julienelson · 3 years
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Partial Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus -
This is a Blood Moon where all is amplified! It means change. So hang on to your broomsticks!!! We are in the midst of an empowering journey of transformation
Out with the old to evolve into the new you!
It may not be easy as it can reveal what you may feel to keep buried. However I invite you to embrace this deep inner transformation and know it is for good reason! Scorpio will delve deep if you allow it, Taurus will try to resist. Allow the flow.
This will be the longest partial lunar eclipse in nearly 600 years!!!
I feel excited to be experiencing this potent energy. What I can say is trust and go with the flow...try not to resist.
This is a time of helping you to peel back the layers to bring clarity.
So this is a good time to reassess your life. It helps you reset and find your new path for the future.
AND Of course we have Taurus' influence to contend with, and This hedonistic sign can be quite stubborn because they don’t like change. So there may be conflicting energy flying around….remember with change comes a renewed inner peace ad vitality.
Try to make changes that will be for your best interest in the long run so you can be in flow with this Moon phase.
The best way for you to approach this Moon is to harness this push for change and its transformative impacts in a way that leads to making your life better.
Treat yourself along the way. Lean into it. Be kind to yourself. Bring pleasure into your everyday life. 7 full moons in a row 27 degrees!!!! From October you may be feeling triggered by each of these full moons…..
FAQ’s for this Moon:
Also known as the Beaver Moon. This relates to the Native American tradition and Northern Hemisphere. The beavers will be complete with preparing for the cold months, building their homes and storing food.
A partial lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth moves between the Sun and Moon but the three celestial bodies do not form a straight line.
For those of us in Australia, our view will come at Moon Rise as the Moon ascends into the sky. It will start becoming visible at about 8:34pm AEDT with best visibility at about 9:02pm after the Moon has reached its fullest point.
7 full moons in a row 27 degrees!!!! From October you may be feeling triggered by each of these full moons…..This Moon is the 2nd of 7.
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ask-jumblr · 4 years
For: any observant jew / anyone who might know || I feel like I read somewhere that there is a jewish tradition / superstition to not live in a house that hasn't been lived in before. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? does anyone have sources for this idea? Thanks!
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kerrycatmomfitness · 5 years
Music Tag
tag 9 people you’d like to know better
tagged by the wonderful @thereaintnothing :D
top 10 songs/pieces I can’t stop listening to:
1. Dani California - RHCP
2. Feel Good Inc - Gorillaz
3. Bye Bye Bye - *NSYNC
4. Paralyzer - Finger Eleven
5. The Distance - Cake
6. When I’m Gone - 3 Doors Down
7. Scatman - Scatman John
8. Meant to Live - Switchfoot
9. Crawling In The Dark - Hoobastank
10. Bitch Came Back - Theory of a Deadman
favorite colors: Pink and Black
favorite ships: I interpreted this to mean boats so I’m gonna go with my parent’s 55 footer Cara
lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick, though I wish I had the energy for lipstick haha
last movie: Shrek (Shrek 2 is my all time favorite movie but my friend only happened to have the first one)
currently reading: The Mueller Report on my kindle lol
tagging: @burntgrilledcheese @mentalhealthcomesf1rst @fitness-witchiness @always-the-2nd @healthynaked @yourfriendwren @celestialexperiences @girleatshealthier @dani-drops-it
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juancarlosdevia · 9 years
Ya casi se acerca el día en el que viviremos una experiencia músical de talla internacional con @djjadele (JADELE), directamente desde londres con su melódico Techno! Lugar: Restaurante Pisco & Mariscos Cra 52 No. 52-146 Hora: 9:00 pm - 5:00 am Tickets: 20K sitio 30K Organizadores: @pumpinmusicproductions @statuspherecol Promotores: @barranquillaelectronica @johnbernalb @emotionproducciones @underscenebarranquilla @carlospuelloc @acexperiences @tonygallof @afterdjs @lfalonso Mayor información: 3192483125 #CelestialExperienceWithJadele #CelestialExperience #ElectronicMusic #Techno #Party #Barranquilla
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