chernyaevs · 5 years
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𝐀 𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐋𝐓 came upon ophelia upon hearing those words. she didn’t usually question her choice of going against her father and following her own dreams — but when misha explained himself, it felt like the path she picked was selfish and egotistic.
“that’s… one way to look at it.” she commented, looking down, “i mean, i just shiver at the thought of being stuck behind a desk all day, stressing over numbers and dealing with people’s complaints.” the words left her lips playfully. “do you really not want anything? like, that has nothing to do with your family — just you.”
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she wasn’t wrong. there was nothing inherently appealing about business to misha, but he accepted his fate early and life and he tried not to hold any qualms against it. doing so would be a waste of time he could be spending participating in activities he did enjoy.
“well, when you say it like that. . .” he trailed off, playing along. and of course he wanted things; he wanted a bigger scale life that didn’t involve shady practices or cheating the system — at least not in the illegal way. “i don’t know. maybe i would like to get better at english or something. but that’s just as boring, isn’t it?”
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chernyaevs · 5 years
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chernyaevs · 5 years
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐖 𝐖𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑 on her face as she wrapped an arm around his elbow, her other hand being shoved in the pocket of her jacket. the business wing of ashcroft had always been intimidating to ophelia — she’d have to go there every once in a while to visit her brothers, and the crowd seemed a lot more judgmental compared to the art students.
“thanks.” she chuckled, “question —- you’re majoring in business for like… your family, right?” ophelia asked, hoping she wasn’t disrespecting any boundaries, “but do you like it? is it, like — your calling or whatever?”
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with a slightly concerning heartbeat, misha began to lead the way to the dormitories. he almost instantaneously lost the tense grip in his shoulders from that excruciating statistics briefing once exiting the building — but what came unexpectedly to him was her inquisitiveness. or, maybe it shouldn’t have. most could assume that a kid like him from a family of aristocrats would naturally be a business major.
“ah, no problem,” he took a pause, trying to gather an answer that wouldn’t extract any pity. “well, yeah, my family did encourage me to go into business. but it’s all i’ve ever really had to look forward to, so i suppose it is my calling. . .”
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chernyaevs · 5 years
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“He would never – he’s quite the gentleman around me, never once tries running away with my food, destroys my shoes or steal the blanket when I get a sneaky cuddle.” Emma playfully defended, letting Yoshi down gently so that he could finally do as he pleased now that she got her much needed attention from him. It was a nice bond the three of them had in their apartment, they know each other’s routine well by now and quite frankly Emma enjoys her time at home a lot when there’s the time that she and Misha get time to talk. It gets so busy sometimes that there’s anyways a much-needed catch-up. 
“Don’t diss potatoes like that, they’re a staple food. It’s a must. How about next time your cooking cabbage, I’ll do the potatoes? Once you try it out together you won’t be able to go back.” She suggested, shrugging her shoulders lightly before quickly rinsing her hands in the sick and then grabbing her second slice of toast. She then sat across from Misha, chewing her toast with her hand covering her mouth. “How are you then? Give me all the gossip.” 
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“Oh, I’m glad he spares you all of the torment he inflicts upon me then,” Misha cast a playful scowl towards his beloved dog and chuckled lowly to himself. He could never resent Yoshi, it was the only truly impossible thing he could fathom committing. Plus, he was never actually rough with his owner, just a little less forgiving.
He cocked his head to the side as he listened to his roommate, “A staple food? Like, the device?” He made a stapling motion with his hand. He was proficient in English, but there would always be slip ups, which annoyed him but he learned to push aside. “I’m fine, but I do not know if I have much gossip. I spoke to Ophelia at the masquerade, if that’s anything interesting to you.”
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chernyaevs · 5 years
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per his father’s adamant request, misha began to partake in additional nightly classes to further boost his grade — not that he required it, but it helped his family sleep better knowing he wasn’t. it was far too late for his liking to be exiting the classroom, but he only made a note of it inside his head and continued his pursuit to freedom.
in the blink of an eye, ophelia had appeared ahead of him and his posture straightened immediately, as if he were programmed to do so at her command. “hello,” he returned, listening in before a small grin washed upon the planes of his face and he offered her an extended elbow. “no problem. lucky for you i am a gentle giant, but no one else has to know the first part.”
(  closed starter for @chernyaevs )
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 searched for misha’s familiar semblant in the sea of students that left the classroom. ophelia had spent a little too much time in the studio editing a few pictures, and barely noticed the time passing. when she finally took her eyes off the screen, she was greeted by the dense darkness of a black sky — walking back to her dorm on her own during the night was something she’d done several times in the past, but after the recent events, it seemed reckless to face the tenebrosity of ashcroft after dawn.
“hey.” ophelia quickly stood in front of him when he left the room, smiling as she tilted her head. “walk me home, please? i don’t feel like getting murdered or kidnapped tonight, and i feel like no one would have the guts try anything with you.”
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chernyaevs · 5 years
you're a fucking prince
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chernyaevs · 5 years
eleven out of ten mario circuit champion and dog dad, guinness world record holder for Most Pierogis Eaten In A Minute and generally just a sweet-hearted angel
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chernyaevs · 5 years
Anonymously tell me your honest opinion about me. I can't reply, just publish.
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chernyaevs · 5 years
if you had to marry anyone at ashcroft, who would you choose?
“this might be the most difficult question yet. i’m not quite sure if it would work in the slightest long term but… emma. because she’s used to how i am and she knows my routine the best, even if she ignores it sometimes. and we’re already roommates, so there would be zero adjustment period there.”
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( @emmaawoodss )
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chernyaevs · 5 years
do you like ophelia
“well, of course i like ophelia. she’s always been good to me and yoshi, i would feel for anyone who doesn’t like her — that wasn’t what the question was implying though, was it?”
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( @ofgenvsis )
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chernyaevs · 5 years
do you have a crush on anyone?
“uhh, maybe? maybe not. i don’t know — it’s all a bit complicated for me. but i would lean toward… yeah? yeah. i do.”
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chernyaevs · 5 years
what is something you wish you were better at?
“… i suppose communication. there wasn’t much in my family.”
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chernyaevs · 5 years
pas de cheval
“The best thing to ever happen to me is hard to narrow down. I’m pretty lucky – maybe if I say my roommate choosing me and letting me play with his dog every day is the best blessing. That and if I say Misha he’ll let me skip my rent this month.” 
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( @chernyaevs )
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chernyaevs · 5 years
what is your favorite memory?
“oh, meeting my dog of course. he came in a ribbon around his neck that he tore up, and i loved him from then on. he is the light of my life, you could even say my son.”
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chernyaevs · 5 years
honesty hour 
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chernyaevs · 5 years
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The girl stood back onto her feet but this day with Yoshi cradled in her arms like he was a baby. The dog was spoiled rotten but Emma and Misha wouldn’t have it any other way. Emma sneakily hid dog treats in her bedside table and it could be the reason why Yoshi even went to her in the first place but it made them both happy. Laughing, more quietly this time, she pointed down towards Yoshi with a big grin planted on her face as she looked at Misha. “He’s literally a baby! I could make him little doggy clothes, you know?” Emma pouted, begging slightly and her mind already running a mile with ideas she could think would make Yoshi a style icon. It was a ridiculous idea but that’s what a fashion major does.
“Zephyr’s my best friend, he’s one of the good ones, promise,” Emma told Misha without a doubt but appreciated Misha somewhat having her back. It was nice to know the two roommates could rely on one another. “I’ll bring him around sometime when he’s not covered in bruises preferably.” Before realising that probably didn’t make him seem any better but she’s sure Zeph will win Misha over in no time. “Cabbage, huh,” She said, mocking Misha playfully, raising an eyebrow at him. “Kinda odd to eat on its own, where are the potatoes at?”
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He observed them with subtle amusement;. Yoshi panted contently and hardly wriggled in Emma’s arms, which melted Misha to his core, though he diverted his gaze to focus on tackling the remaining cabbage. He was spoiled, and his owner hadn’t even deciphered whether or not it was a positive thing.  “Okay. But do not blame me if he gets bored and rips them to shreds.” he said offhandedly. It was an entertaining thought, he just wasn’t sure if his dog harbored enough self-restraint to keep the gift of such a thing as clothes intact. 
On the surface her opening statement left Misha with no piqued interest, until the concerning follow-up which sent his head spinning slightly. “That would be considerate of you? I think.” he murmured. It wasn’t his job to police who she saw despite the fact they shared a living place, and besides, he had a mildly intimidating guard dog to watch over them the entire time. A soft chuckle left his lips before he sighed. “It’s a dish on its own, you do not need potatoes. Unless you want them. But that is just more work for me.”
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chernyaevs · 5 years
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Emma rolled her eyes playfully before adding, “You think so lowly of me?” laughing loudly at him almost wincing at herself – rising her hands in apologies, her outdoor voice still active from shouting over the music and from arguing with police. “Well, with me running around campus like an idiot looking for Zephyr the police thought I was acting suspiciously when they were called about the knife incident. Long story short, they wouldn’t let me leave without a few questions.” She finally answered after munching on her toast, rubbing her hands to brush off the crumbs. Deciding that standing was too much on the soles of her feet, she chooses to sit on the floor so that she and Yoshi could play together. Yoshi was easily the best thing to come home to after a long day. Rubbing the eager dog’s belly, she glanced back up at Misha and smiled softly at him. She always liked her roommate, he was drama free and Emma liked his company. Emma wasn’t sure if he totally liked her, Misha was sort of closed off but that only made Emma more determined to become friends with him. “How was the party for you then?”  
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Her voice carried indoors, which Misha noted regularly to himself but tried to keep from fussing too much over. However he did reserve himself the right to flinch in reaction and sigh. “Zephyr, huh,” he noted while opening the fridge and recovering his leftover sweet and sour cabbage. Nights like these he was never awarded any real sleep. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting before Emma came home; what, that she would make a silent entrance and Yoshi wouldn’t be himself? “I do not know if I like him if he makes the police suspect you—” His eyes drifted to the floor, where both the dog and his roommate could be found. It wasn’t an awful sight. Quite wholesome. But Misha was consistently on guard, it was simply his nature and how he conducted his relationships. It made it difficult for him to let people know he was on their side, or if he found it cute when people interacted with his dog. “The same as every other party. Maybe a bit sadder, considering the circumstance. But I’m home now.” he said nonchalantly, stuffing his face with cabbage.
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