#create mobile applications
The Platform To Power up Synchronized Digital Experiences In Real-Time With Socket io
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Our everyday digital experiences are in the midst of a real-time revolution. Whether attending an event in a virtual venue, or receiving real-time financial information, or monitoring live car performance data – consumers simply expect realtime digital experience as standard.
What Socket.IO is Socket.IO is a library that enables low-latency, bi-directional and event-based communication between a client and a server.
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It is built on top of the WebSocket protocol and provides additional guarantees, like fallback to HTTP and HTTPS long-polling or automatic reconnection. WebSocket is a communication protocol which provides a full-duplex and low-latency channel between the server and the browser.
There are several Socket.IO server implementations available:
JavaScript (which can be run either on the browser, in Node.js or in React Native)
Java: https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-java
C++: https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-cpp
Swift: https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-swift
Dart: https://github.com/rikulo/socket.io-client-dart
Python: https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/python-socketio
.Net: https://github.com/doghappy/socket.io-client-csharp
Rust: https://github.com/1c3t3a/rust-socketio
Kotlin: https://github.com/icerockdev/moko-socket-io
Installation steps
Source code
App Development Tips From Our Experienced Developer. Also, check some of the tips shared by our developers who have experience working with top developing tools to create mobile applications with Socket.IO. Being the best mobile app development company.
What Socket.IO is not
Although Socket.IO indeed uses WebSocket for transport when possible, it adds additional metadata to each packet. That is why a WebSocket client will not be able to successfully connect to a Socket.IO server, and a Socket.IO client will not be able to connect to a plain WebSocket server either.
Connections are established even in the presence of:
proxies and load balancers.
personal firewall and antivirus software.
For this purpose, it relies on Engine.IO, which first establishes a long-polling connection, then tries to upgrade to better transports that are “tested” on the side, like WebSocket. Please see the Goals section for more information.
Auto-reconnection support Unless instructed, otherwise a disconnected client will try to reconnect forever, until the server is available again. Please see the available reconnection options here.
Disconnection detection A heartbeat mechanism is implemented at the Engine.IO level, allowing both the server and the client to know when the other one is not responding anymore.
That functionality is achieved with timers set on both the server and the client, with timeout values (the pingInterval and pingTimeout parameters) shared during the connection handshake. Those timers require any subsequent client calls to be directed to the same server, hence the sticky-session requirement when using multiple nodes.
Binary support
Any serializable data structures can be emitted, including:
ArrayBuffer and Blob in the browser
ArrayBuffer and Buffer in Node.js
Let’s conclude This module provides an easy and reliable way to set up a WebRTC connection between peers, and communicates using events (the socket.io-protocol). Socket.IO is used to transport signaling data; and as a fallback for clients where WebRTC PeerConnection is not supported.
Well, that’s how to integrate socket IO on many platforms . The package made it all easy. Thank you for reading, give it a clap or buy me a coffee!
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manavsmo-blog · 2 years
The Platform To Power up Synchronized Digital Experiences In Real-Time With Socket io
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Our everyday digital experiences are in the midst of a real-time revolution. Whether attending an event in a virtual venue, or receiving real-time financial information, or monitoring live car performance data – consumers simply expect realtime digital experience as standard.
What Socket.IO is Socket.IO is a library that enables low-latency, bi-directional and event-based communication between a client and a server.
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It is built on top of the WebSocket protocol and provides additional guarantees, like fallback to HTTP and HTTPS long-polling or automatic reconnection. WebSocket is a communication protocol which provides a full-duplex and low-latency channel between the server and the browser.
There are several Socket.IO server implementations available:
JavaScript (which can be run either on the browser, in Node.js or in React Native)
Installation steps
Source code
Java: https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-java 
C++: https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-cpp 
Swift: https://github.com/socketio/socket.io-client-swift 
Dart: https://github.com/rikulo/socket.io-client-dart 
Python: https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/python-socketio 
.Net: https://github.com/doghappy/socket.io-client-csharp 
Rust: https://github.com/1c3t3a/rust-socketio 
Kotlin: https://github.com/icerockdev/moko-socket-io
App Development Tips From Our Experienced Developer. Also, check some of the tips shared by our developers who have experience working with top developing tools to create mobile applications with Socket.IO. Being the best mobile app development company.
What Socket.IO is not
Although Socket.IO indeed uses WebSocket for transport when possible, it adds additional metadata to each packet. That is why a WebSocket client will not be able to successfully connect to a Socket.IO server, and a Socket.IO client will not be able to connect to a plain WebSocket server either.
Connections are established even in the presence of: 
proxies and load balancers.
personal firewall and antivirus software.
For this purpose, it relies on Engine.IO, which first establishes a long-polling connection, then tries to upgrade to better transports that are “tested” on the side, like WebSocket. Please see the Goals section for more information.
Auto-reconnection support Unless instructed, otherwise a disconnected client will try to reconnect forever, until the server is available again. Please see the available reconnection options here.
Disconnection detection A heartbeat mechanism is implemented at the Engine.IO level, allowing both the server and the client to know when the other one is not responding anymore.
That functionality is achieved with timers set on both the server and the client, with timeout values (the pingInterval and pingTimeout parameters) shared during the connection handshake. Those timers require any subsequent client calls to be directed to the same server, hence the sticky-session requirement when using multiple nodes.
Binary support
Any serializable data structures can be emitted, including:
ArrayBuffer and Blob in the browser
ArrayBuffer and Buffer in Node.js
Let’s conclude This module provides an easy and reliable way to set up a WebRTC connection between peers, and communicates using events (the socket.io-protocol). Socket.IO is used to transport signaling data; and as a fallback for clients where WebRTC PeerConnection is not supported.
Well, that’s how to integrate socket IO on many platforms . The package made it all easy. Thank you for reading, give it a clap or buy me a coffee!
Feel free to get in touch with us.
Source: 9series
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zobiwebsolutions · 2 years
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jhayfund · 2 years
Are you interested in setting up your smart tv app for Smart TVs and Smart phones. I'll develop and create all smart tvs such as Roku channel, Samsung tv app, LG tv, Android tv, Amazon fire tv, IP tv. Etc.I offer my exclusive service on Fiverr and you can contact me on Fiverr to know more and take proper action.
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shuva1512 · 2 years
 Pixel Perfect, Clean and Trendy ui or ux design.
"Good Design is about turning dreams into reality"
John F. Saladino
Need A High-Quality UI Mockup for your Website and mobile apps? I'm a UI/UX expert, I can create creative and eye-catching UI and UX Website Design & Mobile Application.
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What you have to provide:
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This gig is for UI UX Design (user interface/user experience) only. Final deliverables are Adobe XD, Figma, or related Files.
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Thank you for visiting. Let's talk about your project! 
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osmictechnologies · 20 days
Unlock the potential of your business with our top-tier mobile app development services. We specialize in creating intuitive, high-performance apps tailored to your needs. Whether you need iOS, Android, or cross-platform solutions, our expert team delivers seamless user experiences and cutting-edge features. Transform your ideas into powerful mobile applications that engage users and drive growth. Partner with us for innovative, reliable, and scalable mobile solutions. Let's build something extraordinary together!
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dental1234 · 1 month
Leading App Development Company in Kakinada: Crafting Innovative Solutions
Leading App Development Company in Kakinada: Crafting Innovative Solutions
In the bustling digital landscape of Kakinada, MakersMind emerges as the beacon of innovation and excellence in app development. With a relentless focus on crafting innovative solutions, MakersMind has established itself as the go-to destination for businesses seeking to harness the power of mobile technology. Through a combination of cutting-edge technology, creative prowess, and a deep understanding of client needs, MakersMind stands out as the premier choice for app development in Kakinada.
Application development company in Kakinada
As an application development company in Kakinada, MakersMind boasts a track record of delivering unparalleled results to its clients. From concept to execution, the team at MakersMind works closely with businesses to understand their objectives, identify opportunities, and develop customized solutions that drive tangible results. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for innovation, MakersMind consistently exceeds expectations, helping businesses thrive in the competitive digital landscape of Kakinada.
App development company in Kakinada
As an app development company in Kakinada, MakersMind has earned a reputation for excellence and reliability. Leveraging the latest tools and technologies, the team at MakersMind specializes in creating user-centric, feature-rich mobile applications that captivate audiences and drive engagement. Whether it's iOS, Android, or cross-platform development, MakersMind has the expertise and experience to bring ideas to life in the form of sleek, intuitive mobile experiences. With a focus on quality, functionality, and user experience, MakersMind sets the standard for app development excellence in Kakinada and beyond.
#Leading App Development Company in Kakinada: Crafting Innovative Solutions#In the bustling digital landscape of Kakinada#MakersMind emerges as the beacon of innovation and excellence in app development. With a relentless focus on crafting innovative solutions#MakersMind has established itself as the go-to destination for businesses seeking to harness the power of mobile technology. Through a comb#creative prowess#and a deep understanding of client needs#MakersMind stands out as the premier choice for app development in Kakinada.#Application development company in Kakinada#As an application development company in Kakinada#MakersMind boasts a track record of delivering unparalleled results to its clients. From concept to execution#the team at MakersMind works closely with businesses to understand their objectives#identify opportunities#and develop customized solutions that drive tangible results. With a commitment to excellence and a passion for innovation#MakersMind consistently exceeds expectations#helping businesses thrive in the competitive digital landscape of Kakinada.#App development company in Kakinada#As an app development company in Kakinada#MakersMind has earned a reputation for excellence and reliability. Leveraging the latest tools and technologies#the team at MakersMind specializes in creating user-centric#feature-rich mobile applications that captivate audiences and drive engagement. Whether it's iOS#Android#or cross-platform development#MakersMind has the expertise and experience to bring ideas to life in the form of sleek#intuitive mobile experiences. With a focus on quality#functionality#and user experience#MakersMind sets the standard for app development excellence in Kakinada and beyond.
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technovation · 2 months
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Steps To Build AI Applications | Protonshub Technologies
Find-out the steps to create an AI applications. Protonshub has experts of AI that can help you to build your AI mobile applications.
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initfusion · 6 months
Our designs are made to be seen, remembered, and cherished. Unskippable impressions, every time.😇✨
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bsjtechnology · 7 months
How to Choose and Use Enterprise Software Services for Your Organization
Enterprise software services are the services that provide solutions, tools, and technologies for developing, integrating, and optimizing enterprise software applications. Enterprise software applications are the software applications that are used by large organizations, such as businesses, governments, or institutions, to manage their operations, processes, and data.
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appdevelopment00 · 10 months
How to Build a Mobile App With a Limited Budget | Protonshub Technologies
Discover the ultimate guide to building a remarkable mobile app with a limited budget. Learn essential tips, tricks, and cost-saving strategies to turn your app idea into reality without compromising on quality. Get expert insights and practical steps to maximize your resources and create a successful mobile app that captivates your audience. Start building your app on a budget today and witness your vision come to life with our premium mobile app development services.
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How to Build a Social Media Application in 2023
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In the modern digital era, it is rare to encounter an individual who isn’t engaged on social media platforms. These applications have revolutionized how we communicate, transforming various aspects of media, culture, education, politics, and business. Social networking sites seem endless, from YouTube and Facebook to Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and TikTok.
Recent statistics from a reputed mobile app development company in the UK indicate that approximately 4.89 billion individuals are active on social media accounts worldwide as of 2023, representing a 6.5% growth compared to the previous year. Moreover, it is projected that this number will reach around six billion by 2027, reflecting the continuous expansion and influence of social media on a global scale.
Is it the right time to launch your social media app in Manchester? If yes, you should know to get started.
But before that, let us take a sneak peek at the different varieties of apps currently thriving in the market.
Different Types of Social Media Applications
When thinking about social media applications by hiring a Social Media App Development Company, the usual ones that come to mind are Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. However, various categories of platforms fall into this realm:
Social Network Apps: These apps, such as Facebook and Instagram, are designed to connect people and provide a platform for sharing thoughts, experiences, and images. Over time, they have evolved into valuable marketing tools for large and small companies.
Media Sharing Networks: These platforms facilitate sharing various media types, including videos, photos, and GIFs. Examples of media-sharing networks include YouTube, Snapchat, and TikTok. They encourage user-generated content, allowing creators to make, upload, edit, curate, and share content.
Social Review Networks: Apps in this category provides social proof about products and services, allowing users to find company information without wasting time and money.
Community and Discussion Forums: While discussion forums may have lost some popularity with the rise of social networks, they remain relevant to many communities. Platforms like Reddit and Quora enable people to connect on specific topics, share unique experiences, and find communities with similar interests.
Bookmarking and Content Curation Networks: Bookmarking sites help users organize resources and websites by tagging and categorizing links. Pinterest is an example of a platform that serves as both a bookmarking site and a marketing tool for promoting businesses, blogs, YouTube channels, and other creative works.
Blogging and Publishing Platforms: Distinct from content management systems like Wix or WordPress, blogging and publishing platforms enable users to create profiles and share posts on various topics without the need to build a website or pay hosting fees.
Interest-based Networks: These social media apps focus on specific topics or hobbies, catering to the interests of particular user groups. For instance, Goodreads allows users to share their thoughts about books and create recommendation lists.
Anonymous Social Networks: Anonymous social sites enable users to ask questions or share stories without revealing their identities. These platforms are viral among teenagers who want to discuss controversial topics anonymously.
Microblogging: Microblogging platforms like Plurk or Twitter allow users to share short entries within a maximum character limit, such as 280 characters. Users are encouraged to engage in discussions, comment, and retweet posts. This feature attracts business owners who can promote their products and services engagingly and concisely.
How to Develop a Social Media App?
Once you have opted for the type to create your own social network app, it is time to get started…
Step 1: Define the Target Audience
The initial step in creating a successful social media app is understanding the environment, defining a specific niche, and identifying the target audience. While the development stage is crucial, it is equally important to understand the app’s purpose clearly and its intended users.
Here are some essential steps to consider before diving into social network app development:
Market research
Finding a niche
Defining the target audience
While the answer may seem straightforward, it requires deeper consideration. Understanding your target audience’s needs and preferences will enable you to create detailed project specifications.
Step 2: Choose the Revenue Model
Revenue generation is critical to consider when developing a social media app. Here are some monetization strategies you can adopt:
Freemium model
In-app purchases
Selecting the most suitable revenue model will depend on factors such as your target audience, app features, and market trends.
Step 3: Develop a USP and Strategy
Merely knowing how to create a social media app is just the beginning. Copying an existing app will not lead to success. To stand out and increase the chances of success, developing a unique set of features and a compelling Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is crucial.
Conduct a SWOT analysis
Prepare Business Model Canvas
Step 4: Choose the Right Features
The social network app development approach varies depending on the specific case, as there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Here are some basic features to consider when building a social media app:
User profile
Social authorization
Content uploading
Posts Creation
Search tab
User interaction
In-app messaging
Account Analytics
Consider incorporating these features while customizing them to align with your app’s unique goals and target audience.
Step 5: Choose Social Media App Development Company in Manchester
To bring your idea of a social media app to life, you’ll likely need assistance from experts who know how to develop such apps. Hiring professionals with expertise in social media app development can be the most efficient and cost-effective option in the long run.
Working with an experienced IT outsourcing team ensures minimal redoing and unexpected delays and eliminates scalability and customization issues. You can create your dream app without micromanaging every step of the development process.
Step 6: Select the Technology Stack
Understanding the underlying technology is essential when creating a social media app. The technology stack required for social network app development depends on your target platform.
Programming language: Kotlin, Java
Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Android Studio
Software Development Kit (SDK): Android SDK
Notifications: Google Cloud Messaging
Geolocation: Google Map API
AR filters: ML Kit
Programming language: Swift, Objective-C
IDE: Xcode
SDK: Cocoa Touch
Notifications: Apple Push Notifications
Geolocation: MapKit
AR filters: ARCore
Step 7: Promote Your Social Media Application
After launching your social media app, the work is far from over. App promotion is crucial to attract users and increase visibility. Here are several strategies you can employ:
App Store Optimization
Organic User Acquisition
Paid ads
Influencer marketing
Partnership promotions
Wrapping Up!
Social media has transformed into a vital channel through which billions of individuals access information about the world. What initially served as a platform for connection has evolved into something of great importance today. Consequently, social media holds a prominent position in present-day society and boasts an extensive user base, making it one of the largest markets available. If you are considering entering this market and developing a social media app, there is no more opportunity to seize.
Article Resource - https://zimblecode.com/how-to-build-a-social-media-application-in-2023/
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latestform · 11 months
#how to fill government jobs online latest form#In today's time#application for all government jobs is sought through online medium#so it becomes very important for every candidate to know about it#there is only one way to fill online form for almost all examinations#but many candidates Those who have to face many difficulties in filling the online form#and have to take the help of other people#how to fill the online form of government jobs? You are being told about it in detail on this page. You can visit our website “ latest form#Computer or a smart mobile is mandatory for the latest form.#To apply online#you must have a computer or a smart mobile#and you must have a good internet connection#through which you can easily fill your latest form.#email id#Before filling the job latest form you must have an email id#if not then create it#all the information related to the form will be provided to you only through this email id#you can also use it to send all your documents. You can also save in the email#the information about the admit card for the exam will be given to you through email.#Aadhar card#In the online latest form#now information related to Aadhaar is sought#in many places it has been made completely mandatory#so note down your Aadhaar number somewhere or you can take a photo of your Aadhaar card and save it in your mobile. Take it#so that it can also be sent by email if required. https://www.rjportal.org/#Documents#While applying in all government job letest forms#your documents are asked in jpeg format#the size of which ranges from 20 kb to 100 kb#so scan your required documents and download them in jpeg format in your mobile. Save it
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ds4u · 1 year
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15 Top Mobile App Development Frameworks in 2023
The mobile app development world has grown exponentially recently. With technology advancing rapidly, developers are faced with an abundance of options. However, so many options can be confusing. It can take time to determine the best-suited mobile app development frameworks for a specific project.
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king1122sworld · 1 year
#UI Development Course institute in Bangalore|AchieversIT#Definition of UI Development#The process of creating the graphical components of a website or software application is known as UI (User Interface) development. This ent#such as buttons#menus#text boxes#icons#and other graphical elements. In addition to developing the application's interface#UI development also entails making sure that the user interface is simple to use and intuitive.#Learn How to Design and Develop User Interfaces for Your Business#Any successful firm must have a strong user interface (UI) design. It functions as the user's interface with the software application or pr#such as a website or mobile app. The UI must be created in a way that makes it simple to use#intuitive#and aesthetically beautiful since it serves as the user-product interface.#Understanding the needs and preferences of the user is the first step in creating a great user interface. It is critical to comprehend the#Learn How to Create User Interface for Mobile Applications#1.#Have a Solid Understanding of User Experience (UX) Design Before you start creating user interfaces for mobile applications#make sure you have a firm grasp on UX Design. Learn the fundamentals of UX design and become acquainted with the ideas of user-centered des#2.#Research the Platform: You must do research about the platform you are designing for before you start developing. User expectations and des#3.#Create a wireframe: Now that your research is complete#it's time to start planning the layout of your user interface. Make a wireframe that depicts the fundamental layout of your interface. You#4.#Create a Style Guide: As you design your interface#put together a style guide that lists the different visual components. This will assist you in maintaining consistency while you work on yo#5.#Test your design when you've done it to make sure it functions as you had anticipated. To improve the design#use the testing process's feedback.
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