#classic ow2 moira
moiraxsombra · 5 months
Enter Moira’s Darkside 🥀🖤
{⚠️warning- jitter/flicker lights⚠️}
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nitewrighter · 2 years
I just thought about it...
Does anything come to yur mind regarding Reinhardt and Moria interactions?
Or Torb and Moria?!?
The simp in me also wants to ask for possible
Rein and Sig interactions?
Alas with OW2 being dropped down to 5v5 with only one tank, they're probably not going to bother putting too many interactions between tanks in the game... if any... But I'll do it for you, Anon.
Moira: Lieutenant Wilhelm. How wonderful. You know, when I woke up this morning I said to myself, 'Today, I hope I find myself working with a geriatric liability whose only means of communication is shouting.'
Torbjorn: To think I'd be working with a mad scientist... The experiments you conducted were a blight on Overwatch!
Moira: Oh come now, Torbjorn. I don't think our work is so different. We're both engineers, in a sense. My medium is just... wetter.
Torbjorn: *audible disgusted shudder*
Reinhardt: I hear you're a fan of the classics! Have you ever listened to Hasselhoff?
Sigma: ...I'm afraid I haven't had the pleasure. You shall have to lend me one of their music holos.
Sigma: Ah, the famed crusader barrier field. Antiquated, for sure, but not lacking for function or elegance.
Reinhardt: That's what I say all the time!
Reinhardt: Talon or no, it's up to us old-timers to keep the team protected!
Sigma: *a little offended* I'm not that old...
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