it due to the fact I have always struggled with religious traumas and I didn’t feel personally safe with anything that was pre-established. I made the term  being it was one of the few things I understood and gave me personally comfort. I have always viewed religious beliefs as something that gives you comfort, so the term was made for that. It gives me comfort.
Q: Did you already have a fictoreligion even before coining the term, or have seen other beings with experiences similar to what fictoreligion describes?
A: Sorta? It was never really put into words but I had seen a character as a religious figure but I never went into it until I coined the post. Now that it is I feel more comfortable doing religious things related to it.
Q: What is your favorite part/aspect of the fictoreligion(s) you have? 
A: Mainly the interpersonal freedom, I don’t feel trapped within the rules of other religions. With the ones I fallow I feel comforted by the those who I account as it’s deities. Such as in Lovingcrafian, I feel comforted in my relationships even more now due to how I perceive them.
Q: We all know that it's really validating to have words to describe our experiences. So, do you think that there might be a considerable number of beings who would benefit from finding the label? Perhaps reaching a thousand or more? 
A: While I don’t think it’ll be a lot, I want the term just to be a thing that gives people answers. I realistically know it won’t be used widely, but if it ever got there, it’d be something that’d give me peace. Being that’d also just mean that people are more accepting of more neoreligons in general.
Q: Tule has noticed a similarity between Parable and egregories; which are spirits created by us that grow self-awareness and can interact with others. That might be just a coincidence, but since you coined Parable's Blessings, do you personally believe that Parable has grown to be a real spirit too?
A: I don’t entirely believe in Parable’s Blessing myself, Parable is a mascot I made for fun and I realized that some may end up seeing her as a religious figure. A lot of stuff I make I may personally not believe in but know there is a possibility that others may. If Parable ends up becoming a religious figure for someone and become a spirt/egregirories I’d be happy. Being that means that Parable gave people comfort in some shape or form.
The community surrounding the Fictoreligion label may be small, but the experiences its members share are much older and common than outsiders may expect when first stumbling upon it. Systems and neopagans (especially those interested in chaos magick, egregores etc), are demographics that might feel more familiarity with the label than the average population.
Alterhuman: a sentient being who physically possesses a human body but does not identify 100% with humanity may choose this label to describe themself.[2]
Being: in this context, it is synonymous with “individual”, as an alternative of “person” inclusive of alterhuman and nonhuman identities.
To coin: to create a label/word/term. 
Egregore: “a concept in Western esotericism of a non-physical entity or thoughtform that arises from the collective thoughts and emotions of a distinct group of individuals.” (Paraphrased from Wikipedia)
Fult: abbreviation of “faux-cult”. According to its coiner, “faux cults, also called fults, are groups that exhibit cult-like characteristics, resembling a cult in behavior or structure; however, are not considered a true cult due to being consensual.” The term was created by Tumblr user @/sheyoves on December 16, 2023.[3]
[1] https://www.tumblr.com/redacted-coiner/740639140473978880/ficto-religions?source=share 
Archive: https://archive.ph/KFeeF 
[2] https://phasmovore.tumblr.com/post/98482696958/this-will-probably-be-my-last-post-on-semantics 
Archive: https://archive.is/SGP7N 
[3] https://www.tumblr.com/transramcoa/736908543412797441/faux-cult?source=share 
Archive: https://archive.is/zwCkG 
Thank you for reading! Tags meant for reach
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harrypotterfuryroad · 5 months
Have you noticed that J.K. Rowling's cRiTiCs don't rip apart her other books like Casual Vacancy or Robert Galbraith series or other kid books? They only repeat what they read in headlines for the Galbraith books and its pretty funny how mad they are they lost the Potter books.
yeah all they have about the strike series is "some conversion therapy guy was also named rob," "one time a guy wore a dress as a disguise," and "this book about online mobs and abusive cults is CLEARLY about erin reed specifically," like all third- or fourth-hand information via pinknews or other rags, but the alternative is reading the books for themselves and why would they do that when 1 it would give her money and 2 they wouldn't be able to just run their mouth about whatever anymore
but it's not like their criticisms of harry potter have any more merit just because they actually read those books, these are the people who think "she wrote the villains to be villainous which means she agrees with the villains" is meaningful discourse
they just refuse to see that she didn't "become a bigot" or whatever, and neither was she secretly horrible all along. her stances now are entirely in keeping with someone who's had firsthand experience with how social systems consistently and intentionally fail women. this was the exact thing that people used to praise her for, the only difference is a handful of terminally online boys decided it was a problem and everyone was too scared not to go along with them
or in other words it's just another example of how intersectionality has been warped and redefined to mean "everything should include everyone (read:men) at all times or else"
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aingeal98 · 3 months
The part of the Zionists rhetoric I've seen online especially here on tumblr that really... not so much confuses or disturbs me because every part of supporting racism and genocide is disturbing, but the part that makes me nauseous in a very specific way, is how many of these people claim to be leftists. Not the Israeli government or the majority of Zionists obviously, they're proud racist right wingers. But here on tumblr you have people who believe in feminism and queer rights and would agree easily enough with surface level takes on how racism in America is bad. And when it comes to conservatives and red fascists they can easily tell when a right wing racist or homophobe is arguing in bad faith, they can make long posts explaining the harm behind terf rhetoric and how it differs from the actual fight for women's liberation. They can look at the Russia and Ukraine conflict and use critical thinking to call out bad actors with ease.
But then with Israel and Palestine they just... Flip. All the bad faith arguments they criticised before is now their modus operandi. They ignore the ongoing genocide and the Palestinians talking about it and focus on the oppressors, only reblogging the same one or two Palestinian voices once every now and then that say everything they want to hear and nothing more.
I think the most striking example is that "antisemitism bingo" someone made where the ongoing genocide was something to be laughed at and the blog made fun of Palestinian civilians being tortured. And yet when a blocklist went around of people who interacted with that ghoulish blog, clearly explaining why we should avoid them, (Hijt:The racism and dehumanisation of Palestinians) these "leftist zionists" immediately were like "Oh its a block list of Jewish blogs! It's only blocking us because we're Jewish!"
Like it's the most bad faith easily disproven illogical argument that every random 4chan troll can make. It's not my actions it's because I'm white! It's not my homophobic remarks it's because I'm straight!
I still struggle to understand how they're able to flip so easily from intelligent historical and societal discussions of oppression and intersectionality to denial of the Nakba, denial of the apartheid and racism that has ruled the Israeli state since its conception, denial of the Israeli terrorism and colonisation ongoing in the West Bank that Palestinians have been speaking up about for years (The save Sheikh Jarrah campaign and the murder of peaceful Palestinian activists predates October 7th by quite a bit and yet received far, far less coverage by western media) and denial of everything the government and soldiers and many citizens are currently doing to murder as many Palestinians as possible. How do you go from pointing out cult tactics to a Maga style tribalism enthusiast just because it's Palestinians being oppressed and not another group?
The only reason I can think of is that unlike say, white people or straight people, zionists DO have an understandable, real fear that they can use to promote their racist cult. Antisemitism exists worldwide and is a problem in every single country. Unlike ridiculous concepts like "white genocide" or misandry, there is grounded, factual and understandable reasons for Jewish people to want a community where they can feel safe. And anyone who truly cares about equality for all must be committed to stamping out and dismantling antisemitism in every country and neighbourhood, because Zionists sure as hell aren't. The more antisemitism exists the greater their fuel for justifying and promoting Israel as the One True answer to it all.
But the solution of Israel involved ethnic cleansing in order to built their majority Jewish state, and relies on racism and genocide to maintain it. Just like any other coloniser state, it's not sustainabile and is constantly spiralling towards fascism. (America currently contending for loudest spiral) And that is obvious to anyone who reads up on the history or just like. Talks to Palestinians for five seconds. Israel exists due to racism and dehumanisation of Palestinians, and anyone who considers that an acceptable sacrifice is blatantly morally bankrupt. But the tribalism is simply too strong for that sort of logic and understanding, and whatever reasons they may have for falling into Zionism, it's still unacceptable. If you're still on here talking about "demonising Israel and exaggerating genocide (for the woke agenda, is what they're two steps away from saying) then I have no sympathy or time for you. One day you will be forced to reckon with your cognitive dissonance and willful ignorance, and the self righteous racist narrative you cling to will no longer be enough to protect you from judgement. Normal people with their morals screwed on right don't support fascism and racism. Leftists sure as hell shouldn't support facism and racism. (And yes this goes for those who defend Russian and Chinese imperialism too.)
You talk about feeling isolated, about having no one but fellow zionists to rely on. No one else will accept how complicated the situation is, you say over the sound of ten thousand murdered children killed and celebrated by the fascists you're carrying water for. Everyone else is just too antisemitic! You say as the Israeli government and military celebrates Hannukah by bombing Palestinians and joking that they're lighting one of the candles.
I genuinely can't tell if these people are aware they're full of shit or just so scared that they've dived deep into cult mentality with zero critical thought allowed. But either way, there should be no more space for them in our community than a nazi, a homophobe or a Trump supporter. They may have parroted similar ideals of equality and justice for long enough, but when push came to shove and the issues began to hit too close to home, they decided that supporting facism is how they want to cope. So be it. Palestine will be free with or without them and I will mourn the intelligent principled people they could have been, but at the end of the day you have to draw the line somewhere. And supporting genocide is generally a solid line to go with.
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The most popular takes of white feminism online seem to made by black women who don't care about feminism at all. They use the fact that white women were racist, to push conservative values. I see a lot of black women hiding behind the "listen to black women" thing to pretend their own sexism is valid. They also ignore feminist movements started by black women in other countries and will imply feminism is for white people.
yes oh my GOD...other women of color do this too. it is the most cynical antifeminism disguised as intersectionality i hate it so much. i feel it happens most extremely with the pro-cult of domesticity, hypergamy, soft black girl whatever online contigency that is always insisting that domestic servitude to a man is actually a position of privilege and White Feminism denied black women the joy of serving our husbands. but it also rears its head with the genuinely leftist antifeminism, as well as the run of the mill "egalitarianism" liberal nonsense
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canichangemyblogname · 5 months
Tumblr media
This Atlantic article is by former Nebraska Senator and current University of Florida President, Republican Ben Sasse. Yes, that Ben Sasse; the man who introduced the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” (there’s no such thing), who has stated that concern over climate change is “alarmist” and overblown (he’s allergic to facts), who is strongly opposed to the ACA (what do you bet he’ll make the argument class is the real, universal oppression in this article, even though he wants to take healthcare from poor people), and who believes that marriage should be between a man and a woman for the procreation of children (oooh, classic bigotry).
This is about to be the most tepid take, if not down right misinformation and dangerous neoconservatism. How much you wanna bet’s he’s gonna blame this on black people and the gays?
The notif I got for this article featured a quote that referred to the “cult of intersectionality.”
I’ll keep you posted.
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athena5898 · 5 months
In one of my trans spaces there is a trans man who is Jewish...and he has single handly proved how 1. Intersectionality is a thing and 2. Everyone is susceptible to propaganda.
On the first week of the genocide he shared a Daily Wire article from Bari fucking Weiss cause it was against Palestine. (If you don't know, weiss is one of the most influential terfs. She's up there in harmed cause to trans people)
He then proceeded to put the most vile disgusting shit on his Facebook. Had to mute him because of it. Did a check in today to see if maybe he had figured shit out yet....not only is he sharing weird fucking shit now, but it's along side those normal Facebook things like "We must speak out against oppression", "we must always be loving to other people", and "there wasn't any safe spaces in the world so I decided to become that for other people".
I honestly keep him muted for my own mental health cause...how? Like, I've read plenty of theories I *know* why. But...why? It gives me 2020 flashbacks.
I hung out with this guy a few times before the genocide. He's a nice enough person normally...
All of this to say. The best way to not fall down these rabbit holes is to understand a very important thing.
The only way I know to not become one of these people spewing hate and getting sucked up by the bigot/fascist machines (and cults for that matter, but cult think being more wide spread then people think is another conversation). Is to understand that anyone, no matter how "smart" can fall for shit. It's the only vaccine I know to brain rot. Always seek the truth. Always seek with a open heart while drawing the line at people actively doing harm. Understand you are not immune to propaganda and the lure of a easy way out.
I want to clarify too on how to know when it's time to take a side. When people bring up Hamas, the phrase "Lady Eboshi is wrong" is the first thing that comes to my mind. Hamas doesn't matter, because they wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the terrible treatment of Palestinians.
Israel is wrong.
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genderkoolaid · 2 years
Resist the urge to indulge in separatism as an ideology.
Marginalized group-specific places are good. It's important to have spaces that cater to one group specifically, so that their issues and their experiences and their feelings can be centered and cared for by people who understand those things intimately. That is a good thing.
But trauma can lead us down dark paths, and trauma is a great way to manipulate people into things, because it's tied with such raw emotion.
I know what it's like to think "I never want to interact with [oppressor group] ever again. I just want to be around people who get what it's like to be [marginalization] and won't hurt me." And like I said, to an extent that's a perfectly fine thing.
But that kind of isolation is antithetical to intersectionality and solidarity. And it creates a breeding ground for cults and abuse.
It encourages the idea that a group is safe by virtue of being marginalized, and that you must be safe with them. And if anyone starts acting abusively, well, you must be lying or misunderstanding because they're the good guys, you can only trust people who share your marginalization. Anybody else will hurt you, but not them. You need to move in with them. Live together. Never be alone. Do whatever the leader (even unofficial leader) says. And never question the separatist rhetoric, because the moment you leave you'll be subjected to terrible bigotry and nobody else will support you.
And then, of course, whenever somebody outside the group questions separatism and asks if, maybe, cutting yourself off from everyone else isn't kind of bad, they can hit you with: "What, so [group] isn't allowed to have anything for themselves? We can't have our own spaces? We aren't safe anywhere else, we need this!"
Personally, I believe we all have a duty to care for each other (obviously not to the expense of our own safety and health). Whether it's blind hatred towards a group, or insisting that you don't have to care about other people's suffering, this kind of thinking hardens your heart. It makes you crueler and less likely to act when awful things are happening or beginning to happen, because it puts you into a "fuck you, got mine" attitude.
Separatism is bad. It's unhelpful. Safe spaces and groups are good! But watch out for cult rhetoric (see the BITE model), and watch out for people starting to push the idea that you will only be safe with other marginalized people. For anything to change for the better we need to stand together, even with people you don't have much in common with.
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pythiaswine · 2 years
nothing makes my heart twist in knots more than Fear Street 1666. fantastic. it's the historical, fictional sapphic movie i needed. camp as fuck. like fuck netflix okay but this is one thing i actually really love. this and Ratched of COURSE.
the absolute TRUTH in the story of a woman demonized by the covert actions of a man who plays the good guy even to the woman he's damning, the "deviancy" of teens even in 1660s colonial america, the queer love story that's pursued despite the whole "this is wrong" shebang, the offered "cure," the overshadowing horror, the trilogy altogether being about these serial killers and the absolutely sickening backstory where you're led on for the first two movies to believe it's the work of a witch who cursed the land and then really it's the fact that she was a scapegoat who was in the wrong place at the wrong time!!! fuck! it kills me. the men allcoming together and straight up lying out of their asses just to implicate sarah and hannah in the crime of witchcraft. the assault as they "search" hannah for marks. fucking vile. witch hunt unraveling in its purest. the way sarah trusts solomon. the way he kills her off not because she's a witch but because she's the only one who knows he's the real villain.
FUCK. and don't get me wrong i love Midnight Mass and even though the degeneration of peaceful small-town christianity into a cult is chilling and incredibly well-done, and it got my heart racing, something about the way Fear Street unfolds itself, something about how it tricks you into believing it's the same old teen slasher story about a curse on a town from centuries ago, or leads you to believe the witch is really a witch. it's something about the way two teenage girls are trying to just exist and love in a world that paints them as witches and whores and sinners, a world where the "holy" men of the town would control them, assault them, rape them, hang them if they so choose. they were at a disadvantage BEFORE solomon made a deal with the devil. it's personal to me as a young lesbian who has never seen such a great portrayal of the scrutiny and lesbaphobia, the intersectionality of misogyny, homophobia, and the purity culture of christianity. i went into the trilogy with a feeling of disappointment like oh good, another evil witch, another good cop... AND THEY 360 THAT SHIT!! and i love it!
and then the horror aspects?? all of the gore was awesome imo but i was never quite so uncomfortable (and that's how gore should make you feel in a horror movie, i think) as when the children and pastor had their eyes gouged out. the hand scene was gnarly too but badass as fuck. kate and simon's deaths were gross and pretty awesome, i genuinely didn't expect either of them to go despite this being the slasher genre. the whole 1978 movie was great and it's totally a modern Friday the 13th with some totally rad heroines who are well written.
the happy ending we deserved!!!?? the tragedy of Sarah ultimately being hanged despite her best fighting efforts because even though she escaped him, nobody was going to believe her anyway, then we finally have victory. Sunnyvale/the Goodes get what they fucking deserve.
and don't get me started on how we learn the story of what happened in 1666 through our current characters, it's so warming and familiar. it makes the audience keep focus. fuck i loved this trilogy. i loved RL Stine's books as a kid and the world-building in this was so colorfully reminiscent. the music was also awesomeeee ughh
amanda ford's costuming??? love her so much
and to top off the happy ending, Deena and Sam get a date over Sarah Fier's grave in honor of her memory and the history it's romantic and sapphic as fuck i love it
then of course some classic horror nonsense when ee see the book in the credits. so much to adore here.
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This is why there's a race for the bottom, to claim the most amount of victimhood. The Intersectional Olympics. Which naturally attracts the most manipulative sociopaths of all.
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wierdkid20 · 3 months
the fuck do you mean you're "not a feminist" mom?
I need to rant for a moment and I have a tumblr and what else is this hellsite for right? So, my mom sent me a poll that was supposed to breakdown what 'form' of feminism you believe in, the polls not important it was infuriating afterwards though we were talking.
Now, we both grew up in the same cult, we both got out of it around the same time, granted she has something like 40 years on me but whatever. My mother has the gall the gall though to tell me she's not a feminist.
This is the woman who was livid in the car after an all day religious convention because people applauded a young women's faith in god when struck with the 'challenge' of sexual harassment. "Now people are going to think its OK not to say anything, that they just have to rely on god and everything will be OK."
This is the woman who refused to let my brother embrace toxic masculinity.
This is the woman who taught me to use power tools and switch out the fan in my bedroom
This is the woman who looked at me and each of my siblings and told us "You're not allowed to get married until you visit every art museum in the world."
She got married at 22, and at least once a year counts out how many grandchildren she would have if each of us had followed her life course, (6, with the oldest starting kindergarten), and laughs with relief and bewilderment each time that that's not happening.
My mothers not perfect of course, there were some questionable decisions made, which is to be expected when society is telling you to raise 4 children in your early 20's.
But I will never forget sitting in the car with my grandmother at 19 and being emphatically told that Men and women could not be friends, said in a way that clearly meant that I should know this already. Meanwhile at 10 I and a boy from our church were playing downstairs unsupervised together and my mother laid into the moms upstairs tsking over how "You have to be careful with them at that age."
My mom can't define intersectionality but she'd say "Well duh" if you told her. She rarely gets my pronouns right but the moment I said I'm nonbinary she started sending me knitting patterns of gender neutral things to ask my opinion. She's baffled at the fact that none of her rainbow variety children have brought home anyone they're interested in, but she's so supportive of our right to choose and to have options that she never felt like she had.
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lycocarpum · 4 months
I took a nap and woke up thinking about metacontext and lovecraft
Smarter men (gender neutral) than I have written oodles of academic papers about the intersectionality of horror and marginalized groups, particularly tying together queerness or some defining otherness with depictions of the monstrous; lovecraft himself used this allegory in it's most literal and harmful iteration, that the "other" was meant to be feared simply for its strangeness.
But as audiences of "othered" individuals found and read these works, the familiarity with and sympathy for the monster became to define the genre. And this happened well before his time- what is Frankenstein if not a deconstruction of what makes something "monstrous"? Notre-Dame de Paris, for all the it was about the building more than it's inhabitants, asks similar questions of us; and so, too, do retold and reimagined stories within lovecraft's mythos.
To examine what is monsterous, and to whom it is repulsive, is to fundamentally deconstruct the racist backbone of lovecraft's work. To ask why these features were chosen to depict this creature, to question the narrator on their descriptive choices, to look at the extraordinary diverse death-cult hanging out in Boston and ask "wait a second, why Are so many people involved in this? And what do they really believe?" is all in service of engaging with broader narratives surrounding race, sexuality, gender, and so on. And to not ask those questions of the source material is also invoking a perspective; that of unquestioning conformance, an ignorance at best and outright compliance with the source material's inherent bigotry at worst.
Does that mean that the death-cults HAVE to be in the right? That the monsters HAVE to be sympathetic? Of course not. But asking why those cults exist, who benefits from their conception and how, or to ask what your monster is meant to be allegorical to is pretty fundamental writing just off the bat.
And I guess all of this is dancing around the question I really want to pose other writers: if you're not using lovecraft's work to engage with these broader ideas, why are you using it at all? What draws you to this world, why is it compelling to you? Not every story has to tackle issues of race, sexuality, etc, but in a genre so mired by its bigotry, it begs the question of what you, as an author, are choosing to steer the narrative towards or away from.
Anyway I feel like the rights to Cthulhu should belong to gay people. :'D and Hbomberguy has a really good video on lovecraft's work wrt queerness that you guys should check out if you've never seen it, it's pretty old but it gets to the core of this a lot better than I could, and he cites real academics by name so go read those papers, idk.
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N.S. Lyons: Woke is Individualist
Charles, I find your classification of racial idenitarianism and radical environmentalism as the two competing “pillars” of “Woke” to be particularly interesting, and want to hone in on that. This is because I think this classification misidentifies the true competing forces among the Woke, and in doing so accidentally elides its true origin and character, and therefore the broader nature of the challenge to our societies. Obviously this diagnosis is important to get right because the answer will structure how we should respond.
To me, the existing internal divide among the Woke doesn’t appear to be between identitarian racialism and environmentalism (the latter of which notably long predates Wokeism and seems to have simply agglomerated itself to Woke via common association among the people involved in Progressive political movements). Instead the obvious divide seems to clearly be between the two big camps of Race and Trans. You have not touched on transgenderism above at all, but it has become by far the most visible and aggressive aspect of Woke radicalism today other than “anti-racism” (and indeed today seems to have even have surpassed it). But whereas racialism is, I agree, collectivist in nature (though perhaps is more specifically described as a tribalist), the trans craze is not. Rather, it is a manifestation of an out-of-control hyper-individualism.
Trans ideology asserts that an inner psychological “self” is not only a but the only legitimate and authoritative judge of truth and reality. The authority of the self is then asserted as superior over all external claims, whether social or biological. Even the material reality of the body itself is seen only as a form of unjust oppression, an artificial limit imposed on the full sovereignty and “freedom” of the self and its desires that must be overcome through “liberation.” Moreover, the “true identity” of the self (whether conceived of as fixed or fluid) is taken to be so unimpeachable that it can justifiably be imposed externally, in the form of demands for total acceptance and affirmation from others, whose own sovereignty is necessarily seen as subservient to the true self (me). Indeed trans ideology’s central demand is that, for the sake of justice, the world must conform to the will, rather than the will to the world. In this, transgenderism is the ultimate expression of a centering of the individual will to power – and, arguably, of “identitarianism” in a larger sense: of making one’s inner “identity” the cornerstone of reality. But, again, this identitarianism is radically individualist, not collectivist.
Obviously this is all in direct contradiction with the narrative of the racialist camp: their position is that fundamental identity is determined by the biological (skin color and ethnicity), and that identity is immutable and unchangeable precisely for this reason. Those who have tried to import the trans paradigm to the racial sphere – e.g. all those white people who pretend to be black or indigenous while claiming that this is who they “truly are on the inside” – have so far been met only with acute hostility. These two tribes of the Woke are united only through the doctrine of intersectionality (co-identification of the “white cis-heteronormative” as shared oppressor and enemy to be overthrown). 
If I had to pick one of these two positions as the more likely to “win” and come to dominate the direction of Wokeism moving forward (though this is unnecessary), I might actually pick trans over race. Racialism is ultimately a cynical grift, an attempt to redistribute resources, power, and status; trans is a religion. Minority racialism is at least somewhat limited in potential scale by the presence, size, and resentment of minority populations (though these have been sufficient to nonetheless make it terribly destructive); in comparison, the offer the trans cult holds out is universal: “do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”
The core feature of Wokeism is really the narcissism of “the self without limit,” made possible by complete faith in Progress, the malleability of both Nature and Man, and ultimately man’s ability to fully control, organize, and manage reality as if he were a god (thus producing equity and social justice, i.e. heaven on earth). In other words it encapsulates all the most defining characteristics of our modern age. I believe this should raise some uncomfortable questions for what might be called the “liberal theory of Woke.” For what is the true origin of Woke? Was it some outside anti-liberal force? Or was it really Enlightenment liberalism itself that gave birth to its own successor ideology? I am inclined to see it as the latter. The progressive liberation of the individual self from limits is after all that which puts the lib in liberalism.
So while I wouldn’t disagree that Woke often functions practically as a collectivist ideology, I would point out that this is a reactive instinct. Woke is a product of the world liberalism made: a world of atomized hyper-individuals, liberated from every authority but the inner self and its will to power; for whom every higher authority outside the self has been torn down, and every social norm, duty, responsibility, or unchosen bond to a community beyond the individual destroyed. But in such a wasteland, individuals (still being human) crave nothing more than community and connection, and meaning, and so they seek it – with no authority or inherited guidance or structure (for such things are considered illiberal) – and increasingly find it in toxic, moralistic, pseudo-religious collectives like the Woke movement.
Note well that the cries for “justice” and “sustainability” that you rightly identify as the magic invocations wielded by the Woke both reflect a deep (even existential) sense of alienation; this is no coincidence, for today increasingly we are all alienated from anything beyond ourselves. Meanwhile there is only one entity, one Potemkin community still standing and ready (and very happy) to gather together and embrace all these atomized and alienated individuals, and to flatter, affirm, protect, and provide for all their anxieties and desires: the managerial state. Its growth and that of the atomized modern self proceed hand-in-hand, for there is no other form of authoritative community remaining. And who created this wasteland of deracinated alienation, narcissistic self-worship, and wrecked authority that has led to the Woke total state? Perhaps here Hayek and the libertarians deserve to be put in the hot seat to sweat a while.
What is the way out of Woke? Would a radical reassertion of the individual over the collective do the trick? No, I think clearly not. This can only drive us deeper into the abyss. For the libertarian approach simply cannot provide the kind of robust community, meaning, and direction that people are increasingly lacking and desperate for, and for which they are drawn to totalitarian ideological movements like the Woke. Nor can libertarianism provide strong communities capable of serving as an intermediary force between people and state, counter-balancing the managerial state’s authority and limiting centralization and eventually totalization. Instead libertarianism can only accelerate social breakdown and atomization. This has always been its most fatal, self-destructive flaw.
It is easy to assume that the solution to mass group-think is to champion the individual, but unfortunately it’s not that straightforward. Only an individual buffered and fortified by robust communities, social frameworks, and authorities like inherited tradition and religious faith will be strong enough to truly function as what we think of as a self-governing individual. Otherwise, exposed in the open and under bombardment, he will rush for the safety of the collective herd, and the state.
So, if we want to defeat it, we’d be much better off if we accept the truth: Woke is individualist.
N.S. Lyons: Radical Individualism Produced a Radical Reaction
I would certainly agree that an assumed universal Christian moral foundation seems to have been what allowed classical liberalism to function as a workable system for the centuries that it lasted. I’d therefore suggest that the logical conclusion about what is happening now is that this foundation has been so completely eroded that, in its absence, liberalism is now collapsing in on itself. But I would point out that it was liberalism itself that eroded away – “liberated” us from – that pre-liberal foundation in the first place.
I’d also note that I am quite sceptical of the argument that, by virtue of its moderation, classical liberalism is somehow the “true liberalism,” while “libertarianism” is deformed by its comparative extremism into something different from liberalism. As far as I’m concerned, if something becomes more purely and completely itself (that is, more “extreme”), it cannot be said to have changed its nature into something different. Rather the original compound – in this case what we call “classical liberalism” – was in itself a product of its character as a mixed or diluted thing. Originally it contained and was moderated by non-liberal elements. It then became more and more liberal precisely as it became less and less classical. 
But I suppose this is getting a bit off topic. I think your identification of trans, sexual, and other minority identities as groups that people “join” in order to gain membership in a quasi-tribal collective to be insightful and quite clearly correct. Though I would say that this only occurs because of the state of atomization such people find themselves in as individuals. Those people most adrift, alone, and exposed, are the ones most primed to run to these toxic identity groups for shelter, protection, and some kind of organizing structure for the psyche. And this state of atomization is, again, created by radical individualism – this is a reaction by liberal individuals to the reality of liberal individualism.
I would suggest, however, that we have managed to arrive at a productive conclusion here from slightly different directions: perhaps we can agree that if such identitarian collectives are dangerous – which obviously I think we can – and that we want people to avoid joining these collectives en masse, then we’re probably going to have to try, one way or another, to reconstruct at least some of the moral and psychological foundations that once successfully undergirded classical liberalism for so long.
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biracy · 7 months
Although I obviously understand the need for conversations about ageism and etc, I truly cannot stand the way "[x community] elders" are discussed on this website as some sort of infallible monolithic group whose experiences and opinions are inherently more valuable than the experiences and opinions of "young people". I think this especially falls apart when approached through a lens of intersectionality; "what about NONWHITE elders" my family in Puerto Rico who think I just need to find a nice man and settle down and make grandkids or whatever? "What about GAY elders" the MULTIPLE (cis) people I've met who think that the crazy trans mob is silencing JK Rowling for literally only saying that Biological Sex Is Real? Idk the way so many of you "go outside and tall to REAL QUEERS" or whatever people talk about "elders" just feels like you've never actually met a substantial amount of "elders" and are just engaging in this site's weird gay "cult of tradition" worship. Obviously a presentation of "old people" as all regressive and backwards and etc is wrong, obviously "I hate boomers" or whatever is wrong, but the solution to that is not to pretend like "elders" are a heightened class of people whose opinions are inherently more valuable, yes even if they're "nonwhite queer elders". Whatever you imagine the 70s/80s/90s as being like is wrong. Sometimes the people who "literally fought for our RIGHTS" can be wrong about other things. You know?
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swimmingleo · 11 months
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Patrick Haggerty (1944-2022)
Founding member of the country band Lavender Country, also known as a gay rights activist.
First a member of the Gay Liberation Front, Haggerty formed Lavender Country in 1972. The band put out their first album (self titled) in 1973 with the funding from local gay community social services. It is considered to be the first explicitly queer country album, and despite a confidential release back then it had a cult following ever since.
For Haggerty, his music was a way to touch those who couldn't connect with the community otherwise and he considered social activism his true calling. When leading AIDS awareness campaigns and running for political office, he always fostered intersectionality within the movement.
20/30 - Queer Musicians for Pride
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