#complete webshop tutorial
ecomhardy · 1 year
Full Tutorial - How to make your Woocommerce emails look very professional with this Free PluginComplete WooCommerce Tutorial For Beginners | eCommerce Tutorial 2023. Customize your business email templates sent from wordpress woocommerce site for free with the free wordpress plugin mentioned in the video. Generate free SEO Audit report of your website to improve your website ranking and traffic, Go to; www.ecomhardy.com #Woocommerce, #emails, #professional, #FreePlugin, #Customize, #business, #emailtemplates, #WordPress, #website, #tutorial, #marketing, #e-commerce, #design, #branding, #communication, #customer, #sales, #e-mail, #online, #store, #shop, #commerce, #retail, #B2B, #B2C, #webdesign, #ecommerce, #template, #customization, #marketingautomation, #digitalmarketing, #onlinestore, #shopify
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uncodelab · 1 year
Complete WooCommerce Tutorial For Beginners | eCommerce Tutorial 2022
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In this WooCommerce tutorial, I will walk you through the process of setting up a webshop with WordPress and WooCommerce from the very beginning to the very end.
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Digital Marketing Tips for beginners
Online marketing, Internet marketing or Digital marketing: it means roughly the same. Namely marketing efforts that are deployed through online channels. If your organization is going to do more online for the first time, the possibilities may seem endless. Where do you start? We will help you on your way with these tips.
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Know the most important terms
Make an inventory of your starting position
Determine your strategy
See where the biggest ROI is for your company?
 Don't be afraid
 Make your company findable locally
Video marketing
Read blogs
Mobile-friendly website
Tip 1: Know the most important terms
Online marketing has its own language. Knowing the most important terms makes it easier for you to continue searching for information that you are looking for. Below an overview of important online marketing terms:
SEO: Search Engine Optimization or search engine optimization. Work on the website to get higher in the Google search results.
SEA: Search Engine Advertising. Usually, this is advertising with Google Ads (formerly Adwords), but increasingly also in Bing.
Analytics: keep track of website statistics, usually in Google Analytics.
email marketing: send mailings such as newsletters, product recommendations, and birthday cards.
CRO: Conversion Rate Optimization. Ensure that the percentage of visitors to the website who do a conversion goes up.
Social media: platforms where people and companies interact with each other, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Content marketing: blogging, adding a knowledge base to the website and other ways to add content to the website for commercial purposes.
PPC: Pay-Per-Click. Pay per click is a commonly used model for online advertising. You only pay when the ad is clicked and you have a visitor on your website.
CTR: Click-Through-Rate. The percentage of people who see the ad and click on it.
conversion: the desired action that a visitor does on your website, such as making a purchase or completing a contact form.
E-commerce: webshops and similar companies that sell online.
Influencer marketing: using vloggers, bloggers, and Instagrammers for your brand.
Algorithm: a formula that some large websites use. For example, Google to determine the order in the search results or Facebook to compile everyone's news overview.
Search term: what someone enters in the search bar of, for example, Google.
Organic: unpaid results in, for example, Google search results or a Facebook message.
A / B Testing: test 2 variants for the best result. For example, whether you make a button on the website green or red. The color button that is clicked the most often wins the A / B test.
Link Building: providing links within one's own site and between different sites to get a higher position in Google search results.
Tip 2: Make an inventory of your starting position
Who knows, you may be further than you think. Take a critical look at the website. Is it a simple business card with the sole purpose that people call or email? Or is it a spider-in-the-web where (potential) customers can find answers to their questions about your products, services, and company? Where they are tempted to take actions that are interesting for your company, such as requesting a quote, placing an order or completing a contact form. Which other online promotions have already been put? Are there already social media accounts and how many followers do they have? Is a message posted regularly? Do you already advertise online?
Tip 3: First determine your strategy
Online marketing is not something that stands on its own but should flow from the mission and vision of a company. From that mission and vision, a marketing plan is made and goals set. You then create an online marketing strategy in line with this to support the goals. This way you don't get started as a headless chicken, but you have focus. You can also better measure the result of your online marketing efforts.
Tip 4: See where the biggest ROI is for your company
The Pareto principle also usually applies to online marketing. The Pareto principle is also often referred to as the 80/20 rule that 80 percent of the results come from 20 percent of the efforts. By first focusing on the big opportunities, the ROI of every hour and every spent ad Euro will be the greatest. For example, do you already have a large customer base? Then take a look at email marketing. Do you have a little advertising budget and do you want to reach more people? Then look at SEO. Do you need to achieve a lot of results in a short time? Then you have to be at SEA and Facebook Ads.
Tip 5: Don't be afraid
The unknown makes unloved. Many companies that do not do much online are afraid of a flood of questions and bad reviews. Often, in the beginning, there is little or no response, even no negative ones. The large companies such as Shell and PostNL have many negative reactions, but you cannot extend that line to the average Dutch SME company. Decide carefully what you are going to do online and take those first steps. Do not be afraid of making mistakes and learn from this when something does not go as planned.
Tip 6: Make your company findable locally
The time of the telephone directory is far behind us. Users can now find their business by using Google. What steps can you take to become traceable:
Create an account in "Google My Business". 
This allows Google to understand exactly where your company is located. 
Now you can also be found on Google Maps.
Collect reviews. 
To collect the reviews simply ask your customers to post a review on Google My Business.
Place the company information on the website.
Tip 7: Video marketing
Video marketing is a good investment. The resources you can invest in in the field of video marketing are:
Instagram Stories: short, standing videos or photos that are temporarily available. You can go in different directions with Instagram Stories. For example, show a look behind the scenes, 'Real-life' moments, snape peaks, announcements, giveaway, interaction, show products, etc. What you have to pay attention to is that a story only takes a few seconds, so don't place too much text in a message. Also, make sure that you do not place too much. Read more information about Instagram in this blog post. 
Newsfeed videos: videos that you see in the feed of various social media channels.
GIFs: a GIF is simply a small, short and funny video. These GIFs are easily downloaded and distributed. Below you can see a GIF.
Live to stream: reach your audience in real-time in a simple way. You can do this via YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook. Live streaming ideas: product demonstrations, reports at conferences or trade shows, recipes, behind the scenes, question and answer or just speak to your audience. Make sure your title of the stream is catchy.
IGTV( 'Instagram TV'): the ability that Instagram gives you to post a video on Instagram. With this tool, you can quickly expand your reach through organic messages to do something interesting with it. But what can you place? Proposal round of your employees or colleagues, behind the scenes in the workplace, tutorials, product reviews (customers tell us what they think of the products). Enough ideas to get started with IGTV. Start with IGTV? On the Instagram website, they provide information on how you can best do this!
TIP 8: Read blogs
Nowadays the internet is full of blogs. Every online marketing agency posts a blog weekly or monthly. To inform you but also to be findable for visitors. But for you these blogs are a nice outcome, blogs are generally free. Take a look and fill in the questions that you want answers to. These are the blogs that we would like to read: marketing facts. A tip: look up infographics and white papers! This is a nice way to enrich your knowledge.
Tip 9: Mobile-friendly website
Nowadays our smartphone plays an important role in our daily lives. It is therefore important that your website is mobile-friendly. There are various reasons why your website should be mobile-friendly. But the most important are: Mobile-friendly websites have a higher score in the search results. The user experience. Visitors to the website must be able to easily see the information they want to find. Visitors get frustrated, leave the website and it stays with them.
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saccral · 3 years
WooCommerce Theme Development Tutorial in 2021
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Woocommerce has gained immense recognition in the recent years and its popularity is not hidden from anybody. It is one of the world's favorite eCommerce systems, loaded with all basic and advanced features. Actually, WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin, yes it is a plugin which converts WordPress into an online shopping store.
Highly flexible and intuitive, it provides a user-friendly interface with power packed features. To make it easy for the online retailers, Woocommerce took a step forward to let anyone open an e-commerce store within seconds. Let us dig deep into WooCommerce theme development tutorial and avail the benefits of this super plugin for free:
Significance of WooCommerce
Since WordPress is helpful in making all types of portals, Woocommerce can help online retailers to design their webshop with advanced security features. Also, with Woocommerce it is possible to keep a track record of monthly sales, taxes and day to day activities. With the increasing popularity of digital media, people are investing their time in creating unique online stores. And how's that possible? With Woocommerce, custom theme development is done which even start-ups can avail. Here are the mind blowing features:
1. It is an open source content management system 2. To avail the latest features and options, some amount is required whereas the basic features are free. So to build your own shopping store, WordPress Woocommerce site is a cost-effective business model. 3. The shopping cart is secured to offer an enjoyable experience. 4. Ample of themes are available to choose from which promote easy customization. 5. To enhance the functionality, infinite features and lists can be added accordingly 6. Featured with multi-shipping gateway to deliver the products in various countries.
Also, the multi-payment option allows paying via varied platforms.
What is Woocommerce Theme Development?
Woocommerce is a CMS which is integrated within WordPress to offer an easy shopping platform to the e-retailers. By creating a custom theme in Woocommerce, you get an astounding theme as a result which can then be used to build your own store. With Woocommerce, you really can expect your business to grow by leaps and bounds but only if the theme development is up to the mark, attractive and has all the important features highlighted. The most essential features which every theme has to have are:
Beautiful layout of the website which when the viewers see feel good and spend more time in exploring your product range. To offer an amazing shopping experience, the website must have categories and subcategories so that people can narrow down the filters. A gorgeous looking website enhances the chances for conversions and sales. Integration of Google Analytics for better tracking Quick loading of pages to decrease the bounce rate.
Woocommerce theme development is not that challenging as you might think. All it needs your time and efforts to kick-start the whole process and the results are awesome when:
WordPress and Woocommerce both are installed at your desktop
Basic know-how of Woocommerce themes. If you don't have, read the tutorials to get some knowledge.
Proper knowledge of HTML and CSS to modify the coding part.
Steps to Woocommerce Theme Development
Let us now start with creating Woocommerce themes as it will give you complete control over how you want your website to look.
Declaring Woocommerce Support
To begin with creating a WooCommerce theme, it is essential to declare Woocommerce support first. It is to ensure that the users will get a pop up in the WordPress dashboard to say the Woocommerce plugin development doesn't support the theme. To create or develop a theme, this step holds a crucial importance. If you want to declare the support, add this coding in a functions.php file in the theme:
Now after declaring the support, you should start creating a WooCommerce theme. Since Woocommerce is loaded with handsome features, you can use the default styles to create new styles from them. Once you are done updating the Woocommerce plugin, you will lose all the changes if any modification is done to the original files. I would suggest not editing any file rather create a new file to overrule the existing files in the source theme directory. Two steps are there to create new file:
Create a custom CSS
If the changes are of a small level, then this method works for you.
Create a new CSS file
Name it: custom-woocommerce.css
Save it in the directory wp-content/themes//css
Now in the foundation.php, include this.css file
Lastly to override the default style, add your CSS to this file.
The second method is to create a WordPress child theme. Basically, child theme has the features and functions of another theme which is called as parent theme. To change default themes, child themes are highly recommended.
Create a WordPress child theme
Create the child theme directory and add "-child" to avoid compilation errors. Make sure not to leave any space in the name.
Put it under wp-content/themes
Create a child theme header
Now enqueue the child and parent theme stylesheets
It is all ready! You need to activate the child theme now by logging into the site's admin panel. Navigate to Administration panel>appearance>themes. Here, you will see the child theme ready for activation.
WooCommerce Theme Development Conclusion
Learning how to create a custom theme in Woocommerce is definitely a daunting task for those who are not much aware of the coding. Having to create a theme needs you to possess good coding skills. With this tutorial, you have got an advanced insight to WooCommerce theme development. Now it is easy to make your website look exceptional in terms of layout and features, isn't it? Enjoy the process!
WordPress WooCommerce Theme Development is a functionality which is integrated within the WordPress platform. When themes are built using WooCommerce custom theme development, you can obtain an end product which is exactly the way you want. Learning how to create Woocommerce Theme Development tutorial.
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maudeshields · 4 years
The Power Of Key Phrases In Your Seo Strategy
What exist in all those Wavers that think [ i ]Getting Links = SEO[ /i ] when that most of the Google algo is devalued in other methods? Wavers built their fortunes on "links=seo". When that goes away, the Wavers have zero to retain. Through creating social bookmarks networks specialists . post the articles you write or web pages. If other people would also visit the post in this particular GSA Search Engine Ranker site you'll have get a few more links through these animals. The keywords is the written text that customers will select to call at your web webshop. What you want full here is to choose keywords that searchers search when searching on the internet. Choose keywords that searchers are searching for to build your anchor text as is actually because what help you to your online get found in the search. The job of the anchor texts in the Bio Box is to inform to the various gsa ser tutorials engine crawlers which result page the page in the url belongs for. The more links you can build from your related pages, the higher your site will attend Google. If you use up to 3 anchor texts in one article, the content you produce three links instead of only one. It along with a top 10 ranking guarantee on the surface of its thirty day money back guarantee. GSA Search Engine Ranker If do not get a premier 10 ranking from using IBP, you are entitled a few refund to secure a year. That a significant way that IBP distinguishes itself business products. I wouldn't hold your breath for GSA Search Engine Ranker engine algorithms to position less importance on building links until the Semantic Web arrives, probably when HTTP gets replaced by your own protocol. Because links even now the basic connector, not surprisingly relationship, on the Web. Exact same the potential future they're likely to be straight into your site way to enjoy a computer program to judge the importance and standing of a Web page. Backlink testing can be extremely nearly impossible. It is best to together with a fresh domain- unpolluted by previous link building efforts. When testing the power of an inbound link campaign, you here are a few clear head and a completely new domain. Raven comes with a complete connected with link building tools including a Links Manager that assists manage the website link status, contacts and tasks related to every link. Another popular feature of Raven that is it automatically alerts you if any changes have occurred a good active link, for example, if the no-follow attribute was added, if the anchor text was changed, if the rank changed, or if ever the link was removed. Reports and data can be generated and downloaded. Suppose you have a associated with keywords an individual know are rather selective and highly focused on buyers - not browsers - remembering that niche research is ideal issue alone as easily! You also be required to provide a backlink in your article authors resource box to direct your website visitors to your GSA Search Engine Ranker come with. Join online forums. Most forums let you have a signature consists of your rotation. Every time you post a comment, your url appears, thus another external link comes into the world. Contribute to these forums, post new topics, get occupied. The bonus is doable ! learn something while you're there. Link building has rewards. It increases the traffic on your site, enhances the website's visibility in search tools, saves a considerable amount of time and advertising money looked after adds crucial resource in your site. It is not a bad idea to do social setting up. In fact, do this properly and you will realise an immediate increase the actual performance of one's website. Utilizing this has become the important building tip you have access to. Building SEO links by hand will still be one of essentially the most helpful things you can also for ranking website. Suss out where your prospective companies are hanging out. Attract them back in your site with top quality information and other memes, images, videos and hooks. It's also advisable to leave an open loop that keeps them craving more (we teach these types of link baiting methods in our certification events). Create your value filled main blog post, and continuously hyperlink to it out of other related posts. This will help boost your rankings like we debated above. Appropriately link diagnosis! Your other related posts won't need to be as time consuming as just to help protect post. Merely need to create a little value, be entertaining, and a good anchor text with your main posts keyword linking certain post. You wish to do this as frequently as you can to really drive awareness to your main post. Gather want to link By means of main writing (never use reciprocal linking it doesn't weight yard is best done to motors ranking). An unethical link can really be known as spamming. What spamming does, is it requires a link that is legitimate and changes that link or that information so GSA Search Engine Ranker that you should extremely mimic the correct link, but yet leads either nowhere or to spam pages. Building an unethical link will get you banned, furthermore from the internet, however additionally from your ISP or internet companies. Another unethical link is actually that leads back to a person else's work, but the actual hyperlink was illegal. If you do not have permission to link distinct person's page, then do not do it.
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wpdeed · 4 years
Best Shopify Themes - Make Lucrative Your Business
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Shopify is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms around and these themes give you an easy way to apply a stylish design to your store.
In fact, the Shopify themes in this collection can turn a generic instance of Shopify into a highly professional looking eCommerce store while also providing some extra essential eCommerce features. Whether you’re creating a store to promote a single product, starting out with a small inventory, or already have a large catalog of items to sell online, this varied selection of Shopify themes is sure to include more than a few designs that are suitable for your project.
On the off chance that you need to get a completely useful e-commerce site off the ground rapidly, it can be an ideal tool. One of the quickest rising stages, it has been effective in demonstrating its value in the eCommerce marketplace. I am a big fan of Shopify, I think it is one of the best website builders out there particularly for individuals who are keen on setting up an eCommerce store.
Obviously, when you utilize this kind of website builder platform, you risk making a store that seems as though everybody else's. Fortunately, there are a lot of themes you can use to modify your Shopify site.
Furthermore, a considerable lot of the top alternatives are free, so you don't require a liberal financial plan.
Thus, this article is planned for helping you out by shortlisting through this enormous scope of Shopify themes into simply the best 10 Shopify themes. Let’s take a look!
Here are 10 of the best Shopify themes - make lucrative your business: 
Wokiee - Multipurpose Shopify Theme
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WOKIEE Shopify Theme is more than usual theme. It is a powerful design tool. WOKIEE is outstanding Premium Shopify theme. It will be perfect solution for your current or future webshop. It has all required tools and modules to create super fast responsive website with amazing UX. Great variety of numerous layouts and styles allows to create different structures and satisfies any specific requirements. Everything you need is in Shopify CMS. You can avoid expensive web development and minimize your design costs using Premium Shopify theme WOKIEE. Gain full control over your entire website through your own Content Management System that lets you change the navigation, site content, images, products, collections and so much more. Premium Shopify Theme Wokiee is the best choice for your store!
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Ella - Multipurpose Shopify Sections Theme
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Ella is another multipurpose Shopify eCommerce theme. ELLA is an All-in-one Shopify Template with multiple layouts and styles that allows you to create different structures and satisfies any specific requirements as well as provide you numerous Child Themes for a different kind of business.
First of all, Ella is A well-designed, responsive, and eye-catching template. It puts your products in the spotlight and helps skyrocket your sales thanks to the gorgeous banner & product blocks on 15+ Homepage layouts, 07+ stunning Shopping pages and 09+ Product pages.
Also, with incredible UI/UX and Mobile Optimized layout, visitors on mobile devices can enjoy smooth shopping experience with Ella. Let’s discover tons of professional and creative design options as well as advanced features in our theme spotlight + full theme features below.
Won’t stop or be content with the current result. Ella will definitely come with regular updates to provide new features + new layouts. Grab Ella now to quickly create a modern and professional e-commerce website store.
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Shella - Multipurpose eCommerce Theme
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Shella is the fastest, featured, fresh, dynamically developing, best converting Shopify theme. Shella – premium, responsive, fashion Shopify theme. Our team puts years of web development experience into the Shella theme. It includes the same features as other themes at ThemeForest, plus some unique features which you can find only at Shella theme. Builder, true collection filter, fashion icons, etc. Enjoy Shella theme.
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Fastor - Multipurpose Shopify Sections Theme
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Fastor is the most powerful Shopify theme with tons of options & skins. Included many modules with Shopify Sections supported, which allows you to create a store without additional costs. Demo content is the perfect solution to have store ready in just a few clicks. Best functional Shopify theme ever!
Fastor is a great Shopify multipurpose theme. It's easy to configure with plenty of standard designs or make your own if you can not find what you are looking for. Also, they have lots of tutorials on youtube to help you which makes it easier to use the theme. If you need any help they have very good and fast customer support which will help you asap. I totally recommend this theme.
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Gecko 4.0 - Responsive eCommerce Theme
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What a great theme!! This theme is really awesome. Gecko has all the features you want to have. The only drawback is that too many features will cause you to spend more time to get familiar, but their After sales support is perfect and timely. I would highly recommend this theme for any store. Gecko is one of the best-selling Shopify themes on the market with an average rating of 4.98 / 5.0.
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Uray - Fashion, Furniture, Cosmetic & Beauty Shopify Theme
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Uray is evaluated as my most unique ecommerce template for shop online with clean and modern design.Uray will be a subtle and smart choice for shop owner to sell their best products. There is no doubt that Uray will make your work look more impressive and attractive to viewers. It is a modern and clean Shopify theme, It has a fully responsive width adjusts automatically to any screen size or resolution.
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Avone - Multipurpose eCommerce Theme
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Avone is a new kind of Theme. In a few words, it is the most powerful, easy to use Shopify theme with unlimited possibilities. It is a fully Responsive Premium Shopify Theme with a great design and extensive functionality.
Avone features over 1000 Theme Options, making it the most customizable theme in the market. Its Powerful Theme Options allows to craft almost any imaginable design. Avone isn’t missing out on any of the other best eCommerce features either.
Avone has all the reasons to be extraordinary. The goal was to design something that offers all the possible features you need to create your amazing online store without having to add extra customization, the demo can be installed easily with only one click, it won’t take more than two minutes to be ready for use. The theme is a very user-friendly and is suitable for any web shop in fewer words it’s Multipurpose Shopify Theme. A lot of thought and care went into this theme making it a pleasure to use.
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Woodstock - Fastest Shopify Sections Theme
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Woodstock is a Modern Fully Responsive Retina Ready Shopify theme, fast loading, fully SEO support and boost your sale with thousands of special features….. Woodstock theme is suitable for any kind of shops, and the dropshipping store like fashion, cloth, electronics, furniture, accessories, watches or any other. Start your Store right away with Woodstock theme. I would highly recommend this theme for any store.
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Yanka - Fashion Multipurpose eCommerce Theme
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Evolution – this is the only word how we can describe new premium Shopify theme Yanka. It is really perfect. Yanka Shopify theme is modern and fast. Building webstore from scratch is so easy now. No coding skills required. Take control of your website. There are tons of options for any block and page. Customers who will buy Shopify theme Yanka will be not only our business partners.
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Barberry - Modern Business Theme
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Barberry is a Modern Fully Responsive Retina Ready Shopify theme. Barberry theme is suitable for any kind of shop like furniture, cloth, electronics, accessories, watches or any other. Start your Store right away with Barberry theme.
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phoenixfanclub · 7 years
How to buy official BigEast merch or concert tickets without being an official BigEast member. (very easy!)
This is a tutorial for buying official Bigeast merch without being an official Bigeast member. 
If you’re interested in becoming an official member: Click HERE for the tutorial.
Have you always wanted to buy the Bigeast official merch like the Bigeast towel, tour shirts, limited DVDs, albums, light sticks and many other treasures from the store but couldn’t because you don’t live in Japan or have Japanese friends? Worry no more! ;) 
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Follow these easy steps and you’ll have all those things within 10 minutes! Only thing you need is a Paypal account. (Please read the complete tutorial before placing an order!)
1) Register on this website http://www.celga.com to make an account.
2) Open https://auctions.yahoo.co.jp/ (it’s a Japanese auction site similar to ebay) and find the merch you’re looking for. If you don’t know Japanese, type “東方神起“ (Tohoshinki) in the search bar and you will find a lot of merch. 
If you’re looking for concert tickets search for “東方神起 チケット” (Tohoshinki ticket) The more words you translate the more specific it gets. 
Example results:
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Example bid and buy now options:
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The price I marked as red means "buy now"-option. The blue ones are bid only. If you want to make sure you get the tickets/merch, choose items with "buy now" option. Make sure that you give Celga time to buy it for you. At least 2 days. (marked as green) If you buy on the weekend choose more than 2 days.
4) Once you've decided which ticket/merch you want, click on it and copy the URL as well as the item name. Example:
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5) Go back to Celga and click webshop order! (Only use webshop order if you choose an item with “buy-now”-option. For bids you need to use “bid”.
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6) Fill out item name, item URL, quantity and price in yen (always choose the "buy now"-price unless you bid, then choose the “bid”- price. (In case you bid, make a higher offer to make sure you win. But if you “buy now” you don’t need to worry about that.)
7) Click submit and pay with paypal. Done! :D
After the payment has been successfuly transferred, you will get an email saying your order has been placed and a few hours or a day later, Celga will confirm it by sending another email saying "Hello __, we've ordered it for you." If you don’t get a confirmation email, feel free to contact them, they respond quickly and are very friendly. :) 
Last but not least: You’ll get another email a few days later, that includes a link / PDF of the invoice you have to pay. (The celga fees) For that you can pay with a credit card but if you don't have one they also have a paypal option. :)
For more information about Celga fees check out their FAQs.
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8) Under “My Celga” you can monitor your items. Once your item has arrived at their warehouse, you can request shipping and they will send it to your home address! 
If you have any questions feel free to send me a message here or tweet @chajatta_tvxq or @phoenixfanclub , I’m happy to help. As you can see above, I’ve been buying merch for many years and I’m also an official Bigeast member (living in Germany) thanks to these tutorials. Little warning tho: It’s addictive. XD
Happy shopping.
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nextbigtechnology · 4 years
How WooCommerce websites can benefit your business?
The start-up e-commerce business has to decide the best platform in use. While choosing a platform, it is difficult to consider all the available options. Today, customers highly prefer to shop online. Building an online store is difficult and selecting the right platform needs a lot of brainstorming. You can research and compare different available eCommerce platforms in the market before choosing the suitable one for your unique business nature and future expansion.
WooCommerce website development services offer the best features required to build a modern webshop using the WordPress platform.
1) It is open source
WooCommerce is an open-source plugin built on the popular CMS of Top Web Development Company to complete control over your webshop. It can be completely customized as per your unique and custom business requirements. This open-source software does not need to pay any fees to use it for your business
2) Achieve custom functionality
With a big community of developers, WooCommerce offers a wide range of plugins available to support your unique eCommerce business needs. You can find the readymade plugin for all kinds of business.
3) Easy & effective design options
WooCommerce can work with almost any WordPress themes and let you select a theme as per your design choice. A Top Web Development Company can design a shopping website for your business and allows you to sell your products or services online. You can easily install and setup WooCommerce in WordPress and grow your online business.
4) Easy to use for non-tech entrepreneurs
Knowing about the admin interface of WordPress allows you to easily understand how WooCommerce backend works for you to manage your eCommerce website operations. You can easily find a how-to tutorial or video online if you are not tech-savvy.
5) Sell any type of products
WooCommerce allows you to sell both digital and physical products. You can build a membership site, make appointments and bookings online, and sell subscription-based products to the users across the globe.
6) Integration capabilities
WooCommerce is super flexible while integrating any third-party software system with your webshop. WooCommerce website development services can easily integrate an order management tools, CRM system, third party shipping services and such as other tools to make your webshop operations extra flexible
7) SEO friendly
WordPress is the best platform for your website SEO and WooCommerce. Therefore, you can get advantages of this SEO friendly platform. Good SEO requires consistent efforts. On the other hand, WooCommerce helps you to easily optimize your website for SEO in comparison with other eCommerce platforms in the market
8) Analytics power
WooCommerce offers in-built analytics that helps you to get useful data about your eCommerce store without putting extra effort into it. It provides you information on total sales by date, average order value, individual customer shopping stats, etc. This enables the development companies to easily integrate other third-party analytics solutions with your website to get more insights.
WooCommerce is an eCommerce plugin that offers great features and marketing capabilities for small and mid-size retailers in competition with other eCommerce platforms like Magento and Shopify.
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cashmkri330-blog · 4 years
The Biggest Trends in automotive locksmith We've Seen This Year
Whether you are just interested to understand how a lock functions, you are planning to take some locksmiths classes and end up being an expert locksmith or your home has actually been lately burglarized and you intend to discover whatever you can about intensifying house security, you've reached the ideal place.
As experts in the locksmithing field, we can inform you precisely how conventional locks work, be it a cylinder, a mortise lock or an electronic lock.
How Cylinder Locks Work
Cyndrical tube locks are also called pin stemless glass locks and also they are mainly utilized on deadbolts. They rely on various sized pins filled with springs that are suggested to obstruct the lock's transforming system. Each pair of pins is located in a shaft that leads to the plugs' real estate. The top springs preserve the pairs of pins in the right position inside the plugs. The reduced pins are put right into the plug when no secret is made use of. The top pins are put midway inside the plug et cetera right into the plug's real estate. This is the standard setting that protects against the pins from turning.
When the ideal secret is used, the pins are risen to differing levels. This will allow you to open the door. Any attempt to use the incorrect trick will cause pressing the pins in such a fashion to make sure that the top pins are partially inside the plug as well as partially in the housing.
The total securing system is found in the interior of the cylinder, that makes its replacement a whole lot easier. No need to fret about having to buy a brand-new door or cause damages to the bolt-on your residence or vehicle door locks.
Just How Combination Locks Work
The majority of mix locks rely on tiny wheels that have actually remembered the ideal mix that can get the lock to open the door. The set is called a wheel pack as well as the exact variety of wheels part of a set is established by how many numbers are found in the combination. One wheel typically corresponds to one number. When the dial is transformed, the pin that is running through several wheels and also the drive web cam will involve the cam.
The drive cam includes a drive pin that is affixed to it. As soon as the camera starts to transform, the pin will get to a little tab located on the wheel fly. These wheel flies lie on each side of each wheel. The drive pin will start rotating a wheel up until it will certainly make contact with a wheel attached to it. The process will certainly continue till all wheels start to spin. As soon as the appropriate combination is called, all wheels and also their surrounding notches will certainly line up at the precise very same degree. A tiny steel bar connected to the bar will protect against a door from being opened up if the appropriate combination is not being used.
The metal bar will certainly est on the wheels as well as obstruct the screw's course. This extremely clever wheel pack style has remained in use for nearly a century and also we believe it will certainly not go anyhow anytime quickly. If you are trying to find some timeless lock systems that are trusted and easy to utilize, get in touch with us as well as allow us mount a mix lock for you on the spot.
How Mortise Locks Work
Mortise secures usage were very first pointed out in the Old Testament and also they were constructed from timber, huge in dimension and also made very straightforward. Their existing operating system continues to count on the simple principle of the original ancient style, with great deals of contemporary improvements. A properly mounted and durable mortise lock can be made use of for years before you will certainly have any type of troubles ronkonkoma locksmith with it. If you are running a business and you require to increase the defense of your business area, be it a tiny store or a whole office building, a mortise lock is a great alternative.
Mortise locks collaborate with the help of pockets that are reduced into a door, with the lock instance set up inside. They consist of deadbolts and also latch bolts placed inside a lock instance and they are several of the most common recommendations provided by professional locksmiths considering that they are several of the safest options on the market. If you need aid installation a mortise lock on your door, or you need aid with dealing with such a lock, offer us a telephone call. The Get-Locksmith team focuses on collaborating with all sorts of commercial locks.
Just How Do Electronic Locks Work?
Digital locks need the use of electrical power in order to work. These locks can either utilize mix locks together with a door or they can simply rely on code rather. A digital lock can be tied to a building's protection circuitry or a smartphone or it can run using a battery. Everything depends on your individual option as well as the kind of ease as well as security you are looking for.
These locks are especially valued throughout recent years as they are excellent replacement for classic locks that are a lot more vulnerable in the hands of prospective criminals. They are harder to pick and they will generally appear an alarm system when a required access effort is determined. Trying to present the wrong combination code one too many times will also make it possible for the alarm to go off. These locks are generally located in office complex, storage facilities, industrial businesses, but they can additionally be efficiently made use of by residential customers.
Do not hesitate to connect with us despite if you require to install or take care of a common cylinder, mortise, combination or digital lock. We are quickly, economical and provide top services every single time!
Lock Bumping Is A Concerning Phenomenon
About two-thirds of all property burglaries are completed without indications of forced entry, according to information released by the Department of Justice. Each day, our locksmith professionals address loads of telephone calls from customers that fall short to take also one of the most standard home protection actions: locking the front doors and ground-floor home windows. They are practically sending an open invitation to neighborhood intruders lurking around. The poorer the protection on your entrance locks and also the less careful and also persistent you are with your windows and door locking practices, the more likely your home is to be burglarized. Lock bumping is additionally one particular trouble we are worked with to repair. Specifically. People who have actually already had their homes be committed with the help of bump tricks ask us to strengthen their locks.
Anyone thinking about utilizing this technique to make their method right into an individual's home without their permission can learn exactly how to do that from a YouTube tutorial. There are additionally lots of webshops marketing 999 tricks to anybody that wants to get them, no questions asked, no demand to show evidence that you function as a locksmith professional or you are qualified to have such a key. Plus, if you have a 3D printer or you know someone who does, you can publish out your very own bump type in such a cost simple actions.
What is a lot more worrying is the truth that no lock can be thought about 100% bump-proof. A skilled thief will normally bump open a lock within 20 secs or much less. Today's modern locks often tend to be much more vulnerable to different lock picking and also bumping procedures compared to older versions. The fact that a lot of American residences are safeguarded with the help of cylinder locks is not practical, as these sorts of locks are much more at risk when based on the bumping technique.
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qwertsypage · 4 years
RisingStack in 2019 - Achievements, Highlights and Blogposts.
🎄 How was 2019 at RisingStack? 🥳 - you might ask, as a kind reader already did it in a comment under our wrap-up of 2018.
Well, it was an intensive year with a lot of new challenges and major events in the life of our team!
Just to quickly sum it up:
We grew our team to 16! All of our engineers are full-stack in the sense that we can confidently handle front-end, back-end, and operations tasks as well - as you'll see from this year's blogpost collection.
We launched our new website, which communicates what we do and capable of more clearly (I hope at least). 🤞 Also, a new design for the blog is coming as well!
This year ~1.250.000 developers (unique users) visited our blog! 🤩
We just surpassed 5.7 million unique readers in total, who generated almost 12 million pageviews so far in the past 5 years.
We have now more than 220 articles on the site - written by our team exclusively.
We had the honor to participate in JSconf Budapest by providing a workshop for attendees on GraphQL and Apollo. 🎓
We delivered a 10-weeks-long online DevOps training for around 100 developers in partnership with HWSW, Hungary's leading tech newspaper.
We kept on organizing local Node.js meetups here in Budapest, with more than 100 attendees for almost every event this year. 🤓
We had the opportunity to work with huge companies like DHL, Canvas (market leader e-learning platform), and Uniqa (insurance corp.).
We met with fantastic people all over the world. We've been in LA, Sarajevo, Amsterdam, Prague, and Helsinki too. 🍻
We moved to a new office in the heart of Budapest!
🤔 Okay, okay... But what about blogging?
Blogging in 2019
You might have noticed that we did not write as much blogposts this year as we did before.
The reason is simple: Fortunately, we had so many new projects and clients that we had very little time to write about what we love and what we do.
Despite our shrinking time for writing blogposts, I think we still created interesting articles that you might learn a thing or two from.
Here's a quick recap from the blog in 2019. You can use this list to navigate.
Stripe 101 for JavaScript Developers
Generating PDF from HTML with Node & Puppeteer
REST in Peace. Long Live GraphQL!
Case Study: Nameserver Issue Investigation
RisingStack Joins the Cloud Native Node.js Project
A Definitive React-Native Guide for React Developers
Design Systems for React Developers
Node.js v12 - New Features You Shouldn't Miss
Building a D3.js Calendar Heatmap
Golang Tutorial for Node.js Developers
How to Deploy a Ceph Storage to Bare Virtual Machines
Update Now! Node.js 8 is Not Supported from 2020.
Great Content from JSConf Budapest 2019
Get Hooked on Classless React
Stripe 101 for JavaScript Developers
Sample app, detailed guidance & best practices to help you get started with Stripe Payments integration as a JavaScript developer.
At RisingStack, we’ve been working with a client from the US healthcare scene who hired us to create a large-scale webshop they can use to sell their products. During the creation of this Stripe based platform, we spent a lot of time with studying the documentation and figuring out the integration. Not because it is hard, but there's a certain amount of Stripe related knowledge that you'll need to internalize.
Read: Stripe Payments Integration 101 for JavaScript Developers
Generating PDF from HTML with Node & Puppeteer
Learn how you can generate a PDF document from a heavily styled React page using Node.js, Puppeteer, headless Chrome, and Docker.
Background: A few months ago, one of the clients of RisingStack asked us to develop a feature where the user would be able to request a React page in PDF format. That page is basically a report/result for patients with data visualization, containing a lot of SVGs. Furthermore, there were some special requests to manipulate the layout and make some rearrangements of the HTML elements. So the PDF should have different styling and additions compared to the original React page.
As the assignment was a bit more complex than what could have been solved with simple CSS rules, we first explored possible implementations. Essentially we found 3 main solutions we describe in this article.
Read: Generating PDF from HTML with Node.js and Puppeteer
REST in Peace. Long Live GraphQL!
As you might already hear about it, we're the organizers of the Node.js Budapest meetup group with around ~1500 members. During an event in February, Peter Czibik delivered a talk about GrahpQL to an audience of about 120 ppl.
It was a highly informative and fun talk, so I recommend you to check it out!
Case Study: Nameserver Issue Investigation
In the following blogpost, we will walk you through how we chased down a DNS resolution issue for one of our clients. Even though the problem at hand was very specific, you might find the steps we took during the investigation useful.
Also, the tools we used might also prove to be helpful in case you'd face something similar in the future. We will also discuss how the Domain Name System (works), so buckle up!
Read the blogpost here: Case Study: Nameserver Issue Investigation using curl, dig+trace & nslookup
RisingStack Joins the Cloud Native Node.js Project
In March 2019, we announced our collaboration with IBM on the Cloud Native JS project, which aims to provide best practices and tools to build and integrate enterprise-grade Cloud Native Node.js applications.
As a first step of contribution to the project, we released an article on CNJS’s blog - titled “How to Build and Deploy a Cloud Native Node.js App in 15 minutes”. In this article we show how you can turn a simple Hello World Node.js app into a Dockerized application running on Kubernetes with all the best-practices applied - using the tools provided by CNJS in the process.
A Definitive React-Native Guide for React Developers
In this series, we cover the basics of React-Native development, compare some ideas with React, and develop a game together. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll become confident with using the built-in components, styling, storing persisting data, animating the UI, and many more.
Part I: Getting Started with React Native - intro, key concepts & setting up our developer environment
Part II: Building our Home Screen - splitting index.js & styles.js, creating the app header, and so on..
Part III: Creating the Main Game Logic + Grid - creating multiple screens, type checking with prop-types, generating our flex grid
Part IV: Bottom Bar & Responsible Layout - also, making our game pausable and adding a way to lose!
Part V: Sound and Animation + persisting data with React-Native AsyncStorage
Design Systems for React Developers
In this post, we provide a brief introduction to design systems and describe the advantages and use-cases for having one. After that, we show Base Web, the React implementation of the Base Design System which helps you build accessible React applications super quickly.
Node.js v12 - New Features You Shouldn't Miss
Node 12 is in LTS since October, and will be maintained until 2022. Here is a list of changes we consider essential to highlight:
V8 updated to version 7.4
Async stack traces arrived
Faster async/await implementation
New JavaScript language features
Performance tweaks & improvements
Progress on Worker threads, N-API
Default HTTP parser switched to llhttp
New experimental “Diagnostic Reports” feature
Read our deep-dive into Node 12 here.
Building a D3.js Calendar Heatmap
In this article, we take a look at StackOverflow’s usage statistics by creating an interactive calendar heatmap using D3.js!
We go through the process of preparing the input data, creating the chart with D3.js, and doing some deductions based on the result.
Read the full article here Building a D3.js Calendar Heatmap. Also, this article has a previous installment called Building Interactive Bar Charts with JavaScript.
Golang Tutorial for Node.js Developers
In case you are a Node.js developer, (like we are at RisingStack) and you are interested in learning Golang, this blogpost is made for you! Throughout this tutorial series, we'll cover the basics of getting started with the Go language, while building an app and exposing it through a REST, GraphQL and GRPC API together.
In the first part of this golang tutorial series, we’re covering:
Golang Setup
net/http with Go
dependency management
build tooling
Read the Golang for Node developers tutorial here.
How to Deploy a Ceph Storage to Bare Virtual Machines
Ceph is a freely available storage platform that implements object storage on a single distributed computer cluster and provides interfaces for object-, block- and file-level storage. Ceph aims primarily for completely distributed operation without a single point of failure. It manages data replication and is generally quite fault-tolerant. As a result of its design, the system is both self-healing and self-managing.
Ceph has loads of benefits and great features, but the main drawback is that you have to host and manage it yourself. In this post, we're checking out two different approaches of deploying Ceph.
Read the article: Deploying Ceph to Bare Virtual Machines
Update Now! Node.js 8 is Not Supported from 2020.
The Node.js 8.x Maintenance LTS cycle will expire on December 31, 2019 - which means that Node 8 won’t get any more updates, bug fixes or security patches. In this article, we’ll discuss how and why you should move to newer, feature-packed, still supported versions.
We’re also going to pinpoint issues you might face during the migration, and potential steps you can take to ensure that everything goes well.
Read the article about updating Node here.
Great Content from JSConf Budapest 2019
JSConf Budapest is a JSConf family member 2-day non-profit community conference about JavaScript in the beautiful Budapest, Hungary. RisingStack participated in the conf for several years as well as we did this September.
In 2019 we delivered a workshop called "High-Performance Microservices with GraphQL and Apollo" as our contribution to the event.
We also collected content you should check out from the conf. Have fun!
Get Hooked on Classless React
Our last meetup in 2019 was centered around React Hooks. What is a hook?
A Hook is a function provided by React, which lets you hook into React features from your functional component. This is exactly what we need to use functional components instead of classes. Hooks will give you all React features without classes.
Hooks make your code more maintainable, they let you reuse stateful logic, and since you are reusing stateful logic, you can avoid the wrapper hull and the component reimplementation.
Check out the prezentation about React Hooks here.
RisingStack in 2020
We're looking forward to the new year with some interesting plans already lined up for Q1:
We'll keep on extending our team to serve new incoming business.
We have several blogposts series in the making, mainly on DevOps topics.
We'll announce an exciting new event we'll co-organize with partners from the US and Finnland soon, so stay tuned!
We're going to release new training agendas around Node, React & GraphQL, as well as a new training calendar with open trainings for 2020.
How was your 2019?
RisingStack in 2019 - Achievements, Highlights and Blogposts. published first on https://koresolpage.tumblr.com/
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templified · 5 years
Best WordPress eBook Themes | Templified
New Post has been published on https://templified.com/best-wordpress-ebook-themes/
Best WordPress eBook Themes
Want to start a website where you sell digitally downloadable products like eBooks? Well, you are going to need a good site that’s built for the job.  We’ve got the best WordPress digital shop themes around right here, perfect for selling eBooks and online magazine content.  If you want to set up a great looking online webshop, you’re in the right place.  Some of these themes are for WooCommerce, some work best with any of the free WordPress shopping carts, so feel free to use WP eCommerce or something like Easy Digital Downloads.  The choice is yours and all of them work great for selling books online.
This collection is among the best WordPress eBook themes. You may use either Easy Digital Downloads or WooCommerce to market electronic files of all kinds, so we’ve found a whole lot of themes that utilize one or both of these fantastic plugins to get the work done. They both allow you to manage your files, both take a number of different payment types, add affiliate programs, add recurring payments and much more, so which one you choose is up to your personal preferences.  For more WooCommerce themes, this collection is one of the best on the web.
We hope you enjoy this listing of the absolute best themes for eBook downloads.
Market is, simply put, the finest example of a digital Marketplace theme that I’ve seen yet. With Market, you get a clean and flat design that’s the perfect blank canvas to build your business around. This theme allows you to let users register with your website and submit products that you are able to curate. Once approved, you will have fires come to your site and purchase those products. When that happens, you get a small share of the money generated. That way, everybody is happy.
The theme has a fantastic-looking responsive design completely redone with version 2.0. There are plenty of pre-made templates to arrange your site in any manner you see fit. This template supports all of the Easy Digital downloads extensions like product reviews for customer feedback, a wallet to add store credit and a deposit system, commissions to split revenues with fenders, front end submissions for creating an online digital Marketplace, recommended products to cross sell things from different stores as well as wish list to let customers save and share their products. They’re playing more plugins and add-ons for EDD are perfectly supported as well.
Each theme comes with tons of documentation that can help you get your website up and running very very quickly. When you purchase this theme you also get access to the fee makers dedicated support staff wear any question you might have will be answered quickly.
If you’ve heard of sites like envato, Amazon and eBay, you’ve certainly heard of a multi-vendor Marketplace website. They’re all wildly successful and now you can get into the action with your very own Marketplace website. Each product is sold by a different seller, and all you have to do is provide the digital mall to help them sell as much as possible.
A couple more interesting note about this WordPress theme. First of all, it’s licensed GPL, a bit of a rarity with WordPress templates today.  (Here are a few more GPL themes if that’s what you’re wanting to see.)   Another interesting fact, the rating of this theme is only 4.23 on themeforest. That’s usually not a great sign, but I believe that a lot of the problems with this one came very early in its development phase. The theme was the first of its kind, so I can see why the developer might have run into some problems. But I think all those have since been straightened out. So, I think you can still buy this theme with confidence.
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Digital Pro
Digital Pro is a clean, professional WordPress theme that was built to let you sell digitally downloadable goods.  Services for that matter, this would knock your socks off as an SEO services site.  Digital Pro helps support your efforts and definitely won’t get in your way being bulky or unwieldy, there’s nothing worse than a clunky theme.  Digital Pro is built around the Genesis Framework, which helps give this theme an open, inviting style, plenty of powerful features and high levels of flexibility.  If you’re selling products, you need to work with an eCommerce shopping cart right?  Well, WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, Sell Media…they all work perfectly with Digital Pro.  This responsive theme looks great on all devices, it’s easily customized to look and behave just like you want it to and it’s an all around great choice for building your digital downloads empire!
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This is Ultra, one of the very best, finest premium digital downloads WordPress themes to come along over the last few years, at far as I can tell.  With full support for Easy Digital Downloads as well as WooCommerce, Ultra is a perfect choice for building a website that allows you to sell eBooks, music, video, tutorials, apps and software.  Anything that can be download, really.  Ultra is incredibly simple to use and there are over five dozen pre-made layouts that you can pick from to help get a jumpstart on building your website.  That much flexibility doesn’t come along every day, but I think you’ll get used to it.  Ultra from Themify.me, so you know the support and documentation are out of this world.  With tons of additional features included, you can alter and tweak the Ultra theme to look just like you want it to look.  With drag and drop page builders, sometimes it takes a while to learn how to craft a site, but Ultra is very intuitive.  You’ll be selling your digitally downloadable products in no time!
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Composition is a theme that was created to perfectly mesh with Sell Media, Easy Digital Downloads or even WooCommerce, to allow you to create and sell beautiful stock images.  With a responsive design and ultra-clean code, this theme loads up incredibly fast and perfectly adjusts it’s layout to any screen size, from iPhones and Androids to iPads and other mobile devices.  The images themselves can be arranged in masonry grid layout and you can even display posts and portfolios the same way.   Composition has gorgeous slideshows, lots of custom widget areas, unlimited galleries and automatic updates from GraphPaper Press.  If you’re looking for a fun, easy to use theme to sell digital products, this one is a fine choice.
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This theme is called Venedor, it’s a great looking, responsive and easily managed theme for digital products like books.  There are 14 different pre-made designs that you can choose from, each one is a solid starting place for any sort of online book sales.  Easy Digital Downloads or WooCommerc, either one will work well for selling your digital products.  This theme is fully responsive, Retina display ready and simple to customize.  The admin panel is your one-stop solution for all your customization needs and there are unlimited color options as well as support for hundreds of Google fonts.  Touch friendly display means this theme is ready for selling products with any sort of handheld device and there are options for displaying your products in a grid or a list, depending on how you want to set your shop up.  Venedor is a perfect theme for all your eBook sales needs.
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If you are looking for a multipurpose theme for WordPress that is great for digital downloads, look no further as Bookrev is here. The Bookrev theme for WordPress is a premium theme that is ideal for sites focusing on literary reviews, book reviews and selling eBooks. From books to magazines, any reading material of sorts can be displayed on a site powered by Bookrev.  The Bookrev theme for WordPress is compatible across different browsers, from Chrome to Opera and everything in between. This means that you can easily expand your readership. With the help of a built-in translator, you are assured that all your potential readers will be able to understand what you’ve written regardless of where they are in the world and what language they speak.
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The Dorian WordPress theme has an amazing number of options cleverly combined with a simple style that provides the perfect backdrop for your textual or graphic content. It has a high rating among users, extensive documentation to answer any questions and capabilities that are not found on other themes that cost as low as $59. For that price, website designers and developers may not expect so many different features, but Dorian offers 21 separate homepage demos, five different blog post layouts as well as full WooCommerce integration for making sales in a professional manner. Also included is the Edge Options Panel that offers a highly user-friendly way to customize every page.
Website owners who want a premium experience but do not want to use WooCommerce to create an online store have plenty of other options. The powerful Visual Composer plug-in allows for drag-and-drop styling. Slider Revolution helps build as many slideshows as you desire. Contact form seven lets customers and clients get a hold of you securely and WPML support means visitors from around the world can view your site perfectly in any language. Combine this with video customization options, tons of shortcodes and clean creation for fast load times and the Dorian WordPress theme is an excellent choice for all of your online projects.  Here’s our full collection of video WordPress themes.  Another fine resource for great WordPress inspiration.
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With Shopkeeper, you can build a beautiful and powerful WordPress digital downloads website sort of like Etsy, iStockPhoto or even Envato.  You can make a lot of money by selling digitally downloaded products such as beautiful photographs, amazing sound files and motion graphic designs or even PSD files.  Shopkeeper is a totally stunning, thoughtfully designed, swipe enabled,  technologically advanced, user-friendly and visually refined, handily resourceful and famously trusted WordPress eCommerce theme, a one-stop shop solution for all digital shopping web site needs.  Just add content and start selling today.
The Revolution Slider plugin supplies sliders that are amazing to exemplify your favorite, in Parallax visual cartoons and striking CSS3, on sale or seasonal goods.  All contained graphics are sharp high resolution, Retina- pictures that were prepared, and the powerful Foundation front-end code has powered Shopkeeper to be 100% responsive, meaning owners of all apparatus, platforms or display sizes can visit your store and absolutely love the experience you give them.
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Humbleshop is a well designed, minimal, flat theme that was designed specifically for Easy Digital Downloads to act as a wonderful store to sell digital products like video files, eBooks, After Effects projects, PSD files and maybe even WordPress themes!  Humbleshop was built around Bootstrap, which makes it look great and the real time customizer means this theme will look exactly like you want and need it to, to make your business shine.  Humbleshop is simple and clean, flat and modern, up to date with the features that make it a perfect choice for a digital download product line.  The theme is easy to set up, simple to customize and full of features you expect only from more expensive themes.  The responsive design is a must have, there are unlimited sliders, a highly customizable homepage, built in Google map, Google fonts, post formats and so much more.
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Check out the big design on Argo.  It starts with a bold, geometric pattern, sort of a Metro design, and fresh looking typography and a super modern, hyper clean design ethic.  It adds responsive functionality, the latest CSS3 and HTML5 code and Easy Digital Downloads compatibility. You can drag and drop images to edit them, the theme supports comments and reviews on products and it’s, of course, fully responsive.  It’s got a lot of other cool features like a sticky header, off-canvas navigation for your readers who happen to be perusing your website from a mobile device.  This theme would make a delightful pick for an online publishing company that was looking for a modern, bold feeling web presence.
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DGWork is all about digital downloads.  From subscription based software, digital files like WordPress plugins, sound or video files, code snippets, HTML web templates or WordPress themes, photographs, eBooks, graphic design, anything that can be downloaded will look great on DGWork.  You can sell multiple products or just one thing, it doesn’t matter.  Easy Digital Downloads themes are more popular than ever right now, and the specific tools and designs are a big reason why.  This theme was made from the ground up to help sell digital products.
DGWork is highly customizable, the product page in particular gives you the chance to make each product’s page look like it’s own landing page, each with it’s own features and content areas.  For subscription based services, this is particularly important, since each one may have a completely different set of requirements or offerings.  DGWork is responsive, which is key for a site where a lot of people are likely to be downloading products from mobile devices.  With over 5000 customers, these guys have their support down to a science too, so you won’t be hung out to dry if you run into a little technical difficulty.
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X is one of the most popular, creative, impressive, outstanding and appropriately constructed WordPress templates offered. However those details don’t tell a full enough story explaining just what is conceivable with X theme.  The amazing X theme is very widely used for lots of factors, let’s have a look at some of them. This amazing, responsive theme is absolutely fluid, lets you modify the great typography effortlessly, can provide transparent readability, is amazing to craft 1 webpage sites and scads more fantastic characteristics.  One can fashion captivating portfolios of any kind, and it’s also eCommerce ready to trade in incredible merchandise via the internet.  That’s what makes this such a great creative WordPress theme.
X is also packaged with the 100% free and robust Cornerstone web site builder and it truly is a flexible, simple to use, rapid website builder which makes it really simple to design an online site that appears how you really want it to look and features tons of wonderful elements you require. If perhaps you are inexperienced with designing a WordPress site, this is often an incredibly handy aspect to possess, due to the fact that the style and design is perfectly altered in the front end page builder, you won’t be required to learn how to create code to create a good looking and productive online business.
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How Shopify Help To Grow And Manage Your eCommerce Business
Free Trial For Two Weeks
You can try Shopify for free for 14 days, giving you access to all of its features. Fourteen days is more than enough to feel what Shopify is capable of and to discover its vast number of features. Ideally, you want to run your way to get an idea of her strength. With regard to the cost, Shopify is not the cheapest eCommerce platform whatsoever, but given its number of features, it offers value for money. Shopify's prices are based on subscriptions and start at $ 29 a month, plus 2.9% + 30 cents on your credit card. The credit card rate may sound less enjoyable, but on the other hand, you can manage an unlimited amount of product with Shopify, which subscription you choose.The big difference between multiple subscriptions is a number of accounts you can use - from 2 to 15 - and some more advanced features like empty shopping cart repairs, advanced reporting, or third party shipping costs. There are no installation costs, while hosting fees are covered. Remember, depending on where you live, you may pay additional sales taxes. If you pay your subscription in advance, you get a 10% discount on an annual subscription and 20% off a two-year subscription.
SEO Optimized
Shopify is out of the box with all the essential search engine optimization tools your shop needs to score well in Google and other search engines. With Shopify SEO Expert, it's easy to customize tags and meta descriptions, set page and file URLs as you like, and add ALT tags to product images. Other SEO benefits that match Shopify are fast, fully responsive themes, mobile capabilities, and excellent social media integration that boost your rankings in search engines that make the difference between a successful and a failed deal. For an online store, SEO optimization can be a process that takes time, exactly why Shopify gets bonus points by making it so much easier.
Professional Templates
The nine free themes that Shopify offer include various customization options including various layouts, headlines and banners, and a customizable bar on the side. This enables you to give your website a unique identity without a huge investment in a professional theme. Nevertheless, Shopify has a theme store in which you can choose from many professional themes. Shopify themes are not cheap, but you get quality for what you pay.Having said that, you should not expect unlimited customization options from Shopify themes, even from the premium themes. If you are very precise in this regard, you may come across a topic that you regret that you did not choose for Magento. Shopify themes and the platform as a whole have been developed to be user-friendly, which involves limited options.
Magento is one of the most powerful and flexible eCommerce platforms ever developed. It allows unprecedented amounts of customization, allowing you to change your online store to whatever you want. It does not have to have all the restrictions that Shopify or other eCommerce platforms have. This allows you to change the essential code on which your website is based and change every aspect, from the size of your main menu and product description images to how you integrate social media into your website. The disadvantage of this is that Magento is not the most user-friendly eCommerce platform in the world. Where a web developer or website maker will not be able to familiarize himself with Magento's features, the shopkeeper or director will quickly encounter the technical barrier. Although you find online tutorials and help online, it's very difficult to take advantage of Magento's true power to create a website that people like to return. Unlike content management systems like WordPress and other website makers, Magento is specifically built for eCommerce. Here are some important benefits you can expect from Magento.
Shopify and Magento are both complete eCommerce solutions for companies, large and small. Whether you choose one or the other, you can expect a finished and reliable platform with all the features you need to run a successful store and grow. They are driven by vibrant communities and fulfill their expectations in a way that does not do many other shopping platforms. But ultimately, they focus on different target groups, and that makes direct comparisons between them very much needed.
Advantage of Shopify
Shopify is ideal for shop owners and executives who want a streamlined solution for managing their online store. It is for people who know nothing of coding and can not waste time on technical matters. It's also for people who want scalability without giving up features or functionality. The users who benefit from Shopify are mainly ...
• Owners of small businesses that do not have the resources or the time to build and maintain code that supports their online presence
• Growing businesses and a scalable eCommerce solution
• Local retailers who also sell online products.
• One-man businesses that do not have to develop complicated online webshops
• Companies that want to manage their online store by a dedicated team
• Companies that want a mobile-accessible experience
• Stores that sell their products to a mobile audience
• Companies with stores in different countries and sell products in different currencies
• Companies that use their want to integrate shopping experience on Facebook and other social networks
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