#corn oso
pinksparklelps · 11 months
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Help the objects are in my head
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bugdogg · 9 months
I turning osomatsu into corn beef hansh
i eat it and burn a hole in my stomach
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osc-confessions · 2 years
fuck it we ball who cares about class
OKAY SO Bad End Hosts au is like. all the hosts in SHOS. what if things went to shit in their universes
Airy never stops doing ONE and is completely obsessed with it, keeps trying to get back to the waiting room
MePhone fuckin dies and is now a spooky ghost oOooo Cobs killed him. Corn dni
Four and Two.. well everyone went with Two during the 'split' and Four got pissed and started trying to attack Two and they both spiraled but in different ways! Four is destructive and angry and Two wishes he did something different and is just. tired.
Oodle never made and or hosted AIB, he left before he could, kept traveling universes and got progressively more and more apathetic and started hurting others for entertainment
Gold Ingot never got out of the slump after Santa Hat and Loaf left, eventually got booted off his own show and now is out of a job and doesn't really take care of himself, kinda like Tophat TNM
For Crayon Box no one showed up to OSO and she became slightly obsessed with trying to get it started anyway and just started spiraling, kind of like in This World Of Edd
Announcer got replaced a few episodes into BFDI with a different speaker box and also booted out of the group of speaker boxes, he got injured sometime along the way and he's a lot more humble now. hes also got a stutter
No clue for Controlly and Calculator yet i have yet to see their shows
Circle is the same because Circle
And now O has to babysit all these idiots with Problems. Good luck lmfao
i love these idiots
- fangan
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libero-de-mente · 2 years
Ho sempre mal sopportato le giornate afose che ci regalava l'anticiclone delle Azzorre. Quei dieci o quindici giorni al massimo nel mese di luglio.
Da qualche anno il caro Azzorrino, carino lui, è stato spodestato malamente dai vari Lucifero, Caronte e Stoccaldo.Ieri sono uscito in giardino con del mais in un contenitore metallico, dopo cinque minuti i pop corn erano pronti.Non oso pensare i coltivatori di mais, me li immagino cantare Battisti che ne sai tu di un campo di pop corn, che scoppietta mentre lo prendi in mano.
Avevo un appuntamento di lavoro a Milano, "mettiti in giacca e cravatta" mi dissero, dannazione... appuntamento all'Hotel Armani, passando per la Via Monte Napoleone a piedi con l'abito in tiro sono entrato nei seguenti negozi: Bulgari, Louis Vuitton, Moncler, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Prada e Valentino.Come entravo la solita domanda: "Buongiorno signore e benvenuto, in cosa posso servirla?"; le mie risposte uguali: "Guardi in realtà mi servono due o tre boccate di aria condizionata".
Devo dire che ho trovato delle commesse molto comprensive, mi sorridevano tutte. Credo che qualcuna si sia anche messa a ridere nascondendosi dietro una mano. Ho avuto anche sguardi di comprensione, o forse compassione, da parte degli energumeni che stanno in abito completo sulla porta, come sicurezza.
Fa talmente caldo che sto rivalutando gli odiati centri commerciali, tutto d'un tratto diventano un'oasi. Un concentrato di aria condizionata e gnagna. Incredibile.
Il caldo afoso africano è il più grande eccitante seduttore, mai nessuno come lui ci fa bagnare. Gli anticicloni africani potrebbero chiamarli Rodolfo Valentino, Cleopatra o Casanova a questo punto anziché con nomi infernali.Vedo gente che gioisce di questo caldo, devo ricredermi sulla teoria dei rettiliani. Solo se sono lucertole possono gioire. Siete dei serpenti sappiatelo.Sogno, con questo caldo, di essere intervistato da un inviato di Studio Aperto quando "scendo i cani", già mi immagino il botta e risposta:
- Signore, ma porta i cani fuori? - Eh si. - Ma con questo caldo? - Si, li scendo e li piscio lo stesso. Perché?
Chiusura servizio in diretta frettoloso con sigla finale del TG.
Ho deciso che riscriverò, rivisitandole e aggiornandole, la fiabe per i bambini. Adeguandole al clima che viviamo. Devono comprendere fin da piccoli cosa li aspetterà da grandi.Quindi spazio a:
- La principessa sul ghiacciolo - Cenerantola (quando non respiri per l'afa) - Cappuccetto Cotto - Biancaneve sciolta in sette vasi - Il Gatto con gli infradito - Polliclinico (storia di un bambino ricoverato per una botta di caldo) - La bella rinfrescata nel bosco - Hitachi & Daikin nella casa di marzapane - Le ancelle sudate della regina - La piccola fiammiferaia ha preso fuoco (storia di un'autocombustione) - Climastronzolo - La regina della neve artificiale - Il ventilatore magico - Il piccolo principe disidratato
Alcuni dicono “muoio dal caldo”, poi come sempre deludono le aspettative e non muoiono mai.
Nel frattempo che tornino temperature gradevoli mi trasferisco a vivere nel frigorifero. Addio.
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444namesplus · 3 months
Aal Aalanoe Aaleo Aaloerneo Aam Aamaalaa Aamaan Aamdeon Aameo Aameoso Aamesa Aamsaaska Aamvoeloe Aan Aanaa Aaneor Aaneoro Aar Aardarne Aarn Aarnomeo Aaro Aart Aartaam Aartoem Aartoert Aaseom Aask Aaskmen Aaskoerte Aaskveoroe Aasol Aasola Al Almaara Aloe Amaa Ame Amheske Amoerte An Anaa Aneo Angeor Anlame Anoen Anroert Antaane Antal Ar Are Areo Arneosk Arnmoesko Arnnarn Arno Arnoe Aro Art Arta Artemeo Artheoroe As Asaarnaa Asdolaa Askaa Askaarnoe Askrarn Asvoen Baararteo Baloe Ban Barno Basbon Belkal Beolarn Beos Beoskaan Bero Beskoern Boenven Boernan Boertaan Boes Bomzeom Caammaasoe Caasaar Came Ceolaskaa Ceolhol Ceom Ceor Cesosk Coenter Coernaala Coernoem Coertem Corn Corneo Daas Damere Demeo Deon Deornxaask Deoro Doelo Doeskaan Dol Doneorta Dos El Elkenaa Elorn Em Emola Enaa Enbeska Endaask Eneos Ennes Eno Enrern Enroer Eol Eolcaal Eolen Eoleo Eolo Eolsorteo Eom Eomaareo Eomdonoe Eomneol Eomoesk Eono Eonoe Eonoel Eor Eora Eoraa Eorn Eorndaaskaa Eorne Eornoe Eornsaarneo Eoro Eoror Eorta Eorteorn Eortoes Eortteosa Eos Eosben Eosgorn Eosk Eoskeo Eosoenoe Eosoerto Eosoesk Era Eren Ermaarnaa Erngeol Ernnaareo Erno Ero Ert Ertcaal Erttosk Es Eshaam Eskaa Eskmanoe Eskoelaa Eskzemaa Esloesk Esnas Esseom Gaamaa Gaanose Gas Gask Gasoe Geomoe Georneraa Geortor Gernbaskeo Ges Goerteska Goeskoer Golnaarneo Gor Goreneo Gornos Gort Haane Haaraam Hala Hamaar Hanarnoe Hask Haskosa Hoshoert Kaan Kaaskeo Kansoera Kaskcaameo Kaskeoroe Kentaare Keolaarnoe Keolo Keor Keseo Kol Kon Korhar Korno Kortkoeroe Koskosaa Laareo Laart Laask Lalerto Lamoroe Lamsaal Lare Leorn Leornloese Lert Loel Loelxolo Loertxoel Loraanoe Lorn Maameskeo Maan Marneoloe Marnoeroe Memo Meorn Meornem Meortoemaa Meorzoeskeo Meosern Meoskroer Molo Moreo Naammosoe Naarne Naleo Nalhaaskaa Nammaask Narcoer Narn Nas Nena Neongan Neortoernoe Neoskeo Neoskgeonaa Neska Nosaa Nosmas Oelaa Oelaanoe Oelbaaskaa Oeloertaa Oem Oemarn Oemdore Oemeo Oemgern Oemmaalaa Oemo Oemoeleo Oemvaamo Oen Oendomeo Oenen Oenoleo Oenvaamoe Oenvemaa Oer Oereor Oereornoe Oern Oernaaneo Oernbal Oerner Oernkar Oernmas Oernoe Oernsesk Oero Oertaa Oertaaske Oertela Oerteo Oertort Oertzeskoe Oes Oesaarne Oesk Oeska Oeskaa Oeskgerte Ol Oloe Olona Omaaske Omeo Omeoloe Omeone Omzaas On Onenoe Ongorn Onoe Onoske Onzeorto Or Oraarteo Orgera Orngarn Ornmas Ornoer Ornosoe Orserna Ort Ortala Ortask Ortbort Ortvoes Os Osaas Osal Osk Oskaas Oskboma Osko Osksero Osoes Raamoen Raanaas Ran Reol Reolesaa Reomoe Roenoer Roeskeo Roncosk Rorna Rortorne Saamcaarn Saar Saaskeo Sanaa Sareoloe Sasleskeo Selo Seolelaa Sesoe Soemven Soencoem Soert Soeshomo Somgoer Taalgem Taamo Taan Taarn Taarteo Taas Taasaa Talkeorno Tarzasaa Teol Teorask Toela Toen Toer Tomoe Toskeomo Vaalbal Vaana Vaaneo Vaareme Vam Vasaam Veolzase Veomortaa Veor Veorn Veornon Veortmaaskeo Veos Voemkoern Voergeon Voerneoskoe Voesk Vome Vomeo Vorlaal Vortarno Vorteom Xaar Xaarem Xaaskesko Xaasvarn Xarn Xart Xen Xeoloseo Xeorxos Xeosk Xeosoerteo Xere Xesmeolo Xoernalo Xoeroert Xoert Xoes Xoleo Xolnaam Xone Xornar Xortaa Xosk Xosktask Zaaneosk Zaar Zaason Zamon Zan Zarnomoe Zasheleo Zaskomaa Zelgoso Zenaa Zeolo Zeort Zeorteo Zoemaal Zoernaa
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theburgerlist · 5 months
So @burgerandbeyond have been killing it for years now, But I don’t think i have EVER been as impressed with them as I was this week with their new menu. Honestly, big up @craig_povoas and @thomasleostock for keeping the menu fresh and interesting. I loved every single thing in this video. The Christmas Burger; turkey & sage patty, sausage meat, breaded Brie, slaw, cranberry mayo. I’m all honestly I’ve never liked christmas turkey burgers, but this was brilliant. It’s quite breakfast/brunchy, comes with gravy too. Xmas tots; cheese curds, gravy, sausage stuffing, red cabbage, sage. Those stuffing balls mixed with the cheese and gravy were beautiful. Gochujang, chilli & lime wings; incredible, saucy, meaty, spicy. LOVED THEM. Corn ribs & Nduja butter; so moreish, could have eaten a bowl 3 times the size. Hot Honey; the Shoreditch Hot is back with an update, candied red chillies, hot honey, it’s a beautifully sweet and hot burger. Oso Yaki; their new @symplicity_foods vegan burger, and possibly one of the best vegan burgers I’ve ever had. Make sure you try the Winter Colada, Burnt Butter Old Fashioned, and Spiced Berry Iced Tea too! #burger November 22, 2023 at 10:30AM via Instagram https://instagr.am/reel/Cz8b_bNo0UL/
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wpdariacutnes · 8 months
Me: enifing be more chill canda rezan knows kirbycomunity like enifing here more helping out and whatever wona going do dys knows like big ball a code family on you
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(dys wery old cherater a fell glitch out a kirby more green screen a no colors vers dys so old a heck)
I cofuze a why kracko is more no wery candy corn a dys one a blue and pink like wery hart colors a See same a dys spikes? (is look like spikes but canda be element fky type or sowing how knows) but why so spikes a so orange and green like dys more yellow a make pastel/normal and dark tone a yellow be total fine a dys more look down dys a tone a blue and pink a candy corn sowing rezan i not say is not good adia das make me cofuze what ser woring oso a neber more dys a be so hart see corors before a teching oso I cofuze a someone say is there a crown or something ploblem a not See dys enifing bit dys enifing dys element or be queen/king a more be huge/wery big size a wery see final boss like dragon or sowing and someone cofuze why so huge like knows a game'less look like and king powers code rezan as kingdom yeah sund bit diface like code eskuze a see more dys but is true like been a god or sowing a dys plase
Oso I wirts ask but why say a kracko is a man like after lot expleing a she/queen or sowing be for radom eskuze staws like me forget a enifing say a radom sky rezan like more enifing sky rizen a type and personality das me total fine "but why a gemarts works a eskuze dys after say is male or puding me a maleonshel o sowing" like is not attaking you is not look you fult so what dys on for? Like . . . Why?
But someone canda cofuze a black enifing dys chanda chraing say dark matter but sund me like cookis box or sowing and dys wirts can't say like zero and kracko be canda king wedding persne's? But let me enifing expleing a not going like o is nader one a "pastel war shiper persen" like is canda same type a fly element/ too be king a code same kingdom but dyfrent side a plase/ and more cofuze a code dark matter'less is a dys to kid like after me See logic is a dark nebula because star dizaine and bit eye colors like zero is red eye king a kracko is more queen but blue eye so canda dark nebula is violet eyes and star dizaine like enifing kracko code be egg? I not sure niby like is fatazy game what a say a dys but canda hirding bit
And more one wirts a me finks is mochi canda dys rezan and canda pink ponk game one a mashine (sorry kirby but someone say too much candy but you):::
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Offical epic note: 29.08.2023.r
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cristinabcn · 10 months
Deja que te cuente un cuento: El oso Berry
Let me tell you a story: The bear Berry MARGARITA VAZQUEZ Luz Violeta. Escritora – Columnista Juan era un hombre viudo que vivía en una choza. Él se dedicaba a la siembra del maíz y el frijol. Todo lo que conservaba de su esposa era un oso de felpa beige con ojos de botón que tenía una leve sonrisa. Juan was a widowed man who lived in a hut. He dedicated himself to planting corn and beans. The…
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zetreview-com · 1 year
New Review of Fortolex [:en]Fortolex is the latest remedy that has a complex effect on the disease, relieves pain and permanently removes the protruding bone. The drug is produced in the form of a cream, which, due to the content of the most useful organic components, penetrates deep into the bone tissue. In just a month, this remedy is able to restore a damaged foot, eliminate corns, calluses and other defects that cause pain and discomfort when walking. The drug Fortolex almost instantly relieves pain, relieves swelling, stops the development of the inflammatory process. In addition, after the first application, it starts accelerated regeneration of damaged tissues, eliminating cartilage deformation.[:de]Fortolex ist das neueste Mittel, das komplex auf die Krankheit einwirkt, Schmerzen lindert und den hervorstehenden Knochen dauerhaft entfernt. Das Medikament wird in Form einer Creme hergestellt, die aufgrund des Gehalts an den nützlichsten organischen Bestandteilen tief in das Knochengewebe eindringt. In nur einem Monat kann dieses Mittel einen beschädigten Fu�� wiederherstellen, Hühneraugen, Schwielen und andere Defekte beseitigen, die beim Gehen Schmerzen und Beschwerden verursachen. Das Medikament Fortolex lindert fast sofort Schmerzen, lindert Schwellungen und stoppt die Entwicklung des Entzündungsprozesses. Darüber hinaus beginnt es nach der ersten Anwendung mit einer beschleunigten Regeneration von beschädigtem Gewebe und beseitigt Knorpelverformungen.[:fr]Fortolex est le dernier remède qui a un effet complexe sur la maladie, soulage la douleur et élimine définitivement los saillant. Le médicament est produit sous la forme dune crème qui, en raison de la teneur en composants organiques les plus utiles, pénètre profondément dans le tissu osseux. En un mois seulement, ce remède est capable de restaurer un pied abîmé, déliminer les cors, callosités et autres défauts qui causent douleurs et inconfort lors de la marche. Le médicament Fortolex soulage presque instantanément la douleur, soulage lenflure, arrête le développement du processus inflammatoire. De plus, après la première application, il commence une régénération accélérée des tissus endommagés, éliminant la déformation du cartilage.[:it]Fortolex è lultimo rimedio che ha un effetto complesso sulla malattia, allevia il dolore e rimuove definitivamente losso sporgente. Il farmaco viene prodotto sotto forma di crema che, grazie al contenuto dei componenti organici più utili, penetra in profondità nel tessuto osseo. In appena un mese, questo rimedio è in grado di ripristinare un piede danneggiato, eliminare calli, duroni e altri difetti che causano dolore e disagio durante la deambulazione. Il farmaco Fortolex allevia quasi istantaneamente il dolore, allevia il gonfiore, interrompe lo sviluppo del processo infiammatorio. Inoltre, dopo la prima applicazione, avvia la rigenerazione accelerata dei tessuti danneggiati, eliminando la deformazione della cartilagine.[:ro]Fortolex este cel mai recent remediu care are un efect complex asupra bolii, ameliorează durerea și îndepărtează definitiv osul proeminent. Medicamentul este produs sub formă de cremă, care, datorită conținutului celor mai utile componente organice, pătrunde adânc în țesutul osos. În doar o lună, acest remediu este capabil să restaureze un picior deteriorat, să elimine batăturile, calusurile și alte defecte care provoacă durere și disconfort la mers. Medicamentul Fortolex ameliorează aproape instantaneu durerea, ameliorează umflarea, oprește dezvoltarea procesului inflamator. În plus, după prima aplicare, începe regenerarea accelerată a țesuturilor deteriorate, eliminând deformarea cartilajului.[:hu]A Fortolex a legújabb gyógymód, amely komplexen hat a betegségre, csillapítja a fájdalmat és végleg eltávolítja a kiálló csontot. A gyógyszert krém formájában állítják elő, amely a leghasznosabb szerves komponensek tartalma miatt mélyen behatol a csontszövetbe. Mindössze egy hónap alatt ez a gyógyszer képes helyreállítani
a sérült lábfejet, megszüntetni a tyúkszemet, bőrkeményedést és más olyan hibákat, amelyek fájdalmat és kényelmetlenséget okoznak járás közben. A Fortolex gyógyszer szinte azonnal enyhíti a fájdalmat, enyhíti a duzzanatot, megállítja a gyulladásos folyamat kialakulását. Ezenkívül az első alkalmazás után elindítja a sérült szövetek felgyorsult regenerálódását, megszüntetve a porc deformációját.[:es]Fortolex es el último remedio que tiene un efecto complejo sobre la enfermedad, alivia el dolor y elimina permanentemente el hueso protuberante. El medicamento se produce en forma de crema que, debido al contenido de los componentes orgánicos más útiles, penetra profundamente en el tejido óseo. En tan solo un mes, este remedio es capaz de restaurar un pie dañado, eliminar callos, durezas y otros defectos que causan dolor y molestias al caminar. El medicamento Fortolex alivia casi instantáneamente el dolor, alivia la hinchazón y detiene el desarrollo del proceso inflamatorio. Además, tras la primera aplicación, inicia una regeneración acelerada de los tejidos dañados, eliminando la deformación del cartílago.[:pt]Fortolex é o remédio mais recente que tem um efeito complexo na doença, alivia a dor e remove permanentemente o osso saliente. A droga é produzida na forma de um creme que, devido ao conteúdo dos componentes orgânicos mais úteis, penetra profundamente no tecido ósseo. Em apenas um mês, este remédio é capaz de restaurar um pé danificado, eliminar calos, calosidades e outros defeitos que causam dor e desconforto ao caminhar. A droga Fortolex alivia quase instantaneamente a dor, alivia o inchaço, interrompe o desenvolvimento do processo inflamatório. Além disso, após a primeira aplicação, inicia a regeneração acelerada dos tecidos danificados, eliminando a deformação da cartilagem.[:pl]Fortolex to najnowszy środek, który kompleksowo działa na chorobę, łagodzi ból i trwale usuwa wystającą kość. Lek jest produkowany w postaci kremu, który dzięki zawartości najbardziej użytecznych składników organicznych wnika głęboko w tkankę kostną. W ciągu zaledwie miesiąca ten środek jest w stanie przywrócić uszkodzoną stopę, wyeliminować odciski, modzele i inne wady, które powodują ból i dyskomfort podczas chodzenia. Lek Fortolex prawie natychmiast łagodzi ból, łagodzi obrzęki, zatrzymuje rozwój procesu zapalnego. Ponadto już po pierwszej aplikacji rozpoczyna przyspieszoną regenerację uszkodzonych tkanek, eliminując deformację chrząstki.[:et]Fortolexon uusim vahend, mis mõjub haigusele kompleksselt, leevendab valu ja eemaldab püsivalt väljaulatuva luu. Ravimit toodetakse kreemi kujul, mis kõige kasulikumate orgaaniliste komponentide sisalduse tõttu tungib sügavale luukoesse. Vaid kuu aja jooksul suudab see vahend taastada kahjustatud jala, kõrvaldada konnasilmad, kallused ja muud defektid, mis põhjustavad kõndimisel valu ja ebamugavustunnet. Ravim Fortolex leevendab peaaegu koheselt valu, leevendab turset, peatab põletikulise protsessi arengu. Lisaks käivitab see pärast esimest manustamist kahjustatud kudede kiirendatud regeneratsiooni, kõrvaldades kõhre deformatsiooni.[:el]Το Fortolex είναι το πιο πρόσφατο φάρμακο που έχει πολύπλοκη επίδραση στη νόσο, ανακουφίζει από τον πόνο και αφαιρεί οριστικά το οστό που προεξέχει. Το φάρμακο παράγεται με τη μορφή κρέμας, η οποία, λόγω της περιεκτικότητας των πιο χρήσιμων οργανικών συστατικών, διεισδύει βαθιά στον οστικό ιστό. Σε μόλις ένα μήνα, αυτό το φάρμακο είναι σε θέση να αποκαταστήσει ένα κατεστραμμένο πόδι, να εξαλείψει τους κόκκους, τους κάλους και άλλα ελαττώματα που προκαλούν πόνο και δυσφορία κατά το περπάτημα. Το φάρμακο Fortolex ανακουφίζει σχεδόν αμέσως τον πόνο, ανακουφίζει από το πρήξιμο, σταματά την ανάπτυξη της φλεγμονώδους διαδικασίας. Επιπλέον, μετά την πρώτη εφαρμογή, αρχίζει η επιταχυνόμενη αναγέννηση των κατεστραμμένων ιστών, εξαλείφοντας την παραμόρφωση του χόνδρου.[:hr]Fortolex je najnoviji lijek koji kompleksno djeluje na bolest, ublažava bol i trajno uklanja izbočenu kost.
Lijek se proizvodi u obliku kreme, koja zbog sadržaja najkorisnijih organskih komponenti prodire duboko u koštano tkivo. U samo mjesec dana ovaj lijek može obnoviti oštećenu nogu, ukloniti kurje oči, žuljeve i druge nedostatke koji uzrokuju bol i nelagodu pri hodu. Lijek Fortolex gotovo trenutno ublažava bol, ublažava oticanje, zaustavlja razvoj upalnog procesa. Osim toga, nakon prve primjene počinje ubrzana regeneracija oštećenih tkiva, eliminirajući deformaciju hrskavice.[:lt]Fortolex – tai naujausia priemonė, kompleksiškai veikianti ligą, malšinanti skausmą ir visam laikui pašalinanti išsikišusį kaulą. Vaistas gaminamas kremo pavidalu, kuris dėl naudingiausių organinių komponentų įsiskverbia giliai į kaulinį audinį. Ši priemonė vos per mėnesį atstato pažeistą pėdą, pašalina kukurūzus, nuospaudas ir kitus defektus, sukeliančius skausmą ir diskomfortą vaikštant. Vaistas Fortolex beveik akimirksniu malšina skausmą, mažina patinimą, sustabdo uždegiminio proceso vystymąsi. Be to, po pirmo panaudojimo pradeda pagreitinti pažeistų audinių regeneraciją, pašalinant kremzlės deformaciją.[:sk]Fortolexje najnovší liek, ktorý komplexne pôsobí na ochorenie, tlmí bolesť a natrvalo odstraňuje vyčnievajúcu kosť. Liečivo sa vyrába vo forme krému, ktorý vďaka obsahu najužitočnejších organických zložiek preniká hlboko do kostného tkaniva. Len za mesiac je tento prostriedok schopný obnoviť poškodenú nohu, odstrániť kurie oká, mozoly a iné chyby, ktoré spôsobujú bolesť a nepohodlie pri chôdzi. Liek Fortolex takmer okamžite zmierňuje bolesť, zmierňuje opuchy, zastavuje vývoj zápalového procesu. Navyše už po prvej aplikácii naštartuje zrýchlenú regeneráciu poškodených tkanív, eliminuje deformáciu chrupavky.[:nl]Fortolex is de nieuwste remedie die een complex effect heeft op de ziekte, pijn verlicht en het uitstekende bot permanent verwijdert. Het medicijn wordt geproduceerd in de vorm van een crème, die door de inhoud van de meest bruikbare organische componenten diep in het botweefsel doordringt. In slechts een maand tijd kan deze remedie een beschadigde voet herstellen, likdoorns, eelt en andere gebreken die pijn en ongemak tijdens het lopen veroorzaken, elimineren. Het medicijn Fortolex verlicht vrijwel onmiddellijk pijn, verlicht zwelling, stopt de ontwikkeling van het ontstekingsproces. Bovendien start het na de eerste toepassing een versnelde regeneratie van beschadigd weefsel, waardoor vervorming van het kraakbeen wordt geëlimineerd.[:vi]Fortolex là phương thuốc mới nhất có tác dụng triệt căn bệnh, giảm đau và loại bỏ xương lồi vĩnh viễn. Thuốc được sản xuất dưới dạng kem, do hàm lượng các thành phần hữu cơ hữu ích nhất, thấm sâu vào mô xương. Chỉ trong một tháng, phương thuốc này có thể phục hồi bàn chân bị tổn thương, loại bỏ vết chai, vết chai và các khuyết tật khác gây đau và khó chịu khi đi lại. Thuốc Fortolex gần như ngay lập tức giảm đau, giảm sưng, ngăn chặn sự phát triển của quá trình viêm. Ngoài ra, sau ứng dụng đầu tiên, nó bắt đầu tăng tốc tái tạo các mô bị hư hỏng, loại bỏ biến dạng sụn.[:bg]Fortolex е най-новото лекарство, което има комплексен ефект върху заболяването, облекчава болката и трайно премахва изпъкналата кост. Лекарството се произвежда под формата на крем, който поради съдържанието на най-полезните органични компоненти прониква дълбоко в костната тъкан. Само за месец това лекарство е в състояние да възстанови повреден крак, да елиминира мазоли, мазоли и други дефекти, които причиняват болка и дискомфорт при ходене. Лекарството Fortolex почти мигновено облекчава болката, облекчава подуването, спира развитието на възпалителния процес. В допълнение, след първото приложение започва ускорена регенерация на увредените тъкани, елиминирайки деформацията на хрущяла.[:sl]Fortolex je najnovejše zdravilo, ki ima kompleksen učinek na bolezen, lajša bolečine in trajno odstrani štrlečo kost. Zdravilo se proizvaja v obliki kreme, ki zaradi vsebnosti najbolj uporabnih organskih sestavin prodre globoko v kostno tkivo. V samo enem
mesecu lahko to zdravilo obnovi poškodovano stopalo, odpravi kurja očesa, otiščance in druge napake, ki povzročajo bolečino in nelagodje pri hoji. Zdravilo Fortolex skoraj v trenutku lajša bolečine, lajša otekline, ustavi razvoj vnetnega procesa. Poleg tega po prvi uporabi začne pospešeno regeneracijo poškodovanih tkiv, odpravlja deformacijo hrustanca.[:lv]Fortolexir jaunākais līdzeklis, kas kompleksi iedarbojas uz slimību, mazina sāpes un neatgriezeniski noņem izvirzīto kaulu. Zāles ražo krēma veidā, kas, pateicoties visnoderīgāko organisko komponentu saturam, dziļi iekļūst kaulaudos. Tikai mēneša laikā šis līdzeklis spēj atjaunot bojātu pēdu, novērst varžacis, klepus un citus defektus, kas staigājot rada sāpes un diskomfortu. Zāles Fortolex gandrīz uzreiz mazina sāpes, mazina pietūkumu, aptur iekaisuma procesa attīstību. Turklāt pēc pirmās lietošanas tas sāk paātrinātu bojāto audu reģenerāciju, novēršot skrimšļa deformāciju.[:th]Fortolex เป็นวิธีการรักษาล่าสุดที่มีผลซับซ้อนต่อโรค บรรเทาความเจ็บปวด และกำจัดกระดูกที่ยื่นออกมาอย่างถาวร ยานี้ผลิตในรูปแบบของครีมซึ่งเนื่องจากเนื้อหาของส่วนประกอบอินทรีย์ที่มีประโยชน์ที่สุดจึงแทรกซึมลึกเข้าไปในเนื้อเยื่อกระดูก ในเวลาเพียงหนึ่งเดือน การรักษานี้สามารถฟื้นฟูเท้าที่เสียหาย กำจัดตาปลา ตาปลา และข้อบกพร่องอื่นๆ ที่ทำให้เกิดความเจ็บปวดและไม่สบายขณะเดิน ยา Fortolex เกือบจะบรรเทาอาการปวดทันที บรรเทาอาการบวม หยุดการพัฒนาของกระบวนการอักเสบ นอกจากนี้ หลังจากการใช้ครั้งแรก จะเริ่มเร่งการสร้างเนื้อเยื่อที่เสียหาย กำจัดการเสียรูปของกระดูกอ่อน[:cs]Fortolex je nejnovější lék, který komplexně působí na onemocnění, zmírňuje bolest a trvale odstraňuje vyčnívaj��cí kost. Lék se vyrábí ve formě krému, který díky obsahu nejužitečnějších organických složek proniká hluboko do kostní tkáně. Za pouhý měsíc je tento lék schopen obnovit poškozenou nohu, odstranit kuří oka, mozoly a další vady, které způsobují bolest a nepohodlí při chůzi. Lék Fortolex téměř okamžitě zmírňuje bolest, zmírňuje otoky, zastavuje vývoj zánětlivého procesu. Navíc již po první aplikaci nastartuje urychlenou regeneraci poškozených tkání, eliminuje deformaci chrupavky.[:] https://zetreview.com/fortolex/?_unique_id=643a912b6e12e
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bradyoil · 2 years
Filmmaker & Designer Alex Knell On How To Craft A Winning Director's Treatment.
Alex Knell is an actor, filmmaker and an in-demand top writer/designer of treatments for commercial directors. Alex schools me on how to best work with a treatment artist to really hone the pitch and win the job. I've posted her reel at jordanbrady.com or click.
My Directing Programs:
I've been adding more content to Commercial Directing Shadow - behind the scenes and all things Nebraska Corn to supplement the Toyota shoot. This is a unique online course that puts you right by my side, like BTS on steroids. I explain what I'm doing and why, you download the scripts and my boards, watch my detailed video treatment and even watch 360 footage! Scripts,  shooting boards, script notes and the final spots. But wait there's more - one lucky & worthy commercial director will be invited to shadow me in prep and on set, in real life, on a real job. Sign up now. Commercial Directing Shadow comes with a free/optional consultation call when you're done. Masterclass and Bootcamp alumni hit me up for the discount.
  Director's Treatments Unmasked is a recorded live Zoom course complete with my deck and over 8 treatments you download and steal from.
  My first annual Filmmaker Retreat Joshua Tree is September 30th through October 2nd, 2022. Out theme is “Define Your Voice” and more can be found here at the Commercial Directing Film School site. DM for more. 2 Spots remain. Limit 20 #filmmakers. Bootcamp Alumni save $300. 
  Next Commercial Directing Bootcamp is January 7th, 2023 in Los Angeles. Save $100 if you've completed either of my Masterclass or Shadow online courses.
  Online Commercial Directing Masterclass has received 100% 5 star reviews. Plus we do a free filmmaker consultation call.
  Check out the new Commercial Director Mega Bundle for serious one-on-one mentoring and career growth. It's everything and more.
  This episode is 1 hour 45 minutes and is sponsored by Oso Delicious Hot Sauce, the hot sauce made by bears. Flavorseeker Fun Pak‘s ship Friday's at 3pm.
My cult classic mockumentary, “Dill Scallion” is online so I’m giving 100% of the money to St. Jude Children’s Hospital. I’ve decided to donate the LIFETIME earnings every December, so the the donation will grow and grow. Thank you!
Check out this episode!
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superbnature · 5 years
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Corn bunting by MartinPerez http://bit.ly/2UCsz7g
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gracefree · 5 years
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Corn bunting by MartinPerez
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The "work ethic" is a dirty trick we play on ourselves
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In Nebraska — and elsewhere — the forced-labor camps that some prisoners are sent to have been rebranded. They’re called “Work-Ethic Camps” now, and prisoners do 30–40h/week of hard labor for $1.21/day, interspersed with “intro to business” courses.
As Jamiek McCallum writes in Aeon: “If there was a formula for obliterating the work ethic, giving people undesirable jobs with long hours and barely paying them sounds exactly like it.”
McCallum is reiterating the thesis of his 2020 book, “Worked Over: How Round-the-Clock Work Is Killing the American Dream,” which presents discourse about work-ethic as “a severe anxiety about a fundamental precept of the American civil religion.”
Americans fret that a failing work-ethic is symbolic of national decline. Which is weird: hours for all workers rose by 13% between 1975 and 2016, and millennials are more likely than their elders to say “hard work is important to getting ahead.”
The white-collar workers who locked down for the pandemic increased their hours worked:
The precarious “essential” workers who risked their lives and stayed on the job contended with irregular schedules and low pay.
We have a “work ethic” problem — but it’s not too little work ethic — it’s too much.
McCallum: “overwork, unstable schedules, and a lack of adequate hours define the paradoxical time signature of the work life today.”
But, McCallum argues, the work ethic doesn’t create the bad working conditions. Rather, we dream up the work ethic to resolve the cognitive dissonance of unsustainable, brutal working conditions.
That’s why surveys show workers who express a preference for shorter hours report satisfaction with their working conditions when their hours get longer — workers don’t “get what they want” so they “want what they get.”
This rationalizing of the bruising effects of overwork as the virtuous expression of good morals is essential to capitalism. Capitalism requires that we prove ourselves “worthy” — of food, shelter, education, leisure — by succeeding in the market.
It’s not shocking that a Wisconsin school district is ending free school meals for young children in order to improve their work ethic. If you can’t afford food, you don’t deserve food.
The cult of the work ethic is the flipside of the aristocrat’s leisure-as-status-symbol — the use of hobbies and “idleness” as a way to demonstrate your membership in the ruling class — think of preppie chic, with its emphasis on golf- and boating-clothes.
Early capitalists demanded leisure for themselves and hard work for the proletariat — but so did their enemies. Marxists valorized work and workers, creating the worker-hero.
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But the left has also always had a pro-leisure/anti work ethic tendency, embodied by the likes of Woody Guthrie, whose “Talking Hard Luck Blues” is a smart and savage assault on the idea that overwork is a virtue.
I held 125 head of wild horses, put saddles and bridles on more that that
Harnessed some of the craziest, wildest teams in the whole country
I rode 14 loco broncos to a dead standstill and let 42 hound dogs lick me all over
Seven times I was bit by hungry dogs and I was chewed all to pieces by
Water moccasins and rattlesnakes on two separate river bottoms
I chopped and I carried 314 armloads of stove wood, 100 buckets of coal
And I carried a gallon of kerosene 18 miles over the mountains, got lost
Lost a pair of shoes in a mud hole
And I chopped and I weeded 48 rows of short cotton, 13 acres of bad corn
And cut sticker weeds out of 11 back yards
“All on accounta’ cause I wanted to show her that I was a man a I liked to work.”
In “Talking Union,” Guthrie says the point is leisure:
You get shorter hours, better working conditions, vacations with pay, take the kids to the seaside.
The work ethic hustle hasn’t just robbed us of time for leisure — it’s transformed leisure into a self-Taylorizing time-and-motion hustle. Conquering Disneyland requires a project manager, a spreadsheet and a stopwatch.
This is why we call it “late-stage capitalism.” It’s not just precarious workers logging destructively long shifts and losing the leisure time to imagine, dream, love and live — it’s also the 1%, who sometimes pay for the privilege. It’s a system that punishes the winners, albeit less severely than the losers.
McCallum closes his essay with some remarks from Andrew Russell, an inmate at a Nebraskan Work Ethic Camp. Russell worked a series of sub-survival jobs before finding a living wage selling meth, a gruelling job that he worked long hours at before his arrest.
Russell actually escaped from the WEC but was turned in by a friend who needed the reward money, and had to serve an extra year as punishment. He served three years and was released in 2019, having earned “enough money to buy a bus ticket to his parents’ house.”
“I know how to work just fine, been doing it as a kid. What are they trying to prove? I like to work hard, but there’s gotta be a point, so I don’t feel I completely wasted my time. I wanna do real work. What really matters is everything we do outside our jobs to strengthen our community — that’s the real work.”
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ranranparadoxx · 3 years
Aight so I made a little bunch of ososan doodles lately. The first 4 doodles belong to a fake hesokuri wars set I wanna do where all the 6 useless chimps get a thirdworld job
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Osomatsu: works at a place like a seveneleven called "oxxo"
Karamatsu: works selling prepared corn
Ichimatsu: works at gas station but not any gas station he works at "Pemex"
Jyushimatsu: works as a "tamalero" a guy who sells groceries but also tamales, He is a happy boy and also charming like (i did this refencing the song "el tamalero" by Oscar Padilla
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... well I guess that's all and oh yeah an Oso/demon showing up his ass.
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ok here’s a short object show explanation as an apology to my followers (/hj)
ok so what the fuck is this
object shows are a community of people making, uh, shows about inanimate objects with faces, usually in a Total Drama Island-inspired plot. the first object show, and one of the two popular ones, is Battle for Dream Island, also known as BFDI (season one), Battle for Dream Island Again/BFDIA (s2), IDFB (s3), and its current season which, at the time of writing, is nearing its end, Battle for BFDI/BFB. there’s also the spinoff The Power of Two (TPOT) which you should not watch before BFB unless you want to be even more confused than you probably already are. this is the one that looks like this and has the funny number and variable guys
^ i would like to comment that these two are both girls and theres no "omg but you're both girls?!" in this episode at all. that lollipop is gay
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^ the funny numbers
the other well known object show is Inanimate Insanity/II, which has two seasons and like BFB, is currently ongoing. this is the one with the iphone guy and the corn everyone hates and looks like this.
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^ iphone guy
there's a TON of other object shows made by the community, like ONE, Open Source Objects (OSO), Brawl of the Objects (BOTO), Contest for Millions of Thousands (CFMOT), etc etc there's a lot i would die trying to list half. thanks for coming i hope you are slightly less confused
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omglssoctworld · 5 years
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Corn bunting by MartinPerez
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