#crypto iq
carlinjp · 9 months
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asethabalanar · 11 months
Writer's Anthem
I have read a lot of books about finances and cryptocurrency but this article is not for them, I am writing this for the average person who is curious about what finances mean and let’s talk about money, having money is like having a baby, if you do not feed the baby or take care of the baby he will die, so goes with money too, if you have money and don’t take care of it , it will fade away,…
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novadigitalera · 2 years
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lilithgreye · 1 month
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Note: there is no life path 2 however, there is such as 2 energy if you were born on a 2 day (not 20/11 but 2) such as March 2nd
Life Path 1: youngest souls (along with 3’s), leaders, masculine, athletic, argumentative/anger issues, must work hard and no shortcuts in life (unless there’s also an 8/28 in your birthday), tend to have very original ideas, good at bouncing back from the bottom, biggest goal should be becoming a leader in some way
Life Path 3: youngest souls (along with 1’s), child-like energy, strong communication skills, random but they usually have a good weight loss story, make the best lawyers, outgoing but if not they can socialize well when they need to, lots of friends (depending on other numbers), argumentative/know it all, funniest, most likely to be criminals, immature at times, witty, depending on other numbers will often have a youthful appearance/baby face, biggest goal should involve having an audience
Life Path 4: hard worker, must work hard for anything they want in life/things don’t come easy, disciplined, wealth number (only through hard work), always at the top of the music industry (ex: drake), best criminal justice workers (ex: detectives, cops), often obsessed with sex, obsessed with true crime, good at bouncing back from the bottom, biggest goal should involve finding work that they love
Life Path 5: most conventionally attractive, high sexual energy, health, change, travels a lot/must travel a lot to fulfill purpose, good at travel jobs (ex: pilot, flight attendant), often perverts, fun to be around, free spirited, need their freedom to be happy, doesn’t enjoy when people try to restrict them in any way or tie them down, good entertainers, unpredictable, second most likely to cheat, biggest goal should involve traveling the world
Life Path 6: best friends to have, nurturing, homebody, family oriented/makes good parent, depending on other numbers may struggle with weight, good cooks/bakers, most have a lower iq but a small percentage are genius’ depending on other numbers in their birthday, usually struggle with mental health, biggest goal should be having a family or a close friend group that supports them
Life Path 7: intelligence based on logic rather than emotions, usually one of the smartest people in the room, struggles with love, enjoys being alone, good with technology/at technological careers, prone to injuries/sickness more than other signs (depending on Vietnamese zodiac and other numbers), can be unfaithful romantically depending on other numbers, most likely to be homosexual, blunt, most likely to cheat, biggest goal should be mastering knowledge in one of their primary interests in life
Life Path 8: money motivated, karma comes quickly to you and the people who hurt you, ambitious, powerful individuals, underrated influential number, beauty is based on karma and unattractive 8’s will have bad past life karma but attractive one’s don’t (ex: tyla), weight is based on karma, workhorse, judgmental, experiences ups and downs with money but usually gains wealth when older unless there’s unresolved karma, doesn’t get away with dishonesty easily, good at bouncing back from the bottom, controlling, biggest goal should be making money and experiencing the material world
Life Path 9: most attractive number of extreme beauty if karma has been worked through (ex: madison beer, megan fox), strong feminine energy, spiritually connected, strong intuition, adapts well to surroundings, great performers/singers/rappers/entertainers, best actors (ex: timothee chalamet), best scammers, best manipulators, simps, egotistical, most challenging reincarnation (of the younger souls), addictive personalities, best at crypto, often have a rough childhood, good swimmers, have the ability to make others a better version of themself (except 11/22/33), unfortunately they’re often the most hated, hard life path for men to have but easy for women to have, 9’s tell you a lot about how you are, biggest goal in their life should involve feeling complete in life, don’t take orders well (enjoy being their own boss)
Life Path 11: old soul, most emotional/empaths, feminine, best athletes, most likely to be famous, strong charisma, inspiring, attracts copycats, peace maker, spiritual guider/messenger, one of the most challenging life path’s, at a low vibration can be emotionally unstable, talented writers/authors
Life Path 22: old soul, hard workers, good at building things in all aspects of life, good at destroying things in all aspects of life, strong build (body), the best at body building, great fitness trainers, wisest, good architects, at a low vibration can be violent, vengeful, one of the most challenging life path’s
Life Path 33: oldest soul, the most challenging life path you can have, most influential/impactful number, best teachers, soulmate is a 32/5, high vibration (people will always benefit from being around a 33), enlightenment, good therapists/counselors, big ego, matrix makes them suffer the most as this is their last reincarnation, you’ll rarely meet one that doesn’t smoke/drink/do drugs (if they don’t then they really know how to handle their vibration well), good at bouncing back from the bottom
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astrosky33 · 1 year
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Regular Numbers (young souls)
1 = masculine energy, leaders, aggression, dominance, argumentative, new beginnings, father
2 = divine feminine energy, peace, sensitive, diplomatic, duality, balance, harmony, good at writing, mother
3 = comedy, communication, luck, creative, mouth-piece, self-expression, child-like energy, receivers
4 = law & order, discipline, hard work, routine, finances, strong build (body wise), value, likely to fall victim to drug abuse
5 = travel, beauty/good looks, change, healthy, entertainment, sex/high sexual energy, new exciting events, money from entertainment
6 = home/family, friends/friendly, time, organization, responsibility, care, government
7 = intelligence/iq/knowledge, the mind, teacher, gambler, loner, bad for money & love, food/drinks, keep to themselves, fall weak to perversions, big ego
8 = money, experiences both sides of money spectrum, power, karma, grounded, logical, workaholics
9 = existence, end/completion, knowledgeable, adaption, ego, letting go, extremes, extreme beauty, good at crypto, homebody, most intelligent, spiritual
Master Numbers (old souls)
11 = emotional, charisma, athleticism, old soul, influence, self expression, inspiration
22 = master builder (good at building in all aspects of life such as body building, being an architect, etc), master destroyer, natural wisdom
33 = master teacher/influencer (the most influential number), high vibrational, big ego
Other Numbers
17 = fame, idealization
28 = wealth, money coming easily
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𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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wealthy right-wingers are always infinitely more unpleasant than working class right wingers, and what is perhaps most insufferable about wealthy right-wingers is that they always act like the only reason you dislike them is because you've mistaken them for a working-class right-winger- "whoa hey, i may be right-wing but i'm not some kind of trailer-trash hick, so you should like me, i'm actually very socially liberal, i even drive an electric car (it's a tesla), i just happen to be fiscally conservative, and also i think we really need to ask some important questions about race and iq," shut the fuck up, i would way rather hang out with someone who's a regular working-class person but just happens to be like, a creationist or whatever, than some crypto-trading silicon valley freak who idolizes tech ceos and supports eugenics.
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reddragdiva · 1 year
LessWrong: Where's the economic incentive for wokism coming from?
yes really, that’s literally the title of the post. (archive copy, older archive copy) LessWrong has gone full Motte.
this was originally a LW front-page post, and was demoted to personal blog when it proved unpopular. it peaked at +10 and is currently at -6.
but if anyone tries to make out this isn't a normative rationalist: this guy, Michael “Valentine” Smith, is a cofounder of CFAR (the Center for Applied Rationality), a LessWrong offshoot that started being about how to do rational thinking ... and finally admitted it was about "AI Risk"
this post is the Rationalist brain boys, the same guys who did FTX and Effective Altruism, going full IQ-Anon wondering how the market could fail so badly as not to care what weird disaster assholes think. this is the real Basilisk.
when they're not spending charity money on buying themselves castles, this is what concerns the modern rationalist
several commenters answered “uh, the customers.” and tried to explain the concept of markets to OP, and how corporations like selling stuff to normal people and not just to barely-crypto-fash. they were duly downvoted to -20 by valiant culture warriors who weren’t putting up with that sort of SJW nonsense.
comment by author, who thinks "hard woke" is not only a thing, but a thing that profit-making corporations do so as not to make a profit: "For what it's worth, I wouldn't describe myself as leaning right." lol ok dude
right-wingers really don't believe in, or even understand, capitalism or markets at all. they believe in hierarchy. that's what's offended this dipshit.
now, you might think LessWrong Rationalists, Slate Star Codex readers, etc. tend towards behaving functionally indistinguishably from Nazis, but that's only because they work so hard at learning from their neoreactionary comrades to reach that stage
why say in 10,000 words what you can say in 14.
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Damm most economists, especially ones who believe crypto has merit have subhuman iq
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ghfgut4 · 2 years
Fun Facts about Donnie that you may don't know:
1.Donnie steals money.
2.Donnie doesn't like huge and touch cause his voice actor doesn't like.
3.Donnie likes techno music.
4.Donnie loves pancake specially bananas ones.
5.Donnie hate dogs and monkeys.
6.Donnie scares of bees and spiders.
7.Doonie probably have allergie to bees.
8.Donnie have Et problems.
9.Donnie wanted to kill his fathers.
10.Donnie wants to took over the world.
11.Donnie loves his techs more than himself.
12.Donnie wants to spy and change his brother's.
13.Donnie really loves being alone
14.Donnie is draxum's mirror.
15.Donnie destroyed draxum.
16.Donnie want attention specially from elders.
17.Donnie have diferent personalities in episodes.
18.Donnie is bad at lying
19.Donnie is Leo's mirror.They are opposites,they are same and opposite,they are disaster twins.
20.Donnie can rap and do rock music.
21.Donnie hates pineapple and pizza with it since he has allergies to it.
22.Donnie loves garbage.
23.Donnie is straight.
24.Donnie do the less good and do the most bad.
25.Donnie hate strangers.
26.Donnie is the first version that have battle shell and usually fly.
27.Donnie is the weakest one
28.Donnie goes to college
29.Donnie is a youtuber.
30.Donnie really can't to sports or even say the sport words.
31.Donnie's iq is 160+,however it doesn't seems lol.
32.Donnie has asperger
33.Donnie's biggest fear is nobody like his techs.
34.Donnie denies his mistakes as always.
35.Donnie love animes.
36.Donnie loves men in black as well and all other science faction works.
37.Donnie only loves april and mikey.
38.Donnie is a nft crypto dude.
39.Donnie is cute and mean.
40.Donnie hates geology
41.Donnie is herbivorous
42.Donnie supposed to be but he isn't a botanist
43.Donnie loves math
44.Donnie loves books which is not a cool fact at all.
45.Doonie can't not be sarcastic easily.
46.Donnie loves memes.
47.Donnie hate and loves his father,he hates and loves magic as well.
48.Donnnie loves killing
49.Donnie scares of beach ball.
50.Sheldon at age 13 and tech bo died but donnie didn't get any sad.
51.Donnie can't feel his emotions.
52.You know about donnies crush as well.
53.Donnie scares of shredder a lot cause he almost killed his mirror draxum.
54.Donnie is extrovert
55.Donnie is white.
56.Donnie puts tracker in all of them.
51.Donnie loves elder clothes.
57.Donnie is copied of mark beaks from duck tales,The only difference is he can't lie very good and he is more grumpy snarky.
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tombeane-blog · 8 days
Grampa, Were You Always This Wise? - Lesson One
"Experience...., that most brutal of teachers.  
But you learn, my God, do you learn." C.S.  Lewis
"Maybe. Maybe not."
Fall 1966.  Attending Crypto school at Mare Island Naval Base.  
We were just South of Vallejo, California when the beer began to kick in.
It's late at night and we are racing through the rolling hills outside Walnut Creek.  
Top down on my convertible, wind whipping past, sipping beer, radio volume set to 11.  We are young, dumb and no doubt, bullet proof. 
Two of us are in my '65 Datsun 1600 and a couple of others are in a '65 Corvette Sting Ray.  There's no traffic. The roads are deserted.  It's like the rest of California is asleep.
We are pretending to race.  I say pretending because I'm way underpowered and even wayer under skilled. 
Rounding a curve and racing up a hill, the Corvette surges ahead - taillights quickly disappearing over the hill and into the night.  Just as we top the hill we notice steam coming from under the hood and a red light appears on my dashboard.
We stop to cool the engine and think things through.   Slowly sipping another beer to clear our minds; we sing along to California Dreamin' while we wait for the engine to cool.  
After a while, we take a peek and sure enough - the radiator is empty.  
It's a cloudless night and from the top of hill we see valleys, hills and the Milky Way's ribbon of stars.  Far off in the distance we can make out the twinkling lights of civilization.
We are in the middle of nowhere, we have no water, and there is no help in sight.  
But, we have plenty of cheap beer.  
Almost simultaneously we think, "No Water+Beer=Hmmm!".
Because my car was made in Japan, we carefully calculate the radiator size in cubic micro-hectares versus the volumetrics of American beer in Japanese Imperial ounces.  
We pour a six pack into the radiator.  
Everything seems OK as we start off but almost immediately yellow foam starts spraying out from under the hood.  For the first time in my life I encounter the unpleasant smell of scorched beer.
Still far from nowhere and realizing more cheap beer may not be the answer.... I turn off the engine, put my car in neutral and we begin coasting down the hill.
As we come to a stop at the bottom, luck is with us 'cause we see a filling station down the road.  We push my car the rest of the way.
Our luck holds as the attendant diagnosis a leaky radiator cap.  We buy a new cap and fill up the radiator.  
With no sign of the our buddies in the Corvette, we decide to head on back to Vallejo.
Coincidently, the remaining beer is gone as we near my shipmate's house.  I turn a corner just a teeny tiny bit way too fast.  We slide sideways into the curb and up onto the grass in somebody's front yard.
It's too dark to see and close enough for government work so we stagger down the street and into his house.  
Hungover the next morning and with his wife's loud opinion of our combined IQ ringing in our ears, we stand silently reviewing the damage..... 
Nobody speaks for some time.  My car looks like what my head feels like.
Picture a passenger plane taking off.  Just after getting airborne you see the wheels begin to rotate up into the wing.  
That's what the two wheels on the left side of my car looked like.
After a long while my buddy whispers, "Bummer."
I need to report to my ship on the East Coast in a couple of weeks....
So what wisdom did you get from this Grampa?
"Cheap overheated beer sprayed all over your car's engine doesn't smell good and the beer stench lasts a lot longer than you would think."
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mlmscamnews · 6 years
Holton Buggs, Organo Gold & IQ Chain… here’s what we know.
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About a month ago Organo Gold announced a partnership agreement with Digital Skynet.
The partnership agreement will see the launch of an as of yet unnamed joint-venture between the two companies.
Also part of the agreement, and what caught the attention of many, was Holton Buggs appointment as ‘executive advisor to Digital SkyNet’s ‘Ormeus’ subsidiary and the newly formed strategic joint venture company owned by ORGANO and Digital SkyNet‘.
Has Holton Buggs been bitten by the MLM crypto Ponzi bug and will he drag Organo Gold down with him?
Here’s what we know…
Digital SkyNet is the parent company of Ormeus Global. Both companies are believed to be owned and operated either in full or in part by John Barksdale.
Ormeus Global is your typical MLM Ponzi points come altcoin exit-scam scheme.
ORME, the shitcoin attached to Ormeus Global, pumped to just over $5 last December. It has since dumped to its current value of around 17 cents.
As of March 2018, Ormeus Global affiliates reported non-payment of commissions “for over a year”.
In an attempt to resuscitate Ormeus Global, Barksdale launched IQ Chain earlier this year.
IQ Chain was more of the same trading bot ROI nonsense (BITCONEEEEEEEEE!), only this time through ORV points.
The internal value of ORV points are manipulated by IQ Chain. ORV isn’t publicly tradeable and doesn’t exist outside of the IQ Chain and Ormeus Global opportunities.
ORV are essentially Ponzi points, or what ORME started off as before it went public and crashed.
Where does Holton Buggs fit into the Ormeus Global and IQ Chain Ponzi schemes as an Executive Advisor?
Who knows.
What we do know however is that Buggs is apparently gearing up to launch a new cryptocurrency opportunity that’s supposedly currently in prelaunch.
Yesterday BusinessForHome went so far as to claim it was a joint-venture between Organo Gold and IQ Chain, with the aim of launching a crypto investment opportunity in the US.
In his article, Nuyten went on to claim Buggs and Barksdale were ‘currently recruit(ing) top leaders on/for the USA market‘.
Reception to Nuyten’s article has been mixed.
Buggs himself responded and rebutted Nuyten’s claims;
We have invested to the better of 3 months to do something the opposite of what this article says. Selling Crypto is something I have been against my entire career and that will never change. Too many people have been hurt by the scams. We decided to do something the right way and use Blockchain as innovation not a product.
Comments from other readers however strongly suggest some sort of opportunity is being pitched and marketed – complete with whitepaper.
One BFH reader, Jeremy Roma, even went so far as to claim he was in Bugg’s “prelaunch team”.
As part of the prelaunch team, I assure you this article is 100% innaccurate, and if this article we’re accurate, WE WOULD 100% AGREE! Crypto mlms are not legitimate, and when you see the caliber of leaders involved with this game-changing project, AND WHAT WE ARE ACTUALLY LAUNCHING, you’ll see that THIS ARTICLE IS BASED ON ???? AND COMPLETE HOGWASH. Feel free to inbox me for accurate info and prelaunch positioning, rest assured we are what many have been waiting for!!
As I understand it Roma is just coming off the collapse of WGN in the US.
He’s pretty tight with Buggs;
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And earlier this month he was in Thailand on business (WGN has/had a large affiliate-base in Thailand and it also just happens to be where John Barksdale currently resides):
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Fun Fact: Jeremy Roma has been terminated from Organo Gold four times for, among other things, cross-recruiting and P&P violations.
Each of the four Organo Gold distributorships Roma held were under Holton Buggs.
So we know Buggs is gearing up to launch something crypto-related in partnership with John Barksdale’s Oremus Global and/or IQ Chain Ponzi schemes.
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Where does Organo Gold fit into this?
Apparently they don’t.
Patrick Miranda, General Counsel for Organo Gold Canada, writes;
I can definitively state that there is NO relation of Digital Skynet to any MLM or other Direct-sales model to which we are a party. Our owners’ J-V with Digital Skynet is to further the use and applications of block-chain technologies within all platforms of commerce including the MLM model — for example: verifying point of production, authenticating “Organic” and other Certifications of the ingredients in our products, real-time product inventories and logistics, etc. I don’t know who “Tammy Riley” is; but the opportunity she is speaking of has nothing to do with Organo Gold. Again, I can state un-equivocally, OG wants NOTHING to do with crypto currencies; for the simple fact of the matter that we would lose all of our financial facilities.
Fair enough. But the obvious question now is how is Holton Buggs going to manage his Ormeus Ponzi responsibilities, whilst maintaining his position in Organo Gold corporate?
Buggs is currently Organo Gold’s Chief Visionary Officer and Global Brand Officer.
I mean surely you’d have to be naive to think Buggs’ connection to Organo Gold wouldn’t be used to market Ormeus and IQ Chain?
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With all that in mind, here’s a question I posed to Patrick Miranda;
Theoretically, if Buggs was launching a new cryptocurrency opportunity, what effect would that have on his executive role within Organo Gold?
To which he replied;
While we can’t restrict Holton from providing consulting services to them; there is certainly a fine line which he cannot cross given his relationship with OG. He would be in a Conflict of Interest ….
The JVA agreement between Organo Gold and Digital Skynet meanwhile contains non-compete provisions governing competition between the two companies.
Without disclosing the particulars of the JVA, I can say that there are provisions restricting direct competition between Digital Skynet and Organo Gold, provisions relating to impairment of our goodwill and enforcement remedies (amongst other remedies), which Digital Skynet and its principals must adhere to.
I obviously can’t predict the future but it seems pretty obvious Buggs role within Digital Skynet is going to cause problems for Organo Gold down the track.
By their own admission, Organo Gold doesn’t seem to want anything to do with the MLM side of the cryptocurrency niche.
The company even went so far as to issue a new press-release today further clarifying their position;
Our Joint Venture with Digital SkyNet is a technology development JV;  there is no pre-launch or launch. Digital SkyNet provides Blockchain technology and software development to improve our global operations platform using Blockchain. The JV has nothing to do with coins or crypto currency.  There is no Comp Plan associated with this Joint Venture. The new Joint Venture Company formed between ORGANO and Digital SkyNet is solely for technology development collaboration between the companies and strategic deployment of newly developed technology. The ORGANO Technology Innovation Group will be releasing several newly developed IT platforms over the next 18 months.
Logically then this makes having arguably their most recognizable public figure knee-deep in the MLM cryptocurrency niche, through another company no less, problematic.
And in the crossfire you have Organo Gold distributors, no doubt wondering why their Chief Visionary Officer’s new vision no longer includes them.
I have a strong feeling something’s going to break here. Stay tuned…
Update 17th November 2018 – Ted Nuyten has deleted his original IQ Chain article, as cited above.
The article URL now redirects to a regurgitation of Organo Gold’s Digital Skynet press-release.
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bitcoinkafkamining · 2 months
Unveiling the Premier Bitcoin Cloud Mining Services Across the Global
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In the dynamic realm of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin cloud mining has risen as a favored avenue for individuals seeking to engage in mining without hefty investments in hardware and technical skills. As the interest in cloud mining services escalates, it becomes imperative to examine the premier providers operating worldwide. This article navigates through the forefront Bitcoin cloud mining services, shedding light on their distinctive features, advantages, and their prominence in the fiercely competitive market.
Understanding Bitcoin Cloud Mining
Bitcoin cloud mining allows users to rent computational power from remote data centers to mine Bitcoin. This method eradicates the necessity for initial investments in hardware and the complexities of technical setup, presenting a convenient option for miners globally. By outsourcing the computational workload to specialized facilities, individuals can participate in the mining process without the hassle of managing physical equipment or dealing with intricate technical configurations. This accessibility democratizes the mining landscape, welcoming newcomers and seasoned enthusiasts alike to engage in Bitcoin mining without the barriers traditionally associated with hardware acquisition and maintenance. Overall, Bitcoin cloud mining offers a streamlined and accessible pathway for individuals to participate in the lucrative realm of cryptocurrency mining.
Advantages of Bitcoin Cloud Mining
Cost-Efficiency: Cloud mining decreases hardware and electricity costs, expanding accessibility to Bitcoin mining for a wider audience. By leveraging remote data centers' infrastructure, miners can avoid upfront investments in expensive equipment and ongoing electricity bills. This reduction in financial barriers enables individuals with limited resources to participate in the lucrative cryptocurrency mining space. Consequently, cloud mining democratizes access to Bitcoin mining, fostering greater inclusivity and diversity within the crypto community.
Convenience: Cloud mining offers users the opportunity to embark on mining operations without the burdens of hardware setup and maintenance. Traditionally, mining Bitcoin requires substantial investments in specialized hardware, along with technical expertise to configure and maintain these systems. However, with cloud mining, individuals can sidestep these challenges by renting computational power from remote data centers. This means users don't have to worry about purchasing, assembling, or troubleshooting hardware components, saving both time and resources.
Flexibility: Cloud mining contracts provide flexibility by enabling users to tailor their mining capacity in response to market dynamics and personal preferences. This adaptability allows miners to scale their operations up or down according to changes in Bitcoin's price, network difficulty, or their own financial situation. Users can easily adjust their contract terms, such as hashpower allocation or contract duration, providing them with greater control over their investment strategy. This flexibility empowers miners to optimize their returns and adapt to evolving market conditions, enhancing their ability to navigate the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrency mining with agility and efficiency.
Leading Bitcoin Cloud Mining Services
Kafka Mining
Genesis Mining is recognized for its reliability, transparency, and diverse range of mining contracts. With user-friendly interfaces and competitive pricing, Genesis Mining caters to both novice and experienced miners worldwide.
Hashflare is a prominent player in the Bitcoin cloud mining industry, offering flexible contracts and transparent fee structures. The platform's high uptime and efficient customer support make it a preferred choice among miners.
IQ Mining
IQ Mining sets itself apart with innovative approaches to cloud mining, utilizing advanced algorithms for optimized profitability. With customizable contracts and real-time monitoring tools, IQ Mining provides users with a comprehensive mining experience.
Key Considerations When Choosing a Cloud Mining Service
 Reputation and Reliability
Evaluate the reputation and reliability of cloud mining services before making a decision. Look for providers with a proven track record of delivering consistent payouts and excellent customer service.
Pricing and Contracts
Compare pricing structures and contract options offered by different cloud mining services. Consider factors such as maintenance fees, contract duration, and payout frequency to ensure a favorable and transparent arrangement.
Security and Transparency
Prioritize security and transparency when selecting a cloud mining service. Opt for providers that offer secure payment gateways, real-time monitoring tools, and transparent reporting of mining activities.
As the demand for Bitcoin cloud mining services continues to grow globally, it's essential to choose a reputable and reliable provider that offers cost-effective, transparent, and secure solutions. Whether you opt for Genesis Mining, Hashflare, or IQ Mining, conducting thorough research and evaluating your options will help you find the best Bitcoin cloud mining service to meet your mining goals. Start your cloud mining journey today and unlock the potential of mining Bitcoin without the hassle of hardware management.
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datatoken1 · 2 months
I write here sometimes.
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dbunicorn · 2 months
Celebrity Culture Is Harmful to Society - 1001 Words | Essay Example
I love a good concert, sports event but I fucking hate celebrity culture. You have a team of people to present an image, chef, personal trainer, etc....offer your uneducated opinion about everything, speak when you should STFU, hawk shit from overpriced clothing to crypto currency and endorse gambling. You get paid obscene amounts of money while stadiums are subsidized, you avoid taxes and vomit bullshit and call it 'business' or capitalism. Absolute bullshit. 🖕pay your carbon taxes. Retroactively.
God I hate shitty content and art.
I know such a bitch. 💋😘🙏
Every red fucking cent. 🙏💋
I.hope this isn't too aggressive. I've got more bitch in me.
It's hilarious when celebrities criticize others. 80 IQ, access and little talent. You gossip and bullshit for a living.
- wicked witch of the East.
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hashzercorp · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Trusted Cloud Mining Sites: How to Safely Invest in Cryptocurrency Mining
In the world of cryptocurrency, mining plays a crucial role in validating transactions and maintaining the blockchain network. While mining can be profitable, it often requires significant investments in hardware, electricity, and maintenance. This is where cloud mining comes into play, offering a convenient and cost-effective solution for individuals looking to participate in mining without the hassle of managing hardware themselves. In this guide, we'll explore trusted cloud mining sites and how to safely invest in cryptocurrency mining.
Understanding Cloud Mining
Cloud mining allows individuals to lease mining power from remote data centers, where the actual mining hardware is located. Users can purchase mining contracts for a specific duration, during which they receive a portion of the mining rewards based on their invested hash power.
Benefits of Cloud Mining
Cost-Effective: Cloud mining eliminates the need to purchase and maintain expensive mining hardware, reducing upfront costs.
Convenience: Users can start mining without dealing with hardware setup, maintenance, or electricity costs.
Diversification: Cloud mining allows investors to diversify their cryptocurrency portfolio by mining various coins simultaneously.
Scalability: Users can easily scale up or down their mining operations based on market conditions.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Trusted Cloud Mining Sites
Reputation: Look for cloud mining providers with a strong reputation and positive reviews from users.
Transparency: The best cloud mining sites are transparent about their mining operations, fees, and payout structures.
Security: Ensure the platform offers robust security measures to protect users' funds and data.
Pricing and Fees: Compare pricing plans and fees across different cloud mining providers to find the best value for your investment.
Customer Support: A responsive and helpful customer support team is essential for resolving any issues or queries promptly.
Top Trusted Cloud Mining Sites
HashFlare: Known for its transparency and competitive pricing, HashFlare offers cloud mining contracts for various cryptocurrencies.
Genesis Mining: One of the oldest and most reputable cloud mining providers, Genesis Mining offers a wide range of mining contracts.
HashNest: Backed by Bitmain, HashNest provides cloud mining services with a focus on Bitcoin and Litecoin mining.
NiceHash: With a marketplace-style platform, NiceHash allows users to buy and sell hash power for mining various cryptocurrencies.
IQ Mining: Known for its user-friendly interface and flexible mining contracts, IQ Mining is a popular choice among cloud miners.
Tips for Safe Cloud Mining Investment
Research Thoroughly: Before investing, research the cloud mining provider, read reviews, and understand their terms and conditions.
Start Small: Begin with a small investment to test the platform's reliability and payout consistency.
Monitor Performance: Regularly monitor your mining performance, payouts, and overall profitability.
Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest developments in the cryptocurrency and mining industry to make informed investment decisions.
Secure Your Account: Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and keep your account information confidential to prevent unauthorized access.
Trusted cloud mining sites offer a convenient and accessible way for individuals to participate in cryptocurrency mining without the complexities of hardware management. By choosing reputable providers, conducting thorough research, trusted cloud mining sites  and following best practices for safe investment, you can leverage cloud mining to potentially earn passive income from cryptocurrencies. Take the time to explore different cloud mining options and start your journey towards crypto mining success.
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