#couldn’t fit her on my banner.. much bigger than most of my mains
sooouth · 2 years
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say hi to CoreGazer!!! she loves the attention.
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch 10: You’re My Mission
Summary: The Asgardian Staff case is wrapped up but before Katie and Steve can be re-united, the Super Soldier has a mission of his own to complete. Their reunion doesn’t disappoint, and as she weighs up the events of the past few months, Katie reaches a conclusion about her future with SHIELD
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Smut (NSFW)  over 18s only thanks. Bit of bad language….
A/N: Another lovely edit from @angrybirdcr​ of Katie in action.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 9
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 Tarim. Yemen. The hottest place Steve had ever been. Ever. And a place he had no desire to go back to. Ever. 
As far as he was concerned, this whole mission had been a cluster fuck of epic proportions. The Mercs they had been sent in to deal with were slightly more ruthless than they had anticipated, taking a group of school kids from the square hostage. Evans and Rollins (in Katie’s absence) managed to contain most of them, taking them down with non-fatal injuries, as was the agreement with the Government, but one of them wasn’t going quietly and had snatched up a kid as he made a break for it.
The Yemeni Special Forces were on their way, and Steve knew that if they arrived permission to execute a kill shot would be given. But even that was dangerous, as the guy had the kid held in such a position, his back to a wall, her held across his chest, that the angle would have been impossible. Steve ordered the team to lower their weapons, and stepped forward, hoping to talk the man down. And then Rumlow had taken a shot, off-loading a bullet straight between the Merc’s eyes.
And Steve was mad, mad as a wasp.
“I gave you a direct order…” He stood, hands on his belt in the jet as he looked at Rumlow, the nerve in his jaw twitching.
“I made a call.” Rumlow shrugged “If I hadn’t they would have gotten away…”
“You put those civilians lives in danger.”
“That’s a little dramatic…”
“Yeah, come on Cap.” Rollins spoke.“The kid was fine, we got the weapons Government were ok…no harm done.”
Steve rounded on him, his blasé tone set his teeth on edge.
“That isn’t the point.” he blazed “I wouldn’t have asked Barton to take a shot like that. I wasn’t, and never will be, willing to risk anyone’s life like that, not to mention that of a child, for collateral damage, just to get what we need. It makes us no better than the people we’re trying to stop.”
“It worked didn’t it?” Rumlow shrugged
“Sheer luck.” Steve retorted.
“Well sometimes you just get lucky.” The STRIKE leader shrugged. 
Steve sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He didn’t need this shit.
“Look Cap, with all due respect, I’ve been running this team for years. You don’t get to do our job without taking a bit of risk.” Rumlow looked at him. “Now I’m sorry if you feel I was challenging your authority…”
“It has nothing to do with my authority.” Steve blazed at him.
“Really? Because that’s what it looks like from my position.” Rumlow shook his head “I’m sorry you feel this way. But it isn’t as simple as that. Life isn’t split into good guys and bad guys, it ain’t black and white… more shades of grey.”
Steve didn’t reply, he simply stared at Rumlow, his eyes raging before he moved away to a seat for take-off next to Natasha.
“Let it go Rogers.” She drawled softly to him. “You’ve chewed him out…you want my advice, leave it there.”
Steve didn’t reply. He was pissed and didn’t trust himself to say anything. He hadn’t heard from Katie so far today, but he wasn’t expecting to as he’d fired her a message last night, or this morning (he had no idea what time-zone he was in anymore) to tell her he was off on an urgent mission.
It was pathetic, he knew, but being away from her was really setting him on edge. Not just because he found jerking off in the shower was far less satisfactory now than before he’d actually started sleeping with her, but more so he was missing the stupid things, like her draping her legs over his on the couch whilst she was reading, her singing when she was cooking, the way she laughed till she cried at Brooklyn Nine-Nine, even demanding he make her a grilled cheese at 02:50 am…
Steve watched with amusement as the girls walked out of the bar, a little shaky, Katie leaning on Natasha laughing at something. He’d dropped them both off earlier in the evening and said he would pick her up later, even though they said they would get a cab. He had insisted, he loved looking after her and that was what boyfriends did right? Picked their dames up. However, as they teetered over to Katie’s car, it looked like he was about to inherit a pair of drunken, giggling idiots to look after, and the thought made him smile with fondness.
“Hi baby!” Katie greeted him as she climbed into the seat. She leaned over to give him a peck on the cheek and he smiled.
“You had fun? You look like you have.”
“Fun is my middle name Rogers.” Nat winked and Katie sniggered in the seat next to him as he pulled the car off from the curb.
“Nat’s gonna stay at mine.” Katie turned to look at him, her cheeks tinged pink with the alcohol “Afterparty!”
“Don’t you think you’ve both had enough?” He teased and. Katie put her fingers to her lips and told him to shush whilst Nat leaned forward.
“Just because you can’t get drunk.” She narrowed her eyes at him.
“Whatever, your funeral Romanoff.” He smirked, eyes on the road.
“God he’s so sensible, how do you cope?” Nat looked at Katie. Through the corner of his eye he saw a wicked smile cross his girls face.
“He has hidden talents” She quipped, before the two women descended into fits of giggles.
Steve let out an exasperated noise through his nose, but secretly he didn’t mind. He loved that she’d had a good time, even if he had the sneaking suspicion he’d been the butt of a few jokes, probably even a few risqué girl chats too.
“Hey, yoooo wanted to come get us..” Katie picked up on the noise he had made and looked at him. “Can’t stand the heat stay the fuck out the…” she paused “erm…”
“Kitchen?” Steve supplied, looking at her, left hand on the wheel, amused grin on his face
“Yeah, that.” She pointed.
“Kitchen is very much your domain sweetheart”
“Not what I heard” Nat chipped in. “She says you make a mean grilled cheese….”
“Oh my god.” Katie said suddenly “can you make us one?”
“What, now?” he frowned.
“Well obviously not right now as this is a carrrr” She rolled her eyes, gesturing around her “But when we get home. I’m hungry.”
He looked at her “Doll, it’s almost three in the morning.”
“Pleeeeeeeeeeeeese Stevie.” She pouted, batting her eyelashes at him in a ridiculously over the top manner, which he couldn’t do anything but laugh at.
“Alright I’ll make you both a grilled cheese” He nodded, unable to stop the smile creeping across his face, even when he heard Natasha burp the word “bitchwhipped” from the back seat.
Emerging from his memories, Steve lay his head back against his seat, shooting a glance over at Rumlow. The man was still being deliberately obtuse about the fact he was going out with Katie and he knew full well that the disobeying of order was a direct ‘fuck you’ aimed at him. But, as he thought about it whilst they flew home, he knew Natasha was right. The more he kept going on about it, the more likely it was to cause a bigger rift. With that in mind, during the debrief with Fury, Steve remained calm and when the time came he nodded at the STRIKE leader, giving him the floor when needed, both sticking to the facts- the operation had worked (Steve didn’t go as far as to use the word success), they had managed to seize the weapons and capture the main cartel leader who was now in custody of the Yemeni Services.
“What I wanna know is why are there so many of these weapons turning up?” Evans asked. “The DODC ran an extensive clean-up operation.”
“They were littered all over the New York, spreading the entire Manhatten area.” Steve said, answering as he looked at the Texan. “The DODC did as much as it could as fast as it could but people were already out there taking bits for themselves before the Chitauri had even been stopped. Katie says they’re still tracking through any leads, sifting out those who took them for souvenirs and those who took them for less scrupulous reasons…it could take years.”
“It was always going to happen.” Natasha shrugged “Terrorists are always looking for the next big thing.”
“Which is why we will always be looking for them.” Fury drew the meeting to an end as he stood up. “Alright, written reports to me no later than forty-eight hours. Other than that, you can head home.”
“Sir” Steve nodded as everyone started to file out. Steve noticed Natasha was hanging back.
“You ok?” She asked.
“Tired, fed up…” he sighed.
“Missing your girl?”
“A little” He admitted, before deciding to ask Nat what was on his mind because he could trust her honesty “Am I being old fashioned here, you know, with not wanting people to die?”
“No.” Natasha shook her head after a pause and he could tell she was picking her words carefully “I just think sometimes…well, we have to accept that we have to take risks.”
“You think Rumlow was right?” He sighed.
“Not as such.” she shrugged, “But I understand why he did it. I don’t necessarily agree with his methods shall we say but…”
Steve ran his hands over his face and couldn’t help thinking to himself how much simpler it had been in the war. They shot at them, they shot back. He let out a deep breath.
“You still taking some time off?“ She looked at him.
Steve shrugged and then looked at his fit bit for a second, thinking to himself the stats would make interesting reading. It was 5 in the morning. He hadn’t slept now for almost twenty-two hours bar the quick nap he had gotten on the jet. At that point his phone sounded with a message from Katie. A photo taken of Galway Bay in Ireland. Smiling at the simple message “Wish you were here.” he looked back at Natasha and nodded.
 “Yeah. I think I am.”
“Are you sure he’s okay to go out into the field?” Katie asked Coulson, one eye on Ward’s back. The man had just slammed a case shut, making everyone jump in the hanger and he was growing increasingly broody. Despite herself, she was feeling a pang of sympathy for him. She knew how hard it had been for him to open up about his past, and holding part of the staff had really shaken him. “He’s not exactly acting like himself.” she concluded.
“But he knows it. He’ll be fine.” Coulson replied as they walked to the SUVs. It was a short ride to the Monastary which was located just outside of Galway and Katie spent the time watching the scenery. She loved Ireland, she’d been a few times when at University in the UK. Her mind wandered to her soldier, who himself had Irish roots, his mother and father hailing from Limerick. Smiling, she pulled out her phone. She knew it would be late back in the US, it was barely touching ten am where the where and the time difference would make it the middle of the night. That is if he was back from the mission yet. Still, she took a photo of the coast road they were on skirting the edge of Galway Bay which in the November sun looked stunning, the light bouncing off the calm blue sea reminding her of those deep ocean pools she loved to look into. She sent it to Steve with a simple message ‘wish you were here’ and then shoved it back into her jacket pocket. 
The monastery itself was a beautiful gothic building set into the side of a green hill. They all climbed out and checked their weapons, Coulson once more going over the plan of action before they headed to the large front door.
 “Well, it’s been a while.” Elliot said quietly as they walked into the building, Katie taking a moment to appreciate the architecture, another thing Steve would love. “I wonder – ah, yes. There it is. Still here”.
He walked to the front of the room where a book lay set up on a stand.
“Well, the nose isn’t quite right, but…”
 Katie and Coulson walked up behind him, followed by the rest of the group to see that he was looking at a drawing of a man wearing long robes and holding the staff.
“That’s you?” Katie asked, looking at him.
“Yeah, they venerated me a bit as a saint.”
“They’re idiots” Ward spat viciously. They all spun round to look at him, where he was stood a few feet behind them all.  “Where’s the staff?”
“It’s upstairs.”
Elliot led the way, the team following up a set of spiralled staircase. Katie and Coulson were directly behind him, taking the lead with May and Ward shortly behind them as deputies.
 “It’s quiet.” May said softly
“ Why do you think I trusted them with my secret?” Elliot shrugged, still walking on ahead. He Elliot stopped in front of some sort of cabinet and ran his hand down the side before he reached for the handle. “They take a vow of silence.”
“But when you get them talking, they squeal.” A low male voice said, it’s owner appearing from behind one of the walls to the left of the cabinet, holding two pieces of the staff, one in each hand.  It was the man whose mugshot Katie had seen on the tablet earlier that day, Jakob. Suddenly he held one piece up high and stabbed Elliot in the chest with it, he fell to the floor.
 He turned and advanced on the rest of them, and Katie reached for her gun, readying herself. To her left she felt someone bend down to Elliot, presumably to try and treat him.
 “No one else wants to get hurt.” Coulson spoke to Jakob, his gun raised. Jakob cocked his head to one side, looking at it before he stared back at Coulson.
 “If you want to defeat a God, you must become one”
 Suddenly there was a loud yell and a scream. Katie spun round to see Ward had bent to Elliot, only it wasn’t to treat him, it was to retrieve the piece of the staff stuck in the Asgardian man’s chest. He held it in his hand and then suddenly threw himself at Jakob, knocking Katie and May out of the way as he went. The two men fell over the banister railing to the floor below.
Katie scrambled to her feet and looked down to see Jakob recovering from the fall first. She aimed with her gun but couldn’t get a clear shot in, as he picked Ward up like he weighed nothing and slammed him back down to the ground.
 “We need to help him!” Skye said, looking at Ward before she ran off.
“Skye!” Coulson called, he was now bent over Elliot and speaking furiously into his coms for Jemma Simmons to come help. “She can’t fight, she’s not trained…”
May nodded, “We’ll get her. Stark, with me.”
Katie nodded and ran after May, the pair of them practically jumping down the stair. Ward was now on his feet and as Jakob lunged at him, he flung himself to the right out of the way.
“Skye.” May instructed as they caught up with the dark hared girl who was watching Ward now ducking and diving the swipes from Jakob “Stay outta this…”
Both Katie and May stepped forward, but as they did so, Ward paused what he was doing and bent to grasp the part of the staff that was on the floor next to him. His face contorted in rage and when Jakob came at him again, Ward punched him hard in the face, enough to cause him to fly back against the wall where he slumped to the ground before Ward rammed him straight in the chest with the staff in a fit of rage like nothing anyone could comprehend. Ward’s chest was heaving and he spun round to see the other three agents watching him cautiously. His eyes were blazing with a fire Katie had never seen before.
“Ward.” May approached, tentatively stopping when Ward held his hand up.
“Get away from me.” His face was contorted in rage.
“Grant.”  Katie tried gently, stepping forward so she was level with May. “They’re right, that thing, this isn’t you.”
 Something clearly registered in his brain and his face softened slightly but then suddenly the door was kicked open and they whirled round to see the rest of Jakob’s group enter the monastery.  The three agents regrouped and Katie took her fighting stance, weighing up their opponents. It had been a while since she had been in a full force hand to hand combat, but she was pleased to find that her training with Natasha and Steve had kept her prepared. She dodged, ducked, punched, kicked, flipped up and over people, taking them down with her using her legs as the room filled with rowdy men and women, all yelling. May was working through them almost 2 at a time and Ward, now holding two of the staff pieces from somewhere, was easily fighting off a group of them, the power he was gaining from the staff clearly visible.
Katie grabbed one man in a choke hold just as he was trying to get up, and as he stopped struggling she threw him to the ground, and looked round at the now quiet room. May nodded at her, taking a deep breath and Katie turned to see Ward who was shaking drop both pieces of the staff he was holding and collapse to his knees. Skye hurried over and knelt in front of him.
 “Are you alright?” May looked round Katie. She nodded looking giving her a small grin, reaching up to tenderly brush at her cheekbone. One of them had landed a good shot.
“Been a long time since I had a full on fight like that, not using my guns.” she said, and May’s mouth curled up at one side before she made her way over to help Skye get Ward to his feet. Just as Katie was about to join them, the door opened again. She spun round to see another face she recognised from the photos, Jakob’s girlfriend, Petra stood there, the third piece of Staff in her hand.
“Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me” Skye said from behind Katie.
Katie looked around glanced at May who also turned her attention to Petra as she was now circling the room. Which a quick flick of her gun, Katie aimed a shot at her, but she simply whipped the piece of staff out in front of her and it tinged the bullet off to one side.
 “We’re no match for her whilst she has that” May said and instinctively Katie glanced down at the two pieces of staff on the floor near them. Grant wearily sighed and went to pick it up but Katie dropped down on one knee and grabbed his wrist, stopping him.
“You’re not in any state to do that.” she said not unkindly as she looked at him, “Let me help.”
“Kay…” he started to argue, the use of his nickname for her registered but now wasn’t the time to chastise him, nor did she really find she cared enough to do so. It was then that May cut in.
“She’s right. We can’t beat them unless we’re on a level playing field.” She shot him a look and he nodded.
Skye helped Ward away as May and Katie watched Petra as two men from the group they had taken down earlier got to their feet. Petra looked round the room and let out an audible gasp as she saw Jakob’s body for the first time. Katie slowly and apprehensively reached out for a piece of the staff, hesitating for a moment as she had no idea what was going to happen when she did pick it up. May looked at her nodding and then the pair of them reached out, each gripping a piece.  Katie gasped as a warm sensation flooded up through her arm and then her head was like it was somewhere else. Which it was, she was back in what, according to Professor Randall, should be the worst moment of her life, only it wasn’t the moment she had initially thought of when he’d told them that…
Rhodey was on the doorstep of her Chelsea apartment at three am local time. She knew instantly that something was wrong. Without a word he entered, and told her that Tony’s ARV had been attacked and they had no idea where he was. She almost collapsed and he helped her over to the sofa where she sat still, tears falling as she listened. The room fell silent, and with a shaking hand she reached for the remote and turned the TV on to the News Channel, to see her Brother’s face plastered all over the screen.
“I’m sorry Kiddo…” Rhodey’s voice was choked and she turned to look at him “I should have been with him but he insisted on riding in the other ARV, the FunVee…” he shook his head, snorting angrily.
“Who’s taken him?” She asked, swallowing.
“We’re think it was an Ambush by the Ten Rings.” Rhodey swallowed. “We’ve not had a ransom note yet but we expect it’s a matter of time. We’ll find him.”
“It’s finding him alive that’s the issue, Rhodey” She wiped away the tears from her face, the sick feeling in her stomach threatening to overwhelm her and it felt like someone had a band over her chest that they were constricting, hard…and then it was to much, and she bolted to the bathroom, emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet…
Gasping Katie took a deep breath and looked up sharply as one of the men flew at her. Letting out a yell of rage, pent up anger and hurt she launched forward as Petra did the same. Their pieces of staff blew against one another and soon they were battling, fiercely. Katie was fighting to kill, and she instantly understand what had made Ward run Jakob through with the staff. 
It felt good. 
She could hear and see in the corner of her eye that May was also tackling a few more members of the group, easily keeping them at bay but Katie was focussed on one thing, the woman in front of her. She was good, matching Katie blow for blow but eventually Katie’s tenacity and training started to win out and she began to get the edge. She swung forward with a huge swipe and knocked Petra to the ground causing the woman to drop her part of the staff. Automatically it joined with the piece Katie was holding in her right hand, glowing orange again.
“It’s been a month, Katie…” Obediah said “A month…I hate to say this but the chances of him coming back…”
“I don’t wanna hear it, Obi!” Katie wheeled round “Tony is alive, and until someone shows me any kind of evidence to the contrary…then things stay as they are, I don’t give a shit what the board say.”
She watched him out of the room before she dropped her head to the desk and began to cry. She didn’t stop, even when Pepper walked into the room and dropped an arm round her shoulder, the pair of them lost…
A crash caught Katie’s attention and she saw May had dispatched the remaining fighters. She glanced up, and saw what Katie was doing and instinctively threw her piece of staff over to her. Katie grabbed it, joining it with the other combined pieces completing the staff.
Katie gave a yell as once more that warm feeling spread up her arm to her chest and her memories swallowed her.
“Your government has for far too long sold weapons, manufactured by Mr Tony Stark, to our oppressors, to our enemies. This is blood in exchange for blood, death in exchange for death, meet our demands or within 48 hours the great Tony Stark is no more…”
The room came back into a bleary focus, just as Petra staggered to her feet, swaying slightly.
“I am not afraid of you.” She spoke, her accent thick.
“You should be…” Katie snarled, as she advanced towards her. Quick as a flash she let out a loud cry and struck Petra with the staff, hard in the face. She fell backwards to the floor, deadly still. 
And then a different voice spoke in Katie’s mind a clear voice. Her own voice.
“He escaped, though. And he was fine, well as fine as Tony ever is. So there’s really no need to fear this memory because that’s all it is, a memory. It all worked out in the end…”
Katie dropped the staff and fell to her knees, her entire body shaking with the exertion of wielding the Asgardian weapon. Her head was pounding with those memories, the voices, everything. Her hands flew into her hair as she bent over, trying to focus on anything but her thoughts.
“Hey…” Two hands were on either side of her face, and Katie looked up into May’s eyes. “Focus on me, Stark.” Katie took a deep breath as May’s hands slid gently down to the side of her shoulders. “Can you stand?” She asked. Katie nodded and then looked over at Petra.
“Is she…” She managed to croak out. Had she killed someone? In blind rage?
“Don’t worry about her” May shook her head, “I’ll take care of it.”
Katie got to her feet with May’s help, glancing over at Ward and Skye. Ward gave her a small nod of his head, which she acknowledged with a small incline of her own as May helped her out of the smaller Vestibule room they’d been fighting in and through to the entrance hall of the Monastery, the sun streaming through the stained glass windows.
“That thing…” Katie took a deep breath “Ward wasn’t wrong…it…”
“Tell me about it.” May’s voice was quiet, and Katie realised the normally stoic woman was shaking, although not quite as violently as her. The two of them settled on a large slab of stone. They were shortly joined by Ward as he sat besides them, the three of them didn’t talk for a while, merely lost in their own thoughts, Katie wanting nothing more than to get home to see Steve.
“When you held it…” Ward said eventually, breaking the silence. “Did you see anything?”
May nodded, and so did Katie.
“Then how, Kay? How did you hold all three?” Ward looked at her
She paused, thinking about it for a moment.
No need to fear this memory
“Because it’s a memory that I don’t need to be afraid of.” she shrugged eventually. “And I see the reason why every time I look at Tony.”
Steve packed a bag. There was, sadly, one last mission standing between him and his girl. And he no idea how long this particular mission was going to take. It was completely rogue, way off SHIELD’s official radar anyway, only Fury and Natasha knew what he was doing.
Oh, and Tony. He’d enlisted the Billionaire’s help because had a somewhat personal interest in this case. So much so he’d leant him the Stark Jet, because he couldn’t use the Quinjet, and the fact that like everything Tony owned, his jet was faster and better than anything else, it had shaved a good 2 hours off what the journey would have taken had he flown full commercial, not to mention saved him a load of messing about in the meantime with bookings and check ins.
The jet was comfortable, he had flown on it a few times with Katie before back to NYC when they didn’t drive that was. As soon as he was airborne he face timed Katie using the connection on the plane and had hissed at the bruise on her cheek. She had batted off his concern and instead went on a rant about how cheap Fury was. He had to laugh at her indignant tone, apparently they had arrived at a Premier Inn a few hours ago and she had refused point blank to get out of the SUV and after a battle of wills with Coulson had upgraded the entire team to the Sheraton just outside of Galway within ten minutes. Apparently overnighters weren’t standard for the team she was working in as they had the Bus but Coulson had decided they all needed some down time after what sounded like a gruelling mission.
“And what better way to do that in a 5 star hotel with a spa, right?”
They talked for the longest time they had in the three, almost four days she had been gone and Steve loved it. She didn’t go into much detail about the mission itself, bar to say it had ended in a pretty ruthless fight and that she was mentally and physically exhausted, promising to tell him all about it when she saw him. He told her in no uncertain terms that they were both going to take some time out, Fury had cleared it and her face had lit up, but then fallen when he sadly told her he had one last mission to sort. After assuring her it wouldn’t take long, and it really wouldn’t, she had smiled and told him she couldn’t wait to see him.
“Me either Doll, me either.”
He took the opportunity to get some sleep, and was awoken by one of the stewardesses a few hours later who informed him they were an hour out. Thanking her he headed off to change out of his comfy sweats and into his specially selected outfit, one that would make him blend in a lot more than the stealth suit. Once he had arrived, cleared customs at the private airfield they had landed at, he climbed straight into the arranged official looking blacked out SUV and the driver set off, not a word spoken. The driver already knew their destination, Fury had already patched that information through before he had taken off.
It was easy to blag his way in to the building he needed to be in. Dressed in a black suit, all he had to do was quickly flash his SHIELD ID badge and the woman at the desk was only too happy to provide him the information about where he could find his target, and access to the required area. He didn’t take the elevator, it was too easy to be spotted. Instead he snuck round and found the service stairs and bolted up them two at a time to the seventh floor, his kit bag containing his shield slung over his shoulder.
After they had checked in to the decent hotel, not that Premier Inn (which she was sure was clean and perfectly comfortable, but she wanted fucking luxury after three nights of being in that pokey room) and she’d spoken to Steve for at least an hour, Katie showered, changed and headed off out to explore the area with Skye. The two had chatted, Katie really did like the girl, and they’d done a bit of shopping, had a late lunch, before they had headed back to the hotel and made use of the Spa. Then, she’d sat and eaten with the team, before bidding them all goodnight and retiring to her room with a bottle of Krug (because, why not?) and a long assed hot bath.
She tried to face time Steve again, but this time he didn’t answer. Probably elbow deep in whatever mission he was on this time, he’d been very vague about this one, saying it was hush hush but he would explain all in person, including what had gone down in Yemen which sounded like an utter shit-storm.
Changing for bed, Katie dropped onto the comfortable couch of the suite (ok, so she’d upgraded herself a teensy bit more than everyone else), poured herself another glass of Krug, slightly disgruntled to see the bottle was empty. So she rang down for another, fuck it.
Just as she had put the phone down, her cell called.
“Hey baby.” Steve spoke and Katie could hear the smile in his voice. “Sorry, the phone won’t let me face time for some reason.”
“Well that’s a shame because I’m naked.”
Steve groaned and Katie felt herself grin. “Don’t do that to me.”
“Sorry.” She giggled “I’m not really, just wish you were here.”
“I know.” He sighed “Me too”
“I’m taking it that seeing as you can talk your super-secret spy shit mission is done.”
“It was surprisingly easy” He mused, “Target didn’t suspect a thing and thanks to a very helpful lady I met, I got in with no fuss.”
“Helpful lady?” Katie narrowed her eyes. “How helpful?”
Steve let out a chuckle “All I had to do was flash my ID and smile”
“Coz you’re a regular charmer, aint you?” Katie laughed, and then there was a knock on the door. “Oh hang on… room service.”
She got up off the couch, made her way to the door, phone still in her hand and she pulled it open.
“Hey Doll.” Steve grinned at her and her mouth dropped open, the phone slipping out of her hand to the floor. “Surprise.”
She was a sight for sore eyes. Silk cami top and shorts, her hair falling in damp waves around her face. God he’d missed her.
“What…you…” She stammered, taking him in, the black fitted suit and tie he was wearing looked far better than it would have on anyone else and he laughed at the look of utter shock on her face “The mission, I thought…”
“You’re my mission, Sweetheart” He grinned, stepping into the room, dropping his kit bag, picking his phone up as he did so. And, no sooner had he straightened up, Katie gave a little shriek and threw herself into his arms.
“I can’t believe it.” She whispered, her hands straying to his face “You are here right? This isn’t just some weird trick my mind is playing?”
“I’m here, promise.” He placed a soft kiss to her lips. There was a clearing of a throat and Katie peeked over Steve’s shoulder to see a rather embarrassed looking hotel worker clutching the bottle of Krug she had ordered along with a fresh glass and an ice bucket. She tapped Steve’s arms and he reluctantly set her down so she could sign the receipt with a flourish. Steve smiled at the man, taking the ice bucket before closing the door. He followed Katie into the large hotel suite, and dropped the ice bucket and her phone onto the coffee table before sinking onto the couch and Katie climbed onto his lap, winding his tie around her hand.
“For the record,” she murmured as she looked him up and down, “this is a good look.”
“Glad you approve, Darlin’” He grinned as she tugged on his tie, pulling him closer to her, and she pressed her lips to his in a deep kiss.
He responded eagerly, hands creeping into her hair to hold her head in place as his tongue slid against hers, his hips rocking up before his lips dropped to her collarbone
“I missed you.” He purred as she let out a small groan, her hand sliding into his hair.
“I missed you too” She muttered, his hands gently fell to her hips, giving them a squeeze. “Take me to bed.”
Steve didn’t need asking twice. Standing easily, drawing a giggle from her as she wrapped her legs around his waist, he paused and looked around.
“Trust you to get a suite that’s bigger then my apartment.”
“I have very high standards.” She shot back. “Door to the right.”
He gave a quick laugh and strode over to the door, pulling it open and stepping into the plush bedroom which was softly illuminated by the bedside lamp. Dropping her onto the huge bed he crawled over her as she once more grabbed his tie and pulled him down.
“You really do like this huh?” He arched his eyebrow,  ooking down at her as she gently slipped his jacket down his shoulders and he shrugged it off, tossing it to the floor.
“What can I say, I’m a sucker for a suit. Although I still think the Stealth one is better.”
“Maybe I should bring that home one night.” He muttered as his lips slid against her neck and she groaned.
“Please do. Your ass looks great in it.” She moved, pushing on his shoulders. Steve sat back on his heels and she locked her eyes on his, undoing his tie gently, a move she managed to make incredibly arousing and Steve let out a groan and he kissed her.
“Fuck, I missed you.” He whispered into her mouth
“Save it, you’re wearing too many clothes.” She replied, undoing the button on his collar and then her soft fingers made their way down his chest, her eyes following as it fell open. He shrugged it down before he fell back down on top of her and moved to pull her vest top over her head. As he tossed it aside somewhere he let out a gentle moan at the sight of her in front of him, and he wrapped his arm around her back and tugged her up slightly as his head bent to take a nipple into his mouth. He used both his hands and his mouth in a nearly coordinated attack that left her all but dying, and completely desperate for his touch elsewhere. He could read her body signals like a book and happy to oblige, one of his hands slid down, dipping into her bed shorts, finding him hot and wet for him. He groaned into her chest his fingers playing with her.
“Baby you’re soaked.”
She managed to moan in response, and then it was a race for the pair of them to get out of their remaining clothes as fast as they could. Once there was no barrier between them he kissed her hard, Katie shifting so that her legs went around his waist, pulling him flush against her, wanting to touch every inch of him possible. Steve repositioned himself slightly, gently working into her, the pair of them letting out a satisfied sigh as he bottomed out, stilling slightly just to savour the moment.
“Stevie…” Katie whispered into his ears “Please…” At her plea, he began to thrust, slowly, deeply, running his hand down Katie’s leg until his hand stopped at her knee. Katie looked at him as he seemed to hesitate for a split second before he directed her leg up, casually resting it over his shoulder so that he could go even deeper. She moaned loudly, he’d never done that before and it felt so unbelievably good, like nothing ever had before. Her fingers dug into his arm as he starting pushing a little harder, a little faster, then faster, until he had reached a relentless pace. Katie could do nothing but reach up, bracing herself on the headboard of the large bed as he continued, making her curse and leaving her short of breath, eyes closed in utter pleasure.
He slowed for a moment, making her look at him, letting out a noise of protest. “Don’t stop.” she begged, “Fuck, Stevie…”
He grinned, and it was a wicked grin, coupled with the mischievous flash in his eyes and it made her gulp slightly. She’d never seen him like this before, it was as if something had snapped and he was finally letting himself go fully, realising that after almost six months of sleeping together he didn’t have to be a gentleman all the time as she wasn’t going to break. As she stared into those baby blues, his pupils blown with desire he slowly pushed himself up so he could put her other leg over his other shoulder. 
“Oh, holy fuck-”  Her voice cut off and turned into a loud wail as he picked up the pace once again, pounding into her over and over and it wasn’t long before his name and another plethora of curses tumbled from her lips as her orgasm ripped through her like nothing she’d felt before. Her back arched, fingers dug into his back as he coaxed her through it before dropping her legs from his shoulders, laying atop her and chasing after his own end furiously. Katie held him close as she came down, gently encouraging him into his ear, his rhythm eventually stuttering and changing as he came with a frantic gasp of her name.
The pair of them were slick with sweat and absolutely spent as they laid still, no sounds coming bar the ragged gasps for air from them both. Steve buried his head in the crook of his girl’s neck and she ran her fingers through his hair, his forehead still clammy and he let out a loud hmmm of contentment.
A moment or so later, Katie broke the silence.
“Baby.” She said softly, a playful thought rising in her mind. His response was simply another hmmm because he was still utterly blissed out. This caused Katie to smile a little as she spoke again. “Did Cap just come out to play?”
She felt him grin into her neck, “I think he may have done, yeah.”
“Well you can tell him from me that was amazing?”
“I’ll be sure to let him know…” Steve mumbled, still not moving.
“In fact, I’d go so far as to say that’s probably the best sex I’ve ever had.”
“Just probably?” Steve lazily raised his head to look at her and she made a show of looking upwards as if she was thinking about it.
“Ok definitely” She grinned, kissing him gently.
Katie bid goodbye to Coulson’s team the next morning, Steve remained in the hotel room as he’d been under instructions from Fury not to speak to Coulson or draw attention to him in any way. Then they’d taken 3 glorious days break in Ireland, hiring a car and driving to Limerick.
As they drove, Katie told him all about the mission, what the staff had made her see, and how it had surprised her slightly what her worst memory was.
“I always thought it would be the time Tony told me mom and dad were dead” she said, softly a Steve cruised their hired Audi Q3 down the motorway. “Guess I fear losing Tony more.”
“It kinda makes sense.” Steve said, his hand straying to her knee “you were very young when the crash happened. Tony’s been your dad for, what, 22 years now? Far longer than Howard was I suppose.”
“Yeah.” she said gently, looking out of the window “I mean, I don’t remember a lot about my parents to be fair. I have memories, but sometimes I wonder how many of them are mine and how many of them are what people told me.”
Reminiscing seemed to be the theme of their brief trip away. They spent a day visiting the places Steve’s Ma had told him all about, then the next day, after a lazy morning they drove up to Dublin where they had both drunk a fair amount of Guinness after Katie dragged Steve to Temple Bar, showing him the places she had spent a fair few weekends in on trips over from the UK. They forgot all about SHIELD, all about Fury, all about missions. They were just a normal couple enjoying a break, and Steve had frankly never had as much fun in his life.
It was on their last night, just after they were curled up in post coital bliss after their 3rd round that evening when Steve mentioned about how it was back to reality the day after that Katie propped herself up on her elbow and looked at him, biting her lip.
“What if I don’t want to?” She asked quietly.
“Don’t want to what, Honey?” Steve asked, kissing her head.
“Go back. To SHIELD I mean.”
Steve’s hand paused its journey up and down her spine as he turned his head to look at her, frowning. “You want to leave?” 
“I’ve been thinking about it a lot over the last 3 days.” she said, her fingers gently tracing over the dark blonde hair on his chest. “I can’t do it anymore Steve, I’m tired.”
“What’s brought this on?” he asked, turning so he was on his side facing her, pushing her hair back off her face.
“I can’t pin point one thing.” she said, looking down. “But…”
Steve paused, waiting for her to continue, and after a deep breath she did, her words coming almost as a jumble as she poured her heart out to him in the darkness of their hotel room.
“If I’m honest I’ve been thinking about it since we found out that they hadn’t been destroying the Chitauri weapons. Look what happened when Fury started fucking about with the Tesseract… I mean how do we know they’re not making more weapons just like they were before New York?”
Steve remained silent, that had been bubbling away in his mind too. He wasn’t best pleased about the situation but knew that Katie, who had headed up the DODC clean- up had taken it personally. She’d flipped out when Tony had told her what his latest hack into SHIELD had discovered and Steve had had to stop her marching into Fury’s office and calling him a liar there and then. He understood completely, she felt betrayed after having being told she was heading up a clean-up operation when in actual fact it turns out to be a goddamed technology harvesting operation.
“You now when Coulson died, I blamed myself. I made a decision to try to free Thor not help Coulson and I know I’d probably do it all over again because it was the right call, but the point is I blamed myself, for the past what, 18 months or so and Fury…he let me do that, he let me think he was dead…”
She was getting worked up, Steve could hear it and sense it, even if he couldn’t see her properly.
“Hey…” he said, his hand gently moving to her arm, rubbing softly as she continued her ramblings.
“And then there I get to The Bus and there’s more secrets there, not being told Ward was on the team, which to be fair wasn’t as bad as I thought but still, it’s more lies…”  
She was crying now and Steve sighed, wrapping his arms round her and pulling her to him. She pressed her face into his chest “This isn’t me Steve, it’s not who I am.”
He held her close, hand wandering up into her hair as he chewed over what she was saying. From a selfish point of view the thought of her leaving SHIELD worried him. She’d been his linchpin, his rock at the agency, and he relied on her more than she would know. He loved working with her, seeing every day and he was scared if that changed, so would their relationship. But there was a small part of him that also worried when she was on missions, and there was no doubt if she did quit she’d be a hell of a lot safer. And not all couples worked together, right?
He pulled back slightly, his large hand cupping her cheek “Hey, you know I got your 6 right? I’ll support you no matter what you decide.”
“I know.” She sniffed softly. I just feel like if I do quit, then I’m taking the easy way out, you know, I mean SHIELD is dad’s legacy.”
“Maybe once.” Steve popped his shoulder. “Times have moved on, SHIELD has changed. I doubt your dad, Peggy or Colonel Phillips would have ever imagined in a million years how it would evolve.”
“You’re telling me times have changed?” She quipped and he chuckled.
“Guess I am, but I learned pretty fast when I got that serum that you can’t live your life being who people want you to be or think you should be. You need to be true to yourself”
She nodded and stifled a yawn.
“Sleep on it.” He urged, his thumb stroking her cheek. “And then if it’s still what you want tomorrow, ’ll even write your resignation letter.”
“I got it planned” She yawned. “Dear Fury. Fuck you. Love Nova.”
Steve laughed and pulled her to him, kissing her head. “Maybe drop the Love Nova.”
“You sure you wanna do this?” Steve asked as they stopped outside Fury’s office. Katie nodded, taking a deep breath.
“Okay, I’ll be right here.” He said, both his hands on her face. She gave him a smile and then turned and opened the door.
“Agent Stark.” Fury swivelled in his chair “Take a seat.”
“It’s okay Sir, this won’t take long.” She declined his offer, taking a deep breath.
“Do I need to borrow Captain Rogers SHIELD?” He looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “I’m assuming this is the bit where you’ve come to tell me exactly how pissed at me you are.”
“I’m not pissed” She shook her head, “I was, but not now. I’m just disappointed.”
He eyed her, and gestured for her to continue.
“I expected better from you Sir. You lied to me. You let me believe Coulson was dead. You know I blamed myself for that for months, and then if that wasn’t bad enough you sent me to a team containing my ex boyfriend…and don’t even get me started on the fact you’re secretly hiding Chitauri technology instead of destroying it.”
At that Fury’s face slipped and his face grew dark. “How do you…”
She arched an eyebrow and Fury gave a groan.
“Son of a…your brother is a liability.”
“Maybe, but at least he isn’t a liar.”  She shot back. “And neither am I. I pride myself on being honest, doing the best I can and I don’t like being used or manipulated.”
 “Agent Stark…”
“I can’t do it anymore.” She hook her head. “I’m tired of it all, the lies, the secrecy. This isn’t…it isn’t me.” she finished, shrugging.
“So what are you saying Nova?”
“That you can consider this my formal resignation.” She looked at him, eyes not moving from his and for a moment she was sure she saw a flicker of something that looked like regret flash across the Director’s face. But it disappeared as fast as it had arrived and she took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders back. “I will, of course, work any formal notice period.”
“I don’t suppose there’s any point in me trying to change your mind?”
“No, don’t suppose there is.” She shook her head.
“In that case, there’s no notice period necessary.” Fury spoke calmly, his posture returning to normal. He took a deep breath and strode round his desk, holding out his hand. “I’m sorry it’s come to this. You’re one of the best agents I’ve had. Coulson said you worked wonders on the Staff case.”
“Thank you, Sir.” She swalloed, fighting to keep her voice from cracking. “This hasn’t been an easy decision. For the most part, it’s been an honour to serve.”
She gently reached into her pocket, pulling out her official ID and ran her fingers over the silver badge before she handed it to him. Fury took it from her, and with one last smile she took a deep breath and turned, to leave, the tears brewing in her eyes.
This had to be one of the hardest decisions she’d ever made in her life but she wasn’t backing down. She’d talked it over with Steve extensively over the last two days and Tony too for that matter, her brother telling her that he, and their father would be proud of her no matter what. Undeniably her role at SHIELD had given her everything. A purpose, a new outlook on life, Steve. But now it was time to channel that energy in a new way.
“I would like you to remain on our books, in an advisory role.” Fury’s voice stopped her in her tracks and she grinned to herself, suddenly transported back to when he had said the same thing to Tony a few years ago.
She turned back and winked. “You can’t afford me.” 
**** Chapter 11
**Original Posting**
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mandoalorian · 4 years
Sugar and Spice [Maxwell Lord x Reader] - Prologue
Summary: When you are evicted from your apartment by your toxic ex boyfriend and have no place to go, who do you turn to? Alone in the city as the countdown to Christmas begins, you find yourself applying for a job as the assistant of the world’s biggest entrepreneur; Maxwell Lord. Little do you know, he has other intentions for you. No doubt about it, this Christmas will truly be like no other. 
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: Eventual smut, mentions of a previous verbally abusive relationship, typical 80s misogyny (but very little of it), mentions of food and drink, alcohol consumption.
But in this chapter - themes of a sexual nature.
Author’s note: Everything in bold italics is a flashback. Yay! This is the first part of my sugar daddy/sugar baby Maxwell Lord x f!reader Christmas fic. If you want to be tagged in future parts please let me know! Enjoy x
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It was an exciting day for the staff at Black Gold Cooperative, and exciting days at Black Gold Cooperative were often hard to come by. Every year Maxwell Lord would begrudgingly allow his staff to take a few hours out of their work schedule to help decorate his main headquarters in time for Christmas. Christmas music boomed throughout each floor as everyone from secretaries, associates, chefs and cleaners would help each other engage in festive decorating. It was so much fun, everyone was beaming and laughing. The staff made sure to enjoy every second of it because they knew by tomorrow it would all be over.
Brittany, one of Maxwell Lord’s three assistants, had designated her input to the main lobby as she ushered in loggers who had cut down the forest’s biggest Christmas tree. They were pushing it into the lobby but struggling to get it through the double doored main entrance. Fern and pine cones nudged off the tree and rolled along the red carpet in the entryway.
“What are you just standing there for? Go help them!” she commanded the doorman, Andreas, with a roll of her eyes. The tall and strong built doorman walked over to the loggers and asked them if they needed any help.
Brittany turned around when she saw the dazzling yellow gold fairy lights strung delicately along the grand staircase. Her heart stopped when she saw the man of her dreams walk down them. Her very own prince Charming. Maxwell Lord was in a daze as he looked around the lobby of his company’s headquarters. Christmas lights sparkle and shine all around him, tinsel and banners strung up over paintings and portraits. Maxwell would never involve himself with the Christmas decorating but he did have a duty to check that it wasn’t overly tacky each year.
His dark blonde hair glistened golden under the fairylights that surrounded him, and he looked so incredibly smart in his light blue suit jacket, lilac shirt and royal purple tie with matching pocket square. Of course he looked just as smart every day but it was always special when he chose to wear colour instead of just chiaroscuro. Brittany caught on to Maxwell’s confused expression when his eyes locked onto the struggling loggers and his doorman pushing a Christmas tree through the double door.
“What’s going on over there?” Maxwell asked as his other assistant, Stephanie, who handed him his go-to black coffee. Brittany approached him with a wide smile.
“They’re struggling because we decided to get a bigger Christmas tree this year. They’ve spent the past half an hour trying to push it through the door.” Brittany explained, scrunching her nose up in dismay.
“And who’s idea was it to get a bigger Christmas tree?” Maxwell asked, folding his arms against his chest. The loggers had finally pushed it through and were now trying to position it just by the left of the grand staircase. Maxwell huffed out an annoyed sigh as he saw the mess of fern that had trailed in behind the tree.
“Andreas’ idea.” Brittany pointed at the exhausted doorman who was now covered in dirt from trying to move the Christmas tree. That was a lie. It had been Brittany’s idea to get a bigger tree. Stephanie narrowed her eyes and shook her head at her colleague.
Maxwell Lord sauntered away from his assistant’s and to the shop that was located just by the main reception help desk. He’d go there everyday and purchase the same bar of chocolate and chat up the lady who he had working behind the counter. 
Everyone continued with their decorating, humming the lyrics to Do They Know It’s Christmas by BandAid which had just been released that week. Seeing everyone so jolly lit a fire in Maxwell’s heart. It reminded him of his own childhood.
The only reason he kept up with the tradition of decorating Black Gold Cooperative for Christmas was because his father used to allow it too. And it was one of the only times of the year he got to spend with him. Maxwell remembered the way his father would lift him onto his shoulders and encourage Maxwell to put the star on the top of the tree. Once the young boy managed to do so, the whole of his father’s office would cheer and applaud for him. The pride was something that elated a young Maxwell and he loved the validation that he got from, not only his father’s inferiors, but most importantly, his own father.
Maxwell would accompany his father around the office and watch as he gave gifts to his employees. He was more than generous, handing things out such as expensive bottles of champagne and tickets to Santa’s grotto to those he knew had families.
“I want to go see Santa,” a young Maxwell wailed one year.
“And what could you possibly want to see Santa for?” Maxwell’s father laughed, pinching his son’s chubby cheeks. “You already have every single toy you could possibly want.”
Maxwell frowned, his chocolate brown eyes sparkling. “I want to meet Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.” the child admitted, folding his arms and puffing out his cheeks.
“I see.” Maxwell’s father chuckled before picking his son up and planting a kiss on his forehead. “You know daddy’s busy, but what if you ask mommy to take you?”
“Mommy never takes me anywhere.” Maxwell frowned sadly and his father nodded understandably, his arms tightening around his son as he hugged him. He knew his wife was an absent mother but there was so little he could do about it.
“Maybe next year, huh son? Would you like that? Daddy can try and get some time off work.” Maxwell nodded sadly as his father put him to the ground. “Now go to your playroom. I want you to finish writing your Christmas list so we can send it to Santa Claus.” His father encouraged. “Remember I want you to do your best cursive handwriting. Can you do that for me?”
Maxwell nodded happily before padding away to his playroom. Despite his father’s empty promises, he never got the chance to meet Santa Claus or speak to Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.  He never got to experience the same things as other children his age did.
"Mr Lord, I was thinking we position the Christmas tree here. Decorate it with black and gold baubles, of course— oh, and tinsel too. What do you think?" Brittany asked, interrupting her boss’ thoughts. She twirled her finger in the air, gesturing for the logger’s to rotate the tall pine tree into a slightly new position. "That's much better. Now, Amanda wanted an angel on the top, bit I was thinking a gold glittered star would be much more fitting-"
The star at the top of the tree. Just like his childhood. Maxwell shook away the painful memories. He held his hand out, in a motion that would connote ‘stop’. Brittany listened. "I don't care." Maxwell said, looking up at the tree and shaking his head. Brittany’s grip tightened around her clipboard as she followed her boss to the grand staircase.
"Right, of course. My bad sir. But I was thinking how nice it may be, for you to have a Christmas tree in your own office?"
"And what purpose will that serve?" Maxwell asked with half a sigh before taking a sip of his espresso. His face soured at the bitter taste and he threw the practically full cup into the trash. He had forgotten how fast his hot drinks would turn cold during the incoming winter period. "What the fuck does it take to get a decent coffee around here?" He muttered to himself, but loud enough for Stephanie to hear. Stephanie scowled. No matter what she just couldn’t make a nice coffee.
"It would look nice," Brittany beamed. "Festive."
"No." Maxwell replied, checking the time on his gold wristwatch. Slightly alarmed, he turned away from the lit up staircase and he began to approach the elevator, Brittany continuing to follow quickly behind him.
"Sir, don't you like Christmas?" Brittany asked her boss curiously.
"No." Maxwell repeated, his voice just as monotone as before. He really didn’t want to talk about this.
"But why not?"
"Brittany do I pay you to ask me questions?" Maxwell snapped, spinning around on his heel and grabbing his assistant by her chin. She looked up at her boss, fluttering her dark eyelashes which framed her emerald coloured eyes.
"No sir." She replied innocently, biting her lower lip. Maxwell smirked, his grip tightening on her.
"What do I pay you for?" he growled quietly, his face just inches away from hers.
"You pay me to look pretty and be there whenever you may need any assistance." Brittany remembered his exact words from the day he hired her.
"Good girl," Maxwell praised. "I don't appreciate all these questions from you. You want to put your mouth to good use? I suggest you shut up and head to my office. Undress yourself. I'll be five minutes."
Brittany nodded with an eager smile spread across her face and bolted up the grand staircase. Once Maxwell had shared a few polite sentiments and signed a few autographs from the loggers who had come in with the Christmas tree, he took the elevator to the 22nd floor of his office.
Amanda, who was manning the desk outside of Maxwell’s personal office, rolled her eyes as she noticed Maxwell following Brittany in there just minutes after. Knowing what they’d both be up to, she continued filing her nails - trying to get the perfect shape when her colleague, Stephanie, practically fell out of the elevator when the door slid open to the 22nd floor of Black Gold Cooperative’s headquarters.
In shock, Amanda dropped her nail file on the floor and her head bolted upright, gaze following a heaving and panting Stephanie. Stephanie ran to the desk, grabbing the corners so hard her knuckles turned white, panic spread across her face.
"Stephanie, what's wrong?" Amanda asked, tilting her head slightly.
"She's here." Stephanie was gasping for breath, fear prevailing in her ice blue eyes. Stephanie didn’t have to say who exactly had entered the premises because her tone said it all.
"That's impossible." Amanda scoffed, rolling her eyes and picking her nail file up.
"I saw her," Stephanie continued. "Downstairs. In the lobby. I was trying to make Mr Lord a new and improved espresso and she just threw her fur jacket on me - like I was some kind of coat rack. She'll be up here any second now. Where is Brittany?"
That’s when the fear dawned on Amanda.
Now also panicked, Amanda looked at the large double doors at the end of the room which led into Maxwell Lord's personal and private office. Stephanie's gaze followed and her ruby red lips parted into a perfect ’o’ shape. "She's not… is she?" Stephanie shook her head in disbelief. Amanda nodded her head, agreeing to Stephanie’s insinuation. "What the hell do we do?!"
"Oh no oh no," Amanda began pacing around in circles behind the desk. "They don't train you for this!" She exclaimed, holding her head in her hands. "I think we better go tell them that she's here before she walks in on them."
"Are you kidding me?" Stephanie gasped, placing a hand on her hip. "Fine. You go. I do not want to be the one who interrupts Maxwell Lord IV when he's in the middle of you-know-what." 
"He'll be grateful!" Amanda pointed out, urging Stephanie enter Maxwell's office. "Look, what sort of guy wants his mother to walk in on him going down on a random girl?"
Stephanie rolled her eyes. "Mr Lord doesn't go down on any of us."
"He goes down on me." Amanda smiled proudly.
"You're lying." Stephanie tutted.
"Am not!" Amanda argued.
Neither of the girls noticed Mrs Maxine Lord walking straight past them and into her son’s office. She froze at the door and a wicked smirk planted across her lips when she saw a disheveled Brittany wipe her face with a silk handkerchief, provided courtesy from her boss. Maxwell’s brown eyes widened as he saw his mother standing there with her hand on hip. Brittany was practically shaking in fear as she discarded the handkerchief and tightened the ponytail in her hair.
“Mrs Lord!” Brittany exclaimed with a teary eyed but polite smile. “How unexpected it is to see you. Can I get you anything?”
“You can leave.” Maxine said bitterly. Brittany nodded and ran out the office. Maxwell zipped his pants up and slouched into his chair as his mother took a seat opposite him. “Do you want a lawsuit?” she asked her son with a frown.
“What are you talking about?” Maxwell sighed, taking a comb and fixing his dark blonde hair.
“You keep fucking your assistants. One of them will rat you out and try suing. I just know it.” Maxine shook her head, placing her Chanel purse on her lap. “And Maxwell, I don’t want the future heir of Black Gold Cooperative to be the child of some no good under qualified assistant. Heaven forbid.”
“Mother, why did you come here unannounced?” Maxwell sighed, wanting to change the subject immediately. Maxine composed herself before forcing a grin.
“I spoke to president Reagan,” she beamed. “He said we can host this year’s Christmas gala at the White House.”
“Okay?” Maxwell rolled his eyes and took out a stack of papers from underneath his desk and began flicking through the pages. He figured if he looked busy, then maybe his mother would leave him alone.
“Maureen will be there.” she cooed, snatching away the papers that were in her son’s hand.
“And?” Maxwell sighed again, frustration building up inside of him as he looked at his fingers, thinking her abrupt action had given him a paper cut.
“Oh come on Maxwell!” his mother exclaimed, annoyance prevalent in her voice. “Think about it. Your future child’s grandfather could be president Ronald Reagan! And Maureen is quite the natural beauty. I mean - before she had all that work done. It would truly be great for the business. Can you imagine the publicity?”
“Do you hear yourself?” Maxwell shouted and stood to his feet. “I am not interested in Maureen, nor will I be attending this ridiculous Christmas gala. Jesus Christ - I don’t even support Reagan.”
“Yes you will attend the gala Maxwell, because I say so.” Maxine raised her voice just as loudly as her son, asserting her authority. “I think you’re forgetting your roots. Your father founded the annual Black Gold Cooperative Christmas gala. Now imagine how he’d feel if he knew you had no interest in showing up.” Maxwell’s heart stung and he dropped his head in shame. She was right. He would be disappointed. “I will page you the details,” Maxine promised. “In the meanwhile - I want you to sort this dirty business you have going on with your assistants. You want a whore? You could at least pay them for being your whore.” she spat in disgrace.
Maxwell knew his mother didn’t mean her words and the last thing she would want is her son frolicking around with someone who he paid for sex and sex only. She wanted him to find a suitor who was just as wealthy and well respected as him. 
However it did strike him with an idea. What if he were to hire someone who could be there for him whenever he needed that release? His assistant’s were on thin ice and he understood that there was always the potential of an impending lawsuit. That would be more than damaging to his reputation.
He needed someone new. Someone who would be more than happy with satisfying his sexual desires. Someone he could easily come to a mutual agreement with him. He’d have his lawyer draft a contract. But it wouldn’t be easy. If it got out to the public - that Maxwell Lord was looking for a partner just to simply gratify his sexual needs - the tabloids would eat him up. Luckily, Maxwell Lord was cunning, scheming, and he had the perfect idea.
Taglist: @100layersofdaddyissues @mrschiltoncat @honeymandos @thisisthe-way
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nova-logan · 5 years
The Prince and The Pauper — KYLO (Chapter 1)
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Hello everyone! Sorry for the long wait! I got a bit caught up with work and had a period of writer’s block, but I tried to power through and finish this chapter up as fast as I could!
Hopefully it isn’t too all over the place. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
Please, if you haven’t read this post, do so. This story in its entirety is experimental for me and I’d love to hear what you guys think of it.
That being said, here’s Kylo’s chapter one. Finally.
Long ago and far away, in a village high on a mountaintop, two identical baby boys were born.
One was born a prince, and the king and queen were overjoyed to finally have a son of their own. Prince Kylo Ren would have only the finest.
The second child was named Clyde Logan. His parents loved him just as much as the king and queen loved their son, but they were worried. Clyde already had a brother and they were becoming poorer by the second. They had no idea how they were going to care for their growing family.
Many years had passed and soon enough both boys grew into the men their parents dreamed of. Kylo became a respectable prince, while Clyde worked long and hard as a tailor for the spiteful Madame Grayson.
With lives so different, it’s not surprising the prince and the pauper never met. But fate always rules otherwise in stories like these.
It began at the royal mines where miners had told the widowed Queen the horrible news — the kingdom’s gold was all gone. The small kingdom was now bankrupt, indebted to the larger countries surrounding it.
She had little choice. Her most trusted advisor Snoke had been away on business and something had to be done right away.
It came to her immediately, as if it weren’t her own thought at all. She had heard of a nearby royal family searching a husband for their princess.
“We are late!!” Fast faced footsteps seemed to always be accompanied by sounds of frustration when it came to Phasma.
“You have 20 minutes — 22 maximum — to finish your fitting,” she flicked her thumb through the small list in her hand. “Then you have your lessons with your tutor from two to six. And then..”
Her voice always tuned itself out in the Prince’s mind. He was always so preoccupied with his thoughts that it wasn’t sure that he had even heard Phasma’s rant to begin with.
His mind always followed the same line in one way or another — to have one day just to himself. No one to tell him what to do or when to do it or how. Kylo wondered what is was like to be free, away from the castle, away from Phasma, and most of all, away from the idea of the upcoming wedding.
The wedding. He dreaded the very thought.
It’s not that he didn’t like the neighboring princess. It was the opposite actually, he found her very sweet and pleasant, and she certainly was pleasing to the eye, just not his. Another girl caught his gaze.
If he could just lift his head up ever so slightly, he could see out to the garden from his place up on top of the tailor’s box. And there you were, standing near a blooming rosebush with a book placed firmly in your grasp. Your brows were furrowed as you eagerly penciled in what seemed like a description of the rose.
To any outsider you were nothing more than the Prince’s tutor. But to Kylo?
You were his whole world and all the riches in it.
And how he wished you were the one he was marrying instead of the neighboring princess.
You were everything he loved. Intelligent, beautiful, eloquent; you treated him like a person. He was Ben first to you, like it should have been. Just Ben.
“Ben, are you even listening?” Kylo’s turned his head slowly. His mother? When did his mother walk in?
Leia hid her sigh behind a smile. “You look so handsome in your coat! Are you planning to take all the attention away from your bride?”
The prince looked into the tailor’s mirror, his lips taut. His mother smoothed the bloated white sleeves with her hands before adjusting the ruffles of his necktie.
“You have to marry her, Ben. It’s for the kingdom.”
“I know Mother, it is my duty.”
His voice was naturally baritone and he was never more grateful that it hid how he really felt.
Kylo was beginning to think every good thing came with a set of strings attached.
The prince was beyond grateful when two o’clock finally rolled around. Stripping himself of the stiff and stuffy white and gold trim finery was just about the most satisfying feeling in the world.
He took a deep breath, now that he was finally able to, and walked into his small office with his new prize.
Through the castle didn’t own many books on it, Kylo had a fascination with crystals and stones. He had a small collection all kept in a little box in his room; his own little wonders within four wooden walls.
In his hand he held his newest addition — a flaming red crystal still partially encased in the rock it was found in. Holding the translucent stone up to sun made it shine a deep orange, his favorite color. Kylo held it as he flipped through the pages in his index, finger stopping when he found what he was looking for.
He recognized the voice and couldn’t bite back his smile.
Kylo turned and held the crystal out to you with a sense of pride.
“Mother found it as she sailed back from Hosneia. It’s a ‘kyber crystal,’ according to the books.”
“It’s beautiful, your highness.”
The prince’s hand, along with his smile, dropped in worry. He placed the crystal down on the desk in front of him, alongside the textbook.
“What’s with the sudden formality, (Y/N)?”
Your eyes met his and it filled Kylo with a badly timed sense of adoration that made his heart ache. He sat down in a nearby chair and pulled a second one out for you.
“I will not be your tutor anymore after you get married, you know.” You paused, looking down at the stone, “I am just trying to get used to the transition.”
“You say that as if we will not be allowed to even be friends anymore. My marriage is not a goodbye.” Kylo looked at you, brows furrowed and lips pursed. He was incredibly troubled by the thought of leaving you as it was, let alone thinking of the wedding.
“You will not be living in this castle after you marry-“
“I’ll take you with me.”
“You will not need a tutor there, Ben. As much as I would love to, I can’t follow you.”
The prince frowned, lowering his head in temporary defeat.
“Then,” he pouted and shrugged as he spoke in an attempt to seem casual, “we should celebrate the last week we have together. Come into town with me?”
Kylo silently prayed you’d say yes. Going into town with you would mean going without castle guards, Phasma, his mom, or the idea of the wedding. It would mean being alone with you. Just you.
“Just me?”
You pat down your dress and with a gentle, demure smile said, “Of course, Ben.”
Kylo felt his pride swell up in his chest once more. To hell with Phasma’s schedule.
Alderaan’s economy was suffering and it had never been more obvious. From the carriage he could see so many things he never realized about his kingdom. So many people lived on the streets, and so many were struggling to survive.
“What was it like when you lived here?”
Kylo turned to look down at you.
“Well,” you began. “Not well, but not as bad as this.”
The carriage stopped in the town’s main square. Banners and ribbons in fanciful colors were tied around the gaslit lampposts, making the square look lively and happy. Kylo knew that it was just a facade, something meant to just boost morale and make it look better than it actually was. The people looked desolate and weak as ever.
“It’s one thing hearing about how bad it is, but it’s another thing seeing it.”
He reached a hand up to help you down the steps.
“And it’s another thing experiencing it.” You sighed, accepted his hand, and trotted down off the carriage.
“Why don’t we change the topic though?” Your arm looped around Kylo’s as you two walked, the same way you had for years now, and it would have been a perfect moment for him if it weren’t for your next sentence: “Let’s talk about your future wife.”
He shook his head and let a slight eye roll slip through, “I barely know her aside from seeing her in picture. You know I’ve never met her.”
You followed your tuts with a chuckle. “You speak of her as if you hate her. I am sure she is not so bad.”
“The only reason I am marrying her is because Mother wants me to.”
You both paused for a moment as you looked up at him. “I am sure you will grow to love her. I heard she has an entire library in the castle, one much bigger than ours. She must have books you have not read on stones and other subjects you like.”
He sighed a soft “I doubt it.”
You unlocked your arm from his and glanced up at him. “You are so pessimistic, Ben! I will be right back, okay?”
You pointed at a market stand with sacks of a dark brown powder. Kylo followed your finger and he let out a silent ‘ooh!’ Kylo was absolutely obsessed with coffee, right down to even smelling like it.
The prince only nodded at you before going stay put in an area that wouldn’t be bothersome to others on their way to the market. He decided to plop himself down on the rim of a fountain, finding it a comfortable place for a temporary break.
He let his mind dose off. He let himself think of what it’d be like if he had the freedom to make his own choices. He wondered if he would have been able to properly court you, even if it were in secret. He wondered if he could get out of this wedding and still save his kingdom. He wondered the whole time, until his ears tuned into the family behind him.
“Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet.”
Behind Kylo, on the other side of the fountain, a man read to a little girl who seemed about 7 or 8. Kylo turned around, inching closer to hear more of the story.
Beside that man was another, fast asleep along the fountain’s perimeter with a wide-rimmed straw hat placed expertly to cover his eyes. The other man seemed to pay no attention.
“Now Mellie,” his accent ran deep; Kylo didn’t recognize it as Alderaanian. “You read the next part.”
Mellie looked up at the man, then back down at the page, squinted her eyes, then slowly and carefully read aloud, “'Tis but.. thy name.. that is... my en-ah-mee.”
Kylo couldn’t help but smile at how she read “enemy.” The man was teaching her how to read.
“Thow.. are-t,” she made a strong ‘T’ sound, “thai-self, tho’ not a Mon-tag-eu.”
“‘Montague.’” The man corrected.
“Alright, Mellie.”
She beamed up at him, missing teeth and all, “Keep readin’, Clyde!”
The man, Clyde, flipped the page and continued, “What's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part-“
“What’s that mean, Clyde?” Mellie spoke soft as ever, almost like she didn’t want him to hear and stop reading. He opened his mouth to respond when a shrill voice interrupted. “What exactly are you three doing?”
A woman angrily stomped over to the three with an air of intimidation surrounding her entire being. She had stopped in front of Mellie towering so far over the little girl that she casted a shadow that completely covered her. None of the three had answered her question; Mellie seemed scared, Clyde was indifferent toward the yelling, and the other man had done all but stop snoring.
“And what is this?” The woman snatched the small book out of Clyde’s hand, placing its cover under scrutiny. “You shouldn’t be wasting your time with stories and tales. You three should be working off that debt.”
She slammed the book hard on the ground near Clyde’s feet with a hard thud, then turned on her heels and walked away, her shoes clacking against the stone brick road. That was the blow loud enough to wake up the sleeping man next to them. He lazily raised his arm and lifted the hat off his nose.
“Whadda’bitch.” He cleared his throat and spoke with the same accent Clyde had. Definitely not from Alderaan.
“Look Jim, if I had a dime for ev’ry time that woman was a demon towards any one’a us, I’d have enough to pay off that darn debt and buy us a house bigger than the castle itself.” Clyde grumbled, leant over and grabbed the book off the ground. He dusted it off with care, hurt that it even touched the floor to begin with.
“Momma would’a never let that happen.”
“That was rude of her.” Kylo made his way around to face the three. “Why do you let her talk to you like that?”
Jim, still in a half-asleep haze, glanced over at Kylo, and stopped, and stared.
Clyde answered, “It’s not like we got any’other choice. That woman owns our whole ass’na’half bec’use of some two-bit debt she ‘olds against us.” He longingly held the book against his chest.
Mellie at this point had noticed the same thing Jim did. She stopped and stared, just like him, only more wide-eyed and awake to tell this wasn’t a dream.
“Some debt shouldn’t be the reason for her to treat you like you’re second class,” Kylo stood up a little straighter as he spoke. He walked closer to Clyde, offering him a hand.
“That’s mighty kind of you, Mister..”
Clyde finally turned around, almost dramatically. “Like the prince?”
And then they both finally stopped, and then they both stared.
@cas-backwards-tie @cecile-mai-murrows (Bold means it won’t let me tag you)
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troutfishinginmusic · 3 years
Interview: Tim Kinsella (2012)
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In 2012 my life was chaotic. I was working on my degree at Wayne State University and working two jobs. I was also going through some trauma in my personal life, which I’ve only recently sorted out. During all of this, I interviewed one of my favorite artists. Tim Kinsella has been a part of numerous musical projects (most notably Cap N’ Jazz and Joan of Arc). I was lucky enough to interview him when he did a limited run of living room shows at the time. I wrote an article from the interview for my college newspaper. I really don’t like how it turned out. This interview appears on another Tumblr page I made at the time and have since forgotten all the login stuff (including the email). Joan of Arc recently concluded after over 20 years, so I thought it would be fitting to post it again with a bit of light editing. The interview happens at a creative high for JOA and a commercial low. Kinsella currently performs in Good Fuck.
 What made you want to tour living rooms?
It was really a very practical decision.  I’ve been working as an adjunct teacher around Chicago and I have a better job that starts in February.  I didn’t want to go back to my old job yet and get lots of music done.  But by the time I found out I wasn’t working it was too late.  It was too late to book clubs; to do a normal tour.  It was very much just a backwards kind of a panic.  Dave Bazan of Pedro the Lion and Tim Kasher have been doing this. So I got hooked up with the guys who booked those.  And I’m excited this is the first one.
What subject and where did you teach?
I taught two semesters at the Art Institute [of Chicago] teaching a weird first year seminar. I taught classes on Utopia that I made up.  But that’s just while I was in school there.  But then I taught at Harold Washington, which is part of the Chicago City colleges, and I taught popular culture and mass media studies sorts of things.  In February I start teaching experimental fiction writing at the University of Chicago’s night school program.  That’ll be more exciting for me, teaching writing classes.
Are you going to write a follow up the “Karaoke Singers Guide to Self Defense”?
You know I just finished the second one and I can’t find a publisher.  I actually just finished a first draft of the third one in the last two and a half months.  So that means it’s still about two and a half years away from being done.  I sent out the second one to 28 different publishers and have gotten 12 or 13 rejections so far and haven’t heard back from the other 14.
Why not put it out with the last publisher?
That’s part of there deal they don’t do two books by anyone.  Half the people they put books out by have deals with bigger publishers, so this is like their weird side project thing.  So they’re helping me find people to send it to.  And I’ve become really good friends with them.  So they’re on my side but they won’t do the book.
I saw in another interview that you were starting to move away from song-based albums to larger instrumental pieces.  On the new self-titled album there is one side devoted to song-based material.  Do you see yourself continuing to move away from that in the future or is it kind of up in the air in terms of Joan of Arc?
It’s hard to say.  I remember when Joan of Arc Dick Cheney Mark Twain came out in 2004 and, when we finished mixing it, we met this friend of mine who’s in this band called Disappears, who’re really awesome, and telling him how excited I was about the record and gushing about how it does this and it does this and how we balanced it’s so crazy.  He was nodding along patiently and he was like ‘you know it sounds like you just described the first Joan of Arc record to me.’ And I went ‘oh…right. I guess so’ But I don’t know I feel like I’m getting better at the craft of song writing.  They’re very separate disciplines in my mind; song writing and playing music.  I feel like I’m getting better at both, but they’re definitely separate disciplines in my mind.  
Does it feel strange doing very different things under the same banner?
Yeah, from my perspective it’s very unified.  Ideally, it should have contradictions.  I don’t know. Have you ever seen a really depressing movie or read a really fun book and think ‘oh man I want to make something like that.’ That never lets up or never goes one way or the other. Realistically, I’m sad a lot of the time and I’m funny a lot of the time.
You wouldn’t want to box it in or anything?
If it’s going to representative then it needs to be multi- dimensional.  So I’m comfortable with it.  I understand it’s hard to sell.  And at the same time when I feel like I’m getting better at these things, but the business aspect of it has never been worse.  Our audience is shrinking and shrinking as I get better and better at what I mean to do.
Were any of the east coast shows canceled due to hurricane Sandy?
I guess I’m doing them. I’ve talked to all the hosts. There was one show at a friend of mine’s house in New Jersey that we moved to Brooklyn anyways so we could sell more tickets there. His street was destroyed but that show was canceled anyways. The only show that would’ve been canceled was already canceled…so it might be weird getting in and out of places…but I don’t know.  Yeah I’ve been in contact with all of them and they’ve said ‘no you have to do it everything’s fine.’ I guess it’ll go neighborhood to neighborhood.
Are you going to make another film after Orchard Vale?
It’s a thing I think about a lot.  Both novels started as script ideas.  I found I have an easier time realizing the thing when it was just me, a laptop and a notebook.  The movie was very frustrating.  It didn’t turn out like I hoped it would.  The tension of it ended my marriage because me and my ex-wife made it together.  My girlfriend now is an experimental filmmaker and she’s really great, so we collaborate on some little things.  I’ve done some music for a couple of her films and we’re constantly talking through ideas, but I don’t think…I mean I would love to, it would be my dream.
What made you want to soundtrack the Passion of Joan of Arc film?
This festival asked us to do something, it could be whatever we wanted.  But they wouldn’t tell us how much money they had.  They said ‘well how much do you guys want?’  Well for this little bit of money we’ll improvise to a 10-minute experimental film, for a lot of money we’ll do an original score to the Joan of Arc movie.  It just popped out of my mouth.  I didn’t think about it.  They said ‘oh that sounds cool let’s try that.’  The one time we preformed it was in an old church this old church that was really perfect.  There were stained glass windows, some people sitting in pews and a big pipe organ sitting to the side. We tried riding with the pipe organ, but we couldn’t get things in tune with it.  The a-lot-of-money turned out to be very little money considering the amount of time we had to put into it. They called my bluff.
How much did the film influence the band name?  Did it feel like it was coming full circle to do that?
It did feel great to do that.  My relationship with the name Joan of Arc has gone back and forth a few times over the years. At first we thought it was a good idea because we wanted this familiar thing.  Then there were some years where I was like this is a stupid band name, why are we stuck with this?  It felt like claiming it as our own.  I mean obviously it belongs to everyone.  Our original idea was Sony.  But our first label wouldn’t let us be named that.  We just wanted a name that everybody knew that we could change the meaning of the name to certain people.
How’s the Owls reunion going?
It’s going great. It’s really fun.  It took us a really long time to get momentum Sam [Zurick] moved back to Chicago last Valentine’s day. He was living on my couch so he needed to find a job and had to find a place.  Then my brother had a second baby.  I think we wrote the whole record twice and threw it away.  It just wasn’t working.  It had been 12 years since we all played together even though all of us play in Joan of Arc some of the time.  Now we finally have momentum.  We have enough songs where we’re throwing songs away.  I think if we had to record next week we could but we’re waiting until the spring because we’re enjoying playing together and not tweaking things or making it a public thing right now.  It’s fun for us to cultivate.
 Did you plan to release three albums in a year?  Is it hard to do that or is it more of a natural process?
No we’re totally backlogged right now, the labels hate us.  Two years ago we did 113 shows we were all just miserable and exhausted. So we were like OK let’s stay at home and figure things out.  It was a good year we all enjoyed it, but it’s difficult to sustain it.  We’re just staying home but we still like playing music. Most days of the week we play music together.  We throw away a lot of stuff you know.  
The three records are very different: the soundtrack is a very specific thing, Pinecone is a very specific thing and this acoustic record.  There’s three records for next year too.  We aren’t trying to, it’s just how it kind of naturally occurs.  I mean there’s the Owls record and our main focus has been our soundtrack to this performance art piece.  We did it in London in April I guess and that’s a very specific thing.  We’ve been doing this funny greatest hits record of rearranged old songs.  The label’s saying you sound better live than you ever have, you should make a record as a live band.  
They’re very distinct. And that’s a music industry thing really, I mean if you love what you do you’ll want to do it every day.  It doesn’t seem weird to me.  I understand the labels hate it because the records come out in very small pressings now.
Do you still bartend at all?
You know, I just started again and it’s fine.  I was miserable the first couple shifts, but I’m just doing it until I can start teaching again. I’m just not used to being up that late.
Did that inspire the book at all?
I’ve lived above the bar I worked at.  I’m not in there very often when it’s open and crowded unless I’m working.  But the owners and managers there are my best friends. So I guess I’ve just been around the bar.  And my Dad was a governor of a Moose Lodge, so he was like a bar manager too.  So I’ve always been around bars I guess.
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Balance on the Head of a Pin
Chapter Seven
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Previous Chapter
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x OFC  |  Word Count: 4493 Warnings: not quite smut but a little smexy, Loki being Loki
“Was that, perhaps, excessive?” he asked, glancing down at Lauren.
She gave a soft sigh. “Maybe, but… would I be a horrible person if I said I rather enjoyed it?”
He chuckled softly, drawing her in by the waist. “We shall simply be horrible together, for I, too, rather enjoyed myself. Both the breaking and the repair.”
Lauren shook her head, smirking a little for she could see the merriment twinkling in his eyes. “I can tell.” Taking him by the hand, she glanced around to orient herself. “Huh, well that was convenient.” He’d landed them not far from Main Street. “You’re portals, are they like Dr. Strange’s?” she asked, leading him toward the town square.
Loki scoffed and shook his head. “All that circling.” He waved his hand absently. “What you Midgardians are tapping into is only a fraction of what is available. Perhaps in a millennium or two, you will catch up. For now, I leave you to your Mystic Arts and sling rings.”
She let it go, not wanting to debate something with him she knew little about. Dr. Strange had randomly appeared in Tony’s office on a few occasions, but usually, he used the door.
Instead, she tugged Loki toward the square where the red, white, and blue banners were being strung. “Oh, it’s gonna be so pretty when they’re done!” she smiled.
“It reminds me of feast days in Asgard.”
Lauren looked up to find him smiling a little grin. “Do you miss it?”
“Asgard? Yes, sometimes, but I am… content here.” His grin turned a tad wicked. “It is so easy to make mischief on your world. So many things to cause to go wrong.”
She shook her head. “I thought you were reformed?”
“From doing evil, but mischief is fun… for the one making it.”
“So bad,” she snickered.
“I believe you like me that way, darling,” he laughed.
She tugged on his hand and headed down the street. People had a tendency to stare, but she didn’t really think it was her they were looking at.
Loki drew eyes everywhere he went. His handsome face and stature, the presence he exuded as he walked, it had people instantly paying attention. But his eyes never strayed far from her, something Lauren was finding both thrilling and endearing. He may sweep his gaze out and around, assess those who approached them or who stood across the street, but they always returned to her.
Here, she finally saw what she’d only read about in reports. They’d talked about the War God Loki, but she’d only ever seen the man he was in private. In public, though he looked no different than any other man on the street - perhaps he was better dressed than most - one could see the innate core of strength, of danger, which resided within his powerful frame.
Everyone who could, possibly, pose a threat was assessed, weighed, measured, and dismissed. Loki moved with a confidence that bespoke his place in the world. People may not know who he was, but they certainly knew he wasn't someone to mess with.
Walking with him, Lauren felt far more important than ever before. She was someone at his side, someone special enough that this clearly powerful male was dancing attendance on her. Then, the faces turned to shock when they recognized her.
Lauren bit her lip to keep from laughing as she pulled open the door to a shop and walked inside. A colourful array of high-end women’s clothing spread out before her. Pants and dresses, suits, hats and accessories filled the space and lined the walls. 
From the back of the shop, a voice called out, “Y’all have a gander! I’ll be right out.”
Smirking up at the confused look on Loki’s face, Lauren led him deeper into the store.
When the woman who’d spoken appeared from the back room Lauren called out, “I came in looking for somethin’ classy, didn’t realize they were lettin’ trashy run the joint.”
Slamming her hands to her hips, the brunette with the wild mane of curls and flashing hazel eyes sneered, “It takes trashy to know trashy, Lauren Annandale!”
Loki stiffened immediately. Lauren only laughed. Squealing excitedly, she dashed forward to throw her arms around Sadie. “Lordy, girl! I’ve missed you so!”
“Right back at you, Lulu!” Sadie squeezed just as tight. “Let me look at you!”
Lauren stepped back and blushed when Sadie’s face showed her appreciation.
“Lord have mercy, just look at you. I bet your sisters just dun gone and had themselves a conniption when they saw you. Cissy would be green with envy and Marabeth would be fit to be tied. She’s gettin’ to be as bad a Samuel with the penny-pinchin'.”
“Oh, do go on, Sadie!” Lauren scolded, flustered by the praise.
“You’ve just got to tell me what store in New York City you found this ensemble in.”
She shook her head with a wry smile. “I’m afraid it’s an original creation.”
“Really?” Sadie gasped. “By what designer, hun? It’s marvellous.”
Lauren freed her hand and turned, holding it out for Loki. “By him. Sadie Brockett, meet Loki Laufeyson. Sadie is my very best friend, practically since we were knee-high to a grasshopper.”
Sadie’s eyes grew round as she held out her hand. “Well shut my mouth. Lauren! He’s the God of Mischief!”
Loki chuckled and lifted her hand, holding it between his eyes sparkling with amusement. “I am indeed. It is a pleasure to meet someone my darling Lauren calls a friend.” 
“I take it you’ve already met Lulu’s family?”
“Yes,” he nearly growled.
“Loki,” Lauren sighed when he released Sadie’s hand to place his arm around her waist.
“I love you, darling, but your family is horrid,” he stated without a hint of remorse.
Sadie’s eyes again grew large. “Lauren Guillemin! Have you been keepin’ secrets from your best friend?”
Lauren bit her lip. “Well…” she blushed, glancing at Loki.
“Damn it, girl! How could you?” Sadie slammed her hands back on her hips.
“Lauren was simply acquiescing to my wishes,” Loki soothed. “For her safety, it was best not known she was my Ástvinur until steps were taken.” Picking up her left hand, Loki brought it to his mouth where he ran his lips along her knuckles, making sure the stone in her ring glinted. The wicked, dancing light in his eyes showed he knew exactly what he was doing.
A high pitched squeal spilled from Sadie’s lips as she yanked Lauren’s hand away from Loki. “You’re marrin’ the god of Mischief? Oh, hun! I’m so happy for you!” She dragged Lauren back for another hug. “After all the natterin’ your mama and sisters have been doin’ about Montgomery, I wasn’t sure you’d even be comin’ home for the Fourth, but I’m so, so happy you did!”
“I take it mama’s been in here talkin’?” Lauren sighed, leaning on her friend.
Sadie snorted. “Every damn day.”
“And you couldn’t talk her outta buying that hideous pink dress?”
“You know how she is when she gets a bee in her bonnet about somethin’. There was just no changin’ that woman’s mind.”
“I take it you dislike Montgomery, Miss Brockett?” Loki interjected.
“That man is about as useful as tits on a boar,” she scoffed, “and if you’re marryin’ Lulu, getting her away from George, you’re more than welcome to call me Sadie.”
“I would very much like to know where the name Lulu comes from,” Loki asked with a wicked grin.
“Gran,” the girls said together.
“Ah, the illustrious Gran I keep hearing about. I look forward to meeting her.”
“She’ll be pleased as punch to meet you, what with the way Lauren goes on in her letters,” Sadie smirked at Lauren.
“Oh for… ugh!” Lauren slapped a hand to her face. “Y’all are just not gonna let that go!”
Talking her hand, Loki drew her back to his chest, his fingers ghosting over the heat which bloomed to life in her cheeks. “I find it endearing, darling. Your adoration is charming.”
“And a lovely stroke to your ego, I have no doubt,” she sighed, leaning into his hand.
A second sappy sigh erupted, this one from Sadie who looked on with a goofy grin. “Y’all are just too freakin’ cute!”
Loki’s lips pressed to her hair as Lauren blushed even brighter.
“You’re comin’ to the party, right?” Lauren asked, trying desperately to cool the heat in her face.
“Wouldn’t miss it now I know you’re home, Lulu.”
When the door opened at her back, she felt Loki stiffen, his entire demeanour changing to one of high alert before relaxing again. Turning to look, she smiled a little tightly to find Mary Ann Dalton and her daughter Georgia coming through the door.
“Oh man,” Sadie muttered before plastering on a fake smile. “Afternoon, ladies! Y’all need help with anythin’ today?”
“Why, Lauren Annandale that is you! I hardly recognized you with all that city finery,” Mary Ann said, striding quickly through the shop, completely ignoring Sadie.
“Miss Mary Ann, Georgia. A pleasure to see you again,” she said. Her discomfort must have been clear to him because Loki immediately tightened the hold he had on her waist.
“And who is this young man?” Mary Ann asked, her smile sharp and eyes assessing.
“Loki would be Lauren’s fiancé,” Sadie replied before Lauren could, her best friend’s face nearly gleeful.
Oh crap… There were no bigger gossips than the Dalton mother and daughter. By the end of the day, everyone in town would know Lauren had come home with a new man. “Ha, yes. Loki Laufeyson, my fiancé.”
“Well shut my mouth!” Georgia gasped, “He’s an Avenger, mama!”
“Indeed I am, ladies,” he said, his smile tight. “Will you excuse me, darling? I should really check in with the Tower.” He bussed her a kiss to the cheek before walking toward the front of the store.
Georgia had her by the wrist before he’d made the door. “Lauren Guillemin! You know the Avengers?”
“Georgia you need to get your ears checked. I’ve been sayin’ for years Lauren works with Tony Stark.” Sadie rolled her eyes at Georgia’s apparent lack of understanding.
“Sadie Brockett, you mind your manners,” Mary Ann huffed.
“Well, it’s the truth, Miss Mary Ann. Lauren’s worked for Stark for four years! You’d think that would settle in for people at some point in all this time.”
Sadie and the Dalton’s had never gotten on well. Her friend and Georgia had gone a round over Sadie’s boyfriend back in high school when Georgia decided Marcus was a better fit for her than for Sadie. Marcus had been flattered, but he’d stayed true to Sadie rejecting Georgia, who proceeded to start a nasty rumour about the two of them hooking up just to get back at Marcus and Sadie.
Sadie hadn’t believed it for a second, but had still ended up in a screaming match with Georgia, one which had ended when Marcus had intervened, calling Georgia a liar straight to her face and in front of a good majority of the student body.
If Sadie didn’t own the finest clothing store in town, Lauren doubted the Dalton’s would even grace the shop with their presence, but no one knew clothes like Sadie. As she was now married to Marcus, it didn’t matter a whit what Georgia had said.
Lauren detached herself from Georgia only to have her arm captured and linked through the pale brunette’s.
“You simply must come to tea with us,” Georgia demanded. “I’m dying to hear all about New York!”
“I’m afraid we already have plans, but thank you for the offer, Georgia.” Lauren extracted herself again.
“Oh dear, well that is too bad,” Mary Ann simpered. “I was so hopin’ we could catch up. I’m just shocked you’ve come home with a beau, what with the way your mama’s been goin’ on about George Montgomery and all.”
She felt the rush of cold air and glanced up to see Loki walking toward them. “Loki, hun? Everythin' alright?” There shouldn’t have been cold air coming from the doorway, so she knew it had to be coming off her Frost Giant.
He didn’t have the strut Bucky did, not that murder strut which made one think he was coming to kill them. No, Loki glided like a panther on the prowl. His shoulders were relaxed, his stride long but leisurely, eating up the ground. Eyes of blue were intense and focused, locked on his target who just so happened to be her. When he reached her, his hand immediately sought her waist, drawing her into him in a clear act of possession.
“Sergeant Barnes would like to speak with you, my sweet.” His eyes were hard and a little worried as he held out his phone.
“Alright,” she murmured taking it. “Sadie? You mind if I?” Lauren motioned to the back room.
“Go on, girl. You know your way around.” Sadie shooed her off.
Lauren glanced at Loki to make sure he would be fine. He tilted his head and proceeded to turn on the charm. Rolling her eyes, Lauren made her way around the counter, keeping the snickers soft as he waxed poetic about her delightful town and how the Dalton’s must be so pleased to live in such a quaint community. 
When she made it to the back room, Lauren gently closed the door and lifted the phone to her ear. “I haven’t even been gone a full day. You miss me already?”
“Dollface…” Bucky took a breath during which she could hear the grind of teeth as he tried to control whatever outburst was coming next. “What… the fuck is going on down there?!” he bellowed loud enough to have her pulling the phone from her ear.
“Damn it, Bucky. Stop yellin’!”
“No, I will not stop yelling! What the hell, Gilli! You went down with a pretend boyfriend you’re now marrying? What the fuck!”
She could picture the way he would be aggravatingly thrusting his hand through his hair. “Bucky…” she sighed, plunking herself down on Sadie’s wobbly stool. “Everythin’… everythin’ changed.” The softness of her tone must have given him pause for silence settled over the line for a few seconds before he sighed.
“He told you?”
“James Barnes, you knew, and you didn’t tell me!”
“Damn it, woman! Now, who’s yelling? And I only found out yesterday. But that doesn’t mean you should be running off and getting fucking engaged! What the hell, Gilli!” Something crunched in the background followed swiftly by muttered cussing.
“What you break?”
“Nothing,” he grumbled, which clearly meant something. “Answer the damn question, doll.”
“Buck…” she sighed, rubbing at her forehead and temples. “My mother invited George. He was waitin’ for me when I got here. Things… escalated quickly.” Quietly she explained everything which had happened with her family and George, leaving out the private bits between herself and Loki as she didn’t think that was something Bucky needed to know. “He did fix George’s arm when I asked him to.”
More silence hung on the line until a muffled snort preceded a rough bark of laughter. “And you thought I was gonna give your mama a heart attack!”
“Goodbye, James,” she huffed, hanging up on his loud guffawing. She sighed and shot a glare at the corner of Sadie’s stock room. “I know you’re there, peaches.”
He stepped from the shadows like a wraith. “So, I am not about to be drawn and quartered by the former Winter Soldier?”
Smirking a little, Lauren shook her head. “He seemed downright amused by the whole thing.” Holding out her hand, she let him tug her to her feet where she ended up back in his arms. “Back to eavesdroppin’?”
He only shrugged, unrepentant, and put his phone back in his pocket. “I noticed you left out all the fun bits in your recitation, darling. Have I not been making them memorable enough?” His wicked grin spread across his lips as he drew his fingers down her thigh, bunching the hem of her dress up to skim her flesh.
“You’re plenty memorable, elskan mín, but would you speak of our private business with Thor?” she asked, brow arched.
“I see you’re point, love.” Humming softly, he tucked his nose against her throat while his large hand skimmed up the back of her thigh. “Does that door happen to lock, my sweet?”
“It never used to,” she sighed, stretching her neck.
“Pity.” His teeth closed over her pulse.
Lauren whimpered softly. “How are you managin’ to split your focus like this?” Wasn’t he running an avatar in the other room, carrying on an entire conversation?
“Practice and discipline,” he sighed, stroking his hand down her thigh to catch her knee. He drew it up around his waist and pressed her back onto the table Sadie used for unpacking boxes.
“Loki, hun, this table’s not all that strong,” she groaned when he settled between her thighs.
He jerked her other leg up as her bottom connected with the table top. “I can fix that.” His mouth closed over hers.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she no longer cared about tables or Daltons or even Sadie for that matter. All she knew was the sensual heat of his stroking hands, sliding their way up her bare thighs, dragging her dress higher while he kissed her breathless.
Right up until the door swung open.
“Lauren, Loki seems to have disappeared… never mind,” Sadie snickered, hand going to her mouth. There was a gleeful light dancing in her eyes. “Y’all should know that table’s not that solid.”
“Hm. It would seem I lost my focus,” Loki said, sliding his hands down with a regret-filled sigh, bringing the hem of her dress with him. “So I was informed. It should stand up to much more vigorous activities now.”
Blushing at his wicked grin, Lauren smacked him gently on the chest. “Scoundrel, constantly gettin’ me in trouble.”
He pulled her from the table with a swift jerk, whispering in her ear, “You enjoyed it, my Valkyrie, don’t deny it.”
Flushing a brighter shade of pink, Lauren bit her lip. Her fingers wrapped the side of his neck as she whispered back, “Valhalla was callin' my name, my Loki.” When she drew back, she smiled even as she blushed harder for his eyes had lit with an inner fire she was beginning to know very well.
“Do not tempt me, dear one.” His hand drifted down her back to lazily cup her ass.
“Loki!” she squealed. “Behave, sir.”
“Or don’t. I’m fine either way,” Sadie snickered, leaning in the doorway. “The Dalton’s left, so I’m good to simply stand here and watch.”
“Don’t you go encouragin’ him! He’s known as the God of Mischief for a reason. He doesn’t need no help in that department.” Lauren waved Sadie out of the way with a huff.
Giggling like mad, Sadie followed, her smile spreading. “You want to try on your dress?”
Lauren glanced at the two of them over her shoulder. They bore nearly identical grins. It was highly disconcerting. “If you’ve got the time.”
Sadie waved a hand in dismissal and headed back the way they’d come.
“Dress?” Loki asked, his face showing interest.
“For the party. Mama’s parties are always formal. Super fancy. Sadie’s mama, back when she ran this place, used to special order the finery for us. Now, Sadie does. A couple of times I’ve gotten her help with Tony’s parties when I just hadn’t a clue what to wear.”
“She’s great with regular fashion and can run that man’s life like a drill sergeant, but when it comes to high fashion she’s a hopeless mess,” Sadie said, smiling to offset the criticism when she returned with the garment bag. “In you go, Lulu.” She motioned to the curtained dressing room.
Turning a sharp eye on Loki, Lauren said firmly, “Stay.”
“Of course, darling,” he grinned.
“All of it off, Lu,” Sadie called as Lauren closed the curtain.
“Excuse me?” Lauren squeaked.
“She makes that sound quite often,” Loki commented, causing Sadie to laugh.
“Yes, she does! Right down to the knickers, hun,” Sadie called.
“What the hell are you puttin’ me in?” Lauren muttered, more to herself than Sadie, and unzipped the garment bag. 
All she could see was what looked like miles of white. Unclipping her golden belt, Lauren placed its heavy weight on a small shelf. Drawing her current dress off her shoulders, she let it fall, only just realizing the bra she’d been wearing earlier in the day had also been changed into a strapless one when Loki had changed her clothing. Shaking her head at his attention to detail, she undid it, allowing it to join her dress, before stepping out of everything and gathering her discarded clothing to the side. The dress was much too lovely to leave lying on the floor. Pushing the garment bag the rest of the way off the hanger, Lauren gasped quietly at the softness of the fabric. It felt like cashmere but was much thinner.
She found the zipper in the side and pulled it down, took the dress from the hanger and stepped in, drawing it carefully up her body until she could slip her arm through the holes. “Oh… Sadie!” Lauren gasped, turning to the full-length mirror as she tugged up the zipper.
Sadie’s curly head poked through the curtain, ran an assessing eye over her, and frowned. “No, take the skivvies off as well.”
“What?” she hissed, glaring at her friend.
“What?” Sadie asked. “What’s the big deal? It ain’t like he’s never seen you without before. Lordy, girl. With the way y'all were carryin’ on in my stockroom, you could’a burned the place down! Woo! I’ve half a mind to call my husband for my own midday rendezvous.”
“Sadie!” Lauren gasped.
“Just do it, Lu!” she barked, jerking the curtain back in place.
“I hate you!”
“You love me!”
“No, I don’t,” Lauren pouted, turning to see her backside in the mirror.
“Lauren Guillemin! If you don’t drop them drawers, I will send your beau in to take them off for you!”
“I’m more than willing to assist, darling,” Loki crooned.
“Stay!” she barked, glaring at the curtain.
“But I do so love to be of assistance.”
Lauren rolled her eyes and ignored him as she drew up the long skirt of the dress and shucked her underwear. The fabric had been thin enough to show the outline of lace where it clung to her behind so she could understand Sadie’s insistence, but did she have to do so in front of Loki?
Sighing softly, she turned back to the mirror, gave herself another hard look, and smiled. “Alright, I still love you,” she called out to Sadie, pulling back the curtain.
The banter between Lauren and Sadie had been most amusing and highly entertaining, something Loki was happy to witness. Here, finally, was someone who cared for his precious one deeply, nearly as much as he did himself.
Small of stature, but tottering on incredibly tall heels, he was forced to wonder if this, too, was a normal thing for women of the south, though Sadie did not seem overly inclined to run places on hers. Her riot of curls appeared to be untameable, but she didn’t look to mind. Another fit female, she had ample hips on a curvy frame, and moved with a similar grace to Lauren, making him wonder if she, too, did the yoga.
Turning his attention back to the curtain, Loki felt his jaw unhinge when Lauren stepped beyond it in a body-hugging white sheath of a dress. Arms bare, the neckline followed the curve of her breasts, dipping just slightly, skimming down her sleek frame in a most pleasing fashion.
“Let’s see the back,” Sadie demanded.
Her cheeks were pink as Lauren turned, showing him how the wide straps fell down into a deep, low cut back, which draped slightly just above the curve of her backside. With how the fabric hugged every curve, he could see why Sadie had demanded the removal of her undergarments.
He snapped out of the fantasy he was having about drawing the silky fabric up her thighs to discover her bare beneath only to find her chewing her lip with concern in her eyes. “Elskan mín,” he breathed reverence into his voice. “Stunning,” he purred, moving closer to take her in. “You shall outshine the moon in this.” Drawing his fingertips over her shoulder, he stopped where he could see the open back. “There is only one thing missing.”
“What?” she asked, her voice breathy and cheeks rosy.
“This.” Placing a fingertip on either shoulder, he drew his hands together until they touched, then slowly traced them down her spine. When he was finished, a small gold chain linked the shoulders of the gown together, while the tails fell down in glittering tendrils to tickle her spine. “There, it’s perfect, as are you, my Lauren.”
“Oh, wow…” Sadie whimpered, fanning her face. “If I weren’t married, I’d so fight you for him.”
He shook his head, smiled at Lauren, and cupped her cheek. “There is only one Ástvinur, and she is mine.” He bent and kissed her glossy lips. 
Sadie sighed softly, her tone one of awe. 
Loki ever so discretely ran his palm over Lauren’s backside. The fabric was quite thin and already warm from her skin. “You are beautiful, darling. I cannot wait to dance with you in this exquisite dress.” Turning her, so she was pressed against his chest, he swayed gently back and forth with her. Against her ear, he couldn’t help but whisper, “I cannot wait to peel you out of it.”
Lauren quivered all over, her heart pounding against his. “Loki,” she moaned quietly, melting against him.
“When is this party again?”
“Two days.”
“Excellent.” That gave him just enough time to complete his promise to her.
A blush burned high in Sadie’s cheeks, as the woman cleared her throat and fanned her face. “Yes, the Annandale’s throw their party the evenin’ of the third as the town does the dance and celebration, fireworks and things the fourth. It’s become a tradition.”
“It’s stuffy and borin’, but I’m sure you’ll keep me entertained, peaches,” Lauren smiled as she drew back.
“We’ll see, darling. Perhaps a little mischief will be in the offing?”
She snickered, pressed up on her toes, and kissed him firmly on the mouth. “I’m sure we’ll find somethin’ for you to have fun with.”
If not, he knew there would be someone to have fun with when the party ended. “I look forward to it, my sweet. Yes, very much so.”
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