How to get rid of Blank Rows in Excel?
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retrocgads · 3 years
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UK 1983
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tutorbees · 2 years
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Benefits of online tutoring
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janavilla · 4 years
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Office 365 User Training - Pick and Mix!
A Office 365 user training course will help you understand exactly what your Office 365 suite is capable of. It could be that many things you just didn't think possible in the past is now within your grasp.
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Have you ever wondered what a Power BI Interactive Dashboard looks like or what it can do? See for yourself what Power BI is capable of by playing with these interactive examples. Click on the charts and see how the dashboard changes to reflect the data you have selected.
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How to Get Attention in Teams? - How come people always miss my Teams po...
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How to Manage Notifications in Microsoft Teams? 
Fantastic ideas to help you keep you sanity while using Microsoft Teams. 
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Spring is on its way.  We’ve had the snow and poetically appearing on the tails of the snow came the snow drops! Flowers and slighter longer days are what we all need to lift our spirits.
New starts often accompany the spring. To help Micro and Small Businesses make a new start with their accounts (please don’t tune out yet…accounts can be gloriously simple and very rewarding to keep on top of) Computer Tutoring have published a series of videos designed to help anyone setting up accounts for the first time.  Actually, if you already are in charge of keeping accounts and you want to give them a Spring Clean – then you’ll enjoy this Super Easy Accounts Series.
The Excel Accounts Template are available for download so you can follow along!
Questions that we are often asked about using Excel for Accounts include:
What the best way to do my own accounts?
How can I use Excel spreadsheets to do monthly accounts?
How do I work out my profit in Excel?
‘Super Easy Accounts’ is just that. No more glum weekends shrouded in accounts and VAT.
Keep in Simple – Keep it Smart!
How to do Super Easy Accounts in Excel?
Introduction to Basic Excel Terminology
How to Correctly Enter Dates in Excel?
Changing Numbers into Currency
How to Enter and Add up Expenses?
How to Enter and Add up Receipts?
How to Work out your Balance?
How to Work out a Running Total?
How to Make Your Accounts Look Good in Excel
Merge and Centre Cells
Change Background Colour
How to Change Font in Excel Sheet
Change Width in Excel for Multiple Columns
Drawing Lines in Excel
How to Freeze Panes in Excel
Excel Format Painter Multiple Cells
How to calculate the VAT in Excel?
How to work out how much VAT to charge
Work Out Gross from Net in Excel
Two more videos will be soon be published in this series. Check in or subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified.  These will include how to incorporate your VAT into you accounts spreadsheet and how to start to analyze your accounts.
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Because there are so many fabulous applications available in Office 365, we felt it just wouldn't be fair to spend the entire day on one application when only half a day would suffice. Also, you need to use many of these Office 365 applications in conjunction with each other to get the very best out of them. So that's why we've created the Pick & Mix Office 365 user training option. Choose from a course that you see below, or pick two applications of your choice. If you're not sure whether not two programs will work together simply contact us and ask. Now you can be sure that you're getting the best value for money by seeing how these applications work together.
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You may have seen the dollar "$" symbols in Excel. Have you wondered what they mean and how using them can make your job easier. Find out how with our absolute references training video.
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Inviting Someone to a Teams Meeting.
 So just how do I invite someone to a Teams meeting is a question that many have asked. And it would seem that the answer is a simple one. Although many seem to feel it isn't as simple as Zoom. However, in reality it is even easier. This Teams tutorial will show you various ways you can invite people to a Teams meeting. In addition, you will also learn which way is best.
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3 Top Tips for Learning
There’s no doubt about it, everyone’s learning styles are different.  Some of those we particularly envy are those that pick up a book, read it cover to cover and then abracadabra they’ve got it and remembered it.
However for most of us mere mortals learning experiences can be anything from an enjoyable satisfying experience all the way through to a fear of failure and a headache coming on.
Why is it important?
Learning is part and parcel of our life.  From when we’re born and all through our lives we are learning. Learning through life experience,  unexpected challenges (all those parents suddenly become teachers during lock down springs to mind), learning hands on skills and academic subjects….our brains are designed to keep learning.
We are all learning, we are all in the same boat so to speak….so how can we embrace learning and keep those headache tablets safely in the cupboard?
Over the 20 years Computer Tutoring has been training, we’ve been in the fortunate situation of being able to  observe thousands of students learning methods and talk to them about their learning experiences.  Based on this wealth of experience these are Computer Tutorings' Top 3 Learning Tips.
Top Tip #1 - Open Mind
This might sound like weird first top tip, however the first learning obstacle for many is a preconceived idea of how hard something is going to be, or how time consuming it will be, or maybe the idea that training is not needed at all. This way of thinking inhibits learning and puts a stop to exciting opportunities and personal growth.  Learning always involves some kind of investment, namely time…however the rewards far outweigh the investment, in fact once you start embracing learning it can become quite addictive.
For example, at times delegates attending an Excel course, have been booked on by their HR department and initially are perplexed as to why they are attending an Excel course when they’ve already been using it for yonks.  However not long into the course, their eyes start to widen, their mouth starts to smile, and their brain starts to imagine all the ways time can be saved by implementing these new skills.  Their overall feeling has tuned from one of indifference to being totally engaged and genuinely excited.
Top Tip #2 - Knowing how you Learn
As mentioned above we all learn differently and at different speeds.  So, do you know your preferred learning style? Once we know how we best learn we can learn smarter not harder.  For most of us this will involve a combination of methods.
Looking at the below which category to you identify with?
Prefers to read and write rather than listen
Enjoys reading books for knowledge
Can easily follow written directions
Has trouble remembering verbal instructions
Auditory – Listening
Prefers to follow verbal instructions rather than written ones
Enjoys group work and discussing information with others
Remembers by listening, especially music
Reads with whispering lip movements
Finds it difficult to work quietly for long periods of time
Kinetic – Activity
Needs to move, tap, swing or bound a leg in order to stay focused
Benefits from in-class demonstrations, “hands on” student learning experiences, and fieldwork outside the classroom
Often needs frequent breaks during studying
Often takes notes or even draws pictures or doodle while listening
No learning style is either better or worse than another, but recognising which one you identity with will help you learn.  If you’re more of a visual leaner then taking notes and drawing pictures will aid your learning.  If you are more of an auditory learner, then reading notes aloud, making up a funny song or rhyme about a subject can help.  If your more of a Kinetic learner than keeping active while learning will help you keep focused. Reading while on the treadmill or studying with music in the background.
This is why Computer Tutoring employs various methods  to help students learn.
Training manuals.  Great for post course reference and for pre-course preparation.
Training Videos. Watch and pause when you need to, work at your own pace.
Step by Step guides.  Most of our training videos also come along with detailed step by step written instructions. The latest video Creating Pivot Tables for Beginners is a great example. Watch the video as many times as you need to, pause if necessary, however if you prefer to follow written instructions they are also included.
Auditory – Listening
Attending a training course either online of face to face will involve following verbal instructions discussing information with others.
Training Videos.  Listen and follow along training guides.
Kinetic – Activity
Training sessions are all hands- on.  Trainers thoroughly interact with delegates, and encourage them to be using their own device to complete the exercises, with their own imaginative flair thrown in. Students are doing not just watching or following.  For the regular breaks included in a training session  - this is a great opportunity for a quick hula hoop session.  
Top Tip #3 - Teach Others
Whatever your preferred learning style is, teaching others what you’ve learnt is the ideal way to hammer your newfound knowledge down.  There is even a name for this type of learning – Pedagogy.  
Albert Einstein Famously said “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.”.
After learning something new try to:
Explain to someone at work one of the points that you found most beneficial.
Show a family member a new skill you have learnt and show them how easy it is to do and how it can help them.
If no one is around, explain it to the cat or dog, or to yourself in the mirror! It may sounds silly….but the act of explaining how to do something …irons out all the crinkles in the brain and smooths out the process….so the next time you undertake the task, it is solidly and smoothly embedded in your brain.
This process will take your learning to a higher level.
enjoy learning!
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