#chatzy: taylor
ariadnewhitlock · 1 year
The Very First Night || Sofie & Ariadne
PARTIES: Sofie @sofiedupont & Ariadne @ariadnewhitlock LOCATION: UMWR campus TIMING: Mid-April, evening CONTENT WARNINGS: N/A SUMMARY: Sofie needs help finding the library. Ariadne is happy to play tour guide. Conversations in the dark lead to discoveries.
The library seemed as good a place as any for Sofie to look for some books. And she figured the local university would have the greatest selection of old books for her to select from. It was late enough that she didn’t have to worry about the sun, but not so late that there was no one around. The campus was still relatively active, and Sofie managed to blend right in to the students. One of the perks of getting turned so early in life was that she still looked as though she could be a graduate student. The only issue, she realized as she walked briskly across the college campus, was that she didn’t have the slightest idea as to where the library was. 
Sofie had a new objective: to find the first person who looked like they would actually know where the library was. She spotted a student (at least, she assumed they were a student) and made a beeline for them. “Pardon me,” She called, her shoes clicking against the sidewalk as she jogged to catch up. “I’m sorry, pardon me- do you happen to know where the library is? I’m completely lost.”
Even at night, the campus wasn’t entirely quiet, and Ariadne appreciated the fact that it didn’t look weird when she stayed out late studying. Given everything, more time to study and review homework was certainly not a bad thing.
She had an essay to finish for one of her art courses, and doing work late at home didn’t always really work. Chance was there, and even if the worst that would happen would be him remarking on how wild it was that she was up late, Ariadne felt the need to get out, and this was a way she could be out and not cause anyone else harm. “I -” she turned toward the sound of shoes against the sidewalk. “It’s okay, hi. Yes, I do - I was actually headed there myself, if you’d like to walk with me? The campus can be big and confusing, so I don’t blame you.” She offered a small smile.
“Oh, that would be wonderful.” Sofie couldn’t help but wonder if she’d been born in a different time, if this would have been her life. Classes and papers and parties. Football games and exam seasons. When she was these people’s age the most she could hope for was a job in a good household or some advantageous marriage where she wouldn’t have to work as hard. And children, she supposed. The only part of the choice she made that she regretted, even if just a little bit. 
“I feel like I’d get lost here no matter how much time a spent on campus,” Her footsteps fell in sync with the young woman beside her. “What do you study here?” Sofie asked, wondering if she could guess before she heard the answer. English? Mathematics? Quantum physics? Did this campus even have a quantum physics department?
“Of course!” Ariadne chirped, “I mean, I’m not a tour guide, so this is just my own advice, but I do know where a few things on campus are.” She paused, “or more than a few, I guess. Perks of having lived in town my whole life.” She looked over at the woman, “sorry, I wasn’t trying to brag.”
Ariadne offered a shrug, “it is a big campus. But you get used to it. I think, at least? I don’t want to speak for everyone.” She looked over to the other woman, “oh. Dance and art history. I - I just like those. I’m not sure what exactly I’ll do for a job, once I graduate.” At least not anymore. “Do you study here? Can I ask you what you study?”
She was a sweet little thing, Sofie thought as they walked along. Chirping like a little bird. Her smile was probably a bit too nostalgic for getting told about her not-a-tour-guide tour guide’s connection to the town, but Sofie couldn’t help but wonder if this was how she had been to Seraphine. Although this girl didn’t strike Sofie as the social climbing sort. “You’re fine, ma colombe, no need to apologize.” The words felt both strange and correct in her mouth. They said children turned into their parents over time. Perhaps vampires turned into their sires. 
“Someone with taste!” Her eyes glittered with amusement. “There’s an art gallery in town, no? You could work there, perhaps. Or go off into the world and work for a big fancy museum in New York or London. It’s a big world to explore.” Sofie grinned. “Ah, I’m not a student here. Just someone with a bunch of old books looking to see if the library here would be willing to make a trade. Some of my dusty old tomes for some of theirs.”
“Parlez-vous français?” Do you speak French? Ariadne looked over to the other woman. “I - sorry.” She winced. “Working on the apology thing. I’ll try to not do it as much.” Maybe she could hold off on the excessive apologizing for at least the rest of the night. She doubted that it would go exactly as planned, but it didn’t hurt to hope, right?
“Yes, I think so.” As they made their way toward the library she continued, “I could - maybe - I’ll have to see if they’re hiring, and depending on the sort of art they have, if I’d be of use to them. But thank you.” Ariadne fiddled with the strap of her bag. “That’s true - the world is so big, and I mean, curating a museum in a big city? Wow.” Her eyes grew wide at the thought, “oh - well, that is very nice of you. I’m sure the library will be very grateful. Can I ask what sorts of books you have?”
A delighted smile broke out across Sofie’s face. “Oui!” Oh this was excellent! “Et toi?” And you? The corner of her mouth slanted down into something between a frown and a smile. “No need to worry, you’re just fine.” She put as much warmth into the sentence as she could. The poor thing sounded like she could use a kind word. 
“I’ve not been in yet, but I believe the artist deals with themes of horror.” She explained as they walked along. Sofie patted a heavy looking tote bag she had slung over her shoulder. “Of course. Old ones. Mostly fiction, and in a few different languages. Dickens, Austen, Brontë… a few works of poets and enlightenment thinkers. They’re well loved, but I’ve run out of space”
“Oui,” she nodded, “la famille de ma mère est française.” My mother’s family is French. Ariadne offered another cautious smile to the other woman. “Thank you, that’s very kind of you, especially since we’ve only just met.”
Her eyes grew briefly wide. Themes of horror. “Oh wow, that’s - well, sometimes I get skittish, easily,” despite literally being a monster, “so I don’t know if they’d want me around, but it means a lot that you already are suggesting things to me.” Ariadne nodded, “that is incredible. Can I ask if you have a favorite book?”
“Ah,” she nodded. “Not a fan of the things that go bump in the night.” Ironic that she was walking side by side with a vampire, then. “Noted. I can’t say that I blame you. I enjoy the beginnings of the genre, but horror today? I will pass on the Hollywood budget slasher flicks, thank you very much. I’ll take Mary Shelley over ‘Midwest Chainsaw Whatever Three’ any day.” Sofie shooed the thought away.
She hummed in thought at the question. “Oh, I have many.” Sofie contemplated the question, her brow scrunching up in concentration. “While I adore a good happy ending- Jane Austen’s Emma for a happy ending choice, mind you. But while I love it when everything ends happily, I do love a bit of drama. I highly recommend Anna Karenina  for that. And then if I’d prefer a play, Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. What are yours?
Only because I am one, Ariadne bit her lip, “I mean, bats are cute? But I - uh - I guess I’m just a bit jumpy at times is all.” Even though she was the cause of plenty of people’s jumpiness, given the whole being a literal nightmare and everything. “Yes, the slashers today can be really over-done. I think what I like least is the pain that it causes other people, probably.”
She looked over to the other woman. “Oh, those are all classics.” Which, duh. Not all ones she’d read, save for Twelfth Night in English class in high school. “I love The Little Prince. Little Women?” She shrugged, “I did love Twelfth Night when I read it. Also the Summer Dream one? Sorry, I forget what it’s called.” Ariadne sighed. “We’re nearly to the library.” And it was growing darker, which mean that she had to at least somewhat attempt to avoid looking at the other woman, given the whole red-eye thing.
“Oh I loved Little Women.” Sofie began happily chattering as they went along. “I remember reading it when-“ she caught herself. “Well, for the first time, and thinking Amy was a vastly misunderstood character. Did you have a favorite of the sisters?” She nodded when the girl brought up another of the Bard’s works. “Another classic A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” She certainly wouldn’t be bringing up how long ago she’d first seen that particular work. 
She looked over to the young woman in the dark and paused in her discussion. Sofie had caught a glimpse of her eyes for a moment, and how they glowed red in the darkness. Whatever the girl was, she wasn’t human. “There was a particular quote I liked from the ending of that one,” she said, letting her own eyes shift from their usual dark brown to the deep red that marked her a vampire. “Give me your hands, if we be friends, and Robin shall restore amends”. 
“Amy or Beth was always my favorite. It’s a lovely story, even if it is super sad at times.” Ariadne nodded, “yes, that’s the one. I just love the mischief and magic in it, I think. The idea of coming into another world, I don’t know, it felt like an advanced princess movie to me.” She winced, briefly. “That’s not me being disrespectful, I promise, just how I guess I saw it, the first time I read it.”
Ariadne couldn’t help but look back over to the woman - just time to see her eyes shift. She wasn’t the mare that Ariadne had created, she was fairly certain, though a part of her felt filled to the brim with doubt regarding that. “I can’t quote things as well as you can, but - wow. Have you done acting?” She looked at her, head turned just to the side - not entirely sure if she should bring up the whole eye similarity or not. “You seem to know so much about books - that’s - I’m very impressed.” She offered her a shy, somewhat sheepish smile.
She let out a delighted laugh. “An advanced princess movie,” Sofie echoed, contemplating it for a moment. “I rather like that, I think. I might have to use it the next time I’m waxing philosophical over Shakespeare’s comedies.”
Ah, there it was. That look of recognition. The knowledge that Sofie was not merely another human. Sometimes that expression struck panic into the vampire’s heart. Other times, like this one, a pleased grin spread across her face. She kept her eyes red, so it couldn’t be excused as a trick of the light. “Acting? No, no.  I’ve just read it about a hundred times since I got a copy of it in the seventeen-eighties.” No point in hiding just how old she was now. “I didn’t have the wonders of the internet up until recently, so reading was a preferred pass time. “And what about you, ma colombe, are you much of a reader?” It wasn’t the question she was really asking. She really wanted to know just how many years this girl had had to read. 
“You do?” Ariadne’s smile grew, “I’m glad you don’t find it stupid or ridiculous or something like that.” She felt more relaxed, even if only for a moment, that someone who clearly seemed to know so much, thought any idea of hers was even halfway decent.
The seventeen-eighties? Ariadne stared at the other woman, simultaneously alarmed and impressed, though she really (really) hoped that it only came off as a state of awe to the other woman. She offered another tentative smile. “Well, I think you’d be a good actor - just like, you seem to know things and you’re super pretty, so I think that means you’d be all set.” At the next question, she paused. “I like reading - but I like listening to stories more - reading during school was sometimes hard, but now that I’m in college and can sometimes choose what I get to read, I like it a lot more.”
“I do,” The young woman needed some confirmation to bolster herself, or at least Sofie thought she did. Otherwise she’d apologize again, and Sofie had not lived for three centuries to see clever and capable women apologize for taking up space, or for thinking in a unique way. “New ways of thinking and explaining things are one of the reasons civilization has continued on and we haven’t devolved completely back to the paleolithic era.”
Sofie grinned. A flatterer. Oh, she liked this one. She was going to have to keep her around. “I’ll have to give it a try one of these days,” She chuckled. “That is one of the best damned inventions. Those books you can play on devices and just listen. Completely genius.” She wasn’t completely technologically inept, though she probably would remind the girl of  her grandmother with how analog Sofie was. “What is your name? I feel as though you’re going to be seeing more of me, and it would be nice to have a name to put to a face. I’m Sofie.” 
“Well, I’m glad you feel that way, because I really don’t think everyone does.” It was doing wonders for setting Ariadne’s mind at ease. “But that’s a good point. Guess you can’t really have progress without thinking in new ways.” 
Ariadne nodded enthusiastically, “I also like it, because as much as I like learning and I like books, sometimes the actual physical reading of them is tough for me. So I’m really happy to be able to just listen to them, and you can even sometimes change the speed that they play, which is sort of extra-bonus-neat.” They were nearing the library now. “Oh - you want to see more of me?” Ariadne couldn’t keep the smile from covering her lips. “I’m Ariadne. I’d love to see you more. You seem really smart. And nice. And all sorts of other good things.” She nodded up at the library as they approached. “I’m also from town, so like, if you ever need to know where stuff is, I sometimes know that.”
There was something delightful about someone being enthusiastic, even about the smallest of things. Sofie preferred people like Ariadne- those who could find the genius in the tiny details. If you could find the beauty in the little things, Sofie found you could find beauty in anything. It was like watching a younger version of herself. “Of course- I don’t have a great many friends in town. And I take it,” she let her eyes flicker red again for a moment. “You’re a fairly young woman. I may not have all the answers for you, but I may have some.” She winked at the girl and her eyes faded back to their normal brown. 
“It’s been a pleasure talking with you Ariadne,” Sofie slipped a hand into her pocket and fished out a card, pleased she’d finally taken the time to invest in a business card. “You can reach me any time.”
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itsnickgalitzine · 8 months
Title;;  i need comfort , but i hate being comfortable With;;  nicholas galitzine & taylor zakhar perez ( @therestayzakhar ) Where;;  nicholas' home & out somewhere // mentions of september 30th til october 2nd -- but set october 3rd 2023 Summary;;   taking different people to oktoberfest lead to an unexpected rift between the two. causing nicholas to block taylor's number and avoid him the rest of the time in berlin. not even spending time with their shared friends at the same time. upon leaving berlin, going back to london, nicholas finally unblocked taylor to see unexpected messages, but definitely made sense when taylor suddenly showed at his doorstep moments after he settled back home. Warnings;;  mentions of panic attacks, anxiety and pressuring Song Inspiration;;  comfort by nicholas galitzine [ listen here ]
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: for nicholas, going to oktoberfest with who he did was just something fun. if he went with taylor, he'd surely see it the same way, but the way he went out his way to tell the brit he he was taking someone and who, as if he wanted to make him jealous was weird. or did he miss read and he was just informing for them all to hang? either way, nicholas really didn't mind. to him, they were friends and both single and could bring whoever, see whoever nothing mattered. however the taylor from taylor about him coming with someone else came off much to jealous -- as to why he figured bringing who the older actor did was to make him jealous. really just not wanting to deal with some petty drama, he blocked taylor's contact to enjoy himself. at the end of the night it all just became too much. once he was alone again, he couldn't stand being near the other once his mind really took things in. so the last couple days, he'd still hang with friends but not with taylor. just seeing him would cause nicholas to walk away. he didn't want to deal. now the horrid trip was ending and nicholas finally felt like he could breathe again. getting back to london, as he made his way to his car he looked through some of the pictures and videos on his phone from the trip. the sweet memories made in a weekend away. a soft smile crawled onto his lips as he got his bags into his car before climbing in himself once it was unlocked. he hesitated before buckling and starting the car seeing taylor and him enjoying themselves before shit went down and remembering his birthday. what happened in that room. the gifts he got him. his heart hurt, but he didn't want to think of this, so he distracted himself with music as he drove home. upon getting home, he grabbed his bags out the car, locking it and heading to his home. reaching the front door, unlocking it, letting himself in and shutting the door behind himself. for now he tossed his thing in the lounge area, collapsing onto the couch as he finally decided to unblock taylor. mention of his date he told other friends -- aka more gross jealous making his face turn in disgust. then another couple texts, much longer.
Taylor Zakhar Perez: Text messages sent to Prince Nicholas Dickhead 💩 from Taylor's end, surely just Sweet Taylor on Nicholas's end.
Text from Taylor to Nicholas: Whenever you unblock me - I was waiting til after Berlin and come surprise you in London with a big gesture but - this will have to do. I just have to say this and maybe you'll see before or even after I come see you. I'm on my way now to you. Text from Taylor to Nicholas: This is the longest text I had to write on short notice but - dammit, Nicholas, I'm crazy about you. I saw you on set and my fucking heart was racing. I figured it was lust and the hook ups didn't help, but we also connected and I caught feelings. I have strong feelings for you, Nicholas Galitzine. I want to be more than just friends, more than these hook ups. I want to date you. I want to take you out, be the reason you smile and laugh, I want to take care of you when you're sick - I don't just want to be some fuck. I want to kiss you, hold your hand and scream to the world that your my boyfriend.
The sad truth was, he tried to get to Nicholas, even had help from friends, but the way he was avoided, Taylor never got to and that hurt more than anything to him. Now he knew for sure, he was going to London right after Berlin. Not even stopping home to get more clothing for a longer stay if all went well. He had to go now. So he did - leaving Berlin for London along with the slight smaller man. Planning what he'd say and do the whole way many times and hoping to do it all right.
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: reading over the text multiple times, he sat up from the couch and thought back to how much he had to go out of his way to avoid taylor. not just because their mutuals and the squad they made -- but he was trying to talk to him during those last couple days to ask him out. and there it goes again -- his heart sank, but also somehow felt like it was pounding in his chest hard and fast. he felt like he was definitely close to a panic attack. nicholas could feel his throat get dry and almost close up curious if this would change their friendship now which was his one fear. taylor had feelings -- how could be explain why he blocked and avoid him now? now he really felt like avoiding him -- no, he wished he could disappear in this moment. he had to face this, head on. with a sigh he shoulders off his black leather jacket, running his fingers through his dark coloured hair before stepping into the kitchen to make tea to try and calm himself. his hands were sweating, heart racing and he felt he had to really think but there was too much to process. his friend, former co-star, they connected a lot on set and that was over a year ago and yet -- nothing. taylor liked him the whole time and never said a word, showed a sign. things could have been different, but he's been away and saw others since.
Taylor Zakhar Perez: As ballsy as this was, Taylor felt deep in his soul he had to finally do this - put his feelings out there before it's too late and he loses the chance forever. Of course he liked their friendship, it meant the world to him, but also so did finally get this out. He couldn't risk losing this chance time and time again. After renting a car to drive to his friend's place, not wanting to get a hotel or anything til he knew how this would go. Could save their friendship and chill, start something beautiful or all end and the American actor had to keep his options open, just in case. Before he knew it he was pulling into the driveway near Nicholas's house, parking the rental near the younger actor's car, and climbing out and walking straight for the front door and knocking.
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: having just finished making his tea, playing low classical music as he tried to calm with reading til he heard the knock. looking up with curious hazel green eyes, putting a bookmark in his book, setting it down near his tea. nicholas was finally relaxed and not thinking of it all, but after he'd get up, walk over to the door and open it to taylor that was all washed right out the window. his heart felt heavy and he could feel a pressure pushing down on him, but at the same time he just felt anxious and wanted to run. he stepped aside some before turning on his heel and started walking towards the lounge again. he had to sit down, trying to breathe calmly, but it was quickly getting rapid, his hand coming to rest on his chest over his heart racing so fast he was sure he'd pass out or something if he didn't calm himself.
Taylor Zakhar Perez: Taking notice of how beautiful the dark haired male was answering the door, Taylor admired him briefly til he turned away. Quickly stepping inside, shutting the door and following Nicholas into the living room, panic taking over him some seeing his friend hyperventilate. "Nick, breathe, close your eyes and focus on breathing." He wasn't too familiar with his home, so the American rushed into the kitchen and found a rag to wet and checked the fridge for some water, coming back with both. Setting the water down on the table by the couch after helping get his friend on the couch, putting the rag on his forehead. "This is all I could think of, I don't want you to faint as I try to find a bag or something. Your place is so nice and organized and just - WOW!" Taylor had to take in how breath-taking it was.
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: after accepting the help, mostly because he didn't want to faint he rested on the couch the best he could, remembering the text confessing, avoiding the last couple days in berlin and now he was hear. this is what he wanted a break from. he wasn't sure he was ready for this talk, he barely sorted out his own feelings. taking a moment to just focus on breathing before taking the clothing off himself, tossing it at the other. "look.. i told you, i can't do this. i also don't appreciate the location stunt to try to meet up," nicholas was upset, but not allowing himself to get fully there yet, speaking as calmly as he could. "why did you come out here anyway? back me into a bloody corner, huh?"
Taylor Zakhar Perez: Taylor finally managed to calm himself just seeing that the British actor was letting out a relieved sigh. Before he could speak he heard what Nicholas said and held his hands up in defense. "Hang on - I didn't mean to do anything to make you uncomfortable, I was just - I spoke with Joey and she said to speak my mind. She's right, I tried back in Berlin but you avoided me and that's why I came. Not to corner you or force anything but to speak my mind - like I did in the text you never saw because you blocked me." As nervous as he was, seeing Nicholas in all his beauty was the push he needed. "When we met on set, I saw you as the most beautiful person in the world. Someone I wanted to know deeply. We connected so well and then I caught feelings, then we hooked up and it got worse. I wanted to tell you then but I was scared to ruin our friendship and have the past damn year." He stood up from the couch just needing to pace as he spoke otherwise he'd have to hold those hands, and Taylor didn't want to make Nicholas uncomfortable within his own home. "I'm crazy about you, Nicholas. I don't want to be just friend, I want to be your boyfriend. I want to take you out, cook for you, take care of you, hold you, kiss you - I want to have a future with you."
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: not saying a word, hazel eyes glancing briefly to the other as he spoke, before going down to the rug -- it was red, with white details on it, with the glass coffee table rest above it where now his tea set getting cold, the book he was reading and once taylor stood, a damp wash cloth joined. his eyes flickered up to look at the slightly taller of the two pacing his lounge area, between the glass table and a wall that had a few things before it. shelves of a few books, movies and DVDs, there was also some vinyls. he had a vinyl player, a television, a fireplace and a stereo all near that wall as well. he felt his heart racing again and took a couple laboured breathes before getting up and gently taking taylor's hands, stopping him from pacing. "i unblocked you when i got home.. i was going to text you but.. i couldn't figure out what to say.." nicholas' voice came out calm and collected, unlike before. "look.. i wish i could say what you wanted to hear.." he puts his other hand ontop of taylor's, his thumb rubbing the back. "..but i can't. not yet anyway. i have.. other engagements.. other commitments and honestly.. i'd want nothing more than someone to be with me. take me out, cook for and with me, take care of me, hold me and to hold, kiss, cuddle and also be my friend that i could love one day but.. i don't want to lose us. i can't. you as a my friend has been everything for me and i'd hate to lose that.. also.. you deserve someone who can give you it all.. i can't.."
Taylor Zakhar Perez: After getting it all out, he had no idea what to expect. Taylor wasn't sure if he felt broken, content - he was surely confused, but he listened and did his best to understand. "Nick - I hear everything you're saying and I'll always be your friend, no matter what. Things with change but we'll be friends always, just closer, stronger and a bit different. We hang out alone on dates over just laughing a popcorn or something." Something couldn't resist, when those hands were on his. Placing his free hand on Nicholas's shoulder in a gently manner before leaning in to gently and passionate kiss him on the lips, just testing it out.
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: the way the older man was always so gentle with him -- it made nicholas' heart melt always. it was apart of their bond, the gently sides as well as the fun and rougher edges. it all made them human and work together so well. "i just.. i don't know if i'm ready. i was told i was jealous when you went with carrie to oktoberfest but.. i wasn't -- you were jealous when i went with nick and i feel like -- maybe that's a sign we're not quite in the same place feelings wise.." he looked down at his hands on his briefly, a soft little smile rolling over his lips til he looked back into taylor's eyes. then lips touched, and for a moment, nicholas was froze, lost, unsure but the kiss was nice. there was taylor's gentleness with him so he couldn't resist but to kiss him back. gently taking his hands away from his. one hand finding the hair at the back of taylor's neck, running through the dark curls before moving up towards the back of his hair, fingers moving through the soft locks. his other hand rested on the other's cheek, a ever so gently rub and caress as he welcomed the sweet gesture.
Taylor Zakhar Perez: Pulling away from the kiss after a bit, even if he didn't want to - it felt magical. "Please, try. Change your mind and try. We can take it slow, stay private for now. Otherwise - I'll wait for you. My heart only wants you." Taylor was sure about this, but he couldn't choice for Nicholas. In a perfect world they were together secretly since filming or just after. They were still together now, maybe even saying they loved each other, living together and maybe publicly happy together without a care in the world. Since he knows Nicholas has been on a coffee date in Berlin and is hooking up with someone and ex or enemy of sorts. Maybe he didn't want to give those up.
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: with a sigh, staying close for a moment, his one hand still gently moving through taylor's hair, the other resting on the soft skin of his cheek. "taylor.. please.." he spoke in a low voice, eyes still closed, enjoying the moment a bit longer before pulling away -- pulling out to reality, eyes opening but looking down at the ground. "taylor.. i can't. i'm sorry.. i'm not sure i feel it yet and if i never do.. you shouldn't have to wait to find that perfect someone.. you can't make me ready if i'm not." nicholas spoke in a stern voice, the softness still remaining and his heart feeling heavy, he wanted to have the same strong feelings but maybe he just wasn't there yet.
Taylor Zakhar Perez: As heartbroken as those words left Taylor he instead let out an annoyed angry sounding sigh. "I tried since Oktoberfest - that's basically three fucking days I tried to tell you my feelings. I hide this all because I was scared of this exactly. You seeing me as only a friend, but yet you kissed me like you wanted more. Touched me with a longing after. The fuck Nicholas. You're not allowing yourself or something, because there is something here. Our friends see it, I see it, how can you not? Are you that hard headed?" He spat out, not fully thinking when he spoke but also, not fully regretting it. "Fucking try, Nicholas. Let yourself fucking feel. Just into girls my ass."
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: looking up at the sound of the sigh the emerged from his friend, his brows furrowed and his his hazel green eyes widened some. looking at him lost for a moment til the words came out -- hitting him like a knife to the heart. nicholas gave a more angered look now before snapping out, "that's enough!" he spat with venom towards his friend. "you can't fucking tell me my feelings, no one can tell me i'm jealous or not or try to push me into something if i say no. i'm not there, that's it. end of topic," he spoke coldly, eyes staring harshly at the other. calming a bit before adding, "i can have feelings and not be ready.. i know i can't be what you want right now. i know me better than anyone else. like it or not, you have to accept it as my bloody mate and someone who says they care and have these feelings.. then have respect for my feelings and choices too."
Taylor Zakhar Perez: Hearing the sudden yell of Nicholas made Taylor realize he should have thought as his words surely came out wrong. He stood and listened, swallowing hard as he did, putting his head down and letting out a sigh after he was done talking. "I'm sorry, Nick, that all came out wrong." Picking his head back up gently walking towards the other and taking his hand. "Fine, I'll drop it, move on and leave you alone. Just ask. However I propose a date first. See how it goes and if anything changes, we take a chance. If not, we both move on." Letting a pause grow for Nicholas to speak before adding. "One date is all I ask. Please"
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: the apology made him relax from his angry, running his hand through his basically black dyed hair. not speaking, before turning to lead taylor out, thinking it was best he leave, til he spoke. this caused nicholas to freeze once more, flexing his fingers a bit as he waited, listened that let out a shakey breath as if he was crying or close to. "taylor.. please.. don't.." he said in the pause. however it was one date. it was the last he could do. for both of them. "alright.. one date. let's go."
Taylor Zakhar Perez: Hearing him agree made Taylor's heart flutter but it stopped when he said they were going now. "Shit, I didn't plan anything. Is there like a festival or something? Maybe go for food?" He sounded lost, he really should have thought of a date idea. He just figured be told to leave or him agreeing, not this third option. This was typical for them, though, really.
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: a slight smile crossed nicholas' face as he took hold of his friend's -- no, date's hand leading him outside the house, locking up quick, then towards his car. "i have an idea, trust me. you'll enjoy this." he said as he pulled himself inside the car, shutting the door, buckling up and putting his keys in the ignition before pulling the gear shift into reserve to back out before pulling it into drive and driving off once out of the parking lot. as usually for them -- they played music on the radio and sang together as if they were lost at a bar together, drinking and singing karaoke. it was just them, this was their thing. once they arrived -- nicholas parked the car, unbuckled then looked towards taylor, his date, and then he started feeling nervous. fuck, maybe he did have feelings after all. "come on, darling, let's enjoy ourselves as long as you'd like then.. if all is well, we head back to my place and discuss from there?"
Taylor Zakhar Perez: The once there, a smile took over Taylor's face, Nicholas truly knew him so well. "Fuck, I always wanted to come here, I just forgot and didn't know who to bring." He smiled at his date and gently took his hand, kissing the back of it. Before climbing out the car, walking over to open Nicholas' door for him, pulling him out gently by the hand, holding it firmly. "Sounds good to me. Also if this goes well - maybe I can stay here for the week?" He always missed the younger actor when they were apart this far. "I just always miss you, not because of feelings but you're my friend. Plus Joey and Jacob are always together now, I need someone too," he teased but this was true. As he walked with his friend -- crush.
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: a smile crossed his lips, feeling he knew taylor wanted to come but just didn't think of it. this was how taylor was. "well, you're welcome," he said sweetly, the kiss on the back of his hand was calming, reminding him how sweet and gentle he was. it always made him feel weak. before he could get out -- there was taylor and nicholas happily let him get him out the car, shutting the door and locking it. as he walked with him and rolled his eyes playfully and laughed some. "you can just depending how this goes, will depend guest room, couch or hotel room," the brit said with a laugh til he heard the tease of their two friends that also were a couple. "alright, alright. whatever, just come on you, menace."
Taylor Zakhar Perez: Getting back after the date, things felt tense and weren't as they were driving up. It was silent and a bit awkward. Taylor didn't know what to say or do, so he sat with his thoughts til they got back and were soon back on the same couch they were first having this feelings talk. That's when it came out like word vomit. "Talk to me, please. The silence will kill me otherwise." He said so tempted to turn on the TV or play music just to ease himself from this. This was staged or it was bad and at the moment he didn't care, just wanted this over but definitely hoped for the best option.
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: sitting beside taylor, looking at him with a straight face, hazel eyes somehow expressing nothing til the other broken and so did nicholas. laughing and placing a hand on his friend's shoulder as he laughed. "it was fun, taylor, relax. it was staged, sorry, it bothered me too, but i'd hate if anything goes poorly here we have a fun time in the car before you're just.. well.. you know," he said with a nervous laugh now. keeping a hand on the older actor's shoulder, squeezing it some. "i'll admit, i felt more than i though.. but.. i'm still not there. i'm seeing things with others, you know that. it's all just new. i need time if you want to be with me. not as much but.. maybe the week will help me decide?" the brit offered with hopeful eyes and the slightest of smiles forming slowly on his lips -- growing with time.
Taylor Zakhar Perez: Hearing he had fun definitely took a lot off Taylor, so he managed to ease and smile at Nicholas. "I guess that makes sense." He said simply about the silent car ride and walk inside. Listening to him, it was a bit heartbreaking but the last bit made him both hopeful but also confused. "Are you agreeing to be in an open relationship, making me wait to be my boyfriend or some thing option I'd never think of because I just don'?" He asked, taking hold on Nick's other hand, gently leaning in because he wanted to kiss him, but only if this was going the way he hoped. "Just kiss me if I'm your boyfriend, hug me if we're friends and take my hands if we're still waiting and thinking."
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: sitting there for a moment, brow furrowing at taylor's words before a laughing some. "you're such a cretin, i should really just leave your arse unsure for a bit." as much as he wanted to, he just couldn't help but find a four way to give him the answer he wanted. today he had to tease. he definitely choose violence this morning. gently moving closer, taking hold on taylor's hands in his, squeezing them gently before then giving him a firm hug, letting himself linger before moving to gently place a sweet passionate kiss on his lips. enjoying it for a moment.
Taylor Zakhar Perez: Taylor was definitely once again let confused when Nicholas gave all the answers as response. He just accepted for now, letting his thumb drag along the back of Nicholas's hand when they held them, giving him a little squeeze in the hug and kissing in a way to show all his feelings - leaving out any possible sexual desires for once. As good as the sex was, he wanted to be with this man, and for once, it wasn't the only thing on his mind.
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: after a bit, he finally broke the kiss to look into taylor's eyes before gently moving towards his ear in a slow manner, gently kissing his cheek as he lingered there. "happy national boyfriend's day.." he spoke, thinking this could surely make quite the anniversary for them as things went on. this was his plan after the date went so well and feelings came up he must have hidden from himself. maybe taylor really was someone he had feelings for and could happily be with as more than a friend.
Taylor Zakhar Perez: Confusion took over with how Nicholas was acting til what he whispered in Taylor's ears and his mouth dropped open feeling stupid for miss that. "Fuck, that's actually romantic and what an anniversary that'll be." He smiled stupidly at his new boyfriend. "Well, I think we should cuddle here, watch Mean Girls and then I say I make you the best dinner I can with whatever the fuck you have in your kitchen." He said, making note he had no idea what was in the fridge or cabinets.
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: smiling from ear to ear at taylor's reaction, as he then stole another quick kiss before glancing at the television as his boyfriend -- who would have thought -- and rolling his eyes for a moment in annoyance. "see.. that's a grand idea, darling, truly, but.. what if we sit here, play that movie as we cuddle and kiss seeing how long til we're losing clothing and moaning on this couch. we're new boyfriends after all, right?" there was no way he was going to miss out on sex and kisses in a new relationship and especially on national boyfriend's day.
Taylor Zakhar Perez: Hearing what was suggested instead off his - Taylor definitely didn't argue, getting up to find the movie, putting it in and sitting next to his boyfriend. Cuddling him up in the blankets beside him before gently placing his lips on his. Already knowing it wouldn't be long til they were in the nude. Either way, it was just too nice a way to enjoy the first night in a new relationship. The one of Taylor's dreams.
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the-institute-rpg · 9 months
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The following characters are on activity warning for two weeks or more of inactivity! If you need a hiatus or any help, please come talk to us! You have until the next activity check (October 1) to become active again or you will be dropped and your face claim reopened.
THEODORA WILSON - @theodorawilson ALE BOLIVAR - @alebolivarx CHARLOTTE TAYLOR - @charlietaylcr ISABEL HAI PHAN - @slavexisabel ELISE NYLAND - @elisenylandti JUDITH GILMORE-GREEN - @greenyarthistorygirl NOVA WALKER - @novaxwalker MALAKAI NOLAN - @malakainolanti FAYETH ARAVEN - @fayeth-araven KYLIE DANVERS - @kyliedcnvers AIDEN WENTWORTH - @aidenxwentworth LILIM MORRIGAN - @littlexlilim JUDE RIGBY - @heyxmissxjude ROWAN AUBRI - @rowanxaubri LEO WEATHERINGTON - @leoweatherington ETHAN VALDEZ - @mrethanvaldez SASHA BELL - @sashaxbellx KANE WHELAN - @kanewhelan GULANA ALIM - @gulana-alim NOAH WRIGHT - @noahwrightx DOUGAL MCLEOD - @dougalmcleodthevampire EDMUND ELOFSEN - @edmund-elofsen FINN CARLYLE - @finncarlyle QUINTEN SAWYER - @quinten-sawyer GINA ANDREWS - @andrews-gina STE WHITE - @ste-white EMMANUEL REYES - @emmanuelxreyes SCARLETT MCKNIGHT - @scarlettxmcknight ORION CAMPBELL - @enslavedhunter JAMES DONOVAN - @jamesdonovanxlust ALEXANDER BLACK - @alexanderblackxlust
Just a reminder that posting photos/interest/desires, posting completed Skype/Chatzy or text threads only, and answering memes/anons does not count as activity!
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hollywoodfamerp · 1 year
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Hollywood Fame’s Date Auction this year raised a total of $402,000.00! The highest bidder in the auction went to Madelyn Cline for her date with Ross Lynch! Wowza! Madelyn donated a crushing $55,000.00 for her date! Congrats @itsmadelyncline - you won an activity check pass!
Under the cut you will find the pairs from the date auction! Please keep in mind that if a celeb won more than one celeb in the auction, they were paired with whoever they paid the most for/bid for - making the runner up the actual winner for the date.
You have from today (April 16th) until May 31st at 11:59pm EST to DM the main your date para/chatzy post when you post it on the dash or gif chat. 
Whoever was being auctioned off - please send an IM to the person who won a date with you to plot! :)
Minimum for these threads are 6 replies.
Please DO NOT tag the main in these threads - just send it via IM so we can ensure we marked you off as complete since tumblr glitches so much with tags.
Texts/tweets/photos will not count.
If the person you have a date with leaves the roleplay/goes inactive - you will be excused from completing the thread. Just send us a message!
Andy Biersack and Camila Mendes
Camila Morrone and Richard Madden (2ND RUNNER UP) > ACTUAL WINNER: Stephen Amell
Camille Rowe and Nick Jonas (2ND RUNNER UP) > ACTUAL WINNER: Stephen Amell
Jennifer Morrison and Stephen Amell
Lily James and Karlie Kloss (2ND RUNNER UP)  > ACTUAL WINNER: Stephen Amell
Lucy Hale and Hailee Steinfeld
Maya Thurman-Hawke and Emma Mackey 
Meghann Fahy and Michael B. Jordan (5TH RUNNER UP) > ACTUAL WINNER: Richard Madden >> OTHER BIDDERS WHO OUTBID ELSEWHERE: Karlie Kloss, Stephen Amell, Margot Robbie, Camila Mendes
Molly-Mae Hague and Ariana Grande
Niall Horan and Zoey Deutch
Ross Lynch and Madelyn Cline
Shay Mitchell and Margot Robbie (2ND RUNNER UP)  > ACTUAL WINNER: Stephen Amell
Sophie Turner and Harry Kane
Taylor Swift and James Lafferty
Victoria Justice and Rachel McAdams (2ND RUNNER UP) > ACTUAL WINNER: Ariana Grande
Zendaya Coleman and Timothee Chalamet
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rocket-remmy · 4 years
taylorvoxx replied to your post: [pm] Hey Rem. I got your flowers and jam. That was...
[pm] It was a good choice. I love raspberry. And the flowers were very pretty.
[pm] Oh, good. I’m glad you like them. I wasn’t sure what kind of flowers, or jam, I guess...that you like.
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thiswanderinghope · 4 years
Snapshots of a Summertime Sadness || Taylor & Hope
It wasn't said aloud, but it was heavily implied that Hopes new foster sibling was less than fond of the idea of taking Hope with her to the carnival that had rolled into town. In circumstances like these Hope usually tried her best to keep the peace with the family she was staying with, she would usually claim to not want to go, or to feel sick just to lessen the stress on her new foster family. But on this instance she'd already been with them a week and she knew the strain was already there. The family was struggling with new broken appliances already and Hope knew this was only the beginning. So to get out of the house was for the best. Take herself and her bad luck elsewhere. Not only that, but she wanted to go to the carnival. Even if this feeling was an afterthought. It wasn't long before her foster sister got a text and was more than ready to ditch her. And ditch her she did. A little bit of money was stuffed into her hand to amuse herself and not snitch to their guardians before Tori was off between attractions and into the arms of her new boyfriend. Hope left in her wake, upset for herself but not able to hold onto that feeling as nausea from someone getting off a nearby ride overtook her. Curling up to let the feeling pass she didn't realize she'd stopped dead in front of another person. Potentially toppling them over. 
Taylor relished in her Dad’s trust in her, and his trust that this small town was safe. It meant she was granted with freedoms a lot of kids her age wouldn’t dream of. She had a couple friends that still had babysitters at age 15, or at least always had to go somewhere with another friend, but here Taylor was, off on her own to the annual town carnival, driving a truck she technically wasn’t licensed to drive to get there. She liked being off on her own. It meant she wasn’t being forced out onto the boat with her Dad at least. Or getting educated about the fishing business like that was all that ever passed through the man’s mind. Even surrounded by people, she could be at peace being alone among others. If it just meant getting away. Munching on her corn dog slathered in mustard, Taylor wasn’t watching where she was going, and a mistimed step sent her right into the back of someone in front of her. She was able to keep her balance though, and at the cost of her corn dog hitting the hay-strewn ground, she reached out to catch the girl she’d ran into as well. “Shit! I’m sorry. You okay?”
Hope stumbled when a body collided with hers, arms flying out to catch herself if she fell. Luckily for her the person who'd bumped into her had caught her and they both steadied each other. The first thing Hope noticed with the corn on the ground and she almost reached for it before thinking better of it. Whoever it was would definitely not be eating any more of that off the ground. Especially with all that straw sticking to the sauce. "I'm sorry!" Hope says turning around to apologise properly. "Felt sick for a second, didn't think stopping would be so wasteful!" She looks down at the corn and then back up to the person she'd denied food. "I can get you another?" She tries a smile.
When the girl turned around to apologize, any ill will Taylor might have had for the accident drained from her body. She looked uncomfortable and she was being so polite and kind anyway. Taylor took her hands off the girl once she was steady, glancing at the corn dog but mostly focusing on the girl’s smile. “What? Oh, no, don’t worry about it. It was like my third one today I probably didn’t need it,” she joked, shrugging her shoulders, the flannel shirt she wore over a tee-shirt blowing back in the light breeze, her ponytail joining suit. “I hope you’re feeling better?” Taylor asked. “Was it something you ate? Or you think you need to eat something?” Her instincts took over. She’d always been a nurturing person, even to strangers. “I’m Taylor, by the way. You here with anybody?” She didn’t know why that suddenly felt like such a weighted question.
Hope wasn't one to argue, so she simply smiled a little bigger at the other in thanks for being understanding. She really had to get better at crowds, she'd forgotten that out and about could be just as overwhelming as home with the stress that something else might go wrong. "Still a shame, I really am sorry." Hope intoned still. Given that the boy with the nausea had moved well out of her way Hope had no trouble perking up trying to show the other that she was perfectly fine, nothing to worry about. "Oh, yes. I feel much better I just needed to stop moving for a minute I think." she fibbed easily. "I'm Hope. I was here with someone but-" she laughed then, trying to show that it was okay. "She ditched me for her boyfriend. It's okay though, we don't know each other all that well so I understand. I'm not holding you up from going somewhere am I?"
“Hope. That’s cute,” Taylor commented with a smile. “Most people around here have those God fearin’ Christian names,” she added, emphasizing with an exaggerated southern accent, before ditching it just as quickly. “I know like five Marys and four Matthews and that’s just in my class.” She smiled again, suddenly feeling awkward about what she’d just said. “But I like Hope.” She cleared her throat then, kicking at the ground with her boot. “Uh, no! I was just walking around checking out what all they got this year. Ferris wheel is new. Didn’t have the budget for it til now I think. Had a bad bout of fishing last year and that’s basically what runs the town. Live for die by the ocean currents, ya know?” Was she rambling? She felt like she was rambling. “You want some company?” Taylor asked. She’d come out here to be alone but the question had slipped out before she could stop herself.
Hope wasn't from anywhere near here. But she'd bounced around so many of the available foster homes that the closest open spot had been out of state. So it was funny to hear a local perspective, in a just as fun put on accent. Hope laughed a little and beamed. "Well I'm not really from Rhode Island so maybe that's why I'm not another Mary." Taylor was rambling a little, and definitely about a topic Hope knew absolutely nothing about as well. Small town like this she might pick up a few things about the ins and outs, but it was unlikely she'd be here that long. All she could do was smile vaguely at Taylor and nod when she felt it was the right moment. "I'd love some!" Hope answered as soon as the words left Taylors lips. This was a person she had a shot with, someone who didn't know her from before, didn't live with her, and was maybe a little closer in age than her foster sister Tori. "I mean if you don't mind? I just really like having people around." Taylors presence was calming, Hope herself not yet sure why, but would later reflect that maybe it was the dulled emotions, and her open attitude.
One month later
She bounced into the bathroom and hopped up on the counter with an excited grin. Taylor had agreed to help her bleach her hair and she couldn't have been more excited. They'd bought dye, they had toner and she was more than ready to get this show on the road. Hope didn't quite know what her foster parents would think, but she wasn't really worrying about that, she was far more concerned at the time with Taylor walking into the room as well. "Do you think it'll be okay? I mean even if it turns straw yellow that's okay right? Schools not in for ages yet, so it'll have time to not be so mad."
Ever since that night at the carnival, Taylor and Hope had been inseparable. They'd had an instant connection. Two loners out looking for someone to understand and support them. Lift them up. It was a no brainer. Taylor loved spending time with Hope, and she'd stayed at Taylor's house already that summer more often than she was with her foster family. Taylor didn't mind. She felt like she'd never get tired of the girl. And Taylor's Dad was out fishing more often than not, so the girls had the house to themselves. Domestic bliss in their early teens. It was...really nice. That Saturday evening, Hope had commented on Taylor's currently bright blue hair (she was constantly dying it different colors), saying she wanted a cool color too. And now here they were in the bathroom, Hope up on the counter and Taylor's hands shaking as she approached, not really sure why. "It'll be fine, don't worry. I'm an expert, remember?" she joked, mixing the bleach powder up with the developer in a small bowl. She looked up and flashed Hope a crooked smile. "If it's straw yellow we'll just add a little color to it and say we wanted pastel all along. Easy peasy."
Hope kicked her feet with nervous energy, but there was no going back now. She'd spent what little allowance she had from a previous foster home on the developer and she definitely wanted to see what she'd look like with anything other than black hair for once. Feeling a tingle down her spine Hope tenses and her eyes catch sight of the shower curtain fluttering slightly. Her chill was back, goosebumps erupting on her arms as Taylor mixed dye. Hopes eyes followed the movement of the curtain and then hopped down off the counter to put herself between the chill and Taylor. Hoping to deflect any intent it had. Smiling like nothing was wrong as the light flickered a little. "My shirt is white, that'll be fine right? We won't have to throw it away or anything?" she said casually.
It was cute how nervous Hope was, kicking her feet as she sat on the counter. The medicine cabinet behind Hope was open, hiding the mirror because, well, Taylor didn't like to look at herself. And by herself, she meant the weird monster she always saw in her reflection. She was used to it by now, but avoided it when she could. Taylor felt a chill in the air as Hope hopped down off the counter, but just chalked it up to the nervous energy in the room. "Oh, uh, I have a couple towels I used specifically when I'm dying my hair, but you might want to take your shirt off just in case." The moment she said it, Taylor felt a lump form in her throat, and she did her best to swallow it down. "It's, uh, all mixed up! Come sit down when you're ready," Taylor said, clearing her throat and gesturing to the folding chair she'd brought into the bathroom, a towel already thrown over the back of it. She set the bowl of dye down and pulled on some gloves, biting her lip to stamp down her nervous energy.
The suggestion didn't strike Hope as anything to be worried over. She was more focused on what her foster family would think if she had ruined a shirt doing something that she already likely wasn't allowed to be doing. This family were stricter than most, but not about anything Hope felt was important. She had been spending so much time just out of sight and out of mind, staying at Taylors house when her dad was gone. But she was confident that a ruined shirt would go down like a ton of bricks. The chill rose up her back and then it was gone. The light stopped flickering and Hope instantly set about continuing on as if nothing happened. She pulled her t-shirt over her head and sat down in the chair quickly. Hope drew her knees up and she crossed them where she was seated in the dining chair. "When did you dye your hair the first time? What colour did you go?"
Taylor felt a very soft gasp escape her as Hope removed her shirt. It wasn't like they hadn't seen each other change in all the time they'd spent together. She'd even seen this bra before, the one with the red stars on it. They were girls, after all. Nothing weird about changing in front of each other, right? But something about this situation just struck a chord. A beautiful one, allowed to ring out and echo around the small tiled room. As Hope sat down, Taylor picked up the towel and draped it over Hope's shoulders. It was an ugly shade of brown and spotted with orange bleach stains and lots of splatters of color. Like a tapestry telling a story of Taylor's rebellion and insecurity. She picked up the bowl and the brush and started at Hope's roots, slathering the bleach on as she spoke. "Two years ago, when I was thirteen. It was my birthday and my Dad was feeling guilty because he had to go out on the water, so he told me I could 'break one rule' and I chose to dye my hair purple." She shrugged as she continued to work. "I was getting teased a lot then. Shitty friends from elementary school decided to turn on me for no reason. It felt like a shield. Like a helmet to keep all the negativity away." She bit her lip, chuckling awkwardly. "It's...stupid. I know."
Her knees bounced as they talked, her eyes on the bottles in the medicine cabinet just for something to look at while Taylor set about putting the bleach on her hair. Hope bit her lip when the first brush stroke cemented what was to be done and then relaxed back into the chair after that. It was too late to go back now. A whole head of blonde would surely be better than a panicked one singular stripe of orange if she were ti back down now. "It's not dumb I like it. I think coloured hair is so cool, I've just never had the opportunity to do it before. Never stayed anywhere with friends who had hair coloured like yours." she admitted. Though it was no secret that Hope had bounced around, her non accent and obvious lack of personal belongings showed that just fine on it's own. "School is really terrible for mean people." Hope then adds. "I've been to loads of schools, and there are always people who just complain and moan." She might be a bit of a gossip herself, but she tried not to be malicious with it. She just liked to know things mainly. To know things was a nice safe way to be. She lived her life in an avalanche of uncertainty after all. "Well I'm 13 now, so it's my turn." Hope beamed at the wall, not moving her head so that she didn't bother Taylor who was busy.
Taylor instantly felt bad complaining. Hope had it so much worse than her, and here she was complaining about some mean ex-friends when Hope didn't even have a permanent home. She knew it wasn't a contest on who's life was worse or anything, but still. At least Taylor still had her Dad... "Wait, you're younger than me? I wouldn't have guessed that," Taylor admitted, surprised this hadn't come up until now. "You're so mature." Probably because she had to be. "I...really admire you. Like, a lot. Even with all the bullshit you're still so positive and bubbly and full of like, joy and good vibes and shit. It's fascinating to me." She started working the bleach out into the strands of hair now that she was done with the roots, already seeing it lightening before her eyes. "Your hair is gonna match the ball of pretty sunshine I see you as..." God, that was stupid. "I mean...I don't know what I mean. Ignore me." Why had she said that?
They'd spent the first half of summer together constantly, and yet Hope still felt a small little paranoid pit of dread sink into her stomach when she heard Taylor point out that she was younger with surprise. She felt she knew the other girls so well, and still a little part of her braced for the worst. The speech her foster sister had given not yesterday about not wanting to hang around with 'children' so much younger than herself. What followed was far from her fears however and her face broke out in a smile once again. "I don't know. I do get sad sometimes, but you're so much fun. It's hard to be upset when I'm having such a good time." Hope admitted, taking a moment to shift her head just sightly to the side so that she could look at Taylor out of the corner of her eye. "You think I'm pretty?"
The silence rang in the room like microphone feedback, almost throbbing in her ears as she tried to just focus on getting the rest of Hope's hair covered in bleach and stacked up on her head. When Hope finally did speak, Taylor couldn't help but smile to herself. "It's okay to be sad," she said quickly. "You can be sad around me to, if you need to be." She worked her gloved fingertips into Hope's scalp. There was something weirdly intimate about the whole ordeal now. "But I'm glad you're happy around me. That like, means a lot..." When Hope turned a bit to look at her, Taylor retracted her hands, thinking she might have pulled her hair or done something wrong. But the question Hope asked made Taylor's throat go dry. She'd told lots of people in the past they were pretty. It was like, a thing people did to boost each other's egos, right? Why did this feel so different? "Uh, yeah, I do. You're beautiful, Hope," she practically whispered. "Your bright soul shines in your eyes every time you smile." What the fuck was that? She needed to abort mission and fast. "Oh, your hair is done. We need to let it sit for a bit though.”
Maybe Hope was a little too absorbed in how that made her feel that she missed the expression on Taylors face as she said it. Her heart felt light at the admission. She'd never really gotten a compliment like that before. Usually you'd hear things like that from your family when you were young, with no one to really say as much she was rather taken in that moment with the words. Hope slides to sit sideways on the chair beaming up at Taylor. "You're beautiful too." she responds. "Really cool. You're my favourite thing about this town, about this state actually. I hope I get to stay a long time here with you." she admitted not realizing how upsetting that might sound to the other girl. It implied that she would be going at some point. but to Hope that was just an inevitability. Distracted easily by her hair being done, Hope hops to her feet and swings the mirror of the medicine cabinet around so that she could see, but what she saw behind her caught her attention much more than her hair. Her heart races and she freezes in place. Was this a manifestation of her chill? She didn't know. But that wasn't Taylor behind her, or at least it didn't look like it.
Taylor's stomach knotted up as Hope called her beautiful, and she reached back to rub the back of her neck with a crooked, sheepish smile. "Heh, thanks. Not many interesting things in this town though. I don't have a lot of competition," she joked, trying to defuse the weird tension mounting in the room. She had caught the bit about leaving one day, but was just trying not to think about it. "No, wait--!" But it was too late, Hope had already swung the mirror back and she'd definitely saw Taylor's reflection. Until now, she thought she'd been the only one to see it. Her Dad had never mentioned it, and he'd seen her in the mirror plenty of times. She ducked down, out of sight of the mirror, hitting the floor and falling backwards into the shelf behind her, extra bottles of shampoo and body wash crashing to the floor. "Shit," she spat as the tops flew off a couple of the bottles and they started to leak onto the tile floor.
Hope's mounting fear over this being what had been haunting her since birth fell apart when Taylor reacted like she could see it too, like she knew it was coming. It couldn't be her ghosts, no one ever believe her about her ghosts. But Taylors reaction brought about a new nervousness. She continued staring in the mirror just to make sure the image wasn't lingering with Taylor ducking out of the way, but there was no other way about it. That had been Taylor. A little bubble of fear took hold of Hope but she stayed put. Unsure what to say or do next. Her best friend. The girl dying her hair, letting her sleep over every week. Was there something to fear? She was frozen, battling with herself. Hands gripped to the sink Hope felt herself pale. "What..?"
Hope's reaction had been exactly what Taylor had feared. Well, not exactly. She'd expected a bit more screaming and freaking out. But Hope was frozen in fear, and Taylor didn't know if that was worse. "You saw it too, didn't you?" Taylor pulled herself to her feet, the monster appearing behind Hope again in the reflection. And when Taylor's spoke, its lips moved as well. "This isn't what it looks like. Actually, I don't...I don't know what it is at all," she admitted, moving to sit on the edge of the tub, out of sight of the mirror altogether. "Please don't be scared of me. I'm already scared enough for the two of us," she said, tears threatening her eyes, but she tried her damndest to hold them back. "As long as I can remember, my reflection has been that...thing. That monster. I don't know what it means. What it makes me...especially now that I know it's not just all in my head." She held her head in her hands, covering her face. Right next to her ear, the timer she'd set on her watch started to go off, and it made her jump before she quickly pressed the button to silence it. "You, uh, you need to rinse your hair."
Hope stared into the mirror as 'Taylor' reappeared in it. The second glance wasn't any less terrifying as the first, but at least this time she was expecting it. She stared with wide eyes as it spoke, in exact timing with Taylor and then ducked back out of sight. She didn't understand. She didn't know what to do. But she felt Taylors sadness, it was muffled as per usual, but it was still there. She was incredibly upset. She didn't feel like she was lying, like she had malicious intent. Maybe this was why her usually so clear indications of what someone was feeling was so blissfully dull around the other girl. She was something else entirely. Loosening her hold on the sink she glances over to see just normal Taylor sitting on the edge of the bath. Normal. Regular. With a freaky reflection Taylor. "You don't know why?" she echoed tentatively. Her hair was the last thing she wanted to worry about. "I uh......right." she said unmoving.
"I always thought it was just in my head. Like an imaginary friend that just wouldn't take a hint once I grew up," she said quietly. There was no point in hiding any of it now. "But you can see it, which means it's really. It's out there, in the world, whatever it is. Whatever I am? Fucking hell..." She held her face in her hands again, letting the tears leak out now, wiping them away as quickly as they fell. "No. I just know I'm a fucking freak..."
Their stories were so similar yet so far apart. Both of them had something they couldn't explain, both of them hoping that one day whatever it was would just go away. Both of them still living with it. Both just as terrifying admissions. Hope sees the tears, and feels a fraction of the sorror from the older girl and she was unable to do anything but approach her. Hope moved towards Taylor and reaches out tentatively to admit with a shaking breath of her own. "I'm haunted. I'm not...... completely normal either."
As Hope approached her, Taylor flinched just a little, not really sure what to expect. But a gentle hand rested on her and she quickly and quite greedily took it in her own. She needed the contact. The reassurance she was still touchable. Lovable. Worth having around. "Haunted?" she asked, confused as she looked up at Hope finally. "You mean like, metaphorically with all the shit you've been through or like...legit ghosts?" She tried her best not to sound judgy or anything. Now wasn't the time for her usual sarcasm. Her eyes flicked up to Hope's hair, still piled on top of her head as the bleach was starting to crust. "You really need to rinse that out, dude," she said with a little nervous chuckle.
Hope didn't quite know how to answer so she decided to save her hair before they really got into it. She shook her head a little and gestures for the sink. "Help me wash this out?" it was a tentative ask. Taylor looked like she could break down, she felt like she was on the verge as well. But Hope's confidence in her grew in that moment. She still felt the same, she still felt -even if it was a little blurry- like she wouldn't do her any harm. She was willing to trust her gut as she leaned over the sink and turned on the tap to start washing her long hair out. It felt like such a bad moment to be doing something so trivial but there she was.
Taylor took notice of the lack of answer, but she simply nodded as Hope asked for help, getting to her feet and opening the cabinet again so she wouldn't catch her reflection. She ran her hands through Hope's hair, feeling shivers up her arms as she did so. Being trusted to touch her again, after what she'd just seen, it meant more to Taylor than Hope would ever know. Once it was all rinsed out, Taylor handed her a towel and moved to sit back on the tub out of sight, swinging the mirror back in place for Hope to see herself. "It looks great," Taylor complimented. "Even without the toner."
She didn't even glance at her own reflection for a moment, smoothing her hand over her head and wiped the water out of her eyes to look back at Taylor, as if to make sure she was still the same. Although she was still a pre-teen girl, so she did spare a glance when she was complimented. She'd forgotten she was nervous at all, but she was glad that it did actually look good on her. She'd rather have the toner, but she was relieved to find it worked out well. Hope ignored herself again and wraped her hair up in the towel to dry and bites her lip looking at Taylor again. She opened her mouth to start out by saying that she wasn't crazy, but stopped herself when she remembered what she'd just seen would also constitute as crazy in anyone elses eyes. "I'm haunted...like..........ghost haunted I think."
Taylor had never believed in ghosts. It seemed to far fetched, even with her weird monster friend in the mirror. But something about Hope made her believe, even if only a little. It was hard not to, seeing the distress on her face, feeling it coming off her in waves almost. "I believe you," she said softly, reaching out to take her hands. "That's what friends are for, right?"
Yet another month.
It was coming up for the end of summer when Hope finally found out. She'd had an inkling, but something about Taylor had lead her to dream bigger than her life usually was. She'd been gearing up for a new school, maybe even a school she'd manage to stay in for the whole year. But on a Sunday morning, with no warning from her foster family, her social worker appeared at the door with a sad smile and a soft hand. But this wasn't like the other times she'd been sent away from a family, she'd noticed her ghost activity had really picked up since her and Taylor had dyed her hair but she'd really been hopeful that this time it'd be different for the better, not what she was getting now. Hope started to panic and upset herself, her social worker thought she'd been told a week ago when the arrangements were made, and so as not to stir the pot Hope didn't correct him. Instead she let the tears fill her eyes and wandered upstairs to 'collect her things'. In actuality, Hope swung a leg out the window and was off like a shot towards Taylors house. She frantically knocked and as soon as she saw her friends face she started to speak, making no sense. "PROMISE YOU'LL WRITE TO ME."
Taylor herself had been preparing for the school year. The thought of starting high school was scary, but it was nice to know that she’d have a friend to fall back on in Hope, even if she was at a different school. Friends before now had always been hit or miss with Taylor. She had a couple, but she always felt like an afterthought. Not with Hope though. Hope was always on Taylor’s mind, and she could only imagine Hope felt somewhat the same, especially after what they’d admitted to each other. The knock on the door was so frantic it scared Taylor a little. Per usual, her Dad was on the water, and he’d asked her to come with him but she’d refused. Fishing with him had less and less appeal as she got older. Hoping up from the sofa, she tugged the door open to see Hope peering back at her, eyes wet and voice desperate. “What? What’s the matter?” Taylor asked, confused, as she ushered Hope inside.
Hope rushed in and wrapped her arms around Taylor. Her arms wrapped around the other and she starts to explain. Her voice hurried as if she was being chased and had to get it all out before it was too late. Which was sort of true, back in her foster familys home they'd discovered her missing, they were searching the house. Her social worker very concerned as she'd never done this before. "They're taking me away. The Davidsons didn't say a word but it was all finalised last week that I'm to be going back to Maine to a new family. They didn't even tell me, and I'm supposed to be packing right now but I climbed out the window and I'm going to be in so much trouble but I needed to know if you'd write to me, please say you'll write to me!"
Taylor instinctively wrapped her arms around Hope, holding her tight. Why did this feel like it had such a finality to it. And then Hope spilled the beans and Taylor felt tears springing to her eyes. “You’re leaving?” she asked dumbly, backing up to get a good look at Hope’s face. She wished it was some sick joke, but she could feel in her bones it was true. “Of course I’ll write to you!” she assured her, pulling her back into a hug, burying her face in Hope’s shoulder as she sniffles back the sorrow that had pierced through her like an arrow to the heart. “I’ll write so much you’ll get tired of me.” Taylor mentally noted she’d be giving the Davidsons a piece of her mind later, one way or another. But right now her focus was on Hope. “Fuck, I’m gonna miss you. I knew this would happen, but not so damn soon...” and before she could have another thought, before she could even think about hesitating, she pulled back and then leaned in, pressing her lips against Hope’s, doing the only thing that felt natural, because she probably wouldn’t get another chance.
It was a lovely sentiment, and it eased a little of Hopes anxieties about having to move to yet another town, yet another family, yet another school. To know Taylor was going to stay in contact meant everything. Hope clung to the other girl tightly, as they spoke her foster family were already directing her social worker towards Taylors house. She'd been there so often it was unlikely she'd be anywhere else after all. So they didn't have a lot of time. "I'm gonna miss you too." Hope responded, although her teary eyes widened in shock as Taylor presses their lips together. She's flabbergasted when the older girl pulls away. Shocked and unsure how to respond. That had been her first kiss, and amongst all the stress she felt that moment she was dazed and confused. "Wha-?"
Taylor pulled back quickly, her mind finally catching up with her actions and slapping her in the face with them. “I—I’m sorry, I—“ But words were lost in her throat, barely able to squeeze past the lump forming there. “I just, I thought—fuck...” Just then there was a knock at the door, a hard rap that startled the both of them. That sort of angry patience that was somehow scarier than pure anger. The social worker called to Hope through the door, and they knew their time was up.
In that moment Hope didn't have time to process the moment, she only had time to give Taylor another hug. Arms wrapped around the other girl again tightly, no time to address the kiss as she feels the anxious energy of her social worker, probably worried and hoping beyond anything that he'd find Hope there. "Please write me, I'll send the first one i know you're address but I don't know what mine will be." She mumbled into Taylor shoulder. But then she had to go. She turns and opens the door to face the music.
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kaysmuarchive · 5 years
who: kelsie and taylor setting: march 5th., night possible trigger(s): n/a
TAYLOR wasn't sure why Kelsie didn't turn up at his house. It was set up and he was ready to see her but it was almost eight and everything was to start at seven. He knew that she'd been going through some stuff with how she felt about herself but he didn't know what happened after practice. Whenever she wasn't texting or anything, he was starting to wonder if she changed her mind, decided that it wasn't something that she didn't want to do or if she'd convinced herself that this was something she didn't deserve. All dressed up in a nice button up and jeans, he packed up everything. Steak, baked potato, salads, even the desert and put it into a basket along with candles and the roses before he made his way over to the Lynn's. He didn't know what to expect whenever he got there but he knew that he wanted her to be happy and he wanted to make her feel that way. She was doing something to him and he wanted to make her understand how much she meant. Getting to her house, he knocked on the door, rocking on his heels while he waited for her to come and answer - praying that Gabe didn't do it before her.
KELSIE was completely sick to her stomach. She had a million thoughts and no solutions. How in the hell did she get in this situation? Well, she knew how she did. She was mad at the world and wanted to get back at Gabe and this was what she got. She wasn’t even into sex and she sure as hell wasn’t going to be now. Her whole life was ruined. This was all she was going to be known for and she couldn’t change it. Especially because she couldn’t exactly say who the dad was. She had been uncontrollable crying for the past two hours and she was finally left to sit alone with her thoughts. Picking up her computer she went to write something, just something to get her thoughts out. Hearing someone ring the doorbell, she didn’t think twice about going to the door. She was in sweats and a shirt and she honestly knew she looked like a crazy person from all the crying. Hearing it go off again, she pulled her hair up, sat her computer down on the edge of her bed and left her message to Gabe up and then made her way to the door and flung it open, annoyed because she had to come get it. Staring at Taylor behind it, her heart dropped at the sight of him. “Taylor,” she whispered as she whipped at her eyes and looked over at him and the things she had. “I - I completely forgot we had plans. I’m sorry.” Looking back into the house she shut the door a little and then finally turned her eyes back to him. “You should probably leave. I’m sorry.”
TAYLOR stood there quietly as he looked around and then that was whenever the door swung open and he was left looking at the girl in front of him. She was hurting and he didn't get why. Letting the basket go down beside him gently and the roses, too, he stepped closer to her and raised his eyebrows. He didn't know what was wrong but he felt like it had to do with Gabe. It was always to do with Gabe. Reaching over, he gently place his hand on her cheek and rubbed his thumb over her tears as he looked down at her. "Don't be sorry, it's okay. I'm not worried about me, I'm worried about you," he admitted as he stepped to her a little more and then finally pulled her into his arms for a hug. He didn't say anything, he just felt like she needed that right then, he wasn't going to make her say anything, he was going to respect whatever she wanted. "What's wrong?" He whispered, closing his eyes as he kept her closer to him and finally let her go and stepped back slowly. "Do you want me to leave? I will, only if you want to but I would like to stay and make sure that you're okay but I'm only going to do what you want. At least let me leave you this food, please? You should eat at some point and take these roses but I'll do anything you want me to do and if that's go, I will. Just know I care," he finished, looking down at her slowly.
KELSIE stood in the doorway and just looked over at him for a second. She genuinely felt bad forgetting to at least message him and cancel, she just wasn’t thinking clearly and and she honestly couldn’t stop crying enough to even see right in front of her. Lowering her head, she took a small breath and felt him touching her cheek, her eyes closing as she tried to get her shit together. Feeling him hug her, she just let him as she tried to get herself together as she hugged him back and just stood there for a while. Standing there in front of him, she could see his mouth moving but she didn’t hear any of the words he was saying. “I’m - I’m pregnant,” she whispered as her words came past her lips and she finally admitted it out loud for the first time. “You don’t want to be here right now. I have the whole fucking high school boy population to tell they might be a dad because I’m the town slut,” she cried, backing away form him.
TAYLOR looked at her as she spoke and he raised his eyebrows in a soft expression. She was pregnant and she thought that she was the town slut. Shaking his head, he pulled her back to him and just held her there in his arms tightly. His hands moving over her back slowly as he did. "No," he whispered as he rocked her and then he picked everything up and made his way inside. It was cold and he didn't want her to get sick. He didn't listen, not even once. He wanted her to know that he cared. Putting everything down in her room, he went back for her and wrapped her up in his arms, carrying her - like a Princess to be fitting - to her room. Shutting her door, he locked it and then sat on her bed. He pulled her to him again and held her. "Listen to me, you are not the town slut and you never will be. Ever. Believe me whenever I say that I want nothing more than to be with you right now because you need someone. You do. You need to know that someone cares, because I do and I always will, please believe me," he whispered, rocking her a little. "So, you have some guys to tell, we'll tell them together. So, you're pregnant. That doesn't change how I feel about you. You're still Kelsie. The beautiful girl that I just let myself get close to and just cause she's going through stuff, I'm not letting her go through it alone." Pulling back, he looked at her, moving a hand to her cheek. "It's going to be okay."
KELSIE stood still, stuck in her tracks as he disappeared for a second and tried to get her nerves together. She was never one to cry, especially in front of other people. Watching as he came back, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head into his neck. She enjoyed that he was being nice to her and not shaming her or calling her a whore like someone. Looking up at him from her spot, she listened to him talk. She didn’t deserve someone as sweet as him. She was an idiot who made the biggest mistake. “Thank you for not calling me a whore,” she whispered. “I really don’t deserve you in my life. It’s falling apart right now and I hate it. “At least you know it’s not yours. Dodged that bullet.”
TAYLOR watched her as she looked at him, giving her a small smile as she did to try and show her that it was okay. His hands moved over her back and he just sat there listening to her. "You're not a whore," he admitted. "You deserve me in your life because I deserve you. You deserve good things and I want that for you more than anything at all. Also, it's not dodging a bullet, Kelsie. You're amazing and even if it was my kid, we'd be okay. There's not bullet to dodge. We'd do whatever you wanted and we would make it out okay and you are going to be okay. You will get everything together and I'll help you. It's might falling apart, it's just scary and I promise you, I won't let you fall from this. I will do everything I can to keep you safe. Anything. I'm here to help you."
KELSIE was finally starting to get herself under control. Getting up she listened to him and went to the bathroom to wipe her face off and fix her hair. She left her computer open so if he wanted, he could see her conversation with Gabe and she didn’t care. Coming back into the room she sat on the bed and tried to control her breathing. He was being so sweet and she didn’t understand why he was so nice to her. “Thank you. I don’t deserve you. I really don’t and even though you say I do I just don’t get it,” she sighed as she looked over at him. “You made all this stuff and I feel bad for not showing up. I’m sorry for not at least canceling.”
TAYLOR sat still as she stood up and he looked over at her with a soft expression on his face. Until he noticed the messages between her and Gabe and he had anger rush over him. Standing up, he held up his hand and walked to the hallway to spot Gabe there. Walking over to him, he grabbed him and he swung not once but twice and then looked at him before he took one hit to his own face. Pushing Gabe down, he pointed down at him and put his foot on his chest to keep him there. "Let me tell you something. You owe her the biggest apology in the world and you don't even realize that you do because you're the biggest dick to her. She deserves better than you make her feel. You hurt her. You did and you don't think twice about it whenever she deserves the whole world in her hands. You treat her like trash. So, get your crap, if you're leaving and get out. Otherwise, I have no problem letting her move into our guest house and having nothing to do with you and if you step a foot onto our property, you'll get sent to jail, do you understand me, fuckboy?" He asked, snapping at him as he did. "You're wasting my time even having to explain to you what garbage you are because she's the best thing that's happened to me in a long time and no, I'm not talking about sex, I'm talking about the girl in that room deserves good things and you do nothing but bad to her," letting him go, he walked to the door and then made his way inside and shut it, locking it and looked down. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry but he deserved that and if you're mad at me for it, I just really feel like you deserve more than him and it makes me so mad but I'm really sorry," he finished as he walked to her and he kissed her cheek gently and sat down. "You deserve me because you're you and worth good things. You deserve good things and I will do all I can to make sure you get them." He finished and sat down on the bed again. "Do you want me to go? If you're mad at me, I understand."
KELSIE looked as he stood up and then followed behind him and stood in the doorway. Shocked at what was happening she froze and watched him handle Gabe and she thought about stepping in but she was perfectly fine with Gabe getting punched around. She really didn’t deserve how good he was being to her but she wished like she did. Following him back into the room, she shook her head trying to figure out what just happened. Listening to him ramble she walked over to him and grabbed his face to get his attention. “Taylor Andrew Hudson, I’m not mad at you. Calm down. I’m not mad at you for doing that. It was actually kinda sexy,” she laughed a little as she moved back and went to double check the door. “I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at myself for getting into this situation and thinking someone would actually listen when I finally spoke my mind and told them they hurt me but apparently he only gets to decide if her hurt me, not me,” she rambled as she sat down on the bed and grabbed his hand to look to see if he had any cuts on him.
TAYLOR looked at her as she walked over to him and he looked down into her eyes, taking in a deep breath to calm down. Hearing her laugh a little, he smiled down at her and then gave her a nod. He couldn't help that he was protective but she deserved better. "I'm glad you're not mad and kinda glad you thought that it was sexy, because I wasn't trying so it's not horrible to hear," he laughed as he looked into her eyes. Whenever they sat down, he pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her to keep her close. "You deserve to be heard, you will always deserve to be heard. Why don't we pack up some stuff and let me take you to my house? You can sleep in the guest house or my room, however you feel safe and just get you away from here. Also, you should always speak your mind," he admitted before lifting her chin to kiss her softly. "You're worth the world, Kelsie Abigail."
KELSIE looked over his face to make sure Gabe didn’t hurt him because she would have went and punched him if he did. “I’m not mad at you. I’m assuming you saw what he said,” she frowned a little before turning her attention back to him with a small laugh. “I can’t help it. I think it was extremely hot and I have no idea why.” Looking up at him, she felt him moving her face and the next thing she knew, they were kissing and she wasn’t stopping him, she enjoyed him. I think I’d feel better if I didn’t stay here,” she spoke softly. “Let me just pack some stuff and we can leave.”
TAYLOR found himself getting mad again but he calmed himself down soon after. He wanted her to be okay, not be like that. "I did but he doesn't matter. He's an idiot and I will do it again," he admitted and then he laughed again. "Well, if you think it's hot then  I'm doing something right then, aren't I?" He asked and found himself lost in the kiss with her. Holding her close, he didn't want to let her go but he did slowly and sighed. "Okay, I can help however you need but I'm carrying stuff out to the car," he smiled, watching her as he leaned back onto his elbows. "I'll keep you safe, I promise."
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lovewithoutresin · 7 years
CC here. Please help me reconnect with some old Twitter friends I was taken away from
Hey guys, I’m here with a bit of a personal story for you, and a mission in mind, if you’d be so kind as to help me. I am asking you to please reblog this so that it could be seen by the people I’m looking for. Most of you know me by Stocky, but back in the day my friends called me CC, so if you’d rather call me that, you may. It may help them recognize me. 
Here’s the story: for about five years of my life, I lived in a very isolated small town, and was homeschooled for three of those years due to social problems. There were no associations around for homeschooled children like me to meet other peers, so I essentially had no face-to-face contact with anyone in my age group.
During that time I had a Twitter account, which is where I had my online friend group. I met some of them in the summer of 2013 and the rest I met in early 2014, I believe. We called ourselves The Crew at the time. I still do. Then one day I left on a family vacation for spring break and never came back.
My mom used my computer and decided that curse words on a website were enough of a concern for my soul (we’re Christians, and I still am in spite of everything, but my parents doing this sure didn’t help my faith much) to justify taking away the only friends I knew. For the next year and a half, I was entirely isolated except for my family. I fought like hell trying to get back to my friend group, but ultimately they won. I gave up, and eventually I mostly repressed the memories.
A lot of them have changed usernames and to my knowledge The Crew eventually fell apart from one another. I’ve remembered recently, and now I am absolutely desperate to find all of them again, if not to reconnect then at least to know that they’re still out there. If you think you knew me, please contact me, I am begging you. And if anyone who sees this and is willing to help me could please reblog it in hopes that they will see it, it would be greatly appreciated. If you think it may be you, there are some names and memories in lists below the read more, if you want to confirm or if you think you may at least know them. But whether or not you read the information below, please, please reblog this. I need them more than anything right now. 
I’m tagging this as all the interests mentioned, sorry if that’s aggravating but I’m trying to increase the odds one of them will find it in the tag. Please understand and forgive me and let me do it just this once.
So here’s some information that I remember about the old Crew. If you were in it and you don’t see anything about you here, please still contact me if you knew me. It isn’t that you left no impact, but bear in mind that it’s been so many years and my memories are vague at best, apart from what I’ve found on my old account archives.
Some old crew member names I remember:
Brooke (i believe used to be @melodicwriter on twitter but i could have them mixed up with someone else)
Marissa (I think her parents took her away too, shortly before I left. I’m not sure if she’d be out there now but it’s worth a shot.)
The name Val comes to mind but I may be wrong about that being a thing
Michi (was @NebularKatana on twitter)
Someone with the username @yangire_ on Twitter, that account still exists but is now inactive
I think one of the above had the tumblr url totally-not-a-salamander a long time ago but the url has changed
If you’re not on this list and you were in the crew with them, please contact me.
Some vague memories/concepts/inside jokes I remember that may help:
A lot of you were Homestucks and I had only just started reading it when I left but look where we are now; I’m probably the last one standing in that department lol
I remember once there was a person in the group who I believe is not listed above who was staying with relatives or something and the relatives had turned on the security system and it called the police when the friend triggered the sensors?? I never found out what happened with that
We also watched Gravity Falls and most of us liked Taylor Swift (I’m not sure if it was all of us but there was definitely an overall Taylor Swift vibe there)
Lexie used to drink hot chocolate and I don’t know if it actually made her act high or if she was just playing around and pretending it did but there were some INTERESTING tweets borne of those times
We all (jokingly?) had a Mike Wazowski cult at one point
Also was there something about Bob Duncan from Good Luck Charlie as well? 2014 was fuckin weird for us, man
Old chatzy “roleplay” chats
Frozen, SO much Frozen
I literally openly and unapologetically “dated” a Dipper Pines RP account (listen, I was twelve) and we all joked about it later
I’ll add onto this list if I remember any more people/things, but I think if you were one of them or know them you would probably get the gist with this stuff. Please contact me even if I’ve forgotten you, because rest assured I definitely do miss you, and it’s made the past few years some kind of hellish not realizing all this and being without you all.
There are some things I lied about back then, and I am so incredibly sorry for that too, and I take full responsibility. But it’s worth more to me at this point to contact you again than it is not to face that. 
I fucking love you guys, and I would never have left without telling you if I’d had any choice at all in the matter. I hope more than anything else that you’re all out there somewhere and you see this somehow and we can reconnect, because after all this time, I feel like I really do need you all. I love you guys. Please, please get in contact with me if you’re out there and you see this. <3
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sennenpharaoh · 4 years
11 12 and 13!
the be honest meme
11 has been answered, so...
Have you been involved in drama? Do you regret it?
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Yes. I have.
Do I regret it? Do I regret vaugeing a known godmodder and forceshipper who threw themselves on my muse and then when I blocked them they went after my friends? No. No I don’t.
I regret asking someone else to make the post for me because tbh it should have been me to call them out and not them, but I digress. But it’s why I don’t go on chatzy anymore...
It’s why I have an OOC blog, so I can bitch and vent about random shit there. @nikki-ann-marie-mun
Have you ever thought about leaving rp? What caused it? What changed your mind?
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I don’t... think so? If anything I would say that real life gets in the way. Like I said I don’t really treat this like a job or anything, so I’m not really super attached to the RP community like I see some people. And props to them. I don’t have the passion that they do. I’m more of a “yeah, whatever” when it comes to RP.
And actually if I’m in the mood to do crack rp’s, I go to my Tristan Taylor blog @tristanxtaylor I LITERALLY don’t give a fuck on that one, and it’s even stated that it’s a crack blog.
Leaving? No. Setting it aside while I do other things? Oh hell yes. All the time.
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hartsgold · 5 years
———  BASICS! ♡
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NAME! ♡ bree/breezy PRONOUNS! ♡     he/him preferred, she/her also good. please alternate bt please don’t use they/them for me! super fair if u forget but yeah ZODIAC SIGN! ♡    taurus! TAKEN OR SINGLE! ♡   *whistles*
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
1! ♡    i tried pineapple for the first time this year and i fell in love with it and will never stop eating pineapple now... :(
2! ♡   i used to have a tiny hamster named kermit that would roll around my house in a little tiny ball and my family, who didn’t want me to have a hamster, all fell in love with him
3! ♡    sharing music is one of my biggest love languages please share songs w me and let me share them with you it’s very special to me :”< 
PLATFORMS USED! ♡    myspace, rp.me, aim, skype, tumblr, ugghh chatzy
GENDER! ♡     i write male or bigender muses predominately because uhhh i’m coping! no but tbh as someone who can’t really present how i’d like to irl it’s always helped me to write boys so yeah! these r their stories. 
LEAST FAVOURITE FACE(S)! ♡ i swear you make me look at taylor s*wift and ill lose it
MULTI OR SINGLE! ♡     typically single but multis are excellent bc then i can send you a billion memes for a billion characters at one time. support multis or perish
FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡   i looove all three especially in the same storyline LSKDJSDLSD. i don’t personally write smut but i love talking HC’s abt it! 
PLOT / MEMES! ♡    def both!! i def feel most productive plotting at least a lil bit but as for oneliners and stuff winging it is fun / memes are always a blast to get interactions started. 
tagged by: the supremely spectacular @leicestheir, @gasbardian & @awakenfate !! thanks angels i so deeply adore you tagging: hello to @sleepcrest @gautres @baedd @brigidqueen @reignalt @knightsterror @antibadnik @apolafsi @voidsung @vestraborn
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openbook-izel · 7 years
Flying Home || Taylor and Izel
Taylor and Izel reunite in a scene that is 80% cuddles and 20% snow. If you don’t know their dynamic, Taylor’s homecoming gives a good summary (x), but for a snapshot of their relationship, look here. (It’s cute)
Vick’s vaporub was decidedly not helping. Nor were the dozens of mints she sucked on a regular basis. The scan Regan had recommended had happened, she was just waiting for the analysis, and hoping that her brain wasn’t actually developing  more quirks than, well, it usually had. Izel hissed at customer’s face and quickly apologised, handing the book she was explaining over with glee. They were new, or possibly from Ashford, but were sweet and attentive as she talked through an entire list of books that were preteen girl friendly, that didn’t revolve around romance. Compared to the overpowering smell of petrol and cinnamon that she was dealing with on a regular basis, the waft of sea air that came in with a new customer through her door was nothing, although the wind didn’t usually blow so strongly that she could taste the sea from here. “I’ll be with you in a m-” Her eyes looked up to see the mesmerising airy aura that was different than she remembered, but heartwarmingly familiar. Izel’s face split into a wide grin and she waved frantically before turning back to her customer. “Do you mind if I leave you with these to think for a moment? Feel free to read the first few pages, see if it’s what you’re looking for!” She waited for the middle aged man to nod, and barely waited a second to sprint across the store and up to Taylor, pausing for a second out of habit before throwing her arms around her in a hug that spun both of them around. Her hands pressed hard against Taylor’s back, and a couple fingers deliberately encroached on the back of Taylor’s neck, just because she could.
Taylor was nervous, to say the very least. No, nervous was a huge understatement. She was terrified to step foot back in Mystery Loves Company, choosing to stay rooted on the sidewalk across the street instead for the time being. She’d gotten out of her truck and instead of heading in, just stood there, staring at the storefront. Izel had said she wasn’t mad but...it was hard to believe that when she had every reason to be. Arms crossed, she gripped the sleeves of her leather jacket. But she quickly realized she couldn’t stay out there forever, especially as the wind and snow started to pick up outside. She’d be flying for a whole different reason if she didn’t get inside, so she swallowed her fears down like a hard lump and marched inside. The ring of the bell on the door, which was usually inviting, felt like she’d set off an alarm. It didn’t take long for Izel to notice her walk in, and when she saw Izel smile, most of her fears melted away as quick as the snowflakes stuck in her hair were. She stood there awkwardly until Izel started sprinting toward her, clapping hands on her back with a smack against the leather. She had to steel herself as she felt Izel touch the back of her neck, but the process of bottling up her abilities had become mostly second nature at this point. A process he barely had to think about. Barely. “Hello to you too,” Taylor chuckled, wrapping her arms around Izel in turn.
Izel’d only ever gotten to hug Taylor once before, and that had been so gentle and carefully calculated, and now she’d thrown almost all caution to the wind, clinging on as tight as possible. The snowstorm had made it darker than it should have been for the time of day, and she could see the faint outline of Taylor’s silhouette in the glass, but she’d have to look hard to spot any tell tale signs that she wasn’t exactly who Izel thought she was. After a tight, long hold, she pulled away, not letting go of Taylor’s shoulders, covered in familiar black leather, just staring. “Wow, you look like a sunset,” she whispered reverently, eyes tracing the rich oranges and blues that had emerged in the year Taylor had been away. It was still stained black, that would never change, and while it wasn’t bright, it wasn’t the black cloud it had once been. “And I guess the rest of you looks alright too. You’ve, you’ve cut your hair, I can tell because it isn’t shoulder length, you’re rocking the pixie cut and it looks -raspberries- great! And your taste in leather jackets is still going strong, yep, and that eyepatch? Definitely an upgrade, and wow my brain is yelling at me to shut up right now and yet my mouth just isn’t co-operating, not one bit. Wow.” Izel’s face was aiming for a bright shade of red by the time she slowed down. “You’re so… you. You’ve got your muchness. Wow, you’re really back.”
Taylor couldn’t help but chuckle and grin like an idiot as Izel started to ramble. “Hope a sunset is a good thing,” she mused, very aware that Izel was still touching her shoulders, feeling anchored by the weight of her hands there. The rambling continued, and Taylor felt herself blushing as Izel brought attention to every little bit of her. As Izel started to wind down, Taylor reached out and touched Izel’s face for a moment. “Glad you haven’t changed a bit,” she said, letting her teeth show when she smiled this time instead of her usual tight-lipped grin. She peeled her gaze off of Izel’s eyes and glanced around the store. The smell of old books and leather filled the air just like she’d remembered. It was like walking into a memory.
“It’s you, it could never be a bad thing,” Izel replied giddily. One hand jerked backwards and pushed a little too hard into Taylor’s shoulder for Izel’s liking so she dropped it to her side, letting it tic away at it’s own pace. “Careful, you’ll burn yourself,” she joked, referring to how hot her cheeks felt after that whole word vomit. An eyepatch upgrade, geez. A gentle cough had her turn back to where Reece was standing behind her, immaculately dressed as ever. They were quite the pair; him in his suits and her in a long skirt with as many colours as an autumn forest.
“Miss Izel, we should close up early, while it’s still safe for our patrons to get home.” For someone who looked so frail, his voice was low and no nonsense, and she knew from experience that behind his stuffy, Scribey appearance, he had more wire to him than you’d think.
“Right! Good idea! I’ll see if there’s anyone down in our special collections section.” He nodded and gave Taylor a curious look before turning to softly encourage a couple customers home. As he was still in earshot, Izel gestured at him and then covered her eyes with one hand in an explanation to Taylor. No one else called it the special collection, but he was seriously blindfolded in a lot of ways. “Coming?” She asked, practically skipping as she headed to the back, to the wide, open stairs. “Oh man, I have no idea where Reza is, but he’d love to see you, I bet. Ugh, I can’t believe you’re really here!”
Taylor was startled by the sudden appearance of a man dressed like he was on his way to a wedding. Or a funeral. She couldn’t really tell. By the way he was talking to Izel, Taylor could only guess that this was Reece, the dude from the other dimension that Izel was talking about. God, Taylor still couldn’t wrap her head around how this town had found a way to get weirder. As he mentioned the snowstorm outside, Taylor turned to glance out the front window, seeing the bed of her truck already full with a towering snowdrift. Great. She turned around to be greeted by an odd look from Reece, and only narrowed her eye at him in return before following Izel to the back of the store. “Reza’s not here? Damn. Wanted to see the kid. Hope he’s not gettin’ caught in this storm.” Taylor had realized that she’d become much more of a ‘mama bird’, for lack of a better description, since she’d been with the colony. There were a lot of smaller sirens there, with parents like her mom, though they’d at least had the sense to drop them off with people that could teach them and not leave their fate up to a shitty little crystal.
“I mean, he might be? I haven’t -raspberries- been upstairs in a few hours, he could be chilling with Zaskia - the cat - upstairs for all I know.” Izel looked around, frowning at the weather around the store, and sent Reza a quick worried text, just in case. “We’ll see what he says. He might be at Bridget’s or someone else that he could stay with if he gets stuck.” She hopped down the stairs, looking around for the tell tale sign of an aura or the sound of someone perusing. The issue was that vampires were quiet and dead, so as she searched, she called around “Hey, we’re closing so everyone can get home safe! I promise all these books will be here when we open again!” No answer. Izel looked back at Taylor and her face lit up again, remembering all over again that her friend was back and was here. But the storm was brewing. “Um you probably don’t want to get trapped either, right?”
At the mention of Bridget, Taylor chuckled. “Ain’t that the dragon girl?” Probably rude of her, but….come on now. Dragons? She took a quick look around the back room as Izel called out, but nobody to be found. “Reza’s makin’ friends though, right? After Heath? Know that asshole had him cut off from everybody. Kid’s a sweetheart under all that, probably cravin’ attention.” She returned to her spot behind Izel after she was satisfied she didn’t see anyone around. “Know it from experience.” Taylor glanced back toward the front of the store where she could barely see the windows, and those windows just looked as solid white as a sheet of paper from all the snow. “Rather be trapped here than a crappy ass motel,” she said, turning back to Izel with a grin. “If you don’t mind me staying, that is.”
“Yeah. She’s sweet though, and cute. And believing in dragons isn’t as weird as believing in the non existence of things right in front of you, like our favourite medical examiner. I pick my battles.” Izel shrugged, looking around one last time before making the treck upstairs. “I think so? There’s also a guy, who I haven’t met, nor do I know anything about him, so we’ll see how that goes.” She could hear the uncertainty leaking into her voice. It was really, really fast. But she’d promised she wouldn’t judge, and was keeping herself to that promise. “If he’s craving attention then he really isn’t showing it. Things were… intense when he got here, and he probably got a bit sick of me during that.” Taylor had been away, and there was a bit of sting in her voice. No way was Izel telling her about the drugs, not yet. Nor the hours Izel had spent looking after him, sticking with him minute by minute as he went through every withdrawal. Izel pushed those thoughts away with a shake of the head, tongue clicking as she listened to Taylor. “Mind? Of course not. Dude, I’d love to have you here for a bit!”
“Touche,” Taylor said, mirroring Izel’s shrug. She followed Izel as they headed upstairs. “There’s a guy? Like a guy?” She pursed her lips. “Ain’t that a little fast? If he’s ready, he’s ready, but I mean...is he though?” She supposed it wasn’t her place to judge, but that didn’t stop her from worrying nonetheless. Izel mentioned Reza’s behavior...how things were right when Izel had taken him in. Must not have been that long after Taylor had skipped town. “Sorry you had to deal with that on your own…” Her words were low and full of shame. “Looks like you did a good job though. Kid’s lucky to have you.” She was beyond happy with Izel’s reaction to Taylor waiting out the storm with her. Honestly, the storm was more of a cover for the fact that she really didn’t want to be alone. She’d spent enough of her time in this town the first time around locking herself away. She wasn’t gonna do that now. “Sweet,” she said with a toothy grin.
“Mmhmm,” Izel replied, not quite noncommittally to Taylor’s question. It was fast. Her eyes flickered to Taylor, giving her a reassuring pat on her shoulder. Her closest ally for a while there had been Regan. Regan. “He’s doing most of the work. Doesn’t know it, but he is. I’m lucky to have him. And you.” The lights flickered, threatening the possibility of a black out. She watched them for a moment, but they stayed bright enough. “Right then. Let’s get out all the blankets then, because this building really isn’t insulated enough.” Despite her action words, as Reece locked up the store, Izel just stood, smiling at Taylor. Impulsively, she pulled her into another, tight hug, like if she let go Taylor would disappear, but also to push every bit of affection from her into Taylor, just to make sure it was clear. Taylor’s disappearance had been a punch to a gut, a low blow in what had already been a sucky situation. Izel hadn’t thought about it enough to know if she’d forgiven Taylor, but it didn’t change her adoration of them. “I’m so glad to have you back,” she murmured. Even if everything else was overwhelming, that remained true. 
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recreatemu · 5 years
you deserve good things ➝ chatzy
who: kelsie and taylor
setting: march 5th., night
possible trigger(s): n/a
TAYLOR wasn’t sure why Kelsie didn’t turn up at his house. It was set up and he was ready to see her but it was almost eight and everything was to start at seven. He knew that she’d been going through some stuff with how she felt about herself but he didn’t know what happened after practice. Whenever she wasn’t texting or anything, he was starting to wonder if she changed her mind, decided that it wasn’t something that she didn’t want to do or if she’d convinced herself that this was something she didn’t deserve. All dressed up in a nice button up and jeans, he packed up everything. Steak, baked potato, salads, even the desert and put it into a basket along with candles and the roses before he made his way over to the Lynn’s. He didn’t know what to expect whenever he got there but he knew that he wanted her to be happy and he wanted to make her feel that way. She was doing something to him and he wanted to make her understand how much she meant. Getting to her house, he knocked on the door, rocking on his heels while he waited for her to come and answer - praying that Gabe didn’t do it before her.
KELSIE was completely sick to her stomach. She had a million thoughts and no solutions. How in the hell did she get in this situation? Well, she knew how she did. She was mad at the world and wanted to get back at Gabe and this was what she got. She wasn’t even into sex and she sure as hell wasn’t going to be now. Her whole life was ruined. This was all she was going to be known for and she couldn’t change it. Especially because she couldn’t exactly say who the dad was. She had been uncontrollable crying for the past two hours and she was finally left to sit alone with her thoughts. Picking up her computer she went to write something, just something to get her thoughts out. Hearing someone ring the doorbell, she didn’t think twice about going to the door. She was in sweats and a shirt and she honestly knew she looked like a crazy person from all the crying. Hearing it go off again, she pulled her hair up, sat her computer down on the edge of her bed and left her message to Gabe up and then made her way to the door and flung it open, annoyed because she had to come get it. Staring at Taylor behind it, her heart dropped at the sight of him. “Taylor,” she whispered as she whipped at her eyes and looked over at him and the things she had. “I - I completely forgot we had plans. I’m sorry.” Looking back into the house she shut the door a little and then finally turned her eyes back to him. “You should probably leave. I’m sorry.”
TAYLOR stood there quietly as he looked around and then that was whenever the door swung open and he was left looking at the girl in front of him. She was hurting and he didn’t get why. Letting the basket go down beside him gently and the roses, too, he stepped closer to her and raised his eyebrows. He didn’t know what was wrong but he felt like it had to do with Gabe. It was always to do with Gabe. Reaching over, he gently place his hand on her cheek and rubbed his thumb over her tears as he looked down at her. “Don’t be sorry, it’s okay. I’m not worried about me, I’m worried about you,” he admitted as he stepped to her a little more and then finally pulled her into his arms for a hug. He didn’t say anything, he just felt like she needed that right then, he wasn’t going to make her say anything, he was going to respect whatever she wanted. “What’s wrong?” He whispered, closing his eyes as he kept her closer to him and finally let her go and stepped back slowly. “Do you want me to leave? I will, only if you want to but I would like to stay and make sure that you’re okay but I’m only going to do what you want. At least let me leave you this food, please? You should eat at some point and take these roses but I’ll do anything you want me to do and if that’s go, I will. Just know I care,” he finished, looking down at her slowly.
KELSIE stood in the doorway and just looked over at him for a second. She genuinely felt bad forgetting to at least message him and cancel, she just wasn’t thinking clearly and and she honestly couldn’t stop crying enough to even see right in front of her. Lowering her head, she took a small breath and felt him touching her cheek, her eyes closing as she tried to get her shit together. Feeling him hug her, she just let him as she tried to get herself together as she hugged him back and just stood there for a while. Standing there in front of him, she could see his mouth moving but she didn’t hear any of the words he was saying. “I’m - I’m pregnant,” she whispered as her words came past her lips and she finally admitted it out loud for the first time. “You don’t want to be here right now. I have the whole fucking high school boy population to tell they might be a dad because I’m the town slut,” she cried, backing away form him.
TAYLOR looked at her as she spoke and he raised his eyebrows in a soft expression. She was pregnant and she thought that she was the town slut. Shaking his head, he pulled her back to him and just held her there in his arms tightly. His hands moving over her back slowly as he did. “No,” he whispered as he rocked her and then he picked everything up and made his way inside. It was cold and he didn’t want her to get sick. He didn’t listen, not even once. He wanted her to know that he cared. Putting everything down in her room, he went back for her and wrapped her up in his arms, carrying her - like a Princess to be fitting - to her room. Shutting her door, he locked it and then sat on her bed. He pulled her to him again and held her. “Listen to me, you are not the town slut and you never will be. Ever. Believe me whenever I say that I want nothing more than to be with you right now because you need someone. You do. You need to know that someone cares, because I do and I always will, please believe me,” he whispered, rocking her a little. “So, you have some guys to tell, we’ll tell them together. So, you’re pregnant. That doesn’t change how I feel about you. You’re still Kelsie. The beautiful girl that I just let myself get close to and just cause she’s going through stuff, I’m not letting her go through it alone.” Pulling back, he looked at her, moving a hand to her cheek. “It’s going to be okay.”
KELSIE stood still, stuck in her tracks as he disappeared for a second and tried to get her nerves together. She was never one to cry, especially in front of other people. Watching as he came back, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her head into his neck. She enjoyed that he was being nice to her and not shaming her or calling her a whore like someone. Looking up at him from her spot, she listened to him talk. She didn’t deserve someone as sweet as him. She was an idiot who made the biggest mistake. “Thank you for not calling me a whore,” she whispered. “I really don’t deserve you in my life. It’s falling apart right now and I hate it. “At least you know it’s not yours. Dodged that bullet.”
TAYLOR watched her as she looked at him, giving her a small smile as she did to try and show her that it was okay. His hands moved over her back and he just sat there listening to her. “You’re not a whore,” he admitted. “You deserve me in your life because I deserve you. You deserve good things and I want that for you more than anything at all. Also, it’s not dodging a bullet, Kelsie. You’re amazing and even if it was my kid, we’d be okay. There’s not bullet to dodge. We’d do whatever you wanted and we would make it out okay and you are going to be okay. You will get everything together and I’ll help you. It’s might falling apart, it’s just scary and I promise you, I won’t let you fall from this. I will do everything I can to keep you safe. Anything. I’m here to help you.”
KELSIE was finally starting to get herself under control. Getting up she listened to him and went to the bathroom to wipe her face off and fix her hair. She left her computer open so if he wanted, he could see her conversation with Gabe and she didn’t care. Coming back into the room she sat on the bed and tried to control her breathing. He was being so sweet and she didn’t understand why he was so nice to her. “Thank you. I don’t deserve you. I really don’t and even though you say I do I just don’t get it,” she sighed as she looked over at him. “You made all this stuff and I feel bad for not showing up. I’m sorry for not at least canceling.”
TAYLOR sat still as she stood up and he looked over at her with a soft expression on his face. Until he noticed the messages between her and Gabe and he had anger rush over him. Standing up, he held up his hand and walked to the hallway to spot Gabe there. Walking over to him, he grabbed him and he swung not once but twice and then looked at him before he took one hit to his own face. Pushing Gabe down, he pointed down at him and put his foot on his chest to keep him there. “Let me tell you something. You owe her the biggest apology in the world and you don’t even realize that you do because you’re the biggest dick to her. She deserves better than you make her feel. You hurt her. You did and you don’t think twice about it whenever she deserves the whole world in her hands. You treat her like trash. So, get your crap, if you’re leaving and get out. Otherwise, I have no problem letting her move into our guest house and having nothing to do with you and if you step a foot onto our property, you’ll get sent to jail, do you understand me, fuckboy?” He asked, snapping at him as he did. “You’re wasting my time even having to explain to you what garbage you are because she’s the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time and no, I’m not talking about sex, I’m talking about the girl in that room deserves good things and you do nothing but bad to her,” letting him go, he walked to the door and then made his way inside and shut it, locking it and looked down. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry but he deserved that and if you’re mad at me for it, I just really feel like you deserve more than him and it makes me so mad but I’m really sorry,” he finished as he walked to her and he kissed her cheek gently and sat down. “You deserve me because you’re you and worth good things. You deserve good things and I will do all I can to make sure you get them.” He finished and sat down on the bed again. “Do you want me to go? If you’re mad at me, I understand.”
KELSIE looked as he stood up and then followed behind him and stood in the doorway. Shocked at what was happening she froze and watched him handle Gabe and she thought about stepping in but she was perfectly fine with Gabe getting punched around. She really didn’t deserve how good he was being to her but she wished like she did. Following him back into the room, she shook her head trying to figure out what just happened. Listening to him ramble she walked over to him and grabbed his face to get his attention. “Taylor Andrew Hudson, I’m not mad at you. Calm down. I’m not mad at you for doing that. It was actually kinda sexy,” she laughed a little as she moved back and went to double check the door. “I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at myself for getting into this situation and thinking someone would actually listen when I finally spoke my mind and told them they hurt me but apparently he only gets to decide if her hurt me, not me,” she rambled as she sat down on the bed and grabbed his hand to look to see if he had any cuts on him.
TAYLOR looked at her as she walked over to him and he looked down into her eyes, taking in a deep breath to calm down. Hearing her laugh a little, he smiled down at her and then gave her a nod. He couldn’t help that he was protective but she deserved better. “I’m glad you’re not mad and kinda glad you thought that it was sexy, because I wasn’t trying so it’s not horrible to hear,” he laughed as he looked into her eyes. Whenever they sat down, he pulled her closer to him and wrapped his arms around her to keep her close. “You deserve to be heard, you will always deserve to be heard. Why don’t we pack up some stuff and let me take you to my house? You can sleep in the guest house or my room, however you feel safe and just get you away from here. Also, you should always speak your mind,” he admitted before lifting her chin to kiss her softly. “You’re worth the world, Kelsie Abigail.”
KELSIE looked over his face to make sure Gabe didn’t hurt him because she would have gone and punched him if he did. “I’m not mad at you. I’m assuming you saw what he said,” she frowned a little before turning her attention back to him with a small laugh. “I can’t help it. I think it was extremely hot and I have no idea why.” Looking up at him, she felt him moving her face and the next thing she knew, they were kissing and she wasn’t stopping him, she enjoyed him. I think I’d feel better if I didn’t stay here,” she spoke softly. “Let me just pack some stuff and we can leave.”
TAYLOR found himself getting mad again but he calmed himself down soon after. He wanted her to be okay, not be like that. “I did but he doesn’t matter. He’s an idiot and I will do it again,” he admitted and then he laughed again. “Well, if you think it’s hot then  I’m doing something right then, aren’t I?” He asked and found himself lost in the kiss with her. Holding her close, he didn’t want to let her go but he did slowly and sighed. “Okay, I can help however you need but I’m carrying stuff out to the car,” he smiled, watching her as he leaned back onto his elbows. “I’ll keep you safe, I promise.”
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the-institute-rpg · 7 months
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The following characters are on activity warning for two weeks or more of inactivity! If you need a hiatus or any help, please come talk to us! You have until the next activity check (November 12) to become active again or you will be dropped and your face claim reopened.
CHARLOTTE TAYLOR - @charlietaylcr ELISE NYLAND - @elisenylandti SAWYER CHAMBERS - @sawyer-chambers SCOTT LANDENBERG - @xscottlandenbergx MARKUS CHRISTIANSEN - @byronxmarkusxchristiansen ELIJAH SCOTT - @elijahxxwilson DOMINIK RUTHINGHAM - @institute-domruthingham HUNTER MORRIGAN/CARMELLA D'AMICO - @dontfeartheshrinker WAT FLETCHER - @watfletcher THALIA MOORE - @thaliaxmoore KAILOR GRAY - @dcviilsh URIEL ZERIAH - @urielscorruption AVERY FELLHAVEN - @slaveavery MAGNUS KUSIHAMAR - @berserkermagnus QUINTEN SAWYER - @quinten-sawyer JODY LINNEL - @jodylinnel KEITH CRANE - @keith-crane ALEXANDER BLACK - @alexanderblackxlust
Just a reminder that posting photos/interest/desires, posting completed Skype/Chatzy or text threads only, and answering memes/anons does not count as activity!
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hollywoodfamerp · 4 years
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Under the cut you will find your roommates! Please know, you will have until 17th at midnight EST to get a thread done with your partner! Those on hiatus (after 2/9) and reduced activity were not included in the list. Please remember the following:
This is a mandatory thread. We will be keeping track, please do not make us give out strikes :(
Please IM/tag the main in your chatzy, para, gif chat, text thread or f2f when you reach at least 6 notes.
No matter what type of thread you and your partner choose, please make sure it has substantial replies (on both ends) and not just a three word reply - the point is to build new connections!
New members coming into the group will be added up until February 11th. After that they will not be added into the list since it wouldn’t be fair to hold them to the same requirements with less time. However, they must still say they are on the trip!
Please do message us if your roommate has not replied to you to plot or if they are on the verge of going inactive, as we will take everything into consideration <3
If you got paired with another FC that you play, please send us a message and we’ll fix that for you right away!
If you cannot find your FC in the list, please let us know so we can fix that as well!
All pairs were made with a random generator!
Please be mindful that this list can and will change because of unfollows, activity checks, and/or new members being added into the group. So please make sure to like this notice so you can keep track of things :)
If you’re reading this list, go ahead and reach out to your partner! Please do not wait for them to reach out to you.
Please like this notice so we know you’re all up to date! :)
Rami Malek and Blake Lively
Madison Beer and Saoirse Ronan
Shawn Mendes and Selena Gomez
Brandon Flynn and Misha Collins
Jennie Kim and Jane Levy
Zac Efron and Carrie Underwood
Nick Jonas and Taylor Swift
Carlos Valdes and Jung Hoseok
Lucy Hale and Ben Barnes
Lee Donghyuck (Haechan) and Xiao Dejun
Jennifer Lawrence and Elizabeth Olsen
Becky Lynch and Demi Lovato
Candice Accola and Perrie Edwards
Zendaya Coleman and Beth Behrs
AJ Styles (Allen Jones) and Charlotte Flair
Danielle Panabaker and Lily James
Carmella and Melissa Benoist
Brie Larson and Roman Reigns
Florence Pugh and Shay Mitchell
Connor Franta and Cate Blanchett
Ashley Tisdale and Joe Dempsie
Kim Seokjin and Marcus Rashford
Kristine Froseth and Mike Faist
Grant Gustin and Kang Yeosang
Hilarie Burton and Lucas Wong
Nina Dobrev and Bill Skarsgard
Jeon Jungkook and Dylan O'Brien
Karlie Kloss and Jamie Dornan
Oscar Isaac and Sebastian Stan
Alex Fitzalan and Kim Jungwoo
Lucy Boynton and Byun Baekhyun
Kate Middleton and Luke Hemmings
Brendon Urie and Dakota Johnson
Natalia Dyer and Mike Mizanin
Lalisa Manoban and Dacre Montgomery
Seth Rollins (Colby Lopez) and Zoe Kravitz
Cody Ko and Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Demi Bennett (Rhea Ripley) and Miley Cyrus
Lee Taemin and Ashley Benson
Bruno Mars and Ben Platt
Vanessa Hudgens and Jesse Lingard
Zayn Malik and Nathan Sharp
Gigi Hadid and John Boyega
Hero Fiennes-Tiffin and Emma Stone
Lili Reinhart and Kim Taehyung
Ariana Grande and Alexa Bliss
Aaron Tveit and Brie Bella
Kim Namjoon and Sasha Banks
Jackson Wang and John Krasinski
Alanna Masterson and Madelaine Petsch
Martha Hunt and Sofia Carson
Anthony Mackie and Jennifer Aniston 
Min Yoongi and Kennedy McMann
Ryan Guzman and Mena Massoud
Zazie Beetz and Harry Styles
Crystal Reed and Camila Cabello
Sam Claflin and Park Chaeyoung (Rosé)
Daisy Ridley and Fergal Devitt
Jade Thirlwall and Maryse Mizanin
Choi San and Renee Young (Renee Paquette)
Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun) and Miles Heizer
Kim Yongsun (Solar) and Chris Evans
Naomi Scott and Troye Sivan
TJ Oshie and Avan Jogia
Brittany Snow and Adelaide Kane
Matt Czuchry and Meryl Streep
Pamela Martinez (Bayley) and Taron Egerton
Niall Horan and Stephen Amell
Alisha Boe and Yoon Bomi
Dylan Minnette and Sarah Drew
Emily Osment and Katherine Langford 
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hollywoodlandhq · 6 years
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Greece is one of the world’s most seismically active countries.
Fortunately, most Greek earthquakes are relatively mild but there is always the potential for more severe seismic activity. Greek builders are aware of this and modern Greek buildings are built to be safe during earthquakes. Similar quakes often strike nearby Turkey and result in much more extensive damage and injuries due to less-strict building codes.
But this Greece trip..is about to be hit.
Breaking news! Late this evening (Wednesday June 20th), disaster struck when an earthquake hit Santorini, Greece. It was registered as a 5.9, luckily not causing much damage but it did cause a massive blackout in the Adamant Suites.
During this blackout, the resort will have no electricity from 8 PM-3 AM as workers work around the clock to make sure things are up and running. They will be required to stay in and around the resort until the power is fixed.
We have assigned random pairings/groups and it is mandatory that you do a thread/para/chatzy with your assigned partners. It can be anything you want! Go crazy, get creative, but this is meant to be fun and we hope you have a good time collaborating with your fellow members. Whoever you are assigned to, that is who you are near once the blackout hits. Have fun explaining why. ;) Please remember to tag the main in your thread so we can see you did it!
This is being posted in advance so everybody can prepare to plot. Message the main if you have any questions!
Marie Avgeropoulos, Darren Criss, Stephen Amell,
Bob Morley, Grant Gustin, Jaimie Alexander.
Camila Mendes, Natalia Dyer, Timothee Chalamet.
Saoirse Ronan, Dianna Agron, Lucy Hale.
Jack Lowden, Margot Robbie, Sam Hunt.
Genevieve Gaunt, Taylor Swift, Emily Bett Rickards
Danielle Panabaker, Ashley Benson, Madelaine Petsch.
Blake Lively, Emma Watson, Charlie Heaton, Joe Jonas.
Cole Sprouse, Armie Hammer, Melissa Benoist, Stephanie Styles.
Lili Reinhart, Bella Hadid.
Oscar Isaac, Daisy Ridley.
Jesse Lee Soffer, Troian Bellisario, Sophia Bush, Kate McKinnon.
Keegan Allen, Nick Jonas, Matthew Daddario
Alycia Debnam Carey, Charles Melton,
Gigi Hadid, Dylan O’Brien, Derek Discanio, Shay Mitchell.
Elizabeth Gillies, Lennon Stella, Paul Bettany, Colin Donnell.
Casey Cott, Aaron Tveit, Lea Michele.
Sophie Turner, Benedict Cumberbatch, Kat Barrell, Phoebe Tonkin.
Michael Trevino, Amber Heard, Jennifer Lawrence
Ansel Elgort, Tyler Blackburn.
Jesse Williams, Karen Gillan, Lily James, Tom Hiddleston.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Elizabeth Olsen, KJ Apa.
Tom Holland, Harry Styles, Carrie Underwood, Louis Tomlinson.
Joshua Jackson, Alex Gaskarth,
Dua Lipa, Zendaya Coleman, Lauren Jauregui
Max Irons, Ariana Grande, Demi Lovato
Hilary Duff, Kendall Jenner, Adam Driver.
Eliza Taylor, Chris Wood
Luke Hemmings, Candice King, Zac Efron.
Vanessa Morgan, Adam Levine, Emma Stone
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kaysmuarchive · 5 years
location: McIntosh household.
date & time: 2/12, night.
who: Brant and Taylor.
TAYLOR wasn't sure what he was doing, he was just so nervous about this. For whatever reason, he decided that he wanted to try new things and it wasn't like he hadn't thought about it before because he had. He just knew that Brant was going through some stuff and this would help him feel better, because who didn't feel better with head? Whenever he got to his house, he didn't knock. He didn't ever anyways, whenever he made his way up to his room with a smirk on his lips as he walked inside and up to his room. "Hey, Scottish fucker, I'm here," he shouted, laughing after he did before walking into his room and standing by the door for a moment. He didn't see him there, so he laid on the bed and covered his eyes with his arm before shouting. "Where you at?"
BRANT had had a pretty shitty twenty-four hours and finally being at home alone, minus his brothers was something he needed. He just wanted to be left alone with his thoughts and his best friend. He had been joking around with Taylor about bros being bros for the last part of the day and somehow it became a thing they were gonna try to see if they liked it. When he said he was on his way, he immediately got into the liquor cabinet and took some shots of tequila, just to loosen him up and clear his mind. He found random guys attractive, he had just never done sexual things with them. It was basically just like doing sexual things with himself, right? Hearing shouting as he walked around the den he rolled his eyes and knew it was Taylor yelling like an idiot. Making down the long hall he had a bottle of liquor in his hand and walked into his room, kicking the door shut.”Why do you never knock? You American’s and your lack of manners,” he teased as he sat on the bed beside and held the bottle out to him with his brows raised.
TAYLOR laughed whenever Brant walked into the room and he rolled his eyes to sit up and take the bottle from him. "I never knock because I never need to knock. Why would I?" He asked, taking a long swig of whatever it was. He didn't even look at it, he just started to drink. Putting it back down, he looked at him with a smirk on his lips and then fell back again but this time he hit the pillows and he looked down at him. "So, I take it instead of talking about things that could be a total buzzkill, we're going right into this, right?" He asked with a chuckle as he started to unbuckle his belt and the top of his jeans. He could admit that he thought Brant was attractive. This was just going to be a real test of how he was, at least with his best friend anyways. "Do you want to do that?"
BRANT “I don’t know, manners just seem like a thing but got it. Manners out the door. Bad boy lesson number one,” he nodded with a serious face. “I see I’m the one getting treated like the hoor, always classy,” he teased as he turned to face him but not before taking another swig. Sitting the bottle down he looked over at his movements and swallowed the air in his throat. Taylor wasn’t ugly by far and what better way to figure out if you like guys than to try with your best friend. Standing up he undid his jeans. “Wait. Do what?” He paused looking down at him.
TAYLOR "Oh god. That's just with me, by the way. Not with everyone else, don't do that to other people." Chuckling at his next words, he rolled his eyes while raising his eyebrows. "You're not a whore. If that's not what that means, I don't know but still, shut up idiot." Standing up, he tugged his own jeans down and then his boxers next with his shoes off after. "Do this." He started, swallowing thickly while he moved over to him, starting to help him with his jeans and his boxers after. He had a little hesitation in his next movement whenever he leaned in and found his lips pressed against his best friends, almost questioning himself as he did it but his hand moved down to slowly grip on his dick. He was a light weight, didn't take much to do it for him so that was a good thing. Letting his hand move slowly up and down, he let out a breath he didn't know his was holding as he kept going, waiting for his reaction.
BRANT “This is confusing. I’m gonna need to write this stuff down later.” Standing up at the foot of his bed, he stood still as Taylor took his pants off, staring over at his best friend before shaking away any weird thoughts that were about to pop into his head. Nodding his head at his instructions, he pulled down his jeans and boxers, them both dropping to his ankles before stepping out of them. Standing there with his hands at his sides he just stared into his eyes and then before he could react Taylor’s lips were against his and his kept his mouth closed for a second and he just said fuck it and went for it. Opening his mouth finally he started to kiss him back. Pushing his hips into his hand he finally reached down to grab Taylor’s dick and ran his hand up and down it with a medium pace. Sitting down on the bed he pulled back and looked down at their hand going over each other dicks. He was drunk like super drunk. He wouldn’t admit it but he had been drinking since this morning because it was how he dealt with problems. Moving down to the floor he continued to move his hand over his dick and then let his mouth kiss the top of his dick. Taking his length into his mouth he moved his head up and down as he tried not to choke. He didn’t care if he wasn’t getting any right now but he’d probably punch him if he left him horny.
TAYLOR laid his head back as he felt Brant's hand on his dick and he took in a deep breath. This was just like everything else, right? A hand, mouth, anything. It all worked the same. That was whenever he let go of his dick but only because he was down to the floor and he watched as he took his dick into his mouth. "Fuck," he moaned, laying his head back as he tried not to fall down where he was. Gripping the dresser that was behind him, he held on tightly and pressed his lips together tightly. It felt so fucking good and he couldn't express just how much so it did. Moving to put a hand on the back of his head, he pushed him down further on his dick and faster. "Your mouth feels so fucking good." Looking up, he just took in the view before he lifted him up and then pushed him back on the bed. Smirking down at him, he moved over top of him and then kissed him again. He let his hips hit him while his dick rubbed against his. He was drunk and so horny and he wanted Brant more than he knew he did. Moving so he could grip his dick, he made sure they stayed together and he moved faster against him. "Do you like it?" he whispered against his ear, moving down his body before he took his dick into his mouth slowly before he let his mouth take all of him in his mouth, moving up and down as he jerked himself off at the same time. He wanted to make him feel good, he deserved it and he could wait.
BRANT knew by his reaction that he was at least doing it right. He was just doing what he’d like someone to do to him so it wasn’t that bad. Peeking his head up at his compliment he gave himself a mental pat on the back and continue to work his mouth over his friend's dick. Running his tongue slowly up the shaft he ran his tongue around the head in big slow circles. Feeling his tug him up, he looked at him and wondered if he did something wrong but he was assuming from the kissing and grinding that it was far from bad. Kissing him back, his eyes shut tight and his body rubbed against his. Nodding his head as he moved away, he did he sat up on his elbows and watched as he took his dick into his mouth. “Fuck. Yeah, I do,” he gasped as he fell back into the bed and moved his hips up to meet his face. Laying back for a while he enjoyed his friend's mouth and said his fair share of curse words mixed with some moans. Tugging him up to him again he kissed him roughly with his tongue running his lips. Laying down at the other end so their faces were met with each other waists, he went back to sucking him. He didn’t hate it, he actually enjoyed it. Hearing the moans come from Taylor only made it better. Moving his mouth over his quickly he used one hand to play with his balls.
TAYLOR was in the zone giving him head, enjoying the way that he made him feel and the way that he was moaning, he knew that it was right. Taking him in further, he moaned around his dick, trying to figure out the best ways to do what he wanted. Everything was going perfectly until he was tugged up and he kissed him back roughly, moving his tongue over his while tugging off his shirt in the process. Moving his body however he wanted him to, he laid down and started to suck his dick again. This was all happening so fast but in the hottest way possible. He didn't think that he would want it as bad as he did but he was so horny and he'd thought about this with other people before just never did it and now he was. Moaning as he sucked harder on the head of his dick, moving down it slowly then sucking harder as he came back up. One hand guiding it as he moved faster and swallowed thickly. "You're so fucking hot," he moaned as he breathed in deeply. Bucking his hips up into his face, he wanted so much more as he kept going. Sucking him harder, he moved his hand faster before sitting up slowly, moving over to be on his knees and he pulled Brant up behind him. Looking back at him, he bit on his lip and then gave him a nod. "I want you to. Just do it," he encouraged while he kept moving his hand on his own dick to keep himself hard.
BRANT tugged off his shirt when he took off his. It was getting rather hot in there and being completely naked seemed about the only way to maybe cool off. He was getting rather confused with all the moving, one minute he was able to suck his dick, the next he was on his knees in front of him. “Holy shit this is happening,” he whispered as he got up for a second and grabbed a condom, slipping it on himself and grabbed his lube from his dresser. Rubbing some on himself he went to get back behind him. Taking some of the lube, he placed it on his fingers and stuck them inside his friend, looking over at his face to see if he was okay. This was totally gay but he was okay with it. It felt right and he wasn’t nervous at all. Positioning himself behind him, he started to push the head of his dick into his ass slowly and moaned Talyor’s name because of how tight he was. Leaning down he grabbed his dick and started moving his hand over him as he pushed himself into him a little more, letting him get used to him. “Are you sure you want to?”
TAYLOR gave his best friend a nod as he looked back up at him. He was confused whenever he was up and then he was back and had his fingers in him. Letting out a moan, his head fell forward and he gasped a little louder. It was new, he didn't know how he felt just yet but whenever he got used to it, he wanted more of it. He loved the way that it felt, he couldn't understand why he wanted it this bad but he did, he didn't want him to stop. That was whenever he pushed into him and he moaned loudly, Brant's name slipping off of his lips as he kept still for himself to adjust. Feeling his hand on his dick, his hands gripped onto the bed and he nodded again to gain himself composure. "I want to. I want you to fuck me," he whispered as he found himself pushing back on him until he was completely inside of him and his breathing was heavy but it felt right. It felt good, being with Brant, it felt good and he was comfortable and it was right. "Fuck me," he whispered, pushing back on him again as he moved back and forward, slowly at first and faster after a few minutes.
finished with headcanons.
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