rcmvvns · 5 years
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(dacre montgomery, male) ROMAN PIERCE, the TRUST FUND BABY, is TWENTY TWO years old and a SENIOR. HE is majoring in POLITICAL SCIENCE. In addition to being Quentin’s BAD INFLUENCE, they are part of the Imperium Society. ROMAN was probably selected because HIS DAD PAID FOR HIS WAY IN. They remind me of PRIVATE JETS, TOP SHELF LIQUOR, DESIGNER DRUGS, and THE WALK OF SHAME. (anna, 24, cst, she/her)
hi i’m anna and this is so bad but i’m not good at this. but hit me up for plotting and i can tell you more things about him if needed. 🙃 love y’all already.
roman pierce is your typical spoiled trust fund baby. has always gotten what he wants, when he wants, and if you have a problem with that, he will probably blame that on your jealousy.
born in beverly hills, california, his father is a well known politician, while his mother is an author. they met while his father was previously married and his former wife found out about the affair when pictures of them were circulating the tabloids. he has an older half brother and to say they don’t get along is an understatement. while roman was spoiled with both love and materialistic items, his older brother, oliver, was given the materialistic items when all he wanted was the love that roman received. in roman’s eyes, he didn’t see a point to oliver complaining when he still got all the nice things that roman also got.
roman’s father is from london,england, so he had traveled to the UK multiple times as a kid but this is the first time he is actually staying there for longer than a couple months after transferring to ashcroft two years ago for his sophomore year.
he is a poli science major, though he still isn’t sure if it’s to please his father or because that is where his interests really lie.
personality wise, he is a partier. he would rather spend his nights getting high off of drugs and adrenaline than sitting inside and studying for tests and writing essays. plus, why would he do that if he could just pay his way to an A in the first place?
he loves a chase. so like? once he gets what he wants, he will probably get bored and not return texts, calls, etc.
just think typical rich prep school boy turned rich frat boy asshole. i don’t know how else to describe him. he hasn’t learned that he shouldn’t be a complete asshole to everyone yet so like i am hoping to develop that part of him eventually.
i don’t have much of a backstory for him yet since he is brand new (though i did use to play oliver pierce who i am making his half brother so like.. it’s practically the same)
wanted connections could be anything tbh. exes, frenemies, best friends, ‘i hate you and we argue unless we are sleeping together’, enemies but like lowkey crushing on him/her. also he’s just... into anyone. pan, bi, whatever you want to call it. so any of the romantic connections could go for any gender. also, i am willing to look at your bio and give you a couple ideas that i have that i think could work. i haven’t rped in 8 months so i am excited to be thinking of plots and wcs so please just hit me up if you want to figure something up.
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gevrgies-archive · 5 years
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HEY WHAT’S UP YOU GUYS. it’s me, anna. again. ditching my other muse in exchange for this fucktard. anyways, this is georgie and she is my child that i have had for a year i think but i still haven’t written a decent bio for her. that being said, i have SOMETHING at least. so, like this post and i’ll come at you to plot?
(bridget satterlee, female) GEORGINA ‘GEORGIE’ SCOTT, the LAWLESS, is TWENTY and a SOPHOMORE. SHE is majoring in FINE ARTS. In addition to being Quentin’s BAD INFLUENCE, they are part of the Imperium Society. GEORGIE was probably selected because SHE BLACKMAILED A MEMBER TO GET IN. They remind me of EMPTY SPRAY PAINT CANS, RUNNING FROM COPS, LINES OF COKE IN THE BATHROOM, and GHOST HUNTING AT 3AM. (ooc anna, 24, cst, she/her) 
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albrightest · 5 years
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 ⤷ RUE ALBRIGHT, the ALL-AMERICAN, is TWENTY and a SOPHOMORE. SHE is majoring in COMPUTER SCIENCE. In addition to being Quentin’s PEN PAL, they are part of the Imperium Society. RUE was probably selected because SHE CODED A WELL-KNOWN INDIE VIDEO GAME. They remind me of SLEEPLESS EYES, SILENT LAUGHTER IN SORE THROATS, THE THUNDER IN WEIGHTED BOOTS, & A DROP OF VIBRANT DYE IN CLEAR WATER.
hello! i’m piper, stuck in central time, and not to be controversial but the first teen beach movie is better than the first high school musical. anyway! here’s a couple things about my stereotypical american valley girl rue. ofc if you’re itching for details there’s some HERE. there’s also an entire explanation for her game HERE, which is long (oops) but it’s not a necessary read unless you think your character likes horror games! rue will also probably summarize it for anyone that asks, it’s just there if ur curious! ♥
she was born & raised on the california coast with a single father.
after watching her father spend hours on video games during the summers, rue quickly found a passion for them as well. she has always credited him with her introduction into the programming world, despite her exposure not being directly to coding.
most of her basic skills were adapted as a preteen! however her debut game, ‘bloodcraft’, an indie horror, wasn’t released until she was 17. she spent every waking hour away from schoolwork on writing the script, programming, and calling upon other amateurs on social media to help.
school was a forced first priority, but what made the time away from development bearable was her pen pal quentin, who encouraged her to take the initial game idea and make it an actual project.
‘bloodcraft’ premiered on steam in july and quickly garnered positive reviews. it gained a small cult following among the horror community and a plethora of streamers and youtubers partook in play-throughs.
her new status in the community pegged her as a must have for parties, which is where she evolved into a more confident version of herself. she indulged in alcohol and drugs for the first time, and she developed a growing dependence on them the following school year.
personality wise she appears very happy-go-lucky and is always the first to be positive and optimistic in a dark scenario, but she’s developed her own issues over time that are beginning to show, especially with the development of the game taking up almost all of her energy.
she was accepted into ashcroft and the imperium society despite lack of progress in her grades and extracurricular during her tumultuous senior year mostly because of the seemingly unending hype from ‘bloodcraft’.
quentin’s death was a shock to her system and she included his name in the game credits in a patch.
now she studies software development and is in the early stages of designing another indie horror, though she hasn’t found much time to do much else than write for it.
and since i can never decide, she’s open to any and all connections! like this so i can slide into ur dms for plots too (: xx
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hello y’all!! under the cut is a few facts about my honey juniper. i’ve had this character for like....six years now so please be gentle....( i’m kidding, ruin her ).
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juniper evangeline alexander
(madalaine petsch, cisfemale) JUNIPER ALEXANDER, the VIXEN, is TWENTY ONE and a SENIOR. SHE is majoring in NURSING & SPORTS MEDICINE. In addition to being Quentin’s CASUAL HOOKUP, they are part of the Imperium Society. JUNIPER was probably selected because BOTH OF HER DADS ARE ALUMNI AND PRESTIGIOUS MEDICAL RESEARCHERS. They remind me of BRAND NEW NOTEBOOKS, WIDE FRAMED SUNGLASSES, SIPPING MERLOT, SHINY RED CONVERTIBLES. (savannah, 21, est, she/her)
juniper is the only child of daniel and gregory alexander, two well renowned ashcroft university alumni ( and former imperium members ). she actually doesn’t know which of the men are her biological father, but she doesn’t mind much--they spoiled her rotten regardless. 
from a young age they raised juniper to know exactly where her life was going; she would attend ashcroft, then nursing school, then work for her father’s and carry on the alexander legacy. this sounded pretty good to juniper, being a naturally hard worker and always searching for power.
it was almost in the same moment she stepped foot on ashcroft’s campus juniper received her invitation from the imperium society. since then she has been making her mark on the prestigious campus--both academically and socially. juni loves her dad’s to bits--calling them at least four times a week. they have an inkling on their daughter’s extracurricular behavior but have decided as long as her grades are kept up they won’t bat an eye.
tldr; quick facts
birthday: november 4th, 1997
grade level: senior 
major: nursing & sports medicine
allignment: chaotic good
sexuality: pansexual ( leans more towards girls )
favorites: the color red, merlot, chai lattes, huge libraries, her convertible, red lipstick, being in control, musicals, reading medical journals while watching the sunrise
here’s the gist
juni is not afraid to use whatever means necessary to get what she wants, from her body to her brains.
she was a casual hookup for quentin, and can be for anybody else as well ( more about that in a sec !! )
she decided on nursing rather than becoming a doctor because she liked the quick thinking action. however, her dad’s are pressuring her to go to medical school after ashcroft, and shes considering it ( tldr; it’s....a touchy subject. )
she’s actually pretty studious, but when she’s not in the library reading she’s either at a party or attending some theatre performance. 
wanted connections !!
flings/fwb ( anybody can fill this !! )
ride or die ( taken by parker )
best friend ( preferably female with a similar “spoiled” background....she’s picky )
frenemys ( she’s bound to have burned a few people’s feelings over the years--can be before uni as well !! )
past relationships ( taken by ansel (sophomore year) and zephyr (freshman year) )
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deliamayfulton · 5 years
(Ryan Destiny, cisfemale) DELIA MAY FULTON, the OPULENT, is TWENTY-TWO and a SENIOR. SHE is majoring in BUSINESS FINANCE. In addition to being Quentin’s CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND, they are part of the Imperium Society. DELIA was probably selected because HER FATHER IS THE GOVERNORS CHIEF OF STAFF. They remind me of TAKEAWAY COFFEE CUPS, TUCKED IN SHIRTS, FRESH SHEETS, AND THE BREEZE IN A PARK DURING AUTUMN. (kris, 20, est, she/her)
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hello, my name is kris! I'm so excited to be apart of this group! :) like this for some plotting with my lovely delia - I'm willing to fulfill one of your wanted connections if you think that she’d be a good fit! bios are definitely not my strongest point, but here goes nothing! 
ok, so. delia was literally born into the lap of luxury - and hated it. everything about her upbringing disgusted her. she’s one of those people that would rather drown in a pool than take the lifeguards extended hand. she’s worked hard to establish her own name rather than rely on the name that she received from her father. being a ‘Fulton’ was something that she never brought into a conversation, and was likely to deny being her fathers daughter if asked. 
Andrew Fulton, the governors chief of staff. in her eyes? the governors bitch. who would want to be the right hand man of someone else in power? why not be the man in power? weak. 
Andrea Fulton, a raging narcissist with a knack for being anywhere that delia wasn’t. Andrea never wanted a child, and only agreed to have one to uphold their family image. delia was never good enough for her mother. she wasn’t pretty enough, smart enough, mean enough. it seemed as though every time delia reached the bar her mother had set, it was raised further. 
in public, however, the trio played as the perfect family. of course her father was faithful and not sleeping with the many interns frequenting his office. of course her mother was perfect and loving, completely supportive of her daughter. of course delia was the perfect daughter who loved and adored the both of her parents.
the only thing good about her childhood was Quentin. they had met in primary school, and initially hated one another. Quentin had everything that she wanted, and the jealousy seeped from her pores. for an entire year straight she tormented him. a tiny bully, with a huge mouth - until one day a counselor made them sit down to talk out their ‘issues’. the two turned out to have more in common than delia had thought, and from that day on were seemingly inseparable. fast forward, eleven years and they even decided to go to the same college. 
sometime during their freshman year the texts and calls between the two were less frequent. she was busy with her things, and he was busy with his. they didn’t have time to maintain a childish friendship as they transitioned into adults. the ending of their friendship was slow, and bittersweet. suddenly just dropping off into nothing. 
his death sent her mind into an overwhelming amount of what-if scenarios. she regretted letting things fall off between them the way that they did, and wished that she could return to the past to right her mistakes. however, second chances don’t come around too often as everyone around her seems to have learned. 
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acewolsey · 5 years
(axel auriant, cis male) NATHANIEL WOLSEY, the LOST SOUL, is TWENTY and a JUNIOR. HE is majoring in COMMUNICATIONS. They are not part of the Imperium Society and from the outside, they think it’s PRETENTIOUS AND NOT WORTH HIS TIME. I often see them around campus DRUMMING FOR ORPHEUS. They remind me of FALLING OF AUTUMN LEAVES, FORGOTTEN CROSS NECKLACES, COLOURED SMOKE BOMBS, AND WEARING ALL BLACK. 
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tw: religion, bullying
alright here we go with my ( second ) angsty boy.
his full name is nathaniel alexander wolsey, he goes by nathaniel to his parents & family, but ace to everyone else!
he was born in liverpool, england to a VERY devout christian family that dates back centuries and is descendants of old english royals. 
he was always seen as the golden child, growing up he was very calm, polite, and generally charismatic.  as he got older, this changed but in private.  he couldn’t dare let his parents down so he began to rebel in silence.
they were not bad parents at all, but they were strict.  and strict parents create sneaky children as presented by ace. they were quite serious about drinking (don’t even start about drugs), going to church every wednesday & sunday, no staying up past eleven, they have to meet and approve of ace’s friend choices.  
they began him at piano lessons when he turned four, cello when he was eight, and eventually he switched to bass when he was fourteen.  ( he was always the best at piano, however. ) when he was away at school, he had friends in band who taught him how to drum pretty casually.
this boy has MASTERED acting sober when he’s blackout drunk. he also has a slight sex problem but like he’s fine.
kinda pansexual but leans quite heavily towards men? but like his parents are so in his head that he knows he’ll disowned if he ever even thinks about a guy in that fashion.  doesn’t stop him most of the time, he just knows he’ll never be able to come out of the closet.
he came to ashcroft as a long line of legacies, so he didn’t really have a choice.  if he chose he wouldn’t have gone to college at all?  
he really.. really loves cars & everything to do with them.  if he could just be a mechanic & ride a motorcycle everyday of his life he would be sO happy
has a slight problem when it comes to fire, like if there’s any sort of flame happening you’ve lost his attention. also has a compulsion to set things on fire, you can catch him burning shit if you wander to a forgotten part of campus ( are there woods bc def there. )
his grades are straight As but only bc he tried to choose an easy major and keeps an A to keep up his little facade to his parents. 
i chose lost soul bc the definition is a damned soul and if that isn’t ace idk what is.
as i said earlier he always took drumming casually until the band starting and so he started practicing more and he’s very very good.
still figuring him out but that is what i have so far??? pls love him i think? 
connection ideas
beARD PLS: someone who his parents will approve of.
a beard but like ?? in terms of friends: anyone who isn’t like zephyr will do, they are just friends when his parents come around and then they lowkey mean nothing to him when they aren’t. he is polite when they talk but in his head he’s like fuCK off
chaotic friend
pyro buddy ( maybe just someone who stumbled upon him burning shit and they like ?? um what )
fuck budddiiieeesss pls
family friends: families from old money
idk love him
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masonhcrrison · 5 years
(gavin leatherwood, cisfemale) MASON HARRISON, the PARADOX, is 21 and a SENIOR. HE is majoring in POLITICAL SCIENCE. They are not part of the Imperium Society and from the outside, they think it’s JUST ANOTHER CLUB FOR THE SOCIAL ELITE. I often see them around campus CAMPING OUT AT THE CAFE. They remind me of WORN LEATHER JOURNALS, LATE NIGHTS IN FRONT OF A LAPTOP, THE VIBE AFTER A DEBATE, COFFEE CUP RING STAINS ON A DESK. (sav)
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*screams at the top of my lungs* HI Y’ALL please allow me to introduce my angel, the oldest character i have besides june, my son and love of my life....mason. he’s gone through a lot of revamps and this is probably my favorite so PLEASE like this if you’re interested in plotting with him !! underneath is a bit about him, i promise i won’t ramble much !! love y’all xx
(( TRIGGER WARNING: murder, mentions of gangs. ))
name: mason nicholas harrison
birthday: march seventeenth
zodiac: pisces
sexuality: heterosexual, though he experiments here and there
okay here’s the gist !!
mason is the oldest son to jennifer fowler, a teen mom who’s baby daddy kept leaving out the revolving door of their broken home ( that’s so poetic wow go me ).
said baby daddy gave mason two younger siblings as well, twins michael and melody.
being that he was seven years older than them, mason took over the role of being a father figure, despite not having a father to look up to himself.
they were a close knit family, jennifer got a grip and moved her family to london after finding a job with a travel agency as a representative.
remember mr. baby daddy? he was apparently the leader of a gang, who was subsequently charged with murder after the death of his long time rival.
but, before he was captured, he found the fowler-harrison household in their little apartment.
he wanted a place to hide, but instead only found his young son michael at home.
when michael tried to call the police, the man took his life, leaving mason and his family broken to almost undefinable pieces. 
mason, trying ever so hard to be nothing like his father and wanting to avenge his little brother, worked his ass off in school and was granted a scholarship to ashcroft university.
he kinda hates being so far away from his mother and sister, but he’s working hard and is applying for an internship for an american embassy in order to kick start his career in politics.
hes a pretty quiet guy, unless he’s drunk or high or in a debate. he has a lot of love for his family, a total mama’s boy.
he’s pretty well rounded? when he’s not studying he’s playing guitar, sketching random people in the courthard on a sunny day, he’s lowkey kinda artsy even though he won’t admit it. 
wanted connections !!
best friends: generic i know. but he usually has a hard time finding friends? he’s just closed off and i wanna see someone find there way through his shield.
exes: again, generic, but important. he’s bound to break a few hearts, i can’t help him.
flings: mason is not afraid of sneaking around in the most unconventional of places and taking out his frustrations on people he fancies....i’d also like to see him with a few males, as he’s trying to figure himself out in the sexuality department. 
political/academic rival: he’s very serious about his coursework, so challenge him in anyway and make sure you brought drinks and popcorn: this shit is an experience. 
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scribblcr-blog · 5 years
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(miguel herran, cismale) LEONARDO CARMONA, the PRINCE, is TWENTY-ONE and a SENIOR. HE is majoring in JOURNALISM. In addition to being Quentin’s BEST FRIEND FOR POPULARITY, they are part of the Imperium Society. LEO was probably selected because HIS FATHERS PRESTIGE IN LANGUAGE ARTS AND HIS LEGACY TO CONTINUE. They remind me of CRAMPS FROM WRITING TOO LONG, MASKING EMOTIONS WITH COLD GLARES, BLACK COFFEE, MORNING STRETCHES.
HELLLOOO my name is peyton but u can call me pey lol. i keep opening tumblr to actually write but keep failing to actually write anything up sooo... i’m gonna keep this simple n sweet before i lose my marbles
- born march 25, 1998 which makes him an aries at heart. and to be honest he’s probably a scorpio moon as well. 
- being an aries, “aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and aries natives are the first to start—and the first to finish—whatever they set out to do. aries is an active, energetic sign. people with sun in aries are direct, straightforward, and uncomplicated. they expect the same from others, and are baffled when they don’t always get it.”
- being moon in scorpio, “born with the moon in scorpio, you are likely to be sensitive and loyal, but have intense emotional needs. scorpio is a water sign, which relates to the emotional, psychological and spiritual dimensions of life. you are likely to give the impression of being perceptive, powerful, and transformational. scorpio is also a fixed sign, suggesting that when you align your emotions with something you desire – be that a friend/lover or an anticipated outcome – you will be constant, enduring and unwilling to let go.”
- he grew up as an only child, resulting in a family of three. a bestselling author for a father and a trophy wife for a mother; this only created a relationship that lacked fundamental needs between a child and parent. being taken care of mostly by a nanny and the only “real” relationship he ever had was with his father. 
- his dad being such a known author and loved by many, he expected his son to do the same. basically his dad is the equivalent of stephen king. so he grew up liking writing and enjoying it as an escape but if his dad ever asked him to write or ask him if he likes it, his answers are always in distatse.
- he grew up lacking a true example of a good friendship or relationship. he feels like he’ll never feel love or find true love. he hardly ever has real friendships and that’s why he and quentin were only surface level besties. he just wanted everyone to think they were close but when quentin died he realized how much he actually neede their friendship in a lot of ways. 
- probably a slytherin lmao but only because he can’t tell the truth to save his life
- enfp personality, the champion. “ENFPs have an Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Perceiving personality. This personality type is highly individualistic and Champions strive toward creating their own methods, looks, actions, habits, and ideas — they do not like cookie cutter people and hate when they are forced to live inside a box. They like to be around other people and have a strong intuitive nature when it comes to themselves and others. They operate from their feelings most of the time, and they are highly perceptive and thoughtful.”
- could be capable of love? wants a genuine connection? TOO AFRAID TO GET IT!!
- an asshole at times but only because he’s too brutally honest a doesn't think about it can hurt others half of the time.
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laurelmattison · 5 years
(kathryn newton, cisfemale) LAUREL MATTISON, the FALLEN ANGEL, is TWENTY-TWO and a JUNIOR. SHE is majoring in NURSING. They are not part of the Imperium Society and from the outside, they think it’s THE TYPE OF PLACE THAT CAN BREAK YOUR SOUL. I often see them around campus GIVING CAMPUS TOURS. They remind me of A NOTEBOOK FULL OF SCRIBBLED NOTES, BILL BOTTLES, DANCING AROUND IN YOUR UNDERWEAR, AND MASCARA STAINS ON CLEAN CHEEKS. (Ansel’s sister wc)
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hi hello tis i, paige, here with a second character!! yay so fun. here’s what i have on laurel
laurel alessandra mattison is the twin sister of ansel
they grew up in a very rich and affluent family, one that put a lot of pressure on them to be perfect. while laurel easily fell into this very constricting mold, she saw her brother struggling
she did everything she could to keep ansel out of trouble, and even if they got caught doing bad things together occasionally, their parents would just kind of let things be for laurel
when she was just in the second grade, laurel was diagnosed with ADHD. her parents, striving for perfection, put her on medication the second they knew. she’s been on it ever since
school came pretty easy after that for laurel, she did well and got the grades and was decently social
though sometimes she hid behind her brother and his charisma because it seemed to come easier to him
life went on, and when laurel got into ashcroft with her brother she quickly committed, and was content going there
she’s a pre med major and wants to follow in the family footsteps and become a doctor
when she first got to ashcroft, things were great. really, she was social, doing well in classes, and she had been inducted into the imperium society
that was, until she had her breakdown
just before winter break her sophomore year, laurel stopped taking her adhd medication and completely went off the rails. she nearly failed all of her classes, was a bit out of control, and tried to commit suicide
that winter break, laurel spent her time at a facility for mental health, got back on her adhd medication and was placed on anxiety and anti depressant meds
when she got back to school in the spring, she had a letter waiting on her desk in her dorm, telling her she was no longer welcome in the imperium society
honestly, as heartbroken as laurel was--these were supposed to be her people and they had abandoned her--she was now happy to be free of the pressures
she also switched her major to nursing, no longer wanting to be a doctor. she saw how the nurses treated her at the facility vs. the doctors, and she knew the nurses were the ones that made a real impact
its been a few months since then and laurel is just kind of getting her footing again, trying her best to stay active on campus and not become a complete hermit
uh yah
wanted plots
obviously,  friendships
this can be fun, bc shes a former imperium member
we can have friends that are no longer friends
friends that stayed friends
friends that she became friends with post-getting kicked out
really all the friends
i really want an ex, someone that was maybe dating her at the time of her breakdown
preferably someone in the imperium society it could be angsty because maybe he broke up with her bc she got kicked out
or she broke up with him after bc she didnt think she fit in his life anymore
connections through ansel are always fun??
a roommate! this is her very best friend, someone laurel can go to for anything
someone she tutors maybe?? laurels super smark
i suck at writing out WC’s but please, like this and ill come to you!!
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chernyaevs · 5 years
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MISHA CHERNYAEV, the MAGNATE, is 23 and a SENIOR. HE is majoring in BUSINESS. They are not part of the Imperium Society and from the outside, they think it’s A CIRCLEJERK FOR KIDS THAT WERE 'GIFTED' IN ELEMENTARY. I often see them around campus PLAYING WITH HIS DOG. They remind me of TUCKED IN SHIRTS, HIGHLIGHTED BOOK PASSAGES, HALF FINISHED MUGS OF COFFEE, AN ECHOING VOICE. 
piper here again with a less sunshiney baby! i have a bit more to say upfront about misha because i made rue on impulse at 2 am and i’ve actually been brainstorming for him for a week straight now! anyway, i actually have a small compilation of wc at the bottom. i know. it’s a miracle. (THIS ENDED UP LONG I’M SORRY. I ADDED A DOG GIF AT THE BOTTOM FOR YOUR PATIENCE!)
was born in the summer time (gemini energy) in a rich village located right outside of moscow as the youngest child in the seven person family. the chernyaev’s are an extremely influential name in western russia, and that reputation has passed down to all of their five children.
two of his four siblings detested the tycoon lifestyle upheld by their parents; one now works in hong kong as a chef, while the other studies art in milan. this has left misha alone with his two other siblings to bare the brunt of work and reputation.
he lived a secluded childhood, the gap between him and his closest sibling being 8 years and his social skills being less than fine-tuned during his elementary years; accidental insensitivity because of his upraising, crude words he learned from inattentive parents, etc. which still lingers to this day.
around age 9 or so he began to display early symptoms of OCD. his family brushed them off for three or so years until his habits became hard to ignore. 
his obsession with judaism, despite coming from a family of secular jews, was what tipped off his mother first. he would beg to be taken to synagogue and spent a few hours at night trying to learn hebrew. if/when interrupted, he would start all over again from the beginning.
he would also never touch anything that came in uneven numbers. the number he likes to count in is 4. he developed multiple counting/touching rituals with things as time progressed and his illness went unchecked.
eventually he was diagnosed and treated at age 13. he’s had his ups and downs with medication and was involuntarily admitted into a psycho ward at age 16. but things began to look up on his 17th birthday.
he was gifted a beautiful lil samoyed pup that he lovingly named yoshi, from his choice mario kart wii character. yoshi has been a great distraction from his sudden compulsions, and though he is no where near a ‘cure’ he serves a great purpose to misha.
misha was accepted into ashcroft with the, erm, assistance of his parents, who were also willing to pay his way into the society as well before he asked them to refrain; simply because he didn’t believe he had any exceptional talents outside of maths and mario kart, plus he didn’t want to be associate with ‘a bunch of jerkoffs’.
he’s had an ok four years! has a close-knit group of friends, doesn’t party that much, just enjoys hanging out with yoshi and studying. he’s taken a few classes in english literature, but he doesn’t expect it to go anywhere :/ he’s well aware of the obligations he has back in moscow.
for now he’s just chilling with his dog, who he takes everywhere. he still practices judaism though isn’t as dogmatic about his beliefs, and tries to keep a semi-low profile.
wanted connections:
seems like a married couple: please..... i would love this. someone who understands him in a very pure way and who he’s comfortable being a little bit affectionate with in public!! can also be a slowburn (; 
roommates!!: misha rents off-campus because rich boy life. he wouldn’t charge that much just to have someone there to make him feel a little less alone, cause although he’s used to it, it can be a little disheartening.
study buddies: he’s wicked at math. can probably be bribed to do essays for you.
unlikely friends: someone who’s an extrovert and has more charisma than him, someone he can learn from considering he’s meant to be a hot shot business tycoon one day.
former lovers to friends: this would have to be discussed in pms lol, but i wouldn’t be surprised if he picked up a girlfriend at any point and shit just went downhill.
love/hate: i love angst. he’s not intentionally cold with most people but he would be with this person!! but he’d also sorta love them. you know how it be.
friends from holiday: misha traveled a lot during the summer months so any other rich kids out there hmu!! or i’ll hit u up. or just anyone who lived in a semi-nice location that a tycoon family would visit. thanks.
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rclinquish · 5 years
hallo, friends! i’m very excited to be a part of this group as it’s been such a long time since i’ve ever joined a group rp of this kind!! i’m ria from asia ( hehehe!! ) and i love playing video games and i teach math for a living! here with me is a relatively old muse that i’ve molded to better incorporate with this super cool rp: henri pye-d’estienne!
(matthew bell, cismale) HENRI PYE-D'ESTIENNE the WAYFINDER, is TWENTY-TWO and a FOURTH YEAR. HE is majoring in MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS. In addition to being Quentin’s RIVAL. they are part of the Imperium Society. HENRI was probably selected because OF HIS NOBLE-ARISTOCRATIC BACKGROUND. They remind me of TEA PARTIES FOR ONE, LIGHTHOUSES ON CRUMBLING CLIFFS, BLOODLETTING THROUGH FOR BREAKFAST, BLOODIED FISTS.  (STATISTICS)
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mother loves him in a way that would have the psychologist on a field day. there is nothing that henri can do wrong in mother’s eyes; and even if there was, it can easily be cleaned. water cleans the hands soiled in blood; and with the love, affection, devotion, and money they have, they can buy all the soap in the world to rid of the smell of it, too.
his father is not his real father, yet henri loves him so -- respects him so. the man raised him to fear fear. father loves henri too. he has no choice. henri is all he has, aside from mother, and it truly shows.
the man who fathered him is dead. that is a lie. his real father is in poland, incarcerated for money laundering and grand theft auto, but he may as well be dead.
financial status
his mother is the great hilma forsman -- designer and owner of forsman & co. -- who is a staple in the fashion industry, noted for her sharp and slick mens’ wear.
father is an earl. the fourth of his name. has a seat in the british parliament as part of the house of lord. he is a big man with too small a patience to trust anyone with power, and so he keeps it to himself.
their upstate new york household employs 8 people, and they have 5 houses -- apartments and flats not included -- around the world. need we say more?
henri, since a young age, knew that to get what he wants, he merely needs to just ask. as such, in the prime of his childhood, he had abused this privilege to see how far he can push it. at the peak of his menacing youth (as per what his tutor had called him once), he had 3 horses named after the scientific name of tropical herbal plants. they all died when he decided that unlike bicycles, he cannot the ride horses inside the 700 house. (( well, he can, but just to spite his tutor and prove him wrong, he won’t do such a thing. ))
at 13 he realizes that all the kids like him because the their parents wanted henri to favour their respective children, so that henris parents would favour the children’s parents, too. it’s fun. its good. aside from getting what he wants from just merely asking, he likes getting what he wants without even having to ask. he likes new toys.
his romantic and sexual partners seem to move under the same pretense too. it’s all blurry and misty and in passing, and it’s okay. he never wanted them to stay.
he truly falls in love at 16. he breaks his heart at 16, too. that is the end of that.
he’s different somehow. it’s a game now. they dont come to him unprompted anymore. it’s like the world grew, and he likes it. he honestly likes it.
when they approachd him, telling him things that he already knows, he shows them his uncle’s signet ring. he knew it is set to happen -- he’s been asked to be part of something because he presumably makes everything grander with his subtle grandeur -- he just didn’t know that the imperium society then would ask him -- of course they were bound to ask him -- to join them on his first day university. what great fun.
he punches quentin on the ear on quentin’s sixth birthday because quentin has the audacity to take away from him his magnifying glass, and how is he to burn the ants without his magnifying glass. their parents find it amusing ( quentin’s crying, henri’s scowl, the unruly fury of a child ). for henri’s eight birthday, mr. and mrs. cromwell gifts henri with a set of archaeology-grade magnifying glasses. he befriends quentin reluctantly due to his spite.
tl;dr: yaa boii an edgy bruh trynna play with ppl until he grows bored of them because hes sure theres always someone who’ll replace them once theyre gone. hes so freaking edgy man, his personality is sharper than his goddamn facial structure. as emoji’s he’s a merge between  ╮( ˘ 、 ˘ )╭  and (¬‿¬ ) heheheh
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aiinsworths · 5 years
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(xavier serrano, cismale) PARKER AINSWORTH, the ACE, is TWENTY-TWO and a JUNIOR. HE is majoring in MUSIC. In addition to being Quentin’s CHILDHOOD FRIEND, they are part of the Imperium Society. PARKER was probably selected because HE IS A LEGACY AND ALSO AN UP-AND-COMING JAZZ GUITARIST. They remind me of SCATTERED GUITAR PICKS, TEA-STAINED MUGS, DOG-EARED BOOK PAGES, STARGAZING.
hello hello friends !!! my name is riley ( she/her, 20 ) and i’m so so excited to be here !!! i’m super pumped to share my child parker w you guys, he’s a real sweetheart and a bean who’s just trying to navigate life and play a lil jazz music on the way :’) 
imma try and keep this short but lord knows i always write waaaay too much for these lmao help anyhow, smash the heart or dm me here if you’d like to plot, i am too much of a plot ho™ for my own good !!! ¡¡¡
Parker was born in London, England to a British father and a Spanish mother, both of whom came from relatively wealthy and successful backgrounds and met during their time at Ashcroft in the Imperium Society. His father became a board member of a large management consulting firm, his mother an activist and photographer for magazines like NatGeo and such. He was raised with a lot of love, and it shows in his day-to-day life. 
After spending his fetus years in London, his parents moved out to Yorkshire (where his paternal grandparents were from), believing the city to be too hectic to raise a child.
He was a curious and loving child, popular in school for having the goddamned biggest heart and the purest intentions. He wanted to be friends with everyone, the same way he saw his parents treat others with love and respect.
He was what you could call a ‘jack of all trades’ (or ... dun dun ... an ‘ace’) in school, always trying his best to do well in class even though he wasn’t a genius by any means. He worked hard, did his best to get his classmates involved, and never forgot his compassion. He played guitar for the jazz band at school, wrote for the school paper, and was part of few honor societies.
(tw: death, depression) When Parker was sixteen, his mother passed away after a long battle with breast cancer. He and his father were left heartbroken, and battled different stages of loss and depression for many months. His family moved back to London, his father choosing to occupy himself into his work again.
His father had always expected him to sort of follow in his footsteps, having shown him the perks of a life in consulting. Parker never specifically agreed to such a life, but was so grateful for his parents’ upbringing and wanted to honor his father, so he agreed to go to school to study economics, but secretly, his passion lied with music. He applied to Ashcroft to study music, and was accepted – but his father doesn’t know it. Due to the connections between his family and the school, it’s bound to come out to his father that he’s not studying economics anymore, but right now, he’s kind of just living this state of bliss and enjoying the ride.
Quentin and Parker grew up together during his time in Yorkshire; both being sons of well-respected fathers who went to Ashcroft, they often crossed paths at dinner parties and the like. They related to each other, not only for being boys of similar ages, but for the inevitable pressure that arose from their upbringings.
They remained close friends who were able to balance each other well. Quentin always encouraging Parker to be a little more adventurous and risk-taking, Parker balancing him with his stability and calmness. When Parker went back to London, however, they lost touch a bit.
After reconnecting at Ashcroft and ultimately, the Imperium Society, they rekindled their friendship, just like it had been in their early teenaged years – them balancing each other. Parker wouldn’t have considered Quentin his best friend by any means, but he was almost like family in the sense that they knew much about each others’ lives.
(tw: death) He felt a huge pang of sadness and grief after Quentin’s death – Parker simply had no idea what to do, how to feel, even though he had lost a loved one before. He finds himself occupying his time with his studies, and playing jazz sets at the bars around campus to fill his time.
Parker is extremely warm and easy going, taking after his mother’s compassion. He likes to meet new people, understand their interests and passions, and is a great listener – his love could be his downfall, though, for he is very trusting and caring, and always sees the bright side, never once contemplating if anyone had ulterior motives. 
He likes a good laugh, enjoys making inside jokes with people as he feels like he has a deeper and more sound connection with people if he does, and is the type of person who would remember that you once recommended an artist to him, then four months later, ask if you heard that artist’s new album that had just been released.
He’s a little bit in his own world sometimes, unable to truly process complex emotions. He tends to just push them aside and focus on the areas of his life where he can find happiness, like his music and his friends. But of course, that means he’s often in a state of bliss, unaware sometimes of the pains and struggles of life. 
scattered guitar picks, tea-stained mugs, dog-eared book pages, stargazing, jazz music at a low volume in the background, messy bed sheets, incessant foot tapping, deep conversations about life, neatly ironed clothes, polaroid cameras, home-packed salads for lunch, strolls in the park, stolen kisses backstage, collared shirts, whistling through the campus grounds.
Parker is an incredibly talented jazz guitarist. He loves practicing in the music rooms until late at night, and can always be seen riding his bike around campus with his guitar strapped to his back. He is known on campus for playing live gigs at pubs and such, and loves kicking back and improvising on guitar when he hangs out with friends.
His favorite place to hang out is the rooftop of his building. Passersby can often hear him playing and improvising, even late at night beneath the stars. A few candles and his guitar, and that’s all he needs.
His fashion sense is what he deems as ‘simple sophistication’: of course, there are times where he’ll be lounging around in a graphic tee and shorts, but generally, he dresses decently well.
He has had his fair share of relationships because he’s such a huge romantic: his parents’ marriage made him hopeful of a future with the love of his life. Previous relationships probably did not work out because Parker was admittedly very naive, but he’s learning how to grow. 
* update ! He took a year off between his freshman and sophomore year (hence his age); he told his father he was interning at a friend’s parent’s firm in the United States, but really, he was traveling around, kind of finding himself, playing jazz in dive bars. I imagine he spent a couple months in New Orleans, jammin’ it up on Frenchmen St just having the time of his life.
He likes to cook, but probably isn’t great at it. He used to cook with his mother, but she typically gave him the easy tasks, like washing the vegetables or stirring the soup. 
He had thought of himself as heterosexual most of his life, but since coming to university, he’s realized he’s pansexual as fuck. He finds beauty in someone’s character, not their sex or gender identity. 
pls message me w things i am trash
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elizcvclencic · 5 years
(sofia carson, cisfemale) ELIZABETH ‘ELIZA’ VALENCIA, the SALUBRIOUS, is TWENTY ONE and a SENIOR. SHE is majoring in ARCHITECTURE. In addition to being Quentin’s EX-GIRLFRIEND, they are part of the Imperium Society. ELIZA was probably selected because SHE HELPED DESIGN ONE OF THE NEW BUILDINGS ON CAMPUS. They remind me of FAIRY LIGHTS, QUIET TALKS OVER MORNING COFFEE, DOODLING ON YOUR NOTEBOOK, STARGAZING FROM THE ROOF. 
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so so so i’m adri and i’m so excited to introduce y’all to this baby and get started! give this a like n i’ll slide in for some plotting?
tw: car accident mention, drinking and smoking
Info !
             name : elizabeth ‘eliza’ cecilia valencia              age : 21              major : architecture              family : mother and younger brother                birthday : july 30th              languages spoken : english ,  spanish
Background info !
so growing up her family was picture perfect, got along super well, had dinner together around the table, did things together for fun until her dad passed away when she was 12 from a car accident 
after that her mother withdrew herself from their family and threw herself head first into her work, leaving her and her brother to get closer and stick together more than ever, her mom also instilled a hard work ethic in them from that point on, making sure they were always doing the best they could academically 
eliza was always seen doodling or sketching in her book somewhere, coming up with elaborate scenes and designs, eventually learning how to draw outlines for buildings and creating extravagant designs
she likes to draw literally anything but people aren’t her preference and landscapes aren’t her strong suit
she’s always been the easy going person and even if she wasn’t happy, wanted to make other people smile and feel like someone cared about them
she always wanted to see the good in people and give them a chance, regardless of what she’s heard about them 
which is exactly how she ended up falling for quentin, and their relationship was actually really good, mutually respectful, if you caught them at the right moment there wasn’t a doubt they loved each other, she honestly would’ve considered him her best friend 
so yes, she was really upset when he died #heartbreak because she saw them having a future together and hated that something so special to her had to end so soon
About !
eliza has such a bright personality, she just loves people and talking and making others smile
she’s used to being competitive because of her mother’s pushing and wanting to do whatever it would’ve taken to make her dad proud if he was still around (plus she has a brother c’mon)
now she’s a little less bubbly than before because she’s kinda sad and a lil guarded but deep down she’s still the same sweetheart
she didn’t exactly grieve in the best way possible, think drinking and smoking and shutting herself off from a lot of people 
she’s thinking about adding a minor in interior design and essentially becoming the next big HGTV star 
eliza wants to be everyone’s friend, but she isn’t afraid to step on some toes if it means defending and protecting the people she loves
Wanted Connections !
these are just a few i can think of rn, but give me literally anything, I’m here for it all.
general friends
best friend(s)
i love a good squad?
exes (good, bad, anything in between)
you know her brother is always an options (wink wink)
literally anything else you can think of 
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( daisy ridley, cisfemale ) MARINETTE BEAULIEU, the GIRL ON THE PEDESTAL, is TWENTY-THREE and a SOPHOMORE. She is majoring in LAW. In addition to being Quentin’s UNATTAINABLE FANTASY, they are part of the Imperium Society. Marinette was probably selected because she is a FAMOUS AUTHOR. They remind me of LONG SKIRTS, YELLOW POST-ITS, and A CERTAIN JE NE SAIS QUOI.
I’ve had this baby since about last November, and I’ve written her in many different ways — this particular version is an AU divergent from my novel universe where I’ve primarily written her — but she’s probably my favourite character I’ve ever created and I love her dearly, so I really hope you love her too. 
Why the late start?
Well, some would certainly ask this question, and they’d be right to be curious. Marinette’s late start at university has to do with her writing career, which has included dabbles in screenwriting and an experience assisting with artistic direction on London’s West End. While this has all proven very lucrative, it’s always been Marinette’s goal to find something stable to complement her wife — a highly famous Italian-French actress — and properly ensure they can support her future children; so, while at Ashcroft, she’s working on her next book and a law degree. There are author-politicians, so why not author-lawyers?
FULL NAME: Marinette Océane Katarin Beaulieu
AGE: Twenty-three
DATE OF BIRTH: 11th October, 1995
PLACE OF BIRTH: Paris, France
ORIENTATIONS: Homosexual / homoromantic
MBTI: ENFJ-T (The Protagonist) — 92% Extroverted, 73% Intuitive, 82% Feeling, 69% Judging, 97% Turbulent
ENNEAGRAM: Two, with a Three Wing (The Hostess)
THEME SONG: The New Great Depression by The Moth & The Flame
ZODIAC SIGN: Libra (sun), Scorpio (moon), Virgo (rising)
- she's the youngest child of five — as far as anyone knows — and known to be the golden child, her father's favourite. if there are a french family comparable to the kardashians, it's this one
- she's twenty-three + a sophomore. she started uni v late because she's been pursuing a career in writing and artistic direction, which has included on the west end, but she's studying law because she wants something that's concrete / totally secure
- she doesn’t need to. her book series (mostly based on her life, though few people have figured this out) are incredibly popular and a company has brought the for-tv rights.
- her connection to quentin is his 'unattainable fantasy.' he knew about her, and she was one of those . . . far-off fantasy crushes who you doubt you're ever really going to meet... until she turned up at ashcroft to study, but also as a married woman, and an out lesbian.
- her wife is a famous actress who's living in london while marinette studies
- this is . . . literally to a fault, she doesn't know how to prioritise herself even for one minute. you'd not know it from looking at her unless you know her really well, but her self-esteem is actually just: none
- she has an absolutely AMAZING facade of happiness a lot of the time
- a lot of it comes from the fact her older siblings very much resent her. her age gap with them is considerable, and she's never had a functional relationship with any one of them.- her father always kind of put her on a pedestal (hence 'the girl on the pedestal') so she's always felt a pressure to impress people, to make them like her.
- but this favouritism... completely fucked over any chance she might have ever had at a proper family relationship.- and if that wasn't enough for her, her mother outright despises her. and isn't exactly quiet about it
.- marinette assumes this was because she was reluctant to have another child, but what no-one of them except her mother knows is it is because marinette is actually the only true-born child of her marriage- the other four are all by her sister's husband, nikolaus, a german ceo who she slept with at her sister's engagement party.
- she's always grown up with this atmosphere of wanting to keep the peace to make up for the turbulence of her home life, and keep her father proud of her, because she is terrified of what life will be like for her if he suddenly wasn't (she's never known anything else.)
- a lot of the time it led to marinette kind of... excluding herself to keep the rest of them happy.- and from all this comes  her tendency for self-blame. if something goes wrong she WILL blame it on herself even if it makes completely no logical sense to do so.
- at one point she was coerced into getting engaged to an english nobleman's son — mostly her mother's idea — but by that point she'd been in a relationship with a girl (her childhood sweetheart) for some years. so she came out and got engaged to her, marrying her at the age of seventeen: the one thing she's ever done just for herself regardless of her father's opinion
- she is the GREATEST french patriot. you literally cannot ignore how incredibly proud of her country this woman is
CRUSHES — obviously, these are unrequited on marinette’s end ( she legitimately refuses to exist without luce ) but i’m totally down for anyone to have a thing for her !
CHILDHOOD BEST FRIEND — marinette’s best friend from when she was growing up. probably the only one who knows the real dark truths of her life, the only one whose shoulder she will cry into when she’s feeling broken. 
EXCITABLE FANS — anyone who might know marinette from her family’s fame, her career as a famous writer, or even from her work on the west end ! these characters would be really eager to be in marinette’s friendship circle.
ANTAGONISTIC PLOTS — marinette really doesn’t respond well to people not liking her, so it’d be interesting to see her squirm.
FAMILY ACQUAINTANCES — people who she knows through her family. they can be really close through this or they can be really stilted, we can work this out !
BAD INFLUENCE — someone who is trying to lead the golden child off the rails. 
ROOMMATE — self-explanatory. ( taken by lissa! )
ACADEMIC RIVAL — especially if they study law, the defence to her prosecution. the competitive element in her quest for success. 
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hvrpersferry · 5 years
(olivia holt, cisfemale) HARPER ANDERSON, the FIREBRAND, is 20 and a SOPHOMORE. SHE is majoring in HISTORY. They are not part of the Imperium Society and from the outside, they think it’s LIKE A GOLD STAR STICKER ON YOUR DIPLOMA. I often see them around campus TYPING AWAY ON HER LAPTOP . They remind me of FIXING YOUR HAIR IN THE MIRROR, SNEAKING THROUGH A WINDOW, A SMOLDERING FIRE, and EXCITED WHISPERS.
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give this a like and let’s plot! 
Info !
              name : harper penelope anderson                age : 20               major : history                family : mother and father               birthday : may 20th                hometown : manchester, england 
Background info !
her family consists of her and her parents, her always-busy-super-important-lawyer parents
they never really had time for her when she was growing up or when she got older, they saw it as if they’re providing for her everyday needs they’re doing their job; her nanny had been her closest friends for a while
for the longest time she always tried to help out with anything her parents would let her, but one time she accidentally misplaced a file in the wrong stack and they completely exploded at her and just overall made her feel really bad 
as a teenager harper still cared about what they thought of her, but was more willing to still be herself, she dyed her hair to see if they’d notice, she had shoplift once or twice, she even decided to go to ashcroft just to prove that she could and got a ‘that’s nice, close the door on your way out?’
after that she turned to her friends and significant others to give her the attention she lacked from her parents  
About !
her bestie is melissa, your one and only gossip blog owner, she loves a good gossip sesh as much as the next girl
she does her own fair share of starting and spreading rumors, even if they’re not necessarily true (sometimes they’re totally harmless)
harper will always try and please you during every conversation, literally the biggest people pleaser
she can also SEEM like she’s being secretive or sneaky? but that’s probably because she’s listening in on something to either use it again later or just because she’s bored 
if she doesn’t like you, you’ll 100% know, no point in beating around the bush
she’s really good at history? dates and names and all the random in between information is super easy for her, if you catch her at the right moment she will literally talk your ear off about any historical event or person
she really just needs someone to keep her grounded, make her realize that having every single person like her isn’t how life has to be, she’s overall a good person deep down who lowkey craves affection and attention. 
loves to party. loves to have fun. if you need to let loose she’s your girl. please call her for a party, the best tea is there
Wanted Connections !
these are just whatever but give me absolutely anything
general friends
best friend(s)
ride or die
someone who’s gonna get her head out of the clouds
exes (good, bad, anything in between)
people she parties with
someone who just wont give her the time of day
literally anything 
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clementinejoseph · 5 years
(alisha boe, cisfemale) clementine joseph, the wildflower, is 20 and a junior. she is majoring in theatre. they are not part of the imperium society and from the outside, they think it’s a dangerous club that she fears. i often see them around campus camping out at the arts building/theatre. they remind me of sunflower fields, summer nights, fresh squeezed lemonade, catching lightning bugs. (sav)
(( aka savannah is a child and can’t stop herself from picking up more muses ))
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she’s back at it again y’all!! with a new muse!! clem is brand spankin new and is the most innocent of my children so pls be gentle with her. i’m gonna keep this kinda short because she doesn’t have a tragic backstory like my other hellspawn so it saves me time writing.
her mom was super old when she had her-- 38, which is actually nearly geriatric for pregnant women funny enough. 
her mom certainly didn’t raise her alone, since they were apart of a commune based in france. not a cult, contrary to outside belief.
“it takes a village to raise a child” was the motto, so she had plenty of parents to raise her and dozens of siblings.
( some of which were her actual half siblings, thanks to her dad--even though she never found out which of the men in their family that actually was )
after a minor drug problem started to spawn from the group when clem was eight years old ( the leader’s were making meth. gotta love breaking bad !! ), clementine and her mom left for the trailer life. 
they traveled europe together, where she was home schooled and learned to find her own passions.
eventually they settled in scotland, where a then fifteen year old clem found her love of theatre.
she practically lived on the stage, loving the idea that she could just be somebody else and sing and play pretend for hours on end. 
once she finished her homeschooling, she applied to ashcroft. it was a surprise acceptance, something that scared her mother a little. she didn’t want to let her baby go.
with only the last three years at ashcroft being her only form of formal education, clem is a little outlandish and....well, odd. 
she dreams of being on the big stage one day, not for the fame or money--but because she loves it that much.
headcannons !!
she’s very unconventional.
years of living in a commune and with your hippie mother in a van will do that to you ig !!
she’s adapted to modern living a little but like. she’s not a big fan of technology. has a little phone to call her mom and friends but that’s it.
her favorite color is yellow
she smells like lavender and honey all the time. 
has about twenty different shirts that say “save the bees” on it
a huge vegan but also loves oreos
she’s constantly belting out showtunes, what else did we expect.
she’s very naive when it comes to romance, but she’s also a hopeless romantic
very very fluid sexually !! doesn’t identify with anything, she’s a hippie at heart
don’t buy her flowers, buy her peaches. the girl loves peaches.
for wanted connections i’m not picky !! she’s a super gentle bean so we can come up with things as we go !!
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