#cisn’t culture is
Disabled queer culture is loving and supporting all trans/nonbinary/cisn’t individuals who don’t go through with various aspects of transitioning for any reason!
Cisn’t people who don’t want to or can’t transition medically, I care about you!
Cisn’t people who don’t want to or can’t do vocal training, I care about you!
Cisn’t people who don’t want to or can’t change aspects of their appearance, I care about you!
Cisn’t people who don’t want to or can’t transition socially, I care about you!
Cisn’t people who aren’t out, for any reason? So much love and care being sent your way!
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dragynkeep · 2 years
do you have thoughts or recommendations on how to write/represent a non-binary character beyond they/them pronouns?
this is from my own experience so it may not apply to all nonbinary folks in what they want to see from nonbinary characters, which is why diversity amongst representation is so important. however what i did note is that
people have complex feelings on the “nonbinary coded inhuman character” & they’re completely valid in those feelings. what might be alienating for one person could be representative for another & really what we just need is more diversity across the board.
different cultures have different genders that spread across the nonbinary umbrella, & religion can also intersect with those. a character who hasn’t grown up in the culture who then immerse themselves in it could also discover that they aren’t cis & identify with a gender from that culture.
you don’t “always know” if you’re cisn’t. i didn’t, for nearly 25 years i thought i was & lived as a cis woman. sometimes these discoveries come much later in life, just as sexuality can.
because you mentioned pronouns, not all nonbinary people will use they / them pronouns. they don’t equal gender & people can use he / him, she / her, she / they, he / they, neopronouns, etc etc. there can also be cis people who use they / them pronouns so it’s important not to assume solely on that, yknow?
on the same vein as that, nonbinary characters do not owe androgeny; there can be fem or masc presenting nonbinary characters who are just as valid & representative as their androgynous counterparts.
don’t be afraid to write us! obviously don’t write us if you feel that you have to because your muses aren’t “diverse” or whatever, all that mindset does is lead to ingenuine representation / muses & a very quick end to any motivation for writing that character. but we’re people as much as anyone else & we’re not alien, we can be written just as easily as cis or binary trans people.
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🌸Bienvenue tout le monde! 🌸
This blog is for trans* and non-binary and genderqueer and cisn’t people who are aegoromantic (aego-aro) and/or aegosexual (aego-ace)
This blog is also for trans, enby, genderqueer self-shippers!
(I just genuinely didn’t know how to put that short and to the point with in the URL)
Please begin asks/submissions with something along the pattern of “trans aegoromantic culture is” “cisn’t aegosexual demiromantic culture is” “genderqueer sex-repulsed aegosexual culture is” “non-binary asexual self-shipper culture is” “trans fem aegoromantic self-shipper culture is” “trans masc sex-repulsed aegosexual culture is”
NSFW asks will be approved on a case-by-case principle but are allowed
Kink asks (be they sexual or not) will be approved on a case-by-case principle but are allowed
Referring to your sex-/romance-repulsion is allowed and welcomed
If you reference anatomy or genitalia, please put a quick “TW” at the top of your submission/ask
This is a space open and welcoming to: anyone aro-spec, anyone ace-spec, anyone aego-rose, non-dysphoric trans people, trans people who choose not to transition, aro/ace/trans/enby self-shippers, aro/ace/trans/enby pro-shippers, etc.
Anti-shippers may stay if they play nice and don’t start getting offensive. Shipping in itself is harmless.
Another shipping positive aro/ace/qpr blog. Ksier post actually includes several further links explaining how/why shipping is in itself harmless and why AO3 is not only Beloved™️ but also sorely needed, a safe haven for creatives.
Also: if you are a TERF, TIRF, truscum, transphobe, transandrophobe, transmisogynist, enbyphobe, exorsexist, radfem… If you think trans masculine people hold any power or privilege over trans feminine people by virtue of being trans masculine. Or otherwise believe trans masculine people aren’t oppressed.
If you think trans people in general are only valid if they seek medical transition.
Then this blog isn’t for you, even if you are an aroace trans person yourself. You can fuck right off! Be a nice piece of trash and show yourself out!
About me…?
I’m older than 21.
I am a pro-shipper.
I am oriented aroace.
I am aegosexual.
I am a survivor of sexualised abuse. (a rape survivor)
As far as my gender goes… I am agender-genderqueer.
Aside from agender-genderqueer, I am mingender/miagender, masculenby, libramasculine, transneutral.
In case you want to address me: You may call me Azalea or Leonard (he/they)
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darkstarcore · 3 years
Couldn’t find my original post I made for reference, but I have decided that in my endless star thoughts, I’d like to share my thoughts about How Gender and Names Work for Mario Stars(TM), as one does on a Tuesday evening.
By default, all stars begin their lives as genderless, nameless beings. However, after a few years, most stars will pick their own gender and pronouns (they may sometimes pick their own name as well, but this doesn’t universally apply to star culture as a whole). Some may stick with the same option(s) for their entire existence, while others might change, and there are some that continue to remain genderless entirely. The appearance of a star may also shift to align with a certain identity, but it isn’t always the case. Nothing is ever truly set in stone; any changes that occur are quick and easy.
As for the naming process, it depends on the type of star. For example, usually a name is bestowed upon baby Star Sprites once they decide they’re ready to form their own identity. Other stars that are considered “one of a kind” (or stars with very few or no unique individuals), such as the Dark Star, pick their own proper names. Names tend to be a lot more set in stone, but they are still subject to change as genders are. Also, not all stars are publicly known by their “true” name. It’s usually based on individual preference.
So… not sure what term would be correct to describe this phenomenon except that all stars are Cisn’t(TM)
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rainbowsylvie · 4 years
wanting t0 be/have a sylve0n is trans culture t0 be h0nest
*thinks about the fact I wanted to change my sona to sylveon when I’m 18 for at least a year and am now a cisn’t of a current unknown variety*
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mothpile · 5 years
21. Poetry gay or comedy gay?
comedy! Live Laugh Love expect it’s just Laugh Laugh Laugh babpey !
22. Emo gay or pop gay?
JHDGSD ok hm. idk. id say. More pop ig. im not Very Emo fsdjhg
23. Are you fem or masc or androgynous?
Androgynous! love bein like That so when ppl look at me they go “what the FUCK is that. what. the frick.”
24. Favourite part of gay culture™?
i. cant answer this. i Dont Know. the Memes? i wanna say the Gay Memes that come out of the Gay Culture. the fuckgin. Cant Do Math shit. Those Moods. yknow.
25. Whats the most annoying question that cishets ask you?
hmm i dont Really Get Questions? im just Out as Gay at school and most ppl Know The Deal for that, and the few friends who kno im cisn’t dont really ask anythin “annoying” about the fact my gender isnt a binary one sfdjhg so? i dont really have an Answer for this! i dont really have to Deal with Annoying Questions dfshjg
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kayjscage · 3 years
About cisn't being a gender identity by itself, i believe so! :D also an alternative for trans, because it would be cool
(Ok coming back up here after typing all this to give you a warning I guess: you opened some floodgate in me and this turned into a rant. Sorry about that.)
Yeah! My feelings on it are, I just think, sometimes gender is so confusing? Sometimes I think about it and I'm like "what is gender supposed to feel like? How do you feel gender?" For example, how do women (trans or cis) know they're women? They feel like a woman? How do you feel like a woman? What does "woman" feel like? And the real bitch abt asking a question like that is that you'll get a thousand different answers from a thousand different women.
I know what anger and happiness and stuff feel like, but what is the feeling of gender? And I have this much struggle with "what am I feeling?" that I wonder if I'm feeling anything at all? And maybe I'm actually agender? But how am I supposed to know that I'm not feeling anything when I don't know what's absent? If that makes any sense, which I don't think it does bc I'm confusing myself.
And and and, bc I don't know what gender feels like, I don't know if I really am genderqueer! Maybe I am cis! Maybe I've been a woman this whole time, just trying to feel special! But cis people don't question and fumble and get themselves all in a tizzy over gender, right? Cis people don't get confused about it like this. Or do they??? Who knows?! But I don't think so, so I don't think I'm cis.
I don't feel any pull towards womanhood, but I do sometimes feel a pull towards femininity. Like the aesthetics of femininity. (Not my fault western women's fashion is a thousands times more aesthetically pleasing than men's fashion. Can't speak for other cultures tho). But I just. Augh. I just know I wanna go on T? And get my boobs off? I see pictures of trans men who have been on T for a few years or more and my brain lights up like "That's what you need to look like!! That's you!! Do that!"
Gender is this weird nebulous thing that's constantly changing shape, color, texture. Constantly shifting between being in a solid, gas, liquid state. It's an enigma. It's like trying to understand and wrap your mind around an Eldritch entity or something. I say I'm genderqueer bc I took that literally. My Gender is Queer. Maybe cis'nt is a better thing to call myself bc it's like, the only thing that feels even close to accurate. But saying "My Gender is Queer" and cisn't feel like saying the same thing? Maybe cisn't, genderqueer, nonbinary, etc. are all just different words for the same thing? Like, apple (english), úll (Irish) and pomme (french) are all different names for the same fruit?
I may just start calling myself cisn't for the meme tho lol.
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Since I’m gaining a following:
The ask and submission boxes are open and I’m looking forward to your commentary, statements, prompts
I suggest to begin asks/submissions with something along the pattern of “trans aegoromantic culture is” “cisn’t aegosexual demiromantic culture is” “genderqueer sex-repulsed aegosexual culture is” “non-binary asexual self-shipper culture is” “trans fem aegoromantic self-shipper culture is” “trans masc sex-repulsed aegosexual culture is” etc.
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