#chandler-gilbert community college
hanakarausagi · 2 months
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I will be selling art at Coyote Con 2024 at Chandler-Gilbert Community Colleges!
Location: Pecos campus library Mon, Wed, Thurs
Williams campus library Tues
Schedule: TBA (somewhere around 10-3)
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Happy Birthday and welcome to our dance company Janey Bateman!!!
Janey started dancing at a young age in Northern California at South Bay Dance Center, where she trained in ballet, jazz and hip-hop. Later she went on to dance competitively in various styles of dance with Mission Dance and Performing Arts. While at MDPA, Janey also had opportunities to perform with the Oakland Ballet during their Nutcracker productions. At the age of 14, she moved to Goodyear, Arizona where she studied ballet with Linda Purdy and attended Steppin Out Dance Academy, as well as briefly dancing with her high school. After moving to Chandler, Janey continued to study ballet at the Yen Li Chen Ballet School. At this time, she was able to graduate high school a year early and begin taking dance courses at Chandler-Gilbert Community College. In 2011, Janey began dancing at Glendale Community College where she danced for three semesters on the resident dance company Verve, under director Andrea Hansen. While with Verve, she had the opportunity to perform with Center Dance Ensemble as well as at numerous other events throughout the Phoenix valley. During her time with Verve, Janey was able to learn from a handful of master guest artists including; Summer Lee Rhatigan, Alex Ketley, Emily Schoen, Joshua Blake Carter, Pilobolus, Michael Williams, Elizabeth George, Sheryl Cooper and Kenny Jezek.
Over the past few years, Janey has danced on and off while taking time to start a family. Outside of dance Janey loves spending time with her husband and 2 children.
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thebastidasblog · 3 months
About me (Web Project)
 Hi there, I am starting this blog because I wanted to make something that represents myself such as hobbies and my interests. I was born and raised in Arizona and I am part of the first generation from my family to live in the U.S. I am a first year student at Chandler-Gilbert Community College and my major pathway is on Business administration. For my time here, I like to know to start a small business, i don't have anything in mind on what kind of business I would make but I know that I'm eager to start one with my friends, family, or someone who has the same passion as I do. For my blog, Each will be something that is about who or what such as music, movies, football, trips and my family.
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gilbertreviews · 1 year
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ahb-writes · 2 years
Description: 5 Times When You Should (and 4 Times When You Shouldn’t) Rely on Description
❯ ❯ 5 Times When You Should (Probably) Use Description ❮ ❮
#1: Use Description to Make Introspection More Engaging. Poorly assembled introspection is boring, explores the obvious, and takes readers forever to cull. Progressive introspection isn't about what has already happened, it's about what might happen in the future. Use description to ponder what a character fears (or hopes) will happen next. Don't hesitate to ask tough, specific questions: What are the consequences of a character's actions? What are the consequences of her inaction? Introspection risks dulling a scene's immediacy. But it can also enhance readers' investment in finding answers to stated, understated, and unstated problems.
Additional Reading:
How to Write Excellent Introspection (September C. Fawkes)
The 5 Types of Lines We Use to Craft Stories (and How to Use Them to Reveal Character) (September C. Fawkes)
#2: Use Description to Explore the Unknown. Nudging reader interest in the right direction permits writers to finally use the senses, to use readers' innate curiosity, and to pull from all of those folders and documents of secondary or tertiary research. Did an explorer character finally crest a rocky hillock and settle her gaze upon a depression of wild conifers, each one flickering a shade of green different than the next? Is a butler sneaking a forbidden glimpse of all the fancily dressed ladies and gentlemen of a regional ball? Does a near-miss on the street corner, paired with the smell of burnt rubber, flash forward a bad memory?
Additional Reading:
Vivid Story Setting Description: Examples and Insights (Now Novel)
Description Checklists and Tip Sheets (One Stop for Writers)
Description Thesaurus Collection (One Stop for Writers)
How to Frame Scenes Like a Filmmaker (Kristen Kiefer)
Descriptive and Sensory Detail in Narrative Writing (.pdf) (Chandler-Gilbert Community College)
#3: Use Description to Bewitch the Reader. Depending on the writing style and the writing perspective, description can enable the writer to gift readers different details about different characters that collectively contribute to the greater, unfolding narrative.
If you describe a tense encounter with selective detail, then you can make a play at increasing the tension (the reader isn't sure what will happen next). If you reveal different information that explores different perspectives from different characters, then you might encourage the reader to play detective (the reader isn't sure who to trust). Description and detail can serve as meaningful points of differentiation -- of voice, experience, knowledge, familiarity, or perspective. Whether as nervous ticks, comments about clothing preference, poorly timed gestures of affection, or perhaps the refusal to acknowledge any of these (or other) markers of personhood or identity.
Additional Reading:
How to Describe: Writing Clear Places and Characters (Now Novel)
Novel Settings: 7 Tips to Get Setting Description Right (Now Novel)
Defining Place (ahb writes)
How to Make Your Description More Vivid (Writing Questions Answered)
#4: Use Description to Bewitch a Character. Writing in first-person perspective allows writers to offer readers the chance to experience a story's events as the characters experience them. To successfully maneuver this perspective in a way that makes the most of its opportunity, incorporate details that aren't what they seem.
The senses inform, yes, but they also misinform. Most of human recognition is based on snaring one or two particulars, relating those particulars to what is known (or presumed), and assigning meaning to those presumptions. Certainty is not the absence of a blunder; certainty is a blunder's fated precursor.
Additional Reading:
15 Unconventional Senses and Sensory Attributes (ahb writes)
Conflict Thesaurus (One Stop for Writers)
25 Things You Should Know About Narrative Point-Of-View (Chuck Wendig: Terrible Minds)
Using Nuance and the Implication of Movement to Tell a Story (ahb writes)
#5: Use Description to Encourage Readers to Infer More Than They Realize. Sometimes, referring to the shadow of a thing is more powerful than expending the energy to describe the thing itself. Sometimes, articulating the function a thing serves will grant readers permission to conjure their own version of what the thing itself looks like. This means using more than the standard five senses in your writing. Can you describe what it's like for a character to lose her sense of balance? Can you describe what it's like for a character to have forgotten something important that his partner told him that morning? The writer, in each of these scenarios, articulates the value and weight of certain clues and puzzle pieces, over and above the value and weight of solving the whole enigma.
Additional Reading:
15 Unconventional Senses and Sensory Attributes (ahb writes)
Direct Characterization: 6 Tips for Precise Description (Now Novel)
Indirect Characterization: Revealing Characters Subtly (Now Novel)
How Being Subtle Can Improve Your Descriptions (All Write - Fiction Advice)
How Fiction Writers Can Improve the Quality of Their Prose (Kristen Kiefer)
❯ ❯ 4 Times When You (Probably) Shouldn't Use Description ❮ ❮
#1: Don't Use Description to Rush Into a Scene. Don't push a detailed explanation of the surrounding environs on the reader the instant a character, or the reader, steps into the scene. Introduce the setting or surrounding context, yes, but don't rush in if it's not absolutely critical to the character's well-being or sense of self. Avoid this approach unless you're working with distance-related transportation and/or sudden or jarring (disorientating) scenarios. Why? (a) Because excess description fogs the viewfinder. (b) Because excess description deprioritizes what's truly important.
Entering a new scene means establishing new goals, large or small, for the character or story dynamics. Rushing into description means potentially ignoring the scene's tone, sidestepping the characters' needs, or muting readers' anticipation for what the scene can or should deliver. Take it easy. Be concise, if possible. Then, gradually, build on what you've offered readers. Don't throw in everything at once.
Additional Reading:
How to Write Descriptions and Create a Sense of Place (Jericho Writers)
#2: Don't Use Description to Take Up Space. If you have too much dialogue, or too much action, or too much summarizing, and you've conspired with your inner critic to toss in a bunch of descriptive detail, then your problem isn't one of description (or a lack thereof), your problem is one of a broader, more systemic dilemma of overloaded and unbalanced storytelling. Beware the false equivalency of identifying (a) where description can go and (b) the purpose description can serve.
As the writer, you are welcome, if not wholly encouraged, to introduce a paragraph or two to explore a scene, but don't use description as an excuse to "do something else" on the page. Description should be purposeful. Or, to be more precise, description should add an emotional, compatible, lived-in dimension to a scene.
Additional Reading:
When "Telling" is Okay (Writing Questions Answered)
Words for Skin Tone & How to Describe Skin Color (Writing With Color)
Words to Describe Hair (Writing With Color)
#3: Don't Use Description to Layer the Intensity. Successive description doesn't always have the effect many think it does when it comes to scenes or events of high emotional tumult. When a difficult or powerful scene arrives, it's not uncommon for a reader's pulse to flare up and for anticipation to quickly follow. In other words, if the author dabbles for too long, then readers are apt (tempted) to skip ahead.
Good suspense fiction relies on simple (effective) language. Compelling action storytelling is brief (and to the point). Immersive character dramas pick their moments (very carefully). Acute attention to diction and syntax makes for a better marker of scenic intensity than a preponderance of verbiage.
Additional Reading:
6 Secrets to Creating and Sustaining Suspense (Writer's Digest)
Picking the Right Details (September C. Fawkes)
The Linguistics of Horror (velatrill; eldest oyster)
Opening Lines for A Story (Great, Effective & Bad Examples) (Jericho Writers)
How to Make Your Descriptions Less Boring (The Literary Architect)
How to Write Better Smut (chaoschaoswriting; ahb writes)
15 Unconventional Senses and Sensory Attributes (ahb writes)
#4: Don't Use Description to Embellish Dialogue (Tags). On a trickier note, don't fall too deep in love with those lists of "250 Ways to Say Said" or "125 Words to Describe a Character's Voice" or what-have-you. To a point, those articles can work as delightful little thesauri, but very few of them provide genuine instruction on how to use the list of terms they provide. Dialogue shouldn't be a crutch, nor should any descriptive text that might accompany it.
Often, these lists contain descriptors for behavior, or descriptors for behavioral or emotional intent (attitude), insofar as they purport to explore any character's physical voice. Would you really describe someone's voice as "admiring," or "egotistical," or "sensational"? You might, but you probably shouldn't. These words don't empirically convey shifts in tone, tempo, inflection, depth, volume, and so forth. A helpful cheat for beginners is to go with actionable sounds or utterances the human mouth can reasonably make or to stick with easily identifiable transitive verbs, like "cough," "bark," "chirp," or "ask".
One functional workaround is to explore the ambiance underlying a character's "egotistical gaze," or the tonal implication that accompanies her "grand, egotistical gestures," or on others' response to his "penchant for sensationalism." A critical focus on using the correct language frees up the opportunity to include gestures, reactions, and other, more inimitable expressions. Clarity makes a bigger difference than you may realize: Not so much, "he spoke indignantly," but rather, "he added, indignant."
Additional Reading:
4 Ways to Unlock Your Character's Unique Voice (The Novel Smithy)
11 Do's and Don'ts of Writing Dialogue (The Novel Smithy)
Quantity and Quality of Dialogue (Writing Questions Answered)
Avoiding Repetition With Dialogue Tags (Writing Questions Answered)
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sandbarazblog · 4 years
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LIVE MUSIC BY DAYLON GREER https://sandbarchandler.blogspot.com/2020/03/live-music-by-daylon-greer.html
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1949coupe · 3 years
News Release
For Immediate Release: March 25, 2021 Media Contact: Steve Elliott Email: [email protected]
Arizona passes 3 million mark for COVID-19 vaccine doses administered
Availability to ages 16 and up positions state to continue momentum
PHOENIX — Arizona’s progress in COVID-19 vaccinations continues to be measured in the millions. As of today, more than 3 million doses have been administered across the state. And as soon as this weekend, more than 2 million people will have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine.
“With vaccine now available to everyone ages 16 and up at state-run vaccination sites and many other places, we are positioned to get an ever-increasing amount of vaccine into the community rapidly,” said Dr. Cara Christ, director of the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS). “I’m grateful to everyone who has rolled up their sleeve and been vaccinated, and I’m looking forward to seeing millions more get this protection as federal supplies grow.”
At 11 a.m. Friday, ADHS will make nearly 83,000 appointments available for next week at state vaccination sites in the Phoenix area, in Tucson, and, as of next week, in Yuma. Online scheduling is available at podvaccine.azdhs.gov, and telephone assistance is available at 844.542.8201. Both resources offer assistance in English and Spanish.
“Health care professionals, volunteers, and staff at vaccination sites have done an incredible job at vaccinating Arizonans quickly and efficiently,” said Governor Doug Ducey. “This 3 million milestone is a testament to their hard work and dedication to protecting Arizona communities. The vaccine is safe, effective, and free ‒ and I encourage all Arizonans to roll up their sleeves and get it.”
Today’s exact numbers: 3,041,773 doses administered to 1,927,278 individuals, including 1,185,986 who are fully vaccinated.
Of those doses, 805,778, or 26%, have been administered at state sites including State Farm Stadium, Arizona State University’s Phoenix Municipal Stadium, and Chandler-Gilbert Community College in the Phoenix area, and at the University of Arizona’s campus in central Tucson. On Monday, an indoor vaccination facility at Yuma Civic Center will transition to a state site.
The state’s efforts complement county vaccination programs and the growing availability of vaccine at pharmacies and federally qualified health centers participating in federal vaccination programs.
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bigboxcar · 4 years
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Mugshot Monday - “Mug Fourteen And A Half” by  Ridge Merrill of ORidgenal Pottery with Snowshoe Seasonal Blend by Peace Coffee
I’m holding this mug because I gave away a mug. 😀
Back in August when I was celebrating the posting of my 500th Mugshot Monday, I gave away 3 coffee mugs in a random drawing on Instagram.
One of the winners was Ridge Merrill of ORidgenal Pottery. He’s a student in his final semester at Chandler-Gilbert Community College in Arizona and hopes to get into a BFA program in Utah.
Ridge makes and sells handcrafted bowls, vases, pitchers, tumblers and coffee mugs. He wanted to send me one of his mugs for my Mugshot Monday project and here it is!
The second sentence in his Instagram bio caught my attention: “Mental Health Advocate”. I asked Ridge what it meant to him and he responded:
“In 2017, a lot happened in my family after I graduated from high school and I developed anxiety and depression. I suffered for about a year and half and was dealing with suicidal ideation.
I chose not take my life, a decision I am extremely grateful I made. In efforts to normalize my life, I enrolled in my first college courses at Chandler-Gilbert Community College. Among my business classes, I decided to take ceramics.
I saw a shift in my mental health while taking the class. I was learning to better manage and cope with life’s struggles by creating with my hands.
Making pottery allowed me to have a voice in my community. I share my struggles with mental illness and talk about how making art has helped me overcome and manage my struggles.
Therefore, I am a “Mental Health Advocate.” Everyone needs a voice, a friend, and an outlet.”
I LOVE THAT. It’s extremely inspiring.
Ridge let me pick one of his mugs BEFORE he posted them to his Etsy store. I felt like a little kid in a candy store and this mug I’m holding jumped out at me. l really like how the glaze turned out.
He titles the mugs he’s selling with sequential numbers, so I’m calling mine “Coffee Mug Number 14.5″ -- it was right in between #14 and #15. 😀
Go check them out and buy one: www.etsy.com/shop/oRidgenalPottery
Thanks so much for the coffee mug, Ridge! It means a lot to me. Cheers!
See also my 500+ photos from the Mugshot Monday project here: www.MugshotMonday.com – Every Mug Has A Story
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egoymanme-blog · 4 years
Basketball High School 2019
Link: https://bit.ly/2Pwib19
Ohatchee vs Ragland - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
EasWest Point vs Fairview - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
t Lawrence vs Hatton - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Tanner vs Elkmont - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Woodlawn vs Holy Family Catholic - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Crenshaw Christian Academy vs Edgewood Academy - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Fort Dale Academy vs Hooper Academy - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Phil Campbell vs Tharptown - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Jacksonville Christian Academy vs Donoho - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Kinston vs New Brockton - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Bessemer Academy vs Evangel Christian - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Reeltown vs Booker T. Washington - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
R.A. Hubbard vs Athens Bible - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Sumiton Christian vs Curry - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Susan Moore vs Hanceville - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Park Crossing vs Brewbaker Tech - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Carbon Hill vs Dora - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Pleasant Valley vs Wellborn - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Talladega County Central vs Alabama School for the Deaf - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Ashford vs Long - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Etowah vs Talladega - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
American Christian Academy vs Bibb County - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Pleasant Home vs Brantley - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Munford vs Lincoln - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Wicksburg vs Dale County - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Brindlee Mountain vs Asbury - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Addison vs Falkville - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Trinity Presbyterian vs Booker T. Washington - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
West End vs Vinemont - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Victory Christian vs Winterboro - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Excel vs Blacksher - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Wetumpka vs Prattville - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
ASMS vs Elberta - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Andalusia vs Goshen - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Dade County vs North Jackson - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Holly Pond vs Cold Springs - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Trinity Presbyterian vs Booker T. Washington Magnet - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Good Hope vs Lindsay Lane Christian Academy - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Cullman vs Jasper - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Guntersville vs Boaz - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Cherokee County vs Hokes Bluff - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
New Hope vs Douglas - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Jacksonville vs White Plains - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Fayetteville vs Victory Christian - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Austin vs Columbia - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Moody vs Vincent - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Fort Payne vs Albertville - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Zion Chapel vs McKenzie - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
East Limestone vs Bob Jones - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Oneonta vs St. Clair County - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Brookwood vs Hueytown - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Blount vs Williamson - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Fruitdale vs McIntosh - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Chickasaw vs Satsuma - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Hazel Green vs Sparkman - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Theodore vs Robertsdale - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Grissom vs Decatur - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Hayden vs Mortimer Jordan - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Jackson vs Demopolis - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Spring Garden vs Coosa Christian - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Verbena vs Jemison - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Minor vs Jackson-Olin - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Spanish Fort vs Montgomery - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Southside vs Central - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Carver vs Gardendale - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Shades Valley vs Parker - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Glencoe vs Gaston - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Saraland vs Murphy - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Ocean Springs vs Bryant - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Baldwin County vs Fairhope - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Barbour County vs Charles Henderson - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Priceville vs Brewer - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Fairfield vs Midfield - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Oakwood Academy vs Collinsville - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Gulf Shores vs Daphne - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Valley Head vs South Pittsburg - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Banks Academy vs Brooklane Baptist - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Holt vs Hillcrest - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
Ramsay vs Hewitt-Trussville - High School Basketball 2019 Live Stream
James Clemens vs Athens
Cordova vs Fayette County
Mobile Christian vs Citronelle
Vigor vs Davidson
Muscle Shoals vs Hartselle
Long vs Geneva
Hackleburg vs Shoals Christian
Sylacauga vs Chelsea
Tuscaloosa County vs Northridge
Scottsboro vs Madison Academy
Hatch vs Keith
Scottsboro vs Kate Duncan Smith DAR
Dadeville vs Notasulga
Hillcrest vs Central
Montevallo vs Oak Grove
Elmore County vs Pike County
Franklin Classical School vs Valor College Prep
Carroll vs Eufaula
Loachapoka vs Beauregard
Greensboro vs Linden
San Luis vs Yuma
Lake Havasu vs Kingman
Globe vs San Miguel
Salt River vs Skyline - Gila River
Snowflake vs Florence
San Tan Foothills vs ALAGN
Trivium Prep vs Scottsdale Christian Academy
Marcos de Niza vs Combs
Boulder Creek vs North
Apache Junction vs Saguaro
Coolidge vs Wickenburg
Casteel vs Mountain View
Academy of Tucson vs ASDB
Westview vs Alhambra
Vista Grande vs Cienega
Joseph City vs Basis
Miami vs Desert Christian
Marana vs Maricopa
Sunnyside vs Amphitheater
Metro Tech vs Campo Verde
Coronado vs American Leadership Academy
Chandler vs Cesar Chavez
Verrado vs Williams Field
Deer Valley vs Shadow Mountain
Kellis vs Agua Fria
Hillcrest Prep vs Varsity Opponent
South Mountain vs Sierra Linda
Buena vs Empire
Chaparral vs Perry
Dobson vs Tolleson
Cibecue/Dischii Biko vs NFL Yet Academy
Sunnyslope vs Millennium
San Manuel vs Santa Rita
Skyline vs Highland
Copper Canyon vs Queen Creek
Ray vs Superior
Shadow Ridge vs Browne
Ironwood vs Willow Canyon
Apollo vs Goldwater
ALAI vs Heritage Academy
Kofa vs Gila Ridge
Camp Verde vs North Pointe Prep
JMPS vs Ambassador Christian Academy
Desert Edge vs Greenway
Desert Vista vs O'Connor
Sahuarita vs Palo Verde
Ash Fork vs Mayer
Mesa vs Hamilton
Basha vs Maryvale
Benson vs Tombstone
Mingus vs Moon Valley
Westwood vs Tucson High Magnet School
Estrella Foothills vs Tempe
Red Mountain vs Desert Ridge
Tonopah Valley vs Gilbert Classical Academy
Arcadia vs Buckeye
Central vs Gilbert
Baboquivari vs Tohono O'Odham
Independence vs Sunrise Mountain
Cortez vs Youngker
San Carlos vs St. Augustine Catholic
Fredonia vs El Capitan
Desert View vs Catalina
Santa Cruz Valley vs Veritas Prep
Mountain View vs Corona del Sol
Brawley vs Cibola
Peoria vs Dysart
Ganado vs Red Mesa
Canyon del Oro vs Cholla
Mountain Ridge vs La Joya Community
Centennial vs Higley
Yuma Catholic vs Central
Tuba City vs Chinle
Alchesay vs St. Johns
Payson vs Fountain Hills
Many Farms vs Hopi
Basis vs Anthem Prep
Round Valley vs Valley
Pinon vs Greyhills Academy
Arkansas School for the Deaf vs Faulkner County HomeSchool
Ozark vs Shiloh Christian
Greene County Tech vs Harding Academy
Bismarck vs Centerpoint
Cullman vs Jasper
El Camino Real vs Windward
Haas Hall Academy vs County Line
Clarksville vs Van Buren
Arkadelphia vs Bauxite
Magazine vs Lavaca
Nashville vs Bauxite
Berryville vs Hillcrest
Ribet Academy vs YULA
Perryville vs Jessieville
Bergman vs Green Forest
Fayetteville Christian vs Varsity Opponent
Poyen vs Maumelle Charter
Balboa School vs Varsity Opponent
Simla vs Kiowa
Pueblo Central vs Woodland Park
Widefield vs Pueblo West
Golden vs Sand Creek
Northglenn vs Smoky Hill
Colorado Springs Christian vs The Pinnacle
Lyons vs Estes Park
Broomfield vs Legend
Denver Christian vs SkyView Academy
Olathe vs Paonia
Niwot vs Skyline
Sterling vs Fort Morgan
Atlas Preparatory School vs Manitou Springs
Evergreen vs Silver Creek
Yuma vs Brush
Fairview vs Eaglecrest
Discovery Canyon vs Mesa Ridge
Liberty vs Lewis-Palmer
Dakota Ridge vs Denver South
Thornton vs Adams City
Kennedy vs Battle Mountain
Salida vs Canon City
Pueblo South vs Pine Creek
Riverdale Ridge vs Strive Prep - Smart Academy
Weld Central vs Valley
The Classical Academy vs Palmer Ridge
DSST: College View vs KIPP Denver Collegiate
Frontier Academy vs Colorado Academy
Hinkley vs Douglas County
Bear Creek vs Rock Canyon
The Academy vs Prospect Ridge Academy
Manual vs DSST: Green Valley Ranch
Caravel vs Smyrna
KIPP College Prep vs Dunbar
Somerset Prep vs National Collegiate Prep
AWCPA vs William Smith
Parkside vs E.L. Haynes
Weldon Valley vs Prairie
Coal Ridge vs Rifle
Legacy vs Rampart
North Park vs Hayden
BOLCA Prep vs Wade Christian Academy
Central vs Jensen Beach
First Coast vs Fletcher Varsity Opponent vs Keswick Christian
Circle Christian vs International Community
Taylor County vs Wakulla
Temple Christian Academy vs Beacon of Hope Christian
Fernandina Beach vs St. Johns Country Day
Gulf Coast vs First Baptist Academy
Mount Dora vs Eustis
North Fort Myers vs Ida Baker
Atmore Christian vs Central Christian
Vernon vs Malone
Venice vs Lemon Bay
Belleview vs Lake Weir
Gateway Charter vs Donahue Catholic
University Christian vs Ribault
Interlachen vs Halifax Academy
Altha vs Sneads
Olympia vs Evans
Jay vs Baker
Andrew Jackson vs Sandalwood
Stanton vs Englewood
South Fork vs Treasure Coast
Redeemer Christian vs Peniel Baptist Academy
Chipley vs Cottondale
CCSA vs Excel Christian Academy
South Sumter vs The Villages Charter
South Lake vs Foundation Academy
Westside vs Parker
SASH vs Palm Glades Prep Academy
Pine Ridge vs Trinity Christian Academy
Sebastian River vs Lincoln Park Academy
Westwood vs Vero Beach
Lake Worth Christian vs Glades Day
Impact Christian Academy vs PSFAS
Ponte Vedra vs Bartram Trail
Cooper City vs Hollywood Hills
Pasco vs Land O' Lakes
Northview vs Central
Hawthorne vs Newberry
Windermere vs Wekiva
Cedar Creek Christian vs Harvest Community
Doral Academy vs South Miami
Jefferson County vs Hamilton County
Central vs Hialeah-Miami Lakes
West Broward vs Flanagan
Lafayette vs Dixie County
Plantation vs Pompano Beach
Taravella vs Monarch
River Ridge vs Hudson
Homestead vs Mater Academy Charter
Inlet Grove vs Royal Palm Beach
Winter Park vs Timber Creek
Lehigh vs Dunbar
Booker T. Washington vs West Florida
Coral Reef vs South Dade
Yulee vs Creekside
Sunset vs Hialeah Gardens
Estero vs Riverdale
New Dimensions vs Real Life Christian Academy
Coral Gables vs Southwest
Clewiston vs Okeechobee
Brito vs Dade Christian
Gainesville vs Leesburg
Miami Beach vs Columbus
Weeki Wachee vs Crystal River
The Rock vs CPCA
Reagan vs Dr. Krop
Taylor vs FSDAB
McKeel Academy vs Discovery
Lake Gibson vs Poinciana
American Heritage vs iMater Charter
Coral Park vs Miami
Navarre vs Fort Walton Beach
Matanzas vs Menendez
Cypress Lake vs Mariner
Out-of-Door Academy vs Carrollwood Day
Oxbridge Academy vs Glades Central
Parsons Christian Academy
Dunnellon vs West Port
Vanguard vs Avon Park
Pace vs Niceville
Gulf vs Zephyrhills
Killian vs Northwestern
Freedom vs Lake Nona
Crestview vs Milton
Goleman vs Carol City
Spruce Creek vs Seabreeze
Fort White vs Branford
Palmetto vs Ferguson
Gadsden County vs Lincoln
DeSoto County vs North Port
St. Cloud vs Gateway
Cypress Creek vs Wiregrass Ranch
Fivay vs Mitchell
West Orange vs Apopka
Nature Coast Tech vs Wesley Chapel
Umatilla vs First Academy
Braddock vs Varela
East Lee County vs Lake Placid
Mourning vs Norland
Palmetto vs Manatee
Western vs McArthur
Fort Meade vs Hardee
George Jenkins vs Winter Haven
East Ridge vs Ridge Community
Stoneman Douglas vs Coral Glades
Clay vs Ridgeview
Lakeland vs Auburndale
Blountstown vs Liberty County
Haines City vs Kathleen
Mulberry vs Lake Region
Milledgeville Prep vs Shiloh Christian Academy
Miller Grove vs Columbia
Arabia Mountain vs Lithonia
Hephzibah vs Harlem
KIPP Atlanta Collegiate vs Hapeville Charter
Coahulla Creek vs Dalton
Therrell vs South Atlanta
Excel Christian Academy vs The Weber School
BEST vs Washington
Burke County vs Lakeside
Clarkston vs Chamblee
Central Georgia Arts vs Sherwood Christian Academy
Columbus vs Carver
Taylor County vs Dooly County
Lovejoy vs Stephenson
Lakeview-Fort Oglethorpe vs Adairsville
Northgate vs Langston Hughes
Jackson County vs Morgan County
North Murray vs Ringgold
Mitchell County vs Quitman County
DCSSA vs Galloway
Wilcox County vs Fitzgerald
Heritage vs Ridgeland
North Oconee vs Apalachee
Union Grove vs Dutchtown
Walnut Grove vs Winder-Barrow
Cross Keys vs Commerce
Murray County vs Sonoraville
Rutland vs Northeast
East Paulding vs North Paulding
Lee County vs Houston County
Sequoyah vs Creekview
Lamar County vs Bremen
LaFayette vs Southeast Whitfield County
South Paulding vs Paulding County
Trinity Christian vs Hiram
Brantley County vs Bacon County
Locust Grove vs Stockbridge
North Cobb vs Marietta
East Hall vs Fannin County
Thomas County Central vs Brooks County
Mundy's Mill vs M.L. King
Jefferson County vs Screven County
Mays vs Douglas County
Heard County vs Callaway
Pickens vs Gilmer
West Hall vs Denmark
Central vs Southwest
Haralson County vs Calhoun
New Creation Christian Academy vs Greenforest
Salem vs Heritage
Lanier County vs Cook
Villa Rica vs Cass
White County vs Chestatee
Hart County vs Madison County
Stephens County vs Habersham Central
Pope vs Lassiter
Crawford County vs Macon County
Portal vs Montgomery County
Jackson vs Carver
SFCA vs Memorial Day
Putnam County vs Oglethorpe County
Cedar Shoals vs Gainesville
Spencer vs Temple
Athens Christian vs George Walton Academy
Elbert County vs Rabun County
Miller County vs Calhoun County
Trion vs Gordon Lee
Pelham vs Worth County
Hardaway vs Shaw
Treutlen vs Jenkins County
Troup County vs Newnan
East Jackson vs Jefferson
Northside vs Dougherty
Cairo vs Americus-Sumter
Effingham County vs Bradwell Institute
Elite Scholars Academy vs W D Mohammed
Jones County vs Woodland
Upson-Lee vs Wilkinson County
Valdosta vs Tift County
North Hall vs Johnson
LaGrange Academy vs Young Americans Christian
Hampton vs North Clayton
Skipstone Academy vs Arlington Christian
Drew vs Forest Park
Telfair County vs Bleckley County
Kell vs Carrollton
Luella vs Druid Hills
Dodge County vs Washington County
Westside vs Pike County
Warren County vs Johnson County
Camp Jewell House vs New Manchester
Baker County vs Chattahoochee County
Lake Oconee Academy vs Georgia Military College
Newton vs McDonough
Chattooga vs Rockmart
Vidalia vs Tattnall County
Tri-Cities vs Alexander
Irwin County vs Atkinson County
Dawson County vs Lumpkin County
Southeast Bulloch vs South Effingham
Laney vs Glenn Hills
Richmond Hill vs Glynn Academy
Washington-Wilkes vs Greene County
Lincoln County vs Fox Creek
Central vs Jordan
Kennesaw Mountain vs Hillgrove
Northside vs West Laurens
Monroe Area vs Franklin County
North Springs vs Decatur
Coastal HomeSchool vs FPCA
Lowndes vs Coffee
Early County vs Bainbridge
HALO vs Bethlehem Christian Academy
Dade County vs North Jackson
Radford vs Farrington
St. Joseph vs Hawaii Prep
Hilo vs Honoka'a
Long Island Lutheran vs Kamehameha Kapalama
Taylor's Crossing vs Leadore
St. Maries vs Lakeland
Sandpoint vs Lamanna
Bonners Ferry vs Wallace
Sandpoint vs Priest River
Canyon Ridge vs Jerome
Troy vs Genesee
Declo vs Valley
Deary vs Logos
Melba vs New Plymouth
Canyon Ridge vs Mountain Home
Preston vs Shelley
Rocky Mountain vs Eagle
Camas County vs Carey
Tri-Valley vs Meadows Valley
Caldwell vs Kuna
Hagerman vs Dietrich
Kimberly vs Gooding
Kootenai Community Church vs North Idaho Christian
Declo vs Clearwater Valley
West Jefferson vs South Fremont
McCall-Donnelly vs Marsing
Salmon River vs Council
Ontario vs Payette
Parma vs Emmett
Sugar-Salem vs Snake River
Century vs Burley
Gem State Academy vs Riverstone International
Prairie vs Kamiah
Lewiston vs Pendleton
Tremont vs Heyworth
Stevenson vs Lake Zurich
Springfield Southeast vs Normal University
Newton vs St. Anthony
Pontiac vs LaSalle-Peru
Phoenix Military vs Chicago Military Academy
Carrollton vs Bunker Hill
Fulton vs East Dubuque
Seymour vs TMCV (CO-OP)
St. Laurence vs Richards
Christian Life vs FFCA
Beecher vs Reed-Custer
Kansas vs Paris
West Chicago vs Glenbard East
Wilmot vs Grayslake North
Gibson City-Melvin-Sibley vs Paxton-Buckley-Loda
Dwight vs Seneca
Legal Prep vs Blue Island Eisenhower
Wheeling vs Crystal Lake Central
East Peoria vs Peoria Notre Dame
Mt. Pulaski vs Williamsville
Woodland vs Earlville
Providence Catholic vs Southland College Prep
UIC College Prep vs Rauner
Peoria Heights vs Roanoke-Benson
Streamwood vs Elgin
Round Lake vs Rochelle Zell Jewish
Salt Fork vs Chrisman
Hartsburg-Emden vs Deer Creek-Mackinaw
Newark vs Fieldcrest
Geneseo vs Orion
Illinois Lutheran vs Walther Christian Academy
Illinois Valley Central vs Dunlap
Fenton vs Bartlett
Ridgeview vs Gardner-South Wilmington
Alleman vs Sherrard
Meridian vs Cerro Gordo/Bement
Morris vs Coal City
Eureka vs Tri-Valley
Lakes vs Waukegan
WC (CO-OP) vs Calhoun
Illini Bluffs vs Greenview
Nokomis vs Pana
Columbia vs Salem
Princeville vs ROWVA/Williamsfield
Olympia vs Midwest Central
Annawan vs Henry-Senachwine
Fisher vs St. Thomas More
Benton vs Carmi-White County
Altamont vs Carlyle
Arthur-Okaw Christian vs FBCAMAP (CO-OP)
Arcola vs Sullivan
Metro-East Lutheran vs Southwestern
Delavan vs Peoria Christian
Benton vs Warren
Mattoon vs Shelbyville
Triad vs Roxana
Edwardsville vs East St. Louis
Barry Western vs Camp Point Central
Lewistown vs Rushville-Industry
Lawrenceville vs Edwards County
CLCH (CO-OP) vs Mooseheart
Civic Memorial vs Mascoutah
Oblong vs Marshall
Rantoul vs Centennial
Palmyra vs Quincy Notre Dame
Gillespie vs Lincolnwood
TC (CO-OP) vs Paris
St. Joseph-Ogden vs Champaign Central
Okawville vs Greenville
Marquette vs Amboy
Robinson vs Charleston
Tri-City vs Calvary
Red Bud vs East Alton-Wood River
Wesclin vs Father McGivney Catholic
South County vs Greenfield/Northwestern
Okawville vs Greenville
Teutopolis vs Effingham
Patoka vs Mulberry Grove
Breese Central vs Freeburg
Calvary Christian Academy vs Cornerstone Christian
Van-Far vs Mendon Unity
Adams Central vs Parkway
Heritage Christian vs Hammond Baptist
HAST vs Portage Christian
Merrillville vs Griffith
Goshen vs South Bend Clay
Marquette Catholic vs Victory Christian Academy
DeKalb vs Fort Wayne Bishop Dwenger
White River Valley vs Sharon Academy
Whiting vs Calumet New Tech
Miami Valley vs Middletown Christian
Boonville vs Pike Central
Lake Station Edison vs Bowman Academy
Gibson Southern vs Evansville North
Indianapolis Crispus Attucks vs Lawrence Central
International vs Bethesda Christian
Leo vs Fort Wayne Northrop
North Miami vs Lakeland Christian Academy
Western Boone vs Rossville
Terre Haute North Vigo vs West Vigo
New Washington vs Salem
Northridge vs South Bend Washington
Christel House Watanabe vs Eminence
Rushville vs Beech Grove
Alexandria-Monroe vs Taylor
Milan vs North Decatur
Purdue Poly vs Irvington Preparatory Academy
Grand Rapids HomeSchool vs Hudsonville Hornets
Jay County vs Yorktown
Milan vs North Decatur
South Bend Riley vs South Bend Adams
Randolph Southern vs Union County
DeKalb vs Fort Wayne Bishop Dwenger
Decatur Central vs Herron
Vincennes Lincoln vs Northview
Lakewood Park Christian vs Eastside
Heritage Christian vs Traders Point Christian
East Noble vs Fort Wayne Snider
Peru vs Tippecanoe Valley
South Bend Career Academy vs Clinton Christian
Cannelton vs Frederick Fraize
Western Kentucky HomeSchool vs Nashville Central Christian
Colfax-Mingo vs H-L-V
Bishop Heelan Catholic vs Sioux City West
Marshalltown vs Dowling Catholic
Sioux City North vs Sioux City East
North Cedar vs Cascade
Woodward Academy vs Ogden
Benton vs Williamsburg
Eagle Grove vs Lake Mills
Audubon vs Riverside
Central Lee vs West Burlington
Danville vs WACO
Siouxland Christian vs Kingsley-Pierson
Clarinda Academy vs Griswold
Center Point-Urbana vs South Tama County
Missouri Valley vs A-H-S-T/Walnut
Creston vs Shenandoah
Essex vs Stanton
Des Moines Christian vs Madrid
Westwood vs Lawton-Bronson
Assumption vs Muscatine
Western Dubuque vs Liberty
Sidney vs Fremont-Mills
PCM vs Greene County
Central Decatur vs Southeast Warren
Mormon Trail vs Seymour
Kuemper vs Atlantic
Dallas Center-Grimes vs Ballard
Treynor vs Tri-Center
North Union vs Belmond-Klemme
New London vs Notre Dame
Lewis Central vs Norwalk
Lone Tree vs Pekin
Maquoketa vs Mt. Vernon
Davenport North vs Pleasant Valley
Unity Christian vs Hinton
West Fork vs Central Springs
East Union vs Wayne
North Scott vs Clinton
Garner-Hayfield/Ventura vs Bishop Garrigan
Louisa-Muscatine vs Mediapolis
Bettendorf vs Davenport Central
Saydel vs South Hamilton
North Iowa vs West Hancock
Pocahontas vs East Sac County
Camanche vs Northeast
Clear Creek-Amana vs Independence
Bedford vs Nodaway Valley
Logan-Magnolia vs Underwood
Central Clinton vs Solon
North Polk vs Nevada
Roland-Story vs Gilbert
West Branch vs Wilton
Lenox vs Southwest Valley
Ridge View vs West Monona
Murray vs Ankeny Christian Academy
Holy Trinity Catholic vs Van Buren
Interstate 35 vs Woodward-Granger
North Butler vs Osage
Melcher-Dallas vs Diagonal
St. Mary's vs Sioux Central
Beckman vs West Delaware
North Fayette vs Postville
Decorah-North Winneshiek vs Oelwein
West Central vs South Winneshiek
Rockford vs Newman Catholic
Webster City vs Clear Lake
Pella vs Fairfield
Janesville vs Riceville
Jesup vs Dike-New Hartford
Waterloo Christian vs Dunkerton
Algona vs St. Edmond
Waukon vs Crestwood
Humboldt vs Hampton-Dumont
Meskwaki Settlement vs Colo-NESCO
Storm Lake vs Spirit Lake
Tripoli vs Clarksville
Bondurant-Farrar vs Indianola
Aplington-Parkersburg vs Wapsie Valley
Iowa Falls-Alden vs Clarion-Goldfield/DOWS
Durant vs Regina
Sibley-Ocheyedan vs Okoboji
Pleasantville vs West Central Valley
Waverly-Shell Rock vs New Hampton
North Tama vs GMG
Tipton vs West Liberty
Monticello vs Anamosa
Berean Academy vs Caldwell
Ashland vs Bucklin
Atchison vs Sumner Academy
Schlagle vs Harmon
Olathe Northwest vs Olathe South
Fredonia vs Bluestem
Oxford vs Pretty Prairie
Marysville vs Concordia
Central Heights vs Northern Heights
Udall vs Norwich
Lyndon vs Osage City
Iola vs Burlington
Hodgeman County vs Ness City
Mission Valley vs Chase County
Metro Academy vs Baldwin
Kinsley vs Skyline
Osawatomie vs Wellsville
Wakefield vs SC (CO-OP)
Wyandotte vs Washington
Prairie View vs Santa Fe Trail
Russell vs Sacred Heart
Altoona-Midway vs Flinthills
East vs Bishop Carroll
Southeast vs West
North vs Northwest
Shawnee Heights vs Lansing
South vs Kapaun Mt. Carmel
Piper vs Bonner Springs
SCAE vs Classical
Valley Center vs Central
Independence vs Field Kindley
Hayden vs Topeka
Stanton County vs Wichita County
Central vs Goddard
Marmaton Valley vs Jayhawk Linn
Cheney vs Trinity Academy
St. Mary's Academy vs Manhattan HomeSchool CHIEF
Seaman vs Highland Park
Elkhart vs Goodwell
Andale vs Clearwater
Augusta vs Circle
Wichita HomeSchool vs Elyria Christian
Turner vs Tonganoxie
Shawnee Mission Northwest vs Mill Valley
Holton vs Royal Valley
Trego vs Oakley
Halstead vs Sedgwick
South vs Newton
Perry-Lecompton vs Jefferson West
Hoxie vs Wallace County
Whitefield Academy vs Blue Ridge Christian
Arkansas City vs Eisenhower
Andover vs Maize South
Buhler vs McPherson
Wellington vs Rose Hill
Frontenac vs Louisburg
Ottawa vs West
Nickerson vs Haven
Lakeside vs Bennington
Colby vs Hays
Hesston vs Smoky Valley
Pratt vs Thomas More Prep-Marian
Douglass vs Conway Springs
Triplains/Brewster vs Greeley County
Kingman vs Medicine Lodge
South Haven vs South Barber
Junction City vs Manhattan
Heritage Christian vs Cornerstone Family
Pleasanton vs Crest
Anthony-Harper-Chaparral vs Belle Plaine
Beloit vs Southeast of Saline
Guymon vs Liberal
Burlingame vs Lebo
West Franklin vs Council Grove
Central Christian vs Macksville
Lakin vs Sublette
St. John's vs Central Plains
Meade vs Spearville
Atchison County vs Jefferson County North
Argonia vs Cunningham
South Gray vs Ingalls
Dodge City vs Hugoton
St. John vs Central Plains
Minneola vs Satanta
Osborne vs Victoria
Valley Falls vs Pleasant Ridge
South Central vs Kiowa County
East Ridge vs Grundy
Campbellsville vs Adair County
Cumberland County vs Clinton County
Evangel Christian vs Burgin
Fleming County vs Rose Hill Christian
Phelps vs Piarist
Hart County vs Metcalfe County
Caverna vs Barren County
Grayson County vs Elizabethtown
Letcher County Central vs June Buchanan
Dawson Springs vs McLean County
Southern vs North Bullitt
Fulton County vs Halls
Apollo vs Logan County
Ryle vs Cooper
Campbell County vs Newport
Lincoln County vs West Jessamine
Cordia vs Knox Central
Aspire Academy vs Wesley Christian
Jeffersontown vs Iroquois
Butler County vs Russellville
Beth Haven vs Pleasure Ridge Park
Bowling Green vs Greenwood
Paintsville vs Magoffin County
Lyon County vs Trigg County
Model vs East Jessamine
Moore vs Fairdale
Covington Catholic vs Holy Cross
Franklin County vs Great Crossing
Brown vs Male
Todd County Central vs Caldwell County
Fort Campbell vs University Heights
Ballard Memorial vs Hickman County
Elliott County vs Morgan County
Scott County vs Woodford County
North Hardin vs Bullitt Central
Allen County-Scottsville vs Warren East
Henderson County vs Paducah Tilghman
Rockcastle County vs Boyle County
Corbin vs South Laurel
Louisville HomeSchool vs Fort Knox
Frankfort vs Nicholas County
Prestonsburg vs Allen Central
Central Hardin vs John Hardin
Gallatin County vs Owen County
Seneca vs Waggener
Christian Academy-Louisville vs Kentucky Country Day
Carroll County vs Henry County
Valley vs Southwestern
Washington County vs Nelson County
Leslie County vs Hazard
McCreary Central vs Garrard County
Trinity vs Breckinridge County
DuPont Manual vs Shawnee
Dixie Heights vs Beechwood
Lewis County vs East Carter
Marshall County vs Murray
Valley vs Western
Berea vs Whitley County
Oneida Baptist Institute vs Pineville
Crittenden County vs Christian Fellowship
Madisonville-North Hopkins vs Hopkins County Central
Lawrence County vs Belfry
Bluegrass United vs Paris
Russell vs Raceland
Paul Laurence Dunbar vs Lexington Christian
Middlesboro vs Harlan County
Wayne County vs Pulaski County
Portland Christian vs Central
Somerset vs Casey County
Estill County vs Owsley County
Blazer vs George Rogers Clark
Holmes vs Lloyd Memorial
Cannelton vs Frederick Fraize
Prestonsburg vs Floyd Central
Bell County vs Harlan
Graves County vs Calloway County
Butler vs Doss
Western Kentucky HomeSchool vs Nashville Central Christian
DeSales vs Bullitt East
Wolfe County vs Breathitt County
Livingston Central vs Webster County
Red Bird vs North Laurel
Christian County vs Owensboro
Muhlenberg County vs Ohio County
McCracken County vs Mayfield
Fulton City vs Carlisle County
Tates Creek vs Lafayette
Madison Central vs Bryan Station
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ACC Announces Fall 2018 Vice President’s List and Dean's List
Alvin Community College recognized students for making the Fall 2018 Vice President’s and Dean’s Lists during a reception on February 19.
To be eligible for the Dean’s List, students must earn at least a 3.75 grade point average for 8 to 11 or more credit hours in a semester. To be eligible for the Vice President’s List, students must earn a 3.6 grade point average in 12 or more credit hours in a semester.
The full Vice President’s List recipients are: Angel Flores Morales, Melissa Aguirre, Muyiwa Adeyemi, Sophia Aguirre, Cole Anderson, Salvador Apud-Martinez, Rosalinda Arredondo, Lilian Avila, Mikhaila Bachynsky, Crystal Bailey, Noah Baker, Anthony Baltodano, Natalie Bardaweel, Samantha Bergman, Michael Blancas, Augustina Boako, Faith Boortz, Sarah Bowman, William Branum, Katharine Bulpitt, Zamar Burgos, Jenise Burns, John Campbell, Gladis Carrizales, Chelsea Catching, Olivia Cates, Sydney Charbula, Camille Chaves, Isabel Chavez, Dalton Christiansen, Esther Christodoss, Karalyn Clark, Katelyn Clark, Brandon Claunch, Maria Colorado-Martin, Kevin Cortes, Magan Cotham, Waylon Coufal, Lorna Craft, Claudia D'Agostino, Sophia Daily, Brooke Darden, Nishan Dasgupta, Justin Davis, Seth Davis, Hanna Angelica De Castro, Alejandro Delapaz, Edgar Delgado, Egla Delrioaguillon, Krystal Deochoa, Raul Diaz, William Duncan, Alyssa Esma, Kegan Fast, Victoria Fernandez, Nedrick Flemister, Monica Flores, Katelyn Flowers, Tiffany Forgy, Jacqueline Foster, Jordan Fowler, Kaitlyn Frazier, Shane Gaddis, Victoria Garza, Danielle Garza, Yenifer Gil, Kellie Glasgow, Crystal Golden, Ashley Gonzales, Bethany Gonzalez, Christopher Gonzalez, Collin Grebel, Allieann Greenwood, Marissa Grimes, Maricia Guevara Tigera, Emily Gutierrez, Caroline Hall, Taylor Hall, Holly Heath, Garrett Heidrich, Jacob Henry, Andrew Higginson, Thomas Hildebrand, Duyen Ho, Haden Holtje, Chase Horsfall, Rebekah Houck, Lauren Huchton, Natalie Hutchison, Katia Ibarra Gonzalez, Humphrey Ihejirikah, Alex Imber, Ardyce Jackson, Grace Jackson, Claytyn Jamison, Samuel Jasek, Zhigang Ji, Mikaela Jasm Joaquin, Dieumaitre Jules, Min Joo Kang, Nanushka Kellogg-Garcia, Denali  Klein, Merlin Kuruvilla, Chiara Lang, Miranda Lebouef, Kurtis Lecompte, Nicholas Lewin, Brittney Logan, Hannah Longoria, Justin Lovell, Clifton Lyles, Hunter Lytle, Wendy Manriquez, Linda Manyida, Aiysha Mariano, Nathaniel Marin-Esteves, Traci Martin, John Martinez, Larissa Martinez, Rachel McCall, Ashley McCool-Myers, Christopher McGlothlin, Mackenna Mcintyre, Joann McLaughlin, Matthew McQueen, Zackary Meade, Serena Mejstedt, Yolanda Mena, Julia Miles, Orlando Miller, Maximo Mireles, Preston Mitcham, Shelby Mitchell, Erica Moeller, Alvaro Monroy, Chandler Montgomery, Kimberley Mooney, Jorge Moreno Pacheco, Erica Moses, Detrick Mosley, Alex Muniz, Melissa Murphy, Jake Nelson, Phuong Nguyen, Luis Nino, Jennifer Nolasco, Gwyneth Obediente, Kennedy Obert, Brandon Oelfke, Ocean Oneil, Chiamaka Onumajuru, Garret Page, Hannah Pepin, Elena Perez, Sara Persons, Chinyere Peter-Inyang, Tamia Peters, Kessiya Philip, Joaquin Phillips, Ciara Pirtle, Paige Platt, Garrett Poston, Haylee Potts, Brandon Presley, Conner Radler, Sreyas Raju, Jose Ramirez, Mariana Razo, Stephen Reese, Kristin Rejack, Marie Resendez, Thuyvan Retzlaff, August Reyes, Hunter Roberts, Hayley Rogers, Caroline Rosario, Rebecca Rubio, Gustavo Ruiz, Ruben Ruiz, Kari Ruiz, Abigail Russell, Alicia Salazar, Gabriela Saldivar, Jena Saucier, Yelonde Saunders, Justin Schissel, Bethany Schlemmer, Jessica Scott, John Sebok, Kaylyn Sellers, Trent Serrato, Kenneth Shook, Sandra Simmons, Alexandria Simons, Cheyenne Slaughter, Paige Smith, Thomas Soliz, Oluwaseun Sonola, Hailey Stoughton, Fnu Suja Thomas, Keerthi Suresh, Celene Sweeney, Isabella Swicegood, Wilaine Tampo, Adam Taylor, Tony Thankachan, Daeja Thomas, Katelyn Thomas, Sabra Thompson, Scottie Thornley, Rebecca Thumann, Elijah Trimm, Frederick Van Zijll, Delores Vanhoose, Jacob Varghese, Tarren Vielma, Mark Villa, Atilano Villanueva, Dante Villarreal, Miranda Voss, Leah Vu, Cambrea Walker, Tierra Walker, Annaka Wiggins, Briana Williams, Daniel Williams, Buddy Wilson, Riley Wohlschlaeger, Caitlin Wollney and Michael Zamora.
 The full Dean’s List recipients are: Jennifer Alfaro, Sergio Andrade, Kingsley Agbontaen, Osasere Aigbovbiosa Ogieva, Anahi Altamirano, Jael  Anorga, Brittany Armstrong, Gilberto Arredondo, Thalia Nicole Rose Aruj, Amber Ashcraft, Cristina Ayres, Brandon Balfour, Yuanyuan Bao, Guadalupe Barba, Najat Bardaweel, Everardo Barrera, Jasmin Benitez, Christopher Bertram, Savon Blanchard, Rennyn Bradford, Elizabeth Bransom, Angela Brown, Rebecca Buckalew, Stephanie Burge, Kayla Caballa, Justin Cameron, Cristal Cano, Girel Castellon, Brittany Cephus, Patricia Champagne, Noah Chicoria, Spencer Cho, Karli Clements, Madalyn Click, Jade  Collins, Jordyn Cooper, Elizabeth  Cornwell, Hannah Crochet, Ramil Dalida, Gina Daugherty, Brenda  Davis, Roel Delgado, Eric Dinwiddie, Thao Do, Kristan Drummond, Devin Elliott, Leslie Elsberry, Kristin Ensmann, Sean Espinola, Jennifer Fakharizadeh, Andrew Ferguson, Olivia Finney, Lauryn Fly, Robyne Foster, Abigail Freeland, Nicolas Garcia, Elijah Garcia, Olivia Garrett, John Garzon-Vasquez, Morgan Gilbert, Vanessa  Godinez, Taylor Goebel, Tracy Gonzales, Mikelcey Green, Anitra Green, Crystal Guerra, Blanca Guerrero, Robert Guest, Ayat Haija, Brianna Hanley, Shelbie Hannah, Justin Harris, Kristen Harris, Alexandria Hedge, Alison Henderson, Kristina Heng, Megan Hinks, Becky Ho, Chelsea Hobbs, Kathryn Hoelter, Danielle Holguin, Hannah Horn, Adam Hundley, Jessica Hurley, James Hutson, Talon Idoux, Andrae Jackson, Kathleen James, Mejesh John, Tasheda Johnson, Mark Jones, Catherine Juliano, Kshiti Kadakia, Akunnaya Kalunta, David Kanada, Jane Kasinga, Nareemon Kasmai, Michaela Kaspar, Meredith Kaspar, Nicole Kelinske, Tyler Keller, Jacklyn Kendall, Dylan Kennemer, Kelly Kite, Rachel Kocurek, Sharon Labauve, Sharline Law, Andrea Laws, Ariana Leatherby, Emily Leon Mendez, Pilar Leyva, Amanda Lindsey, John Loise Linogao, Caleb Lira, Rudy Lopez, Rachel Lovell, Timothy Lundin, Tricia Lute, Edwin Maldonado Barron, Charles Manuel, Kennedy Martin, Julia Martinez, Gregorio Martinez, Erika Martinez, Brooke Massey, Elizabeth Maudlin, Michael McCasland, Carline McReynolds, Shannon McReynolds, Noah Meah, Julia Meah, Taryn Mensch, Helanna Mitchell, Ashley Molina, Romarico Monteagudo, Bianca Montemayor, Emily Morbach, Ashley Morrison, Lillian Nguyen, Khanh Nguyen, Anh Nguyen, Reagan Norwood, Adeline Nzeribe, Timmie Olison, Kip Olson, Mary Olubuogu, Dustin Page, Joshua Palin, Erika Penn, Christopher Perez, Stephen Perez, Kaysie Perkins, Monte Perkins, Haley Perkins, Jeremy Porter, Michael Priddy, Elizabeth Pucci, Tiffany Purl, Tonia Quackenbush, Karolyn Raj, Erica Ramirez, Ashley Ramos, Kelly Ramsey, Brenda Ratliff, Doran Reyes, Erika Riggs, Genesis Rios, Kenton Ritter, Nicholas Robertson, Christina Rodriguez, Rebecca Rodriguez, Valerie Rogers, James Ronk, Emily Rosa, Madelyne Rowe, Yashua Justine Saguin, Braxton Saldana, Roberto Saldana, Citlalli Santos, Clint Saturos, Amanda Schepp, Hannah Scott, Savannah Serrato, Elena Smolina, Stephani Solis, Raven Solomon, Hayley Spicer-Kendall, Analiese Staner, Shelbi Stephens, Leah Stiles, Justin Sunga, Jennifer Tamayo, Placid Tankie, Adeline Terry, Andrenic Tevanian, Jolisha Titus, Samantha Torres, Emily Trammel, Kaitlyn Trant, Madison Troxlar, Emmaculator Ugochukwu, Ashley Vaughn, Kayla Vero, Julie Watson, Samuel Werner, Tessa Williams, Kaysie Wilson, Timothy Wood and Sara Yan.
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hanakarausagi · 2 months
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1 week until Coyote Con at Chandler-Gilbert Community College.
I will be at the library all 4 days selling my art and crafts. Follow to keep up to date on times and locations.
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jmoney15blog-blog · 5 years
Jaden Lee is a College athletic at chandler-gilbert community college, he plays basketball. Jaden has been playing basketball for most his life. He never played any other sport but basketball. Jaden’s hobbies are working out and going to the movies. Jaden is the best trainer in the world, he has trained and worked out with the NBAs MVP, James harden.
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lizardstudios · 5 years
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Here is the new member of the family BINX!!! He is an energetic little drake that loves anything and everything gold. #OC #lifeofanartist #illustration #dragon #handdrawn #gold (at Chandler-Gilbert Community College) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtyqDlVHklQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1d3vg3a8jab6r
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ahb-writes · 2 years
Writing Description: Explore the Unknown
Use Description to Explore the Unknown. Nudging reader interest in the right direction permits writers to finally use the senses, to use readers' innate curiosity, and to pull from all of those folders and documents of secondary or tertiary research. Did an explorer character finally crest a rocky hillock and settle her gaze upon a depression of wild conifers, each one flickering a shade of green different than the next? Is a butler sneaking a forbidden glimpse of all the fancily dressed ladies and gentlemen of a regional ball? Does a near-miss on the street corner, paired with the smell of burnt rubber, flash forward a bad memory?
Additional Reading:
Vivid Story Setting Description: Examples and Insights (Now Novel)
Description Checklists and Tip Sheets (One Stop for Writers)
Description Thesaurus Collection (One Stop for Writers)
How to Frame Scenes Like a Filmmaker (Kristen Kiefer)
Descriptive and Sensory Detail in Narrative Writing (.pdf) (Chandler-Gilbert Community College)
❯ ❯ Adapted from description-writing masterpost: 5 Times When You Should (and 4 Times When You Shouldn’t) Rely on Description
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sandbarazblog · 4 years
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LIVE MUSIC WEDNESDAY //  MIDWEEK MAC ATTACK  https://sandbarchandler.blogspot.com/2020/02/live-muisc-wednesday-midweek-mac-attack.html
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Top 3 Libraries In Gilbert
Gilbert is a town in Maricopa County and it is found within the Phoenix Metropolitan Area in the US state of Arizona. It is the Country’s most populous incorporate town, the 6th largest municipality in the state and the 5th largest in Phoenix Metro Area. It has a population of over 203 thousand people and was incorporated in 1920 but with a history that dates back to the 1900s. This town was formerly known as the Hay shipping capital of the world. Its population comprises of different families and households. The town has features that make these families live a quality life and the libraries are one of them. The top 3 libraries in the town are:
Southeast Regional Library
This library is located at 775 N Greenfield Rd Gilbert, AZ, 85234. It houses a wide range of books and study materials that are available to the library users. It also has lots of computer with free WIFI. There are also study rooms for intensive study.
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Perry Branch Library
This library is located at 1965 E Queen Creek, Gilbert, AZ 85297. It accommodates a large amount of books ranging from academic books to fiction and children books. It also provides its users with computers for further study.
Chandler-Gilbert Community College Library
It is located at 2626 East Pecos Road, Chandler, AZ 85225. This is a college library with an extensive collection of books, DVDs, CDs and magazines for the purpose of study.
Business owners based in Gilbert enjoy a great deal of support from Travel Coalition of Gilbert. This is a business group in Gilbert with the aim of helping local businesses attain growth. Families can also get the comfort they want with the help of Hicken Air . This is a company that provides the residents of the town with quality services in the installation of HVAC system.
                                                                               Map Driving Directions 
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