#cindy's such a fun character
lilacthebooklover · 1 year
Lily Headcanons :]
Lily is one of my favourite Kindergarten characters, and I have so many little hcs around her that I'd like to share!
Even after her mission in K1 and Billy being rescued, she still suffers from some depression and a lot of self-esteem issues as a result of Cindy's bullying. She's working on it, and Billy's always happy to help, but her self-worth is... Not great
Her favourite Monstermon card is the Castle of Sand: "built on the beach during low tide, it refused to die when the water came". She's been dealt a really rough lot in life, but she's kept going all the same. This card isn't particularly rare, or anything overly showy & magnificent, but she likes what it stands for (protection, resilience, hope) [:
Her father is a single parent, often overrun with work and so doesn't have much time to spend with her. He's pretty absent, and Lily believes that she has to be independent and capable all of the time as a result- especially to protect Billy after she found him under the school. She often has an inflated sense of maturity, forgetting that she is, in fact, a child
She really likes watermelon. Watermelon ice pops, watermelon sweets, just plain old watermelon
Lily loves organising midnight feasts. Without her dad at home, she's able to raid the house for snacks as much as she likes, and often enjoys piecing together little selections of candy
Leading on from that, Lily has a big sweet tooth. Cindy's comments about her weight started to get under her skin after a while, but donuts are her guilty pleasure :)
When she gets older, she learns how to play the flute. I just see her as a flutist tbh
She's always wanted to be a detective, Billy acting as her assistant as they solve little mysteries around school. If there's something to be solved, she's the first to know!
Lily's very observant and very, very stubborn. When she sets her mind to something, she is doing it, no matter how much time and effort it takes. She's efficient and intelligent, and while she's unable to read, she's very good at planning
Her morals are... A bit iffy. She has a strong idea of good and bad, not afraid to cross into the middle territory if the outcome remains good overall, and she's been rather desensitised to death over the years thanks to the world that she lives in
She's not very good at handling affection, often pushing people away when they try to reach out. When she's close with someone, she's exceptionally so, and struggles with trusting everyone else. That's why she's only close with Billy throughout and partially why it was so upsetting that Nugget would seemingly betray someone who trusted him so much by withholding info about Billy
She gets a pet hamster and names it Fluffy because she's 5 and deserves a hamster named Fluffy
Hoodies are her favourite thing to wear, but after Billy went missing, she couldn't bear to touch any of her own, switching to dresses while he was gone (partially thanks to Cindy's influence)
Lily is the older twin. She gives off such older sibling vibes and Billy the opposite. She's responsible and chaotic and cares about her bro and is so exasperated by him at the same time
While good at planning, Lily has a tendency to be a bit reckless, not really regarding her own life as very valuable anymore
Her favourite flavour of ice cream is mint choc chip :)
She's really good at sports. Hockey, long-distance running, swimming, etc. Even dodgeball!
Lily finds it much easier to stick up to adults than she does to people her own age. She can certainly hold her own, but her self-worth issues sometimes make it hard to confront people (especially Cindy) head-on
She and Carla would be really good friends. They can commit crime, stand coolly in the background and sigh at what idiots everyone else is together <3
She's very good at keeping secrets. She likes to know everything she can to stay one step ahead of the game, and not all of that is something she can just spill at random
And that's all for now lol. She's an awesome character and I always love writing her- I'd love to see anyone else's headcanons for her! :D
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laughingpinecone · 11 months
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Beach day for the gang! Bonus guest:
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(I wouldn't trust HIM with the pointy end of a beach umbrella, though...)
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shopkeeps · 10 months
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sketched + digitally colored some ffxv girls!!
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very-uncorrect · 5 months
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TIL that when you're having trouble getting motivated to write for your WIP, one of the next best things to do is to draw doodles of the characters in it instead
Time taken: 3 hours
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lilac-rose-writes · 5 months
i blacked out and woke up to this, enjoy your cindy content
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Isn't it fascinating that we don't see Cindy Moon, Benji Parker or Kaine Parker in the new Spiderverse trailer?
Same thing with Karn or Spider Zero.
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softgrungeprophet · 1 year
how is dylan fucking OC Do Not Steal brock the best dressed out of the spidey cast lmao
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hexagoniterations · 2 years
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updated designs for everyone in MATH! most are pretty subtle, one or two haven’t really changed, plus the new characters Courtney and Spell.
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as per further [will roland in a joe iconis christmas spectacular / extravaganza] investigations, he crops up several times in these clips
1:24 as a belly button puppet show puppeteer, between ewm mister macabee and gerard canonico
the consecutive clips at 1:59 & 2:57 as uncle peenie
the consecutive clip at 3:23 on stage closest to the camera, as no immediately discernible role, which potentially counts as playing himself / “will roland” as cited in the tweet of pre melvin cooterstein roles, and as seems to be others’ role in the show sometimes (playing As Themself)
#will roland#joe iconis christmas extravaganza#uncle peenie#belly button puppet show puppeteer#he's been on the other side of it when playing mister macabee but this'd count as being Specifically a puppeteer rather than. mister macabee#(sidenote the Alternate(?) Rival? Faux? Etc? mister macabee does crop up again & is unsurprisingly a repeat feature. no lead on the kissing)#this Hard Candy Christmas sequence always having seemed to be a Ballet as also kinda seen here#but in later shows involving a) mister macabee introducing the scene i believe b) cindy lou who c) the belly button puppet show lol#the GIRL here keeps making me laugh harder every time lmfao. can already identify will Auditorially but the Wahhh he gives only helps#and ofc identifying him visually. like technically the virgin mary dancers ft. him were not identified but it is evident in other ways#(just like yeah visual recognition but that it's also Uncle Peenie and he's also the one playing that role there)#he's wearing the pants / black tank top of the uncle peenie outfit as a puppeteer but i don't think he is uncle peenie in that capacity#gotta have the aviators at least lol#make it a crop top....also as out of focus as it is there it looks like a binder too#i also suppose everyone not outright playing some other Character / themed ensemble role does appear As Themself technically#since the show exists within the show and so the audience members and any actors are technically all participating characters in the plot#going like ''can that be right; he doesn't have his glasses'' but oft wearing contacts for these things. orange aviators nonprescription#then fun fact it's a Ye Olde xmas spectacular hard candy christmas scene wherein all of [undergrad] will roland pops up ensembley...#still ft. the ballet; no cindy lou who plotline; some other plotline riffing on perhaps smthing more general than any other Specific work#but also maybe something nutcracker related? i used a nutcracker to crack an almond and a walnut open today btw. novel and winning#naturally there's also other more recent versions of it posted. the bg antics b/w the puppeteers lol. & then they kissed (tummies)#also loving The Singing not simply like Despite character voices but really just also soaking that in as a bonus feature to enjoy/appreciate#also for interest: there are more clips following that of the goodbye song so don't be deceived in that way lol
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allaglow · 2 years
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LIKE this post for an article of clothing that Cinderella would fashion for your muse!
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actiaslunaris · 6 months
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Dick Grayson & Tim Drake: Reading Guide
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Once upon a time, two kids met at a circus... and the rest is history.
table of contents:
who are these losers?
what's fun about them?
why a reading guide?
how does the reading guide work? (tl;dr: there are quick recs, a selected chronological list, and a complete chronological list)
where is the spreadsheet? (x)
who are they?
Dick Grayson and Tim Drake: the first Robin and the third Robin.
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Also known as the circus boy and the earnest computer geek, the hotshot and the pretender, the slighted prince and the new apprentice, the acolyte and the hanger-on, Nightwing and Robin, Batman and Robin, Batman and Red Robin, and Marcia and Cindy (BftC 3, N 110 & 119, B 617, DC 677, Detention Comics 1, R 168, RR 14).
Or as Jason calls them, "You idiots" (TT 47).
More seriously, Dick Grayson is one of the most enduring comic characters ever - he's been around since Detective Comics 38 in 1940! He's Batman's first ward, first partner, and eldest son. When Dick's parents are murdered, Bruce identifies with him, comforts him, and takes him into his home, where Dick ultimately volunteers to join his crimefighting mission. By candlelight, the Dynamic Duo swear an oath: That we two will fight together against crime and corruption and never swerve from the path of righteousness!
Tim Drake was created in Batman 436 and formally introduced in Lonely Place of Dying. He's a lonely kid who imprints on Dick when they meet as children, and Dick hugs him and promises to do a quadruple somersault for him; he's horrified and worried about Dick in the aftermath of the Graysons' murder, which he witnesses. He watches Batman comfort Dick, deduces Robin's secret identity, and becomes a secret devotee of the Dynamic Duo. Though he admires them both, it's ultimately Dick who he idolizes and tries to emulate when Bruce is spiraling: Batman needs a Robin. No matter what he thinks he wants.
Their slow-burn strangers-to-friends-to-brothers-to-antagonists-to-brothers-again arc develops from 1989 to 2011, and it's one of the standout examples of the DC Post-Crisis era's commitment to gradual character development and careful continuity.
what's fun about them?
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SO MUCH!!! But one of my favorite things is their friendship has RANGE!! They go from sweet kids to tense strangers to loyal friends to brothers over the course of real-life years and tons of comics. They fight, they tease each other, they get protective, they worry, they chase each other down, they walk away... there's just so much story here.
They meet at the circus as children, when both their parents are still alive. They meet again, years later, when Bruce is reeling from Jason's death and they team up to stop him from hurting anyone. In the early days, they're brothers-in-arms and never quite family - instead, Dick is Bruce's loyal-but-estranged eldest son, and Tim is Bruce's new loyal-but-wary apprentice, with his own family and his own semi-estranged dad. The slow process of evolving toward found-family is a delight to watch.
They work together as Nightwing and Robin over four years of in-universe time and for over twenty years of real-time, gradually forging a fierce bond of friendship and, ultimately, brotherhood.
Then Bruce dies, and they have some huge fights.
But even when they're estranged, even when they're not speaking... they never stop loving and trying to protect each other. No matter what.
why a reading guide?
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Quotes from New Titans 60 and Batman 441 (1989), Nightwing 25 (1998), Nightwing 69 (2002), Red Robin 1 (2009), Red Robin 12 (2010), Gates of Gotham 3 and Detective Comics 874 (2011)
I think reading guides are cool!! And somebody asked me about one!
More generally, I think reading guides are always helpful, but especially with Dick & Tim... you know, when I first started out trying to read their comics, I got kinda overwhelmed. Because on the one hand there's SO MUCH CONTENT - they're one of the classic enduring friendships in all of post-Crisis! their relationship is a HUGE BIG DEAL! they're constantly calling each other and hanging out and supporting each other and arguing!
But at the same time, all of that content is scattered across lots of different books, in Robin and Nightwing and Detective Comics and Batman and New Titans and Titans and Young Justice and Teen Titans and Shadow of the Bat and Gotham Knights and Birds of Prey and Showcase and DC Holiday Specials and so on and so forth. There's not One Definitive Place where you can read The Dick-and-Tim Story.
So: a reading guide!
how does the reading guide work?
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Dick and Tim are in over 400 comics together and over 800 comics each separately. That's a whole lot of comics! So I've made a spreadsheet with three different reading guides, depending on how interested you are in these two:
1-5 Quick Recs: If you just want to check out a couple comics, check out these quick recs for "if you like fluff," "if you like angst," etc.
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200 Starter Comics: If you want to do a comprehensive, chronological Dick-and-Tim read without committing to all the comics, this list has some of their major team-ups plus some solo comics so you know what the heck is going on. Most of them have a "sneak peek" you can use to decide if you want to read it.
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Big List: A complete list of all the comics Dick and Tim are in, in chronological order, with links to dc.fandom and to DC Universe Infinite. It has filter views.
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This spreadsheet was a labor of love, obsession, and SO MUCH PROCRASTINATING doing other things. I update it sometimes.
where is the spreadsheet?
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it's here. have fun <3
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prismatoxic · 13 days
Laios Touden - Larry Thorton (he's smart and knowledgeable about monsters and his friends always support him) Falin Touden - Felicity Thorton Marcille Donato - Mary DiMaggio (she's more italian now. refers to felicity as her "bestie" on numerous occasions. heavily implied to be in love with larry) Chilchuck Tims - Charles Chuck (he has a goatee and all instances of his age being questioned in canon are replaced with him being made fun of for his bad facial hair. all mentions of a union are gone) Senshi - Samuel Izutsumi - Isabelle (was tulip in the old party)
Kabru - Kyle (very overtly an evil antagonist who wants to hurt larry, also openly in love with rebecca) Rin - Rebecca Holm - Harold Daya - Denise Kuro - Fido Mickbell - Maddison (a girl now and HEAVILY gendered so nobody is confused)
Mithrun - Michael (also blatantly evil, like kyle) Pattadol - Patty Cithis - Cindy Otta - Oswald (a man now, and given pants) Fleki - Fran (a crazy lady now, but not because of drugs! she's just kooky and silly) Lycion - Lupin
Mr. and Mrs. Tansu - Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Kaka - Kenneth Kiki - Kennedy Namari - Nancy (her dad vanished one day without a trace for unknown reasons and she's been trying to get him back)
Toshiro Nakamoto - Thaddeus Nicholson (everyone thinks his name is chad, he and felicity are openly engaged) Maizuru - Marigold Hien - Holly Benichidori - Bluebell Inutade - Ivy
Sissel/Thistle - Poppy (a girl now) Delgal - Dennis Yaad - Edward The Winged Lion - Leo, until his true nature is revealed, and then Lucifer
and now, some screenshots from @sleepiercreature:
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ladybirdswritings · 6 months
Silken Webs & Pirouettes - Miguel O’Hara x Reader
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TW - PTSD, mentions of abuse.
Summary - You realize that maybe working with a man as intimidating as Miguel O’Hara just isn’t for you… Ballerina!Reader & CEO!Miguel. Alternate Universe with most of the characters included as seen in "Across the Spiderverse." Many cameos ahead. Miguel is a successful business owner but personality is canon. This is a steamy reader insert, Miguel x You! Enjoy and pls leave me lots of love and comments as it keeps me motivated <333
next chapter
You feel out of place. Stuffy, anxious, like a walking corpse with heavy eyes and an empty stomach. You’ve convinced yourself that once you waltz up those stairs, everyone is going to turn to you. Point and laugh as Mr. O’Hara rips you to tiny, pretty pieces with those awfully sharp teeth of his.
You took the stairs today because the glass elevator seems too dreadful. Each floor rising just getting you closer and closer to your demise, out in the open for the world to see.
You only have one flight left before you know it, though. The bittersweet stamina your body remembers from the times you used to twirl upon a silvered stage. You frown, maybe definitely purposely going slower up the final steps.
Your morning has been hectic. Your curls were in a battle with your hands and the straightener, reflecting the heat away like they were made of ice. Your hair is frizzy, and your ribbon has a tear in it. The sole of your boot is mere threads away from ripping apart and you’re terribly hungry. You had no time to eat, though.
The air constricts you as you reach the tip of the castle where the fanged creature with dark, unforgiving eyes dwells. Your body is overtaken with soft trembles yet you do your best to keep composed. Through the glass door and onto the shiny tiles.
The ambush doesn’t come… you ease.
Your eyes scan through the cold air that greets you. To your complete surprise, your Christmas tree still stands, covered in its pink bows and golden lights. You doubt you’ll ever be as confused as you are right now again at any other moment in your life.
Your eyes wander to the front desk where Cindy is seated, she smiles and nods and you swiftly make your way to her. Mary Jane wears glasses far too big for her petite face, clicking and clacking on her ivory keyboard.
“Hey!” She greets, handing you your bag of ribbons immediately.
It hasn’t been lit up to ash, it shocks you.
“Hey… is um…” thankfully she understands and you don’t have to say much more.
Christ, you’re treating him like he’s a monster tucked underneath your bed.
“Nope, he’s been out all morning… super weird between you and I, he’s never late!”
You believe her, but that doesn’t matter… all the tension in your body floats away like a cloud returning itself to the sky. The breath you’ve been holding since you conquered each step leaves you, and you finally feel as though you can breathe again.
“Uh oh, what’d you do?” Mary Jane inquires as she takes a sip of her peppermint tea.
You can only manage to shake your head, mumbling your gratitude softly and dragging the bag to the tree. The ladder still stands tall, taunting you with rusty screws.
“Hi pretty.” You whisper to the giant thing, hand burying itself in the tote to pluck out yet another pink ribbon. Knowing he’s gone, you work with ease. Gentle on the ladder, the ballerina in your heart still dances even though you cannot. Your balance is impeccable as you blanket the back of the tree now. It doesn’t take long.
Without him here, the office is alive. It’s happy. The women chat as they would while getting manicures at a salon. They giggle and swoon over Mr. O’Hara which is to be nothing more than expected. It makes you giggle. He must feel so high and mighty being surrounded by people bowing at the beck of his hand. Yet when his thumb doesn’t suffocate them, they blossom like roses.
They’re lovely, fun to listen to while you tinker with the tree. This is nice.
This is nice and the laughter and joy and “Santa, Baby” purring on the radio lasts all but an hour before dead silence and gasps soon flood your ears.
You chill, freezing up with your hand in the bag of bows. Your body is kneeling before the tree, the gold shining like starlight on your pretty features. Someone lowers the music quickly, and the man who simultaneously suffocates all the fun with just his presence alone walks through his elevator door.
You hear it ring, you hear the heavy clicks of his shoes and the adjust of his tie. Everyone is dead silent, now. Tense. Back to the normal that is known here.
You? You’re frozen, your head still bowed. You’re afraid of him, maybe. It is rare for you, you’re afraid of no one. Not anymore. Not after… well, it’s a promise you made to yourself.
Closer his boots near, until?
They stop.
They stop right beside you and god, it is right then in that moment that you’d rather run out and lay in the snow as you’re certain it would keep you warmer than you are in this moment, beneath him.
“You, come with me.” Is all he offers before marching forward on his path.
You gulp, maybe you misheard? A cautious glance at Cindy’s wide, sympathetic eyes and you know all you need to. This cruel, cruel man. He let you blanket his stupid, limp tree in ribbons, he let you get comfortable like a mouse under a warm lamp— not knowing there’s a serpent hiding away… ready to strike. Ready to tell you he’s letting you go.
Cindy raises her brows, as if rushing you to do something. To unfreeze. You dig your nails into your palm, hard enough to snap you back and you’re soon up on your feet. Each step you take, you look at nothing but your worn shoes.
The oak door is held open by him. They’re all staring, eyes like daggers stuck in your back.
“Time to actually do your work, ladies.” He commands, they comply immediately. Does he have a spy? Perhaps a meter that starts ringing when there’s too much fun…
The oak door slams, trapping you— the little mouse into his warm den. The sound startles you, making your eyes fall shut.
Keep it together…
He walks past you swiftly, scent of rich firewood and coffee intoxicating your body so much so that if you weren’t so horrified right now, your mouth would water.
“Sit.” He commands as he takes his place upon his leather throne.
You let out a shaky breath, making your way forward with all the force you have left within you. Maybe you should just blurt out an apology and book it straight for the highest hills you can find…
The zombie you are, dressed in clothes you used to wear for rehearsal as it’s all you have. Ivory tights and pom pom boots, a pink skirt and wrapped shirt. You rehearse the moves of walking and sitting like a dance you’ve danced before. The leather is cold when it engulfs you, unpleasant.
You clasp your hands in your lap, picking at the remnants of the French manicure Rio gave you last week. Waiting for it, expecting, remembering. Your head is hung in shame, in submission.
“You look nervous.” He observes.
You stay silent, reluctant to admit how true that really is.
You feel him, you feel him like fire on your skin. His eyes demanding your attention, but you can’t. You won’t. It isn’t good enough for him. He leans forward,
“You’re new here, but if you cared to ask my girls what my first rule is? You’d know that you look at me when I talk to you, do you understand?” He commands, and like a ballerina does, you mend and comply. Heated as your face as becomes, rapid as your heart flutters, and nervous as your being is… your eyes follow the order and shoot up to face his own.
They are dark, scorching into you like hellfire, an incomparable inferno. You want to shrink, but you won’t. You can’t give him the satisfaction.
“Rule two. Answer me.” He commands.
“Yes…” you whisper.
He’s satisfied, at least you hope. It certainly seems that way. He leans back in his leather chair and keeps his eyes locked on you. It is then you’re certain he’s a sadist. It’s obvious, obvious by the way you press your knees together and pick at your polish that you’re uncomfortable. He doesn’t care.
The silence is dreadful, heavy and suffocating. You try your best to hold it, stare into his eyes and ignore the fire burning your skin from the bone but god— it’s too much.
“I didn’t know!” You blurt out, half hoping he is deaf yet also half hoping he understands what you mean.
His eyes narrow and you’re certain you’ve made a fool of yourself again. You let your gaze fall and the subtle sound you hear under his breath makes you snap them right back up.
“I know. Keep it that way.” He forces through clenched, sharp teeth.
If he wasn’t so horrifying, so cruel, you’d feel sorry for him. His words, the subject, it’s painful for him to utter— to think of. You can tell.
The silence blankets the room again, and your eyes beg him to let you glance anywhere but at him. You’re desperate though, the bigger part of you. Desperate to suffer here, instead of home. Maybe he knows just how desperate you are, maybe he’s using it. Maybe he’s delaying the inevitable, maybe there’s nothing you can do to avoid it.
It seems like forever, but he eventually speaks.
“I want you to do something for me.”
Pack your shit and leave…
You finish his words within the confines of your mind, prepared for them. They never come, no… what follows only shocks you.
“I want a tree. A small one for my office. Red and blue ribbons, and soccer ornaments.”
This man, this enigma of a man seems to be the most capable creature alive and able to make your head spin like a record. You shake your head, confused…
“What?” It’s a soft whisper, weak.
“Rule three, I don’t repeat myself. You heard me.”
You did. You did and you still don’t slightly believe it. You’re dreaming, that must be it. You fell on the stairs on the way up and you’ve been tucked away in a coma.
No. It can’t be true. Sure, if anyone on this earth would be intimidating enough to make you truly feel their gaze in a coma, it would be him… but it’s far too real, too intense to simply exist within your imagination.
“I— can do that, sir.”
He only nods, once. Voice louder now, commanding the room, commanding you.
“I want it done by tonight, on my desk before you leave.”
You nod, mind still jogging to keep up with this conversation, to understand it. Your brows are furrowed, eyes searching for an invisible answer around the room. They land back on him and it’s as if he was waiting for them to do just that. A raise of his brow and he gives you an expression you can’t quite understand.
“You’re dismissed.”
He talks to you like you’re just a dull-brained creature, incapable of understanding a word he says, an idiot. You stand on your feet and then swiftly turn your back on him, which is somehow more frightening than looking him in the eyes.
That must be it, you suppose. You’re grateful. Baffled but, grateful. You won’t test your luck, you won’t question it. Perhaps Cindy was onto something with her analysis of him. He’s just not— soft.
No, he’s in control and commanding and intimidating and far far easier to deal with than the cavalry at home. Okay… okay, you can manage this.
Even so? You can’t walk quicker to the door, it seems— hurrying out like the inferno from his eyes is just behind you. It is. The oak creaks softly behind you, and you huff as you make it out to the other side, surviving to tell the story of how you evaded the beast. Mary Jane and Cindy’s eyes are wide and waiting.
You only offer a thumbs up and nod, then get straight to work.
You’re happy for the excuse to waltz the city during this lovely time of year. Especially when you’re not paying for the things you buy. The streets are lined with snowfall surrounding cobble pavement, brick roads and sparkling trees that reach the sky. There are smiling St. Nick’s on every street corner and employees dressed as elves in every small shop. It smells of coffee and chocolate chips.
You’re not at all dressed for December. Your check hasn’t come in just yet, you’ll buy warm clothes when it does. Jack Frost is a bite on your shoulder, cheeks and nose pink and chilled from the snow. You’re trembling.
That doesn’t matter though because you’re also dancing, right now. Dancing like you did as a ballerina; that equates to simply following orders. It isn’t until the warmth of the small gift shop nearby embraces you that you ease. Warmth crawls up your spine and burns Jack off of it. You can think, now. You can stop following orders, stop dancing.
Your trembling fingertips are numb, grazing over the snow globes, ribbons and ornaments. Hmm…
Perhaps he’s a fan…
Blue and red ribbon…
Your teeth chatter as you grab a wicker basket and collect each color. You find lights to compliment them and a dark, lonely little tree by the windowsill. Fitting. Ornaments, then. Soccer balls and goals, flags and tennis shoes. It becomes more apparent as you fill your basket that this is not for him.
Cautiously, you grab your cracked phone and find your watch history. The thumbnail, the picture from last night. Where the grinning ghost sits on his shoulders, she’s adorned in a socccer jersey. No, the tree is not for him at all…
It’s for her.
Sadness swells at the base of your throat but you force it down with a gulp. Gentle thing you are, always so empathetic with the world around you. Even the cruelest parts.
Yet, his words from earlier only echo in your mind.
Keep it that way.
Maybe you’re stupid or maybe you’ve just never been good at following orders when there’s not a wire hanger involved… but you just can’t.
Your eyes glaze over the wooden ornaments stand and land upon a dark oak frame with a vacant place for a picture. You know just what you’ll do…
Time passes quickly and you are back at the office soon. The tree is small, but you handle it with care and adoration. You tie the ribbons by hand and place them snugly upon the blossomed branches. The lights are a mixture of red, gold and blue. The star is gold too and it compliments the rest nicely. The ornaments are small, hanging like icicles from the tips of each branch. Overall? It’s perfect. Missing one, final touch though.
Everyone has left, the office lights dim. It’s just you and the grinch who’s steadily growing a heart. Maybe not three sizes bigger just yet, but you’ll take even a quarter. It’s big enough for him to keep you at least… for now.
You hurry over to the front desk where you print the picture, ink staining the colors vivid and bright.
Her smile was so pretty…
You cut the excess paper and grab the photo frame ornament, adorning it with the heart warming picture of him and his little girl. After you clean your mess, you place the final touch upon his tiny tree and revel in your masterpiece. Perfection, all you ever strive for.
But now? Back into the devil’s den.
You would be lying if you said your heart isn’t pounding as you approach the oak door, but as soon as you make it there— you steady yourself.
You remember who you are, what you have survived.
One cold man who you won’t know in a few months can’t take that. Your fire.
The tree is stable in your hands, but it needs both of them to balance upright. With your foot, you knock.
No answer.
You knock again…
And, no answer.
With a huff, you risk the possibility of angering the beast more than he usually is and use your bum to push the large thing open. You’re very much annoyed to find him alert and well, glasses resting on his face as he types away at a document on his laptop. The square thing looks like a toy compared to his hands.
He doesn’t regard you, he doesn’t need to. He already gave his orders. You’re careful to maintain balance as you gently bring the tree to his desk and place it to the corner of him. A switch of a button and it glows. You catch him then, glancing just once at it before continuing his work. The lights reflect in his glasses.
You tidy up a few spots and ribbons that shifted from transfer and then step back to admire. You’re satisfied. You don’t bother saying goodbye, he’s immersed enough as is and you’d rather refrain from unnecessary interaction with the heatmiser.
You smooth your skirt as you make your way out, ribbons bouncing on your locks. The door shuts behind you, you’re safe again.
The tiles squeak as your boots kiss them, gathering your bag and phone— you get ready to leave. Near the stairs and then— oh, right. You forgot to unplug the tree.
You know well how much of a disaster it would be if you set the floor on fire. With a huff, you make your way back and check the moisture with two fingers. All is well. You bend over and unplug the golden shimmer to make the top floor even darker, hearing the oak door shut swiftly as you do. It makes you jump.
Just when you almost missed him.
His steps are heavy… heavier than usual. Quicker too.
He must be tired, anxious for his bed. He’s filthy rich. He probably has the biggest bed with dozens of pillows and the softest of sheets. You wish your bed was like that…
You turn.
Maybe one day you’ll have a bed just as— oh!
Two hands case you up against the wall beside your ribbon tree, and all you see in front of you is that look.
That. Look.
It’s back.
Monstrous, horrifying, furious with you.
The darkness, the redness in his eyes is clearer now. The veins in his neck and the tension in his shoulders and jaw.
He raises his hand, you flinch by habit. Grasped tightly in it is the picture, except now— the glass has been shattered and it’s cutting into his palms. Your eyes widen, hands reaching out to help him. He pulls his palm back before you can, moving his head so that his eyes are staring directly into yours.
That look.
You chill.
“¿Qué carajo es esto!? Huh!? Tell me!” He growls, voice guttural, loud, horrifying— and it is then that you realize now more than ever that you truly are the mouse. And he? He’s the serpent.
With a grunt, he throws the glass ornament with his smiling, pretty girl across the room. It shatters even more once the wall finds it. He cases you in again, and you know now just how trapped you truly are. Just you and him on this lonely floor. He’s angry. You’re shaking.
You’ve seen this anger before. In her… in Katerina.
A gulp, maybe you’re a fish because your mouth bobs open far too many times to explain and yet you can’t. speak. The words catch themselves on the tip of your tongue. Your eyes can’t take it, they fall shut as you slow your breathing. There’s panic on the horizon. Memories so familiar to this flood back like an ocean of poison in your mind.
His index and thumb move to grip your chin, so angry and yet his grip is only firm, not painful. He tugs your face enough so that your eyes shoot open again.
“Did I tell you to do this?” His voice, perhaps it’s scarier now. It’s dark, low, composed like a cap on shaken pop.
“You knew better, girl! You knew better!” Her voice now… Katerina’s. Echoing in your head.
You’re suffocating, the air around you is too thin. You can’t breathe, you can’t look at those eyes.
No, no no. You’re panicking. His features blur as tears pool in your sight. He tugs your chin again, they fall onto his fingertips.
“You already forgot my rules, huh? You stupid, stupid girl…” he spits.
“You ungrateful, stupid girl.” She screams against your skull.
“I told you to keep it that way, didn’t I? Díos mio! What’s the matter with you?” He’s exasperated. He’s asking, eyes commanding an answer from you. You don’t know.
What is the matter with you?
Like the mythology of Rogue, it’s like everything you touch withers by your hand.
After everything Katerina gave you… after he took a chance letting you work here.
Your throat constricts as you gaze into the serpent’s eyes. Your heart is a hummingbird’s then, fighting so hard to fill that clouded brain with oxygen. You’re dizzy. You’re remembering.
You can’t. You need to move you need—
You can’t stop yourself, hand shooting up to dig your nails into the skin of his wrist. His eyes shoot toward the spot and he hisses, pulling it back. You take the chance to escape.
Under his arm and you stumble forward, hugging your midsection with a gasp, desperate for a lick of oxygen to bless your burning lungs.
A sob takes over you, but a close of your eyes and a quick inhale of the firewood and coffee that intoxicates you and you remember just where you are. You’re in his office. You’re not with her. You’re here. You’re here and you don’t want to be, anymore.
No, no not with him. Not after this. All of it, all of him. It’s too much, it’s too far. You don’t deserve this. You don’t deserve home either but at least there you can save up and flee…
You’re so panicked, all your mind can do is run over the many ways you’re going to call home through the flashing images of her. Images of Katerina bloom like ivy in your mind as you plan out your next steps. You feel glued in place yet so desperate to leave.
You glance at the broken glass and jagged smile of the ghost girl, jumping when the warmth of his palm greets your shoulder.
“Mirame, look at me.” He commands, but softly. Rather, softer than usual.
You feel pathetic yet still, your hand shoots up to push his own away from behind you.
You’ve had enough.
You buried the devil in your past. Your life is far too valuable to dance with another one.
You’d rather be cased up at home forever, working a job around family that think of you as nothing more than scum than be around him for a day longer.
You know, now…
“I quit.” You force out through another sob, not daring to turn and face him. You’re hunched over, shaky and weak. On the verge of suffocating completely. You wipe at your eyes and don’t hear another sound from him before you snatch your bag and phone and practically run to the stairwell.
Two steps at a time, maybe three before December’s chill kisses you in icy greeting. You don’t need to whistle for a cab to brake. In you go, familiar as you’ve done this twice now because of him.
Only this time? You’ll never come back again…
🏷️ ‘s @reirain @needybitez @migueloharastruelove @laysmt @maomaimao @daisy-artfield | chap 6 song 🎧:
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ketchupandpickles · 26 days
Okay i know its not summer until a few more weeks, but i Realllly want to start this KG summer camp Au ive been thinking about for 2 months So ima just do it :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
EDIT: The blog is @kindergartencampau
Basically it's just kg characters at a summer camp called Camp Plipberry and their adventures and stuff. Nothing groundbreaking or anything but I think it might be fun idk
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There are 4 cabins (4 kids in each) :
The Eagle cabin (Kidd, Monty, Nugget, and Buggs)
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The Bear cabin (Madison, Ozzy, Jerome, and Ron)
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The Fox cabin (Penny, Carla, Cindy, Alice)
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and the Badger cabin (Felix, Ted, Lily and Billy)
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I know the cabin names are very creative you can thank me later (lol I'm just kidding)
This Au will mostly be me making comics about scenarios they might be in and you can ask and request stuff if ya want idk
Also since this is mostly about summer, I think I'll end it in September and perhaps i will come back to it next summer
That's all. Hope you enjoy!
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(also i was planning this au before KG 3 came out so the new ones arent in this sorryyyyyyyy)
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smashupmashups · 1 month
For the 20th anniversary of the Jimmy Timmy Power Hour, I've made a few fan-created screencaps of what would happen in a potential fourth installment.
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Starting with the first one in Timmy's room. The base images were pieced together and traced on April 27, then the tracing was separated from the images and colored on April 29; it was finished on April 30. I updated it earlier today as Jimmy's shirt was a little dark-colored.
For the one with Chester and Sheen: It was made simultaneously on the same days with the first screencap. While Chester and Sheen relied on screenshots, Ultra Lord relied on a photo of a custom-made action figure of the character, which I traced and made sure to add the thick outlines, followed by removing the traced image with Free Online Image Editor, then adding the colors from the Fairly OddParents, so it'd be consistent. And, upon further inspection, Sheen actually has brown eyes in the Jimmy Neutron franchise, while the OddParents crew gave him blue eyes for some reason, so I wanted to go for accuracy. I also updated this earlier today, too.
The screenshot with Trixie and Cindy: I started on gathering images for Trixie while her legs were taken from my first Trixie and Cindy artwork I made, while Jimmy and Cindy were later worked on later that day. It was later finished on April 30. Speaking of Cindy, after comparing Cindy's OddParents design to her Jimmy Neutron design, blue eyes for Cindy and only one light green line for her top; I made sure the details were accurate, including her eye color. It, too, was updated earlier today to update the color of Jimmy's shirt and a blank spot I missed.
And finally, Denzel Crocker and Professor Finbarr Calamitous! This was made all in one day on April 30, which was last week; it was likely due to the scale of the characters, I guess.
Overall, this was a fun experience after revisiting that (possibly) revolutionary crossover trilogy that stands the test of time.
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