stealingpotatoes · 6 months
What’s Kata doing now that’s she’s grown? Did she get into space college or is she helping greez run his diners?
gasp space college is a good idea!!!!! she's very interested in the garden, maybe she could go into botany or biology!!! and confuse the hell out of her family
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(commission info // kofi support!)
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thines85 · 9 months
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cal state bakersfield wrestling
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athleticperfection1 · 5 months
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neuvifuri · 1 year
whenever signora and dottore used to argue, signora would finish it by saying “at least i graduated” and dottore would fly into a rage and wreck his lab and kill his lab assistants every time
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fullmetal-angelgrace · 2 months
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Cal Poly Humboldt, April 24th 2024
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ncaapeaches · 1 month
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ella.mazurek on Instagram
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nebulagoddess · 2 months
cal poly humboldt is a shitshow right now, admin is handling the israel protests SO badly
people i know who haven't done anything except be present outside the occupied building for short amounts of time that have been put under "interim suspension" and have full charges being alleged against them, including charges of vandalism, trespassing, destruction of property, and endangering people on campus
im fairly certain the suspensions are being sent out to scare people and lessen the numbers of people outside around the occupied building, but fuck, admin does not care about the students
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plantystudy · 2 years
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New desk setup after moving apartments! 🌱
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coderacha · 10 months
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i have no idea what i'm doing!
learning computer vision concepts on your own is overwhelming, and it's even more overwhelming to figure out how to apply those concepts to train a model and prepare your own data from scratch.
context: the public university i go to expects the students to self-study topics like AI, machine learning, and data science, without the professors teaching anything TT
i am losing my mind
based on what i've watched on youtube and understood from articles i've read, i think i have to do the following:
data collection (in my case, images)
data annotation (to label the features)
image augmentation (to increase the diversity of my dataset)
image manipulation (to normalize the images in my dataset)
split the training, validation, and test sets
choose a model for object detection (YOLOv4?)
training the model using my custom dataset
evaluate the trained model's performance
so far, i've collected enough images to start annotation. i might use labelbox for that. i'm still not sure if i'm doing things right 🥹
if anyone has any tips for me or if you can suggest references (textbooks or articles) that i can use, that would be very helpful!
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phelpsspeedos · 1 year
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beatrack92 · 3 months
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Aysha Shaheed (Cal Golden Bears)
2023 Pac-12 Championships (Walnut, CA)
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thines85 · 9 months
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Jacob Hansen, Cal State Bakersfield Wrestling
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athleticperfection1 · 4 months
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Cal State Fullerton Track & Field
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lost-neurons · 10 months
Tips from Cal Newport's How to Win at College
Recently I finished Cal Newport's another book, How to Win at College. A fast read, the book is basically a list of tips gathered by the author to help the reader succeed easier at uni.
Some of them were quite obvious to me, some of them caught my attention more, and they are the ones you can find below. Words in italics are the exact quotations, headlines are also original from the book. The rest of it is my attempt to summarize it (although the descriptions in the book itself are very short and clear, so really, check out the book). Without further ado:
Build Study Systems
before you start to study spend few minutes so you know exactly what and how will you study, that way you will optimize your work and study more efficiently
Avoid Daily To-Do Lists
rather try time-blocking
Do Schoolwork Every Day
doesn’t matter how much you do, as long as you do something daily it will be easier staying in that zone of the smooth work flow
Find a Secret Study Space
Take the time to explore the odd corners and depths of your favorite buildings on campus, and you will certainly find a hidden jewel of a study space to call your own.
however! switch them from time to time to prevent making studying tedious and alienating
Don’t Study In Groups
you really do need to sit at your QUIET desk in the library to absorb the material
seek out someone for specific help on a specific issue, then return to your solo work
Don’t Do All of Your Reading
read chapter introductions and conclusions, skim everything else
you may miss something important, your professor won’t – listen carefully during class
pay more attention to the assignments which will be part of an exam but weren’t or won’t be covered in class 
make tick marks next to sentences that catches your attention and is faster than highlighting
Start Long Term Projects the Day They Are Assigned
finish some work the same day; 30 mins are enough, plan the whole thing, do some research, maybe write some draft
Keep a Work-Progress Journal
every nigh jot down the day’s date, the long-term work you had scheduled for the day, and the work that you actually accomplished, be brief
that will keep your mind in the game, and you will feel being hold accountable
Start Studying Two Weeks in Advance
first ~12 days– an hour or so, maybe a couple extra hours over the weekend
two days before exam  – three-hour secessions to cement that knowledge
Focus On Grades, Ignore G.P.A
bad grades happen, as long as you put in the effort nobody cares about one bad day
focus on learning for the sake of learning, not for the sake of grades !!!!
Uni life
Get Involved with Your Major Department
attend the events, guest lectures, seminars, public thesis defenses
show up once a month, become a recognized face, that will have several benefits
Learn to Listen
never be the first person to give an opinion, listen to others’ thoughts first, be sure you understand their positions, and then interject your own thoughts with careful aplomb
you don’t want to be that stuck-up person who acts like they know everything, and only they are right – listen, listen, listen!!!
Relax Before Exams
studying right up until the testing begins releases too much adrenaline, resulting in troubles with focusing
take an hour before an exam to relax so you will feel confident and calm
Ignore Your Classmates’ Grades
Worry about your performance and progress; let your classmates worry about their own.
Blow the Curve Once a Term
every semester choose one class you like, then within this class choose one interesting project, and then just absolutely kill it
Ask One Question at Every Lecture
(…) when you are doing the reading that will be covered in the lecture, jot down a quick list of questions that seem relevant. Then, once in class, follow the professor’s material carefully modifying and honing your questions as appropriate. Finally, when you feel you have a question that is meaningful, and will clarify an important point of the discussion, ask away.
Befriend a Professor
make them your mentor, they provide the letters of recommendation, informal instructions, and many other useful tools you need for academic success
visit office hours not only when you have troubles with certain topics; when working on a paper talk to them about possible topics, get feedback on the selected idea, check with them the structure of your argument, ask for clarification etc. etc. etc.
Apply to Ten Scholarships a Year
For every ten well-selected scholarships and awards you apply for, you probably have a good shot at winning at least one (…). The more scholarships you win, the better your odds on future applications.
it will accumulate and after few years your resume will be looking good when joining the job market
Schedule Your Free Time
so you don’t waste it sitting and wondering what to do and turning 10-minutes jobs into 2-hours ones
either you are in one of your scheduled break periods, or are you working – no more feeling guilty or uncertain when to relax
Find an Escape
schedule an escape every single week, do it alone; can be a long hike, sitting in the coffee shop reading, anything allowing you to relax and cut off uni stuff for a few hours
Exercise Five Days a Week
keep yourself active to boost your brain, but also to take care of your muscles and joints – they were made to move!
Stay In Touch
talk to your family and friends at least once a month; literally talk, call them or meet if you can, messaging doesn’t count nor sending voice massages
Don’t Undersleep, Don’t Oversleep
find out how many hours do you need to feel rested and stick to them
avoid too few but also too many hours of sleep – The fact that you can sleep more, doesn’t mean that you should.
Laugh Every Day
Find something every single day that will make you laugh
Seek Out Fun
if you don’t actively seek out fun, it won’t actively seek out you
Reconsider reading Newport's book, or give his podcast (Deep Questions with Cal Newport) a try. He's the first person I found with such a healthy approach to productivity and work
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sodapopdreams · 11 months
discuss your headcanons / aus with your friends and watch how quickly, "ren goes to college and ends up studying radio production, jonas is either going to school for emergency services or a trade we dont know which, and helps ren with his school radio show" . . .
turns into, "jonas and ren run the late night / midnight radio show shift at rens college that jonas does Not go to. they have a pre-show podcast and a very very small following. they have to spend five hours every night together and it only fuels their dislike of one another but its fun and they dont have to pay for the equipment."
[ @princecupid. you did this ]
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ncaapeaches · 2 months
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jayden.silvers on Instagram
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