#( anyway like this and ill slide into the dms for plots/the wc listed ! )
chernyaevs · 5 years
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MISHA CHERNYAEV, the MAGNATE, is 23 and a SENIOR. HE is majoring in BUSINESS. They are not part of the Imperium Society and from the outside, they think it’s A CIRCLEJERK FOR KIDS THAT WERE 'GIFTED' IN ELEMENTARY. I often see them around campus PLAYING WITH HIS DOG. They remind me of TUCKED IN SHIRTS, HIGHLIGHTED BOOK PASSAGES, HALF FINISHED MUGS OF COFFEE, AN ECHOING VOICE. 
piper here again with a less sunshiney baby! i have a bit more to say upfront about misha because i made rue on impulse at 2 am and i’ve actually been brainstorming for him for a week straight now! anyway, i actually have a small compilation of wc at the bottom. i know. it’s a miracle. (THIS ENDED UP LONG I’M SORRY. I ADDED A DOG GIF AT THE BOTTOM FOR YOUR PATIENCE!)
was born in the summer time (gemini energy) in a rich village located right outside of moscow as the youngest child in the seven person family. the chernyaev’s are an extremely influential name in western russia, and that reputation has passed down to all of their five children.
two of his four siblings detested the tycoon lifestyle upheld by their parents; one now works in hong kong as a chef, while the other studies art in milan. this has left misha alone with his two other siblings to bare the brunt of work and reputation.
he lived a secluded childhood, the gap between him and his closest sibling being 8 years and his social skills being less than fine-tuned during his elementary years; accidental insensitivity because of his upraising, crude words he learned from inattentive parents, etc. which still lingers to this day.
around age 9 or so he began to display early symptoms of OCD. his family brushed them off for three or so years until his habits became hard to ignore. 
his obsession with judaism, despite coming from a family of secular jews, was what tipped off his mother first. he would beg to be taken to synagogue and spent a few hours at night trying to learn hebrew. if/when interrupted, he would start all over again from the beginning.
he would also never touch anything that came in uneven numbers. the number he likes to count in is 4. he developed multiple counting/touching rituals with things as time progressed and his illness went unchecked.
eventually he was diagnosed and treated at age 13. he’s had his ups and downs with medication and was involuntarily admitted into a psycho ward at age 16. but things began to look up on his 17th birthday.
he was gifted a beautiful lil samoyed pup that he lovingly named yoshi, from his choice mario kart wii character. yoshi has been a great distraction from his sudden compulsions, and though he is no where near a ‘cure’ he serves a great purpose to misha.
misha was accepted into ashcroft with the, erm, assistance of his parents, who were also willing to pay his way into the society as well before he asked them to refrain; simply because he didn’t believe he had any exceptional talents outside of maths and mario kart, plus he didn’t want to be associate with ‘a bunch of jerkoffs’.
he’s had an ok four years! has a close-knit group of friends, doesn’t party that much, just enjoys hanging out with yoshi and studying. he’s taken a few classes in english literature, but he doesn’t expect it to go anywhere :/ he’s well aware of the obligations he has back in moscow.
for now he’s just chilling with his dog, who he takes everywhere. he still practices judaism though isn’t as dogmatic about his beliefs, and tries to keep a semi-low profile.
wanted connections:
seems like a married couple: please..... i would love this. someone who understands him in a very pure way and who he’s comfortable being a little bit affectionate with in public!! can also be a slowburn (; 
roommates!!: misha rents off-campus because rich boy life. he wouldn’t charge that much just to have someone there to make him feel a little less alone, cause although he’s used to it, it can be a little disheartening.
study buddies: he’s wicked at math. can probably be bribed to do essays for you.
unlikely friends: someone who’s an extrovert and has more charisma than him, someone he can learn from considering he’s meant to be a hot shot business tycoon one day.
former lovers to friends: this would have to be discussed in pms lol, but i wouldn’t be surprised if he picked up a girlfriend at any point and shit just went downhill.
love/hate: i love angst. he’s not intentionally cold with most people but he would be with this person!! but he’d also sorta love them. you know how it be.
friends from holiday: misha traveled a lot during the summer months so any other rich kids out there hmu!! or i’ll hit u up. or just anyone who lived in a semi-nice location that a tycoon family would visit. thanks.
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