richataylor17 · 1 year
Who Is A Concussion Specialist?
It is becoming increasingly common for primary care physicians to refer patients with concussion symptoms to a specialist. These professionals have extensive experience in conflict management and understand the specific needs and concerns of competing athletes.
A concussion Specialist helps patients create and follow an effective recovery plan based on their age, activity level, work or school plan, symptoms, and other factors. Proper treatment and a proper management plan can speed up recovery and produce better results. 
Symptoms of Concussion
According to the DFW clinic, symptoms and signs of a concussion may be subtle and may not immediately appear. Symptoms can be last for days, weeks, or even longer, not fixed.
Common symptoms after traumatic brain injury are headache, loss of memory (amnesia), and confusion. Amnesia usually involves forgetting an event that caused a concussion.
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Physical symptoms and signs of a concussion may include:
A headache
It's ringing in my ears
Tiredness or drowsiness
Sight is dim
Other signs and symptoms of concussion include:
Confusion or a fog
Amnesia surrounding a traumatic event
Dizziness or "seeing the stars."
A witness can see the following signs and symptoms in an unconscious person:
Temporary Loss (although this does not always happen)
Unexplained speech
Delay in answering questions
Surprised appearance
Forgetting, like asking the same question over and over again
You may experience symptoms of conflict immediately, and some may occur within days after the injury, such as:
Focusing complaints and memory
Anger and other personality changes
Sensitivity to light and noise
Sleep disturbances
Psychological problems and depression
Disorders of taste and smell
Risk factors
Activities that may increase your risk of concussion according to the DFW clinic include:
Fall, especially in children and adults
Participating in a high-risk sport, such as soccer, hockey, soccer, rugby, boxing, or other social media
Participating in high-risk sports without proper safety and surveillance equipment
Involvement in car crashes
Being in danger of pedestrians or cyclists
To be a soldier in the war
Being a victim of physical abuse
He has had a conflict in the past 
Specialist or concussion center?
In recent years, various multidisciplinary sports concussion centers have delivered around the U.S. & centers incorporate many specialists into one clinic. 
For example, rehabilitation centers in Fort Worth Texas provide patients with access to neurologists, sports medicine physicians, neuropsychologists, physiatrists, physical therapists, and other specialized physicians who have concussion training and expertise. 
When they work together, these specialists can offer more comprehensive care. Some people may be particularly well-served by an entire team of specialists, including:
People who have a history of concussion
People who are at high risk for more skull injuries
People who have other health issues
Team specialists can address the different health issues caused or exacerbated by a concussive event. Rehabilitation centers in Fort Worth Texas provide required rehabilitation for concussion patients.
Imaging testing
A brain scan may be recommended for some people with symptoms and signs such as severe headaches, fainting, repeated vomiting, or worsening symptoms. Imaging the brain may determine the severity of the injury and may cause bleeding or inflammation of the skull.
Cranial computerized tomography (CT) scan is a common practice in adults to examine the brain after an injury. CT scans use a series of X-rays to obtain various images of your skull and brain.
In children suspected of fainting, CT scans are only preferred if certain conditions, such as the type of injury or symptoms of a fracture, are met. It is to avoid exposure to radiation in young children.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) identifies changes in your brain or identifies potential problems after a collision. MRI uses powerful magnetic and radio waves to generate detailed and precise images of your brain. 
A concussion is a painful brain injury that affects the functioning of your brain. Outcomes are usually temporary but may include headaches and problems with concentration, memory, balance, and communication.
A blow to the head generally causes a concussion. Shaking the head and upper body can also cause friction. Some abrasions cause you to lose consciousness, but most do not. Fall is a very natural cause of concussion.
Concussions are also common while playing a rough game, such as soccer. Most people usually recover completely after a concussion. So it’s good to visit a concussion Specialist who will provide comprehensive care and focus on rehabilitating athletes in sports, work, and school.
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richataylor17 · 2 years
Concussion Rehabilitation After TBI
Concussion— traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head or any hit to the body, resulting in the head and brain moving quickly back and forth. Now sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce around or skull twisting, creating chemical changes in the brain, damaging brain cells, and sometimes stretching.
If you fail to observe and notice symptoms after a concussion test, it is best not to wait to seek treatment. If you are like the type to wait it out and see if things get better, it’s recommended not to wait longer than three months. Soon after, it is rare your symptoms will improve, so it makes sense to pursue active concussion rehabilitation and post-concussion syndrome.
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Concussion may get caused by direct trauma to the head, such as a free fall, a blow, or an accident. They can also occur due to rapid-onset headaches, such as whiplash injuries or explosive injuries, as in a war zone.
Many people think that concussion means death or loss of consciousness, but this is not true. According to DFW clinics, people who have a concussion never faint in most cases. In many cases, external symptoms of a head injury, such as bleeding, may be present.
Common Symptoms of concussion
A headache
Visual impairment (dual or blurred vision)
Dizziness or inequality
Nausea or vomiting
Loss of memory
Crying ears
Difficulty concentrating
Sensitivity to light
Loss of smell or taste
Sleep problems
If any of this occurs after a stroke, it’s better to discuss it with a health professional at the DFW clinic.
When to Seek Medical Care
Most people will recover quickly and entirely following the conflict. Some people may have symptoms that last for a few weeks before gradually improving. Get medical help fast if the following conditions persist:
worse headache or slurred speech, weakness, numbness, or decreased communication
Necessary nausea or repeated vomiting
Loss of consciousness
Inability to get up
The symptoms have worsened at any time
Symptoms do not go away after 10-14 days
History of many conflicts
Types of Treatment at Rehabilitation Centers
People often ask questions to concussion Fort Worth about what treatment will help them recover from mTBI (minor traumatic brain injury. To answer those questions, concussion Fort Worth specialists provided a short guide to the seven types of treatment:
Concussion Occupational Therapy
Concussion Vision Therapy
Concussion Music Therapy
Concussion Massage Therapy
Concussion Physical Therapy
Concussion Vestibular Therapy
Concussion Speech Therapy
The treatment you receive as part of your concussion management plan may vary significantly depending on where you go, what type of treatment you get, and how that treatment is provided. As a general rule of thumb, targeted therapies should get delivered at least a few times a week. 
Physical Therapy
Physical Therapists play an essential role in helping confused people improve balance, dizziness, and tolerance of busy areas and reduce symptoms of headaches and headaches.
Once the signs of conflict have developed, you will do strength training to return safely and effectively to the physical needs of your work or school, sports, and leisure activities.
Occupational Therapy
Medical professionals work with depressed people to improve their ability to read and use the computer, concentrate and concentrate on activities, reduce eye fatigue or difficulty, and reduce dizziness due to visual stimulation.
The principles of occupational therapy include re-training the visual system to improve visible symptoms and improve the ability to perform daily tasks. Referral to a qualified vision specialist will get recommended if necessary.
Speech Therapy
Speech Therapists help confused people improve their concentration, memory, and mental speed. 
The purpose of the psychotherapy test is to describe and address any areas of mental disorders that affect working in the classroom, workplace, or during community activities. People affected by the crisis can get taught the use of compensation strategies to control mental states with disabilities.
A concussion is a brain injury that causes a temporary loss of normal brain function. Medically, it may define as a clinical syndrome characterized by rapid changes in brain function, including changes in mood or awareness, resulting in mechanical stress or trauma.
As it turns out, there are many types of treatment you can use during recovery; we described the three here, as well as the many variations in performance. What kind of treatment you need depends entirely on the symptoms you have. A good concussion rehabilitation center or therapist will use a combination of strengths and therapies designed to help you recover rather than just teach you to manage the symptoms of a concussion. Find more information about Concussion at Advantage health system.
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richataylor17 · 2 years
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The cognitive test and the immediate post-concussion assessment tool(IMPACT) is a management tool used to help analyze and assess student-athletes. This computerized concussion test measures the visual and verbal memory of students of an athlete as well as the reaction time and processing speed.
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richataylor17 · 2 years
When Should You See a Concussion Specialist?
A family physician, ER doctor, etc., will refer the patient to a concussion specialist for evaluation if they suspect a mild traumatic brain injury (TBI). Here's when you should see a specialist.
To prescribe the right treatment and give good school, sports, and work accommodations, the specialist would need to quantify the severity of the concussion (here on referred to as injury) and any potential neurological abnormalities as the cornerstones to successful injury care and management are early diagnosis and treatment.
Treatment centers like clinics employ the most up-to-date and innovative technology. The professionally educated physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners administer the protocols.
This article, we help you understand when you should consult with an expert.
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What does a specialist do?
In injury recovery treatment and management, various people with various skills are frequently involved. In collaboration with the primary care physician, experts oversee all of this on behalf of the patient.
Concussion treatment Austin Tx experts are competent and trained in identifying and treating mild to severe brain injuries. They use cutting-edge technology to deliver the best care to their patients and partners with primary care, urgent care, school nurses, athletic providers, physical therapists, and other medical providers to provide brain injury patients with:
A way to provide baseline testing programs to schools, athletic organizations, and senior care facilities.
Advanced diagnostic and monitoring technologies for brain injuries
Telemedicine options for follow-up appointments
Isn't it easy to diagnose the injury in the emergency room?
Patients with head injuries frequently receive a CT scan and a generic "follow my finger" concussion test from a physician in the emergency room. CT scans do not detect concussions. Furthermore, while the follow my finger test is standard, the specialists use a variety of more specific and accurate tests to detect and pinpoint the severity of the injury.
Why should you prefer visiting advantage healthcare?
Advantage healthcare consists of highly experienced doctors and medical experts specializing in brain injuries, from assessment to treatment, support, and follow-up care. They use the most advanced non-invasive advanced technology available in the United States for evaluation and baseline concussion testing.
Advantage healthcare aims to bring together leading professionals and medical providers from many sectors to give patients the finest concussion care possible. They provide the most advanced brain injury technologies and help treat head injuries.
Some of the facilities provided are:
Urgent Care and Walk-In Clinics
Physical Therapy Groups
Eye Care Specialists
Primary Care Offices
School Nurses
What are the benefits of rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury?
Rehabilitation centers in AustinTexas may be beneficial to:
Enhance your capacity to function at home and in the community.
Assist in the treatment of TBI-related mental and physical issues.
Assist socially and emotionally
Assist you in adapting to changes as they arise throughout your recovery.
Concussion rehabilitation can also aid in the prevention of TBI consequences such as:
Blood clots
Pressure ulcers also called bedsores
Breathing problems and pneumonia
Muscle weakness and muscle spasm
Bowel and bladder problems
Reproductive and sexual function problems
How does acute inpatient rehab work?
In an inpatient concussion rehabilitation program, therapists get customized to the patient's individual needs. The patient will receive at least 3 hours of various therapy, with pauses throughout the day. The patient will receive treatment five to seven days a week.
A physician will monitor the patient and see them at least three times per week. The majority of patients with TBI who are in an acute inpatient facility participate in the following activities:
Physical therapy,
Occupational therapy, and
Speech therapy
Each form of therapy can be delivered individually or in a group setting to get the best results from an inpatient rehabilitation program.
How to choose an acute inpatient rehabilitation facility?
When selecting an acute rehabilitation institution, keep the following factors in mind:
Is the patient's insurance going to cover this program?
What level of expertise does the team possess?
Is there any form of accreditation for the facility? (This is a process that rehab institutions go through to ensure they fulfill high care standards.)
Is the facility capable of meeting the patient's medical requirements?
What are the risks of rehab?
Following a TBI, choosing Rehabilitation centers in Austin, Texas, is unlikely to cause complications. However, if portions of the treatment, such as physical or occupational therapy, are not done effectively, there is always the risk of new injuries or worsening current symptoms or injuries.
To conclude:
According to the CDC, falls are the leading cause of TBI, leading to a concussion. Accidental blunt force trauma, motor vehicle accidents, and violent attacks are common causes of TBI. If you experience any symptoms of TBI, make no delay in consulting with an expert.
Furthermore, rehabilitation will be essential to your recovery if you have had a TBI. Physical, occupational, and speech therapy, as well as mental care and social support, can all be part of rehab, depending on your needs. All of these, with the assistance of an expert concussion specialist from the Advantage health system, is intended to assist you in recovering as quickly as possible from the effects of your accident.
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richataylor17 · 2 years
Concussion: How It’s Treated?
A concussion is not very alarming at very first sight. But you should not ignore its developing symptoms, and you should get it treated the right way. Let’s learn more.
A concussion is mild traumatic brain damage happened by a bump, forceful jolt, or blows to your head. Nowadays, anyone can have such brain damage, from infants to elder ones. Headache is the most common symptom, which typically recovers within 14 to 21 days. Although recovery plans are unique to each person, they all involve mental and physical rest and a gradual return to activity.
This type of mild traumatic brain damage stretches and bruises nerves and blood vessels, causing chemical changes in your brain that result in a temporary loss of normal brain function. 
A single blow cannot cause any enduring injury to your brain. According to a study, having multiple injuries over a lifetime can cause structural changes in your brain.
How is a concussion diagnosed?
Your healthcare provider will ask about the event leading to your head injury and symptoms and perform a neurological exam. The neurological exam will check your:
Neurological function and reflexes
Vision, eye movement, reaction to light
Balance and coordination
Neck muscles for their motion and tenderness
Verbal, written, and the computerized test is needed to check your:
Thinking ability
Problem-solving skills
Memory and concentration
You will also be asked if you have experienced mood changes, sleeping changes, or any changes in behavior.
What tests assess an athlete's brain to check for concussion?
After the hands-on neurological examination is complete, another neuropsychological concussion test may happen to check the ability of an athlete student to go back to school and sport.
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ImPACT neuropsychological test
The cognitive test and the immediate post-concussion assessment tool(IMPACT)  is a management tool used to help analyze and assess student-athletes. This computerized concussion test measures the visual and verbal memory of students of an athlete as well as the reaction time and processing speed.
The 30-minute test is ideally performed before the sports season starts (a baseline test) and after a head injury (at various time points). Evaluating the test results and comparing them with the baseline test helps care providers (healthcare, educational or sports organizations) document brain function and see if it has returned to a student athlete's healthy normal. 
Hospital or organization app
Some sports health centers within hospital systems have developed concussion apps. These tablet-based, mobile tools can report and assess injury and symptoms.
After baseline data are collected, the app aids in documenting the description of the injury of student-athletes, tracking symptoms over time, detecting loss of brain and memory function, and helping guide the athlete to a return to physical activity and get back to the sport.
The app compares assessments of balance, reaction time, information processing, coordination, memory, and vision after an injury of the athletic baseline and normative data. 
How is the mild brain injury treated?
You need proper physical and mental rest. Although concussion treatment Austin Tx will need more rest and sleep than a regular sleep, you do not need 100% complete rest. Research has shown that too much mental rest can lengthen the recovery period and make you more sensitive to activities when you return to them.
Instead of stopping activities entirely, learn to recognize the triggers that bring the injury symptoms. Start back slowly, in small amounts, and if any symptoms occur, back off and rest. 
Here are some activities that can induce symptoms, including
Texting/spending time looking at your smartphone screen
Watching television
Playing video games
Listening to loud music
Doing any physical activity
If you notice symptoms after a mild injury or shock, it is best not to wait to seek treatment. If you are the type to (wait it out) person and see if things get better, then it is recommended that you not wait for more than three months. After that, it is very unexpected that your symptoms will improve, so it makes sense to pursue active concussion rehabilitation and post-concussion syndrome (especially if those symptoms interfere with your everyday life).
As it turns out, there are a lot of therapies you can use during rehab. The therapies that you need for your injury depending on the kind of symptoms you have. A good clinic or doctor will use a combination and intensity of therapy designed for concussion rehabilitation to help you recover rather than teach you how to manage symptoms.
However, the consequences of a mild brain injury can be unbearable and last for days, weeks, or even longer. These injuries cause your brain not to function normally for a brief period and result in the signs and symptoms of concussion.
Automobile accidents and sports injuries are typical reasons for mild brain injury a sport that needs some kind of contact that can result in a brain injury. At Advantage Health Systems, we weave in physical therapy exercises with therapies like occupational therapy, music therapy, massage therapy, etc., which helps treat concussion. 
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richataylor17 · 2 years
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A physiatrist (a doctor specializing in rehabilitation medicine), a neurologist (a doctor specializing in the nerve system), or another specialist who has experience in TBI concussion Fort Worth rehab. This doctor is in charge of the patient's entire care and his or her concussion rehabilitation program. 
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