snototter · 8 months
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A Patagonian mara (Dolichotis patagonum) and its pup in Dierenpark Hoenderdaell, the Netherlands
by safi kok
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life-on-our-planet · 2 months
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❣❦♥capybara capivara capiguara chigüire chigüiro fercho carpincho ronsoco♥❦❣ ©
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mammalianmammals · 25 days
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Patagonian Mara (Dolichotis patagonum), family Caviidae, Valdes Peninsula, Patagonia
These fast, large rodents are the size of a medium sized dog, 75 cm (30 in) long, and 16 kg (35 lb).
photograph by Jason Hollinger
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lepurcinus · 2 years
Some caviids.
The best rodent family.
Capybara (C h i g ü i r o)
Patagonian Mara
And Rock cavy
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jackalspine · 8 months
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Patagonian mara
Dolichotis patagonum
Dolichotinae, Caviidae, cavimorpha, rodentia
Related to capybaras and guinea pigs
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zenni-bunni · 1 year
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Caviidae- Prologue 
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freezegirl · 4 months
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ashby gentry as will stronghold
the son of the commander and jetstream, two of the most prolific superheroes in the community, will spends the majority of his life power-less but pretends he has them for the sake of his parents until he gains them for real when his friends are in danger. he gets a taste of popularity, lets it go to his head, makes some less than stellar choices but eventually manages to regain perspective and ends up saving the day with his friends.
danielle rose russell as layla williams
steadfast and steady, layla is a great hero (to be) and an even better friend. if you need someone in your corner, there's no one better than her. will and zach can attest to that - she's known them since childhood. layla has a green thumb and a big heart to match. and while she's normally a pacifist, she can and will throw down for the sake of her friends.
noah lalonde as zach braun
zach attack glows and, weirdly enough, the cold never bothers him. never has, never will. he just chalks that up to his inner (and outer) light though and doesn't read much into it. not at first, anyway. he's known layla and will since childhood but he's quick to bond with ethan and magenta too. the latter, especially, captures his heart rather quickly and he sets out to be a light in the dark - a lighthouse - and a soft place to land. not just for her, but for all of his friends.
auli'i cravalho as magenta lewis
if you need magenta, you need only look for her magenta colored hair in the crowd or for a cavy with a magenta colored streak in it's fur. she's a caviidae shifter, now capable of shifting into more than just a tiny guinea pig.
jonathan daviss as ethan bank
ethan comes from a long line of hydrokinetics. his ailing grandmother used to be the hero tributary until she sustained a serious injury that forced her to retire. his mom, esther, is a salvage diver and is also known as the hero estuary. aside from being capable of self-liquification, ethan is also the smartest guy in the room. a bona fide genius, one can even say.
iman vellani as freeze girl
the daughter of two retired superheroes turned actor and tv personality respectively, freeze girl - khione - has grown up in the limelight as well as the shadows, trying her best to lean into the ice queen persona others have labeled her (so that she may keep other people safe from herself; she's had accidents in which she siphoned people's warmth and body heat before) despite the fact that she's really warm hearted. khione likes to think that she's got a great eye for outdoor art. after all, she's the one who turned that kid with the eye lasers into an icicle on the lawn of the school. again.
*not pictured (but no less loved): warren peace, due to the fact that most rp'ers either use his canonical fc or have their own fc's for him.
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revindicatedbyhistory · 11 months
Needs "caviidae" tag
yeah i wasnt sure what animal that was so i simply did nto tag it
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hellomyk · 8 months
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"O Kerodon rupestris, popularmente conhecido como mocó, é um mamífero roedor pertencente à família Caviidae, e é uma espécie endêmica da caatinga brasileira, adaptada então a condições de calor intenso e escassez de água e alimento." Wiki
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menschtiervereint · 28 days
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Wieder einmal feiern wir das höchste Fest des Christentums, das Osterfest. Leider ist dies für viele Menschen der Anlass, zahlreiche Tierprodukte zu kaufen, von Milchschokolade über "Ostereier" bis hin zum "Osterlamm". Dass dies alles enormes Tierleid verursacht, wird dabei ausgeblendet! 😰
Wir möchten deshalb insbesondere heute darauf hinweisen, dass Kuhmilch ausschließlich für Kälber und nicht für Menschen gedacht ist - und das gilt auch für Käse, Sahne, Milchschokolade usw.! Für uns gibt es hingegen Hafermilch, Sojajoghurt und veganen Käse! 😎🌱
Warum also konsumieren so viele Menschen noch immer Kuhmilchprodukte? Würden sie genau gerne Hasenmilchprodukte kaufen? Oder doch lieber auf Giraffenmilch zurückgreifen? Wir wissen es nicht... 😉
Und was ist mit Hühnereiern? Wer bitte denkt ernsthaft, dass der menschliche Körper von der Natur dafür vorgesehen wurde, Vogeleier zu essen?! Auch wenn wir nahezu alles essen können, wenn es nur ausreichend gegart wurde, heißt das doch nicht, dass dies auch sinnvoll ist, oder?
Wir bitten Euch deshalb, vergesst an Ostern die anderen Tiere nicht und boykottiert sämtliche Tierprodukte - für die Tiere, den Planeten und Eure eigene Gesundheit! 💚
In diesem Sinne wünschen wir Euch allen ein frohes veganes Osterfest! 😊🌱
Anmerkung: Auf dem Bild seht Ihr einen großen Pampashasen, auch bekannt als Große Mara (Dolichotis patagonum). Er ist eine in Argentinien lebende Nagetierart aus der Familie der Meerschweinchen (Caviidae).
Quellen: ➡ LINK 1 ➡ LINK 2 ➡ LINK 3 ➡ LINK 4 ➡ LINK 5
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snototter · 1 year
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A cattle tyrant (Machetornis rixosa) sitting on the head of a capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) in Argentina
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fmp-ines-soares · 1 month
Guinea pigs
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The guinea pig or a domestic guinea pigs. they are also know as the cavy or its also know as the domestic cavy. The Guinea pig is a species of the rodent belonging to the calva the genus in the family of the Caviidae. But the breeders tend to use the name cavy for the animal but the word guinea pig is more commonly used in scientific and laboratory word. The guinea pigs eat grass hay if they eat an unlimited quantity of fresh grass daily and it bring a very healthy guinea pigs. And commercial food that is vitamin c based. The guinea pig can eat vegetables and fruit. They are very cute and adorable creatures.
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foododdity · 10 months
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lepurcinus · 2 years
Thingus of.
European and cottontail rabbits
A Patagonian Cavy (Or Patagonian Mara) and a Capibara.
An Harpy Eagle
And a Red Rock Hare
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merlastagaxe · 10 months
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ahmed25646 · 2 years
characteristics, habitat and diet
characteristics, habitat and diet
Known as Cabiaï or Capybara, this animal is the largest living rodent in the world. It belongs to the Caviidae family and its scientific name is Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, which means “water pig” in Greek. They are very friendly and sociable animals, which has already been proven by numerous interactions with other species. If you want to know more about the features of capybara, habitat and…
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