ploffskinpluffskin · 1 year
@catsafari25 replied to your post “also i do very much think this is part of the...”:
Half his job is wrangling the Cat King's eccentricities, but even half still leaves the king with a lot of nonsense, and I don't think ppl realise just how much more chaotic the king would be otherwise
The other half of his job is actually running the kingdom, which ppl either assume the cat king is doing, or have no idea that it is a job (they just assume the kingdom just works) Natori is literally the “why did you cut all the sleeves off your shirts?” “Natori’s 50% of my impulse control” meme but for the king and the kingdom
jfjifeau yes! i know i bring up my job probably Too Often but it does remind me of the front desk lady getting a glimpse of my screen the other day and getting a very brief rundown of some of the things me and the other 'back office' lady do in order to schedule new patients and she was just like 'i didn't even know any of us had to do all that' lmao
i do like the idea that the kingdom occasionally gets a Glimpsing Reminder that the whole thing is being held together by a shoe string and natori frantically retying it whenever he happens upon it, tho. he comes down with the flu or is otherwise put out of commission, or in the earlier days goes home briefly, and the whole place just falls apart. and there'd maybe be a short period of time where everyone suitably Comprehends just what's going on behind the scenes
but it will inevitably fade back into obscurity again. natori is very good at fading into the background when he wants to smh
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cornerstonc · 1 year
@catsafari25 said: The idea that the Cat king tried to set up haru and Lune because he’s read too many romance books is the funniest thing. Dude saw his son nearly die and went “this is a meet-cute”
catsafari25 said: I don’t know about romance books, but I nominate the movie “while you were sleeping” as a potential cat king fav. Woman saves guy, and gets adopted into the family. (It even has mutas VA, I believe)
catsafari25 said: Natori: hmmmm the cat that Miss Haru brought alone sounds awfully familiar…. *has watched a film with Muta’s sound-alike multiple times thanks to Claudius* I wonder what it could be….
THIS IS A MEET-CUTE that’s exactly what happened i just couldn’t think of the term ‘meet-cute’ ghfjfk 
honestly with a plot synopsis like that, it sounds like it’s prime for cat king favoriting laughs i’d heard the title before, but bc of it i’d always assumed it was some kind of thriller lmao now i’m intrigued
also the idea that muta seems familiar to natori not bc of the renaldo moon thing but bc the fourth wall is broken is hilarious to me
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amorisastrum · 2 years
📢💬📝 for Ratty or Mole, your choice :)
Ellie chose Mole and I will be partaking in this one
Ellie's very straightforward answers:
📢 - favourite thing about them in canon:
"His glasses" fair enough.
💬 - favourite line they've said:
"that one line about him helping a friend" I've tried to ask her what she means by this, has not given me a straight answer and I can not figure it out
📝 - misc thoughts/headcanons:
"he probably knows Victorian flower language" I agree with this 100%, I think I've said it before?
"he smells like hazelnuts" obsessed with this thought ngl- I asked him why she thought this and he replied with "idk his colour scheme reminds me of hazelnuts" and I can't argue with that.
My answers:
📢: can I say everything??? I love him so much, how can you make me choose??
In all seriousness, I do love everything about Mole, but one of the things I love most is the fact he doesn't think before he speaks a lot of the time- he says some of the most ridiculous things and doesn't realise how what he's said is wrong and I relate to that? AND HIS ODD SOCKS <3333
I can't really choose a singular favourite one but for simplicity I'll say "Of course I do. It means a careless and inconsiderate person has left a boot scraper lying around in the wood to trip up unsuspecting Moles!" Because it makes me laugh
okay this links with the fact that he doesn't think before speaking because in my mind this just makes so much sense to me- when he's writing stuff, he doesn't always think beforehand (much like when he speaks) so he's constantly crossing stuff out because it either doesn't make sense or just doesn't sound right. So unless he is paying LOTS of attention, there's always scribbled out words and small phrases scattered throughout the thing he has written.
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paarthursass-writes · 2 years
for the fanfic ask game: 😂 ❤️ 💕
😂 What’s the funniest comment someone has left on a fic of yours?
I am blessed with so many funny people in the comments of my fics, to be honest. BUT I have to say the one that made me cackle the LOUDEST was on Chapter 6 of 'not in death, but just in sleep,'
" Maybe Alfi could try smuggling some Ritalin into Herbie's next meal, then he might get 5 minutes of rest "
Genuinely made me guffaw. Like, yes, they just need to wait a hundred years or so so Herbert can get an ADHD diagnosis and then everything about him makes so much more sense. God bless.
❤️ Who is your favorite character to write for and why?
I'll give a "one character per fandom" answer for this one.
I'm sure it's no surprise (considering I RPed him for so many years) that when it comes to the Cat Returns, the Baron of course was my favorite to write. Admittedly I didn't write much for the other characters outside of occasionally Muta and Toto (I think? It's been a while admittedly), but I got SUCH a kick out of writing Baron. I loved all of the contrasting aspects of his character; how intelligent, adaptable, and perceptive he was with how OBLIVIOUS he could be in the next second. How he often felt like he was the "only rational" person in the Bureau (with how Muta and Toto so often got into their spats) vs how incredibly impulsive and dramatic he could be in other times. I love digging into characters who have those layers within them.
I also do have a special place in my heart for dark!verse Baron. How I initially wrote him to be "evil" Baron, but evidently the Baron's integrity was still too great and I couldn't erase that part of his character completely. He was just Baron but 10x more emotionally constipated and broody. It was so much fun. I loved writing for that verse SO MUCH.
For Tanz der Vampire, it's a little hard for me to pick one character. What I love so much about the cast in that show is how absolutely unhinged ALL of the characters are. Every single person in that show has something wrong with them and it's so much fun.
But, I will say, Herbert probably takes the crown for this one. He's so flighty, and even just writing him when he's not the POV character can be so much fun because Herbert is so often in his own world. I joked that at the beginning of 'not in death,' Alfred was still living in a horror/mystery/heist genre, while Herbert was in a teen romcom. He can be SO BAD at reading the room sometimes and he's SO SPOILED but he's also SUCH a romantic and such a sweetie but then he can be so MEAN if he doesn't like a person, too. Again it's about the CONTRAST, it's about the DICHOTOMY of the character. Herbert's also very fun because he can jump from one extreme to the next. He can wail and cry about how unfair things are but then at the drop of a pin he'll smiling and giggling and twirling his hair. I sometimes don't fully know how Herbert will react in certain scenes, and I just have to let the flow of the conversation dictate what Herbert does and says, and that kind of unpredictability is really fun for me.
💕 What is the WIP that you are most excited about?
I don't usually have multiple WIPs going at the same time, though this time I guess I technically do. 'Dancing on Knives' isn't shelved yet, and I do have a TDV post-canon one-shot that I'm playing around with, but the one I'm most excited for is definitely 'No Change of Heart.'
When I first started thinking about doing a Beauty and the Beast AU for TDV, I had two options in front of me: one where Herbert was the Beast, and one where Alfred was the Beast. I had pretty solid ideas for both routes, but the one where Herbert became the Beast excited me the most as I thought more and more about it. Figuring out how the curse would effect Koukol and Krolock too really intrigued me, as did exploring what would happen to the surrounding area if Krolock were "out of commission" for a long time. I also got VERY excited when I realized I could incorporate the "Prince appearing in Beauty's dreams every night to implore her to love the Beast" aspect of the original fairy tale, seeing as Herbert canonically can affect Alfred's dreams. A lot of things fell into place for this AU as I started to think about it, and I'm very excited to share where it's going with people!
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mortalfollies · 2 months
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9 Favourite Albums - Choose 9 & then tag 9 people! Or you can do nine singles or EPs, whatever lol.
Tagging @cactus-bag @catsafari25 @labyrinthal @sleeeepy-demon @retourne-toi-eurydice @belladonnafey @scorpius-rising @cry4judas @atuans @nicey-sandokan @evyes no obligations feel free 2 ignore
Albums listed (and me rambling) under the cut
TIME - ELO: my mum's favourite album that i first Properly listened to when i was 13. it's just the best sci-fi concept album ever....i love you jeff!!
13 Tales of Love & Revenge - The Pierces: sexy indie duo, most known for the song Secret, which isn't even in the top 5 of the best songs of the album. a treasure from when i was 11, and just figuring out i like girls.
Greatest Hits - The Eagles: again, my mum's interests becoming my own. it was really hard to pick between this and Long Road Out of Eden, but ultimately the greatest hits r that for a reason.
Laurel Hell - Mitski: my fave mitski album, heat lightning is underappreciated!!! and yeah just. its about solitude. recognition but not in the way you wanted or expected. emotional rollercoaster. im not eloquent enough to describe it and mitski does it better in under 2 minutes anyway.
Strange Trails - Lord Huron: again another hard toss between this and long lost but st wins out purely bc the transitions rule, and meet me in the woods + the yawning grave make me crazyyyy. so happy i got to hear those live in jan. lord huron is like what if a cowboy was also a ghost. thats the only way i can describe it.
Electra Heart - Marina and the Diamonds: i am not immune to music i heard at 12 years old. shame she's never made anything as good as this again.
Are We Having Fun Yet? - Black/Colin Vearncombe: another one of mum's. She found this guy when someone at Sanity was playing the album over the store speakers. loved it ever since, and introduced it to me. wistful ballads, jazzy touches, a little bit sexy.
Coyote Stories - The Crane Wives: this was a 2016-18 discovery maybe? i just know i was in school. im into folk indie i cant help it.
Wasteland, Baby! - Hozier: shout out to afro-elf for posting about movement n the whole ep, which is what spurred me to actually try this dude's music. and now i love him. but wasteland baby is immaculate: no skips, he roars in some songs and is as gentle as drizzle in others.
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muaka-safari · 6 months
I have finally given in and made a bionicle side blog! This is @catsafari25 on main, and yes this blog is still mostly under construction, but at least now I have somewhere to reblog with impunity :)
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
First Lines Game
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Tagged by @sanguinarysanguinity - thank you!
Midwinter Thaw - Hornblower novels
As he stared out into the empty night, Hornblower felt the cold, sickening feeling that now haunted his days rise up in him again, shedding the cloak of exhaustion and pain that had disguised it before.
2. an honest observation - The Body Snatcher
While Wolfe Macfarlane had often returned to his lodgings expecting to meet a dead man in his sitting-room, the corpse he found there on this particular occasion was a surprise.
3. well met, my dear one - Treasure Island
For much of his life, John Trelawney had intended to die a bachelor.
4. make my bed where the bodies lie - Treasure Island
He has not got the strength to help with the burials.
5. the king shall dress in gold - Back Again Back Again
“Hold still, princess,” and Cassian holds, stiff as a sheathed blade.
6. sunlight and blue - The Flight of the Heron
The rain had been pouring down outside for some time when Keith arrived, and he had been cursing half the world for nearly as long as it had been raining.
7. everywhere I turn, I'm alone - Hornblower show
Buckland was busy with other matters, Bush still laid up in hospital, and Archie? Well, to put it truly, if bluntly, Archie was dead.
8. the destination's faded out - Treasure Island
“Stay awake for me, do.”
9. a gentler night - The Flight of the Heron
“Don’t— just breathe. Just breathe.”
10. here in your arms is cured - Kidnapped
“Ah, Davie, what should I have done, knowing that you had gone to your death for want of aid I could so easily have given you?”
I think I've definitely improved my first-line game since the last time I did a retrospective like this one, although my fondness for starting off directly with dialogue has remained! There are certainly a few here that I think could have been improved on, and that don't sound very well outside of the context of their stories, but I'm still extremely satisfied with 2 and 7 in particular.
and I'll tag... @verecunda, @dxppercxdxver, @bishakespeares, @kigiom, @annabellioncourt, @catsafari25, and anyone else who'd like to share!
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tcrmommabear · 2 years
I was tagged by @catsafari25 to share the last line I wrote!
The Sanctuary answers her call, her plea, her venom, and shutters its doors, locks its windows.
Now I tag.... Someone? Anyone who wants to share their work!
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chiefweasel · 2 years
I was tagged by @catsafari25 to share the last sentence I wrote (uh oh 😬) Thank you so much for thinkng about me!!!
Besides, for some weird reason that Lesser would probably never understand, hearing Chief call him that made enduring the rest of it scarily worth it.
Uh oh what have I been writing 😳😳
Sadly I don't know anyone, so with the assumption that I will eventually meet people, I will reblog this with my three when I find them
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wromwood · 2 years
Heya so you mentioned you changed your pic and username — what was your old username? Cause I’m following you and your blog feels familiar but I have the memory of a concussed goldfish rip
Haha, it's ok. Admittedly after I made that pouty post last night (I was very sleepy and my inhibitions were lowered), I realized "Ohhhh I never made a post telling people who I was before. Oops."
I was thescarletpaperback, with the trans pigeon icon. Hopefully you don't feel I changed for the worse!
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mmamagoto · 4 years
Hey CK & Natori, how’s retirement treating you? :)
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“Like a king, babe. It’s been nothing but catnaps and sunbaths all day, every day. And Natori’s taken up some a’ that fancy baking, so I’m eating real good, too. Kinda feels like the good old days, sometimes. Heh.”
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“But that doesn’t sound any different than what you did before retirement.” An honest and innocuous errant comment, but one that sends Natori’s timid, uncertain dough-kneading crashing to a halt behind them. (He’s new at it; give him a break.)
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The ex-king turns to his... well, a little-less-than-ex-advisor. “She’s right, Natty. I’m not doing anything different-- nothing’s changed! I can relax heaps harder than this. Get out there and nab someone to fetch me a cocktail of some sort, and! A fluffier cushion. Oh, and pencil in a visit to--” He snaps a few times. “Oh-- what was that place called? With the hot puddles?”
“Nagano?” Natori supplies surprisingly readily.
The Cat King snaps again, this time just once in approval. “Yeah, that. We’re taking a holiday.”
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Why, the mood in the room is positively ecstatic! Unfortunately, there is a wet blanket in the room as well, and its name is Natori. He at least has the decency to look remorseful as he takes a metaphorical hammer to these excited plans. “...Sire, I distinctly recall that the last time we took the court to Nagano, the prince nearly drowned, four servants disappeared, and you yourself ended the trip six days prematurely by loudly proclaiming that no respectable cat would ever willingly choose to immerse themselves in even the shallowest hot spring available.”
There is another long pause, during which the Cat King sees fit to pensively stroke his mustache with a hum. For the most fleeting of seconds, Natori almost dares to hope his opinion to the contrary will be heeded.
And yet--
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“...So, anyway, make certain you tell them to pack my favorite towel.”
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ploffskinpluffskin · 2 years
@catsafari25 said: I prefer the king as that kind of ineffective, almost accidental antagonist (that he kinda is in the film) rather than, like you said, a Greasy Villain like, sure, he tries to marry Haru off to his son, and then himself, but that reads more of a cross-culture misunderstanding of “I need to repay you suitably for saving my son, regardless of what you think” rather than, say, a sleezeball vibe basically, the cat kingdom is part cat, part fae/spirit, and their culture/repayment is reflected in that
oh yeah! i really prefer that, too, ha
he just strikes me as such an impulsive but ultimately sort of lazy and lackadaisical type that it’s hard for me personally to imagine him as a really stubborn or diabolical villain thinking emoji in canon, his tantrums seem to blow out pretty quickly once he’s been either indulged or Silenced lmao
and in the end, his intentions were rooted in a genuine desire to pay haru back for saving lune, not in anything nefarious :o it’s really funny to me to imagine the movie from his POV bc he just has no clue what’s going on the whole time XD;;
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cornerstonc · 2 years
(ෆ ͒•∘̬• ͒)◞ you always manage to keep your muses' dialogue in-character and sounding so much like them, and it's just that perfect mix of light-hearted with the occasional "oops here's some feelings" thrown in, and you're so good at capturing moods and emotions through the style of your writing and the moments between the dialogue. I just *lies down* am generally so very impressed with your portrayal :D
one good thing | accepting
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it's times like this i wish i was much more practiced and/or eloquent at accepting praise bc i am just very jazzed with all of this ;o; i definitely try my best to remain mostly lighthearted with just a bit of Feels thrown in there simply bc it's, well, what i like to personally read as well, and that i've managed it in your opinion feels so very gratifying aaa
thank you so much for this message!! i've been rereading it since i got it, and i'm sorry it took me a bit to reply to it. just, like i said, i don't feel very eloquent when responding to these laughs
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amorisastrum · 3 years
📂 for the headcanons! wild wooders and/or birthdays, maybe? Whichever floats your boat
The fact that I've wanted to share birthday headcanons for 2 months now..
Still not gonna share them because I know that someone (probably Jamie) is going to call me out on one
I think ive said this before on here and even if I haven't some people already know that I say this alot, but Chief would 100% wear a dress. It would wear anything just cause fuck gender roles man. Aswell as all the other wild wooders. Like I can full on see the wild wooders wearing lollita dresses and just more old fashioned historical dresses and looking fucking badass while doing so.
Like seriously
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linchxpin · 4 years
Heya do you have any headcanons for Natori’s family background - ie: what his parents do?
Ask About Natori’s... Companions | Accepting
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it had. somehow not exactly occurred to me before now just what business or career track his parents might have been in 8|;;; nor his grandmother, who mostly raised him
i will admit i had been kinda attached to the idea (to the point that it’s. just this side of canon to my blog’s portrayal) that natori and his family have or at least had relatively poor roots, which is something that still troubles him even in the present day and leads him to overcompensate sometimes on the ‘prim and proper’ side of things thinking emoji this is partly an effort to fit in to a Society he’d originally seen/assumed to be well out of his league, but it also probably just developed as a natural side effect of his studies, etc. 
it’s also part of the reason why i think his sisters (sachiko especially) sometimes like to poke a bit of fun at his current speaking habits, bc they definitely would have grown up with him speaking in more casual lingo
uh. i’m getting off-topic heRE-- i do like the idea also that his grandmother, at least, had some kind of connection to the castle in either a craft or trade of some sort, or maybe as an old beloved entertainer. is there even an economy in the cat kingdom or does everyone just work at the palace lmao
that said i do quite enjoy the idea-- somewhat in connection with the entertainer headcanon-- that his family was rather musical in general, and music and singing did often get incorporated into everyday life and chores in some way
it’s not a stretch to imagine his parents working at the castle back in the day tho. i don’t imagine they would have worked their way up into any position of note, but that could change the more i think on it tbh
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mortalfollies · 10 months
thank you for the tag @ginevralinton !!
1. Do this uquiz.
2. Do this picrew.
3. Tag people.
this is so funny lmao. 1% gang.
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tag @cactus-bag @catsafari25 @sleeeepy-demon only if you want, anyone that wants to, etc. mwah.
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