booksteaandtoomuchtv · 10 months
hi im new to tumblr and love ur blog, i rly love captainswan! can u suggest some other captainswan tumblrs to follow? thanks xx
(I am still fairly new to the fandom so this is not an exhaustive list at all.)
Art @cocohook38 @piinfeathers @wild-werewolf - her Insta is more active and I highly recommend following @pirateswhore
Gifs/Edits @pirateherokillian @killianjonesz @k-leemac @naiariddle Fics/Meta/All the Things/Reblogs For fics, I elaborated at length here and my tag 'major cs fic rec' has many, many other lists that others in the community have done. (I will spare the retag for most of those folks.)
@teamhook @ishoulddefbedoingotherthings @piraterefrigerator @cptainjones @vasfasan @saptaincwan @grimmswan @exhaustedpirate @goforlaunchcee @snowbellewells @killian-whump @killiansprincss @kmomof4 @nachocheese-itsmycheese @anmylica @stahlop @tiganasummertree @jrob64 @djlbg @zaharadessert @xarandomdreamx @hollyethecurious @whimsicallyenchantedrose @elfiola @undercaffinatednightmare - Also has lots of relateable writing things over there @kazoosandfannypacks - Kazzy did OUAT-tober last year and propelled me into the OUAT fandom. Even when she is not doing OUAT things, she is doing amazingly creative things that encourage you to write or create on your own. Crack pairings? She's got them. Meta? Got it. And, it is smut-free and curse-free for those who take that into consideration. @ouatsnark - Doing the good work of defending CS against so much hate Event Pages @cssns @cshistfic @csjanuaryjoy @cssecretsanta2020 @ouattober Listen... I know that I forgot people I KNOW that I did and I am so, so sorry. But, follow them too!!
Oh, and I am so glad you like it here.
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snowbellewells · 4 years
CS January Joy///Day 7: Adorable Old Man
Some future fluff for my first @csjanuaryjoy entry, complete with a Killian turning silver fox and a playfully teasing Emma and toddler Hope.  Sorry that it’s evening on my day, but I hope you’ll still enjoy it!!
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“Adorable Old Man”
By: @snowbellewells
“Swan!” Killian’s rich voice, more than a bit overloud in their quiet house, boomed within the enclosing walls as if he still thought he was on his ship upon the rolling waves that slapped against its wooden sides. She had talked before about being able to hear him without his bellowing, but as he added, sounding rather out of sorts, “Can you help me for a moment, Love?” she just shook her head affectionately, well aware that some habits were hard to break.
As she neared the living room, she could also hear Hope giggling from where she had set her daughter up on the floor with the coffee table as her work space to spread out paper and crayons. It wasn’t an unusual arrangement, as Killian’s favorite reading spot was the chair in the corner where a window overlooked the harbor, and Hope always wanted to be following her papa around or settled near him.
Emma would not have thought it possible for anyone to be as enamored of her husband as she herself was - but their little girl could give her a run for her money. Hope looked at Killian as though he brought the sunrise and made the waves roll under the ship they both loved. Their little girl was every bit her father’s daughter, and much more pirate than princess. Not that Emma minded - the same could be said of her, despite how royal she might be by birth.
Even at four, Hope had a determined mind of her own - knowing what she wanted and determined to get it, regardless of what might stand in her way. They had tried to make her a permanent drawing table and organized drawers of supplies in her own room, but their wayward miniature buccaneer kept dragging all her paper and markers and crayons out to whatever room Killian settled in and had long since decided it was a battle not worth fighting about.
As Emma came down the last few steps to the first floor and entered the living room, she looked at both her husband and child for a moment, wondering what had amused Hope so much. Her eyes followed her preschooler’s gaze over to where Killian was fiddling with the wall thermostat in agitation. Even from across the room, she could hear him muttering to himself, more audibly than he probably realized. “Bloody cantankerous monstrosity! Can’t be blasted simple and straightforward to control…. Why aren’t you working?”
She tried valiantly - really she did - but it didn’t take long before she was biting back her own humored response to his exasperation. Moving into the room and over to her pirate, Emma winked at Hope conspiratorially and put a finger to her lips, not intending to have Killian catch them both laughing at him.
“Need a little help there, Babe?” she tried gently, a note of jest in her tone despite her best effort. He was simply too adorably flustered to resist teasing. She wasn’t sure why he was trying to crank up the heat anyway; it was unseasonably mild outside for January, not that cold at all. But there he was wearing a wool cardigan that made him look like a professor or an enticing reiteration of Mr. Rogers, bent over the thermostat dial as if he might start shivering and his teeth go to chattering if he didn’t master its function soon.
“Apparently so, Love,” he sighed wearily, taking a step back so she could see what the issue might be. “I’ve turned it up several degrees, and still have yet to hear that wretched furnace come to life.”
She shook her head once again upon seeing that the digital read was at nearly 76 degrees already. “Babe,” she sighed herself. “It’s not an instantaneous reaction. A sensor tells it when the house temperature has fallen below what we’ve set, and then it kicks on to regulate it back to that degree. Are you really still cold? I don’t think it’s fallen below the read out.”
Huffing in indignation, Killian turned those disgruntled baby blues on her mournfully, as if deeply betrayed she hadn’t taken his side. Rather than distracting from the entrancing power those eyes had always held over her, the bifocals he was prescribed about a year ago only seemed to make his glances twinkle all the more - with mischief, fire, or deeper emotion.
Running her fingers back through the tinged grey hair at his temples and scratching them through his scalp, she offered him a small half-smile. The action made a low rumble escape his lips, his forehead fell to rest on her shoulder as the tension in his own relaxed. She could feel him chuckling lightly, realizing how silly it all probably appeared. “My poor old man,” she crooned playfully, unable to resist a bit of teasing at her pirate’s expense. “Circulation failing you after 200 some years?”
With a snort, he pulled back, squinting at her behind those dark frames, mouth falling open at her unexpected jab. “Oi, Swan, watch who you’re calling old!”
He almost set her giggling once more with the knowledge that he had to pull back to focus on her better - just as he had taken to holding the newspaper further from him and back, along with his folio volumes of Yeats poetry and nautical adventure novels.
“Give it up,” she admonished, shaking her head at him as she patted his chest and pulled him over to the couch to sit curled together facing where Hope is still seated cross-legged and watching them rather than her forgotten drawing. “I’ll cuddle and keep you warm.”
Nodding in agreement, Killian wrapped his arms around her as she leaned against his chest, nuzzling her nose into his collarbone. “Bad form, teasing a man about things he cannot change,” he murmured into her hairline, briefly tickling her waist, but as she yelped and wiggled, he stopped, clearly preferring to hold her close. 
Hope watched the whole exchange between her parents avidly, a wide smile on her mischeivous face. When her papa looked up briefly to waggle his eyebrows at her and chide her teasingly, “That goes for you too, you little heathen.”
She chortled, “Silly Papa!” her voice unabashed and not in the least put off. She nodded her head, enthusiastically committed to her story now. With a peal of laughter, she gestured at him excitedly as she proclaimed, “Yes, yes...like Mr. Frederickson!”
“What now?” Killian’s brow furrowed in confusion, not understanding the reference and thinking Hope meant a person in town he hadn’t met. He shot Emma a curious look, even as he asked, “Who’s that, Little Love?”
Emma however sputtered with mirth when she realized Hope meant the elderly Pixar character in the movie they watched a few nights back. Her shoulders were shaking in silent laughter, even as she bit her lip against the guffaw struggling to break free. Gaining control after several seconds, she managed to turn to her husband and elaborate. “The cartoon, Babe.... You know, with the house carried by balloons…?”
Her pirate’s eyes widened with surprised recognition, before his head fell forward in playful defeat. So then, he took her as much by surprise as Hope when his face suddenly shot back up as he lunged forward to tickle her wildly. “You take that back!” he threatened humorously. Soon the two of them were on the floor; Hope squealing, Killian growling, and the both of them tickling and pouncing as they rolled across the living room in a tangle of arms and legs. 
Eventually, they stopped to catch their breath, and Emma hauled both of them back up onto the couch with her. Lounging comfortably again, Emma mumbled against his cheek, “I hate to say it, but she has a point. All you really need are the hearing aids,” knowing all too well how it would rile her husband up again.
“That’ll be the day, Wife,” he muttered lowly, voice brushing against her ear in a way that made her shiver deliciously and drop all pretense of teasing. Then he was on her and tickling as mercilessly as he had done with Hope.
When she finally escaped and headed for the kitchen to find something for dinner, his pleased retort followed her from the room, “As you can see, I’m still more spry than that Frederickson fellow!”
And that night in their bed, Emma more than conceded that despite his complaints of the cold throughout the day, her pirate generated more than enough heat to keep them both warm until morning.
Tagging: @searchingwardrobes @jennjenn615 @kmomof4 @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @tiganasummertree @thisonesatellite @effulgentcolors @lfh1226-linda @teamhook @revanmeetra87 @winterbaby89 @resident-of-storybrooke @gingerchangeling
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ohmightydevviepuu · 4 years
hello love (a silent kiss from a wish) / CS January Joy
part one of two for the @csjanuaryjoy AO3
When Elsa admitted that she had no control over the ice swirling around and seeping into Emma’s bloodstream, Emma knew fear unlike any she’d experienced yet.
She just--she wanted to believe that everything was going to be okay. And that they would all live, happily ever after.
thanks to @thisonesatellite, @profdanglaisstuff and @optomisticgirl for encouragement and love.
special birthday shoutout to @distant-rose <3 <3 <3
(i would like to note that @optomisticgirl’s epic “Days of Future’s Past” inspired part of this story) (you should read it) 
@shireness-says @shardminds @mariakov81 @stahlop @kmomof4 @carpedzem​ @jonirobinson64​ @spartanguard (for science)
part two will post on 24 january!
the time-slip is a classic and i would be remiss if i did not point other other gems (that i am aware of) in this fandom: a seed of hope by @unfolded73​ in time by @justanotherwannabeclassic​ i jumped across from you (oh what a thing to do) by @bemusedbicycle​
this story was inspired by an old sailor moon fic called quirks by vievre (on FF dot net)
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Emma Swan was freezing.
She had never, in her entire life, known it was possible to be this cold.  She thought she’d understood cold--had endured cold, had survived cold, living on the streets in Minnesota in the winter, camping out in the backseat of her unheated Beetle in Boston, shivering in a jail cell in Phoenix.
She’d been wrong.
“If I could just--lay down for a minute,” she panted, letting Elsa help her to the ground.
“Emma,” Elsa said.  “Emma--talk to me. Tell me more.”
Emma wasn’t sure if she was going to survive this.  She heard her father’s voice on the other side of the ice wall and knew that he would be disappointed in her.  She tried to imagine him saying something supportive and ridiculous and cheerful and exhorting her to have hope, but she--she couldn’t.  Hope had vanished at least 20 degrees ago.
Emma was too damn cold for hope. 
“Parents don’t always help,” Elsa murmured, but Emma was having difficulty following the conversation from one end to the other.  She could hear the static squelching on the walkie from the other side of the ice wall and knew that David Nolan was doing everything in his power to get her out of here.  And Hook--
“That has to be very lonely,” Emma said, but the movement of her lips did little to help her stay warm.
Emma wasn’t going to think about Hook, about how she’d refused to let him break down her walls--metaphorically speaking--and how she was now trapped behind a literal wall, made of ice, and wasn’t that one hell of a metaphor?
But she knew that he was probably trying just as hard to break that one down, too.  She tried to imagine the pair of them, the prince and the pirate, just to make herself laugh, to move her muscles, but it was cold--too cold for anything to be funny.
“Were you born with magic, or cursed?”
She’d seen some weird shit in her life, and even weirder shit in the year and change she’d lived in Storybrooke.  She’d eaten chimera and killed a dragon and led a mutiny of Lost Boys. She’d seen a flying monkey in New York City.  But when Elsa admitted that she had no control over the ice swirling around and seeping into Emma’s bloodstream, Emma knew fear unlike any she’d experienced yet.
Fear of loss--because, for the first time in her life, she had something to lose.
Her parents, her family.  Henry. Hook.
“I’m very sorry I trapped us here,” Elsa said.  “I didn’t mean it.”
Emma knew that, she did--she just wished that she knew everything was going to turn out all right.
That they were all going to live, happily ever after.
She was barely conscious and did not see the glow of the wishing star in the ice underneath her.
  He came awake all at once.
Two hundred years shipboard made a man a very light sleeper, and in the years since, Killian Jones had been content to be awakened most mornings by the movements of his still-drowsing wife.  She would breathe against his skin, tickling him. He would feel her lips against his back in light butterfly kisses along his spine or her fingers as she traced the designs inked into his arm.  He would feel the gentle pressure of her body as she pulled herself closer to him, and hear her whisper: “For heat.” And then he would nod, allowing her the simple fiction and enjoying the way she fit perfectly against him as he watched the sun rise through the filmy curtains of their east-facing bedroom.
He was unaccustomed to the sight that greeted him on this morning, however.  He was cold and stiff--”Getting old, babe,” she would say, giggling--and when he opened his eyes the first thing he saw was a portable heating device on the floor of the Charmings’ old loft.
The loft that no one in their family had occupied for years.
It came to him in phases:  the awkwardness of sitting on the floor; the pain in his shoulder and neck; his arm, oddly positioned behind him and over his shoulder.  He tried to move, but couldn’t. Something-- someone --was holding his arm in place.
Instinctively, Killian twisted--he needed to check, he needed--
When he tried to pull his hand from her grasp, she turned, though she didn’t wake.  Emma Swan was curled up on the old too-small couch in the old too-small family loft, his old greatcoat pulled up to her chin and his hand wrapped tightly in hers.  
He wasn’t wearing his wedding ring.  Neither was she.
  Killian examined himself in the mirror.
He was wearing one of his linen blouses and a pair of leather trousers, his waistcoat discarded on the wash basin.  The boots lined up next to the couch had pointed toes instead of rounded and buckles instead of zippers. Though he always protested to his wife that he still ‘retained his youthful glow’, the reflection that greeted him was younger, and harder, and Killian suddenly missed the laugh lines and crow’s feet he had begun to accumulate.
With a sigh, Killian pulled his shirt up by the hem, already suspecting what he was going to see.  His skin was largely unblemished, except for his tattoos; the scar he carried from Excalibur was missing.  He had not yet been wounded. Killed.
He had not yet asked--begged, pleaded--she had not yet--
Killian closed his eyes and for an instant, he could feel his wife’s fingers tracing the pale silver line in the dark, the way she did on the nights where it still, sometimes, all felt like too much, when one or both of them was restless, when the only thing that kept the darkness at bay was the light they created together.  He exhaled, scrubbing his hand down his face.
The sliding door separating the washroom from the living area still stuck--of course it did, he reminded himself, no one had ever bothered to fix it--but he maneuvered it gently, hoping not to wake anyone, least of all the baby.  The cot was in its old spot by the alcove and if he had to postulate, his brother-in-law was--at most--three or four weeks old and still well into his screaming phase.  
Killian would bet gold doubloons on unloaded dice that there was sleeping Arendellian royalty in the bed at the top of the ladder.
Which meant that the Emma Swan curled up on the couch, under his coat, was not his wife.
He examined her, taking in the gold of her hair in the early morning sunlight, and saw that the strands of silver that had begun to twine around the gold were missing.  She appeared to be relaxed--he doubted anyone else would notice--but his Emma slept with complete abandon, and Killian could see that even in repose, in her family’s loft, this Emma was on her guard. 
He wanted to touch her.  His fingers practically itched.  He wanted to smooth away the worry line on her forehead, to run his palm across her cheek, to wind his fingers into her hair.  But this Emma still had walls that were miles high, and would not welcome his touch or his breaching of her carefully-constructed boundaries, no matter that he had, once upon a time, literally attempted to tear down a wall between them.  He had bruised his shoulders, had blunted his hook on the solid ice and been rewarded with the feeling of the weight of her in his arms for the first time.
And when he’d carried her back to the loft, wrapped in his coat, she’d pulled his hand into both of hers and didn’t let go, clasping and unclasping their fingers, tracing the metal of his rings.  He remembered it, they way her hand had felt, small and cold; the way her eyes had softened when she wouldn’t let him leave.
That was last night, unless he missed his guess, and just as he had the realization, she opened her eyes.
Emma startled very slightly--another thing that his Emma had not done in years--and relaxed infinitesimally as she saw him.  “Hook,” she said, and smiled. Her eyes were sleepy but crinkled at the corners as she met his gaze; she laughed at him every time, but Killian always swore that the morning sun made them glitter a particularly vibrant shade of green.
And that’s when his breath caught, in that moment, when all he saw was the woman he had married.  His True Love. (“Capital ‘T’, capital ‘L’,” she always said, as if he could possibly forget.)  
“Good morning, Swan,” he said, kneeling to put their eyes at a level.  He tried, and failed, to hold back, restricting himself to brushing a lock of hair out of her face.  “Have you warmed up at all?”
  The shower at Granny’s was worse than he remembered.
Killian wasn’t sure if it was the pressure of the water, or the fact that he missed Emma’s open shampoo bottles and the scent of her around him while he bathed.  Maybe it was that the shower in their home was big enough for both of them, a circumstance they frequently took advantage of. Killian reached for his old black dressing gown that was still brand new in this time, and had not been appropriated by his wife.  He stepped out of the bathroom, thumbing the scar on his abdomen that wasn’t there, and took in the room: the corners of the sheet tucked in with military precision, the hand-drawn map of Storybrooke tacked to the wall, his books stacked precisely on the wooden desk in the corner.
It was clean.  None of the photographs Snow had started gifting them, which multiplied on what felt like a weekly basis, cluttering every surface. None of the detritus his Emma left in her wake wherever she went.   When he’d walked through the door and didn’t immediately trip over Emma’s boots, which she would leave wherever she happened to take them off, it felt wrong.
She’d sent him “home”, and that felt wrong, too, but Killian knew there would be no changing her mind and no reason for her to think any other way.  Especially not when she’d allowed his touch and then immediately pulled back into herself. Emma had merely thanked him for spending the night, shooing him out the door, and he had gone.
“I’ve slept in far worse places for less worthy reasons, love,” he’d said, conscious of Snow--of Mary Margaret--and David trying not to watch them from their alcove.  They were destined to be forever watched, always interrupted, and they’d long ago given up changing the locks. “Far be it for me to deny a beautiful woman such a simple request.”
He’d been there for her, and she’d allowed it, and he had never forgotten how that felt.
But now, in the Spartan room he’d once maintained as his own, there was much else to consider.  This wasn’t time travel, nor was it another reality--two things he, unfortunately, had practical experience with.  He had not gone through a portal, or been transported by other magical means. It did not match Emma’s and Regina’s descriptions of waking up in the Wish world, or being sent through the looking-glass.
To his best approximation, he had merely woken up in the body of his younger self, on a day that he had already lived. 
That left him with two questions:  why?
And--perhaps more importantly--where was the Killian Jones that had been meant to live this day?
  The bed was warm, and it was that as much as anything that alerted his senses and pulled him fully and completely awake.  The bed was warm, and strange, and there was filtered sunlight coming in through flimsy window coverings. He was wearing neither hook nor brace--nor shirt--and he wasn’t alone.
Hook lay sprawled on his stomach, and there was on his back the weight of another person, their arm draped across his neck and a cheek against his shoulder.  He tried to remember the last time he had woken up with someone in his bed in the daylight, and when he lost count of the years, he rolled over onto his back.
Emma Swan followed his movement, mumbling to herself as she re-settled her head on his chest, and Hook froze.
Bad joke, that, he thought to himself, when he had just last evening been surrounded by literal miles of ice--when Swan had nearly frozen to death in a spell gone awry.
She was anything but cold at the moment, her breath tickling his skin.  Her hair was tied up at the top of her head in some kind of knot, and he had a delicious view of the skin at the back of her neck and the silver chain she wore.  They were tangled together in a web of soft sheets and he could feel, from where she pressed against him, that she wore little or nothing beneath her sleeping shirt.
He didn’t belong here.
Though he had often fantasized about what he and Emma Swan could do, should they ever find themselves in bed together, her present reaction to this manner of company would likely end poorly.  Emma Swan had carefully constructed boundaries, and this was a violation of all of them.
He didn’t belong here, and Hook knew this couldn’t be a dream.  It was too real; he could feel the weight of her against him, and the softness of the mattress under him, and the warmth of the sunlight against his skin.  There had been no portal that he was aware of, no other means of magical transport. He did not know what else it could be, other than a curse, and though he would happily kiss her--
Hook exhaled a laugh through his nostrils.
His previous attempts at curse-breaking had not been successful.  He would rather enjoy this feeling for a few minutes longer than endure another knee in the groin for his efforts.
He had thought of her, every day of the year that they had been apart, and dreamed of her every night, and this was--
He remembered carrying Emma back into her parents’ loft last night, under the worried and watchful eyes of her family, and of Elsa.  He had been easily persuaded to stay, just by the look in her eyes that told him she needed him. Hook knew she couldn’t verbalize it, not yet, but she needed him, and he could be there for her.
And now, Hook found himself in an unfamiliar bed in an unfamiliar place, with a very familiar yet unfamiliar woman pulling him closer with every breath she took.
Her hand moved, and he saw it:  the slender silver band around the fourth finger of her right hand as she absent-mindedly traced the tattoo along his collarbone.  Hook watched her, mesmerized by her obvious familiarity with the intricate design, the way the light reflected on the ring, and he noticed something else.
He wore one, too.
  Killian stood in his rented room, letting the weight of his greatcoat settle on his shoulders, and realized there was another question he needed to account for.
What now?
Zelena was clearly not an option in this time.  Regina was still avoiding as much of the Charming clan as she could as often as she could rationalize it.  The crocodile was, for obvious reasons, out of the question. Mary Margaret and David would undoubtedly panic, and then work to convince him that his discarded solutions were viable possibilities, and all of these years later he still stayed away from the convent and its inhabitants whenever possible.
They had forgiven him, but he still had not.  Killian felt a pang as he thought of all of the ways he could attempt to change what was about to happen, and the chain of events that would follow. Few knew better than Killian Jones the cost of meddling with the past, however.  And there was too much that would be put at risk if he even tried.
But--in the meantime--what if he just enjoyed this quiet moment, and spent a day with Emma Swan?  He was turning the key in the lock and on his way down to the diner before he even completed the thought.
“Good morning, Captain.” Granny Lucas greeted him with an appreciative grin, and Killian could not help but smile back as he ordered his coffee.
“Coffee?” Granny’s eyebrows quirked upward.  “Finally starting to rub off on you, are we?”
“You know that you can...rub…wherever you wish, Mrs. Lucas,” he said, waggling his eyebrows in the way that she liked.
She flicked her towel at him.  “You watch yourself, boy,” she said, the way that she always did, before turning to pour out a cup of coffee.  “How do you take it?” she said.
“Ah,” he said, caught off-guard.  Emma drank coffee, Emma and Dave, who made a pot every day at the station, and he had first gotten into the habit of bringing her a morning fix in the weeks after she had restored his heart to his body.  “Black,” he said.
Before that, he had drunk tea.
He checked his phone for the time while he waited for Granny to hand the cup over, and looked up to see her watching him.  “Sheriff won’t be here for a few minutes yet,” she said.
“Aye,” he agreed.
“You doing okay with that thing?” she asked, gesturing at the device.
Killian ran his finger over the keypad, hovering over the ‘Emma’ button.  He shrugged. “Needs must, and all of that,” he said. “Have a hot chocolate ready?”
Granny smiled.  “Sure,” she agreed, watching him take a sip.  “You know I’m rooting for you two.”
Killian nearly spat out his coffee before turning to face her, one eyebrow raised.
The bell over the door rang and Granny gave him a wink.  He put his mug down. “Faint heart never won fair lady,” she said, handing him a cup of cocoa doused in whipped cream.
He turned back toward the door.  When Emma spotted him, their eyes met for a moment before she relaxed into a small smile and gave him a little wave, pointing to a booth.  Their booth. The one where they ate breakfast every weekend, had family dinner at least once per week, afternoon coffee breaks after quickies in the restroom and the time he had persuaded Ruby and Dorothy to close early, commandeering the old jukebox and dancing with her in the middle of the diner.
Killian waited for her to sit before handing her the mug, careful not to spill, and mindful of the way her hands immediately encircled it and how she touched her pulse points against the heat of the beverage for warmth.  “Still cold, love?” he said, wishing he could pull her hands into his, rub his own thumb across her wrist, trace the five-petaled flower tattoo with his finger. 
“I’ll be fine,” she said.  She gave him another small smile and a shrug.  “Nothing I can’t handle.”
“Only mostly dead, then?”  Killian smiled at her, affecting a calm he knew his other self had not felt.  
Emma paused mid-sip and looked out the window.  “Yeah,” she said slowly. “I guess I should be glad you didn’t go through my clothes, looking for loose change.”
Killian chuckled.  He understood that reference--
--and he shouldn’t.
Emma noticed.  Of course she noticed.  Half a dozen emotions flashed across her face before she settled on the easiest one, and Killian would swear she was wishing for another dagger to hold against his neck--bad joke, that--as she asked:  “Who the fuck are you?”
  It was a wedding band.
It was a wedding band .
Hook sat up, dislodging both the dozing woman and the sheets.  She muttered a curse under her breath and grumbled as she rolled over to the other side of the mattress, and he saw the ornament on the chain he had just been admiring, and he swore. 
Colorfully, describing anatomically impossible acts in several languages and ending with an emphatic “bloody hell .”
She--Emma Swan--his wife --sat up immediately, her expression brimming with concern.  “Killian?” She held her hand out, her right hand, putting her palm against his chest and spreading her fingers.  She inhaled and exhaled, deeply, and “breathe, Killian,” she whispered. “It’s okay.” He felt himself falling into her rhythm, the metal cool against his skin, his eyes drawn to the ring between her breasts against the thin fabric of her sleeping shirt.  They looked--she looked--different. Rounder?
Hook averted his eyes, embarrassed.  She looked down at herself, her hand brushing her abdomen, and back up, guiding her face with his palm until he was looking at her again.
He couldn’t help it, couldn’t stop himself leaning into the pressure of her hand against his cheek.  
Shaking his head, Hook found he wasn’t quite capable of speech.
His eyes closed.  “Killian,” she said, her voice gentle.  “Killian, look at me. Did you dream about Excalibur?” 
He shook his head again, still uncomprehending.  “I don’t--Swan--I’m not--”
“Come back to me, Killian,” she said, and it was a command.  “Here and now, babe, look at me.” Her hand was back on his chest, her breathing rhythmic and soothing.  “Tell me something you know is true.”
He looked at her.  Finally, he said, “I think we’re going to have a bit of a problem there, love,” and laughed.  
The sound was more than somewhat unhinged, and Emma’s hand fell away.  “Okay,” she said. Her expression had changed into something he was more intimately familiar with:  suspicion. “Tell me the last thing you remember, then.”
Hook caught her hand in his, finding himself suddenly unwilling to let her pull away.  She surprised him by immediately lacing their fingers together. “It’s okay,” she said.  “You can tell me.”
“The ice wall,” he said.  “Last night, you were trapped in a wall of ice and you nearly froze to death.  We took you home, to your family’s loft, with a woman called Elsa. I didn’t want you to be alone, so I stayed.  When I woke up--” he shook his head “--I was here.”
Emma’s mouth was open.  For a minute, she said absolutely nothing, until the confusion on her face cleared.  “Oh,” she said. “ Oh, oh, shit--”
She took a few deep breaths of her own, closing her eyes before she looked at him again.  “Hook?”
He nodded, and her fingers tightened around his.
“Our second date,” she said, and smiled.
Hook laughed; this time, there was a trace of humor in the sound.
“Aye,” he said, rubbing his finger against the silver ring she wore.  “I don’t suppose you ever found the champagne?”
  Hook bathed--showered--letting the hot water steam up around him as he chased his own thoughts in circles.  The shower smelled like her.
It was distracting.
Though it was far less distracting than the ring he couldn’t bring himself to take off.
“Swan, we should talk,” he’d said, and Emma laughed.
“I find,” she said with a smirk, “that when my husband says that to me, I’m rarely in for a pleasant conversation.”
He glared at her.  “Poor form, Swan,” he said.  “Using a man’s words against him.”
She’d called him ‘Hook’ as if there was a distinction.  Perhaps there was; perhaps that’s what happened when a man woke up years into his own future.  That’s what she’d said: “Oh, shit,” in her typical state of eloquence. “That was real--you really--”  She’d laughed until she was nearly in tears, until he’d needed to steady her with his arm and she’d smiled at him, as though she expected nothing else.  “You’re in our house,” she’d said finally. “In the future.”
Perhaps, in that instance, he was no longer the same man he once was.  Hook wanted to know, and yet he didn’t. He rubbed the ring again--”It’s real,” she’d said, “I promise”--and thought maybe that was all he needed to know.  That, and the way she’d smiled, as though it was nothing out of the ordinary.
“I’ll make breakfast.  We’ll talk after,” she’d said, his wife said, and smiled a smile that lit up the entire room.  “You can use the shower. Pretty sure you’ll find everything you need.”
But he didn’t belong here.
Hook kept repeating that to himself, like a touchstone, but everywhere he turned, he was contradicted.  There was his soap in the shower next to the open, flowery-scented bottles that were Emma’s. A razor on the wash basin, a straight-edge with a shaving brush, stood solitary amidst the cosmetics.  Everything he needed, indeed. The soap was the same kind he’d gotten into the habit of using since the curse, from the washroom at the inn, with its clean scent of citrus and hint of spice.  
It mingled well with the open bottles that smelled like Emma.
He wrapped himself in a towel, a luxurious sheet of soft fabric that covered him past his knees, and dragged his thumb against a six-inch scar bisecting his abdomen.  The closet held boots and jackets and waistcoats; his brace and hook were on the table next to the bed. On the shelf was the chest he had carried with him on the Jolly Roger across the centuries.
And Emma Swan wore his brother’s ring on a chain around her neck.
There were pictures dotted on every surface, small miniatures depicting him or Swan or Henry or some combination of all three.  Pictures of himself and Charming, of Snow White and Emma, of the four of them together, of the wedding-- his wedding.  To Emma Swan.
Hook had never given much thought to the future.  He had lived the majority of his unnaturally long life with only one goal and a single-minded focus on its achievement.
He had never seen a sunset so perfect.
Hook dressed himself, buckling his brace and selecting a blue shirt and a black waistcoat and, after a moment of hesitation, a jacket.  Clothing was armor. It was the facade he chose to show to the world. He had never been less certain of what a day might bring in his entire life and he did not intend to face it in nothing more than the low-slung trousers of soft fabric in which he had awoken.
And a gentleman would never parade himself about in a state of undress.
“Hey, sailor!”  Emma’s voice easily carried up to where he stood.  In their bedroom.  “Breakfast is ready!”
  She was angry.
That was an emotion with which Killian was intimately familiar.  Hers, and his--because the Darkness had left its mark upon each of them.  Killian’s already-short fuse was, occasionally, shorter than it ever had been.  Emma sometimes retreated behind walls that were taller than ever. They fought it as they had everything else--together--and kept the same rules, always:  always talk to each other. If that didn’t work, then talk to someone else.  
And when all else failed, there was Archie, who called it “post-traumatic stress disorder”.
“Fucking post-traumatic savior disorder, more like,” Emma always said, her body brimming with frustration.  But her hand didn’t shake anymore and that was, itself, a victory.
Somehow, they got through it.  Together.
But all of that was to come much later.
For now, Emma Swan was angry, and she repeated her question.
“Who the fuck are you?”
Killian watched her, calculating the best way to answer her question.  Honestly, for a start.
“My name is Killian Jones,” he said, and her eyes narrowed, assessing him, until she nodded.
“Killian Jones who suddenly learned what Netflix is?” she asked.
It was her favorite movie.  He could practically recite it as well as she could at this point.
“Killian Jones who has had more opportunity to familiarize himself with Netflix, yes.”  He smirked. “And all of the pleasures of ‘Netflix and chill’.”
Emma rolled her eyes.
“I’m not the Killian Jones with whom you are currently acquainted,” he admitted.
Emma’s hand went to her forehead.  “What the actual fuck?” 
He wanted to reach for her hand.  He wanted to, but he didn’t. “I can’t properly say, but I woke up this morning in our--in your family’s loft.  That is not where I went to sleep last night. I fell asleep in my own bed, in my own home.” With his wife, whom he missed more and more.  It wasn’t--
She didn’t--
It wasn’t Emma , he realized.  She was exactly as he remembered, and he loved her now just as he had done then  It was the way his fingers itched, and his sudden understanding of why.
“Holy shit,” Emma muttered.  “You’re--”
“From the future,” he finished.  “Aye.” He rubbed his finger against his ring--the wrong ring--to stop himself reaching for her hand.
“When?” Emma said.
“I really shouldn’t say,” Killian hedged.  “Several years from now.”
“You’re still in Storybrooke?  You--you stayed, in Storybrooke?”
It was the Darkness again, or rather the magic that had come with it.  Though he had no aptitude and even less interest, he retained just enough of it that he could feel her, his Emma, because of the bonds they shared.  Like a warm sunlight against his skin, nothing more, but he had gotten so used to it that he felt chilly in the shade.  The feeling was enhanced by physical contact.
Only this body had not yet been subject to the Darkness.  
And this Emma did not--yet--love him.  Not the way she would; not the way she did .
“Aye,” he said, looking directly at her.  “I’m still in Storybrooke. My entire life is here.”
His Emma loved to touch; she needed it almost as much as he did.  Their fingers intertwined, her body flush against him as they walked, her hand splayed against his chest as they lay on the couch or in their bed, against his heart.  As though she needed to remind herself--to remind both of them--that it was still there, and still beating.
Her eyes widened for an instant before she looked away.  She seemed suddenly uncomfortable.
He cleared his throat.  “Listen to me, love,” Killian said.  “You and I, we’ve done this part before.  Just answer me: Am I telling you a lie? Because I’d rather not have to do the whole bit with the flying monkey and the brig to prove to you I am who I say I am.”
“David doesn’t have bologna,” Emma said, and Killian could hear acceptance in her words, perhaps with a hint of a smile.
“A fact for which I remain eternally grateful,” Killian said.
She smirked.
He smiled.
“So,” she said.  “If you’re here, then my Hook--”  She blushed and cleared her throat and started again.  “The Hook from this time is--where?  There? Where you came from?”
He shrugged.  It was the most likely explanation.
“And you’re not, like, I don’t know,”  Emma said, “worried? Upset?”
He shrugged again.  “Why should I be?”
“And that’s it?”  She was incredulous.  “You’re just going to, what, stay here?”
“I could give you a ‘hope’ speech, if you want.  I’ve got a fair few memorized by now.” He laughed.  “Let’s just say, darling, that you and I always get back to each other in the end.”
In New York, in Camelot, in the Underworld, in Neverland.
That’s what it meant to be True Love--capital ‘T’, capital ‘L’--to not give up, to never stop looking.  To always make the choice, and choose each other.
“You’re wrong, you know,” Killian said.  “He is yours. If you believe nothing else, believe that.”
She bit her lip and looked out the window.  “I believe you,” she whispered.
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wellhellotragic · 5 years
CSJJ Day 28: A Rather Common Name (2/2)
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"Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living." - Jonathan Safran Foer (Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close)
Well here we are. The end of my final piece. For those who have joined me over the last few years, thanks for taking this ride with me. Thank you to the amazing @profdanglaisstuff for polishing this up last minute. @csjanuaryjoy
She hated him. Okay, maybe hate was a strong word, but he was a dick when they met. So why did she tell him about the apartment for rent in her building? And why did she let him in; let him climb her walls? Why did she let herself trust him when every man she'd ever been with had betrayed her? Why did she think he'd be different?
And why, despite it all, did she still love him?
Part 1 can be found here.
If Ao3 is more your thing.
There was something to be said for a life not lived. The way people allowed regrets to build as easily as letters in an unchecked mailbox. Every day choosing to ignore the inevitable arrival of new opportunities. Hoping that by not acknowledging something, it meant that it simply didn’t exist. A road that ends at a fork, a path not taken, a challenge not accepted. But inevitably, everything becomes too much and in an instant, everything can topple. Fate finally spilling over. The choices made, the hearts ruptured. Regrets built on a toxic burial ground where hope went to die.
August had said it once. Quoted it from one of the hundreds of books he’d read. "Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living." A more eloquent way of telling her that she was missing out. That she was letting everything pass her by. She hadn’t understood it in the moment. Tensions were too high. But he was right. She’d spent her entire life running, building walls as high as her excuses. She wasn’t living, and now... Well now it might be too late.
“There’s been an accident.”
David repeated himself once more in an effort to be heard over the music. It took a few minutes to command the attention of the room, but with those four words, her entire world flipped on its axis.
That’s all they knew.
The apartment cleared out until only four remained. Then only one. The others already on their way in David’s old beat up truck. But Emma stayed, alone, picking up empty cups, trying to keep her mind occupied. No one even questioned whether she was going to join them. They already knew the answer. One year of silence wouldn’t easily be broken.
She couldn't go. Couldn’t face him. Couldn’t face them . If she didn’t go, if she didn’t care , then it wouldn’t be real. So she stayed. She stayed until every inch of the apartment was scrubbed clean. All of the food put away. The dishes dried.
The New Year came and went, just as it had every year before. And just as always before, she was alone. Her eyes stung as they blurred as she began to sob. Outside the window waited the mouth of hell.
The storm continued to rage, wind whipping through her hair. Tears fell from the heavens, camouflaging those on her face. She pleaded with the heavens above to spare a life. A prayer unanswered.
New Year’s Day: One year earlier
They didn’t exchange words. Upon hearing Ruby screaming his name, Emma bolted straight back to her own apartment. Graham called after her, but she couldn’t bear the thought of seeing either of their disheveled faces emerging from the bathroom. Didn’t need to stay long enough to see the aftermath. To watch them sneak glances at each other all night. She needed out.
She saw him briefly the next morning as he emerged from his own apartment to head to work. He smiled at her as if nothing was wrong. As if he hadn’t ruined everything only hours before. But then he saw her, really saw her. The hollow red eyes, puffy face, chewed nails. The smile changed, something small, something disingenuous. She ignored him, sparing him nothing as she took a wide berth to avoid bumping his shoulder. Despite her four mile run, her body was still unnerved, her emotions unbalanced. She was spoiling for a fight. One he nearly gave her as he tried to grab her wrist, asking her what was wrong.
She couldn’t hide it. The way she despised every fiber of his being written all over her face. He’d seen it, guilt etching it’s way across his brow. The corners of his lips tugging down.
“You saw didn’t you.” His jaw clenched, muscles flexing.
Tears welled unbidden.
“Don’t touch me.” She made it five feet down the hallway before she turned back to him. “I trusted you. You know that? I thought- God, it doesn’t even matter. We, whatever this is, we’re through.”
He called after her.
“ Please, Swan, I can explain if you just give me a chance.”
She never turned back. There was no need. There was nothing he could say to make it better. She’d given him her heart, and he’d shattered it in return.
When they passed each other in the hallway two days later, he tried. He stood at his doorway, keys in hand after what she assumed was a long shift at work, and he just watched her, pleading with his eyes. He looked so small and weary. So guilty. She turned around right away and ran back into her apartment where she stayed for the rest of the night.
Instead of her intended stakeout that evening, she continued to do research on her skip, and if a few tabs on law schools opened themselves by mistake, she made no move to close them. It was time for her to move on. Nothing holding her back anymore. She’d been saving for years. The sole purpose of collecting skips to continue her education, and with her checking account issues finally resolved, her car paid off, and no more reasons not to, it was time.
Months passed as Emma readied herself. She studied for the LSAT, filled out university applications from coast to coast. The idea of picking up and leaving everything behind all too tempting. To leave behind the ghosts of her past, to leave behind the burdens on her heart. But then a letter appeared, properly placed in small white envelope.
The letter was more eloquent than that, but in summation, with very little by way of explanation, it said that once more, she wasn’t good enough.
Hope became harder and harder to hold on to as more of the tiny little letters appeared, all saying the same thing. We thank you for your interest. Rejection after rejection. Eventually the last one appeared.
Boston University, School of Law.
So with nowhere to go, she stayed. Friends’ Friday replaced with Emma Wednesday where the designated beverage was wine and wine alone. Dinner with the Nolans, with only the Nolans. Even the newest and smallest member. She still picked up the odd skip here and there, but with her future gone, there was little to look forward to. No reason to try.
Spring came, then summer. Snow melted and flowers bloomed. Somehow, despite her entire life standing still, the rest of of the world went on around her. Killian still lived down the hall, and from what Mary Margaret told her, Ruby was still sleeping her way through the greater part of Boston. She hadn’t spoken to either of them since January, almost seven months earlier.
His number blocked and his knocks unanswered. His gifts returned unopened. She’d cut him out of her life like a cancer. Malignant. Destructive. Deadly. She had no choice. Not after New Year’s. After she finally gave herself permission to open her heart up to him, only to have it crushed in the process.
She’d cut Ruby out of her life too, even if the latter had been too self absorbed to notice at first. A two week window passed before Ruby even realized that Emma was upset, much less with her. But after three missed Friday dinners, Ruby finally confronted her.
Emma, in a moment of complete frustration and poor judgement called her promiscuous and selfish. Ruby told her that she had a stick up her ass. That she needed to stop always playing the victim. Their friendship strained beyond the point of repair. That had been the end of that.
Despite Mary Margaret’s hovering, Emma’s solitude began to consume her. Alienated from half of her friends, it left her wanting for human companionship. To be touched. Wanted. Desired. Eventually her loneliness won out.
Dressed in that same skin tight dress she’d worn countless times before she found herself in a bar. A seedy little number near the edge of the city with her come hither lashes and kiss-me red lips. She’d found him right away. A guy at the end of the bar. He sent her a drink and she sent him back a note on a napkin.
They both snuck away to the bathroom at the back. Scummy. Grimy. Just like her conscience. His tongue twisted with hers, his moans filled her ears. She gave as good as she got, reveling in the feel of his hands on her back. But as one of his palms dipped down past her ass, trying to find its way under her hem, something snapped and she felt disgusted with herself. He called after her in shock and anger, calling her a tease as she ran away.
Emma showered twice that night and threw the dress away. It was sullied. She tossed and turned, sleep ever elusive. She felt rotten, inside and out.
Emma had never been much of a cryer, reserving her tears for truly awful events. She hadn’t cried when Neal left, not even when Walsh had cheated. In fact, from what she could recall, she’d only cried six times in her entire life. Seven if she counted the night a week later.
A song had come over her headphones as she sat in her car waiting for signs of her latest skip. The same stupid song that had played that night. The night they’d almost kissed. Neither had discussed it, pretending it never happened. It never came up, and Emma had pushed it to the back of her brain immediately after not wanting to admit to herself that it might have been nice.
It was a late August night. Killian was in rare form telling her humiliating stories from his childhood. Like that his first kiss had been at 16. There was a party and a bottle pointing at him. Apparently teenage Killian had been a gangly awkward kid with oversized glasses. When the girl leaned forward to kiss him, he’d nearly spunked in his pants. It wasn’t all fun though. There was plenty of complaining about her car, the lack of legroom, the hard seats. The way it stood out like a sore thumb, to which she’d replied that it wasn’t nearly as obvious as the yellow bug she’d had before. She’d then had to explain that the bug had been stolen (both times) which led to her telling him about how she’d actually met Neal. She’d always left that part out when they talked about him before. All while sitting in her little Mini Cooper. She hadn’t even invited him. He’d just heard the name of her skip, admittedly a big guy, and worried about her enough to tag along. Telling him about Neal had led to the story of how she ended up in foster care. A story she’d never told anyone . It wasn’t your fault, Emma. That’s what he’d told her as he held her chin in his hand, swiping his thumb across her cheek. Then he’d leaned in, a hair's width separating their lips and she’d been sure he was going to kiss her. Surprisingly, she hadn’t even pulled back.
Not until the car at the corner started blaring its horn at another driver. They’d moved apart so quickly. It had never come up again. Ingrid or the kiss. She wasn’t sure she’d even heard the song since, but as it played that night, tears fell.
Emotionally and physically spent, Emma headed home. Her skip had never shown. Nothing to show for her troubles. But when she arrived back to her apartment at four in the morning, she found her door unlocked and her kitchen lights on. She briefly considered running down stairs and waking up David, but considering how little sleep he usually got with baby Leo constantly waking up at odd intervals, she chose to let him sleep.
Grabbing a broom from the closet nearest the door, she headed from room to room, looking for signs of an intruder or missing items. Everything seemed fine though, and with a large sigh Emma flopped down on her couch, only to scream when her body came into contact with a large male form groaning underneath her. She shot up, searching from the boorm handle or any other large heavy object she could use to incapacitate the intruder.
“I’ve been meaning to bump into you.”
Emma’s eyes popped open at the recognition of his voice. One she hadn’t heard for months.
“Are you asking me out?”
“I hardly need to ask you out when I’ve already found my way in.”
Emma showed him to the edge of the sofa, allowing her space to sit down beside him.
“Why are you in my apartment anyway?”
He shifted over a little more, allowing him to turn in the table top lamp. He hair was longer than she’d ever seen it. Curlier. His eyes still blue but tired.
“Let’s just say Phuket is overrated. I missed the capitalistic consumerism of the good ol’ U-S-of-A.”
“You mean that you owed too many people money over there so you ran back home with your tail between your legs.” He laughed next to her, confirming her suspicions. “Well, to be fair, you lasted longer than I thought you would. And I know why you’re here in Boston, but that doesn’t explain why you’re in my apartment.”
They stayed up for another hour talking about life. August had gotten in that night and found her spare key in her usual hiding spot, taped to the inside top of the emergency call box in the elevator. He let himself in after waiting forty five minutes. Apparently the guy that had moved into his old apartment was concerned and told him he was loitering and needed to leave. That was his other problem. He no longer had a place, and hadn’t bothered making many friends in the city during his time there. Emma was the only person he knew that would let him crash on her couch for a night or two. A week tops.
A week turned into a month, and August started joining Emma at her weekly dinners with David and Mary Margaret, never correcting their assumptions about the nature of his and Emma’s relationship. Letting her friends believe she was taken had benefits. It prevented Mary Margaret from just barging into her apartment at odd hours. It gave her an excuse to bail on plans at the last minute. But mostly it stopped her friend from trying to set her up every time the saw each other.
Living with him, if that’s what she could call it, had its cons too though. August’s hours were just as irregular as she remembered, and his writing temperament even more erratic. He was messy, drank like a fish, and was constantly eating all of her food. Worst of all, he had a habit of leaving the toilet seat up. Emma found that out the hard way.
They bickered nonstop, and Emma couldn’t help but wonder if that was what it was like to have a sibling. An older brother to drive her crazy, while somehow simultaneously giving her comfort by making her finally feel like she wasn’t alone anymore.
During one particularly intense round of arguing, August had insinuated that she needed to get laid. The suggestion hadn’t been well received and she’d almost kicked him out right then and there. But then he’d explained himself. The Emma Swan he knew had always had a rather lascivious appetite for sex as a stress reliever. He wasn’t wrong. The Emma he knew had no issues putting on a skimpy little number and finding a man for the night. That was before Killian though. She’d already tried that and it had gone spectacularly wrong.
Fighting about her sex life had forced her to reveal things to August. Things she’d skillfully left out of prior conversations. Like how close she had Killian had really been. How she’d realized too late that she was in love with him. How he’d cheated on her. Even about the guy in the bar bathroom.
After she told him the entire story, he just whistled and sat there, taking in everything she’d said.
Finally, he spoke.
“So what you need isn’t to get laid. What you need is a date.”
Emma smacked him in the chest, but he continued.
“No, hear me out. It’s been what, eight, nine months now, right?”
Emma nodded.
“So it’s been all this time, and you’re still in love with the guy.” She opened her mouth but he cut her off. “And before you try to deny it, yes you are. You wouldn’t still be this upset if you weren't. Hell, you weren’t even half as hurt when Walsh cheated on you, and you guys were practically engaged.”
Emma sighed, slumping her shoulders in resignation. He was right. When she’d caught Walsh, she’d been pissed, throwing out everything in her apartment that belonged to him. But with Killian she’d sulked, drowning in her pain, unwilling to let it go.
“Emma, you’re never going to get over him like this. Hiding in your apartment every time you see him coming down the hall. Pretending he doesn’t exist. If you really want to get over him, you need to learn to put yourself back out there. You need to find someone new.”
“I’ll think about it.”
And that was exactly what she did. She went to bed thinking about Killian and her inability to get over him. The fact that even if she was willing to put herself out into the world, she’d still held firm to the idea that Emma Swan didn’t date. Except that she did. Or at least she had, and just hadn’t realized it at the time.
She thought about it the next week and the one after that. She thought about it at the store, on her morning runs. She even thought about it in the shower. But it wasn’t until she was bringing in her latest skip, so lost in thought that she forgot where she was going that the world had given Emma a chance to turn the idea of dating into a reality.
Graham. She hadn’t seen him since that night. Could still see the look on his face that evening. But on that particular morning, dragging Bobby McFarland in for skipping out on his fraud charges, Graham looked different. Happy even.
After she’d transferred her skip over, Graham struck up a conversation with her. They exchanged small talk, which turned to reminiscing, and somehow it had turned into an invitation for dinner. Emma accepted, thinking that it would be nice to have some time to catch up with her old friend. It hadn’t even occurred to her, until hours later when she talked to August about it, that it was a date. Or it was possibly a date. Graham hadn’t actually used that word, but the text he’d sent her asked if she’d been to Luciano’s, an upscale Italian restaurant.
She didn’t even pick out her outfit. After trying on every single thing she owned, Emma had screamed into her pillow. August ran into her room to find her entire closet on her floor and finally told her to just trust him. What he left out on her bed nearly left her in tears. It was that same pale pink dress that she’d hidden deep within her closet. The one that had only ever seen the light of day once.
She thought about throwing it away, just like the red dress, but quickly realized it was the only thing she had that nice enough for the restaurant. So she put it on, and then put on the biggest fake smile she could manage.
Graham picked her up a six, just as planned. The car ride there was fairly short, but the conversation was stilted. Both grappled for something to say. For anything. An odd turn of events given how easily they conversed only hours before. The ordering of their food and drinks went much the same. Both of them trying to start conversations at the same time, then stopping as soon as they realized it. As far as first dates went, it wasn’t her worst, but far from her best.
Finally, after the appetizers arrived, the two of them finally managed to settle into a groove. She discovered that Graham was studying for the Captain’s exam but wasn’t sure if he was going to take it or not. He’s taken a vacation recently and had fallen in love with a sleepy little town in Maine. He was still strongly contemplating a move there, knowing that the Sheriff was retiring soon and looking for a replacement. With his experience, he was a shoo-in.
She told him she that she’d considered leaving Boston at one point too, but fate must have had other plans. She left out the multiple rejection letters from different law schools though. It was humiliating enough without sharing that little tidbit with people.
Around dessert, things turned. Without realizing it, Emma placed her hand on Graham’s hand. It was an innocent gesture on her part, just a reflex after a joke. It immediately caught his attention though, and Graham smiled at her.
They both loosened up after that, staying until the bottle of wine they ordered was finished. Emma drank more than her fair share, knowing that Graham still had to drive home. She was still pleasantly buzzed when he dropped her off, making sure to walk her to the door.
There was a moment. A silly joke that resulted in Emma grabbing his arm as she unlocked the door. She hadn’t seen it coming. He leaned in and kissed her. His lips tasting of the chocolate cake they’d shared at dinner.
She froze.
Graham pulled back, taking a moment to study her.
“Emma, what’re we doing here?”
“What do you want to be doing here?” She did her best to sound coy, but the truth was that she was terrified.
If he rejected her, a cloud of humiliation would follow every time she saw him. But if he did want to move forward, she wasn’t sure what she would even be capable of giving him. Lingering glances, hand holding. Those were easy, but eventually he’d want more, and she didn’t know if she could give him that. Not if she couldn’t even let him kiss her.
“I- When I asked you to dinner, I think a small part of me hoped you would say no. Not because you aren’t a lovely person, but it felt inappropriate the minute the words left my lips. You’re one of Ruby’s best friends, or at least you were. And Killian, he still asks David about you all the time.”
Her gaze stayed focused on the small door knob in front of her, unable to make eye contact with the man across from her.
“Well he has no right to.”
“Perhaps not. Look, Emma, I’m not completely sure what happened that night. I mean, I don't know what led to them finding their way into that bathroom together, and I left right after you did. I’ve never brought it up with either of them, but I can tell you that when Killian came into work the next day, he was gutted.”
“What he was , was hungover. That’s all.”
“And you. I could tell how distraught you were. You still love him, don’t you.”
“Why does everyone think that. I’m over him. Have been for a long time.”
His head nodded slightly as his lips pursed, obviously not convinced.
“I think I’m going to take that job. It’s time for me to move on. Ruby, she’s never going to see me as anything more than a friend. I need to let her go. But you. You still have a chance. You just have to decide if you want to take it.”
Graham gave her a quick hug, and she understood it for what it was. A goodbye.
She gave up after that. It was a stupid idea to begin with. Thinking that a few dates would mend all of her broken edges. Emma was beyond repair. A small bout of depression set in. She slept more than usual, ate less. Yelled at August for everything, even things that weren’t his fault.
It all came to a head just before Thanksgiving. Emma was spoiling for a fight, and August took the brunt of her wrath. Spouting useless quotes like they were the elixir of life.
"Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living."
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
They’d been going at it for the better part of an hour, and Emma was at the end of her tether.
“You’re not living, Emma. You’re just existing.”
“That’s crap and you know it.”
“Hardly. You run from everything. What kind of life is that? Did you even really let Killian in?”
“Excuse me?”
“Did you really let him in. Or did you keep him at arm's length too, telling him half truths about yourself? God, Emma. You keep talking about how he cheated on you, but you weren’t even together!”
August was shocked, not expecting her to kick him out. Especially not in the middle of the night, carrying all of his belongings in a garbage bag. He pleaded with her to let him stay, just until he could find a place, but she was done. She was done listening to people telling her how to live her life. Done listening to people reminding her of all of her flaws. She was just done.
He left her with one parting thought.
“It’s so easy to hide behind those walls of yours. To block out pain and disappointment. The inevitable betrayal of those who were meant to care about you. And I know you think you’re protecting yourself from heartache, but all you’ve really done is to block out love. A life without love, well what’s the point of living?”
She slept through the holiday. A small bottle of tequila had ensured that. She called Mary Margaret the day before, telling her she was going out of town for work, then turned her phone off. Then she drank. She drank until the small bottle was empty, trying to drown out the sharp pain August’s words had caused. To drown out the look on Killian’s face on New Year’s Day. The sound of Ruby’s voice screaming his name. She drank until there was nothing.
The next day brought with it the worst hangover of Emma’s life. She slept all of Thanksgiving and most of Black Friday away. When she finally woke, it was to a pounding headache and a queasy stomach. So much so that she had to bolt for the bathroom, not even making it to the toilet before she heaved what little stomach content she had remaining in the sink.
She slid down to the tile floor where she continued to dry heave for the rest of the night. The sun rose hours before she finally felt human enough to crawl back into bed. Emma woke again five hours later, still sick, but extremely thirsty. Her body hated her. When she forced herself to trudge into the kitchen for a glass of water, she realized what had woken her.
Mary Margaret was hard as work cleaning out the contents of her fridge and washing dishes to make room for the full tupperware bowls she’d brought up.
“I have got to get that lock changed.”
Her friend jumped, clearly not having expected anyone to be home. Emma lied, telling her that she’d come down with a stomach flu, forcing her to return to Boston early. In an effort to help, Mary Margaret set to cooking up some chicken noodle soup for Emma. The latter tried her hardest not to vomit again at the smell, forcing down small bites as her own personal chef watched her with eager mother hen eyes.
Another two weeks passed before Emma realized that she’d be spending the next set of holidays alone as well. David’s mother was too old to travel but desperately wanted to be with them and baby Leo for Christmas. They agreed to travel to her house in New Hampshire, but Mary Margaret was insistent that they would be back in time for their annual New Year’s party.
Seeing the reluctance in Emma’s eyes, Mary Margaret was quick to add that Killian wouldn’t be there that year. He already had plans elsewhere.
So Christmas came and went. Emma spent the day watching old holiday movies and eating Chinese food, but abstained from drinking any eggnog or other alcohol filled beverage. In summation, it sucked. It was the first time she’d spent Christmas alone since college, and as the loneliness set in, August’s words echoed through her head.
Or did you keep him at arm's length too?
It’s so easy to hide behind those walls of yours.
Without love, well what’s the point of living?
Perhaps he’d been right. She’d pushed away everyone. She was so afraid that everyone would leave her, that she stopped letting them in. And in the end, she was all alone with only herself to blame.
New Year’s came in spectacular fashion. David said they’d barely made it home in time. The storm of the century was apparently bearing down on the city. Only a handful of their invited guests managed to make it to the party. Ones that lived within walking distance. The rest chose to stay put, bundled in the warmth and safety of their own homes. Even Ruby had called off, telling them she was staying with her boyfriend, much to Emma’s relief. The two women still hadn’t spoken since Emma’s verbal lashing of Ruby’s life choices. When the realization hit that her boyfriend could very easily be Killian, she did her best to push the thought to the back of her mind.
The windows sounded as if they were going to buckle from the wind pounding at them. Snow continued to pile up. Emma watched from the door by the balcony, unable to step outside. Eventually Mary Margaret came to join her in watching the storm.
“Well it looks like you lucked out.”
Emma tilted her head, not understanding her friends words.
“The storm I mean. I had this guy I wanted to introduce you to. He’s in insurance. Anyway, he couldn’t make it because of the storm. And I just know how much you love my set up attempts.”
“If you know how much I hate them, then why do you keep pushing these losers on me?”
Mary Margaret chuckled.
“The word loser is arbitrary. But honestly, I just want you to be happy. You’ve been alone for so long now, and I know without a little push, that you’ll never put yourself out there.”
Emma swallowed, taking a deep breath before asking the question that had bothered her for nearly two years.
“Why did you set Killian up with Ruby.”
“Mary Margaret. Every year you pick out this guy who I have nothing in common with. Men who I don’t even find attractive. They’re just strays you took in. So why did you set Killian up with Ruby, and me with Jefferson? Why didn’t you think I was good enough for him?”
“Oh, Emma.” Her friend moved in and wrapped her arms around her shoulders in a sideways embrace. “Because, I knew that if I had, you never would have given him a chance. You would have rolled your eyes and shunned him out of spite.”
Emma wanted to argue, but the truth was that’s exactly what would have happened. She would have run as far away from him as possible. Fat lot of good it had done her in the end though. She may have run, but at least her heart wouldn’t have cracked in two.
“There’s been an accident.”
Emma barely heard him over the music and dull conversation noise. She turned just in time to see David climb on top of the coffee table.
“Everyone. I’m sorry but there’s been an accident. One of our friends was hurt. I’m sorry but we’re going to have to cut this party short.”
There was confusion. People trying to guess what happened as they collected their coats. Most people assumed that it had something to do with David’s mother. Mary Margaret tried to ask him what had happened, but he only shook his head, waiting until all of their guests had gone. Only the three of them and baby Leo asleep in the next room remained.
“It’s Killian. He filled in for Lance tonight. Belle went into labor this afternoon so Killian took his shift. I guess he was doing a routine traffic stop and a drunk guy slammed into him. The witnesses told Smee that the driver didn’t even try to stop.”
The world stood still. No sounds, no smells. No light. Everything ceased in that moment.
“Oh, David.” There was a tremble to her friends voice. One she’d never heard before in their decade-long friendship.
“They’re taking him to Mass Gen. That’s all I know.”
Emma stood in her place, unmoving as her friends moved in tandem, packing a bag for baby Leo, changing into warmer clothes. They were out the door before the shock fully set in, and Emma moved on autopilot, cleaning the apartment until it sparkled.
Hours passed as Emma tossed and turned in her bed unable to sleep.
There’s been an accident.
David’s words played on repeat in her mind. A broken record with a scratch. An imperfection magnified. She’d never even told him that she loved him. And now it might be too late. She couldn’t take it anymore, not even bothering to change out of her pajamas. The snow continued to pummel the city. Her Mini Cooper no match for the feet of snow. Even with the city constantly plowing the streets, the snow was too much. She managed to get halfway to the hospital before she spun out, crashing into an embankment, burying half of her car in a wall of white.
Dazed, she was forced to crawl into the back seat, using the force of her legs to kick the door open. She was determined to get the the hospital, even is she had to walk the remaining three miles.
For once though, luck was on her side. A black car pulled up beside her, and just as she was getting ready to tell the driver to get lost, ignoring the way her body was shaking uncontrollably from the cold, she heard it. His voice.
“Hey kid. You’re gonna get yourself killed out here. You know that?”
She heard the locking mechanism shift and immediately climbed inside, hugging Mullins for dear life.
“What are you even doing here?”
“Eh, with the storm they needed all hands on deck. Trust me, it’s a one time thing.”
He shifted the car back into drive. She didn’t tell him where she was going. Didn’t have to. There was no way he’d missed the call over his radio. He did speak, giving her the time she needed to think. When he dropped her off at the entrance to the emergency room, he told her that he’d work on getting her car towed out of the snow ditch. That was it. No words of wisdom. No platitudes. Nothing.
The emergency room was mania. People who’d hurt themselves while drunk. More victims of car accidents. A guy who fell on the ice. It was a madhouse with people everywhere. She looked around for her friends, but couldn’t find them anywhere. In desperation, she slipped through the double doors separating the waiting room from the trauma area, making her way to the nurses’ station.
“May I help you?”
“Ya, I’m- I’m looking for a guy. His name is Jones. He was brought in a few hours ago from a car accident.”
The person at the desk typed away at her computer, seemingly oblivious to Emma’s anguish.
“K. Jones?”
“Are you family.”
Emma didn’t hesitate, telling the woman quite emphatically that she was.
“He’s in surgery right now. Take a seat in the waiting area and I’ll have someone come out and update you as soon as they know more.”
It wasn’t good enough. She wanted to see him, but the very burly security guard had other ideas, personally escorting Emma back to the waiting area. She found one lone empty seat in the corner at the back of the room. She sat there for ages, waiting for word as the number of people waiting with her dwindled. There were no signs of Mary Margaret or David and she wondered if something happened to them. If they'd become stuck too. Unfortunately, she’d left her phone in her car and had no way to contact them.
More time passed. She watched as the clock ticked past five in the morning with still no word. Finally, the double doors opened and a tired looking man in green scrubs emerged, heading straight towards Emma.
“Jones family?”
Emma nodded her head. Words caught in her throat.
“Mr. Jones has sustained substantial trauma. His still in surgery right now. As I said, his injuries are severe. I won’t beat around the bush with you. They’re doing everything they can, but are you aware of Mr. Jones’s wishes?”
“Excuse me?”
The doctor took a deep breath.
“Is Mr. Jones an organ donor?”
“I- uh- I have no idea.”
The doctor nodded, telling her that he needed to return to surgery.
As a child, Emma had witnessed the single most traumatizing moment of her life. She and her mother had been on vacation in South Carolina. Her aunts were supposed to join them, but the news had predicted that there was a chance of a hurricane landing on their doorstep. Ingrid watched the news, tracking the storm for two days. The hurricane shifted south, and they thought they’d be fine so they stayed, playing on the beach all day.
The tides turned though, and the hurricane came in that night. Emma, not realizing how dangerous it was, ran to the doors, opening them so she could watch the storm come in. Ingrid ran to her, scooping her out of the way just as a palm tree fell in her place, shattering all of the glass in the door.
The wind picked up, and Ingrid cradled Emma in her arms, shielding her from the waves of rain coming through the open doorway. Ingrid tried to stand up, to move into another room, but the wind was too strong, knocking her back down with Emma still in her arms.
Emma couldn’t see anything, her face tucked into her mother’s cheek. But as a particularly harsh gust came, Emma heard her mother cry out, and her arms loosened their grip. Emma looked up to see her mother’s eyes lifeless. She cried and screamed, begging for Ingrid to wake up. Pointless. The storm passed, as did the only family Emma had.
Emma had always blamed herself, holding on to that memory. Never telling a single soul except Killian.
It wasn’t your fault, Emma.
That’s what he’d told her that night in her Mini Cooper. Yet, she still couldn’t help blaming herself anyway.
Losing Ingrid the way that she had had been traumatizing. But sitting there in the back of the waiting room, all alone waiting to hear whether or not Killian was going to survive, well that was somehow worse. The clock passed six, and finally sleep overtook her. The adrenaline of the night finally wearing off.
She dreamed of him. Of him sitting next to her on the couch, watching a movie as they had so many times before. Of him grabbing her shoulder. Of him calling her name in a whisper.
Emma’s eyes were heavy as she fought off the call of sleep.
“Swan?” The voice repeated.
With all of the force her body would allow, Emma pried her eyes open, stunned by what she saw before her.
“How? How are you here?”
“What do you mean, love?” She could tell by the low timber of his voice that he was hesitant to speak to her.
Emma sat up straight, grabbing his face, checking for wounds. Aside from his hand in a bandage, nothing appeared to be wrong, and she questioned whether she was actually awake or not.
“They said you were in surgery. That-” she felt tears spilling over. “They said you weren’t going to make it. Wanted to know if you were an organ donor.”
Killian pulled back, his mouth pulled tight. He stood from where he was crouched in front of her, tugging her up in the process. He pulled her back through the same double doors she’d snuck through earlier, demanding to know why someone had told Emma that he was dying.
“Sir, the information we gave her was accurate.” The woman turned to help someone else, completely ignorant of the way she’d turned Emma’s life upside down. Emma was ready to snap at her, but when she caught Killian’s eye, she noticed his jaw flexing.
“And you asked for me? Killian?
“Uh, I think. Yes. No. I mean, I asked for Jones, and she asked if it was a K. Jones.”
A smattering of pink tinging his cheeks.
“Ah, I think I see where we’ve gone wrong.”
Emma looked at him. Confusion settling into her blood, cooling the anger she’d just felt.
“You see, Jones is a fairly common name, love. The drunk driver from tonight, his name was Kevin Jones. He hit the car I’d stopped head on. Clipped my hand in the process.”
Emma wasted no time pulling him in for a kiss. It was nothing like she’d expected. His lips were chapped and rough. Unmoving. He tasted of stale hospital coffee. And she’d caught him off guard. Still, even with all of that, it was perfect in its own way. Even if his watch did manage to catch on her hair as he grabbed the back of her head with more force than necessary, finally coming to his senses.
He drove her home that night, calling to check in on David along the way. They’d only made it about a mile from the apartment before they realized that the storm was too bad, turning around and waiting on word from Smee. Luckily, in the time since the accident the storm had passed. She looked for her car on the way, hoping that Mullins had succeeded in towing it back to the station. It took them longer than expected to get home, but Killian had insisted on going slow, not wanting to take a chance with her in the vehicle.
Emma didn’t hesitate to follow Killian to his apartment. Kissing him again once they were inside. He stiffened slightly at her touch, but quickly melted into her. But as she began to pull his shirt up, loosening it from his pants, he stopped her.
“Wait, Swan. Before we go any further, we need to talk. I need to explain what happened.”
“I don’t care. It’s in the past.”
“Perhaps, but I care. I don’t want to start anything with this lingering between us. I want to clear the air.”
It was the last thing Emma wanted to discuss. She’d already gone through enough that night. She didn’t need to relive his fling with Ruby as well. She sat next to him on the couch anyway though. Fatigue taking over.
“That night, I’d just finished getting ready for the party when I heard a knock. Naturally I thought it was you or my brother coming back upstairs for something, so I opened the door without checking the peephole. But when the door opened, it was Milah on the other side. She told me that she’d finally left her husband and that she wanted me back. And then she kissed me. I wanted to push her off but it was so unexpected. I was frozen, stuck in time while the rest of the world kept speeding around me.”
Emma waited until he was ready to continue.
“When I came to my senses, I pushed her away and told her that it was too late. That I had already moved on. That I was happy with someone else. I was so upset after seeing her that I went inside and had a glass of rum to calm my nerves, but one glass turned into two, and then three.”
She couldn’t look at him. She understood. She’d have done the same thing if she’d seen Neal or Walsh. But now that he’d opened Pandora’s box, she couldn’t help but remember all of the pain she’d felt for the last year. That his poor choices had led to it.
“So that’s when you came to the party. That’s when you found her. After you’d had all the rum?”
His head tilted as he watched her. The confusion apparent in the way his eyes crinkled at the edges.
“Emma, what are you talking about? “
“Last year.”
The words nearly caught in her through as the image of that night played through her head once more. He’d been pissed and drank too much. Understandable, yet somehow it didn’t help to ease any of the pain she still felt.
I never made it to the party last year.”
“Yes you did!”
“Love. I assure you that I never left my apartment that night.”
She studied him. His eyes never left hers. His hands never twitched. No signs of a lie.
“Emma, did you actually see me ? Hear my voice?”
“But, Graham, he said he saw you with Ruby. Saw your- I heard it. She screamed out your last name for God’s sake.”
Killian barked out a laugh, much to Emma’s consternation.
“Swan. I wasn’t the only Jones in the building that night you know.”
He waited, as the gears turned in her head.
As I said before, love, it is a rather common name.”
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hollyethecurious · 6 years
CS JJ Day 16: Operation Bring the Rum
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CS Modern AU |Part Three of the Operations Series: Part One - Operation Pirate Law / Part Two - Operation TouRING
Summary: After being blindsided by Operation Pirate Law, a mission concocted by her son and his friend to get Emma together with said friend’s older brother, Killian Jones, and then again by Killian, who enlisted the boys’ help with his clandestine mission, Operation TouRING, Emma is determined to pull off a coup of her own.
Rated T / ~6600 words / ao3 and ff.net
A/N: My submission for @csjanuaryjoy. I’ve had this in mind for a while now, but when I saw a certain prompt on the list of prompts for January Joy I knew it was time. Much love and all the captain swan kisses to @kmomof4 and @winterbaby89 for their assistance with this one! Also, a big thanks to @lenfaz for overseeing this “joyful” event!
Emma stood on deck and watched as Storybrooke harbor drew closer and closer. The sparkle of the diamond that sat on her finger, caught in the rays of the late summer sun, brought a smile to her lips. The dance of its rainbow colors as it refracted off the surfaces around her was a testament to how much her life had changed over the last year.
She and Henry had scarcely been in Storybrooke a year, having relocated when her brother, David, offered her the position of deputy in the small, coastal town, when she’d met Killian and Liam Jones. Liam, Killian’s much younger, half brother, had gotten into a spot of trouble, and Emma had called Killian into the station to discuss his misconduct. That first meeting had ignited a spark between her and the older Jones that had, apparently, not gone unnoticed by young Liam. Wishing for Killian to find some measure of happiness after all he’d had to sacrifice in taking Liam in after the death of their father, the boy continued to get himself into trouble, forcing Emma and his smitten brother to interact.
Things didn’t go quite to plan until Liam confessed his intentions to Emma’s son, Henry, and the two hatched a scheme to try and get their respective guardians together: Operation Pirate Law. After months of coincidental meetings, joint volunteer assignments at school and community functions, and a build up of mutual pining, Emma and Killian finally decided to take the plunge into couplehood after the boys arranged a sneaky candle lit dinner for two on Killian’s ship.
The months that followed were some of the happiest of Emma’s life. A happiness that turned to sheer joy when Killian, after implementing his own clandestine mission with the boys during the summer tour of his eighteenth century replica pirate ship, had gotten down on one knee right there on the deck of the Jolly Roger and asked Emma to marry him. She, of course, said yes.
Now they were pulling back into Storybrooke harbor, the summer tour complete, another year of school about to commence, and preparations for a wedding and future together as a married, blended family to begin.
Emma felt Killian’s arms wrap around her waist, his chin gently rested atop her shoulder. “Happy to be home, love?”
“Yes, and no,” she sighed.
“Well, just say the word. I’ll happily set a new course and sail us back to the Caribbean,” he offered while skimming his nose along the shell of her ear. “I’m not partial to the idea of having to wait several months before seeing you in a bikini again.”
Emma giggled at him and might have pouted slightly when he was called away to oversee the Roger’s docking. She was more than a little tempted to take him up on the offer to head back down the coast to warmer, bluer waters, but they’d be back in the tropics soon enough.
During the summer tour, which consisted of them taking Killian’s replica 1770’s Brig to various ports where they visited different festivals while he educated visitors about maritime life in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, Killian had brokered a deal acquiring him a second vessel to run tours and events in the Cayman Islands year round. The official start of the new endeavor was set to kick off over the holidays, and Emma and Henry planned to spend Christmas and New Year’s in the tropics with Killian and Liam so they could all celebrate the holidays and new venture together.
She just had to get through the fall, and announcing their engagement to the entire town first.
Killian was quite certain every dog within a five mile radius was on their way to the Nolan residence after Mary Margaret’s squeal of delight at the pronouncement of his and Emma’s engagement. After a bone crushing hug from Emma’s sister-in-law, and a grip crushing handshake from her brother, Killian found himself sitting on the Nolan sofa next to his fiance staring down three rather large binders with the words Emma’s Wedding scrawled across their fronts.
Emma reached over and grabbed one while giving him a quizzical look. “You didn’t tell me Mary Margaret and David already knew.”
“Oh, we didn’t,” Mary Margaret replied. “I’ve been putting these together ever since David and I were planning our wedding.”
“What? Why?” Emma questioned with a stunned and confused expression.
“Well,” Mary Margaret began hesitantly. “You were such a big help during it all. I didn’t have my mother to do it all with, and you helped fill that gap, so when the time came, I wanted to be able to do the same for you.”
Killian took Emma’s hand and could see the shimmer of tears in her eyes. They’d both talked about it, the lack of any real family between them save Henry and Liam, and in that moment Killian was grateful that his Swan had always had the support of her foster brother and his wife. He could see from the vast amount of ideas, plans, decisions, and hopes that lay within the binders that he and Emma were going to need all the help they could get with planning, what would surely be, the most important day of their joint lives thus far.
At some point over the course of the next couple hours, Killian began dosing the tea Mary Margaret had provided with something a bit stronger from his flask. If he’d thought Liam and Henry were at no end of opinions about his and Emma’s wedding, it was nothing in comparison to Emma’s sister-in-law. Killian had begun to go cross-eyed halfway through the second binder - Flowers and Cakes. Who would have ever thought there were so many flavor combinations for cake? Or so many variations for a simple boutonniere? Or that he’d need to decide, as soon as possible (that day would have been Mary Margaret’s preference), on how many groomsmen he planned on having?
“Hey. You okay?” Emma nudged him from his thoughts with her shoulder when Mary Margaret got up to get them more tea, and he offered her a reassuring smile when he saw her worrying her lip.
“Aye, love. It's just a bit overwhelming. I’d no idea so much went into planning a wedding.”
“Neither did I, really,” Emma admitted before leaning in to whisper, “I’m starting to think eloping on the Jolly Roger isn’t such a bad idea after all.”
“Oh, you don’t mean that, Emma,” Mary Margaret dismissed as she sat the restocked tea tray before them on the coffee table. “I remember when I was planning mine and David’s how you said you liked the idea of a spring wedding, with bunches of wild flowers, and soft hues for the bridesmaids’ dresses. Something romantic and elegantly understated.”
“Yeah, I did.” Emma refilled her tea cup and mumbled, “Emphasis on the understated.”
“Well, compared to mine and David’s, it will be.”
While Mary Margaret was occupied with thumbing through binder number three - Venues and Atmosphere - Killian added a splash of spirits to Emma’s cup, then they both took a fortifying breath as their unofficial wedding planner launched into the pros and cons of outdoor vs indoor ceremonies.
Emma collapsed on her bed and flung her arm over her eyes in an effort to shut out everything around her. It had been an exhausting six weeks since they’d returned to Storybrooke, and there was no sign of the chaos letting up anytime soon.
Chaos that consisted of totalitarian demands from her sister-in-law that she and Killian make some much needed decisions about their wedding, navigating the delicate waters of logistical changes as it related to merging her and Killian’s households, and controlling her unexpectedly emotional response to the fact that Henry was now in high school. All the while helping Killian work out final preparations for launching the expansion of his side business, and meeting the responsibilities and duties of their actual jobs.
Their tropical vacation couldn’t come soon enough.
Okay, no. It wasn’t really a vacation, but Emma was determined that for every bit of business that would be conducted, they would enjoy equal amounts of rest and relaxation during their time away. She’d been researching the vast array of amenities, activities, and excursions, not to mention scoping out the best beaches, and the boys had weighed in on what they hoped to do in their leisure time. A plan was coming together, and Emma felt just a tad bit guilty that she’d been spending more time planning their holiday getaway than she had on her and Killian’s wedding.
“Emma, love? Are you home?” Killian called from downstairs, and Emma could only groan in response. She heard a murmur of voices, then the quick thud of footfalls on the stairs before hearing the creak of the bedroom door. “Swan? Are you alright?”
Emma sat up and gave her fiance a weary look. “Depends on your definition, I guess.”
Killian gave her a small, understanding smile as he approached before gathering her into his arms. Emma inhaled the soothing balm of his scent and allowed the gentle stroke of his palm down her back to relax her. She should be offering him this comfort. The past several weeks had been just as taxing on him, but he never failed to see to her needs first. She’d never really had anyone who would put her first until she’d met him, which was why it was so important to her that she did all she could to help him make his new venture a success.
“Swan, if you’re feeling up to it, there is someone downstairs I’d like you to meet.”
Emma nodded against his chest, and he led her back downstairs with her hand in his. Standing in their living room was a stout little man with a red knit cap and kind face. He stood a little taller when he saw her and Killian enter the room, and offered a polite smile as Killian offered introductions.
“Swan, this is William Smee. Smee, this is my Emma.”
“A pleasure to meet you, ma’am,” Smee acknowledged and Emma returned the sentiment.
“Smee was among the first crew I ever assembled for the Roger’s summer tours,” Killian explained. “He served as my first mate for a number of years until the call of tropical waters became too great for him to ignore. I’ve convinced him to serve as Captain of the Jewel.”
The Jewel of the Realm was the name of Killian’s second vessel that would offer tours and services year round in the Cayman Islands. Liam and Henry had come up with the name, and she would be officially christened as such during the launching ceremony of Pirate Law Tours later that year.
“That’s wonderful!” Emma exclaimed, knowing how burdened Killian had been over finding the right person to oversee things on the Caribbean side of the business. “Congratulations, Captain Smee.”
A ruddy blush colored the portly man’s complexion, and he dipped his head as he murmured his thanks. Killian poured them all a celebratory glass of rum to toast the occasion, and the three spent time in pleasant conversation regarding the different aspects of Pirate Law Tours.
Some of what Killian did with the Roger over the summer months would be mirrored by Smee and the Jewel in the Caribbean, but there were many more opportunities to entertain, educate, and serve vacationers throughout the year that Killian wasn’t afforded given his full-time teaching position, full-time guardianship of Liam, and soon-to-be full-time duties as husband and step-father to Emma and Henry, respectively.
Opportunities that included sunset dinner cruises, reenactments, private bookings for parties, and even a full fledge sea battle between the Roger and the Jewel during those times of year they would both share the same waters. A text from Mary Margaret prompted Emma to add one more service Pirate Law Tours could provide: weddings. An option that got the wheels in Emma’s mind turning as she considered how romantic it would be to exchange her vows with Killian on the Jolly Roger with the sun setting over the Caribbean. The Roger was where they’d had their first date (though it had been a set-up by Henry and Liam), and was where Killian had ended up proposing after a few misfires.
Smee and Killian weren’t sure they could get everything in place to be certified and licensed to perform weddings by the launch date, but Smee said he would look into it. A few more texts from Mary Margaret, and notifications sounding on Killian’s phone reminding him of the online history course he was due to teach that evening broke up their brainstorming session. Before Smee took his leave, Killian insisted that he and Emma exchange numbers.
“In case he’s unable to reach me, love,” Killian responded, and Emma furrowed her brows in confusion. “Emma, Pirate Law Tours isn’t just my business endeavor, it’s ours. I set it up so that once we’re married you’ll be an equal partner.”
“You did?”
“Of course, love.” Killian took her hands in his, and she was overcome by the love she saw reflected there. “Once we become husband and wife, everything I have will belong to you as well. I wouldn’t be able to succeed with this expansion without you, Emma, and even though we aren’t married yet,” he smirked, “I want you to have equal say. So, if Smee can’t get a hold of me, I have full confidence that you’ll be able to direct him with any matter that arises.”
Emma swallowed past the lump of emotion that had formed in her throat, and may have slightly scandalized Captain Smee with the enthusiastic display of gratitude she offered Killian before exchanging contact information.
“But why can’t we just skip the last two weeks of school and all sail down on the Roger together?” Henry whined. Not that he’d term it thus, that wouldn’t be cool.
Henry and Liam also didn’t think it was very cool that Killian would be setting sail to the Caribbean two weeks before their school term ended, affording him the time to get the Jolly Roger to the Cayman Islands before the official launch date. Emma and the boys planned to fly down at the end of the term.
Killian saw an exasperated look cross Emma’s face before she unleashed a tone to match. “Because Henry, you’d miss finals, and you already agreed to take Violet to the winter dance, and we already have the plane tickets purchased for the first day of your holiday break, and because it is too freaking cold! I am not freezing my ass off while the Roger sails down the frozen coast of New England.”
“But you’re okay with Killian freezing his ass off?” Henry sassed.
“Hey! Watch the language,” Emma snapped.
“Then set a better example.”
“That’s enough, Henry!” Killian admonished. He didn’t usually get involved in rows between Emma and Henry; firstly, they so rarely happened, and secondly, he was still finding his footing with being a second parent to the lad, much as Emma was with Liam. He wasn’t going to tolerate such disrespect to the woman he loved, though. Even from her son.
“Sorry,” Henry mumbled at the scolding, and Killian noticed the lad’s shoulders sag as he offered up an apology to his mother before shuffling out of the room.
Emma huffed out a sigh as she sank down next to Killian on the sofa. “I don’t understand what’s going on with him lately. Him and Liam.”
“There’s been a lot of upheaval for them these past few months.” Killian wrapped an arm around Emma’s shoulders and pulled her further into his side. “A new school, Liam and I moving in and the four of us having to carve out space where you and Henry were already established and content, the constant stress you and I are both carrying regarding the expansion, not to mention all the wedding plans.”
“Maybe… maybe we should postpone the wedding,” Emma suggested softly.
“Just until things settle down,” Emma suggested, tilting her head up to catch Killian’s eyes. “We could push it back to next fall. Get through the launch of the expansion, and the boys’ freshman year, and the first summer tour under the official title of Pirate Law Tours.”
“Would postponing make you happy, love?” Killian didn’t really want to wait an entire year to become Emma’s husband, but he knew the amount of strain she, they, had all been under in trying to juggle too many things at once.
“No,” Emma sighed heavily, and Killian relaxed into her embrace as she wrapped her arm around his waist. The two sat in peaceful contentment for a long while, each lost to their own thoughts.
A specific thought kept rattling around in Killian’s mind, and Emma’s suggestion to postpone the wedding, even though it wasn’t what she truly wanted, had brought the idea to the forefront once more. The idea that he and Swan should simply elope while they were in the Caribbean. He couldn’t deny how greatly he would enjoy exchanging his vows with Emma on the deck of his ship with Liam and Henry there to bear witness. Though, they’d have to actually find two other official witnesses, given that both boys were under eighteen.
Regardless of how much he might wish for it, Killian couldn’t bring himself to suggest it to Emma. He knew how much time and effort she and Mary Margaret had already put into the planning, and he didn’t want Emma to feel more pressure by thinking he was at all unhappy with whatever kind of ceremony and reception she desired.
All he’s ever wanted was her heart’s desire, so if a spring wedding in Storybrooke was what Emma wanted, then that was what she would have.
“Perhaps we should plan something for just the four of us while we are in the Caribbean,” Killian suggested.
“Like what?”
“Something that doesn’t involve the business, or wedding plans, just… something we can all go do together. A bonding experience.”
“Well, Henry and Liam were both excited about some private tour you can take through the Mayan ruins. Maybe we could schedule a day excursion.”
“That sounds grand, love.” Killian kissed Emma’s forehead and the two resumed their moment of respite.
“You are bloody brilliant, Swan,” Killian exclaimed as he entered the kitchen and placed an enthusiastic kiss on Emma’s lips.
“You’re only just now learning that,” she teased after returning the affection. “What’s made me so bloody brilliant this time?”
“Your idea that we should offer wedding services on the Jewel,” Killian announced. “I had Smee look into it. Turns out it wasn’t all that complicated to put things into place, so he got everything arranged, we loaded the various wedding packages onto the website yesterday, and today we got our first booking!”
“Killian! That’s amazing!”
“And even better,” he continued excitedly. “It’s scheduled for January 1st, so we’ll be able to attend as witnesses!”
Emma’s face fell slightly before she clarified, “January first? New Year’s Day?”
“Aye. Is that a problem?”
“I just got done booking that private tour to the ruins,” she stated dolefully. “It’s also scheduled for New Year’s Day. It was their only opening. The tickets are non-refundable.”
“Oh. Well. That’s alright. I’ll just inform Smee that I won’t be able to-”
“No, Killian! You have to be there!” Emma argued. “We’re going to the Cayman Islands so you can launch this extension of your business. You can’t miss out on the first wedding your company is performing. I’ll see if Ariel would want to come with me and the boys, so your ticket doesn’t go to waste.”
“Maybe she and Eric would both be agreeable to taking the boys, and you could attend the wedding with me,” Killian suggested, but he could see by the hesitant look in her eye that she wasn’t too keen on the idea. Emma worried her lip and wrung her hands, clearly torn, and Killian cursed himself for being a selfish arse. “I’m sorry, Swan,” he offered gently. “I didn’t mean to make you feel like you had to choose between me and Henry. I know how much he’s looking forward to that tour, and I know it’s important to you that you be with him for it.”
In the weeks that had led up to Killian’s impending departure, Henry and Liam’s moods had improved with the prospect of spending some quality time together as a family while on holiday. Emma and Killian had come to realize how negligent they’d both been in regards to the boys, distracted as they were with everything going on around them, and had committed to changing that immediately. Emma had also confessed to feeling pulled in opposite directions as she weighed the needs of everyone around her, not wishing to disappoint anyone, or make them feel like less of a priority to her. A feeling she was clearly experiencing now.
“But the business is important, too,” she countered. “And, like you said, once we’re married, it’ll be both of ours, so I should be there to support you and-”
“Emma,” Killian cut in. “Our business is a partnership. Just as our marriage will be. Neither of us want to sacrifice one for the other, so when issues like this arise, we divide and conquer.” Killian placed his hands on her shoulders, then began rubbing his palms up and down the length of her arms in a soothing fashion. “You take the boys on the tour of the ruins, and I’ll handle overseeing the wedding. Then, later that night, we’ll all sit down for a New Year’s dinner and share news of our day with one another. Just as any proper family would.”
Emma nodded and offered him a small smile before reaching up to press her lips against his. What started out as soft and gentle, soon turned passionate and needy. Killian groaned at the hot slide of Emma’s tongue against his own and pulled her close until she was flush against him. Hands roamed over eager bodies and threaded their way through each other’s soft, silken locks. Knowing that the boys weren’t due home for several hours yet, and that they only had a few hours beyond that before he’d have to leave to finalize preparations on the Roger before they cast off early the next morning, Killian slid his hands to the backs of Emma’s thighs and lifted her up into his arms. She wrapped her legs around him and he pressed her against the wall, leveraging her in place with his hips so his hands were free to remove her shirt.
Before he could tug it completely over her head he heard the handle of the front door jiggle and the telltale creak of it opening. Emma stared wide eyed at him as they remained momentarily frozen before scrambling to put themselves to rights as Mary Margaret called out a greeting  before becoming momentarily frozen herself.
“Am I interrupting something?” she asked, clearly flustered by the scene before her.
“No!” Emma exclaimed as Killian grumbled, “Yes.”
“We were just finalizing plans before Killian leaves tomorrow,” Emma said. A bloom of pink spread across her cheeks, and all Killian wanted to do in that moment was take back Mary Margaret’s key, show the woman the door, and continue to make his Swan flush in other places while they enjoyed one another’s company in bed one final time before he left.
Unfortunately, such activities would have to wait. Mary Margaret had come to collect Emma for a last minute appointment she’d been able to finagle with the florist one town over. Apparently, a very sought after florist they must go visit.
Emma gave Killian an apologetic look. He tucked an errant strand of hair behind her ear and assured, “It’s alright, Swan. I’ve still got to pack and then head over to the Roger to help Eric.”
“But you’re staying on board tonight, and I might not be back until late. I’ll miss you,” she whispered so Mary Margaret, who was busying herself with being nonchalant in the living room, wouldn’t overhear the sultry dip in her tone. “I miss you when you aren’t in our bed, and I’ve got to somehow endure two weeks without you there to keep me warm. How will I ever manage,” she teased.
“We’ll muddle through somehow, love,” Killian replied, his arms finding their way back around her waist. “I know I’ll definitely miss having you in my bunk to help me keep warm so I don’t freeze me arse off.”
Emma giggled and gave him one last kiss before heading out with Mary Margaret. Gods he was gonna miss her over the next two weeks.
Emma breathed in the brine of the warm ocean air and smiled as she watched Liam and Henry race down the dock towards the two stately pirate ships moored there. The moment the three of them had stepped off the plane, every bit of stress and worry and strain they’d all been carrying for the past four months had melted away in the warm tropical climate. By the looks of her freshly tanned fiance, who’d made his way down the gangplank to embrace their boys, a beaming smile on his face and a relaxed set to his shoulders, the likes of which she hadn’t seen for many months, Killian was benefiting from the same balm the Caribbean had offered the rest of them.
“Hello, beautiful,” Killian greeted before drawing her into a tight embrace and planting an eager kiss on her lips. A kiss that purposely grew more intense in response to the gagging and retching noises the boys were making beside them.
“Alright, alright,” Liam called out. “That’s enough of that. We wanna hit the beach.”
Emma reluctantly let go of Killian and the four of them made their way aboard so they could change for an outing at the beach before checking-in to their hotel (a luxury Emma had insisted on after having spent nearly three months living on the Roger that summer). Before heading out, Killian took them over to introduce them to the Jewel and her crew. Emma was pleased to see Captain Smee again, though she’d had the opportunity to talk with him on numerous occasions since their initial meeting in Storybrooke. Occasions that caused a conspiratorial look of mischievous understanding to pass between her, Smee, and the boys; one Emma feared Killian might have taken notice of, though he made no mention of it afterward.
Their days in the Caribbean passed in a flurry of ocean blues and sandy whites, mixed with multi-colored strands of Christmas lights adorning the odd palm tree to remind them of the holiday season they were there to celebrate every bit as much as the launch of Pirate Law Tours. A launch that had been met with eager anticipation, with crowds that gathered to witness the christening of the Jewel and investors who praised Killian and Emma for their efforts and well earned success.
Good to their word, Emma and Killian made sure that quality time was set aside for the four of them to simply enjoy their time away from Storybrooke and to celebrate the season as a family. Christmas came and went, and before Emma knew it she was ushering in the New Year with the press of Killian’s lips to hers at the stroke of midnight. A new year that would transform her into a wife, just as the previous year had made her a fiance. Emma had a good feeling about the year ahead, she just had to get through the day before her first.
Killian and Emma both groaned at the sound of the alarm blaring at them way too early the next morning.
“Why the bloody hell is that infernal thing going off at such a god awful hour?” Killian muttered into his pillow.
“Because the boys and I are going on that excursion today. The private tour of the Mayan ruins, remember? We have to meet the tour guide downstairs at 9 AM. You go back to sleep.”
Killian grunted his assent and burrowed back down beneath the covers, only vaguely aware of the sounds of Emma knocking on the door joining their room to the boys’, and the spray of the shower as she started to get ready for her day. He’d only been asleep for a few minutes (okay, an hour), when his phone buzzed from the bedside table. Tempted as he was to ignore it and go back to sleep, Killian worried that it might be Smee.
Sure enough. “Morning, mate.”
Killian tried to give Smee his full attention, really he did, but it was not an easy feat with his stunningly beautiful fiance traipsing about their hotel room in nothing but her bra and underwear as she finished getting ready.
“Is there a problem?” Emma called out from the bathroom after Killian ended his call with Smee, and Killian wondered how imperative it was that she be downstairs at nine on the dot.
“Not really. Just a bit of a miscommunication,” he answered, shaking the tempting thoughts from his mind. “It seems when the team arrived this morning to begin decorating the ship for the wedding, they got on the wrong one. They were halfway done stringing lights on the Roger and had all the provisions stowed before Smee got there. He wanted to make sure I was okay with him using the Roger rather than the Jewel so they wouldn’t have to start over and get behind schedule. I hope the bride and groom won’t mind the change.”
“I’m sure they’ll be fine with it,” Emma contended as she pulled her shirt over her head. More’s the pity. “They’ll be too focused on one another to be fussed about being on the wrong pirate ship.” She gave him a playful smile and Killian was reminded once again what a lucky bastard he was to have her in his life. Soon to be his wife.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to beg off with Smee and come with you and the boys today?”
“Killian, we’ve been over this,” Emma sighed. “You need to be there. It’s important for the business. Besides, you and I both know you aren’t about to let Smee captain the Roger without your supervision.”
“True. Especially after the request he made before we hung up.” Killian scratched behind his ear, perplexed now that he’d had time to let the words sink in.
“What request?”
“I asked him if he needed me to do or bring anything, and he said, Aye. Don’t forget to bring the rum. There’s cases of it in the hold. I don’t see why he needs me to bring more.”
“I didn’t think pirates could ever have too much rum?” Emma smirked as she sat down on the bed next to him to put on her shoes. 
“Aye, and this pirate can’t get enough of you,” he confessed as he pulled her back into bed.
He may have caused her to be a little late in meeting everyone downstairs by nine.
“Ahoy, Captain Smee,” Killian called out as he stepped upon the deck of the Roger, marveling at its transformation from pirate ship to wedding vessel. The run of soft, white fairy lights, the candles waiting to be lit, the pungent scent of the floral arrangements secured on deck all harkened back to the night Killian had proposed to his Swan on that very deck, and he desperately wished she was there now to celebrate the momentous occasion this wedding meant for their shared endeavor.
“Ah! Captain!” Smee greeted, climbing up from below deck and regaled in a fashionable mix of formal pirate wear Emma had helped to select. A tasteful blend of old world style that kept with their business aesthetic without the cliched campiness that might otherwise take away from the elegance and romanticism of the occasion.
The two captains shook hands and Smee nodded to the bottle in Killian’s hand. “You brought the rum, I see.”
“Aye. Though, I don’t see why you needed me to. Isn’t there plenty in the hold?”
Before Smee could respond, Eric announced that they were ready to set sail and looked expectantly between the two captains awaiting an order to cast off.
“I hoped you might take the helm, Sir.” Smee said to Killian, taking the bottle of rum from him before he continued. “She is your ship after all, and there are still a few details I need to see to before the ceremony.”
“Of course,” Killian nodded and made his way to the helm, calling out orders along the way.
It took less than half an hour to reach the cove Smee had charted them toward. A visually stunning and remote location that offered a brilliant spectrum of colors from the gradient blues of the water to the lush greens of the vegetation that grew along the cliff sides, which perfectly framed the array of warmer hues cast by the setting sun.
The crew dropped anchor, and Smee appeared upon deck again, followed by a young woman who seemed to be coordinating the final preparations for the ceremony that was due to commence at any moment.
Killian made his way toward Smee, looking about curiously as he realized, “I haven’t seen anyone other than the crew since we cast off. Are we sure the bride and groom made it on board,” Killian jested.
“The bride’s been getting ready in the stateroom,” Smee informed him. “She said we could begin at any time.”
“And the groom?” Killian questioned with a chuckle and a smirk. “Has he come down with a case of nerves he’ll try and pass off as seasickness?”
“I don’t know,” Smee replied with a mischievous glint in his eye. “You tell me.”
Killian cocked his head and furrowed his brows at his friend, then followed the man’s gaze along the length of the ship until they fell onto the bride, who had appeared from below. Killian’s breath caught in his chest and his eyes widened. Standing at the end of the makeshift aisle, that the wedding coordinator had constructed while Killian had teased Smee about the state of the groom, stood Emma garbed all in white with her arms crooked through Henry and Liam’s as they flanked her.
“Wha-” Killian began to question, but he was cut off by Emma who’d begun to make her way toward him.
“You did say you’d bring the rum,” she said coyly, and full understanding slammed into Killian as he recounted the words he’d spoken the night of their engagement all those months ago.
Liam and Henry continued to squabble over the various roles the other could fulfill at the wedding, while giving their reasons why they made the better candidate for best man. Their bickering then turned to other elements of the wedding, neither seeing eye to eye to the other’s suggestions.
“I think you were right, love,” Killian whispered into Emma’s ear as they both chuckled at the scene in front of them. “It seems we will have a new operation to put into place before we get to the altar.”
“Oh, yeah? What’s that?” she asked, as the argument between their boys became a tad more heated.
“Operation Battle Stations.”
“How about Operation Elopement, instead,” she countered.
“Aye, love. I’ll bring the rum.”
Killian’s thoughts, which had been swirling in chaos from the moment he’d seen Emma ethereally dressed in soft layers of white, were finally starting to organize themselves into coherency.
Elopement. They were eloping. This was their wedding. Emma was the bride, and he was the groom. They were getting married. Now. On the Jolly Roger. In paradise.
“Killian?” Emma called out softly. She was standing before him now. Henry dutifully at her side and Liam at his.
“Are you sure, love?” Killian questioned while fighting back the emotion tightening in his throat and welling in his eyes. “What about the ceremony that’s been planned in Storybrooke? All of Mary Margaret’s arrang-”
“Those were Mary Margaret’s plans,” Emma admitted. “Yes. I thought at one time it’s what I wanted, but… that was before you. Before us. None of those plans are us. This is us.” Emma took hold of Killian’s hand and squeezed before continuing. “But if you’re not okay with this we c-”
“Swan, I am more than okay with this,” Killian beamed. “I want us to be wed in whatever way would make you happiest.”
“I want you to be happy with it, too.”
“My greatest joy is seeing yours, Emma,” Killian murmured as he took a step toward her and brought his hands up to cup her face, leaning in with the intention of capturing her lips with his own.
“Not so fast, Captain,” Smee interjected. “That part comes later.”
“Then by all means, Mr. Smee,” Killian commanded joyfully. “You know how I abhor waiting.”
Emma flashed him a smile and it was all he could do to keep his composure as they recited their vows and exchanged rings. When Smee pronounced them husband and wife, Killian didn’t wait for the blessing to kiss his bride.
Emma couldn’t believe she’d actually pulled it off. What had started out as a seemingly ridiculous idea the evening she, Killian, and Smee had first discussed the possibility of Pirate Law Tours offering wedding services to those who wished to wed in paradise, was now a reality. She was Mrs. Killian Jones, and she’d never been happier.
“Well, you did it, Swan,” Killian whispered into her ear as they stood watching the last of the sun’s rays flicker at the horizon. “You finally got to be a part of an operation.”
“Yup, and I think Operation Bring the Rum was a huge success, if I do say so myself.”
“Well, I sincerely hope you’ll include me next time, should you see the need to launch another operation.”
“Oh, you don’t need to worry about that,” she assured, circling her arms around his waist. “I can hardly put Operation Stork into motion without you.”
Killian’s eyes went wide, and he stammered, “E-Emma?! Are you-?”
“No, no, no! Not yet,” she corrected. “But it’s something I’d like to work towards sooner rather than later. If you’re agreeable to it, that is.”
“Oh, I’m agreeable. I am more than agreeable.” His boyish exuberance made her giggle against his lips as they fervently pressed against hers. “What say you, that once we make land, we kick the crew and the boys off the ship so we can begin our efforts with this mission in earnest?”
Emma toyed with the opening of his collar, brushing her fingers over the hollow of his throat and down into the dusting of chest hair peeking out from the open buttons. She felt him shiver under her touch and glanced up to look into his eyes from under her lashes.
“Ariel and Eric already agreed to watch the boys. It is our wedding night after all,” she reminded him before drawing her bottom lip between her teeth and hitching her brows at him.
“Gods I love you.”
 THE END… maybe
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My contribution to @csjanuaryjoy! Many thanks to @lenfaz for getting involved in this year’s project and also many thanks to @katie-dub who stared it in the first place.
Art for a Captain Swan AU with Princess Emma of Misthaven and (the pirate) Captain Killian Jones, dancing at a masquerade. 
Close up to their masks because I am very pround of them. Emma’s dress is inspired by my own prom dress who looked like that and also no ball is a real ball without the red vest of sex.
a Captain Swan AU I always wanted to write but I will never be able to....
Also on Instagram
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csjanuaryjoy · 7 years
Welcome to CS January Joy, a month of Captain Swan goodies by fabulous authors and artists to bring joy into your life.
Initial list of participants:  @jennifer-morrison @lenfaz @optomisticgirl @justanotherwannabeclassic @mahstatins @pocket-anon @awkwardnessandbaseball @i-am-miapotter @natascha-remi-ronin @lassluna  @rouhn @effulgentcolors @xemmaloveskillianx @hollyethecurious @forestyari  @pirateherokillian
If your name’s not on the list but should be, or if you want to join in, just let me (@lenfaz) know! As you can see, we still need participants so come join us!!!
There’s a list of prompts to inspire you, you aren’t obliged to use any of them, they’re just there to help 
How it’ll work:
1. You’ll be assigned a day to post your fic/art/gifset/picset (you’ll have to tell me if you have any preferences e.g. set date, early in the month or any week day or I’ll give you a random date.)
2. I’ll be available for beta duties if needed, just give me as long as possible please.
3. Share your fic/art/gifset/picset on your blog and I’ll reblog it over here.
4. Read the fics, Enjoy the art, like them and reblog to share the love. That’s it!
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lassluna · 7 years
CSJJ: Day 2: Baby There’s a Price to Pay (I’m a genie in a bottle)
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My addition to @csjanuaryjoy, so glad I participated. Enjoy!
I found a dusty bottle of rum in my cabinet and there was a genie inside. Modern AU with a dash of magic and a pinch of fate
Word Count: 10,662 
“God damn Neal Cassidy!” Emma groaned angrily. She was on her tippy toes on her freaking dining room chair, trying in vain to clean her cupboards, cupboards filled with her damn ex’s junk.
The junk the waste of space had forgotten when he took off in the middle of the night and never looked back. She should burn it. Emma really wanted to burn it.
Emma was used to being alone, since she was a baby, she was alone. Her parents had abandoned her on the side of the road hours after her birth, after that, Emma spent her childhood bouncing from house to house in the system. It gave her a lot of practice in figuring out who wasn’t worth her time or her trust, because that was what all the homes Emma’s ever been in had in common. They were never home.
Then 18 year old Emma Swan meets God damn Neal Cassidy. It’s the classic bad boy meets lost girl situation. It’s so clique looking back that Emma wants to slap herself for getting involved with such a smug prick. But she did get involved with him, she let him worm beneath her walls with his damaged little act and understanding smile. He liked lost girls apparently, liked giving them a home, their dream home in Tallahassee, making them promises about forever and then running away when things got serious. All it had taken was for her to buy a pregnancy test to send him running.
He hadn’t even waited around for the negative result.
Now 25 year old Emma Swan knows better. She knows there is no such thing as soul mates or happy endings or magic of love. Just like Neal’s stupid stuff, it’s all a load of crap.
And that jerk had the nerve to call her. He wanted to know if he could come by and pick up his things. She told him exactly what she’d done with his things, thrown them out her window.
That’s what she’d done with most of it at least. It took his call to discover that he had hidden some stuff in the in the upper kitchen cabinet, the one that she could never reach and so never used.
It’s what led her to her precarious position reaching into her highest shelves where Emma could easily fall and break her neck, (It would be just her luck) because she wanted to get Neal’s junk out of her house and him out of her life.
Her hand grabbed the edge of something, a wooden box of some kind. She pulled it closer, able to see it a bit if she twisted her neck up slightly. She grabbed it with one hand and placed it on the counter before she lowered herself down.
Emma got a closer look at the box. It looked old and hand carved in deep brown wood. It was even engraved with words and a strangely navel pattern with the embossed waves. It looked like whoever made it (or ordered it) must have spent a lot of time customizing it.
For my beloved Milah.
Emma recognized that name; it was Neal’s mother’s name.
His dead mother’s name.
The bastard had run off and left his mother’s last possessions behind. She can’t even burn it now; Emma didn’t have the heart to burn such a beautiful box, given to a dead woman. It suddenly made sense why Neal wanted his stuff.
He must have grown a sentimental bone or something, Emma knew he’d certainly hadn’t had it when they were together.
Maybe she could just mail it to Neal; she really doesn’t want a face to face meet.
Emma stared at the box only a moment longer before flipping over the lid. She might as well see what else was inside.
She shuffled through papers, old-ish looking papers- no letters, they were letters, and a lot of them.
My beloved pirate,
How I miss the days lazing on deck, watching the sun rise and-
They were love letters, Emma realized, stopping reading immediately; actually dropping them as if they’d burned her.
Was it creepy to read your ex’s mother’s love letters? She thinks it’s creepy.
But there was something else in the box. A dusty bottle of rum, glass by the looks of it and Emma could barely make out a design on the side. She rubbed it slowly with her hands to try to reveal the pattern.
The bottle vibrated in her hand. Emma, startled, practically threw it back in the box. The box filled with red smoke and then her kitchen filled with the same smoke. Emma had barely taken 2 steps away from Neal’s possessed box when the smoke cleared.
Apparently possessed was the perfect word for it, because when the smoke cleared, she saw it, or should she say him.
Her first thought was that the man was hot.
He was leather clad with dark hair looking perfectly messy and the bluest eyes in her kitchen leaning against the counter, he started off with a smirking, but then his expression morphed into confusion, then he recovered and plastered anther smirk on his face.
“Hello love.” The man said, raising his brow. “You’re new.” He observed reaching into his pocket for something. “I guess I owe you the flashy introducti-“
Emma has only one reaction to a stranger appearing in her kitchen. She punches him square in the face before they have a chance to come at her. It was self-defense 101.
“Bloody Hell!” He shouts, stumbling away, clutching his jaw as Emma readied herself to deliver another blow “That’s one hell of a left hook!” He says, looking at her more carefully this time. “So I can just tell you how this works the old fashioned way then.” He explained with a rather thick accent that Emma couldn’t place; Irish was the closest she could guess, as he righted himself. “Can you please not punch me this time?” He asked.
“I don’t want an explanation; I want you out of my house!” Emma replied angrily. “How the hell did you get in here?” She demanded. Emma always locked her doors and windows, so she was pretty sure this was just an elaborate dream.
“Why from that little bottle in the box.” He said, gesturing at it. “You see, I’m Killian Jones, a genie.” He explained like it was obvious.
“A genie?” She repeated. “Like in Aladdin?” She asked.
“Who the bloody hell is Aladdin?”
Then she shook her head because it was ridiculous. “Hell no. Did Neal put you up to this? Did he leave hidden cameras and is doing this to me because I wanted to get rid of his junk?” She spat, because it’s just something he’d do.
But how he’d know Emma would do it today was a mystery. Neal wouldn’t have someone waiting for this inevitable day. That was too much work for such a lazy waist of space.
“No love, I’m a genie, the real deal.” He insisted, looking rather annoyed at her disbelief. “A rather handsome one if I do say so myself.” Killian said, smoothing out the leather duster on his shoulders wagging his eyebrows sinfully. “Let’s make this quick love, you get three wishes, but I should warn you, all magic comes at a price, and then I can go back into the bottle”
Emma sharpens her glare. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret.” She said leaning back on her dining room table. “I’m pretty good at knowing when someone is lying to me.” She said in a low, even voice. She didn’t waver, and neither did he.
“I’m telling you the truth.” He said, and for once there wasn’t a smirk, there wasn’t the swagger that seemed to ooze from his leather jacket, there was just brutal honesty in his gaze.
It unsettled her slightly, it unsettles her because she sees something; she sees loneliness.
This Killian character was telling her the truth.
Or at least, he believed he was. He could be crazy.
How a crazy genie believing leather clad man pulled this off however, Emma wasn’t too sure. But there just had to be a rational explanation right?
Emma rolls her eyes. “Genies don’t exist.” She says matter-of-factly. “Wishes don’t come true.” It’s been a long time since Emma believed in magic. “This is some dream, or hallucinogen, or a coma, I probably fell and hit my head and fell into a comma.” She rationalizes.
“Then it wouldn’t hurt to make a wish and find out?” The man dares. “You don’t seem like a lass who scares easily. Come on love, tell me, what does your heart desire? Money? Fame? Love?” He teases, the sincerity in his expression is replaced by cocky over confidence. “It won’t matter if I’m not real after all.” The way the man speaks is plain mocking, the way he moves his eyebrows is plain challenging.
He’s daring her to do something.
Emma could just feel her blood boiling in response, desperately wanting to prove the mad man wrong, but also not wanting to be lured into this insanity.
“Hell no buddy.” She replies, arms crossed. “I’m going to-“ Her phone goes off suddenly, interrupting her completely. She picks it up, looking at it angrily for interrupting her. She would have ignored it if she wasn’t waiting for…
Dinner at 8? That new bar around the corner? The Silver Slipper?
That. Emma smirks at her phone. It was about time the fish took her bait. Emma Swan didn’t get lured. She’s the one who does the luring or whatever fishermen did.
Perfect. She types out with a smirk.
The genie--man, because Emma refuses to believe that she found a genie in her ex’s stuff—looks at her quizzically.
“What’s that love?” He asks gesturing to the phone in her hand.
“You mean my cell phone?” She asked.
“Aye.” He replied, looking at it. “How’d it make that sound?” He asked.
Emma face palmed. “You mean vibrated. Come on, you can’t expect me to believe you don’t know what this is.” She insisted. “I mean the model is a bit outdated but-“ She shook her head. “Look, get out, go home.” She insisted, pointing to her door.
“But love, you summoned me for my wishes, it’s not like I can go back on my ship, I believe she’s long gone.” He insisted. “Probably sunk about 3 centuries ago.”
Ship…rum…his freaking leather clad duster and weird jewelry.
“You’re a pirate.” She realized. He grinned.
“Aye. I was, a long time ago.” He said proudly, “That is until I stole from the wrong man, sorcerer actually, and he trapped me in there.” He said, pointing to the bottle. “But I used to be the real scourge of the seven seas.”
The coma theory was looking better and better.
The man’s smirk got wider.  He said with a cocky attitude, hands going to his belt in a display of macho confidence.
“So I found what, a genie pirate?” She asks, glaring at the flask. “Let me guess, that was a bottle for rum?”
Killian shrugs. “I prefer pirate genie, but it’s all the same to me love.” He said.
“First of all, I’m not your love.” She snapped. “And secondly, I don’t have time to deal with this.” She said waving at him. “I have to get ready.” She says, turning towards her bedroom.
“Ready for what love?” He asks with curiosity.
“None of your business.” She snaps. “And quit calling me love!” She slams her door and pressed her back to it.
“I’d call you by your name if you bothered to introduce yourself before hitting me.” He replied right back, appearing on her bed. A hallucination then. That’s the only way he could have gotten past her.
“It’s none of your business.” She snapped, throwing the door open. “Out!”
“Fine love.” He says, still mocking her. She snaps.
“It’s Emma!” She shouts, stomping after him, grabbing him by the leather coated sleeve and dragging him back to her kitchen. “Emma Swan.” He smirks at her.
“Swan.” He says slowly, as if tasting her name. It makes her face heat up slightly. “So Swan, where are you going? Perhaps you’d like to wish yourself there so you don’t exhaust those pretty legs of yours.” He says looking her over like a typical man does.
“Shut it.” She snaps, grabbing her handcuffs from the drawer and closing one on his hand before he has a chance to fight.
“Bloody-“ He looks at her strangely when she lamps the other onto her oven. “Come on Swan, this isn’t necessary.” She steps away from him.
“Swan, have I told you a lie?” He says. They both know he hasn’t, but Emma can’t take that chance, he’s trouble, guaranteed. “You can’t just leave me like this.” He pleads, pulling at the metal restraint. His eyes look sad.
“Watch me.”
Despite the interruption by the insufferable pirate hallucination, she gets to the restaurant right on time in her skin tight red dress and killer heels, her hair is curled perfectly and Emma knows that she’s going to knock her perp dead.
“Emma?” Her date asks.
“Ryan? You look relieved” She says, knowing it’s him, but playing the part of the nervous little girl. Guys like this loved the nervous little girl act.
“Well it is the internet…Pictures can be…” Oh she knows the dangers of the internet. She could be on a date with a criminal right now. The horror.
“So tell me about yourself.” He says. She smiles sweetly; they always like it when she smiles; they like asking questions, thinking it’ll get them an easy path right to dessert. “Where are you from?” He asks. “You don’t strike me as a Floridian native.”
She smiles brighter. “I moved around a lot.” She says dismissively.
“Army brat?” He asked.
Parents moved around a lot for work. She wants to say. She wants to lie. It makes things easier when she lies.
But then she imagines a pair of lonely blue eyes. They were telling her the truth.
“Orphan.” She replies instead. It just slips out.
“Well Emma,” He says. “You are by far the most beautiful orphan I know.” He takes a sip of his wine in victory. He thinks his momentary caring about her past is going to get him the win for the night.
Now it’s her turn. She smiles sweetly when she tells Ryan exactly who she is, and exactly why she’s here, to haul his ass to jail for missing his court date.
And then he runs. They always run when she’s wearing her killer heels.
Too bad there’s a boot on his car.
It’s always the same thing.
He turns and looks at her, and practically snarls at her. “What do you know about family?”
It’s always the same thing, but that doesn’t mean it ever hurts any less. This is why she decided to start lying to perps.
“Nothing at all.” She replies. Emma gets great satisfaction from slamming his head into the steering wheel, effectively shutting him up.
“You’re back!” Killian says when she returns. He’s sitting in her kitchen with a jar of peanut butter and a spoon. She smells smoke. She rushes to look at the kitchen and sees burned bits of something in a pan. Her handcuffs hanging off the oven like decoration.
“What the hell are you doing?” Emma snapped, rushing to put the pan in the sink. “And how did you get loose?” She demands.
“Those metal contraptions are evil.” He says in explanation pointing to the stove. “And who do you think you’re messing with darling?” He teased with a waggle of his eyebrows.
“A genie?” She says with a disbelieving glance.
“Well, I was referring to the pirate part actually. I’ve freed myself from far harsher shackles with far less.” He explains proudly. She was not in the mood for this. Not in the mood for this genie crap, not in the mood to have him burn down her place and eat all her freaking peanut butter, she wants that freaking peanut butter! She grabbed the jar away.
“Stop touching things!” Emma snaps.
“It was all that you had.” He replied. “Perhaps you should wish for some actual edible food.” He teased.
Emma was not in the mood for teasing. She was not in the mood for a pirate genie to mock her food habits. And Emma was certainly not in the mood for wishes.
“I’ve had enough of this. I’m tired, my feet hurt, and I want to sleep, or drink, or both. I do not have the mental capacity to deal with you tonight.” She snapped. He raised his brow in surprise. “You want a wish? I’ll give you a wish. I wish I could find my family, the family that gave me up when I was weeks old. I want to know why, how could they do that? I want to know why I don’t know anything about having a family.” She knew she was yelling, she might be crying but Emma didn’t care. She turned on her heel and headed into her bedroom, slamming the door.
Emma woke up at 7 am that next morning to a phone call.
There was only one person who ever dared to wake her up that early. Chloe Fox.
Chloe Fox turned her life around when they met, she convinced her to stop chasing the past, to focus on the future. She helped her build her walls, it made Emma closed off, but it protected her. Chloe was the closest thing to a maternal figure Emma has.
(Even though the idea of being maternal practically made Chloe skin crawl)
She was her mentor, turned boss turned partner when Emma finally got the cash to become a partner in their little Bails bond business. It worked, Emma wasn’t exactly happy, but she was ok. She was surviving.
It was more than she ever expected.
“Emma?” Chloe said on the other end.
She moaned in response.
“Sorry to wake you, but there’s someone here to see you.” She said warily, which was odd because there was not much that made Chloe act uncertainly. She heard her suck in a breath, as if mentally gaining the courage to say something.
That wasn’t good. It woke Emma up immediately.
“Chloe, what’s wrong?” She asked. “Spit it out.”
Exhale. “Emma, these people…they say they’re your parents.”
Her eyes are red when she gets back to her apartment.
Chloe had given her the week off, promising her that she would take care of everything as Emma obviously needed some time to think through everything. Her baby blanket was tightly clenched in her fists.
Killian was sitting on the couch patiently, watching her, but didn’t move to press her. He hadn’t said a word when she hastily got dresses and bolted out of her apartment. He didn’t say a word now as she returned with her eyes red and her face blotchy.
“I’m an orphan.” She said suddenly, looking at him, he didn’t look surprised. “And you know that.” He nodded.
“You have the look of a lost one.” He explained in a soft voice. “Pain made when we are young tends to linger.” She swallowed, pacing to sit in a chair across from him, but decided against it, there was too much energy bottled up, too many thought racing through her head.
“My parents found me. They saw my name in the phone book, looked into me, and realized I was their lost daughter. They knew about my blanket, no one knew about my blanket.” She rambled. She was thinking about all the people who claimed she was theirs when Emma was actively searching for where she came from.
Even though she knew it made no sense to him, she had to say it. She had to say it until it made sense. She’d been found with her blanket, a fact that was left out of all police records and paper trails, she knew that since she’d read them all. No one ever knew about the blanket.
They couldn’t have known about the blanket unless they were telling the truth.
“They’ve never stopped looking for me. I was sent away to protect me against powerful people, it was only supposed to be a few days, but they lost me. They never stopped looking for me.” Tears fell from her eyes again.
She never thought this day would come, she remembered the look in the woman, her mother’s eyes, felt her gently hold her, wiping the tears from her eyes.
She saw her father, saw her blonde hair and green eyes in him; saw him look at her like she was the most beautiful person he’d ever seen.
Emma didn’t need the DNA test Chloe had insisted upon. Emma knew they were her parents; she could feel it. She stared at the yellow yarn; remember them telling her in a rush of emotions that their best friend’s grandmother had knitted that when they learned they were having a little girl. It was old fashioned, but her mother, Mary Margret Blanchard Nolan loved it.
“I-I wished.” She realized, finally sitting, looking back at Killian, seeing his gentle smile. “Last night, I wished I found them, that I’d get the chance to know why I’ve been alone for so long.” It wasn’t possible.
“And today you found them love.” Killian supplied.
“How? I’ve been looking for them my entire life.” She insisted. “How is it that they walked into my place of business today?” She asked. “It’s almost like…”
“Say it love, it’ll make the next two wishes go much faster and much easier.” He prompted. “Really get into it.” He teased.
“Magic.” She breathed. “You’re real. You’re really a genie.”
Killian nodded.
He was a real genie, a pirate genie. She had found a pirate genie in her cabinet.
“You made a wish, and it came true, but I warn you love, my magic comes at a steep price, so you bloody better be-“
Emma shook her head, trying with everything she had to not break down into tears when she recalled how she’d seen her little brother’s picture. He looked like their mother, but had her green eyes. She didn’t care about the price. She didn’t care one bit.
She had answers to questions she’d spent her whole life asking. She’d pay whatever price there was for that.
“Thank you.” She said softly. “Thank you for being in my cabinet.” He smirked.
“Any time, now about those other two wishes-“
Emma shook her head. She couldn’t think about that right now. Magic, being reunited with her parents, it was too much so fast. She didn’t need him trying to force her two remaining wishes down her throat. It was almost like-
“Why do you want me to make my wishes so badly?” She asked suddenly, wiping her eyes, finally regaining some sort of composure. Lies she knew, someone wanting her to do something, she understood. It was easier to deal with than magic.
No response. Emma felt like she’d struck a nerve.
“Come on, my apartment isn’t that bad.” She insisted. “I’ll even give you some of my peanut butter.” She teased lightly. It got a small smirk. “But seriously, you’ve been trying to rush me, dare me, anything to get your three wishes and be done.”
Killian scratched his neck nervously. It looked like she struck more than a nerve.
“I’d like to go back to sleep if you don’t mind.” He admits. “As much as a pleasant surprise you are, and trust me love, you are, I’d prefer to get this over and done with as soon as possible.”
“So that’s what it’s like in there for you?” She asked. “Being asleep.”
He shrugged. “Something like that.” He said vaguely.
He hesitates. She can practically see walls shoot up. She knew about walls better than anyone.
Emma sighs warily, getting up slowly. “Hungry? Do magical creatures get hungry?” She’d have to navigate carefully from here, last night she’d cast a wish in anger. She could have wished for something a lot worse.
He smirks. “Pirates do.” He confirmed. Killian just looked content that the topic of questioning had been dropped.
In minutes, Emma had two of the only thing she could make properly in front of them.
Grilled cheese.
Killian stared at it for a moment, looking at it curiously.
“Have you never had a grilled cheese before?” She asked. He shook his head. “You’ll like it.” She confirmed. She watched his face light up as he bit into the sandwich. “Told you.” She said, eating her own.
They sat in silence as they ate until Killian finished his first half.
“How did you get the bottle?” He asked suddenly, not looking at her.
“I was cleaning out my ex’s stuff.” She explained. “Your bottle was inside.”
That reminded her, how exactly had Neal’s mom had a genie? Neal must not have known about it, otherwise he would have definitely used it when they were living in the bug, struggling to stay warm in the winter, eating Cheetos and Oreos for food.
“Who’s Milah?” She said suddenly. “I found you in a box addressed to Milah.” It caught him by complete surprise. A series of emotions crossed his face.
Emotions Emma could recognize easily. Milah meant something to him. Just her name affected him deeply.
“She was someone from…long ago.” He said quietly. “She must be gone by now…”
Right genie equals immortal.
“There were letters in the box.” She said simply.
He didn’t respond at first.
“Have you read them?” He asks eventually, meeting her eyes carefully.
“No more than one line.” She admits. “The second I saw that they were love letters, I stopped.”
Killian nodded, looking relieved. “Swan, may I ask you a favor?” He stole a glance up at her. It was tentative.
“Of course.” She replied.
“Don’t read them, just, destroy them. Actually, when you do get around to casting your wishes, will you please hide my bottle as well?” He asked. She wasn’t expecting that. “Dump it in the ocean, or bury it in a chest.” He listed. “Whatever you need to do to make sure it never sees the light of day again.”
“Very original Mr. Pirate.” She teased. “Why?” It got a smirk from him.
“Those letters were private; I don’t think she’d like to have them read by others.” He admits. “And I prefer not to use my power to serve greedy people.” He explained.
“How do you know I’m not greedy?” She asked in challenge.
“Well love, I believe we understand each other, you and I.” He explained. There was that sincere look back in his gaze. The one that unsettled Emma in a way she didn’t quite understand. “For example, like how you knew I’d love this…what did you call it?” He asked, gesturing to the grilled cheese.
“Grilled Cheese.” She explained. “And if you like that, wait until I introduce you to pizza.”
He likes Pizza.
He grins at it, a big childlike smirk, especially when he gets a string of cheese. She can’t help but watch as Killian struggles to try and not drop it. It’s like watching a little kid eat pizza.
“Quit mocking me Swan.” He wines.
“Can’t. It’s funny.” She replies. “What’s it like in there?” She asks, gesturing to the bottle.
“I told you love, it’s kinda like sleeping.” He replied.
“Ok, what’s it like being a genie?” He shrugs.
“Nothing interesting, you come out, you explain yourself; hopefully not get punched in the face.”
“And you wave your hand when they cast their wish.” He explains. “Then go back inside.” She narrowed her eyes, grabbing another slice.
“Liar.” She replied. “What else?”
“Sometimes I get to watch things go badly.” He said softly. “All magic comes with a price.” He explained. He’d said that several times. “Be careful love.” Killian warns. “When you cast your wishes. Just be careful I’d hate to see you…end up like them.” She feels the mood taking a dark tone as there’s a shadow on his face.
“Hey Killian, have you ever watched Princess Bride?”
He shakes his head.
“Are you sure there isn’t anything you want to wish for Swan?” He asks as Emma starts getting the movie on. Emma shakes her head.
“Let me think on it?” She says. “If I only get 3, I need to make sure I make good use of it if it’s going to cost me.” Especially if it’s going to cost me. Emma thinks.
“What do you think you’ll wish for?” He asks. “Fame? Money? Power? Love?” He guesses “Those are the basics.” Emma shrugs.
“I hate photos, so fame’s out. Money is too cliché. Power is too ‘ultimate villain’ sounding and love…” She trails off. “Isn’t worth it.”
Killian raises a brow. “Tell me Swan, have you ever been in love?”
She looks up at her ceiling in her crappy apartment in Tallahassee.
“Maybe I have. Once.”
“Neal was the only one who ever loved me.” She tells him after the movie, “The only one who ever saw me, who ever thought I was special, that I was something to come back for.” She didn’t look at him, refused to. “And then he left. So no, I’m not going to wish for love.”
He doesn’t speak, doesn’t move until she looks at him.
“I see you Swan. All those who didn’t were blind.”
She snickered. “Please, you barely know me.”
“Aye, yet I can see what a wonderful person you are, I’ve met a lot of terrible people in my occupation.” He reminded her. “You are one of a kind.”
Emma felt her face flush in embarrassment at the look in his eyes. “From your time as a pirate?” She guessed.
“Genie.” He corrects. “Magic corrupts.” Was his only explanation.
Emma looked at the clock, saw how late it was getting.
“I should get to bed, I have a big day of-“ She got the week off. “Processing to do.”
Killian nodded respectfully, rising from the couch. She watched him strangely. “I’ll go back in the bottle then.” He said sadly.
“A-ok.” She replied. “I was going to let you sleep on the couch but-“ His eyes brightened in a flash. “It’s not very comfortable, the couch is lumpy, and I only have a sheet to give you, if you’d be more comfortable-“ She stammers in embarrassment.
“I’d love to sleep on your lumpy couch.” He says quickly, scratching behind his ear nervously. “I mean- if that doesn’t put you out or”
“Whatever’s comfortable for you.” She says. She’s blushing, Emma can feel her cheeks turning pink. “Whatever helps you get the most beauty sleep.”
Killian’s smirk returns. “Concerned about my looks love? I assure you, no couch is powerful enough to ruin that.” He even looks into the Tv’s reflection to prove the fact.
Emma rolls her eyes, she gets up and hands Killian the blanket and pillow.
“You’ve never met my couch.”
Emma spends the night doing something she really shouldn’t have been doing.
She reads through Milah’s letters. They are all addressed to Killian, but served more as a journal than actual notes.
She realized a few things. Milah, Neal’s mother was married to a vindictive man. She described his possessive and controlling tendencies. Neal had described as much when they were together. Emma didn’t know exactly when Milah had crossed paths with Killian’s bottle, judging by the date, Neal must have been 4 or 5.
They fell in love. It was the fast desperate kind. It sounded like it was filled with secrets and sneaking around, Milah described it as exciting, a real adventure.
Then the letters change in tone, she sounds sad and distant, depressed, slowly morphing to anger, at Neal at her husband, even at Killian.
The last letter is a goodbye. It’s stained by tears shed long ago.
Killian is still sleeping when Emma leaves, a quickly scrolled note on the table for him. She’s getting breakfast with her parents.
They ask her if she has anyone special in her life.
Emma blushes and assures them that she’s not dating anyone.
Her mother says that Emma must be thinking of someone with the way she blushed.
Emma refused to admit a thing, not even how she can’t stop thinking about the look in Killian’s eyes when he called her one of a kind.
She brings Killian back a bottle of rum rom the liquor store and a proper breakfast, an Egg McMuffin.
He stared at it for a period before he started firing rapid fire questions.
“Where did it come from? Why is there paper around it? What was the brown thing, why was it shaped like that-“
“Just eat it Killian.” Was Emma’s response.
Killian liked it.
“I also picked this up for later.” She said softly. “You should have seen the odd look I got when I bought it so early in the morning.” Emma said, handing Killian the bottle. His eyes widened as he touched the glass bottle. “I figured it would be just ironic enough. Unless I just pulled a Doby and freed you…”
He grinned, paying her rambles no mind. The pirate didn’t waste a minute, opening it and taking a swig.
“Killian it’s not even 10 am!” Emma chastised. “I don’t know how it was 300 years ago, but here, it’s kinda frowned upon to day drink.”
Killian just stared at the bottle. “I don’t bloody know what a Doby is, but I haven’t had a drink since I became this.” He said with a hint of self-hatred. “My apologies for any disrespect.” He says with a nervous rub of his neck. “It’s just as good as I remember it to be.”
She shakes her head. Of course that was it. Emma was always saying the wrong thing around him. It was so weird because she actually cared what he thought, and Killian probably thought she was a rambling mess. “No, I think I have some glasses in my room.” She says casually, inviting him in. She got some from a cop who was trying to get in her pants.
Killian stops abruptly in her doorway. His frame tenses. She looks back at him confused.
His eyes are locked on something on the floor. She curses internally.
The box is flipped open, Milah’s box to be more precise.
“You read them.” He says with barely contained anger. “After I asked you not to? After I asked you to destroy them?” He hisses.
She flinches. She has no words, no idea how to defend herself. There was no defense.
“I’m sorry.” She says eventually.
“Did you get what you want?” He asks her with a sneer. His fists are clenched and he’s practically shaking.
“What I want? I was just curious and you-“
He cuts her off.  “I thought you were different, I thought you’d respect my voice, and my opinion and not treat me like an object.”
She shakes her head.
“No, that’s not what I was doing!” She insists. “Milah was Neal’s mother and I just needed to know- I wanted to know her.” She wanted to know him.
But Killian’s not listening.
“Perhaps I should just start calling you master now rather than wait for you to throw Milah back in my face. That’s why you wanted to read them right? That’s all my feelings are worth right?”
“Stop, just-“
“Is that an order, master?” He taunts.
“No Killian, you’re not listening!” She shouted back.
“I’ll listen when I hear the magic word.” He sneers, waving his hand. He disappears into red smoke, back in the bottle he goes.
She’s left standing there in complete awe at how angry he got, processing the things he said because it made no sense.
Just let him cool off. Emma concludes, collapsing onto her bed. He’ll listen and then he won’t be so mad.
At least, that’s what Emma hopes.
It must be 2 am when she hears it. Rummaging. Someone is rummaging through her things in the kitchen. Emma suddenly feels 16 again, stealing her first car as she creeps into her kitchen, revolver tucked into the pocket of her robe.
“Killian I swear to god if that’s you-“ She threatens.
It’s not Killian. Not even close.
She feels someone push her to the ground before she can even move. Hands are suddenly at her throat. Emma tries to reach for her gun, but the figure is crushing her and she can’t get it.
Her throat is literally being crushed. She can’t breathe, no matter how much she struggles, she can’t get free. Kicking doesn’t work, she can’t aim properly.
Stars dance in her vision.
I wish someone else was here…. She thinks. I don’t want to die.
“As you wish.” Says a familiar voice. The pressure over her disappears in a puff of red smoke. She gasps and coughs, forcing air into her screaming lungs quickly and desperately.
“Easy love.” Killian says softly, helping her sit up. “Slow deep breathes.” He advises, a glass of water appearing in his grasp. “Drink.” He says.
“Wher…” She says in a strained voice. “Where did he go?” Her voice sounds scratchy, but she takes the water anyway.
“It doesn’t matter.” He says. “Are you alright?” He asks. Emma nods. She blinks and sees the figure who had tried to strangle her in a pile on the floor. He lets out a groan.
She recognizes that groan.
“What the hell Neal?” she curses rising to her feet, flicking on  light.
“Emma!” He says in surprise. “What are you doing here?”
She’s going to kill him. “I live here remember?” She snapped. “We moved in here after we sold the watches.” She is literally going to kill him.
“You’re still here?” He asked. “I thought you would have ran out of money by now.”
If Emma was mad before, she was furious.
“I got a job, bails bond person.” She told him. “I thought I told you never to call me again, not show up here and try to kill me.
“Sorry about that.” Neal said sheepishly, as if murder was no big deal.
“I was looking for my stuff.” He explained.
“And you didn’t think you should just knock on my door at a decent hour because?” She exclaimed. “You tried to kill me!”
“I said I was sorry.” He reminded her.
“And that makes everything better!” She shouted. “Get out of here.” She snapped.
“Emma, I said I was looking for my stuff.” Neal said.
“I burned it.” She replied.
“Not him.” He said pointing to where Kilian was standing protectively to her right, watching Neal like a leather clad hawk. “I know what he is Emma. He shouldn’t be here. He’s dangerous”
She crossed her arms. “Who I choose to spend my time with is none of your business.” She snaps.
“Not when he’s my family’s genie.” Neal replied. “I thought my father was kidding, but I saw him Emma, he appeared by magic.”
Emma didn’t respond. “Look, let me get my stuff, get him away from you and you never have to think about me ever again.” He negotiates.
“Are you serious? What happened to you Neal, you weren’t like this before?” She asks.
He shrugged. “Life’s been hard.” Emma just rolled her eyes.
“But you don’t understand Em.” He said. “His magic, its dark, really dark.” Killian didn’t say a word, he just glared at Neal. “It ruined my entire family, my father was kind and generous before and now he’s a complete monster. My mother left because of it. Everything good went away because of it.” He insisted.
“I didn’t.” Emma reminded him bitterly. “You left me.” She said. “And why are you here if you hate his magic so much?” She asked.
“To destroy it. To destroy all magic.” He answered.
Now that got Killian to react. “You can’t.” He insisted. “Magic is bigger than just me lad, it’s-“
Neal glares at him angrily. “But I can start with you.” He snaps, grabbing the bottle from the counter and smashing it into the counter. It doesn’t break, it just makes a sound.
She thinks nothing of it until Killian reacts, squeezing his eyes shut in obvious pain. “Killain?” She says in a whisper.
It hurt him. Harming the bottle physically hurt him.
“Stop!” She shouts when he does it a second time and Killian gasps, clutching his chest.
He does it again. This time Killian screams, dropping to his knees. Emma’s had enough. She pulls her gun from its hiding spot, pointing it right at Neal.
“Do it again Neal, I dare you.” She hisses. “I won’t miss.” He stops. Emma can hear Killian’s geavy breathing.
“Ems, think about this, you don’t know anything about that.” He said pointing to Killian, calling him a that.
“You’re hurting him, you tried to kill me, so put the bottle down before I shoot you dead in my apartment.” Emma snapped. She has quite a few detectives in her corner after all her skip chases; she’d get away with it.
“Don’t you mean our-“ She removed the safety, showing Neal just how dead serious she was. He put down the bottle. The moment that he did, Killian dissolves into red smoke and enters the bottle probably to recover from whatever the hell had happened to him.
Emma really hates magic.
“I’m leaving now, but you’ll see, soon enough.” Neal warns. “His magic is dark and dangerous. Call me when you change your mind about it all. I’ll come get the bottle and you’ll never have to see either of us again.” He promised, backing towards the front door.
She watches as the door closes, holding tightly to the gun in her hand, acknowledging the fact that if Neal had pushed her, Emma wasn’t too sure if she could pull the trigger.
But Neal didn’t know that, thankfully. She put down the gun and picked up Killian’s bottle, looking it over carefully for any blemishes.
There was a crack, deep and long around the bottle’s neck. She rubbed the blemish, as if to soothe it somehow. Then she looks down at it, unsure how this thing works. She wasn’t sure if calling Killian out would help or hurt him.
“Killian?” She whispers. “Can you-can you get out or do I have to-“ She doesn’t. The room suddenly fills with smoke and Killian appears, but he doesn’t look good.
He stumbles when he lands, hands reaching out for something to ground him as his knees buckle.
“No!” She shouts grabbing him by the shoulder, steadying him before he falls flat on his face. “Killian? Are you alright?” He nods slowly. “Can you stand?” He straightens, but she feels his body trembling in her grip.
“mm fine Swan.” He slurred badly. She sees it, on his neck a cut. Long and deep against his skin.
It’s just like the crack, the crack on the bottle, it’s hurt him. She feels him pull away from her grasp, seemingly getting his balance back, giving her a smile. It doesn’t make her feel any better.
“See love? Takes more than that to take down this pirate.” He insists, touching the wound with his hand.
“Thank you.” Emma says when Killian looks steady. “For saving me from Neal.” She says. He ducks his head sheepishly.
“You made a wish that someone would save you.” He admitted. “But perhaps gratitude is in order…” He teases. He taps his lips.
She rolls her eyes at him. He’s just flirting and she knows that, but the way he says it, the way his eyes wander to her own mouth…
“That was what the thank you was for.” She insists, taking a step closer. She’s watching him, watching the walls come down.
“Is that all your life is worth to you?” He says in a breathy whisper.
“Please, you couldn’t handle it.”
“Perhaps you’re the one who couldn’t handle it.” He replies in a challenge.
Emma could just feel her blood boiling in response, but this time, for an entirely different reason. She grabs the lapels of his jacket and pulls him towards her in a searing kiss. Then it changes, morphs into a battle, both fighting to be in control.
Killian Jones has most certainly ruined all other kisses for Emma Swan.
“I can’t.” He insists, pulling away.
“Milah. You know about her.” He asked, suddenly looked as old as he’s claimed. Emma nodded. “What you don’t know is that I used to belong to her husband.” She could hear the way his voice hitched over belong. The hatred was palpable “And his father before that, and his father before that.” He practically hissed. “I was nothing to them but a source of power, a slave to their wishes. It ruined every single one of them, Milah included.” He insisted, sounding border on frantic. She wanted him to stop, to rest.
“She was beautiful and kind and strong when I first appeared to her, by the time she was done, she was unrecognizable.” He insisted. “She left her son, everything because she wished for love, and I was it. I loved her and then one day, she was gone. And then you-“ His voice broke, his hand covered his face.
“What your ex said was right, my magic taints everyone who comes into contact with it. Normally I don’t care, I don’t care what their own greed does to their lives, but you- I, I don’t want to ruin you too.” He whispered, looking up, as if daring to catch her gaze.
“You did nothing.” She insisted. “I’m not Milah, I didn’t wish for love- I- I don’t know, I don’t know anything about any of this.”
He moved quickly, gripping her hands, “Then do the easiest thing, cast your wishes, something simple and painless, then smash the bottle.” He said frantically. Her jaw dropped.
“You’re out of your mind!” She snapped. “That crack hurt you, if I smash the bottle- you’ll die.”
“I’ll be free.” He insisted.
“There has to be a better way.” She replied. “What if I pull an Aladdin and wish you free?” Emma asked. She’d do it. Emma knows the feeling of being trapped and she wouldn’t wish that on anyone, especially not Killian.
“All magic has a price Swan, you’d be the replacement genie and I- I wouldn’t wish this fate on anyone, especially not you.” He explained. “Why do you care what happens to me anyway?”
Emma doesn’t know herself, she just does. She cares with ever fiber of her being.
“I’ve taken your time for long enough.” He says sheepishly, getting up from the bed, he stumbled, body still trembling.
“My couch is lumpy.” She said. He looked at her in confusion as she stood up, pulling him back into bed. “Come on, you need a good night sleep.” She insisted. “It’s late.”
“Swan…” He murmured weakly. “I-“ She kissed him again, slowly this time, gently, coaxing him into bed with her. He pulled the cover over himself, head moving to her shoulder.
“It’s just sleep.” She reminded him, hand threading through his hair. It was just as soft as she thought it was. “I just want you to feel better.”
Killian chuckled. “Don’t you know Emma?”
“Know what?” She asked. But it was too late, Killian’s breathing drifted off just like that.
And at that moment, Emma knows what she is going to use the last wish for.
“Nothing?” Killian repeats the next morning, watching her as she cooks pancakes and tells him her plans for the last wish.
Pancakes. Emma is cooking pancakes for the pirate genie. The same one she woke up snuggling.
“Is there a time limit on this stuff?” She asks.
“No, but-
“I know I can’t wish for your freedom, but I think this is the closest I can get to that, if I never use your wish, it means no one else can make a wish either right?”
“What if we just hide the bottle or something, and get you some new clothes and a place and-“ She was rambling. It was a stupid idea. Killian turned her around, looking at her.
“You’re truly remarkable, Emma Swan.” He stated plainly. “But I can’t ask you to do that.” He insisted.
“I want to. I want you to be…” She trailed of blushing. “Free.” She said softly. “Or as close to it as possible.” She said handing him a plate.
“Go, sit, then we can talk logistics.” She says.
Killian likes pancakes. Consumes them with way too much syrup, making a bit of a sticky mess. Some even gets on his pirate coat.
“Ok, step one of integrating you into this word is your clothes.” She declares.
“What’s wrong with my clothes?” He asks in slight outrage, clutching his jacket close.
“You look like you’re in a Revolutionary War reenactment.” She replies. “Pirate edition.”
“I know when you’re referencing something.” He mutters in a huff.
“And I know you never know what it is.” He rolls his eyes. “Come on, we can go get you some new clothes.” She insists. “How long have you been in the same ones?” She asks. “2 centuries?”
“3.” He says quietly.
“Killian. You are overdue for a shopping trip.” She stated. “I promise, we can find something fiy for the dashing rapscallion you are.”
It brings a smirk to his face. “You think I’m dashing?” He teased.
Emma throws a pancake at his face.
Despite having come back very successful from their trip to the mall, things were strained.
She doesn’t see why he’s getting so upset, all she’s doing is pointing out the fact that the pretty blonde he keeps staring at has been flirting with him.
The sales person, a young blonde named Alexandra, just kept giggling and the whole “Those jeans look fabulous on you sir.” And “that blue shirt looks so great with your eyes.
Of course the shirt went with his eyes. It was what Emma was going for. She got him a leather jacket that was less pirate than his coat, but still very Killian.
But the man was too busy staring at her to notice.
“It’s fine if you like her Killian.” She insisted. “I’m sure you had a lot of conquests in your pirate days.” She reminded him. “I don’t own you.”
He nods in agreement. “Will you stop?” He demanded. “I don’t like her.”
Emma rolled her eyes. “Fine. Forget I said anything. I’m calling my contacts to get you an identity, then you can restart your life, you won’t have to rely on me.” She explained. “You can find someone you actually fancy.” She insisted with a touch of bitterness.
“Don’t you know? Do you really not see what’s bloody right in front of you?” He asks her with his honest blue eyes almost angrily. “I don’t care about that girl; she just looks just like her mother, someone who one of my wishes hurt deeply.” He admits. “I’d never get involved with anyone but-“ He cuts off, staring at her. “Does the thought that I would bother you?”
Emma’s been reading people since before she could talk, but right now, she doesn’t have a clue what Killian’s getting at. “Bother me?” She exclaimed. “It doesn’t bother me.” She snapped.
“Open book Swan.” Killian reminded her.
Or maybe she does. She knows what she wants to see in his eyes, or hear in his voice or read in the way he takes a step closer. Emma doesn’t understand, it’s been days, she’s only known him for days, but it just-
It feels so real.
“I can’t.” She says sharply, pulling away from him. “I can’t do this right now.”
She can’t admit it to him, can’t admit it to herself.
“I need to go” she says suddenly. The feeling of panic takes root in her chest. It makes Emma want to run.
“Emma, don’t run, just talk to me-“ Killian begs. No one has ever begged her to stay.
“I can’t.” She repeats and runs out the front door. She just needs some space.
She needs to process everything.
Emma decompresses at a diner drinking way too much hot chocolate.
She knows what she wants; she has known for a long time what she wants. A family.
Emma just needs to figure out how to come to terms with the thought of Killian not in it.
She’s know the guy for less than a week and she’s fallen hard for his honest eyes and pirate swagger and haunted past.
That’s when she realizes that the reason it’s so hard is that Emma wants Killian in her life.
In her future, in her family.
Emma gears herself up to tell him so.
She goes home.
Only to find her front door broken open and the bottle and Killian nowhere to be found.
“I should have shot him.” She says in annoyance, knowing exactly who was to blame for this.
It’s only because of Milah’s letters that she finds Neal. Apparently Milah’s husband, Neal’s father owned a pawn shop way back in the day.
Even more than 2 decades off, the woman’s description is on point. It’s creepy and dark and pretty gloomy. No wonder the business had failed. Emma wouldn’t step in here even in her worse moments.
However, it was the perfect place for a deadbeat to hide with an abducted pirate genie.
Emma picks the lock in the back of the shop, following the sound of voices into the depth of the creepy shop.
“Cast my wish.” Neal orders.
“Sorry, try again later.” Killian spits back. She hears him gasp out in pain.
They were hurting him. She had to stop them. She felt for her gun as she edged forward.
“I wish magic was destroyed.” Neal stated. “You’re a genie. Do your job!” He snapped.
“It doesn’t work like that.” Killian growled, being held by a man Emma recognized from her pile of papers on her desk. He was a muscle for hire up north.
Then she saw Killian. She nearly gasped.
His skin was red with blood. She could see the abrasions on his skin and the tarnishes in his new jacket and clothes. His eye was swollen shut. Neal had gone too far.
Emma considered a sneak attack, but a part of her knew it wouldn’t work. Neal had the bottle. He had the upper hand. Even if she shot him, he’d drop it and the bottle could shatter.
So Emma settled with the traditional approach.
Or as she usually called it, the stupid approach.
“It won’t work for you.” Emma announces, coming in with her gun pointed. “I still have one more wish.” She reminds him. She hears a click behind her. A woman was pointing a gun at her head.
“I’m sorry it had to come to this Emma.” Neal admits. “Drop it.” He’s lying. He doesn’t care.
Killian’s eyes go wide from where the other guy was holding him down.
“Swan, what are you doing here?” He says, “Get out of here!”
She looks at him and smiles. “I’m not leaving without you.” She declares, putting down her weapon.
The woman, another muscle for hire, hands her gun to Neal. He levels the gun in his hand towards her. “Turnabout is fair play Ems.” Neal says with a smirk. “Make a wish and then leave.” He orders. Emma can’t help but smirk, not bothering to look at him.
“I don’t take orders Neal.” She reminds him.
She hears the safety click off. Emma returns her gaze to him calmly.
“Emma, please, do as they say.” Killian shouts, struggling to fight free. “This isn’t your fight.” He tries to remind her.
“Don’t you know Killian?” She says teasing. “Your fight is my fight.” She says calmly. “Plus, Neal can’t kill me.” She says. “I don’t make the wish; your magic is never used again.” She says.
Or at least, that’s how Emma hopes this all works.
She hates magic.
“But I can still shoot you’ hit you in the shoulder or the leg.” Neal says.
“Do it.” Emma replies deadly serious. “I don’t care.”
Neal grumbles in annoyance, pulling the gun back. It looks like she actually meant something to the guy once upon a time. He places the bottle on the ground and points the gun at it. “Make a wish or I obliterate the genie.” He threatens.
Now that scares Emma.
“Please Emma. I’ll be ok, I promise. Just please go, live your life, be happy. You have your whole future ahead of you.” Killian insists.
“I can’t lose you.” She admits. “I can’t lose another person I love.” Killian blinks in surprise.
“Swan…” He says softly.
“Emma, stop, you can’t love him. He’s bad news, he’s tainted with all his dark magic and-“ Emma doesn’t pay him any attention.
All Emma cares about is these last few minutes with Killian, seeing his expression brighten even as his eyes remain sad. “Emma.” He says eventually.
“Even if you don’t feel the same, if I am going to lose you, it’s going to be on my terms.” She declares. “I’m going to go through with my promise to you.” Killian’s eyes go wide because he knows her.
He knows what she’s thinking, what she’s going to do.
“Emma! Don’t do it!” He shouts, and fights more desperately. “You don’t want this life!”
“Make a wish Emma.” Neal orders. “Or I will shoot. If I can’t destroy all magic, I will settle for his.”
Neal of course has no idea what Emma has planned.
She nods, turning back to Neal, leveling a glare at him. “Fine.” She spits out.
Emma takes a breath and smiles.
“I wish Killian Jones would finally get his happy ending.”
The gun fires.
Emma screams.
The lying prick!
But as she looks back at Neal, time seems to stop.
And not in the cliché everything slows down in her head because insert trauma here, no. Like in time literally stops, or at least seems to slow down at least.
“Swan.” Killian says, easily escaping the man’s grasp. The pirate is glowing. Emma watches with awe as his wounds are healing in front of her, bloody face clean, two blue eyes open, rumpled shirt suddenly perfect. He starts with a limp but in seconds he’s walking perfectly towards her.
“Emma.” He says, hand moving to her face, cupping it, “You’re bloody brilliant.” He says.
“Killian, I don’t understand, what’s happening?” She says. He’s glowing brighter now. “I don’t think your happy ending is becoming a walking night light.” Emma says.
Killian chuckles. “Don’t you know Emma?”
“Know what?” She asks. “Because I obviously don’t.” Emma says.
“You really are dense.” He chuckles, looking at her, tears in his eyes. His fingers wipe away her own. Emma hadn’t even realized she was crying “It’s you. It’s always been you.” his form is slowly fading. “I love you Emma Swan. You’re my happy ending. You’ve been my happy ending since you decked me in your kitchen” He admits with a joyous laugh.
She can’t help but gasp and kiss him, it’s not searing, or gentle like the last too. It’s final.
“Killian…” She pleads. “I don’t do tearful goodbyes.” She says. “Please don’t leave.”
“I have to go now.” He says softly, turning dim, fading away. “I wish things could be different, but this was the hand we were dealt.”
“Killian!” She shouts. “I love you.” She says again. She’d say it a thousand times if it meant he didn’t have to go.
“And I you.” There’s a flash. She blinks away due to the intensity of it all.
She’s in her apartment. His bottle in her hand, it feels strangely cold.
“Killian?” She whispers, rubbing the glass surface.
Nothing happens.
He’s gone.
Tears stream down her face.
He’s free.
Emma ends up by the docks a few days later. She looks back at where her parents are waiting in David’s beat up truck.
She’d told them everything, as crazy as it was. Emma hd to explain why she kept crying, why she was pushing them away. Why she was pushing everyone away all over again.
And they believed her.
This was their suggestion.
“Hi Killian.” She says by the docks, a place she thinks Killian would like, she feels close to him here. “I brought you your bottle. I filled it with rum…I thought you’d like it more than roses.” She admits.
Emma wonders if he liked roses or if they even existed in his time… She wondered if he was the type of guy to bring her flowers…
“I- I found out what happened to Milah, I thought you’d like to know…if you’re listening.” She mumbled. Emma had known it was one of the mysteries that Killian regretted not knowing. She thought finding out for him would be better, it would help her sooth her grief just a bit.
“She ran away from Gold, restarted her life. She traveled around the world as a ship captain. The Jolly Roger as she called it.” Emma said. “She sent her life taking in run-aways and lost kids onto her ship, giving them a chance at life before letting them set off on their own when they were ready.” She explains. “She died happy, a heart attack, but happy. Her oldest charge took over her ship, a boy called Liam. It proves that your magic didn’t ruin her, it helped her. She changed her life because of you. Just like you did with me.” She admits.
“Before you appeared, I was alone. I thought that was all I ever was going to be, but because of you…I have my parents, I put down my armor a bit, just a bit, but I think I can lower it more every day.” She says. “That’s my promise to you. I’m not going to let this heartbreak put up my walls again. I’m not alone anymore.” She declares as tears streak her face.
“So I hope…I hope you’re in a better place.” She says, voice breaking, her head falls and she can feel the barely contained sobs behind her eyes. “I know that I should be happy that you’re free…you wanted to be free so badly…But I just feel like you’re really gone. And there’s nothing left to do…” She let out a wailing sob. “I just miss you.”
She drops the bottle into the sea, watching it sink.
I wish he was here…with me. Emma thought to herself. But she was out of wishes.
There’s a flash of white light that hits her in a wave, like a powerful gust of wind.
“Swan.” Says a voice.
Killian’s voice.
Emma spins around.
He’s looking at her in disbelief and it takes a minute for Emma herself to process it. The moment she does she runs to him and kisses him. He’s surprised at first, but welcomes her into his arms quickly; she grabs ahold of his collar, not letting him go. She’s never ever letting go.
“How, how is this possible?” She says in a breathless whisper. He smells of salt and rum, his breathing is heavy from their kiss. She looks at him and he looked like he didn’t want to let her go either.
He looked at her and smiled his big smirking grin.
“Magic.” He said in a breathless voice, laughing as she kissed him again all over his face. “I’m free Swan, I have no more magic, but I’m here with you.” He insisted.
“I couldn’t wish for anything better.”
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svenjaliv · 3 years
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Cuddles by the fire for @csjanuaryjoy​ ♥
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Please don’t tweet or repost this. Reblogging is totally fine and welcome, thank you!
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stahlop · 4 years
CS January Joy Day 23: Permission Granted
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Summary: And Emma had been on her share of bad dates: the guy who couldn’t remember her name and kept calling her Enya, the guy that had to pull over before they even made it to the restaurant to puke on the side of the road, the guy that talked about his ex the entire evening and then called said ex numerous times and asked Emma how he could get her back. But Walsh, he was something else entirely.
Notes: This was inspired by one of those lists you can find on social media. This one dealt with people who thought they were better than someone else , and then were put in their place. When I read this story, I immediately thought of Walsh trying to pull this crap with Emma to impress her.
Thank you @profdanglaisstuff​ for being my beta and helping me get the story back on track.
Rated: G
Emma knew within two minutes that this was going to be a bad date. Emma can’t believe that Ruby, of all people, set her up with the worst guy in the world. Mary Margaret she would have expected it from, but apparently Ruby was in the happy love bubble now that she was dating Liam, and since Mary Margaret and David had their little newborn bundle of joy, Ruby apparently took up the ‘setting up Emma on blind dates’ mantle.
And Emma had been on her share of bad dates: the guy who couldn’t remember her name and kept calling her Enya, the guy that had to pull over before they even made it to the restaurant to puke on the side of the road, the guy that talked about his ex the entire evening and then called said ex numerous times and asked Emma how he could get her back. But Walsh, he was something else entirely.
Emma had learned her lesson about blind dates picking her up. She always met them where the date was going to happen, that way she had her own mode of transportation to get out if the date went sour. The restaurant Walsh wanted to meet at was a pretty swanky place, and happened to be a five minute walk from her apartment. Emma wore a cute pair of black wedge booties with her dress instead of heels since she would be walking. Walsh frowned about the shoes right off the bat. He didn’t think they looked classy enough with her dress; a white dress that came to right above her knees and was sheer black on the top and sleeves. Then he told her how dangerous it was for a woman like her to be walking around town and he would have just picked her up if he’d known she was planning on walking. When Emma tried to interject that she worked in bail bonds and knew how to take care of herself, he went on a tirade about the criminal justice system, because owning an antique furniture store apparently made him not only a prick, but an expert in law as well.
And then Walsh insisted on showing Emma his boat. Now Emma had to admit she was intrigued. She loved the water and had always wanted to go sailing. She only knew one person with a boat and that was Ruby’s boyfriend’s brother, Killian. Emma had only met Killian a handful of times, not enough to ask to be invited onto his boat. She had seen it docked down at the marina, knew it was called the Jolly Roger, and knew that he thought it was hilarious because he too had a hook for a hand just like the literary owner (though Killian’s was the mechanical kind that could grasp items and not one that was sharp and needed only for pirating). Oh, and Walsh was a big ol’ fat liar, because they were definitely standing in front of Killian’s J olly Roger right now and not any boat belonging to Walsh.
“So you like Peter Pan then?” Emma said once she could actually get a word in edgewise (that was yet another mark in the ever expanding negative column, Walsh talked non-stop, and mainly about himself).
“What?” Walsh said, surprised that he’d been interrupted.
“Your boat. It’s called the Jolly Roger . I just figured you were a big Peter Pan fan. Or, I guess, more a Captain Hook fan,” Emma said, stating the obvious.
“Well,” he started, as if he were giving a lecture and not talking to a date, “the Jolly Roger is actually the name for the flag pirates flew on their ships with the skull and crossbones.”
“So you like pirates?” Emma asked, getting tired of this whole charade.
“Do you like pirates?” Walsh said taking a step forward. With any other guy it might have been a sexy move, with Walsh it was just creepy. Emma took a step back to distance herself from him. Walsh didn’t seem to notice, he kept creeping into her space.
“Hey, buddy, back up, please!” Emma said making her voice loud and firm so there was no way he could misunderstand the tone. She also put her hand out so he couldn’t come any closer.
“Oh, come on Emma,” he said with a sly smile that made him seem slimy and not seductive in the least. “I bought you a nice meal, we’ve had a nice conversation, you like my boat. We both know where this is heading.” Walsh fingered a piece of Emma’s hair and moved it to behind her shoulder. Emma’s skin crawled at that. She was going to kill Ruby, and she was going to do it slowly and torturously so she knew exactly how Emma was feeling right in this moment.
“I think the lady said to back off, mate.” A voice came from behind Walsh’s shoulder. Emma instantly relaxed. She recognized that accent. It belonged to the true owner of the boat, Killian.
But Walsh was not going to be deterred from whatever scenario he had concocted in his head about how this night was going to end.
“How about you back off?” he said, turning to Killian. “You’re not supposed to be here unless you own a boat.” His eyes flicked to Killian’s ragged looking jeans, white t-shirt, flannel shirt, flip flops, and messenger bag, instantly deeming him unworthy of possibly owning a boat on this dock.
“True, true,” Killian said, his cerulean eyes immediately looking at Emma as if to say ‘what is wrong with this idiot’ .
“Well,” he paused for dramatic effect, “it’s a good thing I own this boat then.” Killian grinned swinging up the ladder. Walsh’s jaw dropped. He had obviously thought he’d get away with the boat ruse and had not expected the actual owner to show up and out him in front of his date.
Walsh tried to recover. He grabbed Emma’s hand and mumbled, “Let’s go,” but Emma didn’t budge. She snatched her hand away.
“Do you really think I’m going to go anywhere with you after that stunt you just tried to pull?” Emma asked, incensed that he actually thought she would want to continue the date, especially since she’d already been asking him to back off before Killian interrupted.
Walsh looked pissed that his plans had been derailed and stomped off down the dock. Emma let out a sigh of relief. She really hadn’t wanted to kick his ass.
“Everything okay down there, Swan?” came Killian’s voice from the boat. He had a look of concern on his face.
“Just peachy,” Emma said, smoothing out her dress. She had two options: head home, get into comfy clothes and watch Netflix, or see if she could finally get onto Killian’s boat.
“Permission to come aboard?” she asked, tilting her head and giving a lop-sided smile. Killian’s face went from concern to surprise at her request.
“Permission granted,” he said, coming over to the ladder and reaching out his hand to help her aboard. Emma was never more glad for wearing her comfortable booties than in that moment.
Killian’s hand was warm when she placed hers in his. Emma scrambled up the ladder as gracefully as she could, but eventually just ended up clambering over the top of the boat in an effort to not show off what was underneath her dress.  She straightened up once she was on the deck, pulling down her dress that had ridden up and trying to tame her blonde curls from the whole endeavor.
“Hi,” Emma said softly once she had righted herself.
“Hi,” Killian said, chuckling a bit. “You want to tell me what was with the wanker you were with down there?” he asked.
Emma blushed and then groaned. “Blame Ruby. Apparently because she’s so happy with your brother she feels the need to embrace her inner Mary Margaret and try to make everyone else happy as well. She set me up with that ‘wanker’.” She said doing a poor imitation of Killian’s accent. Killian raised an eyebrow.
“I would have thought Ruby had better taste than that, considering she’s dating my brother.”
“Right?” Emma said, wondering how Ruby ever thought this date was a good idea. And then she asked curiously, “What are you doing out here at 10 o’clock on a Friday night? I’d think you’d be out with the guys or out with a girl or something.” She tried to sound casual about it. They’d only met a few times, but Emma had not failed to notice how good looking Killian was, what with his artfully looking bed head, neatly trimmed scruff, and piercingly blue eyes. He was also very considerate, always one to help out a friend when they were in a bind.
“Liam’s taking Ruby out on the boat tomorrow and needed some things set up, and since they are also out tonight, I offered to do it for him.” He scratched his hair right behind his ear, a cute nervous gesture that Emma had seen him do a few times.  “Would you like to help since you’re here?” he asked scratching behind his ear. The bravado he’d had when getting rid of Walsh now seemed to be replaced with nerves. Was he nervous around her?
“Sure,” Emma said. She followed him down the ladder to the boat’s interior.
“Let me give you the tour.” He grinned as she landed next to him. “This is the kitchen where I’m placing food for Liam and Ruby’s picnic date tomorrow.”  Killian said pulling out some wine bottles from the messenger bag, placing the white in the fridge, and putting the red one in a wine rack built into the kitchen area. “There is the dinette table they will be eating at for their date,” He placed a piece of crusty bread on it, “the couch they will most likely be making out on, and the queen-sized bed that I’m sure they will take advantage of,” he finished, grabbing the last of the food from his bag (what looked like deli meats, cheeses, and fruit) and placing them on the kitchen counter. Emma gave a slight grimace, even though she knew it was probably all true.
“Looks like Liam’s got quite the date planned,” Emma said, “Why are you setting this up and not him?”
“Because Liam and Ruby are in a new relationship and can’t keep away from each other long enough for Liam to go to the store and set things up himself.” Killian rolled his eyes. “And, also, I’m a good brother and had nothing better to do tonight. And since it is my boat, I thought I’d be nice and make sure everything was in working order.” Emma nodded understanding. How many times had she helped out some of her girlfriends by doing the same thing? She was about to say as much when her stomach let out a huge grumble. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
“Let me guess, Swan,” Killian stated, coming over to her. “Wanker took you to some high priced restaurant where you pay $50 for two slices of meat and they call that a steak dinner?” Emma laughed.
“It was three pieces, and a carrot cut in two halves, and a dollop of mashed potatoes with sour cream and chives drizzled artfully on top. I’m starving,” she said, smiling at him.
“Well, darling, take a seat and we can dig into some of this delicious food that Liam and Ruby were supposed to dine on tomorrow.” Killian immediately grabbed two plates from the kitchen cabinets, placing the items from the counter on therm, along with two wine glasses, and placed them on the dinette.
“But, then Ruby and Liam won’t have anything to eat.” Emma said now feeling awkward as Killian pulled out a chair for her.
Killian grabbed the red wine and a corkscrew and opened the wine. He poured some into his own glass and then gestured to Emma’s. She nodded as he poured her some. “Being the wonderful younger brother that I am, I will replenish whatever stores we consume tonight. Besides, I can’t let you go hungry, that’s just bad form.” He held up his wine glass toward her. Emma brought hers up to clink with his.
“What a gentleman.”
“I’m always a gentleman, love.”
They made little sandwiches and Emma and Killian both playfully tried throwing grapes in each others mouths (try being the operative word, they both missed each others mouths spectacularly), while having one of the best get to know you conversations Emma had ever had in her life (“By the way, I really like your shoes,” he said at one point. “Thank you!”).
“I’m sorry this is how our first dinner ended up happening,” he said smiling that killer smile. “I really would have rather asked you out properly instead of rescuing you from a bad date.”
“You thought about asking me out to dinner?” she asked. Killian’s eyebrows practically rose into his hair, his eyes wide with disbelief.
“Um… yes?” he said, now running his fingers through his hair, and Emma could see that he was worried he had overstepped. She almost laughed at how nervous he was. It was really sweet. Emma grabbed his hand and hook and took them in her own from across the table.
“Good,” she said, maintaining eye contact and smiling back at him. “I’ve thought about it too.” Killian let out a breath as if he’d been holding it, just waiting for her reaction. He rubbed his thumb along the back of her hand, drawing nonsensical patterns on it.
“Can I ask permission to call this our first date then, love?” The boldness in his voice was back.
“Permission granted.”
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This is the dress Emma’s dress is based on for her date.
Please leave comments and reblog! Also, let me know if you want to be tagged in future stories
@profdanglaisstuff @thisonesatellite @mariakov81 @hollyethecurious @winterbaby89 @jennjenn615 @kmomof4​ @superchocovian​ @lfh1226-linda​ @csjanuaryjoy​
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carpedzem · 3 years
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The Darkness || @csjanuaryjoy
my take on how the darkness works. it didn’t tun out how I imagined but it’s still pretty close :) big thanks for @captain-emmajones who supported me a lot and to all discord ladies who helped!
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Nothing Good Happens After 2AM (Ch 4)
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Rating: M (finally earning that for this chapter)
Words: 2900
Read: ao3, ff.net CH 1 CH 2 CH 3
Summary: Emma took Killian home for the holidays as a fake date. Things seemed to be going well…until it didn’t. What happens when two fools in love didn’t confess their love over the holidays like they planned and have to go back home to reality? This. This is what happened…(A twist on fake dating during the holidays)
AN: Well....shit lol here we finally are! I wish I had a good reason for the year and a half delay. Honestly, I got one not so great review and it shook me a bit and I was already iffy about writing. But thank you to so many incredible souls being so encouraging and supporting me to get back into writing. Thank you to @kmomof4​ who read all four chapters and edited them (make sure to check them out). I really hope you enjoy this last part as I’m so happy to finally have this out for you all. A very late and final contribution to @csjanuaryjoy
tagging some of the fam squad (please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed): @kymbersmith-90 @let-it-raines @artistic-writer @hollyethecurious @hookedonapirate @carpedzem @nowforruin @kmomof4 @wellhellotragic @thesschesthair @teamhook​ @winterbaby89​ @zaharadessert​ @stahlop​ @ultraluckycatnd @blowmiakisscolin​ @peggyswan​ @jrob64​ @klynn-stormz​​ @tiganasummertree​ @batana54​ @pirateprincessofpizza​​
Ruby made her way back up to the party, excited to see how the rest of the night would play out after her phone call to Emma. As she made her way back into Killian’s apartment she saw the Nolans as they gestured rather animatedly. Then Ruby rounded the corner and looked in to see who they were yelling at. 
It was Killian. 
And from the looks of it they were letting Killian have it. And he was just standing there taking it.  
What the hell did he get into in the last five minutes to warrant this? Ruby was both concerned, but mostly entertained because the sweet sunshine Charmings never yelled. She strolled into the kitchen with a grin, figuring she would enjoy the show. That was until the furious couple saw her - apparently she was their new target. 
“Ruby Elizabeth Lucas! You have a lot of explaining to do.”
Ruby was confused to say the least. How the hell was she involved in... whatever this was? 
“Um...I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
“Bullshit, Ruby!” She was completely taken back, Mary Margaret never swore. “You just told me that Emma thought Killian was dating Elsa. And last time I checked Killian and Emma have been together for the last three months. So please, explain yourself. Now.”
“I feel like it’s not really my place,” she said, darting her eyes toward Killian, but she could tell no one was buying it. “Listen, Snow White and Prince Charming, your poor sister felt pressured to bring a date home for the holidays. She and Killian decided to go to Ruth’s and tell y’all they were dating so you’d back the hell off. And it worked and everything was fine. Then Elsa showed up and spooked Emma because she thought she lost her chance with him. Because shocker,” she looked fiercely at Killian and had to restrain herself from smacking him upside the head, “they’re both in love with each other and are being absolutely idotic and not telling the other the truth.” She turned back toward the stunned silent Charmings, “And you two are not helping the cause!”
Killian looked up in complete shock, his eyebrows nearly reaching his hair. The Nolans stood gaping at her, obviously not expecting her brutal honesty. 
“Listen,” Ruby took a deep breath. “Cut them some slack. You two were acting like Emma was going to turn into some crazy old spinster if she didn’t find a date soon. Also, you two act as though you are a literal fairytale couple.” She shrugged. “Sometimes it’s hard to live up to your kind of love.”
As David stood in shock, Mary Margaret finally spoke up. “We went too far, didn’t we?” That’s when she turned to Killian. “We’re sorry, Killian. We shouldn’t have ever put you in this situation. We love you, we love Emma, and that wasn’t fair...I hope you can forgive our behavior this evening.”
Just as Killian was about to speak up, the door opened revealing an out of breath Emma Swan.
Emma was confused by the odd looks she was receiving as her welcome. She should be used to their bizarre behavior at this point, but this felt different. 
As she made her way over to the group her nerves set back in. She was here to tell Killian the truth. She was going to finally confess her love for her best friend. On his birthday. What could possibly go wrong?
“Right, well, this has been fun. Perhaps we should give these two some alone time.” Ruby elbowed the couple so Emma and Killian could have a moment.
As Emma walked towards Killian she finally took in her surroundings and realized how packed the apartment was. “I wish there were less people here…”
“Why, Swan? I love large parties, they’re so intimate. At small parties-”
“-there isn’t any privacy. I like it when you quote things to me.” Looking at him, she realized how close they were. She wasn’t even aware of her own movement toward him. Then she looked into his blue eyes. She missed them. 
She missed him. 
They stood there, taking each other in. It’d been weeks since they’d been together, really together. Neither one knew how to start. 
“Emma, you came.”
She wished in that moment she had something poetic to respond with, but that wouldn’t be Emma. “That’s what she said.”
The two instantly burst into laughter, the tension dying with every laugh. 
“I missed you, Swan.” Killian reached his hand out to tuck a loose strand behind her ear, Emma leaned into his touch. 
“I missed you too. I’m so sorry I ran…I wish I had a good excuse, but I don’t. I wanted to tell you so many times how I felt. I was going to tell you. On New Year's Eve. I was finally going to tell you. I had this whole plan. It was a good plan. And then Ruby fucking decided to be Chef Julia Child and give me food posioning. And then...I saw how happy you looked with Elsa and I thought, I thought, I’d lost my chance with you.” Emma finally found the courage to look up when she finished.
Killian’s eyes were full of unshed tears. When Emma opened her mouth to try and say something to break the tension Killian wrapped his arms around her. Emma finally took a breath. A breath she had been holding for weeks. He didn’t hate her. 
“Emma, my love, I promise nothing happened with Elsa. She was Liam’s fiance. She’s an old friend and nothing more. You though...you’re so much more than that. I’ve been a coward. I’ve hidden behind our friendship, behind the lie we told your family, and I will not do that any longer. I’ve had three words on the tip of my tongue since the night we met, I swear, and I will not waste another minute without you hearing them.”
Emma extracted herself from his grasp. “Before you do, I have something for you.” 
Killian lets out a sigh, “Really? Right now?”
Without another word Emma pulled the small red box from her clutch and handed it to Killian. He looked at her with curious eyes. “It’s your birthday, open the damn thing, Jones.”
“So demanding. Now what do we have here? It's a-” 
He stopped.  
It was the most infuriating object that haunted his dreams - well, besides Emma. That trip to her home, the infernal garnish was everywhere. 
There was that kiss.
God, that kiss. He relieved it daily, prayed that it wasn’t the last kiss he’d ever share with Emma. Up until this moment he was convinced that would be the case.
“Well, Swan, this is quite the gift. I don’t know exactly what to say.” He scratched behind his ear, a nervous tick they were both well aware of. 
“I, um, do you wanna see if it works?” Killian’s eyes shot up to Emma.
“Well, love, seems only right I try it out with you since you were the one that gave me such a generous gift. Shall we...”
Emma cut him off with a bruising kiss, it caught him a little off guard, but it only took a moment for him to catch up. Killian didn’t give a damn that there was a party going on around them. He finally had Emma in his arms. Emma’s hands wandered to the nape of his neck, holding on for dear life. Killian’s hands roamed down her sides before anchoring on her hips, holding her tightly against him. He cursed the fact that Emma was wearing a dress, even if she did look bloody gorgeous in the tight red piece. He couldn’t wait to have that blasted thing on his floor.
They finally broke for air, still clinging to one another, foreheads touching. Killian was ready to dive back in when he looked up and remembered they weren’t alone. Mary Margaret was crying, Ruby was cheering, and David looked slightly annoyed but Killian saw the small smile he was trying but failing to hide. 
“Come on, love. I think it’s time we faced the vultures. And I’d like you to meet Elsa, if that’s alright with you?”
“Yeah, I think that’s a pretty good idea, Captain.” Emma reached down and grabbed Killian’s hand before they walked over. 
Maybe the trope board wasn't wrong after all. 
As the party went on, Killian and Emma were inseparable; the two constantly touching the other. At one point, while talking to Mary Margaret and David, Emma laid her head on Killian's shoulder, something she'd done a million times, but this time Killian placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. 
The two were in their own happy bubble. They pretended to be engaged with those around them, but they couldn't ignore but feel the sparks ignited with each touch.  
"So, Emma? It's nice to finally meet you. I'm sorry for the miscommunication. I feel as though that was my fault." Emma was confused on how Elsa seemed to be privy to their issue, but then she saw Mary Margaret across the room and assumed her friend had filled her in.
"Please, don't be. I was...scared I lost my chance with Killian."
"Oh, honey. I don't think you could ever lose this one." Killian squeezed Emma closer to prove her point. 
Turns out Elsa was hilarious and had wonderfully embarrassing stories about Killian. Emma had a feeling the two were going to be good friends after tonight. 
The party eventually wound down a little after one, slowly the various couples left. That's when Emma realized she was alone with Killian. 
Suddenly, Emma felt her nerves grow. They'd declared their love and haven't left the others' side since, but she would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous. She absentmindedly threw out some empty cups as she tried to plan her next move.
"Love," Killian called for her from the living room, "can you come here?" Emma slowly made her way into the room as Killian stretched out his arms to embrace her. 
"Emma, I...I know that tonight has been a lot. Our relationship has always been a lot. And I know the future is uncertain, but there's one thing I want you to be certain of - I will always be by your side. For as long as you'll let me, my love."
She didn't even know a tear had slipped until Killian pulled back to wipe it. 
"I haven't always made things easy. I get spooked easily, but I'm tired of running. I want to be with you, Killian. I love you."
"And I you, my beautiful Swan." 
The kiss started off slowly, different than the one earlier, but no less passionate. Emma brought her hands around Killian's neck, playing with the nape of his hair. As Killian kissed down her neck, Emma didn't recognize the noises that escaped her mouth.
As their kisses continued, Emma was surprised when Killian's legs hit the couch and he fell down. She hadn’t been aware that they moved. Emma said she was tired of running, and she was ready to show him. So she straddled his legs and hovered over him for just a moment.
They felt like teenagers again, making out on a couch like this. She could feel him harden beneath her, driving her wild. But, it wasn't enough, she needed more. Emma started unbuttoning his shirt, the bastard already had the top three undone. Without a second thought, she began to rake her fingers through the coarse black hair. 
"I've been dying to do this since we first met. So soft," she murmured. Killian found a spot behind her ear that made her mewl. Emma brought her lips to his ear, "I've always wondered how it'd feel against my breasts." 
With that, Killian pulled back. "My love, are you sure? We can wait. Because once I have you, I'm never going to let you go." Emma nodded slowly. As she looked into his eyes, she could barely see a trace of blue. His pupils were blown. 
Before Emma could stand, Killian wrapped his arms around her to carry her to his bedroom. He only ran into the wall twice as Emma was no doubt leaving marks on his neck. Killian gently placed her in the middle of the bed. 
"I always swore that if we got here, I would worship every inch of you."
"Killian, please, worship later. I need you now."
"Just a taste. Patience, darling." Killian was beyond thankful at that moment Emma had opted for a dress as he quickly removed her thong.  
Before she could speak, he brought his mouth to her sex. "You're already drenched for me. You..fuck...you taste delicious."
Emma couldn't speak, he was overwhelming in every sense of the word. She grabbed a fistful of his hair, not that she needed to guide him; he knew exactly what he was doing. 
Killian replaced his mouth with two fingers. "That's it, Emma. You look so beautiful like this. I want you to come for me, darling. Come and then I'll give you what you really want."
His voice was deeper, accent thicker. Emma had a feeling she could finish from his voice alone, but right now, it was his fingers and mouth that were going to do the trick. 
Emma lost all control of her limbs as he sent her over the edge. He didn't let up though, he continued slowly licking as she came back down. As her breathing returned to normal, Killian kissed up her body. 
"Worship later, Killian,” she moaned again. “Please. I need you. Now."
"So demanding, Swan,” he observed, taking his pants and boxer briefs off. “I think I like this side of you, all in a commanding voice, chills really." 
He climbed back on top of her, but instead of responding, Emma hooked her legs around Killian and flipped him, so he laid on his back. He looked up in awe, he had never been so turned on than in this moment. 
Emma decided she was tired of waiting, but before she could sink down Killian stopped her. "Give me a moment, let me grab something, I -"
"I'm clean, and I'm on the pill. I...I don't want anything between us."
"Gods, Emma. If you're sure? I'm good too, I haven't been with anyone since...since we met." 
Emma dove down to meet his lips as she sank down onto him. Killian swallowed her gasp as she adjusted to his size. Of course, he lived up to every innuendo, and Emma couldn't be happier for that than in this moment. 
For first times, they were both surprised with how easy it was to fall into rhythm with the other. There were only a few slightly awkward moments, but that didn't stop them from enjoying this moment. Emma's hips met Killian's with each thrust, quickly driving the other wild. 
"So fucking glorious, Emma. You're so tight like this. Ride my cock, such a good girl. I want to feel you come around me this time. You're stunning when you come. That's...fuck... that's it Emma, take what you need, darling."
Before Emma could even respond, Killian decided it was her turn to be flipped on her back. "Now, if I remember correctly, you wanted to know how it feels with me on top."
"That's, ugh, that's not exactly what I said. But I'm not complaining."
Emma felt that familiar sensation growing in her stomach as Killian's pace intensified. "Killian, I'm close. Together, I wanna -"
"Aye, love, together."
Killian felt her tighten around him as she moaned out in ecstasy, pulling him right after her. He gave her a searing kiss as he spilled himself inside of her. Killian fell on top of her, too exhausted to worry about crushing her for a moment. 
"Killian? As much as I love how, uh, close we are now, do you think you can move? I can't breathe, and I need to clean up."
"Oi, you're gonna give a man a complex!" Killian slowly rolled off her, in awe of the glow Emma radiated at the moment. Emma couldn't help but giggle as he was being an annoying ass, but mostly he was still...Killian. 
They were still them. Except they just had mind-blowing sex. 
She could get used to this new addition to their relationship. 
"Stay here, love. Let me." Killian was back in a moment and helped clean Emma. When he finished, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, just like before. 
"What is it, Swan?"
"Nothing, I'm just happy. It's just so surprising."
"Aye, love, me too. But this doesn't change anything. I've loved you for years now, and we'll go at whatever pace we both see fit, but I'm in this for the long haul."
"As am I, Captain."
The two laid in bed, cuddled close, and shared lazy kisses. When Emma looked at the clock, she saw it was nearly three in the morning. A few weeks ago, Emma had thought nothing good happened after two am; it turns out she was wrong. 
"Swan? Can you tell me what the bloody hell a trope board is?"
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wistfulcynic · 3 years
good ships and wood ships and ships that sail the sea
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Blackbeard has long coveted the Jolly Roger, for her speed and her beauty and her impossible daring. And of course to get her away from his arch enemy Captain Hook. But when the finest ship in all the realms is finally his, he soon discovers that there is more to the story of Hook and the Jolly than he could ever have imagined--and possibly more than he can handle.
(Canon compliant up to the end of S3, divergent from S4 and completely ignores 6)
Happy New Year!! 🤞🤞🤞 it will be much, MUCH better than the last few have, for all of us. Thanks to @csjanuaryjoy​​ for making these dark days brighter for the past five years! This is my third time participating and it has always been a bright spot in my year ❤️. 
This fic grew out of a head canon that I think many of us share--that the Jolly Roger is truly more than just a ship. That there’s something about her magic that allows Killian to sail her on his own, and a special relationship between them. And for all that many of us have written about how Killian felt giving up his ship for Emma, it wasn’t until @winterbythesea​​‘s latest chapter of Given The Choice that it really sank into my brain how much Killian would have hated knowing that the Jolly was in Blackbeard’s control... and then I thought, but what would she feel about that? What would she do? And thus this fic was born. 
Told from Blackbeard’s POV... just roll with it. 
good ships and wood ships and ships that sail the sea: 
The first time Blackbeard tripped on a loose board on the deck of the Jolly Roger, he was annoyed. At himself more than anything, for not watching where he was going and for making a fool of himself in front of Hook’s crew.
His crew. They were his crew now. He was their captain, whether they liked it or not.
He’d had to leave a fair few loyal men back on the Queen Anne’s Revenge—not being fool enough himself to misplace his own ship the way Hook had—which meant the Jolly’s crew was presently comprised of far too many of Hook’s men for his comfort. He’d made them swear an oath of loyalty, of course, but they knew as well as he did that pirate oaths of that sort go only as far as the next change of leadership. True loyalty lies only in men’s hearts.
And possibly, Blackbeard soon began to realise, in the hearts of ships as well.
The second time he tripped he fell flat on his face with a sound that Bones told him later was akin to that of a melon split open on a rock. “I feared fer yer ‘ead so’s I did, Cap’n,” he growled. Bones had been at Blackbeard’s side since they both were barely more than lads—and never once shown so much as a hint of anything resembling humour—so he did not die for that remark.
Young Harry Hannigan, who laughed aloud the third time Blackbeard tripped and went tumbling face-first into a fish-barrel, was not so fortunate. Blackbeard tossed him overboard with both legs in irons, to set an example.
No one laughed when he tripped again. But he kept tripping.
The migratory—predatory—loose board on her deck was far from the only peculiar happening aboard the Jolly Roger. There was also the distinctly determined way she “drifted” off-course if her bearings were not constantly and painstakingly maintained. There were the knots in the sheets that never seemed to hold and the sails that slipped from the rigging at precisely that moment when they were most needed to catch the wind. There were the crates of supplies that went missing and the locks in the brig that wouldn’t latch, the hammocks in the crew’s quarters that loosed themselves from their hitches in the night, snatching the men from their much-needed rest and tumbling them headfirst onto the damp and draughty floor.
Now Blackbeard, despite what Hook was wont to claim, was no fool, and it wasn’t long before he divined a pattern to these occurrences. When Hook’s men were at the helm the ship’s course kept steady and when they were up in the rigging all knots and sails held fast. Their hammocks remained firmly fixed to the wall and once he’d appointed Starkey as quartermaster, the missing crates not only affected a mysterious reappearance but remained thereafter consistently—ostentatiously, he felt—present and accounted for.
Pirates are suspicious beings by nature, and Blackbeard personally credited his success in the field to his complete lack of faith or trust in anyone, with the possible and very tenuous exception of Bones. But suspicions, he reminded himself, are not facts, however compelling they may seem, and so it was not until one afternoon as they slipped into perilous waters in pursuit of a valuable prize that he overheard Starkey murmuring to the mainmast “Steady on, old girl, we need ye t’ take us safely through these shoals,” and comprehension truly began to dawn.
He recalled how Hook had always stood at the helm of this ship, with that smirking arrogance that set Blackbeard’s teeth on edge. How he’d seemed to move with the vessel, as much a part of her as the hull and masts. How they would appear from nowhere and when least expected, a yellow streak across the horizon, cannons blazing even as they moved and never once falling short of their mark, the whole manoeuvre so quick and so deft it seemed nigh on impossible. This was why Blackbeard had coveted the Jolly Roger, why he would have done anything to have her—for her speed, yes, and her elegant form, but more than that for her impossible daring. For her mischievous nature and her staunch loyalty. Her stalwart love.
Twaddle, he told himself sharply. Foolish nonsense. A ship felt no loyalty. A ship did not love.
And yet.
The storm caught them just off the tip of Glowerhaven, swirling out of the farrago of warm winds off the southern seas and icy ones from the north, and the fierce, opposing currents that grappled beneath the water. Blackbeard had been witness to such storms before, had been wrecked in one as a lad when the Moordaunt foundered and sank in a vicious gale off the coast of Coabana. He would never forget the helplessness of standing on the deck as it was rent to shards beneath his feet, torn by the weight of the water and the strength of the wind. He could never forget the iron grip of fear on his heart as he’d scrabbled to catch hold of anything he could cling to, gripping like a limpet to a broken scrap of plank as he was swept out to sea, buffeted by merciless waves with no thought in his head beyond keeping it above water from one breath to the next.
Fear’s chill fingers sank deep in his chest again now as the waves began to swell, higher even than the ones that swallowed the Moordaunt. But Blackbeard was no longer a green cabin boy and he forced the fear away, buried it deep as he stalked along the deck, barking orders to his crew. Orders they needed to hear just as he needed to give them; only discipline and purpose would keep their own fear at bay.  
They rose to the challenge, his men and Hook’s; together they secured the ballast and stowed the sails, and lashed one another to the masts and railings, anything that might hold them fast to the ship when to go overboard meant certain death. They would make it, Blackbeard thought. The ship was steady and the men undaunted, and they would make it through. The fear loosened its grip and he turned to Bones with a look of triumph—only to find the first mate’s eyes wide and stark with terror.
“Cap’n!” he cried out, but the wind whipped the word away before it could reach Blackbeard’s ears. He turned to look where Bones was looking, off the port bow where a wall of water appeared to hang suspended in eerie calm, rising slowly, rising… rising… rising impossibly high until it it broke in a froth of white against the dull grey sky.
The wave arced downward directly towards them with the weight of the ocean’s fury at its back and Blackbeard knew, there in that endless moment he knew that this breath would be his last. The wave would roll the ship—there was no way that it could not—would tear her asunder as the Moordaunt had been torn, and the next day’s dawn would find whatever splinters may remain of her washed up on Glowerhaven’s rocky shores. He felt a flash of outrage—how dare he die like this—then clenched his fists around the wheel and closed his eyes, and offered the tattered remnants of his soul to the gods.
And then.
The wheel spun, whipping him round and flinging him into a heap upon the deck. He grabbed for it again; barely had his fingers closed around the sodden wood when the ship heaved up and swung around in a pinpoint turn—as she had so often done for Hook—then dipped her bow low as the wave began to break over them. The wave broke, Blackbeard was sure of it, but the Jolly paid no heed; she dipped her bow beneath the water’s surface and surged forward, against the wave and through it, slicing that impenetrable wall as a cutlass slices flesh.
Blackbeard clung to the wheel as the breath was snatched from his lungs, as the water fought against them, crashed around them, and still the Jolly pressed on, through the wave and out the back of it, where she bobbed like a child’s bath toy for a moment then swept round, faster than any ship could possibly move, making for the curving point of Glowerhaven’s cape and a large cave that Blackbeard had never known existed, buried deep within the cliffside. There she came to rest with a shudder like a sigh of relief that echoed through the marrow of all their bones.
Blackbeard lay gasping on the quarterdeck with his hand still clutching the wheel, long past the point where he should have risen, should have gone to check the status of his crew. He knew that they were fine, somehow he knew that each and every soul aboard had made it through alive. She would, of course, have made certain of it.
“You—” his voice was weak and croaky; he cleared his throat and tried again. “You saved us.” He would feel foolish later but just then, caught up as he was in an overwhelming rush of relief and gratitude, the idea of speaking to a ship seemed a perfectly sound one. “Thank you.”
The Jolly huffed and a voice whispered through the corners of Blackbeard’s mind.
Don’t mention it, it said. Seriously. Don’t.
The next morning when they ventured from the cave again the skies were clear and the sea calm, and Blackbeard tripped thrice within the space of an hour. The merry sound of laughter echoed through his mind each time.  
He’d had the Jolly only a few months, barely enough time to truly learn her nature, when Hook returned to claim her. In typical Hook fashion he came swaggering onto the deck with no plan and no backup, none but that gormless first mate and a lovelorn mermaid princess at his side. Blackbeard longed to teach the picaroon a lesson he’d not soon forget, but he knew—from the way the ship reached out, how she called to Hook before his boot had even touched her planks—that any efforts he might make could only come to naught. He gave them a good fight regardless, watched in seething fury as she all but cradled that one-handed bastard in her rigging, protected him with her sails and with that thrice-damned loose board, and only hoped he held enough cards to escape the cursed vessel with his life.
Fortunately, he had trumps to play on the little mermaid.
Returning to the Queen Anne’s Revenge with his tail between his legs and his every move dogged by whispers of how he’d been saved from an ignominious death by a woman was certainly not Blackbeard’s proudest moment. Determined to assuage his pride and reputation in pillage and plunder, he took his ship out on the seas, where it soon became evident that everywhere they went they were just that little bit too late. Every ship they targeted had already been hit, every village plundered. However fast they moved was never fast enough, and Blackbeard rather suspected that he knew the reason why.
When word reached his ears that his former crewmen remaining on the Jolly had sworn enthusiastic allegiance to Hook and were now vigorously raiding up and down the coast of Agrabah in a ship so thrilled to be back with her true captain that she performed feats of such fantastic daring and skill that they defied belief, he smashed the chair in his cabin in his fury and had three men flogged for insolence when they came to see what all the ruckus was about.
The tales were unbelievable but Blackbeard believed them. He knew what that ship was capable of.
He doubted the Jolly Roger would ever fall into his hands again; now that she and Hook were back together they would not easily be parted. But he dreamed of it nevertheless, dreamed of taking that ship and teaching her manners, dominating her, winning her loyalty to him and him alone, by force if necessary. In his dreams he was her master and Hook lay broken and defeated at his feet, Blackbeard’s sword at his throat, begging for death.
And yet. Not even a year passed by before he had Hook at his mercy, alone in Blackbeard’s tavern and surrounded by Blackbeard’s men, his famous bravado worn threadbare by a raw desperation that was plain to see in his eyes. The Jolly Roger, Hook offered, in exchange for a magic bean, and Blackbeard, to his own surprise as much as anyone’s and though his sword hand itched to do it, did not kill him. He took the trade instead.
“What could be so important that you would trade your ship for a bean?” he asked Hook, on the deck of the ship herself so she would be sure to hear.
“There’s—someone I need to find,” Hook replied.
“A woman,” sneered Blackbeard.
Hook nodded. “Aye.”
Blackbeard was triumphant as he watched Hook disappear into the swirling portal, off into another realm from which, with any luck, he’d not return. The ship must bow to him, now, he thought, she must. Hook had left her, abandoned her, traded her for another woman, and Blackbeard knew as well as any the lengths of spite to which a woman scorned will go.
And yet. Barely had he taken two steps upon her deck than he tripped again, tumbling arse over teakettle down the steps from the quarterdeck with mocking laughter ringing in his ears.
You don’t become a pirate captain though mercy, Hook had once said, and on this point at least, they could agree. Blackbeard was clean out of patience and thoroughly done with being made to look a fool. He took the ship in hand and he forced her into compliance, worked her to exhaustion with her sheets tight and her sails high, dragged her along rocky coasts and across stormy seas all the way to Arendelle. He could sense her emotions now, her hatred and her fury, the bitter resentment and desire to see him dead—but he also learned to sense the shift in the air that came just before she loosened a board in his path and took malicious pleasure in the impotence of her rage when he stepped clear of the danger each time, with a mocking cackle and a supercilious pat upon whichever part of her was closest.
“There there, lass,” he taunted. “There’s no cause for that. You’re mine now and I’ve no intention of letting you go. Best to just get used to it.”
In Arendelle however, he fell foul of another scheming princess, too caught up in goading her to sense the ship’s intent until it was too late and he had tripped again, tumbling this time into his own sea chest and trapped within it by the princess’s quick thinking, then tossed into the sea. It was Bones who saved him that time along with his bosun Stu Jenkins, who leapt in after him and between them managed to haul the chest from the water before Blackbeard could drown and drag it to safety upon a tiny spit of sand and rock. There they three were stranded with naught but coconuts and the shade of a single tree until Anne Bonny—of all the bloody people—happened by and was so delighted by their predicament that she allowed them to negotiate passage on her ship under the tenuous protection of parlay.
“You’ll be some time in living this down, I fear,” she said, with laughter glinting in her eyes.
And with that, the iron entered into Blackbeard’s soul. Never again, he swore to himself. Never again would he sully his boot by stepping foot onto the Jolly Roger. Never again would he covet anything Hook had. The Queen Anne’s Revenge was a fine ship, tough and sturdy and fast and she was enough. Never again. He swore it.
Years passed before he had a chance to test his resolve on the matter.
The tavern was noisy and crowded, the air a miasma of ale fumes and smoke and men whose approach to personal hygiene was casual at best. In one corner a game of dice was loudly and hotly contested amongst a group of sailors rowdy and jovial in their drunkenness, whilst in another shady dealings were going down between a pair of bar wenches and a man whose discomfort in his surroundings was palpable. Blackbeard could not sympathise. This was his kind of atmosphere and he revelled in it.
He sat at a table surrounded by his men, cards and dice spread out before him and a buxom wench to sit on his knee and flatter his vanity. He felt like a king holding court, the undisputed master of the seas now that years had passed since either hide or hair was seen of Hook or that wretched scow of his. A toast was raised to his good health and just as he lifted the tankard of ale to his lips—for why should he not drink his own health?—the tavern went abruptly quiet, an unnatural hush that fell like lead and hung in the air more heavily than smoke from a dampered chimney.
Blackbeard lowered the tankard and turned to the door, and his lip curled into a deeply unpleasant sneer. There, framed in the tavern’s crooked doorway was Hook, dressed in a most peculiar manner, with a short, fitted jacket and trousers made of a material Blackbeard could not identify. At his side was a woman, her long legs encased in similar trousers and wearing as well a similar jacket, only hers was a vibrant shade of red. Her hair flowed down her back in waves of an extraordinary golden hue, framing an exquisite face set in an expression that dared him or anyone present to start something with her.
So this was she, Blackbeard thought, the woman Hook loved more than his ship. Skinnier than he tended to prefer them though he supposed he could see the appeal. There was a toughness behind that fair face, a core of steel wrapped up in pretty dressing—not unlike Hook himself. She stood like him as well, deceptively casual but poised for a fight. They stood together, not touching but united, a team, and Blackbeard took one look at them and knew that whatever they were after he wanted no part of it.
“Bugger off,” he spat.
“Now, now.” Hook attempted conciliation. “No need for incivility, mate. We’re here to make a deal.”
“I’ve made my last deal with you.”
“And here the Jolly was finally beginning to warm up to you,” cajoled Hook. “Come on, third time lucky.”
“I want no part of you or your gods-bedamned hulk,” Blackbeard sneered. “Find someone else to be your patsy.”
“But you’re the only patsy I know who has a hoard of magic beans,” quipped Hook, ignoring his blonde when she smacked him on the arm.
“I thought you were going to play nice,” she hissed.
“It’s too late for that, I fear.” Hook tucked his thumb behind his belt buckle and raised an eyebrow. Blackbeard rolled his eyes. Different clothes, same obnoxious swagger. The man would never change. “Look, mate, if you don’t want the ship then name your price,” said Hook, with a note of sincerity in his tone that caught Blackbeard by surprise. “We need a bean to get back to our daughter, and we simply haven’t the time to climb a beanstalk to find one. Not again.”
The woman snorted and Hook flashed her a grin, and though they still weren’t touching the connection they shared simmered in the air between them. Blackbeard watched the exchange, intrigued despite his better judgement. “Tell me the tale of this beanstalk,” he said. “That’s my price. If your story’s good enough then you can have your bean, and you won’t even need to fight your way out of this tavern to use it.”
“Hmm,” murmured Hook, with a glance around the room. “It’s a solid offer. What say you, Swan?”
The woman fixed Blackbeard with an assessing look. Her eyes were green, he observed, the rich shade of tree moss, intelligent and unflinching. Without breaking eye contact she grabbed a chair and swung it round, straddled it and leant her arms on its back. Her lip twitched in an almost-smile. “Throw in a round of drinks and you’ve got yourself a deal,” she said.
Blackbeard stared at her as the tension in the tavern drew unbearably taut, poised on the knife’s edge of his judgement. Then he threw back his head and roared with laughter.
“I like this one, Hook,” he said.
“I’m rather fond of her myself.” Hook pulled up his own chair as voices rose around them again, bright and boisterous, and Blackbeard signalled the barman for more tankards of ale. Ale of which, he was impressed to note, the woman finished every drop.
“Well, lass,” he said to her, once the tale of the beanstalk had been told. “Any woman who can best this blackguard, leave him chained in the lair of a giant and not look back is one I am pleased to do business with. You’ve earned your bean.” From his pocket he withdrew a small leather pouch and from that a magic bean, holding it up to the light for them to see.
“Thank you.” The woman accepted it with a smile and tucked it away into her own pocket.
“Thank you for the entertainment,” replied Blackbeard. “And now you’d best be on your way, before this lot reconsiders that offer of safe exit.”
He imagined they’d have no wish to tarry anyway and indeed they did not. Blackbeard took his tankard over to the window and watched as they proceeded down the alley that led from the tavern and along the dock to where the Jolly Roger was moored, just visible from where he stood. Even from such a distance and with so many years passed since he’d stood on her deck, Blackbeard could still sense the ship’s reaction, her pleasure and relief at their return, and, curiously, a fondness for the woman that very nearly equalled the depth of her love for Hook.
Hook and his two wenches, thought Blackbeard with a chuckle. May the bastard have the pleasure of them both.
“Ye sure as that was wise, Cap’n?” inquired Bones from where he hovered at Blackbeard’s elbow, scowling at the scene. “Lettin’ ‘im go like that, I mean? Ye could at least’ve held ‘im a spell, or ransomed ‘er. I ‘ear tell she’s a princess.”
“I’ve heard that as well,” said Blackbeard, “and frankly I’ve had my fill of princesses, and of Hook. Good riddance to the lot of them.”
“Aye, Cap’n,” said Bones.
“Though it may interest you to hear,” continued Blackbeard, “that their journey home might not turn out to be as quick or as smooth as they’re anticipating. It’s possible that they may find that bean doesn’t quite work the way they expect it to.”
Bones choked on his ale. “Ye gave ‘em the accursed one,” he stated, without a particle of surprise expressed in his flat and affectless tone.
Blackbeard grinned a wicked grin. “I gave them the accursed one.”
Together the pirates watched as the Jolly swept away from her mooring, as a swirling abyss appeared in the water, as the ship dipped into it with a flourish and vanished from sight. Blackbeard was feeling rather pleased with himself and with the subtlety of the manoeuvre that would pay Hook back at least in part for all the slights and humiliations Blackbeard had suffered at his hand in the long years of their acquaintance. The thought of the daughter did give him a twinge—even he drew the line at harming children—but their separation was unlikely to be very long. Hook would find his way home again and far sooner than he should, of that Blackbeard had no doubt. The bastard had always had the devil’s own luck, and with his women at his side there would be very little he couldn’t handle.
Blackbeard tipped his tankard in salute to the now-calm ocean and drank a silent toast, then clapped a hand on Bones’ shoulder and turned back to the tavern to take up his throne again.
There are good ships and wood ships and ships that sail the sea. But the best ships are friendships, may they always be!
-Irish proverb
@thisonesatellite​ @ohmightydevviepuu​ @katie-dub​ @kmomof4​​ @mariakov81​​ @stahlop​​ @snowbellewells​​ @shireness-says​ @teamhook​ @killianjones-twopointoh​ @optomisticgirl​​ @spartanguard​ @captain-emmajones​​
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Emma Was Cold
A Neverland smut fic for @neverlandnewyear​ and @csjanuaryjoy​
Summary: Emma Swan finds that Neverland nights get surprisingly cold. Luckily, Captain Hook has some experience in keeping warm.
4006 Words; Rated: E; AO3
A/N: This is basically Neverland PWP. It was inspired by something I commented in the CS Movie Marathon Discord a while back, and I never expected to actually write the thing myself. This is the first full smut fic I’m publicly posting with one of my urls attached, so I’m both excited and scared to share it. First, I need to give a huge shoutout to all the lovely people on the CSMM, CSNLNY, and CSJJ Discords for all their encouragement and assistance while I struggled to write this fic. Special shoutouts to @teamhook​, @kmomof4​, @hollyethecurious​, and @donteattheappleshook​ for reviewing bits of the doc for me as I went along and being super supportive, and especially to Maddie for also giving it a last minute full review once I finished it and helping me with edits. Also a big thank you to the mods for running these amazing events and for working together to allow us to cross-post between the two.
Alright, here we go....
“Are you alright, Swan?” Hook asked as he turned toward Emma to find her shivering where she lay a few feet away from him, his question prompted by the fact that he could actually hear the clacking sound of her teeth chattering.
“I’m f-fine,” Emma answered, curling further into herself as she rubbed her hands up and down her arms beneath the threadbare blanket that provided her with such little warmth. Who’d have thought Neverland would get so cold at night? She wished she’d worn more than a thin tank top, which served her well during the blazing heat of the day but offered no protection from the cool temperatures she faced now.
“Are you sure?” he prodded with a smirk, “If you’d like me to keep you warm, love, you need only ask. I’d be more than willing to—”
“I said I’m fine,” Emma snapped, “and I’m not your love.”
“Suit yourself.” Hook rolled back onto his side. “Like everything else on this island, Neverland nights are not kind. If you change your mind, you know where to find me.”
Emma was cold, so cold that she couldn’t stop shaking despite her best efforts. Tensing only made it worse, but she just couldn’t relax either. She cursed herself under her breath, knowing she shouldn’t give in but desperate for the rest she knew she’d never find in such a state.
“Hook?” she whispered, padding over to where he lay apart from the rest, half hoping he would already be asleep.
“Hm?” He turned toward her once more, the smirk returning to his face and burning a hole right through her.
Emma wondered if the embarrassment that set fire to her cheeks would be enough to warm her, but she’d already gained his attention.
“Did you have a change of heart then, love?” Hook questioned. “Are you ready to warm up to me? Or with me, I should say.”
“Nevermind,” Emma rolled her eyes and stepped away from him in annoyance, hoping he couldn’t see her shivering.
“Swan, please look at me,” he pleaded, more softly than she’d have expected. She turned toward him impatiently, ready to go off on him if necessary, but found a gentle look in his eyes and let him continue.
“I may be a bit brash when it comes to making my interest known, Emma, but I assure you I am nothing if not a gentleman. Neverland is a cruel place and I would not wish to make it any more so. If we are to share warmth in a strictly practical manner, so be it.” He waved her over to him, his hooked arm outstretched in invitation to serve as her pillow. “You need rest, and I won’t let you freeze to death in your sleep before we rescue your boy.”
Emma approached him with caution, hesitating before she sat and turned her back to him as she rested her head on his arm. She wondered how he could sleep in that leather duster of his, but as he held her close, pressing his chest flush against her back but making a point to turn his hips away from her, and draped the thick material of the coat over her as well, she realized just how comfortable it actually was. She wouldn’t admit to the sudden and surprising sense of calm that washed over her as she settled next to him, but in the unexplainable safety, it didn’t take long before she was sound asleep.
Though it was still dark when she awoke, Emma felt as refreshed as if she’d had a full night’s sleep, a feeling and a feat she hadn’t achieved in a very long time. She huffed out a breath with a roll of her eyes when she realized she’d been pinned by Hook’s other arm which curled loosely around her middle. He must have turned in his sleep, somehow gently enough to not wake her. Her instincts said to shove him away, but he had been decent enough to respect her boundaries in his offer. And, after all, she was much warmer this way, which was the whole point of moving closer together.
He suddenly shifted in his sleep again, and Emma gasped when she felt his clothed warmth brush against her denim-clad ass. Wait, was he actually hard?! Before she could stop herself, Emma let out an involuntary moan when he rubbed against her again and she immediately froze, wide-eyed and praying he didn’t hear her as all the heat they’d shared travelled south, save for that which reddened her cheeks. After a moment had passed without a reaction from him, she allowed herself to relax again, only to be suddenly pulled closer to him.
“Sounds like you liked that, Swan?” Hook remarked and rolled his hips ever so slightly. She could sense the shit-eating grin returning to his smug face.
Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment as he did it again before she responded, “Please, you couldn’t handle it,” and returned the motion, surprising him with the unexpected reciprocation.
“I do love a challenge. But tell me something, love,” he said, his hand traveling down towards her waistband, passing over the zipper and slipping between her thighs as his lips hovered over her neck and his hot breath seared her flesh, “can you handle staying quiet?” He lifted her leg and draped it over his own, giving himself the space to cup her through her jeans. “Everyone else is still asleep, and in any case it’s still too dark to journey on.” He placed a kiss just below her ear and continued, his voice a low growl just above a whisper, “Just say the word, I can help you ease your mind for a while.” The corner of his lips twitched upward as he teasingly flexed his fingers against her and added, “And the ache you might be feeling, if that moan were any indication.”
Emma silently cursed herself for letting that sound escape from her lips, and once more for what she knew she was about to give in to so quickly. He was right, she could use a distraction from her racing mind now that she was more awake again, and he was a damn tempting one. Her breath hitched when he caught her earlobe between his teeth and tugged, eliciting another soft moan from deep within her, and her decision was made.
“Yes what, love?” he asked, nosing down her neck until his mouth latched onto the space between it and her shoulder, nipping and sucking her flesh and laving over it with his tongue.
“Yes, I can stay quiet.” Her hand reached up to find purchase in his hair, encouraging him to continue his claim of her collarbone. “Yes, I want you to ease my… well, everything.” He chuckled at that, the vibration of his laughter against her skin sending a chill down her spine.
“As you wish.” Hook wasted no time popping the button on Emma’s jeans, pulling down the zipper, and slipping his hand beneath the denim. “Oh?” He said, his eyebrow raised in wonder at the soft, thin material covering his goal. He rubbed his fingers over it, feeling her arousal soaking through it as he teased her. “You certainly do.” Hook pushed her panties aside and sank two fingers inside her.
“Ohh fuck,” Emma choked back another moan, the sinful sounds as he plunged them into her dripping core again and again filling the air instead. His rings bit into her skin with every thrust, the cool metal a jarring, yet welcome counter to the hot friction they were creating. She rocked her hips to meet him each time, and his breathing grew ragged as he rutted himself against the curve of her ass in synchrony. As Emma’s movements grew frantic, Hook’s slowed to a stop, and Emma groaned in protest when he removed his fingers from inside her, dragging them through her folds to brush her clit for just a moment.
“Not yet, Swan.” Hook carefully slipped his arm out from beneath her head and gently turned her towards himself so that she lay on her back. Getting to his knees and stripping off his duster, he knelt between her spread legs. “I’m a fan of every part of you, and I intend to show you just how much of a fan I am.” 
He slipped his hooked arm beneath her tank only to find his access to her breasts blocked by another bit of material. Lifting the top to reveal the offending garment, he looped his prosthetic beneath it, the tip of the hook scraping against her skin as he did, and tugged. He noted that the small scrap of fabric differed from the corsets he was used to removing from women he’d bedded in the past but assumed it would be no less easy to snap than the laces he’d encountered on them.
“Hey!” Emma caught his wrist before he could succeed in his efforts. “I need this! Let me just….” She sat up for a moment to take off her tank top and undo the clasps at her back so she could toss her bra aside. “There.”
“Apologies, love,” Hook said, “and thank you.” He guided her back down with his hand just beneath her now exposed breast, thumbing at her tightening nipple as his mouth tended to the other. “Bloody magnificent, these are,” he mumbled against her as he teased them to stiff peaks. Emma tried to relax as the throbbing between her legs became almost unbearable and she longed for more friction to soothe it.
When he was at last satisfied, Hook released her nipple from his mouth with a resounding pop, flicked it a few times with the curve of his hook for good measure, and gave the same treatment to the other, relishing the way she squirmed beneath him as he nibbled and sucked and kneaded.
Emma gasped when the cold air rushed over her wet skin as Hook finished with her breasts and slid his body lower between her legs, trailing sloppy kisses down her abdomen along the way until he reached the top of her jeans.
Glancing up at her, he kept his eyes on hers as he gently tucked his fingers and hook just under the edge of her waistband.
“May I?” he asked, waiting for her approval to proceed.
“Yes,” she answered, “god, yes.” He grinned at that and very slowly tugged her jeans down her legs, distracted by the view of the place where his hand had been, covered only by the thin strip of fabric that had grown damp beneath his touch, pausing for a moment to slip off her boots when he reached them before removing the denim completely.
“You,” Hook said as he took in the sight of her almost completely naked form, “are absolutely stunning, Swan.” He scanned her body a moment longer, watching the blush spread over her cheeks and across her chest as she flushed pink under his desirous scrutiny. He nosed along the creases of her thighs and up the material that hid his goal before taking the top hem between his teeth, pulling it down until it hung from his mouth and letting it fall beside her on the blanket beneath them.
Fuck, that was hot, Emma thought to herself as she watched him lower his head and raise his hungry gaze to hers. The smirk on his face made her wonder for a moment if she had actually said it out loud.
Any concern she had about her comment was swept away as he gently flattened his tongue against her slick flesh, never breaking eye contact as he slowly licked an inquisitive stripe along her folds, dipping it between them just enough to pass over her clit before departing. The shiver that passed through her whole body at the contact was enough to make him do it twice more before diving in as deep as he could and mapping her inner walls with his tongue. He mumbled soft praises as he worked her—“Delicious…. Exquisite…. Divine….”—without ever fully pulling away to say them, too lost in the taste of her, as if he couldn’t get enough and didn’t want to lose even a drop of her essence. Soon he found the spot that made her hips buck and her thighs pull together, pressing against the sides of his head, and he reintroduced his fingers inside her as he licked at the spot relentlessly, knowing she grew ever closer to her release.
His scruff raked against her skin as her legs locked around him, her heels digging into his back, and she knew the raw streaks of raised red would burn later as they continued through Neverland on foot. But with the way he was making her feel in that moment, she figured it would be worth it.
The shaking overtook her suddenly and her back arched as he gave a particularly strong suck on her clit, and she came as he continued to fuck her with his hand and mouth. He reached up to silence her by pressing the curve of his hook to her lips as an overwhelmed cry caught in her throat. Taking the prosthetic into her mouth, she gently bit down on it and laved over it with her tongue to distract herself from the way he tended to her dripping core in kind. He lapped at her entrance until her waves of pleasure receded and she relaxed against the blanket, their chests heaving in an attempt to catch their breaths. He crawled over her body, hovering above her looking absolutely wrecked before he’d even been touched, his chin glistening with her release and his eyes blown wide with insatiable desire.
Their mouths crashed together and he laced his fingers through her golden locks while her hands anchored in the hair at the nape of his neck. She tasted herself on him as she traced his lips with her tongue and opened hers in invitation for his further exploration.
“You, my wanton lass, are far from quiet.” Hook attacked Emma’s lips with his own, her false rebuttal lost before it could be voiced as his tongue dipped between them and pulled her bottom lip between his teeth upon its retreat.
Emma hadn’t seen him reach for the panties he’d discarded next to her earlier until he pulled away and sat back on his haunches as he replaced his tongue with the wet scrap of material.
“Any other time, I’d love nothing more than to hear how I make you feel, but given the circumstances…,” he trailed off with a glance in the direction of their slumbering company not too far away, before returning his gaze to Emma with a smirk. “Luckily, there are ways to assist you.” He leaned over her once more to whisper in her ear, “Perhaps another time we can meet on my ship, sail far from the shore, just the two of us, and I’ll make you produce all manner of sounds for only me to hear. Hm?”
If he were expecting an answer, Emma couldn’t give him one. She told herself this was a one-time thing, just a way to blow off some steam and clear her head before the next long stretch of their journey through this land of mysterious horrors she wished she’d never have had to encounter like this. She wished Neverland could have stayed a story, though she wouldn’t admit out loud that she did prefer this real version of the fearsome Captain Hook.
Well, that and she now had a mouthful of cotton.
Emma watched as he unlaced his trousers, and she found herself unable to look away when he took himself in hand and passed the tip of his cock along her folds, aligning himself with her entrance before he stopped.
“Swan?” Hook said, bringing her out of her distracted stupor and calling her attention to his searching eyes, all of his bravado gone and replaced with a serious, patient tone. “Emma, are you sure?”
She hadn’t expected him to ask again, and that consideration for her wishes she hadn’t often encountered, paired with his rare use of her first name, only increased her desire to say yes. Unable to actually speak it, she held his gaze, hoping hers looked just as soft, and gently brushed her fingers down his cheek before she trailed them down his arms and gripped his hips with an encouraging nod.
Emma bit down hard on her makeshift gag and her head lolled back as he slowly sheathed himself inside her, the stretch burning in the best way with every inch as her body responded to his entrance with slick heat until he was fully seated within her. The feel of her around him took his breath away, and Hook braced himself on his elbows at either side of her as his head fell forward next to hers and he panted over her shoulder.
“Gods, you’re fucking perfect,” Hook whispered in her ear through gritted teeth. He finally began to move, and she wrapped her arms around him, holding him close as he pulled back and slid home again and again. She pivoted her hips to meet him with each thrust, feeling a euphoric fullness every time she took him in deep that left her softly whimpering in protest upon his retreats.
It was too much and not enough and just right all at once. Emma’s hands slipped beneath Hook’s shirt and she raked her nails up and down his back before digging them into his flesh as she scrabbled for purchase to steady herself beneath him, and to draw him ever closer to her.
Her mouth grew dry as the material between her teeth absorbed what little moisture wasn’t being expelled from her body in arousal and sweat. She wanted to kiss him, but even if she could, his mouth was otherwise engaged, sucking a mark into the side of her neck before tonguing at the hollow of her throat on its way to brand her collarbone. She couldn’t be bothered to care if anyone would see the evidence of his claim, not while he was giving her nothing but pleasure as his hips snapped with purpose.
“Come for me, Emma.” Hook’s fingers returned to her clit to circle and tease it as they both neared their releases. “Let me feel you come on my cock.” He groaned louder than he meant to when her hands cupped his ass through his trousers. “I won’t last much longer, love.”
He almost lost it when she gripped him tighter and nodded with a downward glance before meeting and holding his gaze.
“Fuck, Emma,” he breathed, a lightheadedness overtaking him as everything inside him tensed and he slammed into her with abandon. Looping his hook under the edge of her panties that peeked out from between her lips, he tugged the material to remove it without wasting time to toss it aside, letting it drape over his prosthetic as he filled her mouth with his tongue instead in a hot slide.
“Killian,” she moaned in a whisper against his eager lips, finally able to speak to some extent as he ravished both her mouth and her aching core.
“What?” He said in breathless surprise, unsure of whether he’d heard her correctly or imagined it with his own pulse pounding in his head, his hungry and frantic eyes flitting from side to side as they searched hers. A soft smile spread across his face. That was the first word she’d spoken, not even his more colorful moniker she’d been accustomed to using, but—
“Killian,” she called him by his name again, feeling that same dizzy high he felt as she rocked forward into him. “Yes. Yes.”
Something inside him snapped, and he muffled his pleasured cries against her lips as he poured himself inside her, relentlessly thumbing at her clit to bring her to release. A rush of heat spread through her body as his cock pulsed inside her, and her walls fluttered around him as she rose and fell with him.
He pulled back for a moment and caught the thick whitish fluid that dripped from her core with the tip of his cock before pushing it deeper inside her with a desperate grunt until they both finally slowed their movements to a stop.
“That was—” Hook, the man full of innuendos, fell speechless as he carefully held himself above her, propped up on his elbows, and let his forehead drop to hers as he panted with hot breath over her lips.
A one-time thing, Emma wanted so badly to say, but she had trouble even believing herself then. The way he made her feel, the way she knew he felt, the way they felt together. None of it felt like a one-time thing. She knew what those were, but this right here with him, this could be so much more. And it both thrilled and terrified her.
“I know,” she said instead, trying desperately to process everything that had just happened, and everything she might have wished would happen in the future, if they’d have a future at all. Would they?
She subtly shook her head in an attempt to clear it and pulled him to her for another kiss before she lifted her panties off his hook and pressed her other hand to his chest where it was exposed by the low neckline of his shirt and vest, following his body with hers as she guided him back so she could sit upright. Flattening the material over her palm, she passed it between her folds and stared into the depths of his ocean blue eyes as she rubbed the damp cotton over his wet cock, making his jaw drop as his breath hitched in his throat.
“We can’t leave a mess, now can we?” Emma smirked. Pumping him with her covered hand, she took his cock into her mouth, and he hissed when she passed her tongue over the tip and groaned around him at the taste as it leaked a bit more of his release.
“Gods, Emma,” Hook stuttered as he leaned back on his hand for support before he stilled her by catching her wrist with his hook, and she released him with a soft pop and a mischievous smirk as she looked up at him. “Keep doing that, love, and there’s going to be a much more obvious tell.”
“Fine,” she conceded with a sigh, getting to her feet and slipping on her wrecked panties with a taunting wiggle of her hips as she pulled them up under the weight of his entranced gaze until he realized he’d been staring and cast his eyes toward the ground. She’d probably feel it later, the sweltering heat of the Neverland sun bound to leave her feeling stickier than its induced sweat already would, but knowing he’d know that his effects on her would be keeping her wet long after they’d finished their more enjoyable activities… well, her own potential discomfort would be a cross she’d be willing to bear without regret.
She continued to get dressed, and he gave her the decency of turning his back to her as she did and as he righted himself as well, an admittedly unnecessary gesture after the rather indecent act they’d just committed together, but oddly endearing nonetheless.
“Here, love,” Hook picked up his duster and held it open in offering for her to wear, but she waved him off with a smile.
“I’m okay now, thanks. It suits you better anyway. And besides,” Emma winked at him, “I think I prefer sharing it.”
Hook swirled it around himself with a dramatic flair to put it on, tucked his hand and hook in the pockets, and reached out to enwrap Emma in the heavy leather with him, eliciting a giggle as he held her close.
She certainly wasn’t cold anymore.
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shireness-says · 3 years
Coming Soon: Seeking Shelter, Seeking Solace
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1895. Emma Swan answers an ad in the paper from a man looking for a wife in order to flee Boston - only to arrive in rural Storybrooke, Minnesota and discover that her intended husband is dead. Left with no other options, Emma takes a position at the local tavern alongside the sullen, dark-haired barkeep with demons of his own. But what will she do when the forces she’s worked so hard to escape reappear in the new life she’s building, forcing her to turn to this unlikely savior for aid?
Presenting my contribution to @csjanuaryjoy​! Which, true to form, has spiraled from an anticipated 15k for the whole fic to 10k for one chapter, and the other two unfinished. I promise some delicious marriage of convenience, pining, and even some action. This will begin posting in a few days, so let me know if you want to be tagged! In the meantime, enjoy this preview:
Emma can’t help but fidget in her seat as her train tears across the Midwestern landscape. Though this was her choice, she still can’t help but be nervous; after all, this is a very different world from Boston, the only home she’s ever known. She’s used to bustling streets and the lap of the waves against the docks at the harbor, not these miles after miles of plains and crop fields. It’s almost enough to make her second guess this whole thing.
It’s not a mistake though, she knows. She’d needed to get out of Boston, as quickly as possible, and this had been the best of a variety of bad options. Emma has never been particularly romantic, even as a little girl, but in the few imaginings she’d allowed herself of her future, answering a newspaper ad for a wife had never factored in. Then again, her fantasies had never anticipated the particular situation she’s trying to escape: a man who wouldn’t hear no, who was willing to pursue her relentlessly, from city to city, always a threat on her tail. The security of marriage, and of distance, had only made sense. And then again, she’s never been sentimental ; true love isn’t something she anticipated in a union, or even particularly believed in, for that matter. 
The man she’s travelling to meet seems kind, she consoles herself with knowing. Emma hadn’t been particularly picky in selecting a man from the handful of querants in the paper, but Graham Humbert seems to be a good one. He’s the sheriff of a small town in Minnesota, who found himself lonely and wanting companionship.
I can darn my own socks and cook my own dinner, though neither with any exemplary skill, he had written. I’m not looking for someone to look after me in that way, regardless of what my friends’ wives think; I’d hire a lady to do the cleaning if that was the issue. I’m searching for someone to speak with at the end of a long day, someone to listen and to laugh with. I don’t believe myself to be a sweeping romantic, but I will be happy to give and receive a kind of gentle affection. Maybe we can come to love each other in time; I would be happy with that too, though I am not counting on it. 
She’d liked that about him, that amiable practicality so evident even in his letters. It’s what had made her agree to travel to Minnesota with the intent to marry him, really - the feeling that they viewed a union in the same way. There will be a trial period, of course, a month during which to decide whether the two of them will suit each other before anything is formalized - but Emma is determined to make it work. What other choice does she have?
The train will be pulling into Storybrooke soon - a tiny dot on the map, where Emma doubts anyone else will be alighting. All of her belongings have been tightly packed into two measly carpetbags in order to, hopefully, start a new life. Maybe it’s foolish, but Emma had splurged on a new, sleek jacket before she’d left the city, a cheery blue to pair with her navy skirt and white blouse in an attempt to impress. Mostly, she wants to look neat more than anything else: a capable woman, one who won’t be afraid to adapt to a new life with a minimum of fuss, one who won’t make Sheriff Humbert’s life more difficult. Pretty is of secondary concern.
She sees the town coming long before the train pulls into the tiny station, roofs and chimneys rising above the flat landscape and copious corn fields. Somewhere in this state, she knows, are hundreds and thousands of lakes; however, they’re nowhere to be seen here. Storybrooke itself is a bare cluster of buildings seeming to group around a single main street, with homesteads and farm plots doubtlessly stretching out to the surrounding area. It’s a whole different world from what she’s used to, but that’s the entire point, really; no one will think to look for her here, in the rural midwest as the wife of a sheriff. 
When the train finally pulls into what passes for a station, a single cramped building with barely enough room for a ticket office and a luggage closet, a man is waiting on the platform, sheltered from the late-spring sun by an awning off the station roof. The star-shaped badge on his coat and the way he shifts nervously from foot to foot make Emma think this must be the anticipated Sheriff Humbert. His hair is rather more golden than the sandy blonde-brown color Mr. Humbert had tried to describe in his letters, but Emma supposes that’s to be expected. She likely didn’t give a perfect description of her appearance either. 
Quickly, she gathers her bags and alights to the station platform with the assistance of a young porter. The man waiting quickly doffs his hat, playing with the brim in another nervous gesture. “Miss Swan?”
Carefully, Emma arranges her face into something she hopes passes as an amiable smile. “Yes, that’s me. And you’ll be Sheriff Humbert, I presume?”
“I - well, no,” the man who isn’t Graham Humbert stutters out. “I’m David Nolan, actually. One of the deputies here.”
Unexpected - but there are countless excellent reasons that Deputy Nolan might be sent instead. Trouble can happen even in a small town, dozens of minor disputes that can somehow only be settled by the sheriff himself. “In that case, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Nolan. I must admit, I was expecting Mr. Humbert. Pardon my mistake.”
“About that —” Deputy Nolan cuts himself off, looking curiously uncomfortable. It sets Emma a bit on edge, but there’s no way to dance around it - not when she doesn’t have all the information.
Deputy Nolan swallows heavily, visibly, his fingers tightening around the brim of his hat again before he drags his eyes to meet hers. “I’m sorry to tell you, Miss Swan, but Graham - Sheriff Humbert - died two days ago.”
Of all the things she thought he might say, all the ways she imagined this might go, that certainly wasn’t one of them.
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thisonesatellite · 3 years
home (”the last run” - sequel) 1/1
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SUMMARY:  Emma stops running.
She stops running because she finally knows what she wants.  Now all she has to do is talk to Neal and Henry.
A litte bit of yelling and a lot of kid wisdom, rewarded with a generous dose of softness and fluff.
Sequel to the last run - and it does help to read that first, but i guess this could stand alone.  
S3 canon divergence - No!Curse!Renaissance.
A/N:  This is my contribution to this year’s @csjanuaryjoy!  It has been my absolute pleasure and privilege to be part of this event again, and i want to thank the incredible mods @katie-dub, @ohmightydevviepuu, @lassluna and @pirateherokillian for everything.
Extra special thanks to @profdanglaisstuff without whose beta skills you guys would never get anything, to @anxioussquirrel who is simply a delight, and to @ohmightydevviepuu​ --- honey, i have officially expurgated the phrase “i don’t write canon“ from my vocabulary.  😂😘
And thanks to everyone on the discord, because you’re ALL lovely and wonderful and i have such a great time with you guys!
((((((((((((((((((((HUGS TO 💕💕💕💕 -YOU ALL!!!))))))))))))))))))))
i’m using the regular tag list, i hope that’s OK.
@mariakov81 @stahlop @thejollyroger-writer @snowbellewells @captainsjedi @toomanyfandomstochoosefrom @xarandomdreamx @tiganasummertree @mayquita @ohmightydevviepuu @sals86 @karenfrommisthaven @kmomof4 @kday426 @superchocovian @jennjenn615  @facesiousbutton82 @suwya @spartanguard @capnjay21 @shardminds @carpedzem @girl-in-a-tiny-box @ilovemesomekillianjones @lfh1226-linda @artistic-writer @teamhook @katie-dub  @shireness-says @qualitycoffeethings @cluttermind  @fragilebeautifulchaos @optomisticgirl  @klynn-stormz @winterbaby89 @ethereal-madnesss @scientificapricot @fragilebeautifulchaos @anxioussquirrel @killianjones-twopointoh @captain-emmajones
  “Hey,” he says, soft and quiet.  “It’s OK.”
  She’s been crying forever, and she doesn’t even know why.  The tears just came out of nowhere, and---- no.
Not out of nowhere.
This is not how this story starts.
  It starts at the diner, with Neal at full volume, complete with expletives and enough indignation to furnish a scenery-chewing Shakespeare in the Park production.  Which, incidentally, is being put on in the Boston Commons at this very moment.
Boston, where she used to live.  Where life was different and less complicated and lonely.  
Boston, where she never did belong.
  But now she’s in Storybrooke and Neal is gathering steam and it’s all Emma’s fault.  After all she did call Neal, and then she did go to meet him at the diner, and she did sit down and say, “We have to talk.”
She did do all of those things.
  “This is about Hook,” Neal says before she’s even settled in the booth, poison dripping from the word ‘Hook’, and Emma steels herself.  This is not going to be pretty.
She can feel Granny’s stare from behind the counter, can see Grumpy and Smee start to study their menus in rapt fascination.  Can see Ruby settle herself on a barstool for a front-row seat to the drama.
Emma takes a deep breath.
“His name is Killian,” she says, and Neal goes off like a rocket.
In front of everyone.
  There is YouAreTearingThisFamilyApart , and there is HenryDeservesBetter , and there is YouNeverThinkOfAnyoneButYourself , but the one that gets her is IWon’tSeeMySonInTheHandsOfAFuckingPirate .  
A fucking Pirate.
Emma sees red.
“ Your son?”  She spits the words with enough venom of her own to kill any number of Shakespeare protagonists.  Neal looks taken aback, cut off in his diatribe.
“Tell me, Neal Cassidy, how is he your son?  Because he’s barely my son.”  She can see Neal gear up for a response and heads him off at the pass.  “Tell me then, Neal.  What’s Henry’s favorite color?  What’s his favorite food?  What’s the thing he loves most?  The thing he wants most?  His greatest fear?”
“Don’t give me that.”  Neal’s voice is cold.  “It’s not like I’ve had time to get to know him.”  He leans forward, his eyes even colder than his voice.  “You’re not being fair.  I’ve barely met him.”
  Emma thinks of endless days on a ship carried by a shadow, of weeks and months in Storybrooke since they got back.
“So don’t give me the goddamn third degree.”  Neal’s voice is grating on her already frayed nerves and she shudders, but he doesn’t notice.  “That’s what this time is for.  Getting to know each other, becoming a family again.”
Weeks and months.  Weeks and months since they returned from Neverland, weeks and months during which just being around Neal has felt nothing but wrong, weeks and months after which he can’t tell her what her son’s favorite color is.
What his son’s favorite color is.
  Emma shakes her head.  Neal always was great with excuses.
“And now you swoop in here with your fucking libido on full display for the whole town to see and ruin everything .  Before I even have a chance of bonding with my son.”
His voice is so loud.
Neal is practically yelling and the head of every single patron in the diner is ducked .  Even Ruby’s.
  Emma squares her shoulders.  Thinks of Killian, thinks of how careful he is with her, how patient, how thoughtful.  How he lets her breathe and gives her space and always lets her be herself.  How he likes her for who she is, not in spite of it.
Thinks of how light and happy she is with him, how much joy it brings.
  But she’s not telling Neal any of that.
There is only one thing she can say to him, because she sure as hell is not going to take the bait and discuss anything involving the word ‘libido’, period.
No, there is only one point to make here.  She leans forward.  Gets into his space for a change.  
“Then tell me, Neal,” she says, voice low and cutting and calm , “how it is that after all this time you still know nothing about Henry?”  Her eyes flash.  “When Killian can answer every single one of the questions I asked you?  Every one?”
Neal gasps.
Emma gets up.
“I’m really sorry,” she says in the direction of Granny, who is scrubbing the grill so hard she’s stripping metal.  “I’m sorry you all had to hear this.”  She looks at Ruby, who shrugs, and then back at Neal, who looks positively apoplectic.  
“We’re done here,” she says.  “Neal, think long and hard how you want to play the rest of this.  Henry is not a bargaining chip.”  She slams her hand down on the table.  “Get it?”
She walks out without looking back, which may be the single most difficult thing she’s ever done, and makes a beeline to the Jolly Roger as if pulled by strings.  
  Killian is checking the wheel as she stumbles up the gangplank, takes one look at her and simply opens his arms.
Emma starts to cry.
And he lets her, just stands there with his arms around her and lets her, and then he says it’s OK in that soft voice full of understanding and it just makes her sob harder.
Minutes pass.  They feel like lifetimes.  When she finally pulls away and looks up her eyelids feel leaden, and his returning gaze is calm, but worried.
“What happened?”  he says.
Emma shrugs.  “I talked to Neal.  It did not go well.”  With a groan she leans her forehead against his chest. 
He bends down to kiss her cheek and and whispers, “Tell me.”
But she can’t.  He’s liable to go and defend her honor or something equally sweet and chivalrous and useless.
“It’s not important,” she says instead.  “Let’s just say I made it clear that you---”  she takes a deep breath---  “that we---”
Her voice trails off.  Silence falls.
Then he lifts her head gently by the chin and forces her to look at him.
“Are you uncertain, love?”  His eyes are large and sad.  “Are you unsure about me?”
The way he says it takes her breath away for a moment and she suddenly realizes that she has never been more sure of anything in her life.  How can she possibly doubt him when he’s looking at her like that?  
She shakes her head and smiles.  
“No,” she says.  “I’m sure.”
And she reaches up to kiss him, to show him beyond any shadow of a doubt just how certain she is.  She feels his sigh of relief through her entire body.
An hour later finds her on the wooden platform of the playground castle, watching as Henry walks towards her.  His book bag looks heavy and his cheeks are red from the icy wind.  Emma’s toes are already frozen.
Henry throws his backpack on the platform and pulls himself up to sit next to Emma and looks at her for a long time.
“I heard,” he finally says.
Emma’s body temperature drops several degrees.  “Heard what?”
“There was a scene at the diner?  With Neal?”
‘Neal’.  Not ‘Dad’.  Emma shudders.
“I’m really sorry,” she says.  “I shouldn’t have met him in public.”  She cringes.  “What did you hear?”
“Just that he was not being nice.  That he yelled at you.”  Henry frowns.  “That’s not OK.”
Emma wants to hug him, hard.
“I’m so sorry,” she says instead.  “None of this was about you, you know.”
He looks at her with those eyes that see everything.
“It was a little bit about me,” he says, like he already knows.  “It had to be.”
Emma doesn’t know what to say to that.  She swallows hard, but nothing comes.
Henry crooks his head as he studies her face.  “Do you want him to leave?”
It breaks Emma’s heart, the matter-of-fact way he says it.  Like it’s up to her.
“Henry,” she says, and takes his hands.  “This is not about me.  Neal is your father.  And if you want him to stay, he stays.  If you want him in your life, he will be in your life.  It’s up to you.  You and nobody else.”
Henry nods in that earnest, serious way he has.
“But you’re not together,” he finally says.
Emma shakes her head.  “No, Henry.”  Her voice is raspy.  “We are not together.  We are not going to be together.”
She squeezes his hands.
“I’m sorry we can’t be a family,” she says.  “Not in the traditional sense.  But I would never keep you two apart.”
Henry nods again.  Then he grins a small, mischievous grin.
“What about Killian?”  His eyes flash as his grin grows wider and Emma cringes.  Cringes but doesn’t let go of Henry’s hands and doesn’t avert her gaze.  Just nods.
“Good,” Henry says, and Emma feels a small glimmer of hope. 
“Good?”  She asks.
“Yeah,” Henry answers.  “He makes you happy.  You make him happy.  It’s good.”
And it feels like a metric ton of worry falls away from Emma’s shoulders.   She smiles.
“How did you get to be so smart?”  she says, and finally pulls him into a hug.
“I got that from my grandparents, of course,” Henry deadpans, and they both laugh out loud.
That night Emma doesn’t sneak.
She walks into Granny’s diner holding Killian’s hand, and they have dinner in front of everyone.  Henry comes in halfway through and immediately slides onto Killian’s side of the booth and asks for sailing lessons.  Emma watches Killian’s eyes grow very bright as he tells Henry that he is welcome aboard the Jolly any time, as long as it’s OK with Emma.
Emma answers that learning to sail might be fun for all of them and Killian beams at her.  It makes her so happy to see both of them across from her, smiling in unison.  
Henry steals two onion rings from Killian’s plate on his way out the door and Killian’s smile becomes a smirk as he mumbles like mother like son and waggles his eyebrows at her.
Emma laughs out loud.
  After dinner they both walk to the Jolly together for all the world to see, Killian’s arm around her shoulders and her arm around his waist.  He drops the occasional kiss in her hair and she feels warmer than she has in years.
When they get to his cabin she takes off her boots and sits down cross-legged on his bed as he stokes the small oven and pulls out the rum.
“Are you all right, love?” He says as he hands her a glass.  “Or was it a bit much?”
She shakes her head and smiles.  
“It feels good to be out in the open,” she says.  “With you.”
“It does.”  
He sits down next to her, clinks their glasses together, his eyes dark.  Not for the first time Emma thinks about the strain her need for secrecy and silence put on him.  Puts on him still.  How she keeps asking him to march to the beat of her drum, and he always does.
They drink, and Emma holds her glass up for a refill.
“I’m sorry,” she says as he pours.
“For what?”  His voice is light, but she can sense apprehension.
“Always going by what I need,” she says.  “Never asking what you need.”
He smiles.  It’s wistful, but genuine.  “You had a lot to deal with, Emma,” he says and then leans forward to brush his lips past hers.  “It was your turn to need things.”
  The way he understands her.  The way he doesn’t push and just makes room for her life inside of his.  She will change that.  From now on, she will make room for him, inside her own life.  They will make a life together.
  “I love you,” she says, because it’s high time she told him.
His entire face lights up like a beacon and he puts down his glass, cups her face with his right hand, rubs his thumb across her cheek.
And then he leans forward and kisses her, long and slow and deep.
When he pulls back he leans his forehead against hers.
“I am so happy to hear it,” he whispers.  “I love you so much.”
  And Emma gets on her knees to hug him, presses herself against him, and as his arms wrap around her she knows, knows , finally, finally knows, that she is home.
Thank you for reading!!
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