#comedic potentital indeed
comradekatara · 11 months
Sry for going insane on your blog today. Anyways do you think Suki would be able to access the spirit world? I'm a Sokka spirit world truther(who isn't) and think abt him connecting with Yue in some way whenever I think about them. I think he brings her things to read, including his own poetry. You wrote about Yue writing poetry, right? I can picture it so well. I bet her calligraphy is gorgeous.
Do you think that Suki could visit her, too? I never saw her as being a very spirit world person... but them interacting is interesting. I have trouble imagining Suki in a role where she's there fully as "Sokka's partner". When she's introduced to Sokka's family she's still foremost a Kyoshi leader. She's a warrior and a diplomat. But when she's interacting with the Literal Moon Spirit, she would be there as "Sokka's partner". Ofc being a Kyoshi warrior is still who she is and her identity, but she doesn't have to carry the responsibilities she has in her daily interactions in the same way. Still, she's meeting the Actual Moon. It's not quite like her interactions with the gaang. It's a weird situation. I do think that it would make Yue really happy to see someone was protecting Sokka for a change. And protecting him in a non-controlling way. In a real way. And she would find the Kyoshi warriors cool as hell after growing up in such a patriarchal society... maybe she'd just really like listening to Suki's stories. :) Since you are a tastemaker(polyam Sukka + Yuekka real), I thought you might have interesting ideas.
Actually, Iroh and Zuko are interesting to think about, too. Iroh could probably get there, ofc... I wonder what she'd have to say to him. Usually, the story focuses on what Iroh says to others(? it's been a while), and I feel like an inversion of that would be interesting... I don't know. Above all else I think Yue would appreciate having someone to talk to, and Iroh's a charismatic conversationalist if nothing else.
Honestly Zuko is mostly just for laughs. Like yeah, he participated in the invasion that led to her death, among many other things. But more importantly, he'd be jealous of the Yue Sokka poetry club. I feel like he'd be a Yue poetry #1 fan. If you take a Zukka route do you think Zuko ever awkwardly looked up at the moon and asked for advice/her blessing? Not thinking she could hear but doing it angstily and symbolically. Do you think Yue could hear him. Lots of comedic potential. Xx love your blog best place for atla content
i think suki meeting yue is something i can't really reconcile as well as i can reconcile sokka reuniting with yue in the spirit world (which even then, is something i think would only happen because of aang's meddling), just because it's so thematically crucial that yue and suki are at separate points in the timeline of sokka's arc to inform his character, and thus the idea of them ever meeting kind of wrinkles my brain. i do think that yue would find suki cool as hell though. so yeah i could see a yue/sokka/suki meeting going really well, but i think it would take a really long time for sokka to agree to that meeting, since i think he'd be really reluctant to open up about yue to suki, even after they reunite.
i've talked (and drawn) before about iroh, aang, sokka, and yue having tea in the spirit world together. iroh canonically has been to the spirit world, which is the main reason why i think sokka could with enough dedication. i doubt sokka would ever consider returning to the spirit world until one day aang is all "well i talked to yue in the spirit world the other day. and LEARNED A LOT, I MIGHT ADD" [pointed glare at sokka]. sokka could've sworn aang knew. (katara saw them kiss, she must've said something to him at some point! apparently not???) sokka doesn't think that he can enter the spirit world, he's like the least spiritual guy ever, and his brain is incapable of meditating, but aang refuses to take no for an answer he's all like "she misses youuuuu why are you you're ignoooooring her" so sokka is like "FINE. i'll TRY it." because he feels like if he can apologize to her in person then he should make an effort to do so. (and from then on they're just in a very long distance relationship, and also i think they live together in the spirit world after he dies. i'm such a sap for them i know.)
as for zuko, i think yue sees him as kind of a sad clown (she's not wrong). like the first time she ever really saw him was when katara wrecked his shit in three seconds flat, and then she'd see him yelling at the sky o smite me mighty smiter style. i imagine in that scene she's making this face 😬 . actually i imagine her in the background of a lot of scenes that take place at night, with a big ol bucket of popcorn. but yes i think he would make dramatic speeches to yue and yue would be like [head pat] there there (not that he actually knows that she's listening), but i do think yue would sympathize like she's just as dramatic as he is. internally, perhaps, but dramatic nonetheless (remember when she said to sokka "i can't be friends with you i can't even LOOK at you it's just too difficult!!!!!"), so she'd definitely feel for him. she'd be like "sokka have u considered giving zuko a kiss. just a little smooch, even" and sokka's like "NO WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP TELLING ME THIS???????" and yue's like "well he recited a sonnet about you at me from his balcony last night. it was actually pretty good."
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