#chungking express movie poster
kikufukus · 1 year
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yanyuegege · 4 months
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winwin as movie posters
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filmtumb · 1 year
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alternative posters
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cr.: posterspy.com/chungkingexpress
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crumbargento · 2 years
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Chungking Express - Wong Kar-Wai - 1994 - HK
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schwwing · 1 year
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nyxfilms · 2 years
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1filme1poster · 9 months
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Semana 1, Mês 1
Filme: Amores Expressos (Wong Kai War)
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strathshepard · 6 months
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Chungking Express (Wong Kar-wai, 1994) French movie poster c.2019
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A Review of Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974), with shared similarities to Chungking Express (1994)  
By Jacob Christopher
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Critiquing the decay of the American Dream and the horrors lurking beneath the surface of seemingly ordinary society. Tobe Hooper and his film Texas Chainsaw Massacre explores themes of madness, family dysfunction, and the brutality of human nature. For this week I decided to choose and view Texas Chainsaw Massacre along with a group of friends for a frightful festivity. Directed by Tobe Hooper, the film is considered a staple of the horror slasher genre, which creates a significant impact on both pop culture and the utilization of horror cinematography. With a reputation for it’s raw intensity and unique poster child of leather face, how could I not want to give the film a watch.
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An original Japanese B2 poster of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre
A review and praise for Texas Chainsaw Massacre, emphasized through the appraisal of the film from respected directors such as Eli Roth and Wes Craven, even given the reputation the film has for it's gore and slasher terror. To this day the film garners positive reception for all its product as a pivotal piece of media within the horror genre.
The story follows a group of young friends who encounter a family of cannibals in rural Texas. Where the group becomes the target of Leatherface, a mentally disturbed member of the family of cannibals who wears a mask made of human skin and wields a chainsaw. As the friends are hunted down one by one, they face gruesome and terrifying encounters. This premise taps into primal fears of isolation, rural landscapes, and the unknown, making it deeply unsettling.
In 1974, nearing the end of the Vietnam War, the United States witnessed pivotal political upheavals, notably the resignation of U.S. President Richard Nixon in the wake of the Watergate scandal. Additionally, the sports realm saw significant moments such as The Rumble in the Jungle, a legendary boxing match between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman. 
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Archived article about Watergate
Giving context to the period of time, in 1974 the indie film movement was a significant period in cinema history. Characterized by a surge in independent filmmaking that challenged the dominance of the major studios. This movement emerged as a response to the increasingly commercialized and formulaic nature of Hollywood filmmaking, with filmmakers seeking greater creative freedom and the ability to explore unconventional subjects and storytelling techniques.
One of the key factors driving the indie film movement in 1974 was the availability of new and more affordable filmmaking technology, such as lightweight cameras and portable sound equipment. This allowed aspiring filmmakers to produce high-quality films on shoestring budgets, circumventing the need for studio backing
The low-budget filmmaking techniques utilized in Texas Chainsaw Massacre played a crucial role in shaping its distinctive direction and ultimately contributed to its enduring influence on the horror genre. With a restrictive budget of $140,000 USD, creative solutions to technical challenges were implemented. Director Tobe Hooper and his team embraced this constraint, opting for a raw and gritty aesthetic that added to the film's overall sense of realism and intensity. Proving the film to be successful in it’s accumulation of a $30,859,000 USD domestic profit, 220 times the budget of the film.
A video showing the outtakes of the film, giving insight to the process of capturing the shots in Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Chungking Express
Chungking Express by the great director Wong Kar-Wai, a film that defies traditional narrative conventions and captures the rhythms of urban life with unparalleled artistry and emotion. Through its kaleidoscopic lens, Chungking Express invites viewers on a transcendent journey of love, longing, and serendipity amidst the chaotic backdrop of the Hong Kong metropolis almost as another character in Wong Kar-Wai’s films.
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Chungking Express tells two separate but still interconnected stories of longing and love. In the first story we follow Cop 223, played by Takeshi Kaneshiro, coping with the recent breakup of his relationship. He frequents a local diner where he encounters a mysterious woman in a blonde wig, played by Brigitte Lin, who is involved in a drug smuggling operation. As Cop 223 becomes infatuated with her, he embarks on a series of eccentric rituals to cope with his heartbreak.
Adjacent to the second story, we meet Cop 663, played by Tony Leung, who is also dealing with the aftermath of a failed relationship. He develops a budding romance with Faye, a quirky waitress at the diner, played by Faye Wong. Faye secretly enters Cop 663's apartment, where she begins to rearrange his belongings and leave small tokens of affection, unbeknownst to him.
Above is a deleted scene between Cop 663 and Faye with commentary from Wong Kar-Wai. Excluding the scene of Cop 663's restlessness in my opinion creates more subtly for the characters angst.
As the two stories unfold, they intersect in subtle ways, with themes of chance encounters, missed connections, and the transient nature of human relationships permeating throughout. "Chungking Express" is a poetic exploration of love, loneliness, and the unpredictable nature of life in urban environments. Incorporating a sense of humor and poeticism often found within the films of Wong Kar-Wai.
Like the clip implies, this is also my favorite clip from the film. Expressing Cop 223's unacceptance of his past lover's moving.
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At the time of the film's release, Hong Kong was still a British colony, but the impending handover to China was looming on the horizon. The uncertainty and anxiety about the future of Hong Kong under Chinese rule permeated the collective consciousness of the city's residents. This sense of transition and flux is subtly reflected in the film's themes of impermanence and change.
Above is a in depth analysis and review from Tarantino about Chungking Express
Similarities Between the two films
Both films I've went over are incredibly different in tones, genre and style. There is more to contrast about the differences due to the vastly differing thematic content, however despite the juxtaposition, there are still similarities to be analyzed. Such as usage of space and area, seen through the sets of a rural Texas desert and the densely populated environment of Hong, both backdrops acting almost like a character within their own. Along with the unconventional qualities of story telling both films exude. Chungking Express' fragmented story structure and fun twist on narrative style gives the film an edge and hip odd feeling from the technique. In comparison, Texas Chainsaw Massacre also goes about it's narrative differently, creating a gritty, raw and realistic but dirty atmosphere, assisted through it's handheld camera style also found in Chungking Express. Giving the films a unique visual realness from it's creative choice.
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woozi · 1 year
MA YZAAAA <3 (hehehe)
first of all,, hello <33 how have you been? and what have you been up to? <3 i hope classes and uni in general are not getting to you that much.
also the drama i told you about "doom at your service", after finishing it my opinion has changed a little, it was a nice drama overall but after the first 8, the story seemed like it was being stretched for no reason </3 i have nothing to watch these days hdksekks this time last year i had 2521 and business proposal to keep myself entertained but this year there is nothing 😭 even gose isn't here </3, did you find something interesting to watch? or read? i haven't had time and will to read hsjsksjs </3
but today i did go out of my comfort zone and watched a movie called medianeras (sidewalls), it's pretty melancholic but i liked it, ( idk why google or some reviews are saying it's funny or rom com 😭, it was actually sad and reflective but had a good ending imo) it's about how urban and internet lifestyle have had the opposite effect on people and have made them feel lonely despite having everything in one click. it was,, different. probably something what i was expecting from chunking express jshdjsjsnns
but in midst of all this i love love how booseoksoon came through 🥺 they brought back the spark hdjddj i love all the songs ( tho just like you, i love fighting and 7pm a little bit more than lunch ), it was so wholesome to see them have fun performing 😭 also youngji's feature fits so well <3 i can't stop talking about it hskdks it felt so natural <3 i haven't been this satisfied with a feature song in a long while ( same with 7pm ). if there was anything else fighting! needed it was definitely her. it made me so happy to see bss performing with her and peder <33
they made my feb for real.
( also something about leader seok gets me fr, he's been extra glowing these days <33 love that )
also the carat day live 😭 they all looked so good 😭😭😭 i missed seeing our sebongs together <3 the teddy bear scenes are still running in my mind lmao
i actually got mild cold and cough last week so at the moment that's what i have been up to : recovering from it and trying to read a book dhdjsj, seasons changing got me this time. it'll be summer now here and i'm already tired of it tbh 😭 how is the weather treating you? i hope it's good
omg also, i've become obsessed with checkers on plato btw! ( i've understood the basics of it but the difference between the original and the international rules is still slightly confusing for me udkgsd )
hope you're doing great yza 🥺🤍 sending you lots of good energy and clear sky days
i've been so so busy the past two months so it's like life's on 3x speed for me dfjkfdjkfdjkfd but it's my last semester anyway so <33 JKFDJKFDJK HOW ABOUT U <333333 HOW HAVE U BEEN WHAT HAVE U BEEN UP TO!! 😋😋😋
ALSO NOOOOOOO THAT SUCKS </3 maybe the writers didnt think they'd get that far lmfao 😭 AND I KNOW </3 that was such a good era for dramas, i hope they come out w really good ones </3 i heard the glory's v good? but i personally haven't checked it out yet and i'm not really into revenge type dramas so dfjkffd but i've been watching movies more these days!! i've been trying to watch cult faves/classics that people always talk about and that i've never had time to watch heheh ALSO SO TRUE ABT NOT HAVING THE WILL TO READ 😭 idk why it's also so hard for me to get back to it, i used to read like, 2 books a week at a leisurely pace
EXACTLY <3333333 bss really came at the perfect time!! and u're so valid for that <33 i'm really glad they had the chance to collab more w/ other artists, esp peder!! not only was the song so fucking good, their interactions were also so sweet to witness 🥺 he seems like such a nice guy to hang out w LMFAOOO AND WAIT URE SO RIGHT??????????????????????????????????????? leader seok >>>>>>>>>>>>
i'm ngl i haven't even watched it yet i just skipped to the teddy bear part 😭😭😭 i only got to see clips of them, and REALLLL it feels like it's been forever since we last saw them tgt 😭
ALSO NAURRRRRRRRRRRRRR </3 that's such a pain in the ass :/ i hope you're feeling much better now and that you won't get sick any time soon!! there's only 2 types of weather where i'm from since i'm in the tropics, so u dont need to worry abt me <33
AND PLATO FJKFDJKFDJKF I COULD NEVER THANK U ENOUGH FOR IT i've avoided so many awkward moments in uni bc of it JKFDJKFDJKF also didn't know they had different rules 👁👄👁 what i do know though is that other ludos have different rules as well w the 1s and 6s which i only figured out when i played w someone else at another platform DJFDJFDJKFDJK let's play some time again if u're free!! <3 or we can also watch a movie 😋
hoping u're even better and that the days are endlessly kind to u as u have always been to me <33 love u thank u for always checking up on my disappearing ass 🥺🥺🥺 MWAH
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officialsnoopp · 2 years
One-day trip at Tuek Dang (Bangsue Junction)
I’ve explored around my neighborhood to see if there are any places that interesting and easy to travel to. I live near Saphan Kwai which located near Chatuchak, so I think Bangsue Junction or Tuek Dang are one of the places that I found interesting and would like to share my experience with you guys.
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On my way!
I went there on Sunday, 4th September with my mom by riding motorcycle. It took just 10-15 minutes from where I live to Bangsue Junction. We arrived there at around 6pm. First thing that we have to do was find a spot to park our motorcycle. To park your vehicle here on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays you have to pay 20 Baht.
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Bangsue Junction
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When me and my mom arrived there, there were already a lot of people. Most of them are teenagers that love to shopping and interest in fashion and foreigners that visit here to take a look at an old stuffs that sell in front of the building.
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While we were walking in front of the building to take a look at these old stuffs, my mom told me that these things were from her era when she was young. I found it interesting and would love to buy one of them to decorate my house. But the price was not that friendly so I just leave it in my dream.
Actually, my real goal in this trip was to take a look and maybe buy some clothes if there were some that I like and cheap. I went in the building and went up to the 4th floor which is the floor where fashion zone located.
Land of cool people!
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As I said at the beginning that most of the people who visit here were teenagers who love fashion. Bangsue Junction did have a lot of cool cloth shops. There were a lot of styles but most of it were secondhand.
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I did buy some clothes for me and my brother. And I bought Kakashi sticker for my laptop decoration too. Looks cool isn’t it?
Besides, I found some cool shops that sell cool stuffs like movie posters, secondhand doll.
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I love watching movies and I’ve been thinking about collecting movie posters. This shop really attracted me to walk in and take a look. There were a lot of cool movie posters like Chungking Express, In The Mood For Love and many other good movies. The owner of this shop is an uncle who looks cool and know a lot of movies. I haven’t talk to him but I heard him talks to other customers. I didn’t get anything from that shop. Maybe next time uncle.
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Another thing that I was looking for was some cool secondhand dolls to decorate my bag. I found a few shops that have some cute dolls. I spend about half an hour in those shop. I was very happy to have those cute dolls around me, but I didn’t get any of them home either. Maybe next time baby!
Last but not least
Before we went home, I took my mom to walk at the balcony outside of the building. There were some food stands and bars out there for the customers who want to relax and fill their stomach with food and beer. There were some music shows from an independent artists for people who wants to listen to music while eating too.
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To wrap up my one-day trip at Tuek Dang. I really enjoy it because there were a lot of cool stuffs to take a look and the fashion that matched my style so well. I would say that this is one of the best shopping places in Thailand that have a unique style and also good prices too. If you love vintage style and love shopping. I’m 100% recommend this place to you!
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w3iyingg · 2 years
In The Mood For Love:
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Chungking Express:
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Some scenes I love from my favorite director Wong Kar Wai's movies: In The Mood For Love and Chungking Express. In my opinion, we can turn any frames of his movies into a background, poster or banner. His works make me believe that designs can become beautiful scenes.
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I am in love.
For some reason Pinterest keeps on suggesting aesthetically pleasing movie posters to me. At some point there was one called "Chungking Express" that caught my eye while I was practising sketching. Anyways! Skip to about two months later: I am visiting extended family and we are in the middle of deciding what to watch.
Guys, either this movie or the makers are my new favorite. Or both.
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phamios · 2 years
Movie Chungking Express Kraft Paper Poster Home Wall Room Decoration Painting 50.5x35cm
Movie Chungking Express Kraft Paper Poster Home Wall Room Decoration Painting 50.5x35cm
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mn3m0s1n3s · 4 years
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“Chungking Express” by Wong Kar-Wai. 1994.
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thenightlystars · 3 years
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Wong Kar-Wai Film Posters
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